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It's Friday and the dinner date for all four is tonight. Do David and Janice have fun and spend more time together? How does Sandra and Brian's relationship grow? Chapter Nine By Sara D. Edited by "STANMAN" Thank You!!! |
Chapter 9
Today started out as another good day. I felt especially feminine and I wore my pink skirt and white top. Brian complimented me on my appearance and I blushed in appreciation.
School was it usual place, and everyone milled about talking in groups, as usual. Amy, Mat, Gina, Paul, Kim, Brian and I had just sat down for lunch when Brenda asked if she could sit with us during lunch. None of us objected as she sat next to Kim. Kim even smiled at Brenda and I began to wonder if Kim was now interested in her. I then asked Brenda if I could see her alone for a second after we ate.
"Brenda, I would like to talk to you privately after lunch. I have a person you might like to talk too. She has helped me a lot."
Brenda smiled, "OK."
Brian leaned over and whispered, “What's that about?"
I whispered back, "I'm just going to give her my psychiatrist's card."
"Oh,” He simply said.
Amy then spoke up and reminded everyone of next Friday's spring dance and that we were all going to dress up nice and the guys would wear tuxedo's and us girls would wear our prettiest gowns. The spring dance is always at the end of the first term and I then remembered that meant report cards were coming out and I was struggling in science class for an A. I was having a hard time remembering the periodic table and got a C minus on our last test. I shook that thought and focused on the dress for the dance next Friday.
"I wish I had someone to take me to the dance," Kim said over the rest of us speaking all at once. And without missing a beat Brenda spoke up.
"I'll take you to the Dance Kim," Brenda said smiling that quickly turned into an expression of embarrassment when we all looked at her with confusion. "What, so I like girls,” Brenda quickly said unfazed.
"I accept you invitation," Kim replied before any of us could say or do anything, and then gave us a look that said 'what'.
We all looked at each other and shrugged. I felt the need for some comic relief.
"So, who is going to be wearing the tuxedo then?" I snickered.
"Not me," Kim answered.
"Not me either," Brenda also said.
"This should be a very interesting dance, two boys going together one of which is living as a girl, and two girls, one of which is also a boy living as a girl," I said to lighten the mood and question that might be in the minds of my friends.
"It will not bother me, not as long as I have Amy," Matt told us.
"Same with me," Paul piped in and gave Gina small hug.
Lunch continued on and us girls talked about are dresses and what might happen after the dance. It was nice to have all these good friends and I was glad to have them all. The bell quickly rang for fifth period and we were all of on our separate ways. Brenda found me at the door to the lunch room.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"
"I have a card from my psychiatrist; she's great and is willing to see you, if you are interested,” I said then handed her Thelma's card.
"Thelma Louis, Like in the movie?" She asked, laughing.
"No silly, her last name is pronounced LEWIS. I thought the same thing when I first met Thelma, but she quickly corrected me during my first session. Just call her Thelma, she'll tell you that first thing for sure."
"Ok thanks Sandra, you're becoming a true friend."
"You're welcome Brenda, and please call me Sandy."
I also wanted to ask her about Kim, but thought it better not to bring it up just yet.
"Thanks again Sandy, see you later."
"See yah,” I said and headed for Science.
Brian once again was a gentleman and walked me home, walking hand in hand all the way to my front porch. I knew that tonight was going to be a special night, not only for us but for my dad and Brian's mom Janice.
We were all going out to dinner, which would give me and Brian a chance to hook up our parents.
Brian turned to me as I unlocked the front door to my house, "So, do you think it still OK that your dad and my mom might see more of each other after tonight?"
"Of course not, I think it's cool that they seem to like each other," I responded and led the way into the house and to our surprise, dad and Brian's mom were sitting and chatting on the couch, very close together I might add.
"Hi kids," said Dad.
"Hi Dad, hi Janice,” I greeted them.
"Hi Mom, hi David," said Brian.
"How was school?" Dad asked as I took a seat on one of the chairs across from the couch and Brian did the same, he looked like he was wondering what was going on.
"It was good, you two seem to be having fun talking," Brian answered with a smile.
"Listen kids, we have something important to tell you," Janice stated then paused. "David and I have decided to get married, I know it will come as a surprise to the both of you; we were just talking about how to tell you guys." Janice explained to them.
I was astonished, and I could tell that Brian was, as well.
"We talked a lot last night, and in the past and have been seeing each other for a while. We both have a lot in common, and I like that he has a feminine side as well," Janice finished.
Brian looked as if he just swallowed a bird and began to cough, "...Fem... Feminine Side," He then looked at me for an answer I think Brian was just a little shocked.
I wasn't sure if I should be the one to explain; I knew of my dad's past but did not know all the details as we have yet to talk about it. Dad was the first to speak up.
"When we moved into this house 17 years ago, Claudia and I were greeted by a lovely woman and her husband, we became fast friends. Jake and I would watch the game together and Janice and Claudia would shop together. One day, Jake ran into Sara, she was dressed very nicely in a sheath dress, makeup and hair done really nice. It only took Jake about ten seconds to figure out it was me. I was worried but Jake took it in stride, asked if I were gay. I answered no of course reminding him I was married. We had a laugh at my expense but he accepted me because he and I liked the same foot ball teams and watched them on weekends. Soon after he must have told your mother Brian, and we girls were soon shopping together." Dad paused for a second to look for reactions from us. I did have one, this I had to hear more about.
"Please Dad; tell us more,” I told him with a knowing smile.
"Of course sweetie, as I was saying we had a great time together. Soon your mother and Janice became pregnant and I made up my mind to not dress while you were a young child. Sadly Jake was shot and killed while trying to save the life of a police officer, he was a great man Brian." Dad paused and had a sad face as if remembering something.
"Your dad was much quicker at getting out of the car than I; he and I were driving home from a foot ball game when we came upon a lone cop struggling with an armed man. Brian your dad saved that cops life that night, but was shot and later died at the hospital. Sandra's mom and I agreed I would be a surrogate father for you. That is why we always included you when going on trips and outings together with us. I must say you have turned out to be a very compassionate and caring young man. And I am proud to have you as my daughter's boyfriend." Dad finished and let what he said sink in.
Brian looked at my dad for a moment and smiled then gave my dad a great big bear hug, "I would be very happy to call you dad. I love you and Sandra very much,"
Janice and I then both joined in the hug. I could not believe this was happening so fast. Brian is my boyfriend and now my brother as well. I thought about how I might feel if this were to happen. But having my dad and Janice getting married shocked me and I did not know what to think.
"I am proud of you too Sandra, you are a lovely girl and I always wanted a daughter to spoil. I know I can't take your mothers place but I will try to embrace her memory and treat you like you are my daughter."
Janice said squeezing us tighter in the hug.
I now had tears of happiness in my eyes, as did the rest of my family, "Janice, I would be grateful to have you as my mother. I know my mom is smiling in heaven now, that you and dad have made this important decision."
I told her really happy. No kidding, it hit me like a bolt of lightning; I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body and accepted it.
We all then sat down and talked for a while. It has been one hell of a roller coaster ride these last eight days. Wow what a week, and many more to go. I think we are going to be ok. Brian and Janice went to their house to freshen up, and dad and I decided to do the same.
I went up to my bedroom and took off my school clothes and jumped into the shower. I used my good lavender body wash and shampoo. I remembered to run the razor on my legs, pits and private parts to make myself hairless.
I did not have to worry about chest hair, I did not have any. I dried off and went back to my room and dress for our night out. I wanted to look fantastic so I decided my LBD. It has a nice v neck with spaghetti straps and falls to an inch above the knee, I also wanted special panties and bra, and I chose the red satin set and quickly had the panties up my legs.
I once again got excited and had to push myself between my legs to give me a flat front. I then put on the bra and inserted my homemade bra inserts. I then sat and did my makeup and hair. Once I was dressed and ready I joined dad who was looking pretty strapping himself in a pair of grey slacks and a red button shirt.
"My, don't you look beautiful tonight," Dad said looking me up and down.
"Not bad yourself," I said giving him a peck on the cheek for just being him. The door bell rang and I opened the door.
"You look gorgeous Sandy." Brian said returning the compliment.
Brian sure cleaned up nice; no he was very attractive in his black slacks and black button shirt. He looked hot, if I say so myself, "Brian you look wonderful." I told him as I ushered him into the room.
"Janice you look absolutely stunning!" Dad exclaimed as he got a good look at Brian's mom.
"You look very handsome David,” Janice responded.
"Shall we go?" Dad asked us all.
We all grabbed our coats as it was chilly and headed out for dinner. This time dad took us all to Cattleman's. Dad must have called ahead and made reservations because the place was full. We were quickly seated and asked what we would like to drink by our hostess. Dina our hostess came back shortly and gave us our drinks, I had an iced tea and so did Brian. Dad and Janice both had wine; I guess Brian and I will be driving home tonight.
"Brian, will you be a dear and drive us home tonight?" Dad asked as he handed Brian his truck keys, and if I did not know better you would have thought dad handed Brian a brick of gold as he clutched those keys.
"Of course, it would be my pleasure,” Brian said with a huge grin.
Our waitress soon came by and asked what we would like to order. We all ordered and chatted while waiting for our dinners. The night was starting off very nicely. I began to talk about the spring dance and what our friends had decided to wear.
"It sounds like a lovely evening you have planned. Do you have a dress?" Janice asked.
"Yes, I was thinking of the white dress I wore to church on Sunday,” I told her.
"Heavens no, while that dress is quite beautiful, you need a proper and lovelier dress to match the tuxedo that David will be getting Brian. We will go shopping tomorrow, and I have always wanted a daughter to do that with and it will be fun."
I had little choice; an outing with Janice to by a dress would be enjoyable. And who was I to argue, heck I've only been dressing full time for a week.
We spent the rest of the evening talking about the dance and the fancy dresses and tuxedos we were all going to wear. Janice perked up at that.
Dad just smiled and nodded in agreement, "Brian, I'll take you and we will get you all sorted out with a great tuxedo."
I was looking at Dad, waiting for him in expectation. I knew he was up to something from the smirk he had on his face.
Dad then looked at me. "What color dress are you thinking about Janice, so we can get Brian the right color cummerbund?"
"I was thinking a light peach would suit Sandra's complexion quite well.
Why don't we all go together then meet up later and then compare."
"That's a great Idea Janice."
We finished our great meal and headed home. My head was filled with two great things. Dad and Janice were getting married and Janice was going to take me shopping for a formal dress tomorrow. What a great life. As Brian pulled dad truck into our driveway. We all got out of the car and Brian and I headed for the back porch to be alone.
"Brian, how do you feel about what your mom and my dad said?" I asked as we were looking at the beautiful sky again. The night felt magical again.
"I feel good to tell you the truth, your dad has been like a father to me for a long time. And besides what they have done for us with the hotel makes me tingle." Brian said with a smile
"Me too, I can hardly wait. I am nervous though, I think about us being Step brother and sister and how that might change things,” I told him.
"Don't worry; nothing will ever change how I feel about you Sandra."
I could not help myself; I kissed Brian deeply and let his tongue explore my mouth. I quickly melted into him and could feel him get excited. I could tell he knew I was excited as well. We parted after several minutes.
"It is truly a beautiful night; the sky is so full of stars," I said.
"But not as beautiful as you Sandra, I love you.' Brian interjected, He looked at me deeply and I lost myself in his eyes. This just reaffirmed my love for him.
I then heard a loud bang and then glass breaking from inside the house.
Brian and I both looked at each other and ran into the house to see what was happening.
As we entered the living room my dad and Janice were getting up from the floor and a lamp had broken from failing from the table next to the couch. Janice's blouse was open exposing her bra and dad's pants were around the ankles. Janice and dad's faces were a mess of smeared lipstick. I could not help but laugh at catching them in such a compromising position.
"Um... Sorry kids, we kind of got carried away,” Dad said pulling up his pants and Janice finished closing her blouse both trying to not be embarrassed.
"We should have been more careful, we will be in the future,” Janice said with a very red face, and then began to join me in laughing. "It looks as if you two have also been a little careless."
I began to blush now and I could see a worried look on Brian's Face.
"Listen kids, it’s OK with us if you explore your feelings for each other, Janice and I sure have." Dad said and continued. "In fact, I will go ahead and spring our surprise on you now."
"What surprise is that dad?" I asked wondering.
"Janice and I have agreed to get you a Limousine for you and your friends to make your night more magical and fun."
"Really, your not are kidding us?" I said all giddy.
"No I'm not kidding; we have also gotten you a reservation at the Luxor Hotel for the night. We agree that you two need the time to be alone together and experience what both of us had at your age." Dad explained more.
I was completely stunned by what dad was implying and had to ask the obvious question. "Are you sure it's OK that we do that Dad?"
"We both know just by watching you two how much each of you loves one another. We feel that it's only right, at this early stage in your transition you are able to have this experience and ultimately it might help you decide your future."
I could not help myself and had to give my dad a hug for such an opened minded decision for Brian and me.
"Don't worry Dad, we will do the right thing and I will treat Sandy like a princess." Brian said joining the hug.
I knew that our lives from here would be interesting and that Brian would soon be mine. I was certainly excited about the prospect of spending the night at a hotel with Brian.
We continued to talk for another hour about our future, mostly about dad and now my new mom's wedding. It was getting late so I said good night to Brian and Janice.
"I'm getting tired, good night Brian, and I hope you don't mind, good night Mom," I said with a smile at Janice.
"Not at all Sandra, good night, I will see you all tomorrow."
"Good night, my princess," Brian stated. "I love you."
"I love you too, Brian."
I walked up to my room in a daze, and wondered what I might discover tomorrow as I cleaned up and went to bed. I heard dad come in and close up the house about an hour later and I quickly fell asleep thinking about tomorrow.
To Be Continued...
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Sara, I Have Enjoyed Your Story
From the start, and was honored to be able to help you. All that I did was polish it, YOU told the story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank You
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your friendly emails keep me going on boring days.
Sara, this was a very
Sara, this was a very interesting chapter and definitely "fleshed" out more of Sandy's Dad's character and Brian's Mother. Janice Lynn
wOO hOO!
Good on you Mum & Dad.
You're never too old to enjoy life
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)