
Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 5

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 5
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

The bus rumbled closer and was slowing down to our stop. I felt a twinge of fear as I realized my test of passing as a girl in front of the people I had to go to school with every day was upon me.

The doors opened and I just gulped as I took my first step up onto it. Mrs. Uttman, our driver, looked speechless as she looked me up and down as if I was some oddity. I felt a little queasy and just grabbed the first seat pole and finished pulling myself up into the aisle.

“Well Good Morning to you Lynn! My My! You look wonderful today! It’s about time you decided to be who you really are.”

I blushed furiously as I knew a lot of the other kids on the bus heard her and even now they were all looking at me in bewilderment. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard her say. SHE thought I had been a girl all along! Omigod! Did Lynn the boy ever really exist?



Written by Dauphin
A boy loses his mother to cancer. Now he has to survive the hatred and jealousy of his father
"A story about abuse and hope. A dark story that is full of pain" Diana
"I wanted to shock and let people know about the pain that some have experienced. The story stops at the worse place, making one come to own conclusions." Dauphin

Vikings 2: Chinese 1

Sometimes Happily Ever After Needs a little work... and strawberries.

Vikings 2

Chinese 1

By Jesse Rabbit

Kara and Mei have taken the first steps towards being together, but life is seldom that simple. Before they can have their Happily Ever After, there will be tears, there will be violence, and oh yes, there will be blood.

Mike versus Michelle 17: A Bedtime Story

Michelle explores and discovers sex. She's a married woman, so sex is inevitable. This chapter explores mother/daughter conversations as well as husband/wife physical relations. Its not dirty, but it is graphic and emotionally revealing. If you're the kind of person who can't tolerate sex taking place in a story, then I suggest you skip this chapter, but I hope you choose to read it.
Mike versus Michelle:
Part 17

A Bedtime Story
By Sharon Parsons

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 4

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 4
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

“Miss Benson was gushing about how pretty her freshman Princess was. I almost fell asleep it was so boring. I wanted out of there! I had a piece of wood I wanted to turn on the lathe and this Princess crap was taking time away from me for doing that! I was about to leave until she announced who the pretty girl was. Do you have any idea as to who that might have been?” he asked in a tone of voice that left me shivering cold.

“Me?” I managed to get out. My throat was constricting because I knew I was in real trouble now.

“Yes.. YOU!” he looked at the poster picture and back at me again. “You know, now that I look at you and this picture, I can’t believe that I was so stupid as to believe you were a boy! You’re too damned beautiful to be one! Do you have any idea of how much trouble this school could be in, I could be in, if the parents of the students were to find out that a girl, posing as a boy on this swim team was TOPLESS at both practice and the meets?”

Oscar Night - Part 21

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night - Conclusion

by Jennifer Brock

A year ago in the story, but about a year and a half in our time, this story began when novelist/screenwriter David Fine attended the Academy Awards wearing a red suit that his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh had made for him, accompanied by fashion model Maritza Delgado. That night, an insult from a fashion journalist caused him to make the flippant comment that he'd wear a gown if he was nominated again. Since then, David and Maritza have fallen in love, moved in together, and he's made some changes in his wardrobe and appearance at her prodding. At Claude's prodding, David made even more changes, as they'd decided the only way to pull off wearing a dress at the ceremony and not look like a fool was to become as throroughly female as possible, even going as far as to make some surgical alterations. In this, the extra-large final installment of our story, we learn whether it was all worth it. Our action will begin on the day before the awards.

Mike versus Michelle 15: Wedding Bells

Michelle and Dave get married. Its a tense and worrisome day for both of them. Michelle spends most of the ceremony wondering how she got her self into the predicament.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 15

Wedding Bells

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 14: The Promise

Michelle tries to make Dana's last days as painless as possible. Dana asks Michelle to make her a promise. Can Michelle grant Dana's final request?

Mike versus Michelle: Part 14

The Promise

By Sharon Parsons

Joey & Joy


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Joey & Joy

by Marlisa

‘You look ridiculous’ was the first thought that went through my head as I studied my reflection in the door length mirror. The clothing was nice enough, a pale blue blouse with a small, yellow daisy positioned at the décolletage; a simple black skirt that stopped just below the knees; nude stockings and low-heeled black slingbacks.

Joey & Joy - Chapter 2

Joey & Joy

Chapter 2

by Marlisa

I am so glad I ran into Joy today at the mall. It’s probably been three or four years, at least, since Joey and she saw each other last. If I wasn’t so sure about our marriage, I’d almost be jealous at how easily they jumped back into their friendship. It’s like time restarted right where they left off.

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 3

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 3
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

“Umm, could I have your number too?” he asked timidly.

Wow! Rex actually wants my number! This was delicious! Yeah…well… hmmm. I began to ponder whether that was such a good idea or not. I could just imagine my mother answering the phone and being asked to speak to her daughter. No, that was not going to work! I knew in my heart that it would be best if this little charade ended now. It was fun, but seriously dangerous! It was my first kiss, but that was beside the point. I had to be strong!

Rex took that moment of indecision and decided to kiss me again, gently with some rippling of his tongue along my lips. I was stuffing my number into his pocket while he was still kissing me.

Joey & Joy - Chapter 1

Joey & Joy

Chapter 1

by Marlisa

‘You look ridiculous’ was the first thought that went through my head as I studied my reflection in the door length mirror. The clothing was nice enough, a pale blue blouse with a small, yellow daisy positioned at the décolletage; a simple black skirt that stopped just below the knees; nude stockings and low-heeled black slingbacks.

Mike versus Michelle 12: Nothing To Be Embarrassed About

Michelle is now home from her family trip to the Halsteader's cabin. The rest of her summer is spent in therapy with Dr. Martha, working at the grocery store, and working on her G.E.D. Dr. Martha tries to get Michelle past her boyish pride. Note this chapter is rated as "Mature". There's no sex, but it is discussed in a tasteful and necessary way.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 12

Nothing To Be Embarrassed About

By Sharon Parsons

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 2

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 2
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

“Lynn! This is what girls do! We shop! We try things on even if we have no intention of buying them. Why do you think it takes so long for us to shop?”

“I don’t know.”

“Because we’re having fun! We are trying to find clothes to look good in and impress boys and other people, it takes time to see what looks good on each of us. So get a move on! The stores close in four hours.”

Four hours? What the heck is that? Shopping takes fifteen minutes!

Mike versus Michelle 11: The Holsteader's Cabin

Michelle and her family go on vacation with the Holsteaders. Michelle becomes one of the girls and debates her first kiss.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 11

The Holsteader's Cabin

By Sharon Parsons

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 1

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 1
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

I was in the middle of one of my jokes when Mr. Copeland entered the classroom. Unfortunately the rubber band holding my ponytail decided it was time to fail at that moment. My below the shoulder hair flew everywhere around my head.

“Miss Collins, would you please settle down and be seated!” Mr. Copeland ordered, with authority.

Did I hear that right? Did he just call me Miss Collins? I guess my name doesn’t help and I haven’t been in his class long enough for Mr. Copeland to know me, but Miss?

Mike versus Michelle 10: Coming Out

This chapter covers the next eight weeks of my life after first meeting Dr. Martha and ends with the start of summer vacation. Because I was being home schooled, summer vacation didn't mean as much to me as it did to my friends. I called them my friends back then, but obviously our relationship changed.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 10

Coming Out

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 9: Dr. Martha Collins

Michelle's mother takes her to see a gender therapist named Dr. Martha Collins. Much is gleaned from their six hour appointment. At last we get down to all those pesky mother issues!
Mike versus Michelle: Part 9

Dr. Martha Collins

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 8: Just Like Mom?

This chapter describes Mike's first day as a "public woman" even though he doesn't leave the house or see anyone other than his mom. Keep in mind, Mike has very troubling issues with his feelings for his mother, his sexuality, and his ideals concerning what is or isn't a real woman.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 8

Just Like Mom?

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 7: Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Holsteader

Michelle's first day after dealing with Dr. Limpke and presenting herself as woman to her father and brother.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 7

Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Holsteader

By Sharon Parsons

The Missing MacGuffin (5) - Still More Chapters

Hells I was totally stuck, no phone, no ride, no one to help with the disguise, no friends. But enough was enough,...

The Mystery of
The Missing MacGuffin
A Jordan Hailey Story
By Jan S

Still More Chapters

In My Mind. Poem, by Jessica Morton. Posted with permission, by Catherine Linda Michel

This was written by a friend of mine, who is a Genetic girl. She wrote it long ago and, to her, it had no TG significance at all. It's only since we met that she showed this poem to me, and _I_ commented that it seemed very poignant and very expressive of the way _I_ feel as a woman trapped in a male body. I have her permission to post this, and I claim NO ownership of it.

In My Mind: A Poem

by Jessica Morton

Submitted by Catherine Linda Michel

Mike versus Michelle 5: My Mother's Wedding Dress

14 year old Mike wears his mother's wedding dress for the first time and they discuss his future. Does he want to be a cross dresser or a woman like his mother?
Mike versus Michelle: Part 5

My Mother's Wedding Dress

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 4: The Public Sissy

This is part 4 of "Mike versus Michelle". Mike goes out in public for the first time dressed as a girl. He also meets a boy and it bothers him in many ways which he explains. As a matter of fact, as always, Mike is doing a lot of explaining.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 4

The Public Sissy

By Sharon Parsons

The Maypole Caper


A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.


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