
Moving On - Part 1

Katie was not in a great mood that night. Her mother had just divorced her father and they had moved across the country to be closer to her mother’s family. They had stayed in a noisy hotel until the day before the movers were expected to arrive at the new house because they decided to travel by airplane while their belongings made the journey in a mover’s truck. When they stepped off of the plane and went to baggage claim, Katie’s suitcase was nowhere to be found. On top of that, when the movers delivered their belongings, it was discovered that Katie’s clothes were missing. To add insult to injury, they’d spent her twelfth birthday on the plane.

Drabble Saga 28: Sleep On It?

"You want to sleep on it?" Larry asked.

"I don't think I can in this corset."

"A pill?"

"No. I'm going to read this contract again. Buy-out clauses. Extension options. Twenty-five hours a week for classes. Five days off a month and a three week all-expenses-paid vacation. But it doesn't say what 'personal services' are."

"Just being Dee Dee when the Boss wants to see you."

Parental Permission_13_Final Chapter

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction. This is the final chapter about Hank/Henrietta. Henrietta wants to get married and have a family. She thinks her new life as a woman and a wife will be all fun and games. Life seldom turns out the way you think it will.

At Aunt Greta's 13 — Meeting Bryony

At Aunt Greta’s–
Meeting Bryony
by Gabi

Chapter 13 of a Continuing Saga…

‘So, Bryan, what’s the problem?’ I asked gently.

‘Well, you used to pretend to be a boy until this term, and now you have decided to be yourself.’

‘Yeah,’ I replied. ‘I didn’t have much choice, coz these funny lumps started growing on my chest. So is there something you're unhappy about?’

‘Yeah. You see I gotta pretend to be a boy too, coz I’ve always known I’m a girl trapped in a boy’s body!’

Oscar Night - Part 12

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

After agreeing to wear a gown to the Academy Awards ceremony due to an offhand comment to a fashion reporter, our hero, novelist/screenwriter David Fine decided to go all-out and agreed to have his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced with implants. He thinks he might be able to get a book out of it. This is the last bit of romance for a while, as David and his beloved, fashion model Maritza Delgado, are separated following his surgery, under order from his new Feminine Deportment Coach, Kay Thomas, a member of the "cabal" put together by his best friend fashion designer Claude Marsh to assist in David's transformation. In this installment, David gains a new name, and begins her training with Kay, and a horrible mistake is made. We begin right where we left off, as Maritza and David were enjoying the morning after their last night together for a month.

Drabble Saga 21: Hertz So Good

"Frankie Al Nez will pay my rent, pay for my schooling, give me an allowance and all I have to do is dress like this" --Davey gestured at his tight leather dress-- "and read to him?"

Drabble Saga 20: Paging Doctor Dee Dee

Davey explored the apartment. The kitchenette had a small refrigerator, a three burner range-top, a tiny electric oven, a microwave and a sink, all surrounded by blond cabinetry. "It's so cute," he said.

Drabble Theatre: Foiled Robbery

The plan was brilliant — the three of them would dress up as hot chicks to rob the bank, so no one would have seen their faces. Plus, when they got to the boat, they’d ditch the disguises and no one would ever connect them to the three bimbos.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 13

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Once upon a time, an eleven-year-old boy named Steven was in his church’s Christmas pageant playing an angel, since the boys and girls had switched roles. He was naughty and peeked at his presents, and for punishment his parents made him play a girl role for his entire winter break. Stephanie, as she was now called, bonded very closely with eight-year-old Bobby who would rather be a girl named Robin, and this week Stephanie will be turning twelve and she’s invited Bobby and his mother over to share their celebration. Bobby’s father has a problem with Robin, but will that spoil Stephanie’s birthday? But first, she’s got another dance class with that brat Christopher for a partner. Find out if 13 proves unlucky for our heroine.

Without a Trace - Part 3: Some Answers

Without a trace part 3: some answers,

Part 3 of without a trace

Jonathon slowly walked down the stairs to the kitchen where his mom was sat at the table just pouring a cup of coffee. JR slowly walked in and sat facing her; she did not look up for a few minutes as she slowly stirred in some sweetener. Without a word she pushed the pot forwards and JR poured himself a cup and slowly turned the cup in his hands.

“Well JR, do you want to explain?” Mom asked.

Oscar Night - Part 11

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/screenwriter David Fine got himself in an awkward position where he agreed to wear a gown if he was nominated for an Oscar. The nominations came out and he's stuck. But his friend Claude Marsh the fashion designer assembled a "cabal" of experts to help make David more feminine. Last time, they met with a cosmetic surgeon who convinced David that if he really wanted to look like a woman, he'd need to make a few changes to his face. David was also interested in seeing what he'd look like with breast implants, something his girlfriend bisexual model Maritza Delgado seemed very enthusisastic about. In this installment, David experiences his nonsurgical options, and one of the cabal members has some bad news for Maritza.


Green Hearts

by Jennifer Brock

An unlikely friendship forms out of a case of mistaken identity, and a new persona is born from chain of personal favors. A pretend relationship may turn into a real one, or it may fall apart. Can a false girl find true love?

Drabble Saga 13: Just a Giggle, Oh!

Larry held the door as Davey entered the apartment on the fourteenth floor of the Del Amo Hotel. A distinguished middle-aged man sat in an antique chair, a bottle of wine and two glasses near him on an elegant table.

Larry made an introduction, Davey didn't listen except to start when referred to as 'Miss Dee Dee LaTours'. It's Davey Towers, he reminded himself.

My Mistake, Chapter 11

Chapter 11
By Samantha Jenkins

Mom pulled into the garage, with Jennifer pulling up right behind her in the driveway. Mom shut off the car and popped the trunk so that I could take my spoils to my room and hang them up. After I hung the dresses up and put my new panties and bras in the top drawer of my dresser. I looked around my room, well the room that was mine now. My old room was off limits until, well who knows when. I went back downstairs to where Jen and Katie were working in the kitchen making something for dinner.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 12

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Nearly twelve-year-old Stephen Brooks got in trouble for peeking at his Christmas presents and his parents decided to punish him by making him act like a girl for his week and a half of vacation. That has since snowballed into two and a half weeks, with another two and a half to go, plus dance classes every other Wednesday, since Stephanie agreed to be a junior bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding. Because she has a jerk for a dance partner, she’s started using botanical oils to try and grow breasts, a form of revenge that somehow makes sense to her. Last episode, there was an altercation after church, as the minister chased Stephanie out for talking to the boy she likes. This Episode covers a full week in Stephanie's life.

The Prince Bride - 9

The Prince Bride - Chapters 18, 19 & 20 (FINAL)
By Missy Crystal

Prince Charles was heir to the throne. At his christening, three of the four fairy protectors of the Kingdom (the kind with wings and wands) appeared to give him the customary blessings for a future king. The fourth fairy sister, arriving late from partying all night with the elves, mistakenly believes the baby is a girl and gives her the blessing of being a happy bride. Can the fairy magic be undone? Will the prince grow up to be a queen of one kind or another? This is the LAST CHAPTER and it is a SPOILER. To enjoy the story, I strongly recommend that you read it from the beginning.

Parental Permission_11

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction. Hank's parents get into an argument after Dave takes Hank to church. Hank fantasizes about being Dave's wife. Dave gets drunk at a VFW dance and Hank takes sexual advantage of the older man. This chapter includes sex.

Professor Prick 12 - Life is Full Of Surprises

I turned at looked at Eddie laying in bed his half empty breakfast tray in front of him.
“What, what do you mean were millionaires” I stammered.
“Come here and sit down” he said patting the bed I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
“It’s like this” he began...


By Karin Roberts

At Aunt Greta's 12 —A Rose By Any Other Name

At Aunt Greta’s–
A Rose By Any Other Name

by Gabi

Chapter 12 of a Continuing Saga…

‘Right, ladies,’ said a new voice behind us. ‘Why don’t you sit down and I’ll take your orders.’

We looked round and saw our waitress, holding several menu cards, so we sat down and tried to decide what we’d like to eat.

‘While you’re deciding, perhaps you’d like to tell me what you’d like to drink,’ said our waitress who’s name badge said she was Cleo Waters.

Parental Permission_10

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: After Hank reveals his infatuation for older men, Arlene decides to take him to a VFW dance to meet the kind of men he's attracted to. Hank thinks it will be a chance to find out once and for all if he's really attracted to men or if its just a figment of his imagination. Hank meets Dave Evans, a retired colonel who turns out to be both an officer and a gentleman.

Parental Permission_09

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: Hank takes a job as a secretary and gets his first date which winds up being a let down. He has a conversation with his mother about expectations. Arlene thinks she has a plan that will get Hank out of the dumps.

Parental Permission_09

Drabble Saga 10: Dress for Excess

While Ruby dealt with Davey's falsies, Beth had depilated his legs then creamed and soothed them and painted his toenails. Stockings attached to garters and then the blue leather mini went on, fastened with a concealed zipper in the back.

Ruby and Beth surveyed their work. "Mm, hmm?" asked Ruby.

"Mmm," agreed Beth.

Oscar Night - Part 10

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, novelist/screenwriter David Fine and his girlfriend model Maritza Delgado attended a New Year's Eve party thrown by his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh, and later learned that Claude had organized a "cabal" of experts to help him get David into a gown at the Oscar ceremony. (A flippant comment to a fashion reporter at the previous year's event made him promise to wear one.) Claude was in the middle of showing him design ideas and had just said that David would need to accessorize with silicone before he passed out.

The Prince Bride - 8

The Prince Bride - Chapters 17 & 18
By Missy Crystal

Prince Charles was heir to the throne. At his christening, three of the four fairy protectors of the Kingdom (the kind with wings and wands) appeared to give him the customary blessings for a future king. The fourth fairy sister, arriving late from partying all night with the elves, mistakenly believes the baby is a girl and gives her the blessing of being a happy bride. Can the fairy magic be undone? Will the prince grow up to be a queen of one kind or another? Read the story and find out.

On Her Own Petard


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On Her Own Petard
by Ceri

Stevie started her blog to discreetly share her secret identity with the world never guessing just how successful it would be.


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