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A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.
Chapter 6- Swimming from Myself
by AoifeM
I was pissed off.
Swimming near shore in the middle of the night, my mind couldn’t get over what I just did earlier this evening.
I admired the backside of a guy!
I was disgusted. I wasn’t like that! I didn’t like guys! I WAS a guy, and if I can find a way to turn back into a guy, I would do it in a heartbeat!
This whole being a princess reborn after ten thousand years of inactivity was irrelevant to me. I didn’t know whether I was Ithycca, or the scale was. What I did know is that I wasn’t like her.
I’ve seen her dreams, the past- my alleged past. That was me? There’s no way. She was nothing like me. I wouldn’t have blindly made false accusations over people I didn’t even know!
And how did I know if back then I hadn't met Gaia? How did I know I was just saying what I assumed was true? Was there proof Gaia was an evil being?
I shook my head violently. Damn it, stop trying to control me! You’re dead!
I turned sharply; my tail splashed up water, traveling meters away in a crescent like wave. Yeah, try saying that with a straight face. As long as I had a tail, I knew that she’s quite alive- watching, waiting; slowly taking over my mind.
I needed to get back to Eliza. At least being with her will keep me from going insane. Keep me from forgetting that behind this gorgeous figure was Kyle Weathers, the valedictorian and selfless volunteer.
I focused all my thoughts on Eliza. Before my transformation we had a bond going; something meaningful and strong. I felt it could’ve gone farther if this didn’t happen. I was hoping that somehow, someway, she still feels strongly about me as I do her.
I just hope that my strong feelings for her weren’t just me lying to myself.
Between me working out in the middle of the night and sleeping during the day I became more of a night owl. It was better I was not seen, I didn’t want to start a commotion, being aquatic and all. In a week I felt that it would be the best time to attempt my journey back to Haiti. I can keep close to the American shoreline if I needed to find food, or shelter from oncoming weather. I think I can manage.
Five days into my training and I got an unnerving ring from my doorbell.
Scared awake I rolled over, only to fall flat on my face. I was in mermaid mode again. I’m really growing annoyed by that.
Ring again, I screamed, “Just a minute!” Reforming my human legs, I pulled on a pair of panties and covered myself with my robe and rushed down to greet the annoying bell ringer.
I should’ve just pretended I wasn’t home, my mind thought, although I felt my body thought on the contrary. Opening the door stood Douglas. “Asleep at 2:00 in the afternoon?” he quipped.
“I’m kind of a night owl,” I nervously responding, wishing for him to go away.
“You mind if I come in?” he asked.
Fidgeting, I could almost feel a new strangeness in between my legs. Was this what it felt like getting wet?
“Uh…I kind of just woke up,” I replied nervously while scratching my neck.
“Yeah, I could see how inconvenient that would be,” he admitted. “I just wanted to let you know I would be working along the beaches here today. I felt it would be nice if I would stop by and visit. I haven’t seen you around in a few days, so I just wanted to see how you were.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” I said. Such a gentleman. Wait, was I glad he checked up on me?
“So maybe sometime you’ll show me how fast you swim?” he asked.
“I hope so,” I answered, staring deep into his beautiful sapphire eyes. I couldn’t help but be drawn into them. He was so handsome…
“I’ll see you around, Ith,” he said as he walked off. Shutting the door I smiled. I was weak in the knees as I leaned over the door and slowly dragged my butt to the floor. I felt like a young teenage girl dreaming of her first crush. I began imagining how wonderful he would be in the sack. He was so dreamy…
…Dreamy? Doug? Shit! I did it again! I can’t believe I’m thinking such nonsense. My hormones were conspiring against me! All I could think about was having him wrapped around my little finger! I was repulsed with myself!
Change of plans, I thought to myself. We leave, tonight!
Night fell quickly, and stars were out in full force. The moon was waning, but still provided the ample light needed for the journey. And if not, that’s what my glowing tail was for.
With nothing more but Eliza’s swimsuit top and a long skirt around my waist, I looked back at my beach house. I’ve been getting used to wearing skirts, often times preferring that than pants because it made it convenient for when I had to shapeshift from human to mermaid. I felt uneasy I said my goodbyes. Deep inside me, I still yearned for Doug, and wanted me to reconsider making this decision.
“Sorry, Doug,” I said under my breath, “Perhaps in another life, it would have been a great relationship. But I don’t want to be a woman forever. You’ll probably never understand, but, I hope you’ll forgive me nonetheless.”
With my eyes watering, I fought back the tears. With my resolve I jumped into the ocean. Eliza, I’m coming.
I really wasn’t prepared for this journey. No matter how much thought I put into it, I doubt I would have either way. Swimming against the current easily wore me out. Furthermore it was storm season. I had to be careful not to get caught in one.
On occasions I’d make my way onto shore. Sometimes it was to find food, but more often than not there was nothing available. Being a human most of my life I suppose I was used to the luxury of having food when I needed it. Being a Mermaid however, it wasn’t that simple. There were no undersea restaurants, just me and the open sea, and whatever creatures that reside in it.
It’s funny how certain things come back to you when faced with such a dilemma. Daydreaming I recollected about the time of my first hunt. Back then I was a young merchild, I’d say barely 13, and I was holding a harpoon like spear. I remembered my teacher talking to me.
“The spear is the Merfolks’ greatest weapon. It is not flashy, like magic, nor as powerful as an explosive. However, mastering one is vital to a young mermaid’s survival. You too, must train to master the spear, for the sake of defending your own, and the lives of your future spawn.”
Taking it, I felt a surge of pride. This was a major moment in the lives of all Merfolk. This was a major step in becoming an adult. Something I took quite seriously, particularly as the daughter of Goddess Alora.
He pointed to a school of fish. “These are your target. If you can slay them, you can eat. If not, you will starve. Only those with the skill to use the spear effectively can survive the perils of the real world. I will leave you to it. Do not return to me until you have accomplished your task.”
Swimming away, I looked at my target. These fish were mine. With the precision of a marksman I threw my javelin, and without any difficulty I connected, impaling the first fish, its blood gushing from its wound.
Startling the other fish, I wouldn’t allow their escape. With much swiftness I swam over to the harpoon. Pulling it out of the first fish, I followed it with a quick vertical slash. The sharpness of the blade was unreal, and sliced another fish into two.
I was a natural, most likely due to my Mother’s blood. Catching up with another I quickly ended its life; another meal for the taking. By the time I was through there was nothing left. I had successfully done my job. I had claimed my dinner.
As I dreamt I felt like my abilities were siphoning themselves back into me. My mind unlocked another ability I had from long ago, and seeing that I was starving, it was time to use it.
Finding a broken branch, it obviously wasn’t the same as my javelin from long ago. Still, beggars can’t be choosers. I grabbed it and jumped into the water. The hunt was on.
I felt like that same girl I was ten thousand years ago. Every thought, every movement I had- it all came back to me. I as swam deeper I found a school of blackfin tuna. I can remember the sweet taste of it in my mouth. Tonight was gonna be a fantastic supper!
Recreating the scene from my childhood, I raced out to meet my prey. Every muscle responded to every move I made like my skills never left me. In my past life I must’ve been a great warrior.
While it may have taken longer to secure my meal, mostly due to the lack of a decent weapon, I eventually killed my fill. Grabbing the slain delights, I threw them over my shoulders and my way to shore.
Returning to my human form I walked up to the shoreline. I decided to find a rather private place on the beach to sit down and eat.
I had no knife to cut into my fish, let alone any capability to start a fire to cook it. But, for some reason, I didn’t really find it a big deal. All I could do was smell that euphoric aroma.
Salivating I took a bite from the raw fish. It didn’t feel unnatural to do so, even if I felt like an animal. I’ve had sushi before, and hadn’t any problem eating it. But this seemed like a whole other level, and even though it was still bloody, I was gobbling it up.
Leaving but only the entrails (I have my limits you know!) I wiped my mouth using my hand and just laid back and look at the dawn sky. I never really appreciated the majesty of the sun rising; I suppose you realize that when you feel more natural in the world. And I did feel a connection, something I feel that I a human I may have taken for granted. Hopefully, when I return to normal I can take back this moment as a reminder of what’s really important.
…If I ever did return to normal.
Either way, I still had to try. There were still too many things I was not at all comfortable with. Having an attraction to guys, for one thing. And there still was that fear that the feelings and beliefs I held back when I was Kyle would disappear, leaving me with the fiery, war driven Ithycca. She who even now I can’t believe I was.
I really hope that it was a lie, or that someone may have manipulated to believe such things. But, why? I was a being of the water- my beliefs most likely represented many of my peoples’ sentiments.
I turned my thoughts away from that. There was no use getting upset over something I have yet to remember.
Soon after, my thoughts drifted into nothingness. The comforting sea breeze rolled across my body, relaxing my tense muscles. I slowly rubbed down my hair, ridding it of access water. Eventually I settled my hand on my face as my eyes grew heavy. I gave in as this place was as good as any for a brief respite. I closed my eyes, and went asleep.
And it was a fantastic nap too. But, like all good things, they come to an end, some more abruptly than others. This was one of those cases. Like a sixth sense, something instinctively told me to wake up. Maybe it was the odd feeling in the air, like something bad was about to happen.
Indeed, my intuition was correct. Opening my eyes I was greeted by a steel blade, nearly striking me dead in my face.
My reflexes quickly allowed me to dodge the sword that was coming down on me. Still in human form I jumped up to my feet. I looked up and stared at the woman who was attacking me. I couldn’t help but be in awe.
It was an Angel. And she didn’t look friendly.
“So, the rumors were true,” She began. “I can’t allow you to exist. The Merfolk can’t rise again. For the sake of this world, I must kill you!”
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Oh dear.
I will happily be her bodyguard, if she pays me in prawns. = D
So basically
She pays you in prawns, and she stays alive? That sounds kind of like extortion. ;D
A Cat-MegaTomboy
has to earn a living somehow... = )
That's not nice...
nasty! Bad angel!
I wonder if Gaia will interfere... or why she hasn't interfered yet. She obviously cared enough to bring Ithycca back, so why would she let some random angel murder her at the first opportunity. I wonder what is going on here.
Thank you for writing this interesting story, I can't wait for the next chapter.
That's not nice...
nasty! Bad angel!
I wonder if Gaia will interfere... or why she hasn't interfered yet. She obviously cared enough to bring Ithycca back, so why would she let some random angel murder her at the first opportunity. I wonder what is going on here.
Thank you for writing this interesting story, I can't wait for the next chapter.
uh oh
Ith is in trouble now ...
No Offense
But how did angels get into this cosmology? I thought we had gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water from before the last ice age. Did humans dream up all the gods of the early civilizations and by worshiping them give them existence and power? Are they all still around? Are angels from the Yaweh theology that gave rise to the 3 "religions of the book"? OTOH are angels some independent creation? Are there also Fae?
It just stuck me that merfolk and the 4 gods would seem to be in a different universe from one with angels.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Angels are the Subjects of Air
A little different from what we tend to assume Angels are.
Since I'm really just making a universe from scratch, it's not directly influenced from theology of most major religions. Of course that being said, indirectly I do read up on it in order to make logical decisions on why I do something.
I kind of was influenced on old Irish Mythology on this one. The story of Nuada Armgetlam. He had a sword called the Claiomh Solais, which in Irish means "Sword of Light." It also was one of the 4 sacred treasures, representing Air. So in a similar fashion, my Angels are honorable to a fault, a lot like how we envision Archangels and the like. However they are also servants of the God of Air, which is easy to figure because of the wings.
And yes, Yahweh is the God of Air. We'll meet him soon enough.
No fae. Humans (Earth), Merfolk (Water), Angels (Air), Djinn (Fire).
Sorry, wrong name
Sorry AoifeM, it's Argiodlam - Silver-hand - the spelling may differ depending on dialect but there is no m in it. I think it is Claimh Solais too, but maybe in Early Irish it was spelt as you say, it's been a while since I studied Medieval Irish
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
Just looked over my typing.
Just rereading, you're half right, it's "Airgetlám," I was thinking Arm so much, lol.
As for Claiomh, I believe it's spelled with the o to provide the correct aspiration of the word. It should sound like "Clay" as in Claymore (Claiomh Mór).
There are a lot of dialects of Irish, even in a small island as that. Technically, how you spelled Airgetlam is relatively similar in pronunciation.