Lascia ch'io pianga - The Defender

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Lascia Ch'io Pianga - The Defender

She threw her purse into the squad car and got in. If you met her, you might think she reminded you of someone you knew; she bore a slight resemblance to Gina Davis, although she was blonde and more on the short side of 5'10". Still an attractive woman, even if she wore the non-descript trousers and jacket of a homicide detective. She might also remind you of someone else...

"You know you don't have to do this; you could have refused like everyone else.” (Everyone else being the detectives in the precinct, who had refused to work with her, but more about that later.) Terry Manahan got in the driver's seat and started the car, turning around and saying,

"I know I don't have to. I want to Don....Donna," he corrected himself. He'd remind himself later to keep that in mind, since calling his partner Donna was entirely new for him and for her. Terry had been partner to Don Carter for six years; that is until Don began his transition to Donna. Once a beat cop and then patrol officer, she'd made two changes at once. She'd also earned her detective shield, and was partnered with the last person she'd expect to work with, her brother-in-law and former partner. It was awkward since not only did they share a profession, but they were related...sort of. Terry and Don had been friends since the academy, and they had a long history, most of which recently was sad and bittersweet.


Jeannie, Terry's sister, was married to Don for four years until her life ended abruptly while giving birth to their still-born son. Don had fallen into a deep depression after Jeannie's death, and had even contemplated leaving police work altogether until Terry's daily visits and talks helped raise him out of his depression. He sought help and gained tremendous strength from therapy. It was during that last year that Don decided; rather discovered that he would be fulfilled living as a woman. He had been transitioning for over seventeen months, much to the chagrin of the department. Chief Dougherty had no problem with a transgender officer, and recognized that nothing significant had changed in regard to Donna's police work. He...she remained the best cop he had in the department other than his partner Terry.

Terry, for his part, had no immediate problem with Donna's decision. He looked at it simply, perhaps to simple for some, but accurate nonetheless. If Don had come to him and said he was converting to Episcopal or Lutheran, he might be surprised, since they both grew up attending St. Margaret's down the street, but he wouldn't be upset. Now if Don said he was switching from the Eagles to the Giants, that might be troublesome. Terry was just that type of person.

"Chief says none of the other guys want to work with you, so you're stuck with me I guess." Sad, but perfectly understandable. No cop wanted to work with someone he couldn't trust, and since they were misinformed and ignorant about Donna, they all declined the offer to partner with Donna, even Connie Ramirez and Louise Washington, the two female detectives on the squad. They might come around, but not today.


They drove down the street toward the WaWa for coffee. They wrapped up their first case in fifteen minutes when the perp walked into the precinct and confessed; more out of encouragement and a smack on his head from his grandmother than any remorse. It left them free for at least a while until the Chief got back from lunch and assigned them their next case. Terry kept looking over at Donna, as if he looked long enough, his old partner would be sitting beside him in the car instead of an attractive woman. Even though he accepted Donna, he was still trying to wrap his head around the whole idea, like some people say.

"Tell me something..." Terry hesitated; his question was not only awkward and embarrassing, but highly personal as well as entirely predictable.

"No, I didn't..." Donna paused and looked out the window of the squad car as scenery whisked by. She hesitated but continued, a slight angry tone in her voice;

"Not everyone does, despite what you may have heard on Tyra or Jerry Springer." She laughed nervously at the comment, but it ate her up inside that nobody she knew understood her. More than anything, Donna wanted Terry to understand. Terry was like a big brother to her and he was her best friend, at least she hoped he still was.

'So you're tellin' me you can still…" Terry squeezed the steering wheel tight as he looked ahead at the road, trying not to seem too...ignorant."

"Terry, please stop." She said his name in a manner that was so

They'd had this conversation before; why did he want to change since he'd been married to Terry's sister. Why did he want to stay the same in some ways, but not others? Terry admitted that he was angry that Donna had transitioned so soon after Jeannie's death; if you consider three years too soon. He felt betrayed himself, as if Donna's choice took away his best friend.

"I'm still me; I still can do my job, and I've still got your back. Understand." Imagine your favorite male character of all time; same loyalty and courage, same devotion to friends and family, but with Angie Harmon’s voice. It would be awkward for you, no matter how enlightened or progressive you were.

"There isn't a day goes by that I don't think about Jeannie and...Stevie." She thought not only of her high school sweetheart but the baby she never even held. “I loved her then and I love her now..."

"How the hell can that be? I just don't understand." Terry was almost rude, but he did want to understand. He wanted to accept his best friend’s decision. His chief complaint was that he was overwhelmed with the changes that had occurred. He still grieved over the death of his sister and nephew, and in a way was grieving for the "death" of his best friend.

Donna turned her head and leaned on the car window and began to weep, revealing another heretofore new aspect of her new life to her partner.

Terry looked over at her and started to take his right hand off the wheel to pat her on the back, but he thought about it and said instead.

"Yeah, I miss her too something awful, every day."

He wanted to console Donna, but something held him back; actually more than one thing. First, he was having very odd and conflicting thoughts about the woman next to him. She was actually attractive. Don had been a fairly good looking guy, but Donna was somehow prettier than Terry had expected. Second, and probably more important, Donna still was his best friend. They had shared words and secrets and experiences, nearly getting killed during one case, saving each other's life on more than one occasion. Donna understood Terry better than anyone else. But no. Perhaps in someone else's story in another time or place or lifetime, but Terry realized he could never feel that way about her.

And Donna, despite her appearance and demeanor, was still a one-woman “woman,” like you might see on some website, “Sorry, boys, not interested.” She had yearned for a time when she would be able to be “herself” as it were. She had actually revealed this side of her to Jeannie just after they found out their first child was on the way, and Jeannie had reacted with some confusion but loved Don enough to talk about his “other side.” But that’s as far as it got. And now, alone, almost without any friends; she still had doubts about Terry, she feared she would be lonely for a long time. Most of the department had already rejected her, and her new appointment would keep her busy enough to preclude even the thought of a new relationship, much less the time and effort. And finally, with her still too-recent loss of Jeannie and the baby, there was still way too much pain to deal with, despite the fact that she was overwhelmingly sad and lonely. In that context, she was just starting her new job.


“You have to understand,” the voice on the phone said. I can’t tell you too much. You’re going to have to figure this out for yourself…on your own. I’ve said all I can say, and don’t call me here again!” The man hung up the phone abruptly, but the information he had just told Terry would be the catalyst in solving the open case they’d just been handed. Terry looked back at Donna, who was perusing the file.

“You are not going to believe this. Danvers ain’t dead!” Richard Danvers, yes that Richard Danvers, the man who abused his wife and step-son; the man who raped Rickie and then disowned him, leaving him without family or home. That Richard Danvers.

Donna looked at Terry with an expression that said, “You’re joking,” even as she knew he wasn’t

Terry responded with an expression that clearly said, “We’ve stepped in it big time!”

Donna looked down at the file. Inga Olerud: suspected homicide. Richard Danvers; deceased; cause unknown, suspected drug overdose. The file included the fact that Danvers never married Inga Olerud, and that her death was highly suspicious, with no leads. Donna looked up and asked,

“He’s in Protection, isn’t he?”

“That’s what this guy was just telling me. And he said one more thing before he hung up. Danvers is missing!”

Donna’s new demeanor and appearance remained intact, and her voice, after months of practice, had approached a nice lady-like tone. Her expression, however, was anything but ladylike when she said, “OH shit!”


Alice Chang got out of her car and was about to cross the street to meet Rickie at the salon. She would have skipped across; she was excited because in three plus weeks she and Rickie would be married. She was about to step onto the pavement when she spotted Rickie in front of the salon. While the ceremony would be traditional in deference to Alice’s relatives from Taipei, her parents had already accepted their future “daughter-in-law,” who occasionally made an appearance at the Chang household. So that day, Alice was meeting Rickie so that they could have a girl’s day of pampering. She’d scale back the hair for the wedding, but with the ceremony still three weeks away, plenty of time for girl stuff for her and Alice. She saw Alice get out of her car, and started to walk across the street. A black SUV pulled out and bore down on her as she waved to Alice while walking over. The SUV accelerated and nearly hit Rickie, who jumped out of the way, only to hit her elbow hard on the curb, which hurt like hell but broke her fall enough to keep her from hitting her head on the sidewalk. Alice ran over and cradled Rickie in her arms and asked for someone to call 911. A tall attractive Asian woman pulled out her cell and called. After hanging up, she quickly punched in another number with as much urgency as the first call.

“I told you this was going to happen and it did. Reel the bastard in before this kid gets killed.” She closed her cell phone and quickly disappeared into the crowd before Alice could thank her. The ambulance came moments later and Rickie ended up in the ER with a soft cast on her arm and multiple kisses on her cheeks, forehead and lips from her fiancé.


It was only about seven or so, but Donna decided to get ready for bed early. She had changed into her footie PJs and had picked up the latest Stephen Coonts novel when the doorbell rang. She put on her robe and went to the door. Terry stood at the doorway with an Asian woman, the same woman who had witnessed the attempt on Rickie’s life. Terry didn’t wait for an invitation and they both walked into Donna’s living room.

“Don…Donna, this is Marshal Dani Liu from the U.S. Marshal’s Office. It would seem that my source was telling the truth. Rick Danvers is alive, and he’s flown the coop. Someone just tried to kill his kid today, and Dani thinks it won’t be the last time they try.

Dani Liu was an impressive woman. She was three years into working in the Marshal’s Office and was a lead investigator. And she was very impressive in the looks department. She was a big girl in the height department as well. She stood eye-to-eye with Terry, which would have made her about 5’11” Her features resembled a cross between Michelle Yeoh and Tia Carrere, which made her quite attractive. But she commanded respect with her tone; she was professional and well-versed on the case after only an hour with the file.

“We think Inga found out about what Danvers was up to; we’re still trying to figure that out. But someone knows he’s alive. I think that’s why they tried to kill Rickie; maybe to send a message; maybe revenge. We just don’t know. But we do know this; Danvers isn’t a cooperating witness anymore; he shook his baby sitter last week and has fallen off the face of the earth. Kevin Reilly over at the Bureau is looking into whether or not there’s a mole at WITSEC. He thinks whoever Danvers was supposed to testify against must have gotten tipped off, and he wants him dead.

“Sounds like we’ve got our work cut out for us; I think a pizza and some beer might do the trick, since we’re going to be here for some time; Reilly is driving over from Camden and should be here in about an hour.” Terry didn’t sound too enthusiastic; he had tickets to the Flyers-Red Wings game, and that was out the window. Donna had planned on a quiet evening, but went with the flow. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out some Poland Spring. Terry waved it off; he was already heading for the door to go get the pizza and beer.

Dani nodded and walked over to Donna to accept the bottle of water. Perhaps the leather soles of her shoes combined with the Donna’s living room carpet? She reached over and touched Donna’s hand, evoking a loud click as a spark actually passed between them, evoking an even louder “Ow” from both women. They laughed, and their eyes met. Corny, maybe, but sometimes physical attraction actually just starts with…physics.

Next - The Key

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Possibilities Abound, Here.

Rick Danvers could be going after his kid, or protecting her. And Donna and Terry could heal each other's hurts.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

You're not fishing for

Andrea Lena's picture

You're not fishing for clues, are you Stanley? Keep reading and be surprised big time! Thanks for the support!!!
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but she grew up for all the right ones." Dio ti benedicta! 'drea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Room here

Room here for several sub-plots. Nicely done as always, Drea, but somewhat different from your usual sweet stories. Not complaining; merely observing.


Wanted to try something new,

Andrea Lena's picture

Wanted to try something new, but always sweet in the end. More to follow.
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but she grew up for all the right ones." Dio T benedicta! 'drea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Why isn't this wonderful story listed in your sidebar???

Ole Ulfson's picture

This story has all the aspects your readers love: Rejection, acceptance, love, hate, fear, helpful friends, and, of course romance. In short; it's the patented transcendent tale your readers love. But there's more to "The Defender - Beginning". It's a tightly plotted murder mystery with lots of action.

Anyone who loved "The Blue Knight" will love this! You've got to search to find it. Don't know why; but "defender" (no quotes) in the search box will find it.

Let Andrea know with kudos and comments if you enjoy it.


Ahh... It appears it IS listed as: Lascia ch'io pianga. Now why the heck didn't I equate that that with "The Defender"? Oops!!! Just not as smart as I thought.

Mea culpa!

We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!