
David's Story - Chapter 3

David's Story

Chapter 3.
A Birthday and More

I fell in love with David in high school and married him right after college. What was it about him that I loved so much? In this chapter: To go out or not? And, if so, how far.

Rules Are Rules: 37. Something You Seem To Forget

"I don't know how parents survive!" she exclaimed. "You've been with me for what — five or six weeks now, and I feel like I'm either going to have gray hair or a heart attack or both! And the thing is, you're just skipping along, tra la la, and — oh! I'm a girl! oh! I have a boyfriend! oh! I climbed the school building! oh! I have breasts!"

Halloween 2000

"We love you and if this is part of you, then we have to accept it. We don’t necessarily approve of it, but you are our friend/brother/son and we will always care." This, to me, was a revelation and, to not have to hide anymore was the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Halloween 2000

By Catherine Linda Michel

David's Story - Chapter 1

David’s Story

Chapter 1.
How it all started.

I fell in love with David in high school and married him right after college. What was it about him that I loved so much? In this chapter: He tells all. Or, does he?

Rules Are Rules: 35. Half-Apples

Denise and I both stayed out of school on Friday. I had my tea with me, and made sure I didn't miss my daily cup. By now I had breasts like little half-apples, and no longer needed padding to fill my bra. They weren't big breasts, but they were mine, and I hoped the tea would keep them growing.

Houston, We Have a Situation Here - Part 1

I had a major score. In the laundry were some of my favorite clothes of my sister's. All I needed was a little time alone and I would be satisfied, but someone out there doesn't like me. In fact, someone out there hates me.

Houston, we have a situation here - Part 1
By Buggie

Rules Are Rules: 33. More Tea

"Yeah, whatever," he said. "Hey, I can only give you a quick kiss with my parents watching."

I smiled. "I understand." I got up on tiptoe, and he gave me a peck on the lips. Resting my head on his chest, I hugged him tight. Then I noticed that my left foot had "popped," like the girl in The Princess Diaries, so I put it back on the ground and let go. "Thanks. I had a lot of fun."


My eyes traveled up my image. My hips were too narrow, my waist too thick even though I was a skinny rail. My shoulders were too pronounced even when hidden under the large, white square collar. When I got to my face I saw that my glasses were far too out of place on the one thing I could somewhat imagine to be a girl's. Taking them off didn't help anything as my vision was far too poor to see beyond my nose. With a sigh I retreated back to the closet to look for something more promising, but nothing really availed itself.

by Buggie

Rules Are Rules: 32. The Bathroom Conference

"Maybe your little breasts are growing."

I didn't realize she was joking, so I said, "Maybe. Maybe wearing a bra is making it happen."

"Oh, right!" she laughed. "Are you serious? If that was all it took... Oh, wait! Your breasts are growing? You're not taking hormones, are you?"

Professor Prick 6 - D-Day and the Aftermath

Moving his face to within centimetres of mine he said, “I know all about your kind; I’ve read articles and seen a few books on TVs. This is what they want; to be submissive, be tied up and have some guy take advantage of them.” he growled. Startled and scared by his actions I was silent as his hands wandered up my thighs and under my skirt and across my bottom “Well isn’t it? Look at you in your short skirt, tight top and high heeled boots, and made up like a tart; you’re begging for some guy to restrain you and have you aren’t you?” he added, fondling my breast forms.

I was scared and not sure what he was going to do...


By Karin Roberts

Rules Are Rules: 30. Special Delivery

An upperclass girl came in to use one of the toilet stalls. I didn't look at her, but I heard her sit down. At the same time, there were noises from the boy's bathroom, which is on the opposite side of the wall. In a vague way I remembered Carla once telling me to never use this bathroom, but she didn't have a chance to explain why. I suddenly found out.

Rules Are Rules

30. Special Delivery

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 29. Eden Makes A Splash

"Wow," Eden said. "You made me look beautiful."
It was true. Eden was standing under the window in the third frame. Cory had obviously spent most of his time drawing her. The clothes, the hair, her face, were all exactly as they were that night.
"Earth to Eden," I said. "That's how you look. You *are* beautiful."

Rules Are Rules

29. Eden Makes A Splash


copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 28. Suspension And Confusion

"Do you want to start again?" I asked.

"No, no. Let's just... Okay. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to tell you what I see and hope it makes sense to you, because it doesn't make any sense to me. Okay?"

Rules Are Rules

28. Suspension And Confusion

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Healing Cousin George - Part 17 - Family Bonding – Part 1

“Is it illegal for cousins to become involved?” I blushed and felt the tinge of embarrassment shoot down my spine as I took another draw on the cigarette.
“You mean you and George?”
“Eh, well… maybe.” I stammered.
“You're only half cousin’s aren’t you? Well Yeah and no. It’s not illegal. Unusual, but not illegal. You thinking about making a play for George?”

Healing Cousin George

Part 17 - Family Bonding — Part 1

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 24

Erika found herself back in the cabin with the others, trying to figure out all of the ways possible that they could get even with the boys from Oak.

“How hard can this possibly be?” Samantha asked the other girls.

“About As Easy as Falling Off a Bike.” Dani winked.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Professor Prick 5 - My First Real Date

“Good, come with me,” I said, and led him into the alley. My mind was racing what was I doing but I was excited at the same time. We stepped into the shadow and I turned my back to the wall and slipped my hand behind his neck and the other still holding my bag on to his waist and eased him towards me. Our lips met and opened with eager tongues finding each other and exploring our mouths as the passion increased.


By Karin Roberts

Rules Are Rules: 27. My Permanent Record

I thanked her and went into the inner office. Mr. Bryant and my aunt were there, waiting. "Well, well, well," he said. "My favorite student."

That didn't sound good. I didn't want to be the principal's favorite student, did I? "Am I in trouble?" I asked.

Rules Are Rules

27. My Permanent Record

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Short Chapters: 10. Madison And The Half Cardigan

"So," Miranda asked, grinning, "Is that your doll?"

"Yes," I replied. "Her name is Madison. I named her myself."

"That was very clever of you," she replied, "especially since her name is already Madison when you buy her in the store."

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Catering for All Sorts!


He’d drawn the short straw, undercover waitress, his partner, much bigger, obviously male was the kitchen ‘washer-upper’.

He complained of sore red hands, ‘she’ complained of sore red toes and cursed her heels.

“Any leads yet?” ‘she’ whispered.

“Gotta be here somewhere,” he replied.

Rules Are Rules: 26. Marcie Time

No one had ever called me "babe" before (of course), and I wasn't sure that I liked it. In fact, the whole phone call left me feeling uncomfortable, as much as I liked talking with Jerry.

Rules Are Rules

26. Marcie Time

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

A Fantasy Gone Way Wrong -2-

This is a fictional tale about a guy, who just wanted to recreate for him self a part of a fantasy story he read. But as we all know things don’t always go as we plan, and this was no exception. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it

Chapter #2.

Rules Are Rules: 25. Oh-So-Funny

She started laughing, but I cut her off.

"I know that everything I do is oh-so-funny, but I'm really scared. Should I tell my parents? Or hope that they won't find out? And are you going to narc me out just so you don't get in trouble?"


Rules Are Rules

A Fantasy Gone Way Wrong -1-

This is a fictional tale about a guy, who just wanted to recreate for him self a small part of a fantasy story he read. But as we all know things don’t always go as we plan, and this was no exception. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it

Chapter #1
The Intro And How It All Started

Orphan ~ 2

‘Look, Mark, don’t stop thinking about your mum and dad, they are right there in your head all the time. You need to have time to get over them not being with you anymore, but don’t ever forget the nice times. The pain will go, honey, I promise.’

Susan Brown

Rules Are Rules: 24. Miss No-Secrets

"So...," Mom began, "What are you going to do about boys?"

"Uh, boys?"

"Yes, what are you going to do when boys start showing interest in you?"

"What do you think I should do?" I asked (and I think I managed to sound very innocent).


Rules Are Rules

Professor Prick 4 - Getting to Know Each Other

Margo was waiting for me on my return. “Well how did it go?”

“Fine, he took the bait he’s going to take me to the amusement park, but there’s only one slight problem,” I responded.

“What’s that?”

“He wants to take me out this Saturday as well, and I had to agree in order to get him to agree to the other date.”

”Date did you say?” Margo said jokingly.


By Karin Roberts

Ready? Okay!

Ready? Okay!
by Jennifer Brock

Craig was a humble accountant who mainly kept to himself, until the office Halloween party gave him something to cheer about. Will this journey of self-discovery lead Cathi down the road to love?

Rules Are Rules: 22. Good Comic Material

Dad shook his head. "Your Mr. Bryant told me that in case we were in witness protection, our cover had been blown. I told him we aren't, but of course he doesn't know what to believe. How in the world do you get into these messes?"

"I don't know," I protested. "I don't do anything!"


Rules Are Rules



By Allison M

I peeked round the curtain and watched mum's car pull out of the driveway, I'd managed to convince her that I would be perfectly alright at home for an hour or so; she was only running a few errands after all. And besides, I was 14 now and 'all grown up.'

Rules Are Rules: 21. Laying Down The Law

"You certainly owe me and your mother an apology," he said. "If you wanted to do this, you should have called and told us before you did it."

"Would you have said yes?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "I wouldn't."

Rules Are Rules

I Don't Recall Volunteering - Part 6

I awoke with a start. It took me a few moments to get my bearings — I was back in my room. My brain felt a bit fuzzy; probably as a result of whatever the doctor injected me with. I rubbed the spot where the hypo had made contact. There was no soreness, nor any bumps on the skin.

Short Chapters: 9. The Situation Is Contained

"It was pale yellow," she recalled. "I could sort of see it through the dress."

"Uh, it wasn't a bra," I replied. "It was a bathing suit."

"Oh," she laughed. "A bathing suit?"

I sighed. How much was I going to have to admit to?

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way


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