
Rules Are Rules: 1. The Add Thingy

I wanted to tell him that it was a stupid idea. I didn't know which was worse: either way, the girls would know I was a boy dressed as a girl. If I pretended to be a girl for the gym class, any of the girls would recognize me later in day when I was dressed as Mark. I was about to object when the bell rang. It startled Mr. Bruce into action. "Come on," he said, pushing me. "We both got places to go."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Camp Kumoni : 22

*Yo Eric! How’s it hanging? Dude, when you posting your next Raven?*
Victoria was startled... Yo Eric? Dude? The Latina felt lightheaded and fuzzy. Eric? Erika? Oh my God! It all fits! Victoria sat down hard in a chair and stared at the screen. Eric Martin…….Erika Martinez. I am so stupid. The shyness, the similar looks, the breast forms, the duct tape…. Don’t think about what he does with that... Freaking out about dating and kissing a cute guy?…… Oh my God! Erika is Eric the plague!!!

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Healing Cousin George - Part 15 The Birthday Party

"George you awake?" I again whispered. Another snore. I was trying to sort out the little mix of confusion within me at this situation. To my surprise, I found that I had pushed back so that his erection was now firmly against me. It just… felt right.

Healing Cousin George

Part 15 - The Birthday Party

by Karin Roberts

Picture Day

Picture Day

This poem came to me in the last few minutes.
As I lay here in my bed trying to sleep, it just came to me. I don't really know why, but I think my muse might just be nocturnal...
Strange how the best ideas, come at the worst possible times...

Dolly Daddy - Chapter 1

A brilliant inventor suffers a an unusual accident and needs to get to the local store to acquire a part needed for his invention before he can return back to normal. His young daughter innocently offers to help. Deciding to accept her help starts off a chain of events leading to the incredible adventure of the dolly daddy!

Dolly Daddy - Chapter 1
Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

Friday Night Maid

Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard

Parts 1 & 2

I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by
dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring
my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as
a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like

Homeopathic Therapy


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

He knew the routine, having had it drilled into him over the years. Her doggedness was unrelenting and just the sound of her voice was enough for him to spring into the proper healthy posture. Standing up tall, he squared up his chin and drew his shoulders back. Then he thrust out his chest just as he had been taught to stand at attention at the academy. The subtle difference was the added rocking of his pelvis forward that caused his heels to rise up off the floor.

She called this Homeostasis. Patrick called it torture.


By Josie

HOMEOPATHIC THERAPY | Part 2, Chapters 3, 4, & 5

He knew the routine, having had it drilled into him over the years. Her doggedness was unrelenting and just the sound of her voice was enough for him to spring into the proper healthy posture. Standing up tall, he squared up his chin and drew his shoulders back. Then he thrust out his chest just as he had been taught to stand at attention at the academy. The subtle difference was the added rocking of his pelvis forward that caused his heels to rise up off the floor.

She called this Homeostasis. Patrick called it torture.


Part 2, Chapters 3, 4, & 5

By Josie

Camp Kumoni : 21

A few moments later, Erika was standing before the two of them with breasts. Breasts that looked real unless they were examined closely. She cupped her new appendages with her hands and lifted slightly, before releasing them to allow their full weight to pull at her chest again.

"Now, don’t go playing with those." Samantha warned. "Girls don’t go around playing with their own breasts."

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 4

In this chapter, Billie is faced with some hard choices. Will he continue wearing his sister's dress and put up with people assuming he's a girl? Will he wear some of the boy clothes he's gotten from the commissary? Is there a third option?
Madam Martinique's

Finishing School

Part Four

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown


My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 12

Synopsis: Jamie deals with the aftermath of his movie-date with Megan and breaks the news about his pantyhose to his friends.

Chapter 12

"How was the movie?" asked my mother as I got into the car.

"It was okay."

"Just okay?"

"It was some teen girl movie. A lot of talking."

"That was nice of you to let Megan pick the film."

Healing Cousin George - Part 14 The Plan

I dropped what I was doing and went over to him. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him with a content smile on my face. “Thanks George. You’re a star!” George slightly struggled to get out of my grip, a bit embarrassed by the situation. I kissed his cheek gently and let him go. A mix of confusion ran through his eyes as I just stood back and smiled at him.

Healing Cousin George

Part 14 - The Plan

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 20

“She really needs to get rid of those split ends and I thought she should be brought up to date. Her hair, it just doesn’t do a whole lot for her.” Samantha explained.

Sasha combed through Erika’s hair as Samantha spoke and looked from time to time in the mirror at Erika as he moved her hair around. “Are we going for a big change or a little one?”

Erika’s heart skipped a beat. Big change? She didn’t know if she was ready for a big change. Hadn’t she changed enough for one week?

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Healing Cousin George - Part 13 Debbie's Plan

"I forgot next weekend’s my dads birthday. I’m supposed to be there as Alex… the real Alex."
I picked up my cigarettes and pulled one from the pack and lit it.
"But your hair, nails, and all that… you would need to get them cut!"
"Yeah I know."


Healing Cousin George

Part 13 - Debbie's Plan

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 19

It was a bit of a shock to see hot pink decorating her fingernails as well as her toe nails. Every time she moved her hand the bright color caught her attention. Part of her wanted to hide her fingers. The hot pink polish would do nothing but attract attention to her, something she still wasn’t used to.
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Why Me! Parts 12 and 13 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best
Part Twelve

By Angel O’Hare


This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. We find out more about Carol’s past and why she looks the way she does. Bill and Dianna visit with Dr. Cindy and he confesses his mistakes and guilt! Chris W.

Why Me! Parts 10 and 11

Why Me!

Others Know Best
Part Ten
Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. We get a glimpse of Carol’s past and a new hope for her future! Chris W.

Why Me! Parts 8 and 9 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best
Part Eight
Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. Carol sings for Nurse Holly. “An Angel is reborn” Chris W.

Why Me! Parts 6 and 7 of 15

Why Me!

Others Know Best
Part Six

Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. Carol is too pretty to be a boy and doesn't really want to be a girl. So he has decided to be an, “IT” But will Carol's life really change? Chris W.

Why Me! Part 5 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best

Part Five

Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. But when he questions his own worth in life, things take a turn.
For the worse? You decide… Chris W.

Why Me! Part 4 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best

Part Four

Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. Still full of uncertainties about his future, not knowing who to turn to for the answers but getting a glimse of, HOPE Chris W.

Why Me! Part 3 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best

Part Three

Angel O’Hare

This is the continuing Story of Carol’s Hell rebirth. The darkness continues. Heaven, let your light shine down. Chris W.

Why Me! Part 1 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best

Angel O’Hare

Dedicated with love to "Kitten" 'MO' you know who you are!

This is a story of a child most nobody wanted! Not his Father, nor siblings. A child that in all rights, should have died at birth. The only thing that kept him alive was his Mother's love, the friendship of his sister Patty, and the love from the Sisters at his school and church. Most of you will not like this story because it contains humiliation, diapers(but not in a sexual way), and yes the reference to God our creator and Jesus our Savior. Most of you won't like this story because it makes you uncomfortable. But when I read it, all I can say is: “There but for the grace of god go I.” And then I cry with a sadness in my heart, for the way we as human beings treat everything that we don't or will not understand because it does, make us uncomfortable.

Cruisin' - Chapter 7

The one where things start to become clear for Kim…

Cruisin’ — Chapter 7

By Nick B
 © 2007

I’m starting to feel like Angharad here. A story that was supposed to be over and done in four chapters has suddenly doubled in size or will have by the time it’s done, possibly bigger than that even.

Anyhow, it’s put extra demands on Krissikins and for that I’m sorry and profoundly grateful all at the same time. Who says men can’t multitask?

Healing Cousin George - Part 12 Confessions

“So what about Gavin watching us?”

“Every guy’s fantasy is watching two women having sex together - the way they touch each other, the sensuousness, the kissing....”

Healing Cousin George

Part 12 - Confessions

by Karin Roberts

Camp Kumoni : 18

Samantha wiped the tears on the back of her hand and slowly got up. “Why do you all hate me so much?” she whined.

“They don’t hate you, Samantha.” Rachel sighed. “We are just upset that you used Erika in the way that you did last night. You knew that she’s not attracted to guys and you still pushed her to go on that date with Josh, hoping that he would notice you instead.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla

Imagine a rather run-of-the-mill fast-food restaurant where we find (what appears to be) two boys and a girl, goofing around and acting like typical teenagers. Each is as different as their chosen beverage, yet something unique has brought them together. Allow your minds eye to zoom in and listen as a perhaps not-so-typical scene unfolds.

Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla
Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown


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