My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 18

Synopsis: Jamie and Megan attend the party but there's trouble at the party and a storm brewing at Megan's house.

Chapter 18

Jamie emerged from the shower and noticed how smooth his freshly shaved legs looked and felt as he toweled them dry. All day he had been on edge with anticipation. He wanted to call Megan or send email or IM her but he managed to avoid the temptation. He didn't want to be a bother, but he had this strange fear that she would forget about the cookout and they would arrive at her house to find her out with her friends.

"Jamie," called his mother. "I put your clothes on your bed."

On his bed, Jamie found a clean pair of suntan, Sheer Energy hose along with the capri pants and yellow polo-top his mother had purchased for him at Mohls. Normally he would have protested but the excitement of being with Megan overcame everything and he was confident that she would accept him no matter what he was wearing.

Jamie bounded down the stairs to find his mother and Julie waiting in the living room. They were both wearing light-weight summer dresses. Julie's was a bit shorter. Jamie noticed that neither his mother nor sister were wearing hose and the oddity of the situation, only the male in a party of three was wearing hose, was not lost on him. His mother told him to get the jello salad out of the fridge. With his mother and Julie sitting in front, the three headed out to pick up Samantha and Megan.

"Did you hear from Megan?" asked Julie?

"No, not a thing. I hope she didn't forget."

His mother laughed at his concern. Julie had not told anyone about the incident at the mall. "I don't think she'll forget," Julie said in her most reassuring voice. The question is, she wondered, will Megan back out and what did she do last night.

* * * * *

Megan was sitting in her living room, waiting for Jamie's family, leaning over to adjust the toe seam of her tan pantyhose.

"I swear I don't think I ever see you without pantyhose on these days," said her mother as she entered the room and took a seat opposite her daughter.

"I like them and, well, Jamie will be wearing them so I make it a point to wear hose when I'm around him."

Her mother smiled and nodded.

"Did you have a good day?" asked Megan.

Megan's mother related the success of her charity function then asked Megan about her date from the previous evening.

"It was ok," said Megan.

"Just ok?"

"I think Josh wants things from me that I'm not ready to give him."

"Oh. I'm impressed that you acted with restraint and I'm disappointed with Josh. He seems like such a fine, upstanding boy."

"He acted like a gentleman. Most of the time. But I just didn't feel comfortable with him."

"But you feel comfortable with Jamie?"

"Oh yeah."

"Well, I doubt you'll ever have to worry about Jamie taking liberties."

"No. He's too sweet."

"You could say that."

Megan caught on to her mother's meaning. "You didn't say that to be nice did you? Why don't you like him?"

"It's not that I don't like him. I'm sure he's a wonderful friend for you, but do you really want him as a boyfriend? He's not exactly any girls dream date. You could do so much better."

"He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends."

"That's not what he thinks. It's so obvious seeing how he lights up around you."

Megan knew her mother was right. If Jamie wasn't in love with her, he certainly had a massive crush on her, but she liked him. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but was he just a friend? He certainly wasn't the boyfriend material that all her friends were after. There was no way he would fit in with her friends and their guys. The other boys would beat him up. Why did she feel so protective toward him and why did she think about him all the time? Megan was confused.

A car pulled into the drive saving Megan from further discussion with her mother. Jamie jumped out of the back and approached the house. Megan's mother noted the capris, sandals, and yellow shirt and rolled her eyes.

"Have a nice time," her mother said.

Megan opened the door before Jamie could knock. He noted her tight jean shorts that ended half-way down her thighs and tan nylons encasing her legs. "At least I won't be the only person there in hose," he thought. Megan and Jamie exchanged hellos then headed for the car. Jamie felt an enormous sense of relief.

From an upper story window, Melissa and Carla watched as Jamie held the car door for Megan.

"What a wimp sissy," said Melissa. "He's wearing capris and a yellow top."

Carla laughed. "And I'm sure he thinks he such a gentleman, holding the door for her."

"Oh yeah, a regular knight in shining nylons." The two girls giggled uproariously. "This is going to be so much fun," said Melissa.

* * * * *

Jamie watched Megan slide into the backseat of the car, glancing at her legs that shimmered slightly as the sunlight reflected off the nylon. Megan smiled appreciatively at him as he closed the door. As he walked around to the other side, he noticed that his own legs shimmered in the same way that Megan's did.

"So Megan," asked Julie after Jamie got into the car and their mother set the car in reverse, "did you have fun last night?"

Megan hoped Jamie didn't sense her nervousness. "Does he know?" she wondered. She decided to be as non-committal as possible with her answers without sounding evasive. "It was okay. I got bored after awhile and came home early."

"Really?" remarked Julie, not hiding the doubt in her voice.

"You saw Megan last night?" asked Jamie.

Megan felt relieved. At least Julie had not told Jamie anything yet and she now had a chance to spin the story.

"Sam and I saw her at the mall with some . . . friends."

Jamie felt torn between wanting to know everything and nothing. Megan believed that the less she said the better. Julie didn't want to ruin the evening for her brother but she sensed she had succeeded in making Megan squirm. She planned to talk to Megan in private at the party. No one was going to take her little brother for a fool. In a moment of self-reflection, Julie realized that she had never before felt so protective of her brother. She used to think of him as an annoying little kid, but ever since he started wearing pantyhose, she felt a closer link to him. He was vulnerable now and, she believed, needed an older sister's protection. Perhaps, she wondered, it was time to confide with Jamie some of her own secrets.

"It certainly is a nice evening for the party," commented Jamie's mother. Everyone agreed, putting an end to the tension as the conversation moved on to who was likely to be at the party.

When they stopped to fetch Samantha, Jamie smiled sheepishly at Megan. He wanted to tell her that he liked her clothes and that their nylons seemed to match but was too embarrassed to say it in front of his mother. He also could not help wondering what the mystery of Megan's time at the mall was all about but decided to put it out of his mind. Megan was here with him and that was all that mattered at the moment. His mother inquired about Megan's mother, asking about her charity work.

When Samantha scooted into the backseat next to Jamie, sandwiching him between two girls, he took note of her short skirt, low-heeled sandals, and tan pantyhose. Samantha rubbed her palm over her nylon-clad thigh then winked at Jamie, who blushed.

"Hi Megan," said Samantha. "I seem to see you every day anymore."

Megan nodded.

"How's work at the fabric store?" asked Samantha.

Jamie related the recent events. Both Megan and Samantha laughed about the incident with the beads.

"That Kelli sounds horribly mean," said Megan. "Maybe I should drop in some day when you're working."

"Would you?" The idea of showing off Megan to all the people at work was intoxicating to Jamie. "I'm usually working in the stockroom. Maybe she would back off if she saw that I have a girlfriend."

Both Samantha and Julie stared at Megan, waiting for her response to that last word, and she was very conscious of it.

"Sure, I'll stop by. As long as I won't get you in trouble. Your boss sounds a bit uptight."

"I think it'll be okay, especially if you buy something."

"Tabitha sounds nice though," Samantha added, raising her eyebrows at Megan.

Jamie agreed and told them what he knew about Tabitha.

Megan felt a twinge of jealousy. If she was honest with herself, she had to admit that she had never considered the possibility of some other girl liking Jamie. And was she his girlfriend? Everyone seemed to think so, but she certainly wasn't his girlfriend when she was sitting on Josh's lap at the mall, certainly not a good girlfriend. Yes, she resolved. She would have to visit Jamie at work to get a look at this Tabitha.

When they arrived at the North's house, Jamie's mother asked him to carry the jello salad. Two cars and a mini-van filled the driveway and places on the street were filled as well. Obviously, this was going to be a well-attended party. Jamie's mother led the way, followed by Julie and Samantha coming next and Megan and Jamie trailing behind.

Julie and Samantha were chattering and Jamie thought he was out of earshot of his mother. "I like your clothes," said Jamie. "You look nice."

"Thanks," answered Megan. "You don't look bad yourself."

"Thanks for wearing hose. It makes me feel less conspicuous."

Megan laughed. "I think we both look good in them. I think we're wearing the same brand. We match."

"You don't think these pants look stupid do you?"

"No, not at all. I've seen men's capris in stores. Are those men's?"

"No, my mom bought them in the juniors section."

"They still look good on you."

As they approached the driveway, they could hear the sound of many conversations. Jamie was glad there were so many people. He believed he would be less conspicuous and all he really cared about was being with Megan. Jamie and Megan followed his mother as she looked for Carla to find out what to do with the jello salad.

"Sarah. I'm so glad you could make it," said Carla.

"We've all been looking forward to it," said Jamie's mother. "I brought a jello salad. I'm wondering what we should do with it."

"Oh, I'll take it," said Carla as she approached Jamie. He noticed her eyes flit down to his legs and feet in his open-toed sandals. She smiled at him and raised her eyebrows as she took the bowl. "And is this Julie?" she asked, referring to Megan.

"Oh, no, that's Jamie's friend Megan. I don't know where Julie went to."

"Oh, really," said Carla with evident surprise. "Nice to meet you Megan."

Megan smiled as she answered Carla's courtesies. "Come on Jamie. Let's get something to eat. It smells so good."

As they moved across the yard, Jamie felt his hand brush against Megan's. He took hold of it. Megan squeezed back, smiling. They stopped at the end of the line for the barbecue sandwiches.

"Hope you're not too hungry," said Jamie, then wished he hadn't said it as he thought it sounded so lame.

"Yes, looks like we'll have to wait. Why don't you wait here while I get us something to drink."

Jamie assented and watched Megan walk away, paying particular attention to her bum.

Jamie heard giggling behind him and turned to see Beth, Carla's daughter, and another girl looking at him.

"I told you," Beth said to her friend.

The other girl looked directly at Jamie and said "Those nylons are so, so sexy." Both girls burst into laughter. Jamie noticed the people in line looking about to see what was so funny.

"Are those the capris your Mommy bought for you?" asked Beth.

Jamie didn't know if he should answer them or ignore them. Either approach might invite more taunting.

"Your tongue all in a bunch?" asked the other girl.

"Here Jamie. I got you some root beer."

I wave of relief washed over Jamie when he heard Megan's voice. He thanked her as he took the plastic cup from Megan and noticed she had some lemonade.

The girls giggled again. "Little Jamie's all grown up drinking root beer," said Beth to her friend.

Megan scowled at the pair. "Are these little girls bothering you Jamie?"

"I've been trying to ignore them."

"Why don't you girls run along. I think the baby swing is empty now if you were waiting for it."

"Very funny Julie," retorted Beth. "You can't tell me what to do. This is my mom's party."

"Julie? I'm not Julie. I'm Megan." Megan paused a moment then placed her arm around Jamie's waist. "I'm Jamie's girlfriend."

Jamie looked wide-eyed at Megan who smiled at him. He switched his drink to the other hand and put his arm around Megan's waist. His hand rested on her hip and he felt the waistband of her pantyhose through the fabric of her blouse. He realized her hand was also planted squarely across the waistband of his pantyhose.

Beth and her friend looked at the pair with their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open. "You're his girlfriend?" asked Beth.

"That's what I said."

"Do you know he wears pantyhose?"

"So do I," Megan answered, holding out her foot. "What of it? I suppose you're not old enough for hose yet. Are you jealous?"

Jamie noticed the middle-aged woman standing in line behind them smiling broadly as she laughed to herself. Jamie was in awe of Megan's skill at turning the girls' taunts into arrows directed back at them.

Beth rolled her eyes then glared at Megan in a shallow attempt to snatch some threads of victory from her defeat. "Come on," she told her friend.

"You certainly told them off," said the woman behind them.

"Thanks," Megan answered. "I have a sassy sister so I get lots of practice."

The woman nodded. Looking down at Jamie's legs, the woman asked, "Do you wear for some medical reason?"

"No, I just like the way they feel."

Megan squeezed his hip.

"Good for you. You have very nice legs. They look good on you."

Jamie thanked her.

Addressing Megan, she offered her help dealing with Beth. "I know that girl's mother. I'm sure she would be shocked at her daughter's behavior. I could say something to her if you would like."

"That's very kind of you," answered Megan. "But I don't think it's necessary. I think she'll leave us alone."

Jamie wondered how appalled Beth's mother Carla would really be. Megan let her arm drop from Jamie's waist as turned to catch up with the end of the line. Jamie didn't want to remove his hand. He wanted to keep it on Megan's hip forever. He honestly feared he might never get a chance to place it there again. Would Megan expect it from now on? Did she really mean it about being his girlfriend? Reluctantly, he took his hand off her hip and dropped his arm to his side. He took her hand. Megan smiled and squeezed his hand then looked away, pressing her lips together tightly.

* * * * *

Carla and Melissa sat on Melissa's bed discussing a message Melissa had composed on her laptop.

"This is so mean," said Carla.

"I know. You don't think it's too over the top do you? I want people to believe it."

"Let me read it again."

Both girls focused on the screen.

"I have finally come to my senses. Some of you have probably heard rumors that I've been spending a lot of time with Jamie lately and that we're now a couple. You've probably also heard rumors that Jamie now openly wears pantyhose all the time. The last rumor is true. The little sissy does wear hose all the time. I've also been spending a lot of time with him. I'm trying to figure out what makes him tick. I think, no, I'm certain he has developed a hopeless crush on me. Does he really think I would be interested in a geeky sissy who parades around in pantyhose? LOL!!! Pathetic is the only word for it but it is amusing to watch him follow me around like a little puppy dog. Last night I went out with Josh and let me tell you there is no comparison between Josh and Jamie. One is a man and the other is something. I'm not sure what but definitely amusing. So, I just wanted to let you all know that I have not lost my mind. You may see me hanging out with Jamie. The poor sissy needs a friend or two and he is kind of sweet but this is a mercy case, like charity work. LOL!!! It provides some amusement while I wait impatiently for my next encounter with Josh."

Both girls giggled.

"How's this going to hurt Megan?" asked Carla. "It sounds more like a put-down of Jamie."

"And it certainly does put him in his place. Don't you think?"

Carla nodded.

"But it does hurt Megan and that's what is so brilliant about it. First, it makes her look manipulative and dishonest. She's toying with Jamie for her own amusement, but she wants her friends to know the real score. Megan's always prided herself on not being a hypocrite. She's absolutely nauseating about it. Second, Jamie is going to 'accidentally' receive this. It will destroy their relationship. Megan will spend the rest of the summer trying to repair the damage with her friends and Jamie. But her friends will wonder why Megan would want to deny any of this. It finally gives a reasonable explanation for her behavior. It's like so diabolical."

"Wow. You've really thought this through," said Carla, hoping that she would never get on the wrong side of Melissa's anger.

"Now, all we have to do is wait for the perfect time to strike. Timing is everything you know. We have to send this just as Megan gets home and goes into her room so she can't claim it didn't come from her based on the time it was sent. Then I need to immediately log off her email account. That's where you come in."

"How's that?" asked Carla.

"You have to be the look out stupid and let me know where Megan is."

"Oh, right."

Melissa rolled her eyes. Why, she wondered, did evil geniuses always get stuck with such dense minions. "The other really funny thing is that she won't know this is out there until she starts getting responses from her friends."

Both girls stopped talking to laugh.

"And what's more," continued Melissa. "Imagine how confused Megan will be if Jamie reads this before Megan knows about it? She'll be trying to talk to him and he'll be so crushed."

That thought elicited another chorus of laughter.

* * * * *

Jamie and Megan were sitting on a bench together finishing their meal, barbecued beef sandwiches and potato salad. Megan had been quizzing Jamie about work, particularly Tabitha and Kelli. Megan wondered why young girls were either very kind to Jamie or downright mean. Most guys, especially geeky ones like Jamie, elicited indifference from girls. Megan was grateful Jamie didn't ask any more about her previous night's activities. She was certain Jamie just wouldn't understand.

"Hey," said Julie. "I've been looking all over for you two. Mom wants you to help Mrs. North with some stuff in the kitchen," she said to Jamie.

"But it's not our party," Jamie protested.

"You know how mom is. You better get a move on."


"I'll help," offered Megan.

"No," said Julie. "Mom just wants Jamie."

Jamie shrugged and Megan stared at Julie incredulously.

"I'll keep your girlfriend company," said Julie to Jamie as he tromped past.

Megan wondered what was up as Julie sat next to her and crossed her legs. Julie watched Jamie until she was certain he was out of earshot.

"So," Julie began. "Did you have a good time last night?"

"It's not what you think Julie. I know it didn't look good but...."

"You seemed to be having an awfully good time sitting on Josh's lap."

"The date was not my idea."

"Really? Surprise me."

Megan explained how the date came about.

"You seem to be easily manipulated by your friends."

"I know the whole thing was stupid disaster. I should have just said no."

"But what girl could pass up a date with a guy like Josh?"

"Exactly," answered Megan before she realized what she was saying.

"So what did you and your friends do with the guys after the mall?"

"That's none of your business."

"But it's Jamie's business."

"We went for a drive. I didn't do anything. Josh wanted to but I refused. You're not going to tell Jamie about any of this are you?"

"No," answered Julie. "I don't think he could handle it."

"I've been worried that he'll start asking me questions."

"Here's what you need to remember. Jamie is head over heels in love with you. He's also very sweet and vulnerable. If you hurt him, I'll make your life hell. I don't know how yet, but I'll figure out a way. Understand?"

Megan nodded. Julie walked away. When Megan looked up, she found Beth grinning at her.

"Wait until you see your boyfriend now."

* * * * *

While Julie was lecturing Megan, Jamie found himself in the North's kitchen, kneeling on the floor, refilling an old metal washtub with ice, water bottles, and cans of soda. He didn't turn when he heard the back door open as he assumed it was Mrs. North.

Beth put her finger to her lips, signaling to her friend to be quiet. A metal mixing bowl, partially filled with punch was sitting precariously on the edge of the counter directly behind Jamie. Beth gave it a push and shrieked.

Jamie turned just in time to see a wave of red punch descending on him. It hit the bottom of his polo shirt and the top of his capri pants. Jamie stood in shock, looking down at his clothes that were now stained red and wet. "What did you do?"

Beth and her friend scrambled to get some dish towels and start mopping up the mess. "I'm so sorry Jamie. I bumped the bowl when I came in."

"It was an accident," said Beth's friend as Mrs. North and Jamie's mother came into the kitchen.

"What happened?" asked Mrs. North.

Beth provided her explanation as she and her friend finished cleaning up the mess.

"Those clothes are going to be ruined," said Jamie's mother.

"I'm sorry Mom," said Jamie. "The punch just fell on me."

"They might be okay if we soak them and wash them right away," suggested Mrs. North.

"We didn't bring a change of clothes," said Jamie's mother.

"Oh, I'm sure we can find something for him to wear," said Mrs. North.

Beth smiled at her friend and winked.

"That would be wonderful," said Jamie's mother. "We just bought this outfit. It's the first time he's worn it."

"Come on Jamie," said Mrs. North. "Let's get you out of those wet clothes." She beckoned for him to follow.

Jamie noticed that he was not only feeling very wet but very cold inside the air-conditioned house. He started to follow Mrs. North, wanting nothing more than to change out of his wet clothes. His mother followed.

"Jamie," said his mother. "Take your shoes off or you'll track punch all over their carpets."

Jamie looked down to see splotches of punch on the linoleum where he had stepped. He stepped out of his sandles and followed Mrs. North and his mother in his nylon-clad feet.

Once the three had left the kitchen, Beth and her friend exchanged a high-five.

Upstairs, Jamie and his mother entered the bathroom while Mrs. North went to look for some clothes. Jamie stripped down to just his pantyhose. He wasn't thrilled to be doing this in front of his mother.

"Don't be bashful," his mother said. "I've seen you before. Besides, you're not really naked with your pantyhose on." She handed him a dark-colored wash cloth and towel to clean up with while she began rinsing his dirty clothes in the sink. Jamie kept his back to his mother as he cleaned up.

A moment later, Mrs. North knocked on the bathroom door and handed some clothes to Jamie's mother. "These are some clothes that didn't fit Beth. I think my husband's clothes will be way too big. Sorry about the colors."

"Thanks. I think they'll be okay."

"Are his pantyhose a mess too?"

Jamie's mother stepped over to look. "Yes," she answered. "I'm afraid they are. Jamie, I'm afraid we'll have to wash your hose too."

"What am I going to wear?"

"I don't know. Maybe we can dry them quickly."

Jamie removed his hose, noting the streaks of red that the pantyhose left on his legs as he pulled them down. His mother was right. They had to be washed. He handed the hose to his mother who put them in the sink then continued washing himself, now totally naked. He noticed the yellow shirt and pink shorts on the counter.

"Mom! I can't wear those."

"Well you certainly can't wear your clothes," she said pointing at the sopping garments in the sink. "I know they're girlish but you have to wear something. We're not going to stay much longer. You can go wait in the car if you want."

There was another knock at the door. Jamie's mother opened the door a crack and took something. "I think these might work," said Mrs. North. "Sorry about the color but it's all I have."

Jamie turned his head to see his mother examining a flat, rectangular package which he immediately recognized as pantyhose.

"Yes, I think they'll work," his mother answered. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. He can keep them."

"Well," Jamie's mother said as she turned to him. "You're in luck. Looks like we have all the problems solved. We have clothes and a new pair of pantyhose. And you get to keep the hose."

"What kind are they?"

"They're from JCPenny. Light support, just like your Leggs but these are control top. Older women usually need a little tummy support." His mother, who had been opening the package, smiled then pulled out a pair of black pantyhose with sheer legs and a reinforced panty.

"Mom! They're black."

"I know honey but these are all we have. I'll step out while you change."

Before he could protest anymore, his mother was out the door.

Jamie picked up the hose. They certainly looked big enough and they felt extremely silky and soft. He sat on the edge of the tub to get dressed. The hose added a misty black sheen to his legs. When he pulled them up, he found they fit perfectly. To his surprise, he also found that he enjoyed the snug fit of the control top. The reinforced portion of the panty extended several inches down his thighs and he wondered if that was going to be a problem with the shorts. Jamie picked up the clothes to take a closer look: a yellow t-shirt emblazoned with the PowerPuff Girls and a pair of pink, low-rise shorts. He slipped on the t-shirt and shorts. The shorts stopped two inches below his crotch, placing his black, nylon-clad legs almost completely on display as well as a hint of the reinforced part of the leg. The bottom hem of the t-shirt reached to just below the top of the shorts. If he moved around much, everyone would get an eyeful of his control tops. He looked at himself in the mirror, horrified at the sissy that stared back at him.

His mother knocked on the door. "Are you dressed?"

He answered affirmatively. His mother entered carrying a white trash bag for his soiled clothes. She gasped when she saw him and failed to completely hold back a smile. "I'm sorry," she said. "It's not the best outfit, but there's nothing else we can do. Just get Megan and wait in the car. Okay?"

Jamie trudged downstairs toward the kitchen to retrieve his sandals, wondering what Megan would make of his outfit. He was certain he looked ridiculous and felt so as well. Mrs. North was pouring some more ice around the water and soda in the washtub when Jamie entered the kitchen.

"Oh," she gasped, looking up and stifling a giggle. "It looks like everything fits. Were those pantyhose the right size."

Jamie nodded and thanked her for the clothing.

"You can keep the pantyhose by the way. A little gift from me. I don't suppose you want to keep the other items. Not quite your style. But you're welcome to if you want. They don't fit Beth."

"Thanks for the party and everything. My mom said we're going in a bit so I'm just going to get Megan."

"Since you're going outside, I was wondering if you could help me carry this tub. I don't know where my husband is."

Jamie agreed to help, as if he had a choice. He had hoped to slip outside and find Megan without attracting any attention. Now he would be attracting everyone's notice. Mrs. North and Jamie each took a handle and carried the heavily loaded washtub toward the door.

"Watch the edges of the tub," she told Jamie. "You don't want to snag your new hose."

When they reached door, Mrs. North called to Beth to hold the door. Mrs. North stepped out onto the deck first. Jamie saw Beth smirking at him. Her friend was standing on the other side of the door. Jamie felt like he was running a gauntlet. As he followed Mrs. North across the deck, he heard the two girls laughing.

* * * * *

"Don't you have something better to do?" said Megan to Beth.

Beth smirked. "Your precious boyfriend had to change his clothes."

"Why? What are you talking about?"

"He had a little accident with a punch bowl in the kitchen," added Beth's friend.

"All his clothes got soaked. But fortunately my Mom found him some replacements," said Beth.

"And he looks so cute," said Beth's friend.

Megan stared at the giggling girls, trying to process their banter.

"Here he comes," said Beth. "Little miss PowerPuff." The two girls laughed and moved away to watch Jamie's meeting with Megan from a distance.

Megan looked in the direction Beth had pointed. She saw a sad looking Jamie approaching her in a ridiculous outfit that even Megan had to admit screamed sissy. Megan ran to Jamie, meeting him on the lawn. "What happened?"

"Come on," said Jamie with downcast eyes. "I'll tell you in the car."

Megan followed Jamie toward the driveway. She saw a few people glance in their direction and when she looked back, before she and Jamie turned the corner of the house, saw Beth and her friend watching them, laughing victoriously.

Jamie didn't say anything until they reached the car and crawled into the backseat. He answered Megan's questions about the accident with the punch bowl and the clothes he was now wearing.

Megan fumed. "That Beth dumped it on you, didn't she."

"Probably. I had my back to them when they came in."

"That little bitch. And I refuse to believe these are the only clothes that that Mrs. North could find. Pink and yellow? Nobody wears pink and yellow. You would have attracted less attention naked. Why does everyone have to be so mean to you? And why didn't your mom demand some different clothes?"

"I think she was just happy for me to have something to wear."

"My mother wouldn't have stood for it." Megan hugged Jamie. "I'm really sorry this happened. I should have gone with you to help." Then she remembered why she didn't go with him. With their arms still around each other, Megan pulled back to look at Jamie. "You're a very sweet guy Jamie and you don't deserve to be treated like this."

"It means a lot to me that we're friends."

Megan leaned forward and kissed Jamie on the lips. His eyes flew open as he returned her kiss, pulling her closer. Each raised their opposite leg and their knees touched, rubbing nylon against nylon. On occasion, when sitting close on a couch or in the back of a car, Megan's nylon-encased legs would touch one of her friend's nylon-clad legs but the sensation never aroused her. This was different. She wasn't accidentally grazing the leg of a friend. This was the nylon-clad leg of a boy that she was kissing. The sensation excited her and she rubbed her knee along Jamie's thigh. They remained locked together as their lips touched tenderly and Megan mused on the differences between kissing Josh whose efforts were urgent and aggressive and Jamie who seemed overwhelmed by the experience. She liked being in charge with Jamie but a part of her liked Josh's aggression. Megan ran her hand down Jamie's back. His t-shirt had ridden up and as Megan's hand traveled lower, she touched the panty of Jamie's hose and rubbed his back through the soft, slippery material. She smiled inwardly, thinking how much she enjoyed the sensation of nylon and that Josh would never wear hose. Megan pulled away.

"Your mom and sister are going to be here soon," she said. "Wouldn't that be funny?"

"I don't think they would expect to find us in the backseat kissing."

They laughed nervously.

"Does, does," stuttered Jamie. "Does this mean you're really my girlfriend."

"I guess so." Megan looked down, noticing the darker, reinforced part of the leg peeking out below Jamie's shorts. "Your shorts aren't even long enough for your hose."

Jamie laughed. "This outfit is a total disaster."

Megan felt the sheer material encasing Jamie's thigh. "These are some really nice pantyhose."

"Mrs. North said I could keep them. Can't imagine where I would be wearing black hose."

"Actually this shade looks kind of good on you. Matched with the right shorts you'd look cute."

"If you say so."

"I'm serious."

"But everyone would know I was wearing hose."

"Pantyhose are to make your legs look good. And they feel good. Looking good is the point. I want people to notice my legs."

The doors opened as Julie, Samantha, and Jamie's mother got into the car. Julie peered into the backseat. "You look like a neon sign," said Julie.

"No duh," answered Jamie.

"How could you let him wear that Mom?" asked Julie.

"I didn't have much choice."

"Those black hose look good on you Jamie," said Samantha, "but you really shouldn't wear them yellow unless you want to look like a bumble bee."

"Did Beth even get in trouble for dumping the punch on Jamie?" asked Megan.

"Beth dumped it on you?" asked Julie. "What a bitch."

"Stop!" cried Jamie's mother. "Jamie, did Beth dump the punch on you?"

"I don't know. I had my back to her."

"You know she did," said Megan. "And now she's gloating over it."

"There's nothing to do about it girls," said Jamie's mother with a sigh. "Did anyone have fun?"

Everyone agreed.

"Well then," said Jamie's mother as she started the car. "I think, other than the punch incident, we can call it a successful outing."

Megan took Jamie's hand and squeezed it. "He really could look cute in black hose and the proper shorts," she thought.

* * * * *

Back at Megan's house, Melissa and Carla sat by Melissa's bedroom window, watching for Megan's return.

to be continued

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