The Rose-3

The Rose Part 3

By Stanman63

Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for


Synopsis:After a violent rape, Charlie's best friend, and family help him to get even with the rapist, and he finds the girl within.

And, like Audrey, I had no ambition to work in a burger joint, I'd prefer to work as a secretary or receptionist like them. Momma had worked in Police Headquarters as Dispatcher for the local precinct. She'd look so perfect in her Police Woman skirt uniform and was in line for a promotion when she died from complications from pneumonia.

Audrey was sixteen, I was twelve that winter when Momma came down with it. Like us, she'd taken the shot, but she caught it from the shot, and the antibiotics didn't because she was allergic to them. Luckily, Audrey and I take after Daddy and have very resilient constitution, like Gramps.

I spent most of that morning applying at doctor's and attorney's offices only to find that I lacked the specialized training, so I applied at the library. There I found my job.

In school, I frequented the school's and the public library, checking out the books they had so that buy those series that I loved without messing up mine. I had my own library of books filled with science fiction, fantasy, technical manuals, role playing games and movie tie-ins. I could spend all weekend lost in reading my book, watching one of the many movies in Daddy's video library, or in a role playing game.

With nothing to lose, I went in, and met Gloria Sanderson, Head Librarian
She was an older black lady with just a hint of gray in her hair and laughter in her eyes.

"Well now, do my eyes deceive me, or do I see my best student Charlie now a pretty young girl?" she smiled.

"You do, Gloria. The old Charlie is gone. Now, I am Carly," I admitted with a sigh.

"Now, no fretting, child! You just sit tell Old Glory about this here change."

I told her about everything that had recently happened, causing her to start crying. When she was through, she looked at me with sadness in her once happy eyes.

"Child, you are stronger than any realize. I know, because I am like you."


"Yes, like you, I was born a boy, but I was able to be a girl as I grew up."


"Yes, I had older sister who gave me their old clothing, so all that I needed was more hose and lingerie."

"Your family let you be a girl?"

"Yes, my twin brother Brian always treated like I was his sister, and Daddy was a psychiatrist."

"So, he was able to accept you as a girl."

"Yes, and got me treatment with his friends who said I was a girl, so I got to wear dresses and skits."

"Did anybody find out?"

"No, we had school uniforms in red and blue. We had a selection we could wear of blazers, blouses, sweaters, skirts, skorts, and socks with panty, tights and hose optional, as well as dresses. You could mix the colors around as long as you had the school's emblem displayed. Me, I carried it on a necklace."

"What about gym?"

"I wore tights with a leotard for cheerleading practice, which was always last period so that we girls could shower at home."

"Oh! So wearing the 'tard and tights kept your bits hidden away. When did you start?

"In the first grade."

"Who knew, other than your parents?"

"Principal Wilda Emerson, Larry Wilcox, and Nurse Jamie Ness."

"And they agreed to let you be a girl?"

"Yes, I was born in California, during the 'Free Love' Era. And they were believers. When I came along, they had a chance to act on their beliefs."

"What about going to pee?"

"On every floor, there were Teacher's Lounges that teachers and special needs students used. Mine was that I was spooked as an infant and needed privacy."

I sighed, "Too bad you didn't have a bodysuit like I'm wearing."

"True, but I had a gaffe, and before puberty, I had an orchiectomy done to remove my testicles so that I'd go through a female puberty. At the same time, I was given hormones to aid in my development."

"Orchiectomy? Gaffe?"

"Yes, in animals, its called 'gelding', in humans, it's used to remove cancerous testicles. And in the past, boys were castrated so that they'd keep a girly voice. And a gaffe is a special panty that keeps you tucked in."


"Yes, there's a cavity down there that your boy bit dropped out of. It takes a bit to push them back in, but once in, the gaffe keeps it there."

"Oh! Like my bodysuit does for me. In fact, it's bonded to me so that I am now physically a girl."

"How do you know? Most suits can be taken off."

"Well, I felt it bond to me when I put it on," I giggled.

"Carly, be warned, you'll be having your own menses cycle in about a month."

"I know, that's why it's so great having a sister to help me, Daddy and Gramps when I become 'bitchy' from the monthly blessing that it's given me."

"Good for you, any questions about me?"

"Do you sing?"

"Yes, I'm a soloist in my Church."

"Me too. Gloria, looking at you, all that I see is a woman. It's hard to believe that you were ever born a boy."

"Thanks, what job are you applying for?"

"Any and all."

"OK, do you have your student I.D.?"

"Yes, but it's as Charlie, Not Carly," I explained.

"Pass it to me.

"Thought so, evidently, somebody has already changed your records to show that you were born a girl named Charlette LeeAnne, Carly."

"That'd be my Gramps. He knows people who can do that without involving the courts."


"Yes, he knows a judge who can authorise things without leaving a record. That way, if anybody ever checks me out, all that they'll ever see is Carly."

"Well, thanks to him, you'll need a new student I.D. and Social Security card. We can take care of the I.D. here, today."


Then I was taken to my new work area behind the Information Desk by Gloria. The desk encased four computer terminals a printer, a break room/bathroom for us as well as her office. We walked up too Alfred who was wearing a crisp white polo shirt and jeans.

"Charlie? Is that you?"

"It's me, Alfred. And my names is Carly, now," I blushed.

He smiled at me, "I'm glad to see you, Carly. Take the desk with your name on it, put your stuff away, and I'll walk you around and show you what your duties are."

Gloria left me with Alfred, seeing that he knew me. Me, I followed him around for the next half an hour, meeting the other employees and learning my duties. Everyone was delighted to see me and adopted me as their kid sister, setting me at ease as I was worried about them seeing me as Charle.

I found out that even as Charlie, they thought that I was a girl and were glad to see me finally stop wearing baggy shirts that hid my endowments. When we got back to my desk, Al told me that I was essentially an on call aide, meaning that I'd be doing the menial tasks that any librarian had for me to do.

By the end of the workday, I was elated to find that I fit in, and my family was excited that I was working with Alfred. They knew how much I cared for him and that I was in love with him, and he with me.

As time went by, I found myself at ease being a girl, enjoying going out wth Alfred on our dates and with the girls at the library, shopping. My job kept me busy, and I had the chance to travel all over the building, meeting people, some of them other kids my age. Then it happened, my world was shattered by Buck.


I was just about to leave when he and his goons came in to use the games computer. I had the misfortune to be in charge of the Computer Section at the time.

He sauntered up, "Hey, gorgeous! Fancy meeting you here," he leered.

"May I help you?"

"Yeah, you can by giving me your number."

"Sir, it is against the rules for me, or any staff member to indulge in any form of personal activities while working. Now is there anything that I can help you with as a librarian?"

"OK, OK. I can take a hint. We want to sign up to use the games computers."

I passed the sign up sheet over to him, "Please sign here. Lucky for you and your friends, the computers are free. You can all get on one."

"Thanks, and sorry for coming on so strong, a pretty girl does that to me."

"Apology accepted."

"Carly, have you ever been to the Boardwalk Fun Center?"

"No, I haven't. Why?"

"Well, if you want to, please come. And here is MY number," he said as he ppassed me his personal business card, then he and his goons went over to the game computers.

I was just about to pass out from fright when Gloria led me away into the staff lounge where I collapsed. She called Alfred who held me as I relived my nightmare.

As I wept, Al soothed my fears by telling me that he was there for me, finally ending my inner turmoil as I dreamed of him and me, marrying. Now I knew my Heart's desire, it was Alfred. Until now, I wasn't completely sure, but his steadfast love had finally answered my question about Al.

When I awoke, I found that I was sitting next to A, leaning on him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Feel better?"

"Yeah, Al. Thanks for being here," I sighed as I sat up.

"Al, dear, she was a quaking in her shoes after those hoodlums spoke to her! THEY are the reason that she lost it! she fumed.

Al looked me, "Buck was here," he stated.

"Yes, but he still sees me as a girl. Hasn't discovered that I was Charlie," I explained.

"Did he threaten you?"

"No, but he DID invite me to the Boardwalk Fun Center."

Gloria looked pensive, "Who is this bum that Carly should be fearing him?"

"He and his buddies are the ones who attacked me," I shuddered.

She grinned, big time, "Honey child, don't you fret none! I've got family and friends who own the Boardwalk Cafe. Let me call them so that they can help," she offered.

"What can they do?"

"There's a theater there with EVERYTHING needed for an actor or actress to portray any character, and everything needed to record anything said or done," she smirked.

Al grinned evilly, "That gives me an idea. Gloria, could you arrange for me to meet your friends?"

"Consider it done! Now, why don't you escort young Carly home?"


I was amazed at what had just happened, and with good reason, too! For the very first time since the attack, I'd been face to face with my attackers and they'd not sen me for who I was. Before the attack, I was Charlie, a geeky high school senior who was unsure of where I was heading after graduation.

Now, as Carly, I was ready to take on those who'd attacked me and end their reign of terror. I'd suffered mentally, and only the intervention of my family and friends had given me Peace. But now, after the latest incident, I knew that I could do what must be done!

The chance meeting with them had proven that they saw me as a girl. NOW that I was stronger as Carly, I had to ask a question: 'Was God helping me?' I' needed to answer that question for my peace of mind.

"Al, do you Believe that God is helping me?"

He smiled, "Yes, I do."


"Because I've been Praying that He'd help you."


"Yes, THAT'S why I feel so guilty about what's happened to you," he sighed.

"DON'T Al! 'I' don't blame you, at all! In fact, if not for you, they might have done worse! OK?"



I was called into Gloria's office the next day where I saw her, Gramps and an elderly gentleman who looked like Perry Mason, but with the physique of Rocky waiting for me.

"Come in, Honeychild, we've got some papers for you to sign for you to all legal," she told me as she led me over to her desk where I was given a soda.

"But I thought that Gramps had taken care of that," I fretted.

"Carly, I DID arrange for your new identity, but you need to sign a few papers for it to be legal," informed Gramps.

The stranger stepped forward, "My name is Bart Matthews, your grandfather's friend and Judge in Brighton city. When you sign the papers, you will OFFICIALLY be Carly in the eyes of the Government."

I signed several papers that had Daddy's and Gramps names on them as well as Gloria's and the Judge's, now I was Carly. After I finished signing, I was handed my new State Driver's Permit, Library I.D. Card and altered Birth Certificate.

The Judge left us so that we could talk about my new identity. I found out that Dady had chosen to use the photo from Momma's old Student I.D. from her high school day. Looking at it, you couldn't tell that I'd not taken the picture. Luckily, my I.D, had my stats.

Grandpa kept staring at Gloria, and she was smiling back. It had been a long time since Grandpa had shown any interest in a woman other than Grandma, and she had been gone almost two years now. It was time for him to find someone and now it seemed that he'd found one thanks to me.

The next day I saw them leave the building, laughing and smiling at each other like old friends. I'd have to tell Audrey and Daddy about this so that we could in our way encourage their romance. The fact that Gloria was black would never stop us from welcoming her into the family. I was planning on telling them when I got a surprise. When I walked in the house after work, I saw Al, Audrey, her friend, Julie, Daddy, and someone I didn't know.

She was an oriental beauty with raven hair, wearing a golden skirt suit with tan hose and low heels, "Carly, I am Detective Marcia Lee from the Sex Crimes department. Please explain to me what happened to you in your own words ans why you need to do something about it."

"Sure, but where's Gramps?"

"He's off with Bart Matthews, fishing," supplied Daddy.

Marcia and I went outside and sat on the swing and I told her about the rape and everything that'd happened recently, "I don't blame you for wanting to get even! But you're wrong about Buck being outside of the Law.

"Then why does he keep getting away with it?"

"His family may be able to silence any investigation with their money, but that was before I was transferred, here. I serve the People, NOT some fat cat with money."

"OK, I'm ready to do what I can, Marcia."

She smiled at me, "Good, so am I."


I was given the day off, so Marcia, Audrey and I went back to Audrey's cabin to get readyso that Gramps and Gloria could spend time getting to know each other in the house. She was living in an efficiency apartment, having sold her home to pay for her husband's medical bills and funeral. Her husband, Fred died from complications from the flu due to sickle cell anemia.

She was lucky in that they had the apartment willed to them from his parents. Her Church helped her to sell the furniture, except for those that she moved into the apartment. Now it looked as if she just might be moving in with Gramps, which we liked.

We spent the rest of the day getting me ready for my encounter with Buck.
I wore tan hose with red lingerie and a red dress with a mid thigh hem and slits on the sides and black strappy sandals.

My hair was coiffed into a mass of red curls, cascading down my back and my nails were given a clear lacquer. Standing in front of the mirror, I knew that he'd fall for my ploy.

We headed for the Boardwalk Fun Center where we saw Buck and his goons all decked out in jeans and polo shirts, "Well, Carly, you are HOT!" he declared.

"Thanks, but I'm here with Audrey and Marcia."

His friends eyed them and whistled, "I se that they like what they see," I giggled.

"Carly, are gonna let them get away with that?" asked Macia who was wearing a denim mini skirt and a polo shirt.

"Yeah! we are NOT here to be ogled by creeps!" declared Audrey who was wearing shorts and a polo shirt.

They looked dejected, "We can't help it if we think that you three ladies are pretty, can we?" he whined.

I smiled, "No, but w do ask you to be gents and treat as like ladies," I offered.

We went inside and we were treated to a lunch and we danced with them, careful to not let them spike our drinks. It was after that that we sprung our surprise.

"We need to leave, soon."

"Why? I thought that you ladies were having a good time."

"Oh, we are. But we need to get ready for a party, tonight."

"Can we come?"

"I don't know. It's an all girl slumber party."

"Well, do you girls need anybody to guard you?"

"We might, but Daddy hires a company that caters our parties and provides our security."

"What if we agree to do it for free?"

I told him how to get to the Church where the slumber party was being held and where he'd meet Daddy who'd agreed to let them volunteer their services. The Church had agreed to let us rent the fellowship hall and invite the girls in the youth department. But for them, it was a trap. They would be drugged with truth serum. While under its influence, would tell all about their exploits and why they were never prosecuted.

They were drooling as we left them and returned home. They'd taken the bait, now it depended upon the Police to have the sodium pentathol and somebody instructed in how to use it. I knew that Buck and company would be there.


Well, they showed up the next night, wearing matching jeans and a black 'SECURITY' shirt and passed out the refreshments, hoping to be able to score with all of us after spiking our food and drink, but with Daddy's 'EMPTY POCKETS' order, they couldn't succeed. When he told them that it was to protect the girls, they knew that their schemes were known.

As the night went on, we girls got into our sleepwear consisting of shirts and shorts, or underoos, no revealing lingerie tonight for us to display our bodies for the 'boys' benefit.

They so wanted to join us that they asked Daddy about it, "Well, this is a girls only party, but if you want to dress as a gir and join them, you can," he smirked.

"But we don't have anything to wear!" Buck exclaimed which broke us up.

"That's what we girls say a lot of the time. Are you sure that you're NOT girls?" I asked.

They blushed and slunk away, in defeat.

"WAIT! there's a prop department here with costumes. I'm sure that we can find something for you, there," promised Audrey.

"But that'd mean dressing like a girl!" he protested.

"Up to you," retorted Marcia.

After a quick debate, they agreed to become girls. Under expert instructions, the boys were given a makeover that made them look like girls. It was while their nails were being done that sodium pentathol was administered in their drink.

They confessed everything that they'd done over the last four years and why they were never prosecuted. Buck's family owned the bank and threatened to foreclose on any outstanding loans. After the confession, they were made to look like girls and were rudely awakened by the Police for fraud and lewd behavior. Best of all, with their taped confession, the Police were able stop his families crimes and we girls had a most wonderful party


I got a surprise the next day. Uncle Jack joined th family as my Beloved Unca. When he read about what had happened, he knew that I was Carly, and saw that he'd been wrong about me.

I was out walking when he came up, "Carly, may your uncle ask for forgiveness?"

I was amazed to see him looking contrite! his entire demeanor had change from that of an arrogant asshole to that of a loving uncle. Here was the uncle that Audrey and I wanted. Now it was in my power to accept or reject him.

"Uncle Jack, why should I? You've treated me like dirt for years because you saw me as a sissy. What's changed?"

By this time, we were back on the front porch, sitting on the swing with us in full view of the family in the yard. But I was not frightened at all. Here I was in a skirted swimsuit and sandals sitting by a man in walking shorts and a football jersey. I had to know his thoughts.

"Carly, I was best friends with that Buck Randall's father, Jason, and his Grandfather, Dwight. They taught me how to be the total asshole that I was, even to the point of hurting a girl like you and refusing to listen to reason," he sighed.

I patted his hand, "We know, Unca Jack, but why now?"

He looked me in the eye, "Because you've proven to me that I was totally wrong about you when you overcame what those boys had done to you. In fact, you inspired me to do something."


"Yes, I've sold my business and am going to find the girl that I hurt."

"Unca Jack, welcome to the family."

We had a warm reunion where the old arguments were buried and a new love was forged. Before he left, Unca Jack presented me with an article from the newspaper about the arrest of Buck and his friends. I was not mentioned.

When I went to Church the next day, Al was there with everybody. The boys and men in suits, the girls and women in dresses. Al was kneeling with a red rose in his hand, and singing The Rose.

Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you its only seed.

It’s the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It’s the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live.

And the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long.
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong.
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love,
In the spring,
Becomes a ROSE

He handed me the rose.

"Carly, YOU have come through a most bitter of Winter and have blossomed in a Spring of new Hope. And like the mythical Phoenix, you have arisen from the ashes of your old life. Best of all, you have righted a most terrible wrong and ended an Evil that had terrorized the city for years as well as healing a rift within your family."

I was openly crying during the song because Daddy and Gramps had accompanied him on their guitars and Audrey on her keyboard while the other harmonized.

"Yes, I feel as if I have been reborn. Ready for my new Life. Hw can I ever thank everybody for their Gift of love?"

Al produced a golden ring "Will you marry me?"

I looked at him in wonder, "I thought that you were saving for college! How can you afford this?"

"Carly are you worried about money?"

"No, Al," I sighed. I don't want for you to shortchange your future for me."

He smiled, "This was my Grandma's wedding ring. As the eldest child, it is mine to pass on to my bride. Daddy gave it to Momma, now I am giving it to you."

"Yes, I'll mary you."

Then to my astonishment he sang Lady to me.


Lady, I'm your knight in shining armor and I love you
You have made me what I am and I am yours
My love, there's so many ways I want to say I love you
Let me hold you in my arms forever more

You have gone and made me such a fool
I'm so lost in your love
And oh, we belong together
Won't you believe in my song?

Lady, for so many years I thought I'd never find you
You have come into my life and made me whole
Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning
Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear

In my eyes I see no one else but you
There's no other love like our love
And yes, oh yes, I'll always want you near me
I've waited for you for so long

Lady, your love's the only love I need
And beside me is where I want you to be
'Cause, my love, there's somethin' I want you to know
You're the love of my life, you're my lady!


We were married that summer and moved into Gramps house and Gramps moved in with Gloria in a common law marriage. Audrey went on to become a doctor, Daddy became the Police Chief and Uncle Jack found and married his first love.

After a violent rape, that almost caused me to suicide, I gained the strength to overcome my attackers and made them pay for their evil thanks to my family and friends who helped me to find the girl within.


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