
The House Fire: Chapter 1

Nick finally finds the courage to venture out of the house dressed as Nicole only to return to a house on fire with his parents screaming to firemen to rescue him from the burning house. Special thanks are in order to Michelle B. for editing this for me.

The House Fire: Chapter 1

By SaraD

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 21

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Twelve-year-old Stephanie Brooks is an unusual girl. Until six weeks ago, she was living as a boy, but then a foolish decision to peek at her Christmas presents and a church pageant with a crisscrossed theme combined to create Stephanie’s girlhood as a punishment. But she eventually found that living as a girl fixed a lot of the things that weren’t quite right in her life before. She’s now friendlier, less withdrawn, and happier in general with things. In this episode, she learns more about her new school. As we begin, it’s the last day of January, 2008.

(The author would like to apologize to her readers for taking so long to get this installment out. The wait for the next one won’t be nearly as long. The writing on it has already been started)

Country Girl

Living in a rural area has it's good points as well as it's bad ones. The good points are the peace and quiet and the slower pace. The bad points are that in a small community everyone knows your business. I found myself sitting there in Ms. Winslow's English class thinking about the ways my life had changed over the Summer months. She had given us an assignment to write an essay entitled "What I Did Over My Summer Vacation" As I sat there, my mind went back to that Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.....

A French Twist

A French Twist

Mom went back for her own plate and we started in. Before long, she sat down, smiling at us mischievously.

“I have great news!”

“What’s that, Mom?” Carly playfully challenged her through a mouthful of garlic bread.

“We’re going to Paris for the last two weeks of July!”

Mom clapped her hands together and beamed across the table. Carly and I went silent. I stared at Mom as I digested the news, my fork frozen on its way to my mouth.

“Well, don’t all cheer at once!” She gibed, as her furrowing brow betrayed a taint of hurt.

Joey & Joy - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Joy’s viewpoint

With a resigned sigh, Joy gets up from the oh so comfortable (NOT) chair that is next to the table in her hotel room. She had hoped that Joey would call tonight so that she could apologize for her unthinking teasing, but obviously he’s not ready to talk to her.

‘Not that I can blame him,’ she thinks morosely to herself. ‘Who would’ve thought he’d have that strong of a reaction this many years later.’


College Fees - Chapter 5


College Fees - Chapter 5

by Susan Louise Montague

Eventually the girls were ready and the four left for town. The trip in was uneventful, although Linda did think at first that he was getting a few stares from guys; he soon realised that they were attracted to him and not looking because they thought he was a freak.

College Fees - Chapter 4


College Fees - Chapter 4

by Susan Louise Montague

Susan, Cindy and Pamela sat around the table with the very beautiful looking John. They were slowly sipping their whisky while John was pondering upon the question Cindy had just asked him.

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Princess Found - Part 12

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Princess Found

Part 12
By Arecee

Edited and proofed by Sephrena Lynn Miller

I turned to face her and sat up, still sniffling. “Lisa, you want to know why I dressed as I did? I had an abusive father when I was little. Much of what he did to me scarred me mentally. I dressed like a boy because he wanted me to be more like his son. Even after he left my Mom and me, I still couldn’t break out of that mindset. I continued to dress like that so people could like leave me alone. I joked around a lot, you know? I tried to give a reason for my even being here in school. I studied and poured myself into books so I could ignore other people. I got good grades for being so attentive to the textbooks. I ignored everyone else!”

“And you know what? I hated it!

The Scholarship


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
The Scholarship

by Julie O.

A transfer student discovers his new high school's scholarship program and its unusual rules.



Written by Dauphin
This is a story that could happen at your neighbours. A mother hates her son so much, that he becomes It
"Inspired by a book, that is sad. It is extra sad because parts of it could be daily life of some children. This is one of Dauphin's most serious stories" Diana
"This is inspired by a book. I was angry when I wrote it after hearing many peoples stories. It was written to make others as angry as me-" Dauphin


Ted/Teddi Sue and his wife of 8 years started down a path of crossdressing that eventually led towards going out to dinner at times with Teddi dressed up.


By Constance Grant

Sun Odie

That part of the human strane that raised 'it' ,were known as the overcommer. A people whos toughness out lasted other humanbeings and to earn them the title of overcommer. The family of overcommers wanted a girl as they had 40 sons and no daughters to date. After having more babies they had no baby girl yet. The part we observe about overcommers is hope ever abounds next to having babies.


You know like the Christmas Carol story renoun,'Scrooge'! Remember the three spirits ,his back from the dead business partner § the first to visit before bedtime? The three spirits of Christmas pastΔ, presentâ„—, and futureΩ.

As I live I know death and I know life ,I know both as one and the other, I know them. Its a horrable thing when your called to die and you can't escape it. You don't remember anything about the instruction given before going to earth or even your family in heaven.

Jamie isn't a Boys Name

Jamie isn't a Boys Name
By Wargamerguy

James has no idea that a slight slip of the tongue from his mother would ruin one of the best times he had in a long time as well as the rest of the year. He cursed his luck that she had to come home early that day, but that was how life worked out. Just Five minutes ago he was hoping that he would get lucky with one of the most popular girls in his school. Cheryl was on the schools cheer squad. He was laying across his bed with her and she was kissing him.


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