
The Missing MacGuffin (3) - Some More Chapters

With one ally down, Jordan must continue the search for clues alone.
Is Jordan getting closer to the MacGuffin, or is trouble closing in on Jordan?

The Case of
The Missing MacGuffin
A Jordan Hailey Story
By Jan S

Some More Chapters

The Candy Cane Club Chapters 11 - 14

There is a serial killer at work, and Detective Inspector Bruce Appleby has only one lead, there is a common link to all the deceased men. The Candy Cane Club.

This is a private and exclusive TG club in the heart of Reading, and he finds it resistant to any form of intrusive investigation. No females are employed in the club, and only males of a certain persuasion. All the staff are transgendered in some way, and Bruce has to try to unlock the intelligence which can only be inside, either from the clients or the staff.

The only answer is to get someone inside, but what cop would ever volunteer for such an assignment?

One did, and for Police Constable Nick Winton, a whole new life is opened up. The question is: where will it take him?

The Candy Cane Club Chapters 6 - 10

There is a serial killer at work, and Detective Inspector Bruce Appleby has only one lead, there is a common link to all the deceased men. The Candy Cane Club.

This is a private and exclusive TG club in the heart of Reading, and he finds it resistant to any form of intrusive investigation. No females are employed in the club, and only males of a certain persuasion. All the staff are transgendered in some way, and Bruce has to try to unlock the intelligence which can only be inside, either from the clients or the staff.

The only answer is to get someone inside, but what cop would ever volunteer for such an assignment?

One did, and for Police Constable Nick Winton, a whole new life is opened up. The question is: where will it take him?

Focal Point


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Focal Point
By Alyssa Plant
Michael Cohen's dream was to protect and serve as a police officer.... That job didn't satisfy him until one day, when people without names came to visit. He wanted to make a difference, but he didn't expect it to make a difference to him, too...

Focal Point - Chapter 4 - 6

Focal Point
By Alyssa Plant

Michael Cohen's dream was to protect and serve as a police officer.... That job didn't satisfy him until one day, when people without names came to visit. He wanted to make a difference, but he didn't expect it to make a difference to him, too...

The Candy Cane Club


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

There is a serial killer at work, and Detective Inspector Bruce Appleby has only one lead, there is a common link to all the deceased men. The Candy Cane Club.

This is a private and exclusive TG club in the heart of Reading, and he finds it resistant to any form of intrusive investigation. No females are employed in the club, and only males of a certain persuasion. All the staff are transgendered in some way, and Bruce has to try to unlock the intelligence which can only be inside, either from the clients or the staff.

The only answer is to get someone inside, but what cop would ever volunteer for such an assignment?

One did, and for Police Constable Nick Winton, a whole new life is opened up. The question is: where will it take him?

Tanya's Book Shop where she is selling her works in book form is at . Please Visit!

The Candy Cane Club Chapters 1 - 5

There is a serial killer at work, and Detective Inspector Bruce Appleby has only one lead, there is a common link to all the deceased men. The Candy Cane Club.

This is a private and exclusive TG club in the heart of Reading, and he finds it resistant to any form of intrusive investigation. No females are employed in the club, and only males of a certain persuasion. All the staff are transgendered in some way, and Bruce has to try to unlock the intelligence which can only be inside, either from the clients or the staff.

The only answer is to get someone inside, but what cop would ever volunteer for such an assignment?

One did, and for Police Constable Nick Winton, a whole new life is opened up. The question is: where will it take him?

Professor Prick 17 - Mr & Mrs Wilson

“You know I get more proud of you every time I see you” she said, I blushed slightly “No really! You’ve taken everything in stride, right from the moment you decided to be Nikki, and as much as I loved Craig I don’t remember or see him any more. I just see... my beautiful daughter.” she said extinguishing the cigarette and planting a motherly kiss on my cheek,

“I couldn’t have done it without your help and support though. I guess I must have just about the best mother in the world.” I said hugging her.

By Karin Roberts

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 8)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 8

Lilith Langtree

"You don't want to wait 'till tomorrow, do you?" I asked in a really whiney way. I didn't want to do this right now.

Ted gave me a very small shake of his head.

"I'll go make myself scarce," announced Chloe before escaping to the kitchen.

"Traitor," I whispered.

Focal Point - Chapter 1 - 3

Focal Point
By Alyssa Plant

Michael Cohen's dream was to protect and serve as a police officer.... That job didn't satisfy him until one day, when people without names came to visit. He wanted to make a difference, but he didn't expect it to make a difference to him, too...

Sissy Vilified -- Part 13

Sissy Vilified — Part 13

By Maid Joy

The First Sergeant stood in front of his Commander’s desk. Captain Robertson was normally a jovial kind person until it was time to get serious. From the lack of a smile on his face, it was time to be serious.

“This is no good Top. I never would have pegged Taylor for being one of them. It’s as shocking as anything I’ve ever seen.” He sighed heavily and put the files aside. “Have a seat. What is your recommendation regarding this situation?”

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 7)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 7

Lilith Langtree

Denise leaned forward again. Testing the waters. My eyes were glued to her lips. Just, just a taste. That wouldn't be so wrong, would it? A bite from the proverbial apple, so to speak. We all know how well that turned out, yeah?

I closed my eyes so as to break the spell she seemed to have me under.

Again, a very bad move on my part.

Sissy Destroyed -- Part 12

Sissy Destroyed — Part 12

By Maid Joy

The party was great. Halloween was my favorite time because you could be whomever you wanted to be, your wildest fantasy come true. The humblest, most repressed person could step out as the most bizarre, most brazen, most outrageous creature they could imagine without fear of persecution.

I knew enough now that I passed easily as a woman. Things might have been different several months ago, but not now.


A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman


Synopsis:With the Bond's moved to Germany, just what do the gang get up to back in Warsop? This story gives a shot at answering that very question.

Sissy’s Recovery -- Part 11

Sissy’s Recovery -- Part 11

By Maid Joy

The next several days were very hard for me. The duty in the Army wasn’t hard, but it was difficult changing back into my “he self” after the scene the other night. I felt different, as thought I had completed some rite of passage. Coming down from that took discipline that I knew I had, but that I felt very reluctant to use.

I threw myself into my work. There was always training to do, skills to be honed, competitions to hold and the other ordinary activities of a platoon of warriors. I continued to supervise people, take care of arguments as they happened, all the while continuing to keep my body in top male physical form every day.

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 6)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 6

Lilith Langtree

"See this is what chicks don't get."

He tried a different tact. "Have you ever felt something so good it felt like your head was gonna explode?"

Well that Haagan Daz was pretty good.

"No, not really."

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 19

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Five weeks ago, eleven-year-old Steven Brooks made a foolish decision and has been living with the consequences ever since. He peeked at his Christmas presents and for punishment his parents decided to make him dress like a girl during his vacation, since he’d already had to be a girl for the pageant at church, which was criss-crossing the boys’ and girls’ roles. School was delayed, and the punishment extended, but it really doesn’t seem like a punishment any more. Stephanie is enjoying her life as a girl far more than Steven liked being a boy, but there have been a few bumps in the road.

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 5)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 5

Lilith Langtree I turned to Chloe and laid one on her. She had surprisingly soft lips, oh, and some type of berry flavored lip gloss.


Modern Masquerade Chapters 11 - 15


Peter and Katie Marriott are returning to the UK after a lifetime abroad. The brother and sister are simply acting on their father’s directions. He has a plan, intending to join them a little later, but they have to fulfil certain obligations prior to his return.

Whilst at an airport hotel, the pair become entangled with a shady character who is intent on seizing the assets of a beautiful but somewhat scatty heiress, Letty Greyson. Using quick wits and dubious skills, they manage to rescue the girl and return her to the bosom of her family.

However, the attractive Katie and handsome Peter are not quite what they appear.........


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