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Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: Even if the coding says explicit- its not. This segment is just a hair above mature. Speaking of mature, Hank (Henrietta) and Dave are having their morning after talk. Is marriage still in the air?
Hank awoke the next morning to an empty bed. He sat up, adjusted his wig and lit a cigarette. Before he had time to think about the night before, Dave entered the room with two cups of coffee. He was completely naked.
"Good morning sweetheart," said Dave as he handed the boy a mug. "I made us some coffee."
"Thanks," said Hank as he took the mug and watched Dave get back in bed beside him.
"Did you sleep well," asked Dave.
Hank wiped the sleep from his eyes and nodded. He felt weird about being in bed with Dave and smoking in front of him now that Dave knew the truth. Dave despised teen smoking with a passion. He griped about it every time he saw a person under 30 lighting up. And Hank had agreed with him as he played the role of a regretful adult smoker. But now Dave knew the truth. Hank apologized to him for smoking and offered to put it out.
"Why," asked Dave?
"Because I'm only 16 and I know you hate to see teenager smoke."
Dave thought about his answer before speaking as he was very aware of the boy's awkward feelings. "If you agree to marry me, I think it would be best if you kept doing things the way you do them now."
"You still want to marry me," asked Hank?
"Of course I do. I told you that last night."
"But you were drinking. I kind of thought you'd change your mind after you woke up."
Dave lit himself a Camel. "I didn't change my mind. I want to be your husband and I want you to be my wife."
Hank studied Dave's face and tried to gage the sincerity of the older man's expression. "I don't want you to marry me and then have you start treating me like I'm one of your grandchildren or something because I know I'm only a year older than Scott."
"Fair enough," said Dave. "I don't want you to change your mind about being a grown woman and my wife after we're married. You can't go back and be a kid again if we do this."
"I don't want to be a kid again," said Hank. "And I don't want to be a boy again either."
"Then its starting to sound like we both want the same thing," said Dave.
"Do we," asked Hank? "Are you sure?" he asked as he pulled down the sheets peeled back the hem of his slip to reveal his penis. "I don't have a vagina. I have a penis. And you know I'm wearing a wig," he said as took it off and laid it on the bed. My wrinkles aren't real either. Its latex make-up."
Dave looked at the young boy's shapely smooth legs and at the appendage between them. "I know you have a penis and I can't do anything about it. I have money and I'm well off. But I can't afford the money it would take to get you one of those fancy surgeries."
"I don't need a surgery," said Hank. "Last night was great. But there's no way I'm ever going to be able to hide this from you all the time."
"I know that," said Dave. "And I wouldn't expect you to hide it from me. But as much as I love you, I don't think I could let you do to me the thing that I did to you last night. I love you and I think you're beautiful, but I'm not a homosexual."
"I'm not a homosexual either," said Hank as he put out his cigarette. "Last night was the first time I ever even touched a penis that wasn't mine."
Hank's statement about not being gay caught Dave's attention. "You're not? Then why did you have sex with me last night? Why are you even doing this?"
"Its kind of a weird story," said Hank as he reached for his pack of Virginia Slims. "And it might make you mad since I know how much you hate kids smoking."
"I can't see what that would have to do with you getting dressed up like an older woman."
"Actually, it has everything to do with it," said Hank as he removed a cigarette and placed it between his lips.
Dave lit it for him. "Then I'd really like to hear about it," he said.
Hank exhaled his smoke. "Okay, well like I said, I'm not a homosexual either. I like girls, especially women like my mom. I think they're so cool and beautiful, you know?"
Dave nodded. "I suppose so. I like them too, but I've never wanted to be like them."
Hank laughed. "Well I did. I especially wanted to be like my mom. That's why I started smoking cigarettes."
"That's not so crazy," argued Hank. "Most kids who take up smoking do it because they want to be like their parents. I didn't start smoking regularly until I joined the army, but I tried it when I was your age, because my Dad smoked, and I wanted to be like him. He's probably the reason I smoke these stupid Camels without a filter. I guess it made me me feel macho and manly like him. That's stupid, but its not crazy."
"Well if it makes you feel any better, I love it that you smoke those Camels. I think they make you look real masculine and tough, like a cowboy."
Dave accepted the compliment with a smile. "Thanks," he said.
"My dad smokes too," said Hank, "and he's cool, but I never wanted to smoke like a man. Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to smoke like a woman, and that's pretty much what happened after my parents caught me smoking last summer."
Dave was dumbfounded. "So they did all this to punish you?"
"They didn't punish me. They gave me their permission. But after I told my mom some of the stuff I'm telling you, she thought I needed to get in touch with my feminine side. That's when she taught me how to smoke like a woman. And then I started dressing like one and after we got back from vacation, I got breast implants and started taking female hormones."
"I still don't understand why you wanted to look so much older," said Dave. To tell you the truth, I don't understand much of this at all. I'm still trying to figure out why you don't think you're a homosexual."
"Who knows? Maybe I really am and just don't know it. I know I liked what we did last night. I wanted to look older because my mom is older."
"And where do I fit in to all this? I'm 66 years old. Why me?"
Hank blushed and put his wig back on. "Maybe I am a little gay because I've always thought older men were cute. But the reason its you and not someone else is because I'm in love with you."
"I love you too," said Dave. "That's why I want you to be my wife."
"What about this?" he asked, pointing to the penis between his legs. "Are you sure its not going to bother you?"
Dave touched the boy's penis and fondled his scrotum. Hank cooed with pleasure.
"I have a feeling," said Dave, "that you and your penis and your cigarette are a package deal, so I want to marry the whole package. Will you marry me and be my wife, Henrietta?"
Henrietta squealed with delight as Dave masterfully used his penis to make her orgasm. Afterwards, they cuddled and smoked cigarettes. Dave wanted to know more about her smoking fetish and Henrietta was thrilled to explain it to him. Dave was thrilled too, especially when he figured out the quality of their sex life was directly related to how womanly and sexy Henrietta felt as a smoker.
Dave lit her cigarette for her and said, "You look so sexy when smoke."
Henrietta squealed and exhaled her smoke in his face. It was Dave's turn to squeal when she gave him his first smoky blow job in appreciation for his comment.
They shared one more deep sensuous kiss before getting out of bed and getting dressed.
"You need to take me home now so we can tell my parent's the good news," said Henrietta.
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