
Petticoat Detective Squad Adventures - Mystery on the Beach

Mystery on the Beach

The second in this series is a variation on that theme and viewed from a different perspective. Our little tale once again concerns eleven year old Tony, who is continuing a holiday with his older girl cousin and favorite aunt. The children go to spend a week at a large modern house along the beach when our hero's cousin is given a holiday job by the lady owner. Unfortunately for Tony, he had previously upset the lady so the only way he can accompany his cousin is to go in disguise, as a girl....

Boys of Summer 21-25

Boys of Summer 21-25

Melanie Ezell

New Kids on the Block got a bunch of hits,
Chinese food makes me sick,
And I think it's fly when girls get fine for the summer,
For the summer,
I like girls who wear Abercrombie and Fitch,
I'd take her if I had one wish,
But she's been gone since that summer,
Since that summer.

LFO- Summer Girls

Sissy Stifled -- Pt 4

Sissy Stifled -- Pt 4

Maid Joy

I reported for morning formation at 0700. While part of my mind was on what I was doing, PT is pretty mindless. Yelling the cadence wasn’t something that took up a lot of my mental faculties. I put my body and my voice on autopilot and turned my attention to the past weekend.

Sissy's Saga


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Sissy's Saga

Drawn from real life, this is the story of one person who is reclaiming the word "Sissy" and making it a name, not a title. A middle aged soldier trapped in a life he hates because he was trying to fit in. Now it has come to a point where he can't stand it anymore, and is trying how it might feel to have what he wants instead of what he's supposed to want.

Camp Kumoni : 60

“What’s wrong!?” Tricia demanded. “Erika!” She grabbed Erika’s arm and pulled her to a stop. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to go through this again,” Erika sobbed.

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t want to be the plague of Camp Kumoni too.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited and spruced up by Nick B

Shimmy-chapters, 1 - 10

Sixteen year old Ricky Davis lives in New York City. He has to go to LA to spend the summer with his sister when his parents decide to go on a second honeymoon. Things begin to happen after he gets there and he winds up in skirts.



Paula Dillon

One Sissy's Story -- Pt 1

This is not autobiographical, mostly. I wrote this to see if I could write a story with no dialog and have it be good. It's a story, it has no dialog but I leave it to you to tell me if it is good or not.

One Sissy’s Story -- Part 1

Maid Joy

It felt like hearing nails on a chalkboard all the time. There was something fundamentally wrong with the whole world and I didn’t know how to fix it.

Camp Kumoni : 58

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“I don’t think I could ever see you as ‘the plague’ again,” Victoria said with a grimace. “It’s too bad Erika can’t join us at school.”


“Because you’re really fun to hang out with.”


Susie and Jeffrey 7 - 8 - 9

Susie rolled her eyes at me as we pulled her dad up. "Let's have a look at the damage."

Mr Jones grimaced as she waggled his finger. "What do you think, Jeffrey?"

"See if you can grind the ends of the bone together," I offered helpfully. "That's a sure-fire test - if your dad faints, it's broken."

Susie and Jeffrey 7 - 8 - 9 by Jamie Hayworth

Prudence House

Prudence House
by Jennifer Brock

A group of college students are fascinated by the creepy old house down the block. Would it be wise to try to make some money off its reputation? Come along for a sexy tale of tricks, treats, costumes, ghosts and witches.

Courtesy of Scoundrels

Alister Juniper had experienced more than his share of terrible things in his young life, just as had any of those crammed into the poor quarters of the city. But then a fancy gentlemen found him, offering insight into his past and maybe a key to his future.

Jason's Story - Part 19

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 56 - 58. The final part of the story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

"Well, look around. On the one hand this is a typical boy's room. The color scheme on the walls, the curtains, even the bedspread, are all very masculine. Then you have all of those sports posters. It looks quite a bit like my brothers room. Then you have your makeup mirror, all of your makeup, etc. on your desk. When we look in your closet you have a bunch of boys clothing shoved in the back and then you have all your new Kelly clothing. It looks like you are just visiting here and you're staying in this room, but it really isn't yours." Julie said.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend - Part 6

“Reiner, this is what I am.” Joey stated.

In Reiner’s mind, it all suddenly made sense: The quirkiness Joey had always had in his moves, his behavior, all of it! And yet, nothing physically changed about the person. All Joey had done was release his hair, and then, this new person appeared! — this person hiding in the guise of his teammate Joey!

“Joey? You are a girl?”

by Lana Lund

edited by Sephrena Miller
Rikkie/Enrique Lopez   Lana/Joey Martinez

Jason's Story - Part 18

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 53 - 55. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

Meanwhile, Julie, Kathy and Sue walked into the girl's locker room. As they walked in and searched for an open locker, Courtney Myers said, "Look out girls. Cover yourselves, unless you want Julie the dyke to see you naked."

Camp Kumoni : 56

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“Alright Columbine, off to the showers, quickly. Let me talk with Erika.” Phoenix ordered, dismissing them. “Go on.”

Eric slumped and sat down hard on Samantha’s bed as the others grabbed their things and headed off to the showers.


Halloween Tricked and Treated

Before we start, there are 2 things I'd like to say. 1)Stories of my demise are grossly exagerated. 2) If you are not supposed to be reading this story,(you know whou you are) then please turn of your computer and go tell your parents that you were a bad boy/girl...... Now, GET ON WITH IT!!!!

Halloween Tricked and Treated

Written by Toni Trepasso

Jason's Story - Part 17

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 50 - 52. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgendered nature, and his mostly supportive family.

As he was crying for Chris, and feeling unworthy of the support he was receiving, he suddenly realized that it was not a matter of being worthy or not. In fact, he realized both he and Chris were worthy of the support of their loved ones and the shame was not on either he or Chris, but on those that could not or would not give them support. This was Mr. and Mrs. Fienberg's failing and he realized that Mr. Fienberg knew that too. In fact, it is what he had said. For himself it was his Aunt Jessica's failing that she and Tom could not handle this. They may never recognize that, but he knew it now and knew it implicitly.

He could forgive them, as he was sure that Chris would forgive Mr. Fienberg, if he could.


Oscar Night - Part 15

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

David Fine, a bestselling novelist and Oscar-nominated screenwriter, was sticking up for an insult directed at his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh when he made a flippant comment to an annoying television personality agreeing to show up at the Academy Awards ceremony in a gown instead of a tuxedo. He was convinced that it would be far less embarrassing to attempt to appear as completely and fully female instead of just looking like a man in a dress. To that end, he's had some facial surgeries as well as a sizeable pair of breast implants. Dee, as she's been calling herself is under the tutelage of Kay Thomas, a feminine deportment coach Claude hired to give her a month-long crash course in how to be a woman. In this installment, Kay helps Dee try to figure out what kind of girl she is.


There's an old saying that clothes make the man. But do they? You be the judge.


"No, sorry, can't." It was just getting harder and harder for Tom to take 'NO' for an answer.

"Oh, come on, then Sandy, why not?" came the plaintive reply.

At Aunt Greta's 18— A Bolt from the Blue

At Aunt Greta’s–
A Bolt From The Blue!
by Gabi

Chapter 18 of a Continuing Saga…

Farah and I went to bed that night wondering if we would find ourselves back in 1944 again. In spite of the first couple of times I had time-slipped, since then it seemed it was the bed that had acted as my “Tardis” to wartime.

‘It was great meeting your bro,’ Farah said as we undressed. ‘He’s cute and soooo cool, and he doesn’t seem to mind that you’ve changed into a girl. In fact he seemed quite pleased.’

‘Well, I guess he’s always thought I was a bit girly,’ I confided; ‘but he was never mean about it–unlike a lot of other boys.’

Camp Kumoni : 54

“Since we are admitting secrets, I have something eating at me that I need to get off my chest.” Krystal announced, looking at Rachel.

Rachel shook her head pleading with the book worm. ‘No’ she mouthed.

“Yes, Rachel, we need to tell them. I can’t go on living like this anymore.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B an


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