
Crossed Purposes

A bit of fun on the First of May. That's what everyone seemed to think, well mostly,
but is what you see always what is there?

I started this when the competition was announced. Time and stuff got in the way but I wanted to. Then it morphed and became something totally different. The title changed so this weekend being rainy and miserable I sat and figured out what it was. We shall see…

Crossed Purposes

By Kristina L.S.

Mike versus Michelle 3: Praise For Mom

Mom was very generous with her closet. She was also generous with her patience and understanding. On our way home from the mall, we talked about the situation.

I confessed a lot to her on the way home, but I didn't confess everything. At the same time, she said things to me that went a long way toward explaining her tolerance for what I was doing.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 3

Praise For Mom

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 2: Secret Sissy Summer

This is a continuation of "Mike versus Michelle: I'm Not A Sissy". Mike who is Michelle in private tells us a little about his likes and dislikes. This is his first summer as a secret sissy.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 2

Secret Sissy Summer

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle: I'm not a sissy!

Most people who know me...and I mean really know me, can't understand how or why I could have given up my life as a boy to become a girl. Of course the reason they don't understand is because they don't know me as well as they think they do.

Its hard to tell by looking at me now, but up until last year, I was a regular looking boy who was leading a rather average life. I had friends and played sports. Girls liked me and I liked them. I didn't look, act, or talk like a sissy. As a matter of fact, and I'm ashamed to admit this now, but I was downright hateful towards people like me. Publicly hating them was my way of putting up a front. No one ever suspected a thing. No one that it is, except for my mom. Mothers have a sixth sense when it comes to their children's likes and dislikes.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 1

I'm Not a Sissy!

By Sharon Parsons

The Challenge Part 009

I was really damn excited because tonight was the night of the big homecoming dance. Our cheer squad would perform during the football game and we had a jazz dance routine ready for halftime. I had a lilac flower-print dress with cap-sleeves ready to go. I also had matching heels.

The Challenge: Part 9

By Tyler

The Challenge Part 008

Omar walked me home from school and he was so sweet holding my hand the entire time. I was wearing my schoolgirl uniform with white tights that day and I had started rolling over the top of my skirt to make my hemline really short. The bottom of my skirt started just below my crotch and showed off my legs. I was worried that a teacher or a principal might say something but they had kind of a lax attitude towards that sort of thing and all of the girls were doing it. I had to be careful to cross my legs or else guys could look up and get a panty shot.

The Challenge: Part 8

By Tyler

A Prayer Answered: Chapter 6

  Sandra returns to school as her new self; full of confidence but with a little fear of what might happen. Will Sandra be accepted or hated and what will happen if she runs into Kevin Chambers (the school bully) is feeding the fear. Things get a bit dicey in this chapter, therefore is now for more mature audiences.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter six
By Sara D.

Cissy's Secret - Chapter 2

Cissy’s Secret

By wargamerguy

Chapter 2

After being kidnapped, held a hostage, tricked, recorded and humiliated did he realize that he didn’t have too many options with these girls and he let the girls lead him into their living room. Jennifer kept commenting about how well he walked wearing the stiletto heels. He didn’t really have any retort for that as he did have to admit to himself, he did know a lot about feminine ways and dressing. But he would be damned if he would admit it to these kidnappers. He had his secrets and he intended on keeping them from these girls.

My Mistake, Chapter 14

Chapter 14
by Samantha Jenkins

I turned to open the door as Dr. Franklin walked into the office, followed by someone I didn’t recognize.

“Hello Morgan,” The stranger said. “I’m Doctor Phillips, I’m going to help you out, as well as consult on some stuff.” Dr. Phillips offered his hand, which I shook. He looked like he was making notes in his head. I turned and opened the dark oak door that led to Mrs. Paskly’s office. Mrs. Paskly had not moved from where she was sitting at her desk. On top of the folder were two out of school suspension forms that had yet to be filled in. I had a feeling those were for Katie and I.

Galaxy Star

.Galaxy star

Written by Dauphin
a boy is kidnapped by aliens and exhibited in a space zoo. He finds a secret side to himself
"An unexpected tale of a zoo in space, where a boy finds out who he truly is An unexpected ending." Diana
"Some stories are so fun to write. I wanted to write one that was very original. This is one of my personal favourites, maybe because it was so fun to write" Dauphin

Sissy’s New Life -- Part 16

Sissy’s New Life -- Part 16

By Maid Joy

It had been two months of hell. Well, hell when I wasn’t at home with Karen. She and I were growing closer in a way I had never been with a woman before. She wanted me in bed with her, and I had been resisting.

Most people would have smacked me and called me absolutely stupid to turn her down, but I didn’t want sex spoiling what we had.

What did we have you might ask. In my opinion we had a very good, and I mean very good, friendship. Not “friends with benefits”, but two people who meshed in just about every way possible. We had similar interests, we liked the same type of music, we read similar books and enjoyed going out to most of the same places. Neither of us liked porn very much (no plots), but erotica turned us both on.

The Bell Curve

The Bell Curve
By Ricky

She had beautiful eyes. Warm, liquid brown eyes that that showed her eagerness while they bored into your soul. She was stretched languidly on the couch, her trim belly bare and her legs spread wide in invitation. I had been neglecting her terribly, long hours at work and no time for her, yet there she lay there begging me to come over and stroke her body. I felt like a cad as I stood there.

My Mistake, Chapter 12

Chapter 12
By Samantha Jenkins

I woke up to being gently shaken by Katie. She was already dressed, her wet hair hanging in a high ponytail.

“Wake up Morgan, you need to go get a shower. Jennifer will be out in a second. Your mom picked out some clothes for you to wear, they are on your bed.” I smiled up at her from my place on the air mattress. Katie offered her hand.

Cissy's Secret - Chapter 1

Cissy’s Secret

By wargamerguy

Chapter one

15-year-old peter was feeling rotten about himself as he walked to his house. He didn’t how he was going to fix it but he felt like a ass. He hung his head down as he walked down the sidewalk. He couldn’t help it, he felt really ashamed.

Samantha's Story part 3

The next few days were drab and depressing. Those few hours I spent at the church and with Millie would be treasured forever. Each time I looked in my closet and saw the dress, I felt some part of me expand just a bit.
Samantha's Story part 3

By Maid Joy

Jasmine Cally Vail - The Awakening

Synopsis: Karen Marlowe discovers that her co-worker Jason is a transvestite. Karen uses this information to take control of Jason’s life. In private, Karen helps transform Jason into the beautiful and confident Jasmine that she has always wanted to be. But in public, Karen forces Jason to make some difficult, life-style altering decisions as she slowly starts feminizing Jason’s clothing and hair styles.

Jasmine Cally Vail — The Awakening
by G. L. Hudson
The author would like to acknowledge and thank Riottgrrl for proofreading and helping to prepare this manuscript.

ADMIN NOTE: This story was lost under the new author lists somehow and the author was never added to the author list making this very good story "lost." With some slight touching up I have reposted this story for another viewing and attached it to the proper author in the author list. It was originally published on Big Closet Classic on 2005-05-05 08:13:23 -0700.
Special thanks go out to Stacy for bringing this to my attention!
Please Enjoy!

Sephrena Lynn Miller

Revenge of the Goddess

Revenge of the Goddess
By Ricky

Things have been kind of quiet around the Old Gods Home when a couple of young punks on Earth decide to desecrate an image of the almost forgotten fertility goddess Sheela-Na-Gig. With a little help from her retired buddies she still has enough power to give the punks a lesson in femininity.

The Ballet Game - Chapter 13

Jimmy and Jenny have another run-in with Mrs Dale over ballet clothes. The evening looks like it's going to be a little less crazy, until a series of private encounters and unspoken thoughts turn everything around again. Much to Jimmy's secret delight...

The Ballet Game

Chapter 13

By Beffy Flowers

Samantha's Story part 2

I was silent with shock for a bit. Millie didn't say anything, much to her credit.

"How did you know?" I asked in a quiet voice.

Her lips compressed in sympathy. "A lot of little things. Your brows aren't shaped right, your hair is too short for the style you have it in, and the dress, while it is certainly beautiful, is more appropriate for an Advent service than an Easter one." She looked at me sympathetically. "I'm guessing that you've never actually done this before, just read and learned what you could on your own?"

Samantha's Story part 2

By Maid Joy

The Next Survival Series

I get daily GCFL (Good Clean Funnies List) stories and this one struck me as interesting. I hope you enjoy it it as much as I did.

I appologize if I over stepped my authority by putting a story here from another Website, but is free to everyone and you can subscribe to it. They will send you one funny story each day.

The original author is Paula Sanning.


The Missing MacGuffin (4) - Even More Chapters

Back among friends at last and temporarily safe from pursuit, Jordan looks for new avenues of investigation, new ways to solve . . .

The Case of
The Missing MacGuffin
A Jordan Hailey Story
By Jan S

Even More Chapters

The Floral Tales


Audience Rating: 

Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Floral Tales –J Morose 2009


This story is based on a real club that existed in Southport, England in the 80's and early 90's. The events and characters are entirely fictional.

This story contains political incorrectness, intolerance,swearing, sexual references and the usual vernacular references as made by teenagers when their parents are out of earshot. If you want a Disney piece, this is not for you.

The story centres around two teenage boys, their girlfriends and their underage exploits when attending the local rock club.

The Floral Tales - Part 2

The Floral Tales (working title) –
J Morose 2009

This story is based on a real club that existed in Southport, England in the 80's and early 90's. The events and characters are entirely fictional.

This story contains political incorrectness, intolerance, swearing, sexual references and the usual vernacular references as made by teenagers when their parents are out of earshot. If you want a Disney piece, this is not for you.

The story centres around two teenage boys, their girlfriends and their underage exploits when attending the local rock club.

He's all dressed up and has somewhere to go if his friends can get him to go. Stay tuned....

  • May the blessings of the day be upon you and yours
  • And many thanks for all the encouraging comments~ J

The Floral Tales - Part 1

The Floral Tales –J Morose 2009


This story is based on a real club that existed in Southport, England in the 80's and early 90's. The events and characters are entirely fictional.

This story contains political incorrectness, intolerance,swearing, sexual references and the usual vernacular references as made by teenagers when their parents are out of earshot. If you want a Disney piece, this is not for you.

The story centres around two teenage boys, their girlfriends and their underage exploits when attending the local rock club.

It is my first attempt at writing this type of story, normally its more verse, song or functional design specifications! (Although it might be an idea to write a Spec. out for what I would like to be)....

Lastly, let me know if you are interested in me posting the next bit.

May the blessings of the day be upon you and yours – J

The Princess and the Plague : 19 & 20

The Princess and the Plague

By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Edeyn

"I... um... I kissed Julian."

"Mmmm?" Dr. Barts sounded interested. "Did you enjoy it?"

"It was... different," Erika admitted, "But I was drunk when I did it."




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