
A Tragic Beginning

Young Josh went away to college with no friends, plans or dreams for his life. It all comes together for him as Jill but not until a terrible tragedy changes his life.

A Tragic Beginning
by: Teresa Ann Wood

Camp Kumoni : 17

"...I have to figure out a way that I can stay here and not have the girls in the cabin freaking out. Do they suspect that I’m a guy?.... No. At least not yet. They do however, think, or should I say, know that I am attracted to girls… So as far as they are all concerned, I am a lesbian..."
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

HOMEOPATHIC THERAPY | Part 1, Chapters 1 & 2

He knew the routine, having had it drilled into him over the years. Her doggedness was unrelenting and just the sound of her voice was enough for him to spring into the proper healthy posture. Standing up tall, he squared up his chin and drew his shoulders back. Then he thrust out his chest just as he had been taught to stand at attention at the academy. The subtle difference was the added rocking of his pelvis forward that caused his heels to rise up off the floor.

She called this Homeostasis. Patrick called it torture.


Part 1, Chapters 1 & 2

By Josie

Healing Cousin George - Part 11 A Night of Surprises

"...I entered the kitchen just in time to see Melissa make a bid for freedom! She had climbed out of her high chair and was balancing precariously on the table. I rushed across the kitchen..."

Healing Cousin George

Part 11 - A Night of Surprises

by Karin Roberts

Runway | Chapter 19:

Tiffany’s life was becoming exciting even beyond Melissa’s wildest dreams. Tiffany was followed by fans wherever she went and as she became accustomed to the notoriety, she also was becoming more at ease with being Tiffany.

Chapter 19: -

by Arecee

True Halloween Drabble

I sat on the stool, legs crossed, in the closed bar, idly holding a drink, the bartender counting the till. Ellie, in a cloud of cigarette smoke on the next stool, saying she wore mens' suits and ties at work. My black knit dress, flowing silk Moschino scarf, wig, even stockings would all carry the memory of it later.

Trick or Treat 3

Trick or Treat 3
By: Enigma

Jamie was stabbed and left for dead behind the club where she worked as a stripper. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we planned or hoped...

Camp Kumoni : 15

“Did Josh do anything to you? Did he touch you, or say anything to you that you didn’t like?”

“He….. he kissed me.” Erika was reeling. Did Rachel know? Or didn’t she?


Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Runway | Chapter 18:

Tuesday came and it was party time. Brenda was to co-ordinate the event. There were people from all over the fashion industry wanting to meet the Voss girl.

Chapter 18: Ouch it Hurts -

by Arecee

Healing Cousin George - Part 10 The Date

“I never felt so much pain in my life!! When she waxed my eyebrows, I nearly leapt out my seat! And how I’ll ever be able to pick something up with these talons? It's beyond me!”


Healing Cousin George

Part 10 - The Date

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 14

“What do you think happened?” Dani asked her tall friend.

“I’m not sure.” Katie pointed the flashlight in front of Dani. “Samantha said that they had a good time. At least she said it looked like Erika was having a good time……. Erika!” She called out into the dark trees.


Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Healing Cousin George - Part 9 Explaining to Do

“You know, I would never have recognised you, if you had not said Mum when I came in. Debbie’s done quite a job on you.”

“How do you feel about it?” I timidly asked.

“Well, I can’t say I’m happy about it. But, I can see the reasoning behind it. Your dad would be furious. You know how homophobic he is! You and George are not...?”

Healing Cousin George

Part 9 - Explaining To Do

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 13

The warmth from Josh’s body did make her feel a little better. She began to relax against the need to keep warm. For some strange reason, his closeness, his strength comforted her. It scared her a bit as well. Why was she becoming comfortable being held by a guy? It didn’t make any sense did it? Eric was never held by anyone girl or guy - except on rare occasions by his mother, when he was younger. Why did this feel so…. So nice?



Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Cruisin' - Chapter 5

Cruisin’ — Chapter 5

By Nick B
 © 2007

The one where Lucy tells us what happens next…

Kris doesn’t think this bit works, but I think it’s nice to say thanks to the person who proofs and sometimes adds a little spice to my work. So stuff it, I’m gonna put it in anyway - thanks Kris, you do a bang-up job and should be patting yourself on the back coz I can’t reach from here.

Healing Cousin George - Part 8 Alex Unmasked

Debbie picked up the two small packages I had bought and walked round the car to join me. As she reached me, Pete walked towards us.

“Here it goes...” I muttered under my breath.

“Hi Alex!” he smiled.

I froze.

Healing Cousin George

Part 8 - Alex Unmasked

by Karin Roberts

Healing Cousin George - Part 7 Debbie & Alex

“You know this is really working out for you,” she said.

“How do you mean?” I asked.

“Well your leg shape and thighs are really feminine looking and your arse has really perked up,” she said, reaching over and pinching it.

“Ow! Leave off.”

Healing Cousin George

Part 7 - Debbie & Alex

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 12

"...I don’t want to go out on a date with Josh! I want to be with Samantha! Yeah... I’m with Samantha almost twenty-four, seven,... but as a girl. I want to be with her as a guy! To hold her in my arms! To smell her hair... to feel her soft skin and beautiful lips. To have her look at me... to refer to me... the same way as she does with Josh. *sigh*"
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Camp Kumoni : 11

The girls in the cabin erupted in applause and rushed over to hug the large girl. Erika, who hung back a bit, was a bit mystified by what was happening. Guys didn’t do this kind of thing for one another. Well not really. It was more like. ‘Hey, Dude, want to?’… ‘Yeah, sure.’….. ‘Cool.’. That was about all that guys did, not this whole 'We are going to help you out, every step of the way and give you hugs of encouragement' thing."
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Healing Cousin George - Part 6 Transformation

“You need to learn to flirt” she went on,"It's all part of the fun of life.”

“Eh maybe. Look, it’s ok for you, but I’m not exactly what I seem, am I?” I said as we walked along

“What you worrying about? You were a natural and they never suspected a thing,” she said, as we turned towards the car.

“No, I don’t think they did. But you weren’t the one that was getting their leg felt up.”

Healing Cousin George

Part 6 - Transformation

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 10

Eric’s inner voice pleaded. Why are you dressing up like a girl? Living as a girl? Why did you agree to meet with Josh? Eric stared at the computer screen Why in the hell would you agree to that? To go on a date with a guy? Oh my God, Eric! You agreed to go on a date with an F-ing guy! What are you, gay?
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Sk8r Grrls Comix GRRLS Preview

Heylo folks! Heather Rose and I are coming up on production fast now! Honest! Really! I mean it! Stop looking at me that way!

Major appreciation to my artist, Heather Rose Brown! She's worked so incredibly hard on these, getting every little detail to my specifications, taking an average of four tries for every character concept sketch! She's so talented and so hard-working. I stand / sit / float in awe...

Sk8r Grrls Title Graphic

Inside, you'll find character sketches of each of the 7 Sk8r Grrls!

Runway | Chapter 16-17: Feelings & Frustrations

“Brenda, there are no guarantees in life. Especially with what one person feels for another and I’m in the same boat as you - I don’t want to be hurt either! You know I was just dumped by my old girl friend and I was angry. But then I realized that you were there and I knew you were a much better person than my last girl friend. I worry too, because I’m having these feelings also and I’ve never felt like this so soon. It scares me as much as it does you.”



Camp Kumoni : 9

“Eric was an outcast, right?” Samantha posed. “Erika however is the envy of every girl in Camp Kumoni. She is fun and thoughtful.”

“Can’t Erika be popular without dating guys?” Erika asked.

“Yes, but you have to do it correctly so that the camp doesn’t think you are a bitch, or a snob or else you’ll end up just as secluded as if you were back at school.”


Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Healing Cousin George - Part 5 Girly Fun

“So how can I help” she asked.

“Well” I hesitated “We can’t go back now, god knows what would happen if she found out, Melissa might end up in care or worse” I said.

“So what are you going to do,” I paused,

“Well I need to become Alex the girl.”

Healing Cousin George

Part 5 - Girly Fun

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 8

“You a good swimmer?” he directed his question to Erika as he flexed and stretched, showing off his six-pack abs and muscular arms.

“I can make it to the dock.” She started to the water’s edge again.

"Oh my God! I have a guy hitting on me! This is totally embarrassing!" Erika’s mind screamed.


Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

The End of One Life...

The summer had waned, giving way to the cool days of autumn. The leaves had
turned giving us a last burst of color before succumbing to the north winds
relentless onslaught. As usual, I had frittered away the summer. I had plans
mind you, I just never carried them out. To some extent, it was laziness but it

Healing Cousin George - Part 3 New Tactics

Healing Cousin George

Part 3 - New Tactics

I’m not sure why I choose the path that I choose that morning, maybe it was born out of some frustration over the situation that I found myself in, or the deep desire to keep a loving family together. However, I do know that I have never regretted it since.

Camp Kumoni : 7

“I need help to figure out how to disguise my ‘maleness’ while wearing my bathing suit.” Erika bit her lip.

“Can you just tuck it between your legs?” Samantha looked at Erika’s shorts.

“You know that saying about it having a mind of it’s own?” Erika looked worried.


“It’s true..."


Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Being Me - Part 1 - Out of the Closet

The following tale is adapted from a story started by SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing.

Women and Children First, I

Women and Children First, I

By Melissa Tawn
On the evening of April 14, 1912, the luxury liner RMS Titanic -- the largest, fastest, and purportedly safest passenger ship ever built -- collided with an iceberg in the north Atlantic on its maiden voyage, and sank with a loss of over 1500 lives. Many stories of heroism by passengers and crew have been related, as well as a many stories of cowardice and despicable behavior. Among the latter are the several accounts of men who disguised themselves in women’s cloaks or dresses in order to get a seat in the all-too-scarce lifeboats, where the beleaguered crew members were trying to enforce a “women and children first” policy. These men were execrated and vilified in the press as being cowards and, what is worse, cads. However, in at least one case there may have been another explanation.

Runway | Chapter 15: Sunday Dinner

What have I gotten myself into now? Brenda wondered. Two years ago I was just a surfer dude without a care in the world. Look at me now: standing at the sink in high heeled boots, in an apron, cutting lettuce and trying to make my boyfriend’s mother like me. Where did I go wrong?



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