A Broken Life - Part 2

A Broken Life
Part 2
By Wargamerguy

Karen had wanted to know what the big secret was that her husband had kept for so long. But, now that she knew, she wished she didn't know. The big secret was more horrible than she had even guessed in her worst nightmares.

The history of sadistic childhood abuse, sexual molestation and many sadistic beatings that were inflicted on him all though his childhood was too much for her. It troubled her a lot more than she thought it would. He told her a lot of it the night before and now she was troubled beyond all reason. Her heart cried for him. She couldn't sleep. It was no wonder he has so much trouble with trust. His trust was shattered apart by the one person that a child relies on the most. His own mother.

Since she was getting no sleep that night, lying beside him trying, she decided to go to the basement and check on that room he told her about. She took the key he gave her and unlocked the door and went in. That was an even bigger mistake. Seeing what he went though in video and pictures was even more horrifying than his words. There were stacks of video tapes organized by the years. Some said five years old, six years and on. As each year passed the treatment became more horrible. There were video tapes, and photo albums. She saw him strapped to some bench and his mother lashing him with sadistic glee in one of the tapes. On another when he was seven, she witnessed a four hour beating with a belt, she counted the strikes. She gave him five hundred as punishment for five dollars she accused him of stealing from her purse. It took her four hours to do it and he passed out several times.

Past eight years old she became perverted in her treatment. there were videos of him dancing in panties, the look on his face told it all. It was not his idea and he hated doing it but by that time he knew more than to protest to his mother. There were other videos of him taking dildos and other objects. beyond 10 she started bringing full grown men.

He was right, by fourteen she had altered his body so he looked just like any other fourteen year old girl. It was horrible. She wondered vaguely what kept him out of a psyche ward? How did he keep sane?

And seeing how he acted around her and how much he didn't trust her, she knew he wasn't entirely sane.

Well, she thought, she wasn't getting any more sleep that night so she decided she may as well start trying to help him. She phoned her friend who she knew specialized in childhood trauma. Her friend usually only saw children but she hoped that he could make an exception. If not she knew several others.

After she made her phone call and set up an appointment for her husband she noticed that it was daylight out. Going up the steps to their bedroom again to see him up and getting dressed. Jacob didn't lock her out this time when he got dressed. That must be some improvement or perhaps, since she saw everything what was the point anymore. But it did answer the question about why he was sterile and they had to adopt their son. She sat on the edge of the bed and watched him. He looked over at her tiredly. "I couldn't sleep after what you said last night. So I looked over your childhood and made some calls. I set up an appointment with a nice guy I know. He specialized in childhood trauma. Can you meet him at one PM, here is the address of his practice."

Jacob took the card and thought for a few seconds. "Well I'm pretty busy today. I am supposed to be in court at one. You know that case i am trying. Perhaps i can have one of the associates go today. I will try Karen. And thanks for caring and putting up with my bullshit all of these years. "

Jacob got up and kissed her for it. He knew she was very special to have stayed with him despite all of his bull he put her though. Most women would have left him years ago. He was no fool. Putting himself though law school and getting appointment as a states prosecutor was no small feat. He got to prosecute abusers now. But most of his cases he chose to try were women. He rarely went after men. He was even accused by the press at times of being bias and going after innocent mothers but he scoffed at that accusation. Innocent mothers, sure, he thought sarcastically. Does such a thing exist. He didn't think so. He loved his job and he considered himself a crusader for children. His crusade was against women that abused children.

When Jacob arrived at his office he called in one of his assistant attorneys and told him that he would have to take over his case today. He had a appointment he could not miss. He gave his assistant the files to look over and then he got to work on more of his own paperwork while watching the clock.

Jacob was watching the clock so when the time came he was already ready to leave. His assistant was already going to the courtroom when he left for his appointment. The office wasn't hard to find. It was a large office building with the therapists name etched into the stone above the door. The waiting room was rather large and elaborately decorated with paintings and a large chandler that lit the place up. After telling the secretary that he was there he chose a seat.

A lady come out and told him that the doctor was waiting for him in the office and she lead him there. He was glad she didn't notice that he tried to keep as much distance from her as he could.

Briefly, he examined the diplomas on one of the walls and he saw down in a leather black chair. He looked around the rather plain office. The furniture was expensive and the desk the doctor sat at looked very elaborate. it had elaborate carvings etched in the thick wood.

The doctor sitting comfortably behind a desk started, "Welcome Jacob. I am Doctor Reinhard and your wife has told me a little about your life and what you have went though. I am very glad that you have chosen to accept my help. Your wife has told me you are having problems with trust and women and she says she thinks you even hate women. She also told me she believes it comes from your past when you were abused. So lets start from that, can you tell me in your own words about your childhood, if you can."

The doctor stayed silent as Jacob thought over what he was going to tell this stranger. For a large part of his life he never told anyone about his childhood. He kept it locked up in his mind refusing to think about any of it. But it still affected him regardless so he only let it out to his wife. Now he was going to have to let it out again to this strange man he just met. But he knew if he was going to make any progress he would have to tell this man intimate details of his life. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"This is so very difficult to talk about . I have kept all of it safely locked up inside me. I didn't want anyone to know of my shame that I endured. But, " He sighed very loud," I guess the time has come to let it all out. After all, I know I damn well did nothing wrong and the shame shouldn't be on me. But I still Feel all of the shame.'

He put his head into his two hands and his body trembled as he was gathering his thoughts together to tell the therapist.

"My childhood was so horrible that I never thought I would live to become an adult. Even from my earliest memories are not ones of warmth and caring but of being afraid, in terror and being hurt. I remember when I was so small, I must had been two or three and being beaten by a belt, by my mother. I don't know what I did to make her mad at me but I just remember hutched over and shaking and screaming as my mother thrashed me over and over with a leather belt. I lost time but it must had she must have beat me for hours that day. " He stopped and let the doctor take it all down and start a recording device.

"My mother is a billionaire, Karol Wagner. She owns a large industrial company. You heard of Wagner Industries. They have been contracted to make the F27 for the Air Force. "

"My childhood was horrible and By the time I was ten, I was in complete terror of adult women and even afraid of girls my own age. Teachers thought I was mentally disabled because I couldn't talk to them, Most teachers are women so I was so afraid of them. When they tried to talk to me I couldn't make my mouth move. I just trembled in fear. "

Jacob continued, "I was told by my mother when I was eleven that she didn't want me to be a boy so she started calling me Tiffany. She still continued to beat me regularly and she made me sleep in a tiny small room in the corner of the house, that had a lock on it so I couldn't get out. She also started making me wear female clothing, like dresses, skirts, blouses and even stockings. at that time, mom only made me be a girl indoors with her and her friends. she had all of my clothes in dresser was replaced by girls clothing. My dresser was filled with panties and bras and other forms of lingerie."

"That was when she started letting her sadistic female friends have various forms of sex with me, often degrading forms of penetrative sex on my orifices. You know, Like the strap-on dildo forced in me and I was an eleven year own crossdressed boy. They forced me to do various disgusting things with them. Well At eleven it was considered disgusting to me. Maybe not adult men but thats different but it was all horrible and if I resisted, well lets just say 'that' thought never occurred to me. By twelve years of age she started introducing me to men that were adults. My first man was a teacher at my middle school. Mr. Matthews. After that night with him ramming in me, his classes became interesting. My mother was watching all the time that night. Then other men she knew came into my life to use me for sex. The beatings still occurred.

"The final horror happened when I was fourteen, My first year of high school. She paid a corrupt surgeon and a nurse to perform surgery on my little body. Unknown to me she had been injecting me with a powerful dose of female hormones over the last year. She told me the injections were victims but over the thirteenth year, my body had steadily lost a lot of muscles strength, my skin was getting soft and I noticed that my body was transforming in weird ways. My chest was doing things and my hips were changing. But that was not enough so she paid for something more radical. I received D cup breast implants, and a vagina. It wasn't a complete SRS but close enough. My testicles were totally removed and the skin of my scrotum was used to look like a very real vagina. My penis was stitched to the back under layers of skin so it couldn't be seen and men could actually have vaginal sex with me. I lived from fourteen to eighteen as a girl. "

"I was also made to be a total blonde, my hair was died platinum blonde and she forced me to be a bimbo. My high school years were completely degrading and I was raped often. At eighteen, she kicked me out of the house, she gave a man several million dollars to take me in as his wife. That didn't work out. I left him and there wasn't much my mom could do and I got a friend to sue him for millions. I used that money to leave, transform my body back and enter law school. "

"And Now I am a successful prosecutor. "

He saw the doctor thinking and rubbing his chin. "Yes I have heard allot about you, You are often accused of being very misogynistic and over ninety percent of your prosecutions are women, you give men deals to get lighter sentences but never a woman. Why do you think you go after women so terribly."

He didnt answer but the doctor said, "I think you are seeking justice for what was done to you and you go after other mothers. But in essense, you are a coward. You go after these women here and many of them have done very trivial things but you wont go after the worst one your mother and you have all of this power. You are afraid aren't you, Jacob."

The doctor noticed that Jacobs face had turned purple. But he growled, "Yea, I am afraid of her. Before you go after a ruthless billionaire that isn't afraid of murder you better be damn sure and I have a family and a lot to loose. "

He took his glasses off and said, "Yes and your wife had done a lot of thinking already. The decision. She called me and she has called other lawyers and turnned in all of the video tapes to the police. They are now going after your mother. They will need you to talk. Can you do it?"

"I do not know," Jacob admitted, "But I know what I need is justice so I will try to talk"

"Good, your wife is here and several officers want to take your statement. Our time is up for today but if you need to talk more, here is my card."

He walked out of the doctors office slightly upset but also proud of his wife. He was also hoping for the first time, that his mother might actually pay for all that she did. He should have known better.

He saw several uniformed officers and his smiling wife waiting for him. The officers took him into a police cruiser and they proceeded to the station.

They put him in a private room and told him to wait there and FBI agents would be there shortly. They were making a federal case against his mother apparently. Good.

Two neatly dressed FBI agents went in the room and started immediately firing off questions at him. All of the questioned seem to revolved around his mother, her moods and they wanted a lot of details and names to make their case. The relentless questioning went on for over four hours and they gave him a short rest. He started getting scared. Not for himself but for his family.

They came in for another round of questioning two hours later and he took charge. Hell, he was a state DA so that should give him something right. "Agent Daniel, is it. I know what your trying to do and I need to warn you that she has a lot of money, A lot of power, and she can be dangerous. If you want me to come openly helping your case to put my other in prison, you will have to protect me and my family. I want my family, my wife and my son placed in protective custody, This week. Do that and I will do what ever you ask."

"Okay, I will make a call to the US marshals office and they will take your family. We need to know more about your mothers organization. Give us names and Places please. "

By the end of the night the FBI had assembled a strong case and they were going to a judge to swear out an arrest warrant for Karen Wagner.

Jacob was saying bye to his wife and his son. She was taking their little son William into a black Van with uniformed US marshals protecting her. He didn't know where they were taking them to and that was the entire point. No one was supposed to know except for her and the Marshals.

Later that night, Jacob had fallen asleep in a new bedroom. He was asleep for nearly six hours when he got a phone call. Groggy he woke up and picked up the phone. It was the same FBI agent that questioned him. "Jacob we need you please, something has happened to your wife and son. They were killed just a few hours ago.

He rushed over to the place to see his young son dead in the arms of his mother who was also gone. they were all riddled with bullets. The agent said several men broke into their safe house with automatic weapons and killed all of them including the marshals assigned to protect them. No one had a chance.

He identified the body and was taken home. He started crying uncontrollable. He went into his closet and lifted a heavy case out. He opened it and took out a shiny ivory handed revolver and put several rounds in. He aimed it at his temple preparing to pull the trigger.

A sudden thought entered his mind as he was about to pull the trigger. If he did this then his mother would win and likely never be punished for what she did. He couldn't let that happen.

In his grief another emotion started showing. He was angry, more than angry. He was consumed by a total and complete rage. She was going to pay this time. He put the gun back and called his assistant and then he called the marshals office. Both calls were very productive.

Several hours later he was talking to the federal marshals. One of the leading agents said, "Jacob I don't know if your plan will work or not but it has to be one of the strangest plans we ever tried. "

"It will work, " Jacob said. "I entered the name Jacob and the hit men will be looking for me there but they wont see Tiffany anywhere. They wont be looking for her. My assistant will be safe. Lets go the flight leaves in an hour and you need to get on."

He hoped that he wouldn't ever have to dress like that anymore but He should have known better. Its not as if he didn't have enough training. He still had it as he walked in his four inch heels and short skirt. This time was better. He wasn't being forced but his assistant he worked with for years had a more difficult time with the sudden transition. He was also uncomfortable. His boss was positively sexy.

Jacob was hiding when he saw the two men stalking the aircraft and watching who went onboard. He noticed them as the men that were cruel to him as a child. They were enforcers for his mothers company. They saw his assistant walking toward the plane and they started toward him. Both pulled out pistols from their coats and one of them aimed and spoke loudly, "Hey Adam, where is Jacob. "

Jacob had already went behind the two men, and pulled out his large shotgun. He aimed it when one of the enforcers spoke. "She's right behind you Stillwell. "

BLAST, Jacob fired and it hit the man beside Stillwell.

The surviving enforcer dropped his gun and fell to the ground in terror. Jacob walked up to the kneeling man aiming his shotgun at him. He was looking at the crossdressed Jacob in fear as several other uniformed men walked up behind him. They were all wearing badges.

"Alright Stillwell. Now you really pissed me off. You murdered my entire family so now you done it. " He pulled his jacket back to show a shiny badge she was wearing on her blouse right over his right breast. "Do you see that, It says United States Marshal." Jacob said with barely controlled rage.

"Please, Jacob don't kill me, " Stillwell pleaded in terror.

"Take a good look at your friend, Ike, because that's how you're going to end up."

He approached Stillwell menacingly and shoved him down roughly with his spiked heels , aiming the shotgun right at the mans face.

"Carol Industries are finished, do you hear me. I see any more of her employees , I will kill them. So run and you tell my mother that the law is coming."

The frightened man got up and started running away when Jacob yelled, "Tell her I am coming. "

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