Parental Permission_07

Smoking Fetish / TG Fiction: Big Dick hurts Hanks's feelings causing him to seriously reconsider his womanhood. He returns to the park the next day dressed as a boy. Maybe its not so bad afterall being a boy. Then again...


Parental Permission_07
by slimv



The first couple days of Hank's vacation as a middle-aged woman had gone well. Age and sex have nothing to do with having fun in Disney World. He rode the rides and enjoyed the park with his family and the Dicksons.

He wore white shorts and a pink pastel halter the first day. On the second day he wore a floral sun dress. Both men and boys turned their heads for second peeks as he passed them in the park wearing his big sun glasses. At times he was having to much fun to notice their interest in him. But it made him feel good about himself when he did notice their stares.

On the third day of their vacation, they were taking a break at some tables outside the haunted house. Tommy and Peter were kicking a stone while Hank and the grown-ups chatted and smoked.

Hank was feeling great about himself. The weight of his sagging breast forms and the long white cigarette between his manicured fingers made him feel pretty. It was warm, but the slight breeze cooled him as it flirted with the hem of his skirt.

Big Dick, who hadn't had much to say to Hank since the vacation began, spoke up and ruined his day. "I'd hate to be the man who finds out what's under your skirt." And then he laughed.

Big Dick genuinely liked Hank and hadn't meant to hurt his feeling. He just lacked tact. His wife would have strangled him if she'd been closer. The big man caught on when the looks of disapproval came into his focus.

He apologized, but the damage had been done. Hank felt self-conscious and depressed for the rest of the day.


Hank's depression continued into the evening after returning to the condominium. Big Dick felt the urge to press his apology but Barbara assured him that he had done enough.

He went to his room after dinner to take off his wig and make-up. After taking off his make-up, he removed the starter earrings from his lobes and pried off the acrylic nails from his finger tips. He slept in the nude that night, not wanting to wear his mother's nightgown that he had so adored.


The Dickinsons and the Wilsons laid their coffee mugs on the table and stopped their conversation when Hank walked into the kitchen unmade, without his wig and wearing shorts with a loose fitting top.

Big Dick groaned because he knew it was his fault.

Hank's mother spoke first. "Sweetheart. Do you need some help getting ready?"

"No Mom. I'm going like this today."

"Are you sure?" she asked as she stood up from the table and approached him.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind stopping by one of those souvenir stores and getting a regular tee-shirt."

"We can do that," said Hank's father. "But only if you're sure thats what you want to do."

Before Hank could answer, his mother grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back to his room, closing the door behind them.

"Honey, I know you're upset about yesterday, and you have a right to be. But Big Dick didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"He's right Mom. No man is ever going to want me, at least not after he sees the real me."

"It doesn't always have to be like that. Doctors can do things honey. They can make it so that you have a vagina- just like regular women. They can give you real breasts too. That's real easy. If you want, we can get you breast implants when we get back home. We can see a doctor and you can start talking female hormones."

"Really," asked Hank?

"It's a promise baby."

"They can give me a vagina too?"

"Have you ever heard of Renee Richards- the tennis player?"

Hank nodded, "Oh yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course that part would take some time. Doctors won't give you that kind of surgery until you're at least 18. But you could start taking the hormones and get the implants before then."

Hank thought about what Big Dick said at the park and shook his head. "I don't think so Mom. The more I think about it, the more I think that Big Dick was probably right."

"Don't talk like you're not worth anything Hank. As a woman, you'd have a lot to offer any man. You're kind and sweet and you saw the way men were looking at you in the park. You're downright gorgeous."

"I don't know Mom. I don't think so. I just want to go like this today."

"Okay honey. We'll stop by the store and get you a better shirt that fits. Maybe we can talk about this later when you feel better."

As they were getting up, Arlene saw Hank's cigarette case on the dresser and went to get them.

"You almost forgot your cigarettes," she said.

"That's okay. Maybe I can get a pack from Dad."

Arlene put the cigarette case back on the dresser and followed her son out of the room.


Hank got out of the car and put the pack of Winstons his father had given him inside his tee-shirt pocket. The top of the pack was exposed making the Winston logo very visible. He thought it felt strange to be carrying his cigarettes around like a man, the way his father and Big Dick did. Maybe being a boy wasn't so bad after all, he thought as he followed his family and the Dicksons into the park.

It didn't take long for him to notice that a lot of people in the park were taking notice of him. As a woman, he had been used to people looking at him, especially boys and men, but now girls and women were looking at him too.

The first thing that came to mind was his eyebrows. He asked his mom about them. "Are my eyebrows that noticeable?"

"Up close they are, but people are staring because you're smoking. I guess they think you look a little too young, but don't worry about it. Its not like we know these people," she said.

Hank thought about what his mother had said as they toured the park. She was right. People didn't know him here but they would back home. He had loved the kind of attention that smoking had earned him as a woman, but as a boy, it downright sucked. I'm going to quit, he thought as he finished his cigarette and put it out in a large public ashtray.

He thought about throwing away his pack of Winstons as he was putting out his cigarette but decided that would be a waste of a good pack. I'll smoke a few more today and give the rest of the pack to my dad when we get back to the condo, he thought.

Throughout the day, he tried but failed to limit his smoking, even though he really didn't like the way the Winstons tasted. He also hated their stubby appearance and the way they felt between his fingers.

The pack was gone before noon and Hank found himself needing to make a decision about quitting or bumming a cigarette from his father. He thought of how awful the Winstons had tasted and turned to his mother.

"Mom. I ran out of cigarettes. Can I bum one from you?"

"Of course you can honey. But wouldn't you rather have one of your father's?"

Hank rolled his eyes. "I hate Winstons. They're so gross."

Barbara couldn't help laughing, as she overheard Hank's whining. "I'm right there with you honey. Men's cigarettes taste like paper and horse feathers. I won't smoke Big Dick's Marlboros unless I'm desperate. You can have one of mine if you like."

"That's okay. I really like Virginia Slims," he said as he took a pack from his mother.

"Then you should keep smoking them," said Arlene. "It doesn't matter what other people think. Keep the pack. I have more."

Hank thanked her but he was hesitant to put the Virginia Slims in his shirt pocket. He wound up lighting one and giving her back the pack. "It's okay, I'm going to quit soon anyway."

His statement brought laughter from both women.

"What's so funny," asked Hank?

"I'm sorry," said Arlene. "I'm not laughing at you. It's just that you're father and I say the same thing at least once a week."

"The same goes for me and Dick," said Barbara as she chained into her half smoked More. "Haven't you ever heard the saying about how the best way to quit is never to start?"

"Barbara's right honey. It's going to be a lot easier for you to go back to being a boy than it is for you to go back to being a non-smoker."

As Hank savored the sweet Virginia Slims smoke, the thought of having to smoke cruddy old Winstons for rest of his life gnawed at him. At about this time, a nice looking older man with kids that might have been his grandchildren bumped into him. The older man begged his pardon as he tipped his hat and moved on. Hank muttered something intelligible. He couldn't take his eyes off the man as he played with the children under a tree.

Barbara followed Hank's gaze and smiled. "Excuse me Hank, sweetie...but did you just see something you like?"

Hank blushed and grinned.

Arlene was smiling ear to ear as she took the extra pack of Virginia Slims from her purse and tucked it in her son's shirt pocket. "Do you want me to check into those breast implants when we get home," she asked?

Hank took a deep breath and nodded as he followed the older man with his eyes.

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