Oscar Night - Part 4

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

In our last episode, novelist/screenwriter David Fine discovered that his new girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado preferred him without body hair. In this update, she makes a few more changes to his personal style. (No actual TG yet, but you know it's coming.)

Part 4

Maritza started sleeping over frequently after that first night. Whenever she had a free night in her schedule, she’d give David a call and invite herself over. When she had a free day in her schedule, she’d take him shopping. She loved to go zipping down the freeway in her little red classic Fiat Spider. Maritza was such a scary driver that David would spend half of the trip with his eyes squeezed shut. She’d just laugh and squeeze his leg and drive even crazier. He tried to suppress his fear and just enjoy the company, but it didn’t always work.

The first thing she made him buy was all new bath products. She said that he needed to take better care of his longer hair and smoother skin than he had been. She threw out his soap and shampoo and took him to a specialty shop to get all natural organic bath oil and body soap and face soap and shampoo and conditioner and after-bath lotion and hand cream and moisturizer. The lessons she gave him in how to use all these items were very enjoyable for David, as many of them seemed to involve her rubbing his bare skin. His favorite was when she joined him in the shower to show him how to loofah. She also had him switch his daily shower to a bath twice a week, and sometimes even slipped into the tub with him.

Then next thing she decided he needed was a change in his wardrobe. She made him get rid of all his cotton boxers and switch to silk ones. He had to admit that his hairless parts did prefer the smoother material, but it took some getting used to. However, all his qualms flew out the window when he got a surprise delivered that contained a few pairs of silk underwear in a gift-wrapped package along with a dozen red roses. The card attached said, “For my sexy boyfriend.”

He called her right away. “Thank you for the present.”

“You’re welcome. I’m working all week and won’t get to see you, so I wanted you to have something that made you think about me.”

“You didn’t need to do that. I’m always thinking about you.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet!”

“Did you mean it when you called me your boyfriend?”

“Of course, you big silly. Your silky smooth ass belongs to me, and don’t you forget it!”

“I thought we had a commitment, but it was nice to see it in writing, like it’s official.”

“It’s official enough that I’m working on a special treat for you to celebrate six months after our first date.”


“Yes. That’s what girlfriends do. It’s also what boyfriends do, so you’d better come up with something wonderful.”

“Um, ok. We’re counting our first date as the time I took you to the Academy Awards, right? That was the night of our first kiss, so I think I’d count from there.”

“That is correct. I knew our brainwaves were on the same frequency, or whatever you call it. Look, I’ve got to go, but it was nice to hear from you. I’ll talk to you later, Boyfriend!”

“Bye, Girlfriend!” As David snapped his phone closed, he did a little dance with himself, excited at the idea of having an actual girlfriend. He would have to put a lot of work into preparing a six-month anniversary present for her.


Maritza wasn’t done making changes. She decided that changing his boxers to silk wasn’t enough, and made him donate all his cotton t-shirts to Goodwill. Then she had him go shopping for some new silk undershirts in a tank style. David thought that they really didn’t look good on him; they seemed to be designed to show off a physique that was much more muscular than his.

She saw that he was kind of uncomfortable with them, so she started him on also going without an undershirt some of the time. She liked this because it made it easier for her to slip a hand in to play with his nipples. That kept him excited enough that he didn’t mind so much being out of his comfort zone, especially when she decided that it was only fair to return the favor and go braless to allow him equally easy access.

David found that many of his shirts were a little too rough to wear with nothing underneath, so he took his own initiative and asked Claude to help him find some softer shirts. Some of the ones that he picked out looked kind of silly to David, but Claude reassured him that they were fashionable. He wasn’t sure whether he could believe him, but since they were shopping off the rack he figured somebody else must be willing to wear this stuff.

The first time she saw David in his new cerulean blue silk shirt, Maritza was impressed. As soon as he greeted her at the door, she had to touch him. She ran her hands over the smooth fabric and nearly purred at him. She pulled his face to hers for a deep, wet kiss and let her fingers wander to explore the soft contours of the small of his back. She’d trapped his arms at his sides, so all he could do to return her passion was to lean into her kiss and work his mouth against hers.

She pushed him up against the wall and his hands were free to embrace and caress her as she moved her own hands to his belt. Very quickly, she had his pants open and his erection poking through the fly in his silky shorts. She grabbed his hands and moved them down from where they’d been doing pleasant things to her nipples through her dress, pulling them around and under her skirt and up to her hips.

He found the waistband of her panties and slid them off her hips. As soon as they fell to the floor, she adjusted her position so that his hands were below her supple buttocks, supporting her weight while she folded back her eager lips and slid onto him. Her hands went up to his shoulders, and she wrapped her legs around his.

With all his effort going toward holding her up, she did all the work to grind her hips against his, working him into and out of her with a steady rhythm, building in speed as she went. Every so often, her lips would meet his for a kiss when her mouth wasn’t busy making little moans.

David really didn’t have the strength to hold her up for very long, so he was relieved when he felt her tense up right before she reached a screaming orgasm. It also allowed him to stop trying to hold back his own climax. Satisfied, she let him slide down the wall so he was sitting on the floor and she straddled his lap and kissed him some more.

All the anxiety he’d been feeling about his new look faded away. David really didn’t mind becoming a little more “metrosexual” in his appearance if it was going to get his girlfriend this turned on. When they’d both caught their breath, he realized how messy having fully dressed sex in the front hall was, and they had to go get cleaned up and changed before dinner.

The next day, bolstered by David’s buying shirts on his own, Maritza decided to take his cotton to silk conversion even further. She let him keep a few pairs of athletic socks for when he exercised, but got rid of the rest of his socks. Then she drove him out to the mall to get a dozen pairs of fancy silk dress socks, in colors to match his shirts. She explained that coordinating colors would improve his look a hundredfold. He wasn’t really sure people noticed sock colors, but fashion was her job so he had to take her word for it.

To go with his new socks, he needed new shoes. She ended up talking him into buying a pair of brown Italian loafers with pointed toes that hurt his feet. She promised that as he and the shoes got used to each other they wouldn’t pinch as much, but he did notice that she hadn’t said that they wouldn’t pinch at all. It got worse when she told him that it was wrong to wear the same shoes everyday, so he needed a couple more pairs for variety. Besides the pnchy loafers he walked out it, he also left the shoe store with a pair of black ankle boots with narrow heels that made him walk funny and a pair of braided leather sandals that he was only allowed to wear in extremely informal situations. Being fashionable was tough!

She still wasn’t done spending his money. His credit card statement was likely to be the biggest he’d ever had. Luckily his books were selling well.

She then led him to a different store, where she made him try on fifteen different pairs of pants before she found one she liked. At least they were linen and not silk like everything else she made him wear, but he thought they were a little too tight in the seat. She countered his argument by saying that they could be a lot tighter. By way of illustration, she showed him how tighty the pair she was wearing were in the seat, and he forgot what he was talking about.

As a way to reward him for buying all the clothes she suggested, Maritza wanted to get him a present. But it turned out not to be a present he would have chosen for himself. She led him to a jewelry store and had the girl pierce his ears with little gold earrings. She also bought him a pair of tiny hoops to go in his ears when the piercing studs could come out. He thought that guys were supposed to only get one ear done, but she assured him that that was the old style and modern guys preferred symmetry. The girl at the shop backed her up and named a bunch of male celebrities with two earrings, but David had no idea who they were.

It didn’t hurt too much, but he earned a bunch of sympathy kisses by playing up his discomfort. It only became a real issue when he went to bed and tried lying on his side. He had to keep his head squarely on the pillow, which wasn’t easy when his sexy bedmate wanted to play.


Maritza’s six-month anniversary present for David was a day at a spa. It was this large complex outside of the city made of buildings that looked like they might have once been a Spanish mission. She’d driven there with the top down and didn’t like it when he pulled his hair back in a ponytail, so it was a mess when they got there and she had to lend him a brush.

By the time he caught up, she had given their names to the receptionist. She attached a plastic bracelet like they use in hospitals to David and Maritza’s wrists, and explained that the row of colored dots on it represented the treatments they’d signed up for. She handed each of them a basket and a pale pink terrycloth robe, and indicated the curtained-off dressing rooms, where they were to put all their clothing and belongings in the basket and come out dressed in only the robe. She’d keep their things safe while they were relaxing.

It was kind of silly, but he went along. The robe was only long enough to reach his knees and it made him feel very vulnerable. The terra cotta floor was cold on his bare feet, and he had to suppress a shiver. When he came back out, he saw that Maritza made the little robe look incredibly hot! She kissed him goodbye and said she’d see him at lunch. He asked her what kind of treatments she’d signed him up for, but she only giggled and wouldn’t tell him.

A cute blonde wearing shorts and a t-shirt the color of his robe introduced herself as Faith and said that she would be his “facilitator” for the day and lead him through his schedule. She led him down a hallway and said that he’d start his day of cleansing the toxins from his body with a steam bath. She handed him a towel and showed him where he could hang his robe. He was to go sit in the steam room until she came back for him.

He wrapped his towel around his waist and went through the door. He was surprised to see that the steam bath wasn’t segregated; there were both men and women sitting in there on the benches. Not everyone was wearing a towel, and it was hard not to look. He tried leaning back and closing his eyes to relax, but then he started worrying that he wouldn’t see Faith when she came for him.

Every so often the door would open and an attendant would come in to fetch someone, but never for David. He was sure that he’d been in there way too long when a brassy redhead came in and sat near him, and tried to strike up a conversation. Like him she used a towel to cover her lap, which left her overinflated breasts free for anyone to see. He had to struggle to keep from watching them as she talked. She asked him if he was in The Business and he said he was a writer. She was of course a budding actress, and clearly hadn’t been in town long because she didn’t know that writers have no sway.

When Faith finally showed up, he gave his companion a polite goodbye but rushed out as fast as he could. He was guided to a booth where Faith closed the curtain and reached through to take his towel. There was a drain on the floor and he saw little shiny nozzles all around the ceiling and down the walls and realized it was a shower stall.

Suddenly, all those nozzles shot ice cold water at him. It didn’t last very long, but it was long enough for his testicles to disappear and his nipples to turn into iron spikes. Faith opened the curtain and dried him off with a giant towel. It felt so much better than being cold and wet that he didn’t have time to register that he was naked. When he was mostly dry she helped him back on with his robe and slipped his feet into a pair of plastic flip-flop sandals the same pink color as everything else.

His next treatment was to be a deep tissue massage, so she led him to a room where he was to untie his robe and lie face down on a table. This big guy came in wearing a similar uniform to Faith and said his name was Gá¼nter, and he would be giving David his massage. He took away David’s robe and draped a towel across his hips. The massage started out as very relaxing, as he gently oiled David along his back and legs. But then it got more intense and Gá¼nter used some serious pressure to work out the knots in his neck and shoulders.

It was relaxing and painful at the same time, an odd combination of sensations. He was being brutally poked, but when the masseur moved on to a different muscle the one that had been savaged felt much better than it had before the whole thing started. Gá¼nter had him roll over after a while so he could work on the front of his legs and shoulders. David was glad that it hurt, since it almost felt so good it might have been turning him on otherwise, and that was not a reaction he ever wanted to have to another man.

After the massage was over, he got to briefly put his robe back on before Faith took him to a different room where he had to lie on a table and take his robe off. Cassandra, the attendant in this room, said that he’d signed up for a deep cleansing and aromatherapy with lavender and rosemary for stress reduction, and asked if he’d ever had it done before. He said he hadn’t, and she reassured him that there was nothing to be afraid of. Naturally, being told that made him immediately worry about whatever was going to happen.

She started rubbing fragrant oils into his temples, making little circles with her thumbs, and it felt really nice. It was very soothing. In a soft voice she told him to just relax, and it was almost hypnotic. She changed position and went around to his left side and kept rubbing at his head with her left hand, but her right hand plunged something cold and greasy into his anus! She told him to try not to clench, that it would only make it take longer.

David heard a faint humming as she started a machine, and he felt a very strange sensation in his guts. He asked what was happening, and Cassandra said that they had to fill him up in order to flush the toxins out of his system, so he should let her know when he felt too bloated to continue. When he figured out what she was saying, he realized that Maritza must have signed him up for some kind of colonic. There was nothing he could do now but just go with the flow, so to speak.

Once the machine had filled him up, it reversed and started emptying him out. Cassandra offered to show him the hose so he could see all the filth that was coming out of him, but he declined. He didn’t even want to think about it. The machine seemed to be winding down, so he was glad it was ending, but then she switched the hose and started filling him back up again. It didn’t feel any more comfortable the second time.

She told him she wasn’t satisfied with the color of the liquid coming out of him on the second flush, so she did a third one, which seemed to pass her test. After she took the nozzle out of him, she cleaned him up with a warm, wet washcloth. She also rubbed some soothing lotion around and into his opening. At some point in the process the prostate massage must have gotten him off because she had to clean him up in front, too. She asked if he felt alert and detoxified, but he was feeling so exhausted that he just nodded. She then added, “I’m sure your boyfriend will appreciate you being all fresh and pink inside,” and David didn’t really have any energy to correct her before Faith came and wrapped him up in his robe and led him to his next appointment.

Fortunately, the next item on his schedule was lunch. Faith brought him out to a courtyard where Maritza was waiting for him at a little café table sipping some kind of juice. She told him that she’d had an invigorating seaweed wrap that morning and asked how he liked his cleansings.

He didn’t want to hurt her feelings so he chose not to complain about being made to sweat until he dehydrated and then given a hypothermia shower and then roughly manhandled by a giant only to then be raped by a firehose. He simply tried to smile and told her it wasn’t anything he’d ever have expected.

Maritza got to eat a chicken sandwich, but David’s “lunch” consisted of a large yogurt smoothie designed to replenish his intestinal flora. They also warned him not to eat a heavy dinner. He had to content himself by watching her chew.

Unlike the morning that took them in opposite directions, their afternoon schedules were the same. First up, they’d be getting facial treatments. They were shown into a large room where they got to sit in adjacent salon-style chairs. Amber the facial therapist did Maritza first, so David got to watch each step of the process before it was done to him.

It wasn’t that bad at all. First, she washed their faces with a gentle cleanser. Since he’d already had a steam bath and a shower, David thought that the only cleansing he really needed at this point was to remove the oils that Cassandra had rubbed into his face. The second step was to wrap their faces in warm, moist towels, which was perfect and heavenly and the most comfortable he had been all day.

Since he had a towel on his face, he didn’t get to watch the next step being done to Maritza, but it turned out to be a rough scrubbing that Amber said would remove any dead skin cells. She complimented David for his soft complexion and close shave, and he told her he’d been lasered. Maritza chimed in and said that he’d been lasered everywhere, and it was delightful. That seemed to throw Amber, as she’d been under a different impression about their relationship.

She then loosened up the skin with a brief facial massage, after which she spread a crazy looking mud mask over their faces, and let it set there a while. Once the mask came off, Amber finished up by rubbing a lotion all over their faces. He looked in the mirror and felt clean and shiny. Maritza looked beautiful, even without any makeup on.

Amber left and a new pair of girls came in, to work on each of them simultaneously. They started with a manicure, which David wasn’t so sure about although he did enjoy the way she massaged his hand before working on the nails. There was some rough poking at his cuticles, but for the most part it wasn’t that bad. After trimming and filing his nails, the girl (whose name he never got) buffed them to a very glossy sheen.

Maritza was getting her nails painted as well, but David didn’t think he wanted that. She showed him that she was getting what’s called a “French manicure,” where the nails were painted in pink and white for a look that was natural, but cleaner. He didn’t think that would look too extreme, so he let them do that to his nails, too. A heavenly foot massage and a pedicure followed. There was no point in trying to argue it, so he let the girl do the French thing to his toenails as well.

It was time to check out, so they returned to the receptionist, who scanned their bracelets and gave them their baskets. David went to a dressing room and put his clothes back on. With the glowing complexion and shiny nails added to his silk shirt and tight pants and little pinchy shoes, he realized that his look was probably extremely gay. But he knew he wasn’t, and his smoking hot girlfriend knew he wasn’t, and that was really all that mattered.

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