The Rose-2

The Rose Chapter 2

By Stanman63

Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for

Synopsis:After a violent rape, Charlie's best friend, and family help him to get even with the rapist, and he finds the girl within.

Sadly, THAT past could never be. But, At least I could give her a future without the past that I'd lived. Unlike Audrey, I was born with Momma's physique while Audrey was nearly as tall as Daddy and Gramps. No wonder Daddy's brother NEVER tried a thing with her growing up, he knew that she'd not let him get away with it!

Audrey even looked like Daddy would as a girl, but much prettier. She got Momma's golden hair though, NOT Daddy's thinning brown, mine luckily was like Momma's too.

Looking in the mirror, I saw two sisters wearing sundresses, hose and sandals. And try as I might, I couldn't see any sign that I was born a boy, and I liked it. I knew then that given a choice, that I'd stay a girl and that my family would support me in my choice.

I know that Daddy wanted a son to carry on his name, but he already had one in Chester. Chester was his illegitimate son who he fathered with a prostitute before he met and married Momma. Chester's Momma is Angie West, and she and Daddy are now best of friends after he found out about Chester.

Angie was in town with her family during Spring Break just before graduation from Milton High School. Daddy was heading straight into the Police Academy that year where he met Momma who was the sister of Frank Welks, Daddy's Best Man at the wedding.

Angie went on to have Chester and because of her father's attitude about her being a trollop, she left home and became a waitress at Catnip Bar and Grill where she wore a black skirted leotard and fishnets. She earned more money 'after hours' than she did 'on the clock' and that's where she met Daddy again.

Daddy was a part of the team that busted the prostitution ring in Catnip, luckily, Angie was working that night, so wasn't arrested. Taking her earnings, Angie went to college and became a nurse, never marrying. She lived in a condo where the owner' wife ran a nursery.

That let Angie become a successful working single mother and send her son to a private school where he excelled as an athlete and scholar, on his way to becoming a psychiatrist when Audrey brought him and Angie home to meet us.

When Angie saw Daddy, she was awestruck. Here was the only man who'd ever been a true lover, all others had been customers. When Daddy saw her, he couldn't believe it, here was a woman who by sheer luck was not prosecuted as a prostitute in the sting operation that long ago night.

Needless to say, after we'd all heard their story, Angie and Daddy became close friends and lovers while Chester became our big brother. Chester and Audrey going out as friends and now were happy to have reunited their parents.


"What are you thinking about, Carly?"

"About our brother Chester and his Momma, Angie."


"Audrey, before Chester, 'I' was Daddy's only hope of continuing his legacy. Now, he has Chester."

"Carly, why think about that? Daddy would NEVER force you to be a boy, nor Gramps!"

"I know that, but I still feel as if I'm hurting Daddy by doing this," I sighed.

She hugged me, "Carly, listen to this song,"


Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you its only seed.

It’s the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It’s the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live.

And the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long.
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong.
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love,
In the spring,
Becomes a ROSE

Hearing that song, I finally knew that Daddy truly accepted me as his daughter! Both he and Gramps were playing their guitars while Daddy was singing, singing to ME! I knew because he placed a red rose in front of a picture that they had of me from last Halloween when I was dressed as bride.

"You see?"

"I am the ROSE."

"Yes. Right now, you are going through your bitter winter. It's up to you to come through to the Spring of New Hope."

I knew then that my family saw that I needed this to overcome my fear and conquer my past. Daddy's brother had bullied me into believing that I was useless, good only for being his whipping post. But now I had died as a boy and was ready to rise from the ashes of my old life, like a phoenix.

I felt a power course through my spirit as the dregs of despair was washed away the spring rain of Hope fertilized the seed of my Rose. I knew that God Loved me and approved of my choice because Brother Don taught us about Radical Love.


Brother Don Porter serves as pastor at the Agape Love Cathedral, a non-denominational church. Brother Don was a Catholic Priest who fell in love with Sister Anne North. Because of the Catholic Church's rule against a priest, or nun marrying, they quit the church and joined his brother Reggie, a Minister of Music at Agape Love Cathedral.

The Cathedral's Pastor, Carl Malone had died recently, and called his brother about replacing him since he knew that his brother wanted to serve God, but wanted to marry, too. The Cathedral's congregation called Brother Don to be their Pastor, and he accepted, marrying Anne North. Together, they began the Radical Love Ministry.

Radical Love is about loving and accepting others for who they are, not judging them. This new and fresh approach caused the congregation to examine how they saw others, causing many to change their lives. Now, Agape Love Cathedral was a haven for people like me.

I had been seen by Daddy's brother, and he never recognized me as his nephew, nor even as a family member for which I was grateful. There was a rumor that he'd hurt others, but ONLY rumors. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I felt so fresh and new. I was now ready to do what must be done.


"Carly, how do you feel?"

"Like a rose, awakening to a Spring of new Hope."

"I'm glad."

"Everything feels different, from the way I stand to the way I use my hands and walk, it seems to come naturally, as if it was normal for me."

"Now it is."

"I know, before lunch today, I was worried that others would think that I'm a freak, but now I know that I'm not a freak."

"Will you tell others?"

"I'm sure that Alfred has already," I smiled.

She looked at me in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

"Simple," I shrugged. "I know that one of you would tell him as he's my best friend."

"You're right! What we weren't ready for was that he already figured out that you were a girl and fancies you."


"Yes, I called him and told him about what was decided. He said that he wants to meet the new you and help you with your idea of revenge."

I blushed, "He was the one who came to me after the raping. He NEVER judged me, at all! I guess that he always saw me as a girl."

"That's what he told me, and most of the school does too."


"Yes, you'll find out when you met your friends at the 'Teen Scene', tomorrow."



The Teen Scene was in the Towne Community Center. It was a youth oriented store that catered to teens, selling teen oriented merchandise. Originally, it was just a large warehouse, but with the help of area churches, it was turned into combination store, cafe, game room and gymnasium that doubled as a concert hall.

Now the Teen Scene was the most popular place for anybody under college age, or families. Audrey and I had spent many a weekend there, swimming in the summer and team sports the rest of the time. Daddy and Gramps were on the Board of Directors and helped to plan events, giving Audrey and me free tickets to anything in the Center and discounts on Scene merchandise.


For the rest of the day I walked around, even out on the patio, the sensation of wearing a dress, the taste of lipstick, smell of perfume, the feel of nylons all seemed to envelop me, taking me to a place that I never knew existed, a place where I wasn't afraid of being the skinny kid with no manly strengths. No, it took me to a world where my weakness was now my strength.

As I sat on the swing, enjoying the gentle breeze, watching the birds and clouds, I was thinking about what I must soon do. I'd have to meet my friends and confront them with my new self. Would they accept me? Would they tell Buck and his friends?

Because one of their other victims had testified, nothing could be done. Even with physical evidence, all that could be proven was intercourse between minors and the goons had already been punished as much as could be done.

Now, this girl would make them pay and pay dearly, too. ‘Girl’ The very word conjured a multitude of images. Here I was, a beautiful young lady, yet some males preyed on us. But NEVER again! Now that Aud and I had received training from Daddy, "I" would decide "WHO" I had sex with.

Yes, the ability to wreck some sort of retribution on my tormentors gave me a bitter stench that I must turn into a strength that I could use, to become a bitter witch who used and destroyed men in my unrelenting rage and fury. No, although my innocence and virginity had been stripped from me, I refused to let them win.


That night, I opened a drawer and found some underoos. I slipped one a blue trainer bra, then the Supergirl tank top and switched my plain white panty for the red ones and pulled red socks over my hose. Looking in the mirror, I had to admit hat I made a cute Supergirl.

As I looked at my image, I began to think about how Alfred had treated me after the attack. He was one of the very few students that Buck and his friends were afraid of, with good reason, too. Alfred was a black belt in karate, and judo.

His Daddy ran the TigerLily Dojo where he and his wife taught. Don Li taught Judo while Kim Li taught karate. They’d grown up, learning their families’ disciplines which helped Don and Kim to become the Masters that they were.

They raised their son Alfred up to be a caring young man, and his sisters to be ladies. Alfred excelled in wrestling and tennis while his sisters became soccer and volleyball athletes. Both Alfred and his sisters were on the student council, too.

Audrey came in and saw me looking at myself, "Like what you see?"

"Yes, but what about Al? Will he and his sisters like me?"

"I am sure that they will. Whenever you went over there, weren't Amy and Jamie friendly to you?"

"Yeah. it was as if they were treating me as a sister."

"Oh? How's that?"

"Whenever you were away at college and Daddy was working the weekend shift, I'd spend the weekend with the Li's and Amy and Jamie would get me to dress as them, wearing hose and a dress, like them."

"You see, even back then he and his family knew and accepted you as a girl. I bet that he even fancies you as his wife!"

I sighed, "I know I fancy him as my husband."

"Well, be ready for some truly girly fun, tomorrow."

Oh? Why?"

"We both have appointments at the beauty shop, in the afternoon."

"OK, I think that I'll wear some shorts with this," I giggled.

"Going as Supergirl?"

"Why not? I've got the blond tresses, and now, the body."

"OK, Kara. Then your sister will be going as Mary Marvel," Audrey laughed back.


Wearing a blue blouse tucked into a pair of red gym shorts and a red purse, I got into Audrey's Jeep and belted myself in. It was fun riding in her Jeep because of the solid cab it had, and the wide doors of a postal Jeep.

Daddy bought it from the dealer at a fraction of its full price because its cab had been crushed storm. Daddy found an old postal jeep in the junkyard with an intact cab to replace the cab of Audrey's Jeep, and had the dealer mount the postal Jeep cab onto the body of the new Jeep.

Daddy also bought himself, Gramps and me our own Jeeps like Audrey's. Daddy's was outfitted for the outdoors, Gramps as a work truck and mine as a mini bedroom.

"Audrey, who are we seeing?"

"Becky Moore."

"What? I thought that she was gonna be an attorney."

"No, a paralegal. But she also became a beautician like her mother, and a gourmet chef, like her dad."

"Why isn’t she a paralegal?"

"Oh, she is, for her friends, family and any church, but loves her job as a beautician and chef."

"Oh, so THAT'S why you had me to skip breakfast."

"Yep! Becky will not only pamper us, she'll feed us too."

"She does this for all customers?"

"No, normally not, but she knows about you and wants to help you."


"Buck and his goons hurt her kid sister. Now Sheila has withdrawn from life, just caring for the child that she bore."


"Sheila went to a party where Buck and his gang gave her the date rape drug and succeeded in deflowering her. When she awoke, hr panty was wet with her blood and discharge, any semen was absent as they used protection."

"How did she get pregnant, and how do you know that Buck did it?"

"She remembered them doing it, and the pain of the penetration."

"Why wasn't Buck at least prosecuted?"

"Because they have an ironclad alibi, while it happened, they were seen at the party."

"DAMN! What did she do then?"

"Sheila became sexually active afterwards and got pregnant from a one night stand. NOW she only trusts her family."

"Well, hopefully I can help Sheila to overcome her fear."

"We all do, we all do."


We pulled up to an old warehouse that was converted into a beauty parlor in front and gourmet restaurant in back. Becky's Place was decorated in an early twentieth century with lighting from chandeliers and authentic gas lamps on the wall that held special bulbs that simulated the gas flame.

"Hello Audrey, Is this your new sister?" asked a brunette woman with gray in her hair. She wore a red uniform dress with an above the knee hem and flats with white hose.

"Yes, this is Carly."

"Hello, Ma'am," I replied as I curtsied.

She laughed gently, "Child, you are family here! Call me Becky, just like your sister!"

"Thanks," I blushed.

"Now, you'll have to remove the hose if we're to give you a pedicure. But if you like wearing hose, I have footless tights that you can wear, instead."

So I went to the bathroom and exchanged my hose for the tights. Now I had white leg and regular feet. I liked how the tights looked on my legs and started to wonder how I'd look as a ballerina, wishing that I had been born a girl.

Stepping out into the parlor, I got into the chair. The soft music in the background and the soft lighting relaxed me as I listened to the women chatting about their favorite soap opera or some upcoming event. I found that I was fitting in, easily as I had many of the same likes as they did.

I also had my favorite soap opera, and I also loved acting and golf and tennis, but now that I was a girl, I wanted to figure skate as well. I had always loved the idea of wearing one of those dresses that girls wear and skating to beautiful music after I saw Audrey skating.

Now, I could fulfill that dream, and many more. Yes, I was a phoenix, arising from the ashes of my despair. No longer would I fear! No, Now I would fight and damn the consequences.

"Carly, you've made a hard choice just now, right?"

"Yes, I have. How could you tell, Becky?"

"I could see it in your eyes."

"I have chosen to never back down, to fight and damn the consequences."

She hugged me, "I wish that my daughter could have made your choice, but she went wild after her ordeal. Now she's an unwed mother, afraid of men."

"Tell her about me."

I saw a younger version of Becky come over, holding an innocent baby, nursing her, "She did, Carly. When you succeed, I can once again trust men. Well, my boyfriend, at least," she smiled.


"Yes, before Buck, I was dating Chad. He is a real sweetheart."

"So, he NEVER judged you/'

"No, he knows all about how Buck is and his ways. Chad blames himself for not being there for me."


"He had to work that night."

"So, are you going to possibly marry him, now?"

She held out her hand, showing a golden band with an emerald setting, "Yes, he proposed just before my ordeal. When you defeat Buck, I can marry Chad in Peace, knowing that my rapist is gone."


After that, Becky tended to my hair, giving me the royal treatment. She and her staff pampered me and Audrey, subjecting us to an ordeal that only women go through on special occasions because of the abuse that we suffer from the treatment.

Having your body massaged, immersed in various organic substances that cleansed the pores, dumped into a bubble bath that alters the skin and the mysterious chemicals that condition our hair leaves us girls as weak as if we'd been in a marathon race.

When Becky took out the rollers, I saw that my hair was now curly all over, like Shirley Temple. My hair framed my face perfectly, and changed the way I looked altogether! Now I looked like an innocent young girl who'd NEVER known any hurt, just the type of innocent victim that Buck loved to target.

I thought I was done, but Becky came over, and shaped, thinned, and arched my eyebrows. When she was through, I looked in the mirror and saw a new me. I saw my mother looking back at me. There were pictures of Momma from her school days, and except for her hairdo, it could have been me. Now I knew that Daddy and Gramps would be speechless when they saw me. Better yet, Buck would cream in his jeans when he saw me.

"Well, you like what you see?"

"Yes, I like it, Becky! I look just like my momma."

"Oh? Does your Daddy have a girlfriend?"

"No, why?"

"Well, would you mind if I was to start dating him?"

I laughed until I cried, "So, Daddy has been here before, eh? No doubt to check you out to see if you were serious about helping me, and you two hit it off! Right?"

"Yes," she admitted sheepishly.

"Becky, I have no problem with you and Daddy dating. Heck! As far as I'm concerned, get married. Daddy is lonely and needs someone to be with him after Audrey and I leave."

Audrey came up, sporting a new hairdo, making her look like a beach bunny with her now wavy tresses, "Yes, and knowing Gramps, he'll have himself a lady friend or two for companionship. He's always had a lady friend to date."

"Come on, Carly. Time to get you your clothing."

"Don't you need my measurements?"

"Took them during the day."

Our first stop was a lingerie shop since I needed everything. I got a selection of bras in every color and style, same for my panties and slips. But I preferred the one piece lingerie since it was like a leotard.

I know that peeing while wearing it meant that I would be braless as I sat, but I like the security it gave me, plus I also like the way that it looked like a leotard, and wearing one meant that any unwanted sex was held off because the interested party couldn't pull down my panty.

As I tried on my panties and bras, Audrey shook her head as she witnessed my confidence in my body. She'd been born a girl, had a lifetime of experience, yet here I was, a new girl in town, reveling every girls favorite sport, shopping.

We lugged everything to my room, put it all away, then Audrey confirmed what I knew was coming up, "Carly, you have the body, but you still have to get used to being a girl."

"I know, Sis"

"The best way is to go to the Teen Scene and meet everybody as we planned, maybe even stay there all day."

"That would mean getting ready everyday, all on my own, and I'd know how other boys treat a girl, too."

"Yes, ready?

"I am."

Already committed to being a girl, I took one more step in the journey of my new life.

To Be Continued...

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