Maid Service

If you are not old enough to read this, don’t.

I know! I know! Yes, I know that this theme has been worked to death but I thought I’d try my hand at it too.

Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Humiliation Corset
Categories Bondage Femdom

Synopsis Jason had a little hobby, dressing in a French maid costume before he was married
and was afraid of telling his new wife. He thought of playing maid for his wife, but he was afraid to but one day she confronted him and his life turned upside down.

Maid Service
By Janet Baker

Not so long ago my mind was occupied with thoughts like these. I must get up and out of bed, I have to get to Bart’s home today by eight AM. He is soooo demanding!
I may even have to clean for a few minutes wearing this godawful tight corset that he drools over. How the fuck did I ever get myself into this fix? All I ever wanted to do was play at being a cute little French maid now and then by myself. Things got out of hand and here I am a full time whore -- that’s the truth of it -- a full time whore. The bastards pay me to clean and then I have to fuck and suck and I don’t like it -- I don’t like being a whore but my wife… well… that’s a long story.

Years ago when I was a teen I played dressup by sneaking clothing from my older sister. She never caught me, thank goodness, but the desire stuck with me throughout my teen years and my young adulthood. I don’t recall ever wanting to be a girl or woman but I really liked to dress. True, the desire to be a woman could be buried somewhere deep in my psyche but I’m not aware of it.

After I graduated college and moved into an apartment in another city I was able to expand my dressing and eventually acquired a respectable supply of clothing. I started doing makeup and eventually found that I could pass as a rather attractive young woman. Teasing men at bars became lots of fun and I had some close shaves, but as time went on my desire to marry proved overwhelming and I started to date.

As an upwardly mobile young stock broker I had lots of money and exposure to desirable young women, and since -- except for my dressing — I was a horny, largely normal young fellow I did find a wife. Naturally like most cross dressers, I was afraid of telling my wife of my hobby -- compulsion? affliction? -- and before the wedding I put most of my things in storage.

I kept a maid’s dress, accessories and heels in an old suitcase which I locked and kept in a storage closet in our apartment. When time permitted, I would unpack and pleasure myself, dressing in my little maid’s outfit and prancing around the house in my five inch heels, making believe I was cleaning at the behest of my wife or some fantasy employer. I would make a meal and serve it, curtseying at a make believe person seated at the table. Now and then I would seat myself in a dining table chair and tie my ankles and legs tightly together, almost bringing myself to the point of an orgasm. Finishing the game, I would then masturbate into a sink and then put all my pretty things away for the next time.

This continued for a few years, my wife unsuspecting -- I thought. One night after dinner we sat in our living room having a brandy and she put a disk in the disk player and turned on the TV. As the images displayed I nearly went into shock. I saw myself dressing, cleaning, cooking, serving, curtseying and finally undressing, masturbating, and at last storing away my pretty things. My jaw dropped -- I was speechless.

“Well Jason, what do you think of my photographic efforts? I’m rather proud of my compiling and editing. As you could see, these clips were shot over a period of time. Why didn’t you tell me about your little perversion before we got married? “

“Janet, my darling, I loved you so much that I was afraid to tell you for fear that I would lose you. I wanted desperately to marry you.”

“So Jason, we married and you lived a lie. I was devastated when I first found out this … hobby of yours, greatly disappointed. Divorce was my first impulse. But aside from this our marriage had been satisfactory. So I spoke with a therapist friend, and I learned that it’s something that’s a part of your person, something you probably can’t give up. I know you can’t stop it Jason. So what should we do so I can have a real man in my life again?”

“I am your real man, Janet. We have a good sex life -- at least I think so. I’ve lived with this compulsion since I was a teen, and most therapists will tell you that it’s very difficult to wean yourself from the -- gentle addiction -- once it has taken hold. The consensus is that there’s a chromosomal maladjustment that results in these compulsions -- this leaning toward femininity. But Janet, hasn’t our love life been satisfactory? You were sexually active before we married, so you’ve been able to compare me with … well, don’t you find me satisfactory? This little ‘hobby‘ of mine shouldn‘t really affect you or interfere with our married life. I never did it in front of you. But Jan, what made you suspect something and go to all the trouble of clandestinely photographing me? That was awfully sneaky.”

“Jason, I became curious as to the contents of your locked luggage. The case was stored but not dusty, telling me that it was accessed frequently. So I found the key, which was also hidden, and then found your pretty little things. Then I decided to find out what was happening. At first I thought they were for a girl friend, but you could imagine my shock when I found that they were yours. So I compiled this disk and waited for a chance to discuss it with you.”

“Honey, there isn’t much to discuss. I do what you’ve seen me do -- in your filming -- and that’s it. I don’t have a girl friend. I am and always have been faithful to you. This little hobby is the only unconventional part of my being. Do you think you could live with it?”

“We’ll see. But first Jason, do you have any more things? And if you do where are they and what are they?”

“Yes, there are more clothes, heels, wigs, and such and I’ll get them for you to see. They’re all in storage now.”

“Bring them to me. I want to see everything.”

I was beginning to be encouraged by her seeming complacent responses after the dénouement of the filming. Perhaps doing the filming had settled her down? I told her that I would have all my things the next day.

The next day after work I emptied the storage locker and brought all my pretty things home for Janet to see. She arrived home late from work looking somewhat harried. I commiserated with her and her job problems and we had a little dinner, then settled in the living room for a chat and for her to view my collection of pretty feminine accoutrements.

“Sweetie, tell me, how long have you known? Why didn’t you say something?”

“I’ve known for many months. It took time to do the filming and I wanted to do a good job that would….”

“Would what dear?”

“Would… uh… convince you that I knew what you were doing.”

That didn’t make much sense but I was in no position to argue so I left it at that.

“I also wanted time to decide what to do about your deception. My first thought was divorce but then I reconsidered and decided to wait a while.”

“Hm, I see.” I didn’t but I thought it best to keep my mouth shut. “I’m glad you didn’t take the divorce option because I really do love you and don’t want you to leave me.”

“Well…. We’ll see what the future holds for us. When I was doing the filming I noticed that you liked to dress in that maid outfit and you really did do some cleaning. I expect you to continue but now you must do it when I’m at home to watch.”

I was thrilled at hearing that request. It indicated that she would accept my little diversion. I hoped.

“You will also do other little tasks as I outline them as part of our new relationship.”

Uh oh, what does this mean? “What do you have in mind sweetie?”

“Oh… you’ll find out. I can’t tell now because I haven’t thought things out yet but you will do as I ask. You really don’t want your colleagues and management and our friends to know about this do you? Oh yes, by the way, I have copies of this disk secured elsewhere, including with an attorney, so don’t get any wild ideas about destroying this disk or any copies or any wild ideas about forcing me to divulge their whereabouts.”

I froze, my mind chilled at the thought -- the import of her statement. I was in deep trouble, I could tell. I was scared shitless. Attorney? Copies? Oh my God!!!!!!!


“Shut up and listen to me you perverted little man. I like the idea of having some help around the house. From now on you can cook and clean and of course you will be dressed properly as a servant should. When you come home at night you will put on a maid’s dress with all the accessories including those high heels you seem to like and start to prepare dinner. Cheer up, your life won’t be so bad, you’ll still have lots of sex -- lots and lots -- and best of all you’ll be able to indulge your little hobby. In fact, I think I’ll improve you -- improve your looks -- I want you to look more like a maid. Don’t worry, nothing drastic, just some minor changes. After all you do have many feminine attributes. Your face is somewhat feminine, and you’re short and slim. I think you’ll make a convincing maid -- just right for serving dinner and cleaning.”

“Janet! I love you! You don’t have to blackmail or threaten me! I’d love to dress as you like and clean and cook. I’m sure I can’t cook as well as you but I’m happy and willing to learn, but Janet, crossdressing is not a perversion! Not a bit!”

“Jason, I’m not impressed with your choice of clothing. I want you to buy at least a half dozen maid’s outfits complete with whatever accessories are recommended such as aprons, caps, petticoats, frilly panties, stockings and high heels -- yes, very high heels. I think the well dressed maid should wear at least a five inch heel with straps. Yes… I think you should wear a D’Orsay ankle strap pump with your maid costume. Don’t you think that would be so cute -- so erotic -- Jason… don’t you agree?”

I agreed, but at the same time I was terrified by the way she said it -- that cold chill came back with a vengeance. “Oh yes dear, I think that would be such fun.”

“Also Jason, buy yourself a decent selection of women’s clothing including nightgowns and some decent wigs. I want you to be able to go out with me and look convincing. Oh yes, Jason henceforth you will sleep in the guest room. It’s possible that I might have an overnight guest.”

“Oh no Janet! You don’t mean you’re going to have men here? That’s entirely too much Janet, I won’t stand for it!”

“What do you think you could do about it Jason? You have abdicated your role as man of the house. Why shouldn’t I have a man to entertain me rather than a little maid servant?”

“Janet! I am your husband, your man. I am not a little maid servant! An overnight guest? That’s going too far! Do you want a divorce? What do you want? You do realize that there are steps I could take. I could simply walk out on you. I could also ‘terminate‘….”

“Really Jason? Prison for killing your wife? Is it worth it?”

“I wouldn’t want to. I love you -- yes, I still love you -- but don’t tempt me. I might get away with doing away with a man found in my bed with my wife.
Yes… it would all come out in a trial -- your attempts at blackmail. This crossdressing is not and has not been grounds for divorce. You might screw me but you’d also be screwed, and you lover could well be dead.”

“You’re frightening me Jason!”

“You’d better reconsider some of this blackmail stuff. I might go along with some things but too much can result in a disaster. Maybe we can compromise.”

“OK, Jason I’ll hold off on that idea for a while at least. But I do want to have a dinner guest next week and I want you to dress the part and serve. I want you to look like a very convincing maid. The gentleman I am inviting does not know you and will assume you are a real maid. So you’ll have a week to practice and to buy some proper maid‘s clothes and yes, you will wear at least a four inch heel. I happen to know that this man is a leg man. I promise… dinner only, brandy and then good night.”

“Well…. OK. But when he leaves I want sex! I’ve told you that dressing does not change my masculine desires. You know damn well that I am a horny heterosexual. So far as I’m concerned we are still husband and wife and I do love you and I don’t want you screwing any other men. Remember, I have never been unfaithful to you.”

“No dear, no changes.”

I wondered what she really meant. I bought a few new maid’s costumes on the Net and had them sent to me express, along with some new shoes. Janet came home late as she frequently did, and I modeled some of the outfits for her. She decided on a black satin dress with petticoats, a cute little white apron, net stockings, a cap, and patent pumps with ankle straps. I liked the dress and added a wig and some jewelry, and Janet pronounced the ensemble almost perfect. The dress showed too much flesh and hair so Janet told me to depilate and to accompany her to a beauty parlor for some basic improvement. She had already scheduled a visit for the following week. Was this all planned? I had the feeling that Doom was approaching at warp speed.

During the week, all was quiet, I dressed as she demanded, did some cleaning and cooking and practiced my walking in the very high heels. She declined sex of course which concerned and depressed me. I hoped that it was just part of recovering from shock or simple punishment. In any event I felt I could not push the issue.

She took me to the salon. I was nervous -- my first time out -- and I really didn’t look great but so what? I had no choice so I hunched up my shoulders and trotted along behind my authoritative and pissed wife. I dressed in one of my maid’s dresses, wore the lowest heels I had -- four inches -- and was nicely pampered and fussed over by the assembled ladies who did my nails -- fingers and toes -- plucked my eyebrows and since I lacked adequate hair, they sold me a few wigs that were really better than the ones I had purchased over the Net. The girls had a much better feel for color and style and I left the salon looking a damn sight better than when I walked in. Janet made a standing appointment for me with the ladies and to my nervous concern held a whispered conference with the owner regarding, I assumed, future treatments.

We returned home in silence, each to his own thoughts. I feared breaching the quiet mood, reflecting on what had transpired -- what had been done to me? Why?

At home Janet broke the silence saying, “Great Jason, you don’t look like my husband at all. The salon has done its work and now you really look the part -- now continue to practice. Every night you will dress like that and practice being a maid.
I want you to impress my guest. I’ll pass you off as a maid hired for the dinner. Of course it will be an elegant dinner with our best china and silverware and we’ll have candles for atmosphere. After desert, my guest and I will adjourn to the library for a brandy while you clean up. When you are finished come to the library, knock, enter and announce that you are leaving for the night. Then you will leave, get into your car, and not return for two hours.”

“Ohhh no, Janet! No way, dammit! I’m sure I know what you have in mind.
I believe this guest is a man and I‘m not leaving the house while he is here!”

“H’m. OK Jason, do it this way. Come to the library and tell me that all is cleaned up and I will say goodnight to my guest.”

“That’s better! Is it a man? Have you been unfaithful to me with this man? To be blunt -- have you been fucking him?”

“Jason, please! Watch your language! I just thought that two hours of quiet discussion with him was appropriate for after dinner, and that he would be puzzled if you remained here after your work was done. That’s all.”

“Alright! What’s the drill for dinner? What are we having? You’d better help as I’m not much of a cook yet.”

“Jason, I’ll do the menu and help prepare. When he arrives, you’ll answer the door, curtsey, take his coat, seat him in the living room, and tell him that I’ll be down very shortly, and meanwhile can you get him a drink. He likes martinis so we’ll have a pitcher full ready for him.”

“Janet! There’s something peculiar here. Obviously you know this person well. I repeat -- is he a lover? How do you know he likes martinis? You‘ve been coming home late frequently. Have you been seeing him?”

“Well….. ‘seeing’? Not really. He is a client! We’ve had a couple of late meetings and I felt that since I now have a maid it would be nice to invite him for dinner. Makes sense, no?”

“Humph, maybe.”

A week later I was frantically readying the house for Janet’s guest. I was anything but convinced that there was no hanky panky but without proof and with her earlier reference to blackmail I just kept quiet. I did like the costume and enjoyed practicing during the week. The table was set most elegantly -- much more so than ever before. I’d never rated that high I guess. The wine was chilled, the martinis mixed and chilled and waiting. Janet arrived early as promised and together we made -- no, created dinner.

Shortly before his arrival, Janet trotted off upstairs to dress. The bell rang and I went to the door and admitted her guest, a handsome looking fellow who smiled and handed me flowers for Janet. I curtseyed, took his coat and directed him to the living room and offered him a martini. He smilingly accepted and sat down.

I returned to the kitchen to bring in the salads and water. I heard Janet’s heels on the stairs and went out to see her and ask if there was something I could get her. She was dressed to kill -- no, dressed to fuck. Damn and double damn! I knew this was a setup. Goddam her anyway! I kept quiet but followed her into the living room where her guest stood up, greeting her with a most intimate kiss.

I was flabbergasted! The bitch! The fucking bitch! I turned red but said nothing, seethed, gritted my teeth and said, “Dinner is ready to be served madam.”

I stood aside, permitting them to leave the room first, and watched as he guided her to the dining room with his hand on her ass. How did he know where the dining room was located? I guess I knew. My stomach cramped. My face flushed. I followed them into the dining room. He seated her. She said, “Thank you Bart.” And smiled lovingly up at him, adding, “Oh Suzette, I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce you. This is my friend -- and client -- Bart Schwarz.”

I responded with a slight curtsey, “How do you do sir? A pleasure to serve you sir.”

“Janet, by God you do things well. I’m impressed. Your Suzette is superb.”

I smiled through gritted teeth.

“Does she also clean?”

“She’s an outstanding maid, would you like to engage her services?”

“Well, uh, what’s the deal? Isn’t she your fulltime maid?”

“Yes, but I could part with her from time to time as a favor… perhaps… “

“Please Madam”, I said quickly, “That isn’t in my employment agreement.”

“Oh… alright… Suzette, is the filet ready to serve?”

“Oui, Madame.”

“Thank you Suzette.”

“Does she really speak French?”, Bart inquired.

“Oh yes, she’s quite versatile.”

“Janet! You know that I’m a bachelor and I could really use some help like that.”

“H’m…. that might be arranged.”

Later, after dessert, I escorted them into the library, poured brandies for them and left to finish the cleaning. Janet called twice to refill the brandies. She gets looped on one -- I was apprehensive -- loopy Janet with handsome Bart. Oh boy!

“Suzette!!! Get in here!!”

“Madam!! Please!!”

“Suzette, I have an announcement”, she slurred, obviously zonked.

“Madam! Be careful!! You’ve been drinking!!”

“Suzette, you are going to provide maid service for Mr. Schwarz. Only one day a week Suzette, and he will pay you two hundred dollars. That’s a lot of money, Suzette, and that’s in addition to your salary here.”

“You’re drunk, Janet, be careful what you say!!!”

“Bart, this dumb maid is my husband Jason, playing at being a maid, something he does well. He loves dressing and mincing around on his high heels.”

“Janet, please consider what you’re doing. You are treading on thin ice. Do you really want a divorce?”

“Suzette,” Bart chimed in, “I don’t know what’s happening here but if I can be of any help, let me know. And by the way I really would like to have your services. You look great, and the dinner and service were outstanding.”

“Bart,” I said resignedly. “I got into a fix with my bride here because, simply, I liked to put on a maid costume. She found out and is blackmailing me into this… this… whatever.”

Janet jumped in and yelled, “Suzette! You will help Bart or I might distribute a certain disk.
What now, boy maid?”

Trying to defuse the situation, Bart spoke up and said quietly, “Janet, Suzette, please listen to me for a moment. I understand now that I have intruded into a family problem and I would like to help. I don’t know your parameters Suzette -- I like and admire you as Suzette -- but I really need some domestic help. I would like you to come to my apartment one morning a week if you can and I will pay generously. I hate cleaning. I’ll even pay the two hundred dollars that Janet mentioned.”

My income as a stock broker needed no enhancement as a cleaning lady but I thought that doing his bidding might satisfy my looped and nutty wife.

“OK Bart, I agree in principle; we just have to work out details.”

“Suzette! I’ll do the details! Bart! Monday morning she’ll be at your apartment at eight. She will be dressed as she is now. She will stay no later than noon! She will do whatever you require! Right Suzette? You understand Suzette? Whatever he requires or the disk distributes!!”

I felt my life coming to an end. I understood. I could not be sure what he wanted of me and I suspected that the ’services’ required might not be to my liking. But I would have to wait and see.

“Suzette! Pour us another brandy and get out, go to bed and don’t come back.”

“Janet!!! You agreed…. You promised… Some discussion and then good night“

“Shit! I’m sorry Bart, another time”, said Janet, clearly pissed at me.

Bart left soon after. The next day we both had it out with each other. I shouted my suspicions at her. She said nothing in response, but apologized for allowing herself to get too much under the influence. She nevertheless insisted that I keep to my agreement with Bart. With no way out and as a point of honor I agreed, reluctantly, fearing ….

A few days later I steeled myself against what might happen and went to Bart’s apartment. Janet gave me the address and even the door code. She did it on purpose, the bitch, letting me know she had been a frequent guest at Bart’s.

I punched in the code, entered, and rode the elevator to his apartment. I was dragging my roller bag with some extra clothing. I didn’t know what I might need so I wanted to be prepared. He let me in and kissed me… hard. I jumped back, astonished -- maybe I should not have been. He smiled and then examined the contents of my bag.

“Bart, why are you interested in the bag?”

“Janet told me to be careful, that you might want to do something clever like photographing or recording any events that might transpire.”

“Oh for Chris’ sake, that woman, that damn woman. I suppose you’ve been fucking my wife.”

“Yeah”, he somewhat reluctantly confessed.

“For how long?”

“About six months. It started when she learned of your hobby. I was one of her clients and she came to me for advice. I suggested a possible course of action and helped her do the filming. I also have copies of the disk. Now, about cleaning. I have a regular cleaning service. I want you here every Monday morning at eight and I want you here until I am finished with you. I’ll need about an hour or two. I want you to entertain me in ways that Janet won’t. I want to fuck her in the ass but she refuses and she won’t suck cock either.”

“She does have her limits, doesn’t she?”

“Yes but I’m sure that you don’t, or won’t when I’m done with you.” Bart smiled at me.

Now I realized that the dialogue during Bart’s first visit to dinner was a setup -- rehearsed -- since he had known about me from the beginning. From when Janet went to him for advice and consolation. Some advice! Some consolation!

I had no idea how to get out of this fix. I had no desire to be made to look ridiculous in public although the other participants might also suffer. But I couldn’t assure myself of that. Also, I had never sucked cock and didn’t want to. I had never been anally fucked and had no desire to try it. I was really screwed -- really. I waffled for time.

“It’ll be new to me, Bart. Could I have a drink -- bourbon -- please -- stiff?
Bart, I‘ve never done either. I suppose I could learn. I hope it doesn‘t hurt…
too much… have you ever done it? I mean, done it to someone? Have you ever sucked…? “

“I’ve been around the block on both counts, Suzette. I won’t give details but I’ll tell you this… before you come to my place Monday morning I want you to give yourself an enema at five AM and if you have a vibrator at home, practice giving head. You must learn to take the cock without gagging.”

I shuddered involuntarily, not eagerly awaiting losing my virginity.

“Today all I want is a blow job. Kneel!”

I knelt. I was never so humiliated in my life. I was a successful stock broker and here I am euchred by my wife and her lover into sucking him off! I had to escape this trauma… somehow.

Well… I sucked it. It was OK -- as things go -- taste, feel -- yucky but nothing compared to the humiliation of being coerced by Bart the Bastard and Janet the Bitch into doing something totally foreign to my character. I did it -- I seethed with disgust and black hatred -- but I did it.

At home that evening Janet asked me with a smirk how the cleaning went.

“Janet”, I replied with asperity, “You know there was no cleaning. That was a
terrible and disgraceful thing you and Bart did to me.”

“Oh Suzette! Just a simple cock sucking! Nothing new about that. People do it all the time. I thought you’d enjoy it. After all, isn’t that what little maids always do for their masters? He does have a nice cock doesn’t he? I love it myself. I love the feel of his cock deep into my cunt. I love the way he rotates it around in me. It is so delightful. By the way Suzette, don’t forget your enema Monday morning before you go to Bart’s apartment.”

“Janet, you disgust me and revolt me. You are lucky I’m not a violent man.
He is not my master. You are my wife and I wish you could behave like one.”

“Did he pay you Suzette? Your fee is two hundred dollars.”

“I don’t want his money.”

“I know Suzette but he paid me for you when he fucked me this afternoon.”

“You brazen bitch!!”

“Tch, tch, tch, such nasty language Suzette. Remember, Suzette, any time you feel put upon that you brought it on yourself. I was happy with you until I found that clothing. Your deception dismayed me and nearly caused a divorce. Instead I decided to live with the situation and make the best of it. Well. I’m making the best of it and I’m loving it. I’m loving fucking Bart and tormenting you. You and I aren’t having sex anymore unless there is something special I want from you. Do you understand our revised relationship?”

“Yes, I understand what you are saying but I am not at all happy. I now know that you have been fucking Bart for some time, giving me grounds for divorce. You are also refusing to have sex with me, thus emasculating me. There is no way in hell that I can tolerate this. Do you want a divorce?” I shouted all this at her angrily.

“In due time Suzette you will learn what I want. Until then, shut up and behave or I will destroy you by distributing the disk,” she replied calmly but with steel in her voice.

We looked at each other, hatred in our eyes.

“Well?” she asked with a sneer. “Will you behave?”

I was crushed. I felt my life ending. The woman I loved and married has turned into a hate filled prison matron. I had to stall for time. I hung my head and replied, “Yes Janet, I will behave.”

A few days later, Janet arrived home late with some boxes. She had had dinner with Bart. I knew what that meant, especially when she called me to her while sitting on the sofa with a towel under her.

“Suzette”, she announced as she spread her legs, “Lick my cunt Suzette, like a good little maid. I want you to suck Bart’s juices out of my cunt Suzette.”

It pissed me when she called me Suzette. She did it on purpose.

“Suzette, tomorrow I want you to make dinner and serve it for Bart and myself. You will eat in the kitchen. I want you to wear that very brief maid’s costume and as before we’ll take brandy in the library after dinner. You will clean up and then join us. We need to chat.”

That didn’t bode well, I was sure. But… “Janet, which wig would you like me to wear with that short dress? I have a cute black page boy wig that I think would be darling with that dress. Since that dress has a very low neck should I wear a choker?”
I thought it best to appear marginally cooperative.

“Yeah”, she replied thoughtfully. “Yes, the page boy, but for a collar I will get you something special that I’ve been thinking about. That dress would look smashing with a corset. The type that shows. I‘ll get you a red one to contrast with the black dress.”

Oh oh! Should have kept quiet. “Oh my! That will be so erotic. Bart will have trouble keeping his hands off me.”

“Damn right Suzette! He’s mine! You service him for me! Remember that you bitch!”

“Janet, not to change the subject but I would like to go to the salon again. I don’t know exactly what they could do for me without making me completely over but I would like some… smoothing… some additional improvement. I want to look better, more feminine, but not so much that I can’t go to work. They could do my nails
again couldn’t they? I‘m glad that you made a standing appointment for me.“

Janet, obviously pleased, remarked, “Yes, and they could do your nails a very light natural polish and buff. I want your ears pierced. Bart wants to see you wearing chandeliers.”

Oh fuck… for Bart! I really don‘t want my ears pierced!
“Oh great! I’ve seen some really nice diamond chandeliers.”

“Suzette, since you know Bart rather intimately now, I’m including you in our tete a tete after dinner. Keep your appointment at the salon only if they can finish before you must get ready for dinner.”

“Janet, I would rather not be present when you and Bart are… intimate.”


“Jan, please.”

“Humph, we’ll see.”

The trip to the salon was timely and successful. I wanted to look more feminine even though it might cause me trouble at work. I decided that my best course of action was to play along. The whole affair was degrading and most humiliating but I had to survive and eventually escape this torment. The girls did my nails a very light pink, my toes a light red, plucked my eyebrows somewhat, and put a little makeup on me to soften my features. I came out looking more feminine and I was actually pleased with myself. If I did decide to transgender I would look pretty good. I had no desire to transition but I had a decent figure and height, and my facial features were soft and somewhat feminine. I looked pretty good. I was pleased with the result. I wanted people to think I was on the road to transitioning but I did not want anything from which I couldn’t recover. I wanted no surgery or hormone treatments. I just hoped that Janet or Bart the Bastard didn’t think of major changes.

At home, Janet had started dinner. I set the table for two and set a place for myself at the kitchen table. I really didn’t want to sit at the same table with my bitch of a wife and her fucking lover. I had to control myself.

The bastard arrived at eight -- right on time -- bearing a bottle of wine and a big smile. He put the wine down on the entry table and pulled me to him.
“Good evening Suzette, you are very pretty tonight.“ He put his hands on my head, thumb on each ear, tilted my head, kissed me on the brow then on each cheek then lightly on my lips -- I shuddered slightly -- then a kiss -- a real kiss -- on my lips, tongue snaking inside my mouth. I stood still, arms at my sides, I breathed more deeply. He put one arm around my neck holding me tightly against him. The other hand reached down my back, pulled my waist, then his hand went to my behind and a finger caressed my crack. I thrust my groin to him, took a deep breath -- my arms found themselves around him. Oh my! I felt the animal magnetism. I knew why Janet fell for him. Was I also falling under his spell? Oh my God!! I returned to the present, shook my head, broke the caress, recovered my equilibrium.

Still breathing deeply I took his coat, the wine, brought him a martini, seated him in the living room and went to the kitchen to chill the wine and continue the dinner. I was still shaking from the experience when I heard Janet on the stairs. I left the kitchen with water glasses so I could look at her. Yes, she was wearing a fuck me dress, boobs almost falling out, with fuck me heels and a diamond choker. Her hair was elegantly done. She did well, the bitch. She never, never treated me like that, the God damn bitch.

He took one look at her and kissed her deeply, passionately, stroking her back and ass with one hand and holding her tightly with the other. He escorted her to the table, seated her and looked at me with a smirk.

“Suzette, you look very desirable this evening -- you are very pretty. Aren’t you dining with us?”

“No, of course not! I am the maid! I eat in the kitchen! I know my place!”
God, I was fucking pissed.

“Suzette, your place is on your knees in front of me.” Bart averred smilingly licking his lips.

Janet laughed, saying, “Yessss. Suzette, after you have served, get under the table and serve Bart. He tells me that for an amateur, you are very good.”

I ignored that comment and went to the kitchen to bring in more food, then returned to the kitchen for my dinner. No luck! I heard her yell. “Suzette! Get the hell in here and do as you’re told.”

“Janet, you’ve reached my limit! That is going to far -- that is disgraceful!”

“Remember the disk, Suzette. To whom should we send the first one?”

I crawled under the table -- I could have killed the bitch. I did it -- I did the thing. For whatever it was worth, he came quickly. I returned to my meal, first rinsing out my mouth with wine.

“Suzette! You forgot something!”


“Don’t ‘what’ me. The response is ‘yes mistress’”

“Sorry mistress, what did I forget?”

“You forgot to service me. Back under the table! Pull my panties off so I can spread my legs for you.”

“Janet! You are a disgrace!”, I shouted, my throat tightening.

“Do it! Dammit! Do it Suzette…!”, she responded with venom.

I did it, yeah, I did it. Funny thing is, under other circumstances I would have loved it, but this way -- intentionally humiliating me -- no way.

They did forgo dessert and went to the library, instructing me to bring the brandy. She was seated in his lap with her top peeled down, exposing her breasts. He was caressing them by cupping each breast with his hands. I thought of bringing a meat cleaver down on them. God! I hated him -- no them!

“Suzette, I like that dress -- the whole outfit -- wear it Monday morning for me.” Then he murmured into her ear, “Janet, didn’t you say that you had a new gift for her -- a collar?”

“Yes Bart, I have a collar for her. Just the thing to advertise, to symbolize her status in our household. I’ll get it for her.”

I shuddered while she rose to get this collar for me. I knew something was wrong -- bad -- from the tone of their voices. She returned holding a steel ring. She delighted in showing me how it would fit on me, how it would be locked with what looked like a very secure lock and how the rings on the front and back would be used to attach… things… It was made from stainless steel and fit securely around my neck. I protested.

“Janet! Please! How can I go to work with that thing on me? I think it’s darling, very erotic, I love it — really, but I can’t wear it to work.”

That cold chill returned with a vengeance.

“Yes you can and yes you will. You’ll start wearing turtleneck tops. They’ll conceal it and when you’re dressed to go out you’ll also wear the same top. Winter is coming and that top will be perfect.”

“Wait a minute Janet, if it’s concealed, how will it advertise my status here?”

“Oh, hm, maybe it will show sometimes. What do you think Bart?”

“I think it’s cute, erotic but not complete Janet. You forgot the accessories that attach to the back of the collar.”

“Oh my yes, I’ll get them but while I’m gone, I want you to be on your knees Suzette, doing your duty as a good little maid.”

Oh shit and double shit! I just blew this bastard and now I have to do it again.
I wish there were a way to do them in. Control Jason, control. Play the game or all will be lost. I had about three inches of cock in my mouth when she returned and locked something onto the back of my collar. I felt something heavy hanging down my back but couldn’t tell what. He came and while I was licking him clean, Janet took one arm, brought it around to my back and put it in a cuff. I jerked my arm, trying to get it away but I was too late. One arm was securely fastened behind me.

“Janet! Stop that! What are you doing?”, I yelled in terror.

“Calm yourself Suzette. I simply locked leg irons to the back of your collar and one of your wrists to a cuff. That’s all darling, no big deal. Doesn’t it feel nice, that cold steel bracelet on your wrist?”

“Janet, you are frightening me. You don’t need to do things like that. I’m scared, Janet!”

“Don’t be frightened darling, this is all just a sex game. They call it bondage.
Now, let me have the other arm for the other cuff.”

“No! No! No!”

“Suzette! Give me the other arm or you will spend the night as you are and maybe go to work that way!”

They dragged me down to the floor and Bart sat on me. I couldn’t move. I kept them from cuffing the other arm but she took another pair of leg irons and snapped one around an ankle then around the other ankle.

“Now darling are you going to cooperate or do you want to spend the night like that?”

“Janet! Please! This is wrong! Wrong! What use am I to either of you like this?”

Bart shifted his position and suddenly jerked my arm around back, then held it while Janet snapped the cuff on my wrist.

“Finally, we have her secured, let her up.”, Bart said.

“Come along my little maid”, said Janet, “we’re going to bed -- that is, Bart and I are and you are going to watch.”

They walked me to our!? bedroom, chained me to a chair and proceeded to prepare to fuck.

“Janet”, I cried, “Have you no shame at all? This is terrible!”

“Enjoy it, Suzette, this is your life darling! I told you that you would have lots of sex”, erupting with an evil laugh she then gagged me.

The next hour was the most degrading and humiliating hour I ever spent. They were insatiable. When they finished, Bart came to me, took my gag off and held my head until I licked his cock clean. Then he unchained me and dragged me up to the bed where I was forced to lick and suck my wife’s cunt. Holy crap!!

“Suzette, we’re almost done for the evening, Bart will be leaving shortly. We’ll have a nice weekend together and you can get ready for maid service Monday morning. You know what’s expected of you.”

“Lie down on the bed Suzette, Bart help her please, her arms are behind her. Bart! the chains and cuffs! Now!”

He cuffed each ankle again, this time pulling my leg toward the bed corner.
He secured the chain and then repeated with the other leg, releasing the leg iron.
I was now spread… wide… and helpless. I started to tremble, fearing that castration or worse was in store for me. I started to plead.

“Janet, please! What the hell are you up to?”

“Nothing serious, Suzette, just relax. We had to restrain you since I didn’t think that you’d go for what’s next. But it won’t hurt, it’s nothing bad.”

“Bart, pull her panties down as far as you can so I can attach this cute little cage to her genitals.”

She showed me in detail what she was going to put on me. It was a chastity cage designed to prevent the wearer from having an erection and obviously from having intercourse.

“I’m locking it on you Suzette. You might possibly remove it by cutting it apart or sawing it off but if you do I will know and will replace it. Now I’ll show you the replacement. This model has a steel belt that locks very tightly around your waist and holds the chastity tube securely on you. If you are a bad girl we might add an anal plug that is held in by the steel strap that goes between your legs.”

Bart added, “You would not like that since it would prevent me from fucking you in the ass and I know you are anxious to try me. Have you thought of the pleasure you’ll get with my cock in your ass?”

I remained silent.

Janet added with a smirk, “I told you that there would be not any more sex with me unless I wanted it and this cage will assure that you won’t get any sex anywhere else. However it won’t prevent Bart or someone from fucking you in the ass.”
“I don’t want to deprive you of some fun”, she added with an evil laugh. “I told you that you would have lots of sex.”

I shuddered.

“Bart” Janet said, We can now remove her restraints except for the collar. She’ll wear that permanently. Even at the beauty salon. I want the girls to know her position. On Monday morning Bart, the cage will not impede your… anal… penetration… I hope you like her Bart as much as she will love you. Oh! Bart! I nearly forgot. Record it please, I want to hear her screams and squeals of joy while you’re shoving your lovely cock into her ass.”

That was a miserable weekend. I shuddered with negative anticipation of the impending Monday.

All weekend she made me clean while wearing briefs and heels. The cage stuck out a little and I wondered how I would conceal it. A few times she stopped me, made me kneel and lick her cunt.

“Suzette, go to my bedroom and bring me the cuffs and chains. I want to play with you.”

“I don’t want to play with you with this cage on me. I want it off so we can make love like normal married people”

“Oh Suzette, why must you make life difficult? I just want to play a little.”

“Janet, if I put the cuffs on without argument will you remove the cage so we can make love? Janet, kiss me please, let me know you still care for me.”

“H’m, I’ll get the cuffs, you wait here in the living room.” She trotted off to our bedroom. I hoped that it was still our bedroom but after that royal fucking exhibition the other day, I wasn’t sure who it belonged to -- him or me. She returned with a sack full of cuffs, chains, locks, a new collar, and some unknown gadget that I’m sure boded ill for me.

“Suzette, put your hands behind you while I cuff them, then we’ll take the cage off and see…. “ I complied, then she locked a chain to the cuffs and wrapped it around my waist, immobilizing me. She took the collar off, replacing it with a collar much thicker and heavier.

“Now Suzette, I’m going to demonstrate the new collar. I can shock you with it
from a long distance and you can’t stop me. Now! You will do as told without any hesitation.”

She pushed a button on a remote control, shocking me brutally forcing me to my knees.

“Please! Stop! Janet. That’s awful! Awful! Awful!”

Satisfied with that instrument she called Bastard Bart on the phone. “Bart, come over now please, I want to give you the duplicate collar control. I just used it and it is brutally effective. She will do anything you require without question.”

“On my way.”

“Now Suzette, I’ll remove the cage for cleaning. You didn’t expect sex did you?”
Chortle chortle chortle.

“You bitch!” Then suddenly, “Yeoow! Noooo! Please!!!”

“The next time you call me bitch I might not turn off the charge and you’ll really suffer. Sit on the floor. Stay there while I wash the cage.”

I didn’t move a muscle -- I was… hosed. Oh God did that hurt. That bitch!

She returned with the washed cage and played with my cock, which quickly got hard. She snapped the tip with a finger nail causing me to yelp and jump.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Nooo, not really”, please stop this torment Janet. I’ll leave you if that’s what you want.”

“You’ll find out soon enough what I want. I’m putting the cage back on now. I don’t want you screwing around on me. I don’t want you to become the pride of the neighborhood. Once the cage is on, I’ll uncuff you.”

“Thank you Janet”, I said with all humility.

“Well Suzette, that collar changed your tune fast, didn’t it?”

I remained mute.

“Well!? She shifted the collar control in her hand.

“Please Janet, that hurt. I’ll do whatever you wish but please don’t shock me! It hurts terribly.”

“You didn’t answer me…. Did the collar change your tune? Yes or No?”


“Yes what Suzette!?”

“Yes Janet, it certainly made me see the light.”

“Yes what, Suzette?”

“Yes Janet, it changed my tune…. Definitely. What the hell do you want me to say?”

“Oh Suzette, I want you to respond as a proper maid. You will address me as mistress and Bart as master or sir. Shall I repeat the question?”

“Mistress, the collar definitely changed my tune and I will do as you ask without question.”

“And you will obey Bart equally, won’t you Suzette?”

“Yes mistress.”

She uncuffed me, leaving me helpless at the mercy of her control collar. Evidently Bastard Bart would have fun with me Monday. I wondered how long it would take me to drown if I jumped off the Verrazano Narrows bridge.

Bart arrived shortly after his summons -- was he wearing a collar too -- and took his remote in hand and asked Janet how to work it. She explained how to increase the pain level and execute the shock by pushing that little red button. He tried it and I collapsed, screaming.

“Oh wow!” That does really work Janet. Suzette will be a great maid Monday morning. I can’t wait. Don’t forget your morning enema Suzette.”

I just lay there numb from the shock, breathing heavily. “Understand? Suzette?”

“Understood”, I gasped, finally recovering from the pain.


“Understood master.”

“Suzette, Bart, I don’t want to use the shock too often, it could be counterproductive -- there are reasons. But she must understand that when we give an order she must obey instantly without argument or question.”
She turned toward me. “Do you understand Suzette?”

“Yes, Yes, Yes mistress, I understand and will obey.”

“If she swears at you Bart, you may use the shock. I used it a while ago when she called me bitch. I doubt that you’ll need to, she’s been well trained I think. Well Suzette my maid, are you trained well enough to give good and proper Maid Service Monday morning for Bart? H’m?”

“Yes mistress, I am certainly well trained.”

“Bart, do you have any instructions for me beyond those already issued? Wearing apparel for example.”

“No, the dress you’re wearing, its accessories, the black wig and your five inch heels are fine. OK?”

“Yes Bart, fine.”

“Suzette! Yes master!!!”

“Sorry, yes master!”

“Go to bed, Suzette, in the guest room and set your alarm for five in order to take your enema and get ready to leave. But first say goodnight to Bart.”

“Goodnight… master.”

“She’s learning, Bart.”

I went to bed, dreading Monday morning. Sleep was delayed -- difficult because I had to listen to a prolonged screaming, howling and groaning from ‘my’ bedroom. They were an absolute disgrace. They left the door open so I would be sure to hear them.

The morning came too quickly, I rose, enemaed, showered, shaved -- yes, I’m a man — and dressed in my pitiful little maid’s dress. He chose it because it revealed as much as possible. I added some perfume and lastly put on my very high heels.
Since I had extra time, I lubed and used a vibrator on my anus to get somewhat loosened up for the expected onslaught. I had experienced sucking Bart the Bastard’s big cock and I wanted to minimize the pain. I really didn’t know his plans but I assumed I would be fucked. No pun intended. Since he liked to be blown, I was sure that I would be sucking cock again. I walked downstairs. Janet was waiting and checked me over. She fingered the collar, making sure it was secure, and checked the cage. Satisfied that I was ready she told me to leave.

“Mistress”, may I eat? Something? I’m hungry!”

“Yes, come, finish my eggs. Then leave. Don’t be late… or else…”

“Thank you mistress.”

Then, “Goodbye mistress.”

“You’re improving.”

I put on a light coat and left, got into the car and drove to Bart’s place. I was nervous as a kitten, frightened. No, terrified. These nuts had me screwed. I didn’t know what to do. Worse, I didn’t know the range of those control units.

I rang, entered, used the elevator. Bart was waiting. I walked into his apartment and he kissed me full on the mouth, holding me tightly. Recalling our previous kiss I kissed him back passionately, tongues swirling, groins grinding.
“Oh myohmyohmy Bart”, I gasped, “Lets do that again -- squeeze me Bart, hold me tight!” I put both hands on his ass and pulled him to me. His erection thrilled me. I raised my arms to chest height, crushed him to me and threw my legs around his waist and thrust my groin against him.
“Oh Oh Oh Oh Bart! Omigod Bart! What feelings!! Kiss me again Bart, please.”

“Well Suzette, I never expected this passion from you. What happened? Did Janet have another session with you?”

“No… No… Bart, I’m not sure what’s happening. I enjoy you more than Janet, I think because Janet is trying to hurt me but you’re just trying to have fun with me.
I can appreciate fun, and honestly with this damn cage on I’m getting horny to the point where any sex seems appealing, including a lip lock.”

I kissed him again, grinding my pelvis against him. “I know what you want -- I think -- and I’m ready. What’s first? Cleaning or sucking or fucking?”

“Take your clothes off down to your bra, stockings and heels. I need access to your ass. You expected that didn’t you?”

“Of course. I knew when you ordered me to do an enema that you wanted anal. I never did that with good ‘ol tight ass but I know the drill -- at least in theory. You have lube, I’m sure. Please be gentle, I am a virgin… there. Where do we go?”

“Bedroom, Suzette. I like that name. Janet gave it to you as an insult but I like the name. You won’t mind if I use it will you?”

“Hell no! I like it! I think it’s cute! But you’re right, she gave it as a putdown.”

“Do you have a position preference Suzette? On your back? Or belly?”

“Well Bart, since it’s my first, maybe you can judge best. What’s your experience? How do you get the most control or pressure?”

“I prefer to have you on your back so I can watch you but I can exert more force when you are face down.”

“You may need force, so lets try belly. After a successful entry, I could rotate and face you.” “Be gentle, please”, I added.

“OK, Suzette, on your tummy.”

I rolled, spread my legs and waited. He lubed his finger, tested my anus. No problem there. He pushed a vibrator in a few inches, left it while he lubed his cock, describing it to me as he did it. He shifted position, putting himself above me, holding himself up with one arm and positioning his cock with his free hand. He pulled the vibrator and pressed his cock against my opening. He pushed and pushed, gradually moving his cock tip into my anus. A little more and he passed the sphincter. Now he pushed with more force, thrusting his cock well into my rectum. Yes it hurt. I could stand it. I stood it. Once my opening reached the maximum necessary, the pain decreased and he was able to thrust rhythmically. Now I could appreciate the pleasure of really being fucked. I could not let myself forget that I was playing my own game of survival. He rolled me over, put my legs over his shoulders, held me by my waist and resumed thrusting. I smiled at him, licked my now dry lips, reached to his waist and pulled him toward me, helping the thrusting motion.

“Oh my God Bart, oh my God. This is my first! Oh my God this is spectacular. Don’t pull out Bart, please. Leave it in Bart, I love it there. I love it…. I love it!” I squirmed around with it deep in my rectum. “Oh Bart! Ah, Ah, Bart, should I rename it my cunt? It’s doing good cunt work.”

“Bart! Keep it there! Please Bart, keep it in. Fuck me Bart! Fuck me hard! Kiss me again Bart!”

He came, and we rested together, feeling it shrink. He pulled out, stripped his condom off, got off the bed and washed his prick.

“Bart!! You should have let me lick it all off for you!”

“Yes, sorry, next time I will.”

He handed me a pad to seal my open anus. I rolled off the bed and followed him to the kitchen, where he poured two glasses of wine.

“To you Suzette! The best ass I’ve ever had!”

“Thank you Bart, I’m flattered, it was my first.” In spite of myself, I liked it! No! I loved it! I want more! “Bart, you really know how to fuck! You really know how to please a girl. Oh Bart, fuck me anytime. That was so great!”

“Suzette, it was obvious to me that you prepared yourself physically and mentally and were determined to enjoy rather than resist, and I can’t believe it was due to the threat from your collar.”

“Bart, the collar educated me yesterday but honestly, since I knew what was coming I looked forward to it. After all I am a horny son of a bitch. Heterosexual yes but flexible, definitely. In short, I loved it. I like you! You have been gentle and decent, not vindictive like…”

“Suzette! I’m ready! On your knees!”

I dropped to my knees, took his cock in hand, kissed the tip, licked it, then started to suck it. Slowly at first then more rapidly. It took a long time since he had just had an orgasm minutes before, but eventually he exploded into my mouth. I swallowed as best I could, then held his cock in my mouth while it continued to twitch. Finally I sucked and licked it clean.

“Suzette, we’re finished for the day. No cleaning of course, and here are two hundred dollars as promised.”

“Bart, thank you but I really don’t want your money. I enjoyed our session and would like very, yes, very much to return next Monday. If I should see you during the week, I’ll smile and give you a big hug.” I hoped that disarmed any suspicions he might have of my reaction.

“You must take the money and show it to Janet or there will be repercussions.”

“OK! Thanks.”

Enjoyed the session? Enjoyed sucking my wife’s lover’s cock??
Cold fucking day in hell when I enjoy that -- but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In fact I rather liked it but can’t let Janet know although Bart will probably tell her.

A plan! A plan! God! I need a Plan! I spent the evening scheming, planning, plotting. One thing was certain. I should prepare for a parting in spite of some pleasure with Bart. My marriage is obviously irretrievably shattered by Janet and Bart. I would need all the items that a spy might need for his craft. I might need to leave the country but I should have false papers. I should create a dual identity. What identity? Should I try to conceal myself as a woman? No, an examination would reveal the truth. But I could leave a false lead indicating that I was a woman or changing in to a woman. Yes. That’s it. A false trail of transgendering leading through Thailand but ultimately terminating in a safe nation as my new male self. They think I am transgendered and now on the road to transitioning. Perhaps I should find a friendly low tax country where I could live in peace and comfort. The Caymans? Maybe.
I must do research on a new country.

Now, most importantly, I must transfer and conceal my assets, but until I am ready to leave I must keep them here for her to see but under my control. This all means that I must play the game. How? Should I cave in and look happy or should I continue my resistance? Not sure. I must also document what has happened to me and show the culpability of those involved. I might just be able to turn the trick.

I returned home and passed the remainder of the day on the internet, making money and thinking about how to protect my assets. It would take a few months for me to get everything arranged for a last minute transfer before fleeing. False passports seemed to be the most difficult item to be arranged since it meant going to the underworld to secure them. I only hoped that I could hold out until then.

Janet arrived late. She called first to tell me to eat, that she was dining out. I didn’t dare ask with whom but said simply “Fine, I’ll have some leftovers and I’ll have some chilled wine waiting for you.”

“I want you wearing the red maid’s dress tonight with red heels. Understand?”

“Certainly mistress.” I replied knowing that an incorrect response could mean disaster.


“Yes mistress?”

“Over the dress wear that red corset, wear no panties and no stockings, but wear the long blond wig, chandeliers, and perfume.”

“Yes mistress.”

“I’m bringing another client home for a glass of wine. Make sure you look good and that
there are glasses and wine waiting in the library. Understood?”

“Yes mistress, do you have an expected arrival time?” I asked with trepidation.

“No stupid, you just sit in the chair near the front door and when you hear the doorbell, hop to it. Open the door for us… promptly, damn you, curtsey to my guest, take our coats, his first then mine. Then when we are seated, pour the wine. Pour it properly as a good waitress would do without spilling a drop. Understood?”

“Certainly, mistress. And then mistress?”

“Then go to the kitchen until I tell you to go to bed -- the guest bed. Until then be alert for my bell in case we want something.”

“Yes mistress. Oh! Mistress, I have two pairs of red pumps. Which pair do you want me to wear?”

“Wear the plain pumps. Can’t you make any decisions by yourself?”

“Sorry mistress, but I wanted to look perfect for you.”

A tiring three hours later I was seated at the door as she demanded, waiting, still waiting for Janet and….

I heard the car drive up before the doorbell and was ready to open it as soon as I heard footsteps.
I opened the door, anticipating the bell, and greeted mistress and her guest, another handsome gentleman. Of course. I curtseyed, took their coats and ushered them into the library. I stood, waiting for instructions.

“Foster, we have white wine chilled but if you prefer I’ll have Suzette pour some sherry.”

“A sherry would be fine. Thank you.”

I poured, correctly.

“You’re welcome sir, will there be anything else mistress?”

“Not at the moment Suzette, wait in the kitchen please.”

“Yes mistress.”

A little while later the bell tinkled and I went to the library. Yes, her blouse was off and he was entertaining himself at her breast. The bitch didn’t even wear a bra that day. God! What a whore!

“Suzette, Foster here was admiring your abilities as a maid. I already explained to him that you were really my transvestite husband who dearly loved maid service.”

“Yes mistress?”

“By God”, Foster remarked, “You really have her trained well Janet. Could I possibly employ her services… perhaps one day a week…?”

“Not exactly, Foster. But you could have her for up to two hours in the morning or evening, though only for one day a week.”

“Delightful Janet, how about Tuesday evening from six to eight?”

“Perfect Foster. Her fee is two hundred dollars payable to me in advance. Maids shouldn’t carry so much money with them when they are out on a job.
Her previous client paid her and she tried to conceal it from me. She was punished. Henceforth I will collect payment.”

“Fine”, he responded with a knowing smile, “Here are two hundred Janet.” “Suzette, you will be at my place Tuesday at six, right? Janet will give you the address.”

“Certainly sir”, I responded with a curtsey, “Do you have any special dress requirements for me, sir?”

“No, I like you as you are. That’s a very attractive dress.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Suzette! You may retire now!”

Oh yeah, it looks like Foster is getting lucky! I’m becoming a whore, she’s my pimp and a slut. My life has really hit bottom. Can it go any lower? I need to know the range of the collar control. I’m going to email the manufacturer for help. The collar is aluminum and certainly may be cut off, but one needs time. Similarly the cage may be cut off but again only after I have fled. My time will come.

I can hardly sleep, waiting for the sounds of her heels on the stairs as she brings her current lover up to bed -- our bed. I wonder where Bart fits into this scheme. I had the impression that he was in line to replace me but if so why is she fucking other men? Plain ordinary slut? Likely! Maybe a business payoff!

The following Tuesday I appeared at Foster’s home in a better section of our city. He requested that I bring a selection of restraint items. I pleaded with Janet not to allow it since I was afraid of being immobilized by a stranger. My pleas had fallen on deaf ears.

“Suzette, my dear sweet girl, I’m so happy to see you! Come in, have a sherry with me so we can get acquainted.” he said with all teeth showing.

He closed the door and kissed me passionately, tongue in my mouth. I took the hint and sucked his tongue and hugged him back, thrusting my pelvis toward him, quickly resulting in tumescence.

“Come with me to my lower level family room. We have a TV there and some other things I think you’ll like. But first, let me see what you have brought with you.”

I opened my roller bag, emptying out the restraints that he requested from Janet.

“Now, let’s see”, he said, looking through the selection, “I understand from Janet that these cuffs lock onto your pretty little collar. Good. Now put your wrists in the cuffs.”

“Please Foster, that frightens me. I’ll do anything for you but please don’t cuff me.”

Foster produced from his pocket the collar control unit, showed it to me saying, “Janet told me to use this if you don’t obey me. Are you ready? Or will you cuff yourself?”

I complied, cuffing my wrists.

He smiled and said, “Wonderful, now lets go down to the family room.”

One look at his family room and I nearly shit. It was a full blown torture chamber. This nut was a sadist. I was really in trouble.

“Don’t worry, Suzette, Janet knows all about my interests and I assured her that I would not hurt you.”

I still shuddered involuntarily. He played with my mind.

“Suzette, ‘hurt’ is a relative thing. When I told Janet I would not hurt you I meant that I would not cause you any permanent harm. Stand against that pole.”

He locked my collar to the pole with a short chain, took a short whip and started whipping me from the ankles upward while I screamed and pleaded.

“Fun? Suzette? If I stop will you go down on your knees and suck my cock?”

“Yes! Yes! Of course! That’s what I’m here for. Please don’t hit me again,” I said, crying copiously, tears, real tears running down my cheeks.

He unlocked me from the pole, I dropped to my knees, he cuffed my ankles together, and I sucked him to a climax. He left me there on my knees while he went to get a drink. On return he dragged me to my feet and pulled me to a bench where he laid me down, strapping me firmly in place. He pulled down my panties and slammed his cock into me without even lubing it or my anus. I thought I would die from the pain. I screamed. And I screamed. He laughed, I screamed, he came. He withdrew, leaving me bleeding and draining onto the floor.

“That was very satisfying little Suzette. I’ll leave you there until I am ready for another round. In the meantime I’ll get my camera for some souvenir shots.”

I remained mute. This fellow was a sadist and I had know idea what he might do and I was completely at his mercy.

“Did you enjoy that Suzette?”

I thought about a reply. “It hurt, Foster, but it hurt so good. What I liked most though, was sucking your cock. It is so smooth, so warm and I love the feeling when it is in my mouth. Please Foster, may I suck you off again?”

“I think so, but first I want to beat the lies out of you. Who do you think you’re fooling? You are here under duress -- you hate it -- you hate me.”

He picked up his whip and whaled away at my butt. I screamed and pleaded but he continued, finally tiring.

He came around to my face, lifted my head and said, “ You wanted to suck. Well here it is. Now! Suck! Suck as though your life depended on it.”

I did. Finally sated, he released me, let me go to my car and told me that he would return the control unit to Janet the next day. I drove home in pain.
I entered the house, collapsed on the floor weeping.

“What happened?’, she asked.

“Your fucking client is a sadist. He beat me unmercifully, used the collar, fucked me without lube intending to cause pain. My ass is bleeding. I should go to the hospital.”

“H’mmm, if I take you to the hospital, questions will be asked. I’ll call a doctor friend, see if he’ll make a house call.”

“Oh, Thank you Janet”

“What!! What did you say?”

“Oh, sorry mistress, thank you mistress.”

A doctor arrived subsequently, examined me, pronounced me living but hurting. prescribed some meds and painkillers, left some meds and agreed to return sometime for dinner. I was in pain but I could tell that he would be a new client. Oh shit!

Janet called Foster telling him she was disappointed in that she did not want her property damaged and the marks on Suzette precluded her use for many days.

“Foster, I appreciate your business but from now on if you want ‘maid service’ I’ll provide it here at my house where I can protect my investment.”

Oh shit! Now I am ‘property’ and her ‘investment’. “Thank you Mistress, I am sooo grateful for your aid and consideration.” What a pile of crap!!

My pain subsided and by the weekend I was back to normal. Monday rolled around and I trekked over to Bart’s place. On entering, I saw two other men, friends, I assumed, of Bart. Uh uh, not in the game plan. Bart smiled, held up the collar control and introduced me to his friends, Ralph and Simon. I knew immediately what was in store for me but I put on a smile, shook hands and even curtseyed for them.

Bart said, “Well Suzette, guess what. I found you so delightful I decided to share the wealth and invited my friends. They are married and cannot have your sort of maid service at their homes soooo…. Here we are. Eager and willing.”

“Oh my oh my oh my. My cup runneth over. Three sturdy gentlemen all in a row. Well! Gentlemen! Shall we perform publicly or shall we take turns in the bedroom?”

That son of a bitch! I thought Bart had some redeeming qualities judging from how he treated me but now… bringing a squad of fuckers… oh Christ!!
Long story short, I sucked ‘em fucked ‘em ‘till they all left happy and I left… not too sore.

A few weeks later she ordered me to prepare dinner for four and to dress in the blue maid’s dress, new blue patent pumps and petticoats.

“Pervert! Tomorrow I’m having three guests, Bart and two ladies. The ladies are clients of mine and you may be asked to provide maid service. You do understand Suzette, don’t you?”, she snarled.

“Yes mistress, I understand. Does this mean you will remove the cage so I may give them proper service?”, I asked hopefully.

“In your dreams, Suzette. Do anything they might want except use your cock. You know better than to even ask! Shall I push the button to remind you? They have been informed that you have a talented tongue.”

Bart arrived first, saluting Janet with his usual deep throat kiss, and then stuck his tongue in my mouth while crushing me to his chest. Resist? Hell no! I couldn’t. He was strong and I had to play the game -- I had to play for time -- my escape plans were jelling. I ground my pelvis against him not suggestively but downright blatantly.

He smiled at me and said, “Looks like you want some action, you little cunt.”

I smiled back and took a deep breath. At that moment Janet intervened, saying
“Easy boy, you can have her on Monday -- she does look like she wants to be fucked, doesn’t she?”

The bell rang, announcing the ladies’ arrival. I opened the door, admitted them, curtseyed, took their furs and led them into the living room, seated them, and inquired as to drinks. They both took a sherry and introduced themselves.

Julia was a short slender blond and looked me over with interest. She said, “I’m damned if I can tell whether you are male or female. Janet has done wonders with you.”

Her friend Sharon piped up and agreed that I was a really cute little maid. “Janet tells us that you may be available for some maid service -- some very special maid service. Is that true?”

“Madam“, I smiled, oh I smiled, “whatever my mistress requests.”

“Sharon”, Julia commented wonderingly, “What the hell did she do to this….What is your name girl?”

“I am called Suzette, madam.”

Janet was observing me from across the room where she was chatting with Bart. “Suzette! Dinner! Now!” she called as she directed the ladies into the dining room.

I served dinner. For dessert I served crá¨me caramel. During dessert Janet motioned to me to get under the table. I shrugged my shoulders, indicating a question about who I was to service. I knew what was expected but not for whom. She pointed to herself. I crawled under the table, finding Janet with her panties off and her pussy damp, hot, and eager. I licked her to an orgasm. Her gasps told her guests that the maid had performed well.

They adjourned to the library for brandy while I cleaned up. I was in the kitchen when Julia walked in, put her arm around me, and cupped her hand on my ‘C’ cup breast form, resting attractively in its bullet bra. “That was some performance at dinner Suzette. Do you always do that?”

I heaved a sigh, took a breath, glanced at the door and said, “Madam…”

“Call me Julia -- please.”

“Julia, I wear this collar, a control collar that gives severe electrical shocks. Janet has ‘something’ on me and I am forced to do her bidding. Please don’t betray me or she’ll hurt me badly. I will do anything you like -- at least anything she’ll permit. I’d better show you what I can’t do for you. She has installed this cage on me and I have not had sex since.”
I flipped my skirt and petticoats up and pulled my panties down to display the cage.

“Oh my God, Suzette, that’s awful!”

“It’s been my life for a couple of months. She rents me out as a whore to some men. Evidently she wants me to entertain some of her lady friends too. Frankly I’d be delighted to serve you and Sharon. Even though I’m ‘caged’ and controlled there are many things I can do to give you pleasure and it would really please me. I am really a male heterosexual and I would love some female companionship. I experience little but cruelty and abject humiliation from my wife.”

“Is Bart one of the men you service?”, she whispered.

“Yes, he was the first. I was forced to submit to him and to do anything he wanted. Ever since then I have serviced Bart every Monday morning and some other men on other days. Yes, it is humiliating and degrading, but Janet has pictures of me that would ruin me professionally. So… here I am. And now, at your service.”

We returned to the library where Sharon was chatting with Bart and Janet.
Julia announced that she was taking me to a bedroom for a chat, and did just that.

“Suzette, here we are… show me what you can do.”

“Strip, Julia while I locate some toys and this n’ that.”

She stripped, we hugged, I caressed her breasts, suckled her nipples and started manipulating her clit with my fingers. She pushed my head down to her pussy and gasped, “Lick, suck, please Suzette.” She grew more and more passionate, squeezing my head between her thighs. Then came an explosive orgasm as she pulled my head into her pussy.

She relaxed, saying, “Oh my God Suzette, you are wonderful. I’ve never had that before and it was exciting. What now my darling girl?”

“Now my sweet lady, I’ll introduce you to the rabbit. It vibrates and rotates and I will thrust it into your pussy and you will experience Nirvana.”

I took the rabbit, lay beside her, and slowly, lovingly introduced the little fellow into her vagina, thrusting it in and out, turning the vibrator and rotator on and off, keeping her in a constant state of passion, far beyond mere arousal until she screamed with more orgasms, finally relaxing, then helplessly collapsing.

We rested until she recovered and dressed herself. Then we went back to the library where she smiled at Sharon and said, “Sharon honey, you need to take this little maid home with you and never let her go. She is soooo talented!”

“How about that Janet,” Sharon asked. “I’d like to see her dressed to go out for dinner. Many times I have wished for a nice lady to dine with. Men expect to fuck after dinner and I don’t always want to. One needs a girl friend with whom to bar hop. Are you willing, Suzette?”

“Certainly madam, I am at you service and will do as mistress requests.”

Sharon had not been clued in as had Julia. “Sharon”, Julia interjected. “We must leave now but I will brief you on Suzette and her talents. Janet, may we borrow Suzette now and then?”


“Her maid’s dress is very nice but we’d like her dressed for dining and dancing. Does she have nice dresses too?” Sharon asked pointedly.

“She has some suitable dresses. I have taken her out from time to time. She cleans up nicely!” Janet replied.

“Suzette, are you available this coming Saturday?” Julia looked at me hopefully.

I looked at Janet for approval. “Am I available this Saturday, mistress?”

“Yes, and ladies, if you want her for the weekend that’s fine. I’ll make sure she has all the clothing necessary, including some maid’s things in case you need her for actual maid service.”

Julia perked up at that idea and added, “Suzette, you will bring a valise full of your little toys too, won’t you?”

“Certainly madam, whatever you desire and whatever mistress permits.”

She and Janet whispered together, Janet nodding her head repeatedly. I hoped for the best. They left, and Janet turned to me, saying, “You better behave or you will suffer… suffer… and suffer. Julia wants the collar off. She can’t take you out with that big metal collar around your neck. I’ll remove it for your date but when you return it goes back on and if you refuse or give me any trouble Bart and I will throw you out of the house and distribute the disks. Understood?”

“Yes mistress, I understand perfectly and there will be no trouble whatsoever.”

She then proceeded to make me suck Bastard Bart to an erection for her pleasure.

Julia and Sharon picked me up Saturday afternoon. I was dressed as a maid in my black satin dress. They examined the things I was carrying and appeared quite satisfied. We drove to Sharon’s place. They had me strip and take turns licking their cunts. We then all showered -- together. That was fun except that my cock was suffering in its cage. The girls were most sympathetic but could do nothing since that was one of Janet’s rules -- no cock.

We dressed for dinner, drove to an upscale restaurant, and dined well, giving the valet boys and the waiters lots of leg and breast to slobber over. What fun! For the first time in a long long while I was enjoying myself. If I tell Janet I had fun I’ll likely be punished, I decided. I’d better play it cool. I hope the girls don’t want to hurt me like that sadist bastard Foster. I was dressed in a most sexy black satin halter neck dress that stopped just above my knees so when I sat down men could get a good look at my fishnet covered legs. This was fun! Even more fun than wearing a maid costume. I wore Chanel No. 5 and some diamond jewelry borrowed from Julia and strappy black silk sandals. I was freakin’ hot!

After dinner we adjourned to a neighboring night club for some dancing. What delight! I was beginning to understand why women love being women. Torturing men was inculcated into them shortly after birth and they practiced it to perfection. They smiled and teased the men who came to our table for dances and drinks. Of course we didn’t pay for a single drink all night, and I had a ball! I got more men hard than I could count. Just a little rubbing and bang! You could feel the cock come up. The men were all taller than I and their cocks hit me about belly height, so I could push against them and get a good feel. My cock was constrained and held down and covered with the ubiquitous kotex commonly used by women as an excuse for avoiding vaginal entertainment. One man asked me if I was having a period. I whispered yes, I’m sorry, as I looked at him with lowered eyes and licked my lips slowly and suggestively.

Throughout the evening, Sharon and Julia both took telephone numbers for future reference. I was getting somewhat looped and started to get adventuresome.
“Julia! Ladies!” I called to her.

Julia and I trotted off to the ladies’. I hugged and kissed her on entering and said, “Julia, oh God Julia, I wish I didn’t have this goddam cage on me. I like you and really would like to fuck.”

“I know, Suzette, me too. I’ll work on Janet. Maybe we can sometime but ya know, Suzette, I’m also largely heterosexual and would like to meet you as a male.”

“I’d love that Julia, my life now is a disaster and I’d love to socialize with normal people. I’m sure that eventually I will be separated from Janet. I can’t tolerate what she’s doing to me.”

“Julia, would you like me to lick you a bit or shall we wait until we get to Sharon’s place?”

“Lets wait. I’m hot -- hotter than hell -- but let’s wait. We’ll have a ball later. C’mon, let’s get Sharon and leave. Say goodbye to the boys.”

We arrived at Sharon’s place and the girls, both hot, worked me to a frazzle.
I put on two strap-ons, separated enough so both girls could impale themselves simultaneously. They rode me till my abdominal muscles screamed. Then I licked them until they orgasm’d again. It was great evening, even though my belly and tongue were sore and tired.

Julia and Sharon became great friends and bought men’s’ clothes for me so I could take them out as their male escort, and I continued to service them as best I could. I served as their tongue, and used it regularly for both women. Julia and Sharon both became my principal respite from domestic misery, and at the end of a stay with them I would reluctantly return to my life of unwilling and unpleasant servitude.

Sharon and Julia finally persuaded Janet to allow me to provide actual cock service for them, but the conditions were severe. I had to entertain the ladies in ‘our’ home while wearing the collar, thus assuring Janet that she would be able to replace the cage after the session. The ladies were somewhat disappointed but agreed, and we had a few lovely evenings. Sometimes we would have sex first and then go out, sometimes the opposite. I knew that sooner or later I would have to flee, but I knew also that I would miss Sharon and Julia -- they were a welcome relief from misery and I came to care for them a great deal. They really eased the pain of waiting for the right moment to flee. As I reflect on it, I could have married either one of them, they were sweet, charming, gentle,
and great in bed.

A few months passed. My charming wife rented me out for ‘maid service’ at least four, sometimes five days a week. I found it increasingly problematic to maintain my cool, to maintain the difficult balance between open hostility and acquiescence, and simultaneously, subtly to persuade Janet and Bart that I was transitioning. I almost blew my cool a couple of times. Bart the Bastard told Janet that he wanted me to dress in an extremely short dress and wear fishnet stockings, and he had her buy ballet boots for me.

“Mistress!! Jesus Christ mistress!! I can’t walk in those boots! Have pity on me, please!”

“Bart wants them on you! You will wear them even if you have to crawl to his apartment, so you better get used to wearing them. Anyway, they are just the ankle length variety so they won’t take too long to put on. I’ll help you, you helpless little girl. Oh, and Suzette, you’ve been moving toward transition but I have not yet seen any breast development. Is there a problem? What are your doctors saying?”

“I asked recently but my OBGYN said not to be impatient, all would come in good time. I was concerned but she mollified me. She also indicated that she would supply some contacts in Thailand, since time was moving on.”

“If you do compete your transition and do SRS you’ll have another hole to offer your clients, Suzette,” she smirked, adding, “With that extra hole you might expand your maid service activities to even more men, and you’re so good at licking cunt you could even include more women. Sharon and Julia speak very highly of you.”

I had no response to that crap. I kept quiet -- I knew better.

“Lets try these boots now.” She seemed to accept my answer about the OBGYN, which I totally made up. I made note to call the doc to set her up for a possible call from my wife.

We put on the ballet boots. I tried to stand and found it very difficult. Janet made me practice walking for hours and then made me keep them on overnight. Monday morning as I was readying myself for ‘maid service’ at Bart’s, Janet wrapped small chains around the ankles and locked them on, preventing me from removing them until I was back home. Janet kept the keys. I don’t know how I ever drove and walked into Bart’s apartment. Those ballets are a medieval torture instrument!

Bart had one of his friends there for service. They both loved seeing me awkwardly hobbling about, and when I knelt they put heavy leg irons on my ankles. They cuffed my wrists behind me and had me suck them off. Predictably I was then dumped on the bed and fucked and fucked. With more than one man, the fucking frequency increases geometrically. Events feed upon themselves and the fuckee is fucked six ways to Sunday. I hobbled out of the apartment, dripping and sore, swearing that it was time to run. Unfortunately at the time of this event I was not ready to run, so I had to grin and bear.

Time was growing short. I felt unsettled. I feared exposure even though Janet seemed to relax a bit. And I wore the damn control collar most of the time and the infernal damn cock cage all the time -- save for a few interludes with Sharon and Julia. For some time now I had had only a few proper orgasms. I am sure that when I’m out of the picture she’ll live with Bart, but I have no idea of her game plan. I know nothing more now about her intentions than when this all started. At first it looked like simple punishment but now, many weeks later… I am confused. But so what? I have to escape this mess regardless of her plan, if any.

Happily, I was able to accumulate the various elements necessary for flight. The passports in female and male names finally arrived -- at great expense, a final destination had been determined and arranged, assets transferred and concealed, and most importantly, various bits of fake evidence that would suggest foul play involved in Jason’s disappearance, not a trip to Thailand for SRS.

“Mistress, may I speak with you on a very important matter?” I asked politely one morning.


“Mistress, you have been punishing me for months now, forcing me to wear this cage and this control collar. With all due respect my sweet wife, I think it’s time for us to return to a normal life. I don’t like being rented out as a whore. That’s all I am -- a whore. I screw for money. I have been humiliated for months. I have been made to watch you disport yourself with other men. Frankly, I am ready to jump off a bridge. Please. What do you want of me? What are your intentions? You may be able to live like this, but I can’t go on being your lovers’ cocksucker. I was never gay -- I am still not gay. What you make me do is contrary to my nature. I am even doubting that I still hold affection for you. So I repeat. Where are we going with this… this…?”

“Fair enough question, you pathetic little slut. You have allowed your wife to control and dominate you and make you into a whore. I’ve had a good time. It’s been a few months and they’ve all been pleasant for me. While you’ve been sucking cock I’ve been riding cocks, many cocks, and I don’t want to stop. But next Sunday we’ll have Bart over for dinner and have a little family discussion. You’ll serve and I want you to wear a bra, panties, fishnet pantyhose and the ballet boots -- Bart likes to see you in them and I do also. It tickles me to see you suffer as you try to walk. So…. Sunday. We’ll talk. In brief however, Bart and I think that having you as our permanent maid is a good idea. We‘ll decide later but I‘m enjoying this relationship and I might just decide to make it permanent. We can modify the relationship somewhat, since you should have sex now and then. We’ve also discussed the possibility of having you go through SRS and remain our maid and also Bart’s cocksucker and anal target and spare pussy. Or we could leave your cock in place and maybe we could find you a gay man to fuck. But my little pervert, you‘ll -- NEVER -- fuck me again.”

“Janet -- mistress -- I don’t understand why something as minor as crossdressing should ignite this fire of hatred in your heart. In my mind there is no justification for this treatment. I have suffered along with it to a point where I’ve considered suicide, but in spite of it all, I find that -- I… still… love… you.” Yeah, right!

“You pathetic pervert. You brought it on yourself. If you had not deceived me I would never had gone to someone for help and advice. Sad for you but I confided in Bart, we talked, we dated, we fell in love. Along the way we became intimate -- we fucked. We decided to change your status from husband to house maid and house whore. We’ve been having a ball fucking you over. So long as you live here, that’s the way it will be.”

“Bullshit!! I’m the pervert?? Who put a cage on her husband’s cock?? Who fucked her lover in front of her husband?? Who is pimping for her husband?? If there’s a pervert in the family, it’s you, goddammit!!!”

“Careful shithead, I can still drop you to your knees. Go! Go to bed. You make me sick!”

I cried, wept bitterly, and went to my room to compose myself and review my plans. I now had a time certain for escape. I had no ‘appointment’, that is, no ’maid’ service planned for Wednesday. So I would volunteer for a store trip. I should have at least two hours before she becomes suspicious, and by that time I should be out of range of the collar control. She‘ll check on me by phone, but I should have time to escape.

Wednesday came, Janet left for work and I loaded the few things I would need for the trip into my car. I rapidly drove toward the airport, stopping at a rest stop to remove -- albeit with some difficulty -- the collar and the cock cage. I had left with my attorney disks of our sad history with instructions to never relinquish them except to me even though there might be speculation as to my demise. I never expected to need them but they were my final backup. I left the car at the airport economy parking and took the plane to Thailand, where I quietly lodged outside Bangkok, where I would be anonymous and if I had to I could produce my new passport.

Six months of living in Thailand gave me a new perspective on the inherent kindness of peoples of some cultures. I lived quietly as if a native with a family, learning their language and culture and enjoying numerous pleasures. Thai girls are great!

The internet was also essential! I was able to follow stories of my disappearance. The police seemed at first convinced that I went to Thailand for SRS, based on meager evidence and statements from my wife. Knowing this, I instructed my attorney by mail to anonymously send some bits of contrary evidence including documents with forged signatures to the police, causing them to reopen the case. My wife and Bart were subjected to rigorous interrogation, and to protect themselves they had to bring in a couple of my ‘clients’. Questions were posed regarding my sexual activities, and Janet and Bart were seriously embarrassed.

The case died down and remained dormant for a few months. When I was ready to leave I had my attorney mail another bit of evidence to the police. This was a set of GPS coordinates, the note suggesting that a body was planted there.

The police investigated, disinterred some bones, and again reopened the case. A grand jury indicted Janet and Bart causing them much mental agony and also the costs of their defense teams. They knew they were innocent, but realized they could nevertheless be sent to prison. Eventually I sent a suggestion to my attorney, and he aided the defense by suggesting that they test the bones for DNA relevance to the case. DNA evidence freed them, but the defense had bankrupted them by then and they parted company. My attorney did speak with them and commented that Jason should see them now. Were it only possible!

An interview with Bart revealed most of the story. He was disgraced and terminated from his company. My former wife was also discharged from her employment. I only wished I could confront her but as I was also a criminal of sorts -- for providing false evidence -- I thought it best to remain silent and enjoy an idyllic existence in Martinique.

My manhood is intact, my features almost unrecognizable, and I pass the evenings with one or another of my numerous lady friends.

“Marie mon chou, un autre Pina Collada s’il vous plait.”

“Oui, oui mon cher Charles. Oh Charles, est-ce que je fais le pipe ce soir?”

“Ah, ma chere Marie, certainement! Tu connais que je l’aime beaucoup.”

Ah, life is good!

 © 2009 Janet Baker

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