
Camp Kumoni : 53

Tricia’s father smiled, understanding at Erika’s mother. “Believe me, when I first found out that my son wanted to be a girl, I was anything but calm."
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
edited by Nick B

Drabble: Lost luggage 3

“But Mom, Do I have to wear Sarah’s clothes until they find my suitcase?”

“Yes, and I know she packed two swimsuits, so you still get to go swimming. Now go start your bath, while your sister and I find something for you to wear to bed.” I went in the bathroom and started to run my water.

Drabble: Lost luggage 2

“Mom, you should see some of the pants that I packed.” Sarah said with a wicked grin on her face.

“What did you bring?”

“My purple capris, two pair of pink pants, a pair of hot pink capris, and I think that’s it. I’ll be more than happy to share with Lizzy.”

Susie and Jeffrey 5 - 6

"Who's Robbie?"

"Captain of the first fifteen - the most civilised of the muddied oafs. He's a serious athlete - trains on Mars bars and bananas. You must have seen him, Susie."

"Oh that big gorilla," she laughed and poked me in the ribs. "Hey, Jeffrey, you know what they say: if you look like a monkey don't walk around carrying a banana."

Susie and Jeffrey 5 - 6 by Jamie Hayworth

El Dia De Los Muertos AKA All Souls Day

El Dia De Los Muertos
All Souls Day

 © 2008 Nick B

Just slap me soundly for forgetting that the wonderful Gabi did the proofing and tweaking on this. Thanks Gabi

Drabble: Lost luggage

This is my first attempt at a drabble, so let me know what you think.



“Jason, I can’t help that the airline lost your luggage, but because you and your sister had this silly bet to dress alike for the flight down, you are going to have to stay dressed as Elizabeth until your bags show up or we get home, which ever comes first.”

“But why can’t I wear Sarah’s jeans?”

“I would imagine that Sarah would be wearing her jeans, and making you wear the skirts...”

The Secret Existence of Misty Walters

To all outward appearances Walter Stymis is a conventional upper-middle class American male. Fairly successful, a devoted husband and father.

But at any given moment he is likely to be lost in colorful daydreams, the nature of which would probably surprise the people around him...

The Secret Existence of
Misty Walters
by . Laika Pupkino

Jason's Story - Part 16

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 47 - 49. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgendered nature, and his mostly supportive family.

There is a letter to the editor, blasting the High School for admitting you as a girl. It reads,"

Dear Editor,

It has come to our attention that the High School has recently admitted a 15 year-old male student, who will attend school as a girl. An assembly is planned for the first day of school to instruct the student body on acceptable behavior toward this student. As a parent of a child that attends the high school, I find this highly unacceptable. Why my child must be exposed to this deviant, perverted behavior is beyond me.


Camp Kumoni : 52

Erika looked glumly at the trail in front of her brightly painted toes. “I know. I just don’t want to go back to school, I really don’t want to go back to being Eric ‘The Plague’, especially now that I’ve experienced so much.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Not edited, sorry

For The Business

For the Business

By Karin Roberts

It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners.

“Darling we really need to attend this” my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day’s mail.

“I hate Halloween, it’s just an excuse to get people to spend money” I replied

Jason's Story - Part 15

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 45 - 46. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgendered nature, and his mostly supportive family.

"I want to be Kelly. I am so much happier when I'm Kelly. I've talked to Mom and Dad and I want to start living full time as Kelly." Jason said.

The Trouble With Kacey

The Trouble With Kacey

The trouble was that Kacey was innocent — and the girls refused to believe him! Even Carly didn’t believe him — and she was his sister! Carly and Kacey’s mutual friends, Sarah and Maren, were furious. Never mind that Ned and Tom, their other so-called friends, were the true culprits. The girls believed that Kacey was to blame!

Ned and Tom always had been mischievous, especially Ned. They enjoyed playing obnoxious but harmless jokes on people. Normally, they did such things as putting food dye or salt in someone’s drink or loosening the top of a salt shaker so all the salt would dump onto the plate of the poor sap who picked it up. This time, however they had gone too far — and Kacey was on the hook for it!

Camp Kumoni : 51

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited, proofed and sweated over by Nick B

Erika suddenly sat up, pointing towards the parking lot. “There’s my mom’s car.”

“Which one?”

“The silver one.”


Jason's Story - Part 14

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 40 - 44. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

"Kristine, introduce me to my granddaughter and her girlfriend please." Jason's grandmother said.

At Aunt Greta's 17—A Gaggle of Girls

At Aunt Greta’s–
A Gaggle of Girls
by Gabi

Chapter 17 of a Continuing Saga…

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs we looked up and saw Bryony coming down; she was wearing a swirley, knee-length, light green tiered skirt and a yellow strappy top, which seemed to accentuate her boobs, with white ankle socks and sandals.

‘Oh, hi, Bryony,’ Farah chirped. ‘You look awesome,–great top.’

‘Wow, Bryony,’ Lacey gasped, ‘Looking at you now, I can’t believe you were ever a boy, you’re so pretty, and I love your outfit. I’ve got a skirt just like that ’cept mine’s mauve.’

‘I was only a boy on the outside, I’ve always been a girl on the inside.’ Bryony replied, as she reached the bottom of the stairs and did a twirl for us, making her skirt flare out prettily.

Susie and Jeffrey 4

"You're talking gobbledygook, Jeffrey."

"No I'm not, Susie, it's just over your head. In plain English: this will never happen again."

"Never is a long day, Jeffrey."

"Ah, but consider this, Susie: I've suffered a harrowing experience and as a result, I've ended up cross-dressing. That," I concluded triumphantly, "is what you psychologists call aversion therapy."

Susie and Jeffrey 4 by Jamie Hayworth

Jason's Story - Part 13

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 38 - 39. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

"Get out of my way Kristine; I will not subject my children to this sickness."

Drabble Theatre: I Hate Tuesdays

It just had to happen today, didn't it? My luck always goes south on Tuesdays.

I can't believe I forgot to do laundry yesterday. I really needed my suit for this interview, but that ketchup stain ain't coming out of those pants any time soon.

Maybe they won't notice this is my girlfriend's suit. The color is neutral, cut's alright...

"They're ready to see you, Miss Andrews."

Shit! Miss?

Call me Princess

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 16

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Twelve-year-old Steven Brooks got in trouble at Christmastime for peeking at his presents, and since he had to dress as a female angel anyway for the criss-crossed Christmas Pageant, his punishment was to spend his Christmas vacation as a girl. But that vacation was only supposed to last eleven days, and a fire at the school made it go thirty-one. Stephanie’s adventures this last month have found her volunteering to be a bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding, learning to French kiss with her boyfriend, and trying to encourage her breasts to grow. This is the last day before the school is supposed to be reopening, and Stephanie will have to go back to being Steven. But does she really want to? In this episode, her confusion will cause her parents to seek professional help. This extra-long episode is very dialogue-heavy.

Camp Kumoni : 50

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“How does it feel?” Tricia enquired.

Erika looked down at their hands embracing one another’s. “Soft.”

Tricia giggled. “The pedicure, silly.”


Jason's Story - Part 12

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 36 - 37. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

"Because you aren't Jason anymore. You're this girl I don't know..."

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 15

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

On December 21, young Steven Brooks got in trouble with his parents and looked at his Christmas presents early. He made a deal with his parents to dress and act as a girl until school started in order to keep his new Nintendo Wii. Due to an accident, the school opening was delayed. It’s now Sunday, January 20, and Stephanie has been a girl for almost a month, and it really doesn’t seem like a punishment anymore. She’s got a boyfriend; she’s made some friends; she’s volunteered to be a junior bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding; she’s interested in becoming a babysitter. And for the past two weeks she’s been trying to grow breasts. The school is supposed to be opening on Tuesday — will Steven be back? But first, Stephanie gets to celebrate her recent twelfth birthday with a party at her grandmother’s, on top of the other three parties she’s already had.

Boys of Summer 11-15

Boys of Summer 11-15

Melanie E.


One summer never ends,
One summer never begins,
It keeps me standing still,
It takes all my will,
Then suddenly, last summer,
Then suddenly, last summer...

The Motels- Suddenly Last Summer


Jason's Story - Part 11

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 34 - 35. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

Jason soon succumbed to peer pressure and went up and changed into his black dress. When he came back down, Kathy and Sue just stared dumbfounded, and Julie laughed at them.

At Aunt Greta's 16—Freya and the Doodlebugs

At Aunt Greta’s–
Freya and the Doodlebugs
by Gabi

Chapter 16 of a Continuing Saga…

Recognising the now-familiar wailing of the air-raid siren, I was awake in an instant. ‘It’s an air-raid, I can’t explain now but we have slipped back in time to the second world war and you must call me Greta. This has happened to me before; we have to get up and go to the air-raid shelter.’

At this moment the door opened, the light was switched on and Mummy was there. ‘Greta, Freya, get up quickly, girls. Put on your underthings, socks, shoes and dressing gowns, bring a blanket and come with me to the shelter immediately. And don’t forget your gas masks.’ She hurried away towards her own room leaving us alone.

Oscar Night - Part 13

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

What started out with a flippant comment to an obnoxious fashion reporter has snowballed into an exploration of gender identity. Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine made a deal to wear a gown to the Academy Awards presentation, and took it much further by getting his face surgically feminized and his breasts enhanced. His best friend fashion designer Claude Marsh hired "Feminine Deportment Coach" Kay Thomas to train him how to act. Among her draconian rules were that his girlfriend Venezuelan model Maritza Delgado should stay out of contact for a month as he works to develop a new female identity, which she addresses by her initial D., or "Dee." So far, Dee has had a lesson in how to walk in heels, and had a house call from her nurse. In this installment, she gets a few more lessons and begins to worry about who she or he truly is.

The Bard and I Part 3

William Shakespeare.jpg
The Bard and I

A novel by Bronwen Welsh

Copyright 2008

An orphan boy is rescued from poverty by England's greatest playwright and discovers the joy of playing women's parts on stage and off

Part 3

The relationship between Julian the boy player and William Shakespeare develops further

Jason's Story - Part 10

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 32 - 33. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

Kathy's eyes went wide with sudden comprehension, "Oh my god, Jason is Kelly, isn't he!"

Letters from Sky - Part 13

"...I do so many weird things, that if I didn't do something weird, that would be weird, but this wasn't about the weird things that I do a lot, but is weird in a whole new weird way of being weird,..."

Letters from Sky

By Jan S

Part 13


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