
The Mystery of the Missing Frocks

bridget_mod_face.jpg       Everything a great crime mystery should have: romance, a detective and a road chase - except that this is no "Love Story", "Sherlock Holmes" or "Bullit" and there certainly isn't a great crime. Follow our intrepid narrator as he falls in love with a girl in London, becomes a woman in Seacombe, then on to modeling in a West End fashion house and, in a "Not The Thirty-Nine Steps" finale, to the Scottish Highlands to uncover…
The Mystery of the Missing Frocks
by Charlotte Dickles

In Memory of Andrea

(whose Petticoat Detective stories provided the inspiration for this story.)


The Princess and the Plague : 3

The Princess and the Plague
(Life after Camp Kumoni)

By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“Your hair looks nice,” he commented.

“Thank you, your friend Sasha did it… And the answer is still no. I will not let you go unless Dr. Barts advises otherwise. Stop buttering me up.”



The Catwalk -1-

When David West is failing at all his classes, he needs to take up an extracurricular activity. He can't make a choice so his friends make one for him. One that provides a lot of fun for them and some realizations for him.

Susie and Jeffrey 13 - 18

"He'll have his suspicions, but there's no need to worry - just swat him away, like any girl would a snoopy thirteen year old boy."

"I can't wait, Susie: it's my dream come true - a randy teenager feeling me up."

"I know, Jeffrey - and I promise you, I'll be doing that later."

Susie and Jeffrey 13 - 18 by Jamie Hayworth

Short Chapters: 20. Getting There

In this whole adventure I was never so conscious of looking girly as at this moment. Maybe it was because we were standing in near darkness on the shoulder of a busy highway, and I could see my little twill skirt flutter in the wake from the passing cars. Maybe the fact that my uncle, who was only slightly taller than me, was on his knees before me, and for once, now that I was looking down into someone's face, I felt a stab of pity mixed with the joy of feeling (for once!) taller.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Oscar Night - Part 17

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Nearly a year ago, Novelist/screenwriter David Fine was nominated for an Academy Award and wore a red suit designed by his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh. Unfortunately, television personality Jane Waters chose to make David's outfit an object of ridicule, and in an attempt to save face he joked that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. When he was indeed nominated a year later, Claude seized upon David's defense of his honor and pushed him to embrace the idea of wearing a gown, and his girlfriend bisexual fashion model Maritza Delgado was also keen to make him more feminine. He was talked into severalplastic surgeries on his face and breast implants, and he's been training with live-in feminine deportment coach Kay Thomas, who has renamed him Dee. In this installment, Dee learns a little more about the different kinds of men who dress as women, and where she fits on the scale. Also, the romance is brought back into focus, and Dee starts thinking about dating.

Making Waves

Making waves
By Alyssa Plant

What happens when a really good plan meets with its arch nemisis: Being put into action. A tale of One girl's self discovery, love, and swashbuckling on the high seas.
Part One.

The Princess and the Plague : 2

The Princess and the Plague
(Life after Camp Kumoni)

By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“Would it be all right with you, if I used the last name Summers?”

“Oh, that is so perfect!” Tricia clapped her hands.



The Princess and the Plague : 1

The Princess and the Plague
(Life after Camp Kumoni)

By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

They wandered over to the queue for the tickets and waited.

“Whoa, is that ‘The Plague’ interacting with our cheerleader?” a voice called.

Eric tried to control a chill that wracked his body as his mind screamed to make himself small and unnoticeable.

“Is this creep bothering you, Sam?”

“Greg, he’s not a creep, just leave us alone,” Samantha snapped back.



The Head Mistress's Head Mistress (aka Madam Martinique's Name)

This story is the story of how Madam Martinique, the head mistress of the finishing school that bore her name, had come to be in the care of the unforgettable Jane Thompson. It's based on Seasons of Change, copyright 1989 by Joel Larence, but more on the continuation of that original story into a series, copyright 1997 to 2008 by Tigger.

Oscar Night - Part 16

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

When novelist-turned-screenwriter David Fine was first nominated for an Academy Award, he wore a red tuxedo provided by his best friend, fashion designer Claude Marsh. An obnoxious TV presenter told him that if he wanted color he should be in a gown, and he agreed. He's been nominated again, and Claude assembled a whole cabal of people to help David make the ultimate impression in his gown. David's girlfriend, bisexual model Maritza Delgado, was on board with the idea of making him as feminine as possible. To that end, he's had major facial surgery and been implanted with a spectacular pair of breasts. David, or Dee as she's been calling her female self, has been working with his live-in feminine deportment coach Kay Thomas hired by Claude for a couple weeks now, and has been making good progress. In this chapter, our girl Dee practices flirting, and has an interesting naked experience.
(Note: to the couple of readers I'd told what was going to happen in this chapter, my muse had different ideas, so I had to postpone that until the next one.)

Telling Emma

The true-life story of when I confessed my crossdressing to my favorite cousin.  A bit of irony, but no real drama or excitement.  Sorry about that, but it was a touching moment for me, and I wanted to document and share it anyway.

By Pippa Jane Kingsley

The Bet

I can pinpoint the day this all started. It was a chilly, Sunday afternoon in early December. A light rain was falling outside and Carol (my wife) and I had built a cozy fire in the fireplace. She was sitting on one of the couch, her legs curled up beneath her reading and sipping a glass of wine and I was sitting at the other watching the Giants begin to give away a 21 point lead to the Eagles.

Carol stood up and stretched, heading toward the kitchen.

"Get me a beer, hon'" I called after her.

"What's the magic word?," she asked with a twinkle.

Without a Trace - Part 6: Baiting the Trap

Without a trace part 6
Baiting the trap

JR after his mom hugged him smiled as his stomach again made its presence known and sheepishly grinned. His sister and her partner grinned and even his mom laughed, as a group they decided to head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. They walked through the hospital corridors in an uneasy silence JR’s mother holding tight to his hand. He felt a bit uncomfortable but his Kylie side was comforted at the close contact. He had to be honest he was scared at what his sister wanted him to do but also proud.

Sissy's Interlude -- Pt 6

Sissy’s Interlude -- Pt 6

Maid Joy

Mistress had turned me over to a lady at the lingerie store. I didn’t know how to react. Part of me was mortified, part of me burning from embarrassment, and part of me was reveling in this chance that I had always dreamed of.

The people who were in the store weren’t really paying attention to me, which was a relief. I could only imagine the panic if someone realized that a man was in here.

Camp Kumoni : 65

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“Where’s Katie?” Erika ventured. She hadn’t seen the tall girl all day.

“She’s guarding our table.” Rachel stated.

“Oh my god, you’re serious.” Erika shook her head.




Written by Dauphin
Sandra and Taylor find a game that will change their lives forever. This game is dangerous as it will doom them or make them happy. If the twins ever needed themselves, it would be now!
"One of Dauphin's stories inspired by a film, these really change the film! I wonder how many readers want the game!" Diana
"Some people hate this story and some love it." Dauphin

Camp Kumoni : 64

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited and generally buggered about with by Nick B

“So, if I wanted to make one of these at home, what would I need?” Erika asked Skyler

“Rope. Lots and lots of rope.” Skyler smiled.


Camp Kumoni 64

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 17

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Twelve-year-old Steven Brooks has been through a lot since that fateful day when he peeked at his Christmas presents and was sentenced to two weeks in skirts and dresses. It all snowballed out of control and at this point Stephanie’s been a girl for over a month now. She wanted to be helpful and agreed to be a bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding, which meant she had to take dance lessons, which led her to try to grow breasts to prove to her snotty partner that she wasn’t a little kid. A pretend date at New Year’s ended up in her having a boyfriend she enjoys kissing, but that also meant she couldn’t go back to school with him as a boy or it would ruin his reputation. She just started seeing a psychiatrist to try to deal with it all, and the doctor gave her some assignments to do before their next appointment.

Change Here for Marilyn Monroe

By Charlotte Dickles

It was meant to be a walking holiday over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, but somehow it got terribly confused with the Marilyn Monroe conference in the next town. Alec was not to know it, but those first few words of the announcement at Dorton Station might have been declared apocalyptic. "Change here for Marilyn Monroe..."

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

 © Nick B 2008

Now for those of you who haven’t heard of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where the hell have you been? It was released in August of 1975 here in England, September in the States, so you’ve had plenty of time…

It starred Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon and was penned by Richard O’Brien, who has been seen in lots of things since like Ever After, Flash Gordon, Spiceworld, Dark City and Dungeons and Dragons to name but a few. That is of course aside from playing Riff-Raff in his own creation.

And for those of you who really don’t know, it’s about… Just go see it. There’s lots of cross-dressing, lesbians, bisexuals and singing–oh and Meat Loaf’s in it.

My thanks as ever to my ever faithful editor for Gabifying this. Thanks Gabi

...On with the story...

Camp Kumoni : 62

Foxglove cabin rowed past Columbine as they headed out towards the lake.

“Talk about having your own personal flotation devices.” One of the girls laughed.

“Did you know that Foxglove is a poison?” Krystal said aloud for the other cabin to hear, “No wonder their cabin is full of bitter, jealous girls, no other cabin would want them.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Sorry this one not edited either :(

Shimmy 20-31

Ricki continues her swimming and her belly dancing. She also finds a job. The news she and Laura feared is confirmed, their Dad is dying. Madeline, Laura and Ricki's Mom, finds out about Ricki. Timely intervention prevents a rape. (Not in extreme detail. The scene should not be overly distressful.)



Paula Dillon

Not the Cup Final

Not the Cup Final

By Charlotte Dickles

Synopsis: When most of the male members of the book group decide to go to Wembley to see the Cup Final, the others decide to run a Murder Mystery Game on the same day. The problem is, they don't make games for seven women and one man.

Camp Kumoni : 61

“Come cuddle?” Tricia asked from her cot.

With out pausing, Erika changed course and padded over to the blonde’s cot. It would be easier to fall into Tricia’s bed than it would be to climb up into her own. She lay down and pulled the covers over her. Tricia turned in bed and spooned with her.

“What’s wrong with you?” Tricia asked.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Not Edited

Shimmy chapters 11-19


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