A Prayer Answered: Chapter 10

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  A day at the mall with my soon to be new mom was great, that is until my maternal grandparents showed up at the house.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter Ten
By Sara D.
Edited by "Michelle B." Thank You!!!

Chapter 10

I woke up early to get ready for my shopping trip with my newly announced mom to be. I knew in my heart that she and I would get along very well. I mean Brian and I have been friends forever and she had been dating my dad for months in secret. She won’t take the place of my real mother, but it I know it will be nice to have a mother figure to help through the rough areas in life.

After a quick shower I slipped on my panties and bra. I glanced at my computer and remembered the email I had sent to Kelly Smith and I that had totally forgotten to check for a response. I logged in and check my mail and sure enough she had written me back.

’Dear Sandra,

Do not think for one minute you are a pervert. Your feelings for your boyfriend and how you perceive your female self are in conflict. Your final decision as to which direction you ultimately go is for you and your psychiatrist to determine. If you decide to stay physically male be aware that with long term female hormones your male parts will function rarely or not at all. My advice to you as a woman who has gone through the exact feelings you are going through is to enjoy life and to take all decisions in life, one day at a time. If it is your decision to remain physically male, I encourage you to seek the help of Dr. Johansson, an Endocrinologist, who is well known for developing a special hormone cocktail for people that are like you. His contact info is below. Please don’t hesitate to write again. Good luck Sandra, you may email me anytime you have more questions.

Your new friend


(Dr. Tim Johansson, 415 S. 1Oth Street. 1-800-555-1212.)

Wow, I thought ‘a Doctor that specializes in girls like me’. I will definitely have to ask Thelma about him at our next session. I then sent a quick thank you to Kelly and signed off the computer.

“Honey its Janice, can I come in?” I was in the middle of sliding my skirt on when she knocked at my door.

“Sure, come right in.” She opened the door and saw my half dressed state of a skirt and bra. I had been stuffing my bra with makeshift forms since day one. I was still waiting for the boob fairy to show herself. I know it’s only been a week and a half since my shot and daily doses of female hormones, but a girl can dream can’t she. Janice came over to me and looked at my chest.

“My my, we are definitely going to have to get you a more realistic pair before the dance.” She said indicating my breasts. “Would you like to get a pair of real breast forms Sandy?” Janice asked while smiling.

“Of course I would, that would be great. I know they are expensive but I’ll help pay.” I told Janice.

“That’s not necessary I will take care of them for you and it would be my pleasure to purchase them for you.”

“That would be outstanding. Thank you very much I can’t tell you how much that would mean to me.” I cannot believe Janice would buy breast forms for me. I know today will be special for me and I will listen to whatever she has to teach me. I know that she will be a great mom once she and dad are married.

“I’ve always wanted a daughter and today will be a very special day for us. I’ve never had the chance to do this before and I cannot get over how much like your mother you are.” Janice said putting a hand in my hair and straightening it out while I was doing my makeup.

“Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me, and I know today will be a special day for me as well. I just hope dad and Brian have a good time as well.

I’m sure they will have a good time. You know your father and shopping, always hopeless and in need of help from us women. But I think in this case your father’s keen knowledge of fashion will help.” Janice said snickering.

I could not help but laugh myself. “You knew my parents before I was born, and you were able to see my dad dressed up, how did he look?”

“He actually looked good, and along with your mom we looked like a bunch of sisters out for a day of fun.” She told me as she helped me finish getting dressed.

Soon Brian, Dad, Janice and I were on our way to the mall, once dad parked his truck Janice and I went to David’s Bridal and Dad and Brian were walking to the Men’s Warehouse. Dad told us he would meet us at the food court in a few hours.

Janice led the way then stopped turned and said. “You know it might be a good idea to get the breast forms first Sandra. It will make trying on dresses easier.” She grabbed her phone and called dad. “Dave, I’m taking Sandra outside the mall for a quick drive, I have the spare key to the truck.” She paused to listen. “I’m going to take her to Sally’s, sorry I forgot I wanted to take her there in all the excitement this morning. She already knows. Ok I’ll tell her, love you to, bye.” She hung up and put the phone back in her purse. “Your dad said to have fun picking out your new chest.” She said laughing.

We arrived at Sally’s and Janice lead the way in and we were greeted by an older woman. “Good morning, Welcome to Sally’s,” She said offering her handshake to us. “I’m Sally what can I do for you ladies today?”

“Hi, I’m Janice and this is my soon to be step daughter Sandra, and we are here to get her natural breast forms, she needs a pair that we can glue on for a formal dress.”

“Ok not a problem, um is Sandra on hormones? I only ask because it helps in the fitting and future natural growth.”

Janice looked at me and I knew she wanted me to answer. “Yes, I’ve been taking them for a week now.”

“A week, ok so it will be months before you start showing growth, how old are you dear?” Sally asked unfazed.

“Sixteen,” I said blushing.

“Perfect, just come back to the dressing room and I will measure you and get you fitted.”

I followed her back into the changing room where she asked me to take my top and bra off. She looked at my makeshift breasts.

“Tsk, Tsk, a girl your age deserves something much more real looking.” Sally said laughing. She then pulled out a measuring tape and pulled it across my flat chest and then pulled out a chart. “Just give me a second and I’ll go get a pair for you to try.”

I looked around aimlessly at the changing room floor while I waited for Sally to return. She returned shortly with a box that she opened as she sat.

“I picked a B cup for you, it will match your size perfectly and is practically the same as the make shift ones you were using.” Sally then placed the first one up to my left breast and held it there.

“Oh, that’s cold.” I said startled.

“Sorry dear, now these forms will transfer you body heat and you will be able to feel slightly when someone special touches them. Do you have someone special?” She asked smiling.

I couldn’t help but blush. “His name is Brian; he’s taking me to the Spring Dance.”

“Oh, isn’t that nice. You’re such a pretty girl; I must say you have made the right choice. I know I did.” Sally confessed.

“You’re a… I mean you used to be…” My voice trailed off.

“Born a man yes, but I am all woman now. That’s why I opened this place; it’s for girls just like us.”

“Wow, cool.” I responded then got quiet when she put glue on the breast form and placed it firmly on my chest. She repeated the step on the right side then said she was finished. Sally then showed me how to conceal the edges of the forms with make-up.

“There, all done, you can put your bra back on honey.”

I paused for several seconds staring at my chest in the mirror.

“Honey when you get the real thing, you’ll be in front to a mirror for hours, I remember doing that when mine started to bloom.” She said smiling the closing her eyes as if remembering something.

I finally had my fill and put my bra and top back on and left the changing room to show Janice.

“My now that’s better isn’t it?” Janice asked and noticed my beaming smile.

“Oh, my yes and I am so thankful,” I started to tear up and gave her a hug. “Thank you mom, I love you.”

“You’re welcome my dear new daughter, I love you to.”

We were soon on our way to the mall, and once there we walked over to David’s Bridal.

“You’re smiling brightly” Janice said looking at me “Spill.”

“I just love the way these feel when I walk.” I said indicating my new breast.

Janice just smiled at me and nodded. “Watching you mature into a young woman is going to be such a joy Sandra.” She then gave me a hug.

As we entered the store we went over to the display of prom dresses that had been set up for prom season. The store had been separated into sections one side for wedding apparel and the other side was for formal.

I was soon overwhelmed by all the beautiful dresses hanging around the store. All the lovely colors and silky material were sending my mind into overdrive as a gently touched the material of gorgeous lavender dress. I was drawn to it as if by instinct. I had found a Lovely Satin and Lace Empire Cut Long Formal Dress with a semi mermaid cut and a spaghetti strap top.

“What a wonderful choice Sandra, It’s perfect. Would you like to try it on?”

“Of course I would.” I said beaming.

We found one in my size and looked for someone to help us.

“Hi, can I help you with something?” A very pretty woman in her thirties asked.

“Yes we would, Sandra here would like to try on this dress.”

“Oh, that is a nice dress, and it suits your completion very well” She held the dress up to me and it fell to the floor and I just loved how it felt when I held it. “Here go ahead and go into this changing room, holler if you need any help, just asks for Melanie.”

“Go ahead Sandra, I’ll wait our here for you.” Janice said as she sat in a chair outside the changing room.

I pulled off my shoes, and placed my skirt and top on one of hooks provided. I then carefully pulled the dress over my head. I shuddered as the silky material fell into place around me. I ran my hands down my sides and I tingled with excitement. Oh no, I thought, my panties are not going to be able to hide my growing appreciation for this dress. What am I going to do? I looked at my reflection in the mirror and there was no hiding how I felt about this dress. I tried to readjust, but it was too painful to push back between my legs.

“Mom, Janice, I need a little advice in here.” I said with panic in my voice.

“What is it dear?” I turned around with embarrassment. She could not help but chuckle. “Oh my, um…It’ll be ok Sandra; I will think of something,” She paused a second and then said “try and think about wearing boy’s clothes, maybe that will help.” Janice quickly walked out, I assume to let things calm down a bit.

“I tried my best, and I thought about how it felt to wear boy underwear just ten short days ago.” Oh how icky I thought then calmed down enough to push myself away safely hidden with a smooth front. I will definitely have to see if we could ask Sally if she had something that might help me out of situations like this.

“Mom, I’m ok now.” I said and stepped out of the dressing room; I got a glance at myself in the bigger mirror across the store and fell in love with the dress.

“You look stunning Sandra; you’re going to send Brian over the edge when he sees you in that,” Janice said beaming with pride. All I could think was, ‘I certainly hope so.’

“What a beautiful dress for such a lovely young woman.” Melanie said walking up to us holding a pair of 2” lavender pumps. “I thought these would be perfect for your daughter.” Mother and daughter, I loved how that sounded, as I said it few times in my mind. I knew then that Janice is my mom now.

The shoes matched the dress perfectly. I stumbled a bit as I walked around and I got used to my heels.

“First time in heals I guess, just walk around the store while you mother and I bring this up.”

“Yes please, I just love this dress.” I said walking around the store and quickly got used to the pumps. As I walked around I bumped into Kim.

“Hey Sandra, I see you’ve found a lovely dress.” Kim looked at my chest strangely and then smiled.

“Yah thanks, you too?” I asked the obvious.

“Yep, I’m here with Brenda.” She turned to the changing room next to the one I was just in and out walked Brenda in a nice plumb colored sheath dress with a plunging neckline.

“Hi Sandy, Kim what do you think,” Brenda said with a feminine glow.

“Sexy my dear, don’t you agree Sandy.” Kim asked me.

“Very nice. I’ve got to get going, I need to change and I have a lot more shopping to get done. I’ll see you later ok.”

“Ok Sandy we will see you later.” Brenda said.

“By Brenda, Kim I’ll see you Monday at school.”

As mom completed the transaction with Melanie I changed back into my regular clothes. Once back out into the store after changing I found mom holding the dress carrier and a box with the shoes in another bag. She handed me the dress bag and we walked towards the door.

“Have a nice day ladies, come back again anytime.” Melanie said waving as we left.

“Sandra you have wonderful taste and you picked out a very lovely dress. But next time you must try on more than one dress.” She told me, I thought she was mad at me now.

“I’m sorry mom; I’ll be a better girl next time.”

“Honey, I love it when you call me mom, but you did nothing wrong sweetie, it’s just as women we have the distinct privilege to try on multiple types of clothes when shopping, even if you don’t plan on buying something we always try it on.” She said teaching me how to be a proper woman.

“Thanks mom, I’ll remember that. Um…I hope you don’t mind me calling you mom, I know you and dad aren’t married yet.”

“No not at all, as long as I can refer to you as my daughter.”

“I would like nothing more.” I then gave her a hug and wiped a tear from my eye.

“None of that Sandra, you’ll ruin your makeup.” She said teasing. “Now let’s go see if our boys need help with picking out a tux.” She said which made me laugh.

We made our way to the Men’s Warehouse and met up with Dad and Brian who were just finishing looking at cummerbunds.

“Oh good you’re here, I see you have a dress bag, just in time to get a matching cummerbund.” Dad said then got a good look at me and his eyes went wide. “I knew you were going to Sally’s but I never guessed you would look so natural.” He said then gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. “I’m kind of jealous you know.” I was a little surprised and whispered back.

“Daddy” I said in mock disgust then I hugged him tighter and wondered if he would ever dress up again. But for now I think he is more worried about me.

Brian got a good look as well and then whistled. “You look great, wow.”

I didn’t realize having these forms would make such a big difference in my appearance.

“Thank you Brian, dad” I then unzipped the dress bag and as I pulled it out I heard gasps from both of them.

“My now that is a gorgeous dress you have Sandy.” Dad said as I draped it across my arm. “Ok now let’s pick out the perfect one.”

We all looked around and mom found the perfect cummerbund to match my dress. Once we looked at it in the light I carefully put the dress back into the bag. The sales guy came by and asked if Brian was ready to see if everything fit.

When Brian came out all dress up I couldn’t help but smile. He looked stunningly handsome. I thought about putting a little blush on his cheeks to bring them out then giggled out loud that I was thinking about something like that.

“What’s so funny Sandy?” Brian asked.

“It’s nothing, I just thought of something funny.”

“You think I look like a dork, don’t you.” Brian said with a frown.

“No Brian you look fantastic.” I said.

“Then what?” He said wanting to know.

“Look I just thought I could put blush on your cheeks to make them stand out more, then giggled that I thought of that.” Boys can be such babies sometimes.

“You know Brian Sandra is right, it would bring out your cheeks and make you just so much more handsome.” She teased.

“Mom, that’s not funny.” He said then smiled at me. “On the other hand I would do anything for you Sandra.”

I could not help but blush at that statement then thought about actually asking him to see what he would look like. After changing back into his street clothes Brian joined us at the counter. After settling the rental price we were told we could pick up the tux Thursday afternoon.

“We can pick it up after my appointment with Thelma. Brian I would like you to go with me. I have something to discuss with you.” Brian gave me a confused look. “I tell you and Thelma Thursday ok, it’s actually a good thing.”


“Well now that the shopping is over with lots of time to spare, how about we men take our ladies to a movie then dinner afterwards?”

Mom and I both agreed.

“I think mom and I would love a movie.”

“Sandra, you just called Janice mom, that’s wonderful.” Dad said with a huge smile.

“Yes, I know. I see her as my mom now; I know you will not mind.” I looked at his broad smile and knew that he was pleased.

“I’m very pleased; it means you’ve accepted Janice as my future wife and a mother to you. I could not be happier, as I am with you and Brian as a couple.”

“Thanks dad.” I said then gave him another hug.

After our short emotional pause the guys took us to the movie theater and asked us what we would like to see.

“Terminator Salvation is what I would like to see” I said quickly “The previews were pretty cool.”

“Sounds good to me what do you think about it?” Dad asked mom.

“Ok with me” Mom responded.

“Cool, I really want to see that” answered Brian eagerly.

We bought our tickets, popcorn and drinks, we then picked seats in the crowded theater. Soon the movie started and Brian and I were cuddling. I looked over at dad, and he and mom were doing the same. Once the movie was over we talked about how much better the movie could have been and then headed out. Mom and I stopped by the restroom and fixed our lipstick before coming back out. I stopped a second and asked her the question that was looming on my mind.

“Mom I was thinking, do you think Sally has a device that will help with what happened in the dressing room earlier?” I asked quietly.

“I am sure she does, we will just have to go by after church tomorrow and ask.”

“Ok thanks for understanding.”

“That’s what I’m here for sweetie, to answer all your questions no matter how embarrassing they may be. Remember that you can ask me anything you wish, even about sex, when you’re ready of course.

“Thanks mom, I love you.” I gave her a quick hug.

“What a nice mother, daughter talk.” Some unknown woman said as we walked out and joined the boys and made our way to the parking lot.

“Have a nice chat in the bathroom ladies?” Dad asked.

“Just girl talk David, if you must know.” Mom answered giving me a knowing look.

“I think Outback Steak House sound good for diner.” Dad said while we were getting into the truck.

The line waiting to get into Outback was not too long thankfully and we were seated in about twenty minutes. We had a nice quiet dinner and we all enjoyed talking about the spring dance and what was planned for mom and dad’s wedding.

We were soon on our way home with a bag of leftovers. The sun was just getting low in the sky as we pulled onto our street. I noticed my grandparents (from my mom’s side) car in front of our house, I called my grandfather ‘Papa’. I was scared because I knew my grandfather was ultra religious and I felt butterflies in my stomach as we pulled into our driveway.

Brain was the first out of the car and rushed to his house to use the bathroom followed by the rest of us.

“Hello Francis, Melisa how are you doing?” Dad asked as he greeted them.

“We are doing great, thanks for asking David. We came by to see how you and Tim were doin…” She stopped mid sentence when she got a good look at me as I came into view from around the back of the truck.

“What the hell is going on here, why in heaven is Tim dressed as a girl? This is an abomination against God. You!” Granddad pointed at me “Get the hell out of that dress.”

“I will not, this is who I am!” I said sternly and standing up for myself.

“Dad, you need to calm down, Sandra is my daughter and I will raise her as she needs to be raised and not by some outdated rules written thousands of years ago.” Dad shouted at granddad almost in his face.

Grandma had a pissed look on her face and got in between dad and granddad. She was suddenly pushed away.

“Out of my way woman, this is between me and these heathens.” Granddad yelled and grabbed my arm. “Tim is coming with me to get this demon cleansed from his soul now!”

“The hell she is Dad, you will let go of my daughter right now.” Dad yelled.

“Don’t you call me Dad you son of a bitch, this is between me and Tim, he obviously needs spiritual guidance and I will see that he gets it.” Granddad continued to pull me away towards his car. I was terrified and he was hurting me.

“Papa, you’re hurting me” I cried “Please let me go.” I then saw that grandma was already on the phone and just hung up. I continued to struggle against him.

“Get in the car now unclean one, do not struggle I’ll hurt you more.” He screamed and tried to pick me up but I was staying firmly on the ground using all my weight, he was not strong enough to pick me up. I soon heard the relieving sound of an approaching police car. It pulled up and a familiar cop got up, screaming at Papa.

“Let go of that girl now.” Officer Thompson ordered.

“This is my grandson, and I am taking this deviant to get cleansed, this is none of your business Officer.” Granddad said definitely.

“No, I said to let her go. You will be arrested if you do not immediately comply.” He ordered again.

Granddad reluctantly let me go. “You must know that this is a boy standing here and I am going to see that he is saved.” He said to the cop.

“Ben you know our family and Sandra’s history. Francis is confused as to her gender identity and started a ruckus.” Dad explained.

“No Mr. Simmons, you will leave this girl alone, I have your license number and I saw you assaulting this innocent girl. If I see you here again without permission I will arrest you for trespassing.” Officer Thompson explained to him.

“Innocent, this ‘girl’ you say is going against everything that Leviticus said in the bible.” Granddad spouted out, I always hated it when he quoted bible law that has been outdated since Jesus spoke to his disciples as Pastor Gene had taught us.

“I am a girl Papa, you just have to get past your prejudices and accept me how I am.” I said now fully crying.

“Now I ask that you leave and calm down, and maybe you can call us and talk.” Dad said.

“Not in my life time, let’s go home and away from these deviants Melisa.”

“No, I am staying here with them.” Grandma said angrily.

“Fine with me, I’m out of here.” Grandfather said and squealed the tires as he left in a hurry.

“I am so sorry,” Grandma said and held open her arms to me. “I never thought in a million years he would react this way. Your mother told me about you years ago and I never told Papa as I knew he would reject this but not like he did.” She then hugged me and started to cry with me.

“Its ok grandma, I’m just sorry that he will miss out on me growing into a woman and getting married.” I said then grabbed Brian into a half hug as an introduction. I then wiped my tears from my eyes.

“Well no matter what I will support you, even if that means leaving your grandpa, I will cross that bridge when it comes.” She said the looked at Brian. “And I’m guessing this strapping young lad is your boyfriend.”

“Yah, he is” I finally found my smile again “This is Brian.”

“This has been a rough night; I’ll pull out the spare bed for you Melisa. Oh, by the way this is my fiancée Janice.”

“Pleased to meet you” Grandma said shaking mom’s hand. “What’s in the bag? Sandra… right?”

“Sandy for short but yes, mom and I got it today at David’s Bridal.” I called her mom before I thought about it.

“Mom” grandma looked confused.

“I’m sorry grandma, with Janice getting married and me needing one I consider her my mom. I know she is not my real mom, but I need her. And just to be clear I will never forget my real mom.” I explained to her hoping she would understand.

“I don’t mind honey; I grew up without a mother from the age of 14, so I know exactly how you fell.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks for understanding grandma, now would you like to see the dress.”

“Would I ever” grandma said excitedly “how about you boys get the bed ready while we girls have a fashion show.”

Dad and Brian readily agreed and grandma followed mom and I up stairs. I opened my closet door and I hung up the dress bag and unzipped it.

Soon I was in my bra and panties, grandma noticed my new attributes.

“Are those real?” She asked confused, as she had just seen me a few weeks ago as a boy.

“No grandma however they are very life like aren’t they.” I said with what happened outside quickly fading away to the excitement of putting my dress on again.

“Yes, now let us see you in that dress.”

I finished with the dress and then slipped the pumps on and stood proudly for grandma and mom. Everything felt right about this dress and my soon to be night to remember with Brian.

“You look beautiful Sandra; I can’t believe I never got to see you before today. You mother was absolutely right to say you were just lovely.” Grandma said giving me a hug.

I soon had to take the dress off so I would not get it dirty before Saturday. We all then went back out to see how the boys were doing. We all sat together quietly for the rest of the night. No one had the energy to bring up what happened tonight. I soon felt myself being nudged awake from Brian’s lap. I guess I was drained, both physically and emotionally. I soon went to bed and fell asleep soon after putting on my nightie.

To Be Continued... And please leave a comment...

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This is a beautiful story of a child finding her true self
with the aid and acceptance of a loving father and her
late Mother,and now with the same acceptance from her soon
to be step mother.You write with an incredible feeling
and empathy and I congratulate you.Many thanks for your
great story.May the Good Lord keep and protect you.God
bless you and keep you safe.


A Prayer Answered: Chapter 10

How sad that one person can cause so much pain by not accepting reality. Yet, how wonderful when Sandra meets others who can mentor her in her journey.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

I'm sorry, but Grandpa is

I'm sorry, but Grandpa is NOT being a Christian as he is definitely NOT following Christ's mandate to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORS AS YOURSELF. It is all to sad that there some many of these types of people out there who claim Christianity, but refuse to follow it, if it doesn't suit their purpose. A big "Thumbs up" for Grandma, as she stood up to the bigoted old fart and told him to off. Jan

Religious Bigot Put in his Place?

My first reaction to the Policeman telling the Grandfather to go away and leave Sandy alone was to think "Jolly good! That is just what should happen!". Being an atheist I have scant sympathy for those deluded by the god virus and find that in Real Life all this outdated god stuff is the cause of most preventable human conflict and suffering.

However, there are people who do genuinely feel the way the Grandfather in this tale does. I hope you will find some way of helping him to become reconciled to the new situation, and that will let him preserve some dignity too. Like you did with Brenda the former bully (that was neat, him being a bully because he was denying his inner girl, and I loved how Sandy forgave and accepted Brenda). Her father must have suspected she was trans as otherwise that would have been a "cruel and unusual punishment" under Human Rights Law!

I suppose the "spirit of xmas" is in me. We atheists have to try to be very very good, to show the misguided believers that a god is not necessary, so my old Granny taught me!

I do like this story, although I think it is a little naive in portraying such wide acceptance of Sandy's condition. Real Life is generally far harder. A bit more conflict unfortunately also makes for a better story.



Another great chapter!!!

Pamreed's picture

Thank you Sara!! Why is it that some folks think they are God's enforcers!! Jesus himself said that his new greatest commandment superseded all the old biblical laws!! But some people like to pick out which parts to follow as long as they enforce their prejudices!!! Not all church folks are like that!
I am a ordained Deacon in the Presbyterian faith. My church knows my story as I told it to them from the pulpit!! And when I was getting ready to leave for my SRS they had a laying on of hands to wish me a safe surgery!! I am looking forward to more chapters for this story!!

Fare thee well,

"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel

If Granddad had a sword in his hand!

He would have murdered Sandy there and then!

It's something some Christians have been doing since the Crusades to anybody who does something different to their interpretation of the bible!

Luckily (even if luck is a pagan god) there are some Christians who don't!

In Granddads defence he is probably to old and senile and past any reasonable stage of understanding anything other than his brain washing for the last 80+ years! (apologies to any aged person who isn’t).

Good chapter SarahD, your Grammar and spelling may not have reached perfection, but you still write a great story which can be well understood, more than I can say for some of Shakespeare’s plays??


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
