
Bravery of the Nameless

Eric Niklisel was the pride and joy of his parents, so much so that his older sister was treated almost as an afterthought. But when he shrunk away from his duty to defend his people from the invading forces of Prince Jandl, she saw an opportunity to steal away with his honour and glory.

Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 5

While things have been going better than expected for Billie, he's still planning on running away from this strange new school. Will he escape? How will his new friends react?

Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 5
Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown

Sister's Pet - 3

Sister's Pet - 3
by Heulwen

"I loved it," I said, almost beaming at the memory," except the bit at the beginning"

"Yes, your sister is a bitch sometimes," he said, " do you want to go again?"

"I'd love too," I replied and moved discretely close to him and briefly touched his hand.

The Knockout!

She ran through the alley with abandon. The heels didn’t slow her down she was a great athlete. She hopped the fence without hesitation, which was pretty impressive for a girl in a mini skirt. Up the back stairs of the apartment she dashed two steps at a time. She was sure that she was safe and that she had lost her pursuers. She had successfully run for her life.

A Story With No Title

I pulled her close and kissed the top of her ear, pushing ever-so-slightly through her upswept hair. I leaned back and looked into her eyes, the world outside of those amazing eyes ceased to exist and I knew just how lucky I was. She was the one that Mom had always told me I'd find one day. That I'd know the girl that would be tied to me as surely as the sky is tied to the horizon as soon as I looked her in the eye for real.

A Story With No Title
by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

A Mother's Love 2 - The Sequel (Complete)

Alys sent this to me to repost, she said that there are some minor edits in the content previously posted and a concluding few paragraphs.

A Mother's Love 2 - The Sequel (Complete)

by Alys

Ghost - part 1

"Max had always loved superheroes and comic books, so when MORFS spread last year he thought it could be cool. His parents, along with pretty much everyone else was afraid of what was happening. So what will Max do when he undergoes MORFS while his parents are out of town?"

Oh, Cheers: Part 2- FIGHT!

Oh, Cheers: Part 2


By Melanie Ezell

It's a whole new life for Dane now that he's a cheerleader, but can he deal with the emotional strain of leading a double life? With a little help from his friends, and a bit of his own patented good/bad luck, anything is possible!

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 10

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

This was supposed to be the day that eleven-year-old Steven Brooks would be returning from Christmas vacation and going back to his sixth grade class at Roosevelt Middle School. However, there was an accident and the school isn’t open. The deal he’d made with his parents (as punishment for sneaking a peek at his presents) said that he’d be dressing and acting as a girl until school started up again. So, Stephanie is still here. But it’s convenient that she is since tonight is her first ballroom dancing class that she has to go to because she agreed to be a junior bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding.

Devyn's Favor

Devyn’s Favor

What a night that was! Devyn was thirteen years old and living in a sparsely inhabited suburban area with his parents and his sister. He had four good friends who lived in the area. Kieran and Caitlin, fraternal twin sisters, lived a short distance down the street from him. Madeline lived fifty yards further down the street at the corner of a road that went up a steep hill for a few hundred yards. Tina lived at the top of that same steep road on the same side of the street as Madeline. Tina could actually see Madeline's bedroom window -- and vice versa. They were too far away to really see each other, but sometimes they would sit at their windows while they chatted on their cell phones.

It was Tina's birthday and she invited the four of them over to her house for a sleepover party. Tina was fond of getting dressed up and each year she used her birthday party -- among other things -- as an excuse to get dressed up. This party would be no different -- or would it?

Short Chapters: 19. The Brains Of The Fifth-Grade Girl-World

I don't know how those little stories strike you, but... as I listened... at first I felt like a fish out of water. My first impulse was to laugh or to mock, but I was the only one. Everyone else in the room took each story as it was: a candid offering. I'm not saying they were all good; they weren't. But they were all sincere, without guile.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Healing Cousin George - Part 21(Final Chapter) - True Colours

"I’m sorry George." I said. It was the only response I could think of.

"What have you got to be sorry about? You got what you wanted!" Anger appeared in his tone of voice.

"I never meant for anything like what happened tonight to happen. You’ve got believe me!"

"Well it did didn’t it?" He picked up the whisky glass and hurled it across the room. It smashed into varying sized pieces onto the floor against the wall opposite me.

"George…" I nervously tried to say something. Fear was gripping me as I realized he might turn his violence onto me.

Healing Cousin George

Part 21 - Final Chapter - True Colours

by Karin Roberts

Totally Insane

Totally Insane.
by Angharad

“That is, like, totally insane,” I said when Brian made his proposal, “Like I’m gonna do that, like I’m totally crazy?”

“Look, little bruv, if you don’t I am, like, cat food.”

“Why can’t you get Karen’s sister to do it?”

“She wouldn’t be able to get into the lockers.”

“Why me?” I asked almost rhetorically, I knew why.

“’Cos you’re the best, little bruv,” he said slapping me on the shoulder.

“How come, I’m like, only the best when you, like, want something?”

Short Chapters: 18. Home, Sick

"I'm sorry we didn't talk to you first, Victor, but we had to make a quick decision. Your father didn't have his car, and there wasn't any point in taking you. You would have had to hang around the hospital, and you wouldn't have had time to change."

"Oh," I said, seeing myself sitting in a hospital hallway, dressed as Tinkerbell, complete with wings and wand.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Camp Kumoni : 39

Camp Kumoni Ch. 39

by Anistasia Allread
Assisted and proofed by Nick B

She stopped just outside the door, “I’ve got to get back to the cabin. What would you like me to tell your cabin mates?”

Erika joined Rachel and Phoenix in looking to Samantha for a response.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Tell them whatever.”


Sister's Pet - 1

Sister's Pet
by Heulwen

"Right you agree to everything I want you to do.........." She stated, pausing for effect and to take some more pictures of me.

"Or you send the picture.." I said completing the sentence for her.

"Well done Einstein, now run along and fetch your money," she said grinning in triumph, "while I think of some other things for you to do"

Short Chapters: 17. Boy Legs

"I'm sorry I missed it," he went on, "but I figured it was just going to be a kids' party, you know? I should have thought... I should have known that Tatum here would carry destruction in her wake."

"My name is Juliette," I corrected. Not that it mattered, because Robert's father just went on talking.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Oscar Night - Part 8

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, we saw how novelist/screenwriter David Fine spent his Christmas holiday alone, as his girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado was back in Venezuela visiting her family. In this installment, we follow Maritza on her first full day back in town, as she prepares a surprise for David. (There's not a lot of TG in this one, and it's a little shorter than usual.)

Short Chapters: 16. The Original Macho Man

"Hello, girls," she said, smiling, but she didn't move aside to let us in. "Miranda, I know you, from school. Your friend... you're the little girl who swears! Tatum, isn't it?"

"No, I'm Juliette," I corrected. "Can we–"

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Barbies Diary

.Barbies Diary

Written by Dauphin
Read Ashley’s hertil secret diary to discover a boy whose life changed when he got a new step mum. He is being transformed into a girl. Parts of him hate this, parts of him like it. This is a story of the evil step mum, or is she evil? Barbie’s diary is full of twists and I hope will make you think.
"I am sure many wishes that they were Barbie." Diana
"This story made some people remember Dauphins name. It was his first story and he wrote it to see how he liked writing. A story with many plot twists" Andrew

Fairy Mistake

.Fairy Mistake

Written by Dauphin
Christina is a girl that wants one wish. To be a boy. A fairy grants her the mistake. But being a boy is no fun. She wants to be a girl again. No deal. Christina gets the best of both worlds
"Moral of the story.. be happy for who you are... or do not trust Fairies" Diana
"A story with a twists and shows how coming of age can be confusing" Andrew

The End

.The End

Written by Dauphin
Read this letter from a boy that really is considering suicide. Can you understand why he wants to?
"Very realistic, as some boys would feel the same. Let us hope they have courage" Diana
"Emotional and Serious, Dauphin wants us to consider the person behind the dress" Andrew

Sister, Sister, Sister - 10

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 10
By Missy Crystal

Twelve year old Johnny wants to play Barbies with his sisters, but Barbies are for girls. How can Johnny join the game? A sweet, sentimental story about a young boy's discovery of the girl he should have been with the help of his sisters and mother. This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I am posting it here for those who would like to know more about Dr. Jenny Mitchell. It is complete, for those who anguish over being left hanging, but too long for a single post.

My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 14

Synopsis: Jamie goes to his job interview.

Chapter 14

Mike and Todd stared intently at the computer monitor as Todd maneuvered his character through a hoard of hobgoblins. "Crap," exclaimed Todd. A balrog came out of nowhere and knocked Todd's character dead. "Where did that come from?"

"Those guys show up when you least expect them. Think we should call Jamie?" asked Mike.


Sister, Sister, Sister - 9

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 9
By Missy Crystal

Twelve year old Johnny wants to play Barbies with his sisters, but Barbies are for girls. How can Johnny join the game? A sweet, sentimental story about a young boy's discovery of the girl he should have been with the help of his sisters and mother. This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I am posting it here for those who would like to know more about Dr. Jenny Mitchell. It is complete, for those who anguish over being left hanging, but too long for a single post.

Sister, Sister, Sister - 8

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 8
By Missy Crystal

Twelve year old Johnny wants to play Barbies with his sisters, but Barbies are for girls. How can Johnny join the game? A sweet, sentimental story about a young boy's discovery of the girl he should have been with the help of his sisters and mother. This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I am posting it here for those who would like to know more about Dr. Jenny Mitchell. It is complete, for those who anguish over being left hanging, but too long for a single post.

Short Chapters: 14. The Perils Of Eating For Nostalgia

"It's a secret," I blurted out, rather stupidly.

Uncle Mickey looked at me with mild disapproval. "Juliette, the first rule in keeping secrets is: never admit there's a secret. There is no secret. There never is any secret."

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Sister, Sister, Sister - 7

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 7
By Missy Crystal

Twelve year old Johnny wants to play Barbies with his sisters, but Barbies are for girls. How can Johnny join the game? A sweet, sentimental story about a young boy's discovery of the girl he should have been with the help of his sisters and mother. This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I am posting it here for those who would like to know more about Dr. Jenny Mitchell. It is complete, for those who anguish over being left hanging, but too long for

Sister, Sister, Sister - 6

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 6
By Missy Crystal

Twelve year old Johnny wants to play Barbies with his sisters, but Barbies are for girls. How can Johnny join the game? A sweet, sentimental story about a young boy's discovery of the girl he should have been with the help of his sisters and mother. This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I am posting it here for those who would like to know more about Dr. Jenny Mitchell. It is complete, for those who anguish over being left hanging, but too long for a single post.

Sister, Sister, Sister - 5

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 5
By Missy Crystal

Twelve year old Johnny wants to play Barbies with his sisters, but Barbies are for girls. How can Johnny join the game? A sweet, sentimental story about a young boy's discovery of the girl he should have been with the help of his sisters and mother. This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago and I am posting it here for those who would like to know more about Dr. Jenny Mitchell. It is complete, for those who anguish over being left hanging, but too long for a single post.


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