Oscar Night - Part 11

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/screenwriter David Fine got himself in an awkward position where he agreed to wear a gown if he was nominated for an Oscar. The nominations came out and he's stuck. But his friend Claude Marsh the fashion designer assembled a "cabal" of experts to help make David more feminine. Last time, they met with a cosmetic surgeon who convinced David that if he really wanted to look like a woman, he'd need to make a few changes to his face. David was also interested in seeing what he'd look like with breast implants, something his girlfriend bisexual model Maritza Delgado seemed very enthusisastic about. In this installment, David experiences his nonsurgical options, and one of the cabal members has some bad news for Maritza.

Part 11
Before they drove away from the medical office, Claude pulled out his phone and made a couple calls, he was talking in code or jargon, and David didn’t quite understand what he was saying. It took David and Maritza a while to notice that Claude was driving into the city instead of taking them back home. They were engrossed in looking at the printout Dr. Ben had given David of what he’d look like after facial feminization surgery and breast implants. Granted the boobs were big and obvious, but it was the way that a few little tweaks to his face completely made him believably female that amazed David the most. He stared at the picture that showed just his head from the front and side, both before and after the procedures, while Maritza drooled over the full torso picture and covered the nipples with her thumbs to make it sexier.

They pulled up at a little industrial plaza, and Claude led them around to “Tom & Jeffy’s.” It was the beauty parlor owned by Jeffrey and Tomas, who David had met at Claude’s New Year’s party. David was starting to suspect that everyone at that party was a member of Claude’s little “Cabal.” Claude confirmed it, because there wasn’t much point in hiding.

Plus, half of them were there already. They opened the door and saw not just Jeffrey and Tomas, but also Vanessa and Kay. Claude told David that he thought that his decision to undergo surgical modification might have been a little hasty; he had a picture of what kind of woman he could look like through surgery, but hadn’t seen how convincingly female he could get without any.

If David was willing, the team that had been assembled would work their transformation magic and show him what was possible. He agreed to try; if he was planning on walking the Red Carpet in an evening gown, it wouldn’t make sense to get embarrassed to have six people see him dressed as a woman.

Fortunately, the most embarrassing part got out of the way right at the start. Claude and Maritza were told to wait in the front of the place, while Kay brought him to a back corner and had him strip naked. She explained that she was a professional “Feminine Deportment Coach.” Her job was teaching men how to be women, and Claude had hired her for the month to teach David how to walk and talk and present himself in a believably female manner, but she was there this evening because of her expertise with transvestite foundation garments.

Kay had a very commanding presence, like a wicked stepmother or a Catholic school nun, or maybe a slightly matronly army sergeant or theatrical director. At any rate, David felt that he did not want to disobey her. So when she told him to remove all his clothes, he did. She had him sit at the edge of an uncomfortable stool and he tried to cover himself, but she snapped on a pair of rubber gloves and made him spread his knees.

She sprayed his genitals with some kind of cold anaesthetic in an aerosol can, and before he had time to react, she’d shoved his testicles into his body somehow and pushed his penis back between his legs. Holding it in place with one hand, she pulled a pair of special thong panties up his legs with the other and then had him stand up while she got everything tucked away. The panty held it all in and made him as flat as a woman down there.

He felt a little less embarrassed, but still very exposed. Next, she fastened a corset around his waist. It wasn’t as long as some that he’d seen in period dramas; it came down to his hips, but only went up as far as his two lowest pairs of ribs or so. His chest was left bare. She had him turn around and lean on the stool while she tightened the laces, and at one point he had to exhale while she had her knee in his back. He got lightheaded, and she had to show him how to take shallow breaths without hyperventilating.

She pulled his gaff (what the special panty was called) down and readjusted it so it was sitting on top of the corset. She said that would make it easier in case he needed to use the bathroom, but it seemed like she pulled it up to give him a tighter penis-wedgie in the process.

She brought out a measuring tape and took his new waist, him and chest measurements, and then went into her trunk of supplies and came back with another undergarment for him to wear. It was like one of his grandmother’s panty girdles that had a high waist and snaps in the crotch and legs that went halfway down the thighs, except that this one also had foam rubber padding sewn into it to fill out male hips and buttocks to female proportions. It was very elastic and tricky to put on, especially since he couldn’t move his waist. He wasn’t sure he’d have been able to get into it if Kay hadn’t been there to help him.

She then asked him if he’d decided how big he wanted his breasts to be. He told her that the doctor had recommended somewhere between 38C and 38D. She nodded, and seemed to get a little bit of a smile, and then brought him a bra to try on. He put his arms through and she hooked it on and then adjusted the straps so that it was tight on his shoulders, and then she took it off him.

There were special pockets in the bra cups, and she brought out a pair of huge fake breasts to fill them. She handed him one to see what they were like, at it was softer and heavier than he expected. It was a teardrop-shaped blob of silicone, in a plastic sheath colored to look like a real breast. It even had a dark areola circle with a little nipple sticking out in the middle. It was really weird. She slipped the breasts into the cups and helped him back into his bra. It felt a lot heavier this time. The cups were sheer and his “breasts” were very visible inside them; if he looked down they seemed shockingly realistic.

Kay waved, and Vanessa came over and took David’s new measurements, with his larger bust and hips and smaller waist. Then she wrapped him in a pink satiny kimono-style robe, and slipped a pair of pink flip-flop sandals onto his feet. Kay then called out, “Okay, she’s ready!”

Everyone came over to see. Claude and Maritza were impressed with his new figure. She gave him a swat on his padded butt, and even squeezed his left breast form. He playfully opened his robe and flashed her. Her eyes widened and she licked her lips at the sight of his pretend boobs. She was more into the idea of turning him into a woman than he’d realized.

Jeffrey and Tomas were ready to take him for his first beauty treatment. Claude cautioned them to only do a little work on his eyebrows, because they’d be changing position if he went ahead with the surgery. Claude went to help Vanessa pick out what David would be wearing. Maritza gave Kay a hand packing up her gear, and then they went to sit in the waiting area.

Tomas told David they would be starting with his hair, first changing the color a little to give it more depth and character. They wouldn’t be radically different, just a change from walnut brown to chestnut brown, and bringing out some auburn highlights. He said it would work better with the red dress David would ultimately be wearing.

He’d never had his hair dyed before, but it didn’t feel all that different from having it shampooed, which he had done many times. It just smelled a lot worse than shampoo, and had to stay in his hair longer. He hoped the harsh chemicals wouldn’t damage his hair, because he knew how much Maritza liked to run her fingers through it. He just had to trust that Tomas was a professional who had done this hundreds of times before, and knew what he was doing.

In order to distract him from what Tomas was doing, Jeffrey took off David’s sandals and gave him a pedicure. Ironically, this was the first pedicure he got where he didn’t feel like a big sissy for enjoying getting his feet exfoliated and moisturized and his toenails cleaned and trimmed and buffed. Jeffrey went to check with Vanessa and Claude, and they came back with him to pick what color toenail polish to use. They settled on a deep burgundy that Jeffrey said would go well with his hair.

The first color was rinsed out, and then some sections were separated out for highlighting, and got a different foul chemical put on them, and were wrapped in foil. Jeffrey put David’s painted toes in these boxes with fans in them to make the polish dry faster, and then started working on his hands. First, he cleaned off David’s French manicure, and then massaged his hands with moisturizer. It was very relaxing.

After the second set of highlights got rinsed out, David’s nose was assaulted from two sides, as Tomas was putting setting lotion in his hair and Jeffrey was using liquid acrylic to extend his fingernails. By the time he had fashionable claws on both hands and his head was covered in curling rods, his nose had just completely shut off and he couldn’t smell anything.

When the acrylic had completely hardened, Jeffrey did a little filing and cleanup before painting his fingers to match his toes with two coats of color and then a shiny shiny topcoat. Meanwhile, Tomas rinsed the stuff out of his hair and conditioned it, and then put him under a big helmet-like hairdryer. So that his ears wouldn’t be filled with the sound of the dryer, they slipped a pair of earbuds in so he could listed to some funky dance music.

Finally, his hair came out of the dryer, and it seemed to have tripled in volume. Huge waves of red-brown hair cascaded across his shoulders and down his back. They said it wasn’t finished yet, but called the others over to look.

David shook out his wild mane and posed his hands as “kitty claws” to show off his new nails. Maritza said he wasn’t quite ready to take up modeling full time.

Claude complemented Jeffrey and Tomas on their color choice. He said it would work well for the project.

David asked if he could use the restroom, and Jeffrey slipped his flip-flops back on, and pointed out the door to the facility. A few moments later, David’s head peeked out and he called for help. He couldn’t get his underwear off with his new fingers. Kay grabbed a new pair of rubber gloves and her spray can, and went to give him a hand. She showed him that even though it had a snap in the crotch, he had to pull his girdle all the way down to his knees to be able to get his gaff down. She did tell him he was a “good girl” for knowing to sit, and reminded him to wipe afterwards. When he was done, she crammed his bits back in place and pulled up his girdle for him. She said that by the end of the month he’d be able to do that easily all by himself.

She pointed out that he was fluffing his hair in the mirror before leaving the restroom, just like a natural female. He wasn’t sure where that gesture had come from.

Kay brought him out to Vanessa, who said it was time for him to get dressed. First, he had to sit in a chair and roll a pair of shiny black stockings up his legs. Vanessa wanted to do it for him, but Kay stopped her, saying “She needs to learn how to do this, and there’s no better time to start.” Putting on a stocking was kind of like unrolling a giant condom, except you had to keep it tight. And his extra-long fingernails wanted to tear it, so he had to treat it as delicately as a soap bubble. He got several runs in the first one he tried, and Kay made him take it off and put it on repeatedly until he could get it right, and then he had to take it off and swap it for a fresh one, which went on without getting a single snag or ladder. Vanessa attached garters to his girdle and snapped them onto his stockings.

A pair of black pumps with two-inch heels went on his feet, and they had him try to stand. He wobbled a little, and Kay helped him with his posture and showed him the proper way a woman gets out of a chair, and had him do it again. Vanessa came over and removed his robe and had him raise his arms. She pulled a silky black slip down over his head, and adjusted the straps so his bra cups lined up with his slip cups.

His arms went up again and Vanessa gave him a dab of flowery deodorant under each arm, and he realized his nose was working again. Then she pulled a dress down over his head, had him lean forward so his hair wouldn’t be stuck inside it, and she zipped it up. The dress was a gauzy geometric print, with fluttery little sleeves along his shoulders. It had a sexy v-neck that didn’t plunge so far that you could see what wasn’t there, but came close enough to hint at imaginary cleavage. It clung tight to accentuate his narrowed waist, and then flared out at the hips into a full skirt that came to just below his knees.

He tried to strike a sexy pose, but had trouble balancing. Kay gave him a few tips on how to walk in heels. He had to imagine that he was tip-toeing on a tightrope. That kept him from falling over, but she said they still had a lot of work to do in that area. He did get back to Jeffrey and Tomas without tripping, but Kay made him sit down and get back up a few times until he got it right. A lot of behaving like a woman seemed to be concerned with managing a skirt.

Tomas covered David’s pretty new dress with a cape and ran his fingers through his new hair. He then gathered seemingly random locks of hair here and there, and started cutting. David was a little worried, and said that he wanted a long hair style when this was all over, and Tomas told him to trust him. A few more minutes of cutting later, Tomas swiveled the chair around and David got a look in the mirror. His hair was still long, but it looked sexy and feminine instead of just wild. Tomas said that for the Oscars they might give him bangs across the forehead, but for now it was parted on the side and swept at a diagonal.

Jeffrey pulled this stretchy plastic zig-zag ring over David’s head and then pulled his hair through it. Then he pushed it back off David’s forehead so that his hair was completely off his face. His pretty new style was ruined, but at least all the hair was off his face.

He started doing David’s makeup by first giving his face a good cleaning with something that felt like sandpaper, something that felt like alcohol, and then some kind of lotion. Then he took a pair of tweezers to David’s eyebrows, remembering that he wasn’t supposed to do much except for targeting stray hairs and evening them out. Then he gave him an even coat of liquid foundation dabbed on with little sponges, and then covered it with translucent powder.

He went after David’s eyes next, coming dangerously close with an eyeliner brush. He didn’t think false eyelashes were necessary, but he used three different kinds of mascara to style and bulk up and color his natural lashes. A little bit of combing and some pencil gave David’s eyebrows a more feminine shape. Jeffrey used a palette of smoky brown eye shadows with some extra glitter to highlight the edges. He used four different shades of blush to get the effect he wanted, and took extra time brushing color and then gloss onto his lips.

The headband came off and then Tomas spent a little time fiddling with David’s hairstyle before fixing it in place with a little spray. Tomas removed the cape, and Maritza gave him a dab of her perfume on each wrist and behind each ear and just a bit between his breasts. Vanessa swapped out his earrings for a pair of dangly chandeliers with burgundy crystals, and clipped a matching pendant around his neck. A few plain gold bangles went on one wrist, and he was done.

He stood up and looked in the mirror. That was definitely a woman looking back at him. She was styling and fashionable, and fairly attractive. Kay and Maritza got him into a pose and Jeffrey pulled out a camera and took a picture from a couple of different angles. He printed out a few of them on the printer in their business office.

Over a dinner of Chinese delivery where Kay kept correcting David’s manners, Claude attempted to talk David out of going through with the surgery. David had both sets of pictures on the table in front of him. After looking at the post-surgery mockup photo, the masculine traits in his face seemed much too noticeable in the picture of his current look. It was hard because the picture from the doctor looked female, but didn’t look all that attractive because she wasn’t wearing any makeup. The picture from the salon looked attractive from the makeup, but not completely female. He imagined that both with surgery and makeup, he could look female and pretty at the same time.

He was pretty sure he wanted to keep that appointment for the facial surgeries. That only left the breast question. The falsies he was wearing were made of silicone, and they were pretty heavy. He expected that implants would probably be around the same weight — did he want to be carrying that much around all the time?

He asked the assembled cabal members for opinions on implants. Vanessa said that implants would give him more flexibility in necklines. Jeffrey said that going with removable breast forms, he’d have more options, and they could always use makeup techniques to better simulate cleavage. Tomas said that if he was going to go under the knife for face stuff, he might as well get his boobs done at the same time; any LA plastic surgeon good enough to do facial work probably does dozens of boob jobs a week so the additional risk should be minimal. Kay said that if he got his breasts done, he wouldn’t be able to switch genders back and forth as easily as if he could take them off, so did he want to commit to being female 24/7? Claude agreed with her and said that that was a good point. When he’d told Dr. Ben that he wanted to write a book about being a woman for a year, was that real or just something he said to get him to approve the surgery?

Maritza had different priorities. She fondled his fake breast, and groped around for the nipple. She gave it a pinch. “When I touch this, you can’t feel it. But when I touch this,” she ran her finger across the nipple of the picture of how he’d look in implants. “You would feel it. I think these are better.”

So that was three votes in favor, one against, and two that would be for it if he was serious about going full-time. He had originally just mentioned the book idea as an excuse to get the surgery approved, but the more he thought about it, the more he liked it. He hadn’t done any serious nonfiction writing in a long time, and he’d been trained as a journalist. So because of that, and also since the only voter that really mattered said to do it, he decided that he’d definitely be going through with all the procedures he’d signed off on with Dr. Ben. He thanked everyone for their help in showing him how he’d look as a woman, and said he looked forward to continuing to work with them in the coming month.

Kay said that she wanted to get started on his lessons as soon as possible. Some of her students had needed longer to realize their womanhood than they had before the awards. She didn’t think David would need that long, since it didn’t seem like he had a macho male ego that had to be torn down first but more time is always better. Since Claude had paid her for the whole month, she’d begin his training as soon as he came home from the hospital after his surgeries.

She gave David a warning. “I promise that I never try to publicly shame or humiliate my clients, so I won’t push you for anything unless I think you’re ready for it. But along the way I may ask you to do things that you’re uncomfortable with. You get two refusals. During our entire time together, you’re allowed to only say ‘No, I will not do that’ to me twice. If you refuse to do a third task, I will remind you of this arrangement, and if you still fail to comply, our work together is finished. Do you understand?”

David could tell already that this was not going to be an easy month. He nodded, but it seemed like she was waiting for a verbal answer so he said “Yes, ma’am.”

Kay laughed. “You don’t need to call me that. I’m not some dominatrix getting off on ordering you around; I’m just your coach, here to guide down an unfamiliar path toward beauty, poise, and grace.” She turned to Maritza. “Are you prepared to make some sacrifices of your own?”

She shrugged. “Getting my man turned into a sexy little she-male isn’t really that much of a sacrifice to me.”

“That’s not what I was referring to. It will be easier for her to construct a feminine persona if she can think of herself as female all the time, day and night, 24/7.”

“Okay. So I get a fun new lesbian girlfriend to play with. Still doesn’t seem like a sacrifice.”

“Perhaps eventually when she has a concept of who she is, she’ll want to be your lesbian girlfriend, but the problem is that currently, the only context she knows you in is as your heterosexual boyfriend, a distinctly male role. In short, you’re a reminder that she has a penis. And we don’t want her thinking about that vestigial bit of flesh during her training, so I’d like you to move out of the house until the big show. I’ve discussed this with Mr. Marsh and he’s willing to put you up.”

“I don’t get to see him for a whole month? I can’t watch you turn him into a perfect lady?”

“I’m not a total monster. You can go home together tonight and enjoy one another’s company, and tomorrow you can be there in the recovery room when she comes out of surgery, but you don’t get to come home with her from the hospital. Give me your email address and I’ll copy you on the status updates I’ll be sending Mr. Marsh, but I don’t want you trying to contact her, no phone calls, no emails, nothing.”

“Why do you keep calling David ‘her’?”

“So she’ll get used to it. Besides, just look at her — do you see a male? Anyway, you’re stalling. Will you agree to stay away from her until the awards ceremony?”

Claude chimed in. “Please accept her requirements. If you don’t agree to move out, she won’t do it. I checked around and she’s the best at what she does; we need her for this. Anyway, it’s really only two more weeks than you were already going to be away for the Fashion Week job. And if it’s any consolation, I’m not allowed to contact David either. I’m sure we’ll have fun together. We can work out what you’ll be wearing to escort her to the Oscars.” He glared at Kay when he stressed the pronoun.

Maritza thought about it. She liked wearing Claude’s designs and didn’t want him to fire her, and they were going to be busy in New York anyway for Fashion Week, and the preparations before it. “Okay, I’ll move out after the hospital.”

Kay smiled. “Good. Now there’s something else I need from you. At least one of her training sessions will involve going on a date with a man, to learn how to act in one of the most common female social interactions. The date will probably be something typical like dinner and dancing or maybe a show, and could stop at that, or she may want to invite him in for a more complete experience. I’d like you to let her know now where you draw the line. I’ve had clients with wives who didn’t want them even going for a good night kiss, I’ve had some who made their dates stop at heavy petting, and I’ve had some clients who got permission to go as far as they wanted. So just make sure she knows where you’ve set the boundaries.”

David spoke up. “I don’t want to date some guy, and even if she makes me go out with one I’m sure I won’t want to invite him in. You have nothing to worry about. I would never cheat on you, and definitely not with a man.”

Maritza kissed his pretty cheek. “You’re supposed to be thinking like a woman, and at some point that might include realizing that sometimes it’s nice to touch a man. You have my permission to explore as far as you dare. The only part of your body I insist you keep away from other men is your heart. But keep all your body parts away from other women; I don’t want to share my new lesbian girlfriend. And don’t worry. I know you get a little jealous and insecure, but I’m not giving you permission to explore just so I can do the same. I’ve already done my exploring. I will not be sharing my bed while we are apart, and the only people who’ll see me naked will be in the dressing room while I’m working. I love you and only you.” She kissed his shiny red lips.

David was really confused and was worried about what to expect in the future. He was frightened to imagine what Kay’s lessons would be like, and hoped he could save one of his vetoes to get out of dating a man. But before that happened, he had some invasive surgery to be nervous about.


Claude drove them home, and all along the way Maritza played with David’s girlish body. She held his hand with its fashionable nails. She tickled his earlobe with her tongue and made his earring jingle like a wind chime. She ran her fingers through his pretty hair. She kissed him eagerly, invading his mouth with her tongue. Her hands pawed at his artificial curves. His body wanted to respond to her, but he was tightly trapped. He had to endure the pleasurable torture.

When they got home, David barely had time to grab the bag with his male clothes in it and wave goodbye to Claude before Maritza grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the car. She had the front door open before he finished wobbling up the front steps in his heels, and then she led him to the staircase inside, which was just as scary to climb.

Maritza wasted no time. She kicked off her shoes and shrugged off her dress and she was completely naked. This must have been a No Underwear Day. David himself was not so fortunate. He couldn’t even begin to figure out how to get out of his clothes. He managed to get his pumps off his silky stockinged feet, but then got stuck. He asked her to help him with the rest, and she got an evil grin.

She said, “I’ll help you undress, but first I want to see how good my new lesbian girlfriend is at pleasing me with her mouth. I’ll get you out as soon as you can bring me to climax. Also, your nails are too long to be a real lesbian, so your fingers are not allowed inside.”

David took the deepest breath he could and thought up a plan of action. He gathered his skirt like he was taught and sat on the other side of the bed from Maritza. He leaned back and rolled over onto his stomach, then managed to get up on all fours. It was awkward with a slip and a skirt getting in the way, but he crawled over to where she lay. He balanced on one hand and used the other to turn her face towards his, so he could give her a slow, wet kiss. His earrings jingled and his hair swung down to tickle her cheek.

He moved his free hand down to her breast and gently teased her nipple with his new talons. When it responded, he switched to brushing it with the side of his fingertip. She reached up a hand to fondle his silicone stuffing in return. She was really getting into the “lesbian” fantasy.

He held the kiss as long as he could, but then had to come up for air. The arm he was leaning on was starting to feel a little shaky, so he shifted his knees to the side and lay down onto his shoulder. He took a moment to smooth out his dress, and then moved his lips over to the unattended breast. A couple of quick licks and a puff of air woke up the nipple, and he brought his other hand up to play with it, making little circles and light pinches.

He licked his other hand to make it slipperier, and then spent some time shifting his head back and forth, taking turns giving each nipple a kiss as he stimulated them. He tossed his head and made sure to brush his chestnut locks against them. He slithered his head down and started kissing lower, spending some time suckling at her navel, getting his tongue into it completely. She squirmed in delight and played with his hair.

He had to abandon her breasts as he shifted his position, kissing down from her navel in a beeline. She was trying to make it difficult, so he had to use his hands to keep her knees separated. He gave a few zigzagging licks to her lower lips, so they wouldn’t feel left out, before seeking out the little man in the canoe.

He used a similar technique to what he did to her nipples, with a couple quick licks and a puff of air, and then while she twitched and moaned he hungrily began to work his way through the alphabet. He sang the song in his head to set an uneven pace, and right after he ran through “LMNOP” in rapid succession, she let out a loud moan and grabbed his head and held in place.

When her breathing got back to normal, she pulled his face up to hers for a kiss. She said he tasted like a good little lesbian carpet-muncher, and he had to correct her that there was no carpet down where he’d been munching.

She held up her end of the deal, and had him stand up. She unzipped his dress and let it fall to the floor, then she pulled his slip off over his head. Next she unfastened his garters and had him sit down so she could pull off his stockings. She said his toes looked prettier with their polish showing.

The next thing to come off was his padded panty girdle. It was still tight and rubbery on the inside and now it was sweaty too, which made it even tougher to get off. At last, she could untie the laces on his corset and loosen it enough so that it could be unhooked in front. It had left painful marks on his body, and when blood started flowing into them they became even more painful.

He lay on the bed and enjoyed being able to breathe again. She cuddled up to him and gave him some more kisses. He still looked a little girlish, with his man parts still tucked away in his gaff and his breast forms still filling his bra, still in full makeup and wearing all his jewelry. She told him again that she loved him and that she was excited that he was doing this, but it wasn’t too late to back out. She was afraid of hospitals and really didn’t want him to die. He promised her he wouldn’t die. He’d just have to wake up after his surgery, knowing she’d be there waiting for him.

When he seemed to have his second wind, she pulled down his thong and started massaging his bits to get the blood flowing again. It wasn’t long before a lot of blood was flowing and things were looking up. She mounted, and they very quickly found their rhythm. His energy was still fairly low, but she didn’t mind doing most of the work. She even offered to let him go first, but he held back until she was ready and they were near enough to simultaneous.

They snuggled for a few minutes, and then she finally let him take his bra off. She brought him over to her makeup table, and she cleaned his face with cold cream, and then took him into the bathroom to wash again with soap and water, and then an exfoliator, and then he had to moisturize. He took off his jewelry and changed to his regular earrings for sleeping.

The two lovers entwined their naked, exhausted bodies, and went to sleep, sharing nervous dreams of lesbian romance and scary unknown lessons. They awakened the next morning to a ringing phone. Claude wanted them to let him know when it would be okay for him to bring the crew over. Maritza told him they needed another couple hours and then proceeded to ravish her beautiful boyfriend once more.

Afterward, collapsed in his arms she confessed, “I am going to miss you. Just remember that no matter what that woman makes you do, or what you might learn about yourself, you belong to me.”

He smiled and kissed her. “Yes, I do. Always.”

She kissed him back. “And I am also yours, forever and always. I love you.”

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