A Prayer Answered: Chapter 3

  Sandra is David’s new daughter and is happy and content. Sandra takes over the story as we follow her through her exposure to Brian her best friend and has an appointment with a psychiatrist Dr. Louis.
Authors note: I’ve never written like this, two people telling different sides of the story. I Hope you like it. Graciously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter Three
By Sara D.

Chapter 3
I slept better last night than I had in months; I woke that Friday with a new outlook on life. I can’t believe how well my dad had accepted what I said last night. I got out of bed and stared at all the lovely things I had in my drawers and closet.

What a wonderful feeling to wake up to all these new clothes and to never have to put on another stitch of boys clothes again. It has been a tough couple of months for Dad and me; with mom gone we both were hurting. But now I have a better outlook and more to look forward too.

I just wish mom was here to witness the re-birth of her daughter to the world. I went and took a shower and made sure I was clean and neat, shaving my legs and underarms as I had in the past. I dried off and looked at the mirror and started to dry my hair as the familiar female face appeared once again. I couldn’t help but get excited and things arose as I applied makeup once I was happy with my hair.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door, “Sandra, I called the school about you so you won’t be going today I also made an appointment with Thelma at ten, so take your time sweetie and I’ll make us some breakfast.”

“OK Dad, I’ll only be a few minutes.”

Well I did have practice you know, mom taught me well when we had our time together. I just hope Dad and I will be able to connect in a similar fashion. I guess I’ll find out soon enough. I walked back into my room after finishing a great job on my long blond hair and makeup, if I say so myself. I could not help but staring at the pretty teenage girl staring back at me in my dresser mirror.

I now had the task of picking out what to wear. I don’t mind you know, the time it takes to pick the right outfit, with all these new selections before me I was just a little overwhelmed. I finally decided on a black stretch skirt that came to just above the knee with a complimentary red blouse, black tights and my new black one inch pumps. After that I sat at my desk and filed and then painted my nails a lovely lavender color to match my eyes.

I was so happy at this point I could not help but get frustrated again with things arising when not wanted. I realized I needed to take care of things, grabbed a towel from my laundry hamper and relieved the pressure. I must say I never once experienced such an unbelievable orgasm in my young life, it’s a good thing I had that towel or I would surely had to change.

Once things were back to their normal size I once again tucked myself and gave my front a more lady like look.

I walked out and joined my dad who was just finishing setting breakfast on the table; I took a seat and saw him staring at me.

“You look beautiful this morning Sandra, I can see that your mother indeed did teach you a lot. Nice choices on your outfit, a little sexy for a meeting with your shrink, but you are sixteen after all,” He said a little sternly.

“Daddy…..all girls my age dress this way, well most of the time,” I said in aggravation.

“I know Sandra, I was with you at the mall and completely understand that the way you dress is an expression on how you feel and a statement to the world you are indeed a girl, which no doubt no one will argue after seeing you like this,” he said with compassion and understanding.

“Thanks Dad, what did the school say when you called them?” I asked as I ate some bacon.

“I just told them your decision to attend school as Sandra and that we are working with a therapist who will provide written verification on your intent to transition to a girl full time. They said they have had others in the past and currently so there’s no problem with the school. All your teachers will be told to expect Sandra Monday morning, and Mrs. Sherman wishes you good luck and wanted to see you first thing on Monday before first period.”

“OK, thanks Dad. You know I’ve been thinking about a few things this morning. I know I want to be a girl, but after what happened while getting dressed I am not sure about changing everything,” I told him then explained about the experience in my room.

“Well that is for you to decide Sandra, and Thelma will be able to help you find out what you are indeed meant to be.”

Dad and I finished breakfast and talked the whole time, he’s great and I can’t get over how cool he is with all of this. I was still thinking about if I really want to keep it or not. You know my thingy, I was unsure. I was chewing my last bite of egg when the door bell rang. It was Friday morning about 7:30 am, 'Who could that be?' I wondered.

Dad must have seen the puzzled look on my face. “Do you want me to get that Sandra?”

“No, it’s OK. I will have to face the world soon enough,” I told him and got up and went over to the door and opened it and when I did standing there looking me up and down was my best friend of fourteen years Brian.

'Oh ooh, I thought I’m not ready to confront him right now. He’s going to think I’m gay, I don’t even know for sure myself which way I will go. I like girls, but do I like boys? I don’t even want to go there right now. He is kind of cute though, did I just think that? Oh crap, I guess I had better invite him in and explain.'

But before I could say one word, “Hi, is Tim at home?” He asked smiling at me.

“Umm…Sure…..Yah, just a second, come on in a take a seat, Hi,” I said not knowing how to continue. “I’m Sandra, but you can call me Sandy.”

“It’s nice to meet you Sandy,” He said sweetly, obviously attracted to the girl I was portraying. He then saw my Dad. “Hi Mr. D. where’s Tim?” Brian asked and sat across from my dad at the table.

I guess I should describe Brian for you, he’s 5’4”, brown hair, green eyes and tan skin and a slight European accent. His family moved from England when he was younger and he picked up a little of that accent from his folks.

I took the same seat I had occupied prior to answering the door, and as I sat I took a deep breath and began.

“Tim is right here Brian,” I said gesturing to myself. “I am Tim, was Tim I mean.”

Brian looked at me with wide eyes and stared at me, again looking at me up and down. It was very hard to read his expression an almost stale look appeared on his face then one of recognition once he realized I was not kidding him.

“You’re shitting me right? This has got to be some sort of joke, right? You’re pulling my leg?” He said then laughed.

“No I am not kidding Brian, this is me now, the real me. I’ve always felt I should be this way, I just need time to figure out what is next and I also need your support.”

“What are you some sort of fag or something? Come on what the fuck is this shit? You’re supposed to be my best friend and now I find out your some sort of fairy, a freak. I’m out of here!” he said with anger and left my house in a hurry.

I was just in such a good mood now I’m sad again. Had I truly hurt my friend or what? I sat and started to cry and Dad came over to me and gave me a hug and comforted me. I continued to cry softly into his shoulder then he said something I will never forget.

“Sandra, I love you and no matter what, I will support you. You have to understand that Brian has to figure this out in his head, he’s your best friend in the whole world and he probably feels you betrayed him and killed off his one true best friend,” Dad said a little teary eyed himself. “Don’t let one person make you second guess the way your life is destined to go. He will be back, I promise.”

“Thank you Daddy, I feel a bit better now,” I then went to the bathroom and fixed my makeup as my mascara had run while I was crying.

We sat and talked a while waiting for the time to go by, I began to understand my dad more and more after this. We did have a lot in common in dressing but he never felt like a girl he told me. He just liked the clothes, me I knew from a young age I was meant to be a girl full time. But now I was unsure of things and hoped that Thelma would be able to help. Once enough time had passed Dad drove me downtown to Thelma’s office. I was a bit apprehensive when we arrived but found the courage somewhere deep down to get out of the car. I entered her office with my head held high and with confidence as my dad and mom had told me to do.

I sat in a chair as my dad filled out a few forms at the reception window, I looked at the pile of magazines on the table in front of me and picked out a Seventeen magazine and began reading it while waiting for Dr. Louis to call for me. A few minutes later the pretty receptionist called me in.

“Ms. Davidson, Dr. Louis will see you now,” She said as she ushered me into the back of the office into Thelma’s treatment room.

I walked in and was greeted by Thelma, “Well, it’s nice to finally meet you Sandra, please have a seat and we will chat.” She said nicely, “You look very nice by the way; pretty even. You make a very nice looking girl Sandra.”

“Thank you Thelma,” I said a bit embarrassed.

“I see you finally came out to your dad. Congratulations on getting this far. He’s told me that you plan on living like this full time, possibly permanently.”

“Kind of, I am not sure now, what I mean is that while I got dressed this morning something happened that made me think I am not completely sure what I’m supposed to do,” I then recounted what had occurred that morning in my room and the use of the towel.

“Your reaction is perfectly natural Sandra, as you are still physically male and you still have male hormones running through you this was bound to happen. This is why we are here, to find what is right for you. Are you second guessing being a girl?” she asked that motherly way she had.

“Absolutely not, I am a girl I just don’t know how I feel about my male parts; it felt so good, so right. I just I don’t know if I’m willing to part with it right now. Is this something I need to decide right away?” I said almost in tears.

“No, you can take your time in deciding what you ultimately want. You have time to decide, what would you do if you were told you had to go back to being a boy?”

“I would tell whoever that was to piss off, I am a girl, and I just need to figure things out. What I am sure about is that I do want to look as much like a girl as possible, you know hormones and stuff.”

“I can definitely tell you are sure you are girl, mentally anyways. Even in your past sessions you were sure you were a girl then, you just had to come out of your shell and show the world that you really are a girl. If you want I can prescribe hormones for you, you will need a shot and then take pills every day.”

“Thelma, I am mentally prepared for that, I have dreamed of being a complete girl for a long time. I know what will happen and that it will take time to see changes and what it will do to my male libido.”

“You’re a smart girl and I am sure this is right for you, I just need your father’s approval and I will write a letter explaining the situation to the school and it will allow you to attend school as a girl.”

“Thank you Thelma, you are such a help. I know that talking to you in the future will help me in the decision.”

With that I hugged her goodbye and told Dad that she wanted to speak to him. I picked up the Seventeen magazines and finished reading it while I waited for Dad. When he returned he sat next to me and patted me on the shoulder.

“You sure you want this?” he said smiling.

“More than anything Daddy, it’s who I am, and who I’m going to be.”

“OK, I just wanted to be sure you were sure about this,” he said rubbing my shoulder and with that the nurse came and took me back and gave me a shot in the bum, and it hurt. I was then handed a prescription for hormones to pick up on the way home. Dad and I picked up the prescription at the pharmacy and went out for lunch.

After lunch and as a surprise Dad took me to Mom’s old salon. He still owned it but had Marge running it now that Mom was gone. I was soon seated by Marge at a nice salon chair and treated to what I have to say was luxurious. Once she had finished I saw she had put highlights in my hair. As I was drooling over the teen girl in the mirror I felt a small prick in my right ear then the left as Marge pierced my ears then put some lovely emerald studs in the new holes. I could not feel more feminine at this point. The experience had felt so wonderful but those same feeling I had that morning returned as things became uncomfortable for me down there. I know once I was home and had some privacy I would once again need that towel.

Dad drove us home and as we drove up to the house I saw Brian waiting on our porch for us to get home. I cautiously walked up to the front door.

“Hi Brian,” I said quietly and looked at the ground, I began thinking about apologizing to my best friend about the long time lie but he said sorry first.

“I am so sorry for earlier Sandy, can you forgive me? I should not have cursed at you and I should not have left the way I did,” Brian said with emotion.

“I’m the one who should be sorry Brian. I should have been able to tell you about this a long time ago, and I was just afraid what you would think about me.”

“It’s me who’s at fault Sandy, what I said, the words I used were wrong. You are my best and only friend; we have stuck together since we met.”

“Thanks Brian, you are a true friend and I forgive you as long as you can forgive me for hiding it from you,” I said and was surprised when he gave me a friendly hug.

“I forgive you Sandy,” He said patting my on the back with a slight sniffle. “I do love you, you know that don’t you.”

“Yes of course, I love you to Brian,” Then Brian got a big grin on his face and looked me in the eyes.

“You know, I’ve never had a girlfriend, will you be my girlfriend? Please?” He said with honesty and sincerity.

“Brian!” I had to think, do I want this, what will Dad think. I turned and saw he had been standing off to the side letting us talk without intruding. He shrugged as in it was my decision. “I honestly don’t know Brian, I mean you’re cute and all, and I guess we could give it a try for a while to see what happens.”

“Yes! I have a girlfriend. Yah me!” He said jumping with glee. As a nerd I could understand why.

To Be Continued...

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