Mature / Thirty+

Reconnecting the Past and the Present: Chapter 2

Sarah had spent almost 20 years trying to forget her painful and difficult past. She had overcome so much and had built a successful life, then one day her past comes knocking on her door.

Reconnecting the Past and the Present
Chapter 2

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Helping Hand - Part 7

If I was expecting a bit of peace and quiet after the wedding, then I was sorely mistaken.

Two days later I was in the middle of collecting eggs from the hens when I heard a car coming up the drive.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the car and its occupants.

“What on earth are you two doing here?” I said as Holly and William got out of his Land Rover.

“Shouldn’t you be on some tropical island in the sun by now?”

Masks 18: Part 11

I was under the weather Friday and rather sick Saturday. See the October 7 post at: for a brief account.

I'm feeling better today, and posting the next installment as scheduled.



Rodford Edmiston

Part Eleven

"If our new facility hadn't been ready," said Dr. Nief, "the referring hospital would have treated him. I've spoken with the chief surgeon there and he admits they would not have taken the precautions we did."

Masks 18: Part 10



Rodford Edmiston

Part Ten

Randy led his family on a leisurely walk to the volcano, on a path which took them through the dormitory section of the school. He and Karen waved casually at the few adults and students they saw. One in particular caught Roy's attention.

"Who's that girl and why is she gray?" he asked, making no attempt to keep his voice down.

"That's Hazel," said Randy, quietly. "Her body is largely iron. She's one of our rescues. She finished high school here and is now one of our physical trainers."

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel
By Wendy Jean

Death is not the end. In this case it was a new beginning.

Thanks to Arwen’s Tears and Sarah Goodwoman for your help.

I was standing in front a bright circular entrance of some sort. I was not quite sure how I got here. A pretty lady who seemed familiar gestured me to come inside, so in I went . All at once I snapped out of my daze as I walked to a very young version of my mom.

“Hello dear,” she said with a tight hug That felt incredibly good. Tim, how much do you remember? she asked.

Helping Hand - Part 6

Progress was painfully slow with my development plans. I knew what sort of thing I wanted but getting past that was proving difficult. It was Ruby who provided the solution to my blockage.

I had just finished cleaning out the Hens when she came walking up the drive carrying a large shopping bag.

“Hello Monica, do you have a minute? I need a favour from you.”

“Hi Ruby. Sure. Just let me put this lot of hen droppings into the compost heap and I’ll be with you. Why don’t you go into the kitchen and put the kettle on? I’ll only be a minute or two.”

Suited For Danger - Book 2 - Chapter 7

FROM LAST CHAPTER. THE ALIENS. “I told you we should have never hired that Earthling to find the relics we were sent here to recover! All he's done is let his greed get in the way which has led to others getting involved and several of the Earthlings who have had nothing to do with and didn't even know what the suits really are, have had their lives changed by that cursed Dr. Charles.

The Other Woman - Part 6

The Other Woman – Part 6

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

Luck Be A Lady Continued

FROM THE AUTHOR: This takes the place of a chapter that never should have happened. It's what SHOULD have happened instead of what I originally wrote and posted. It makes more sense and helps me tie it into the SUITED series

A Second Chance at Love - Chapter 1

My Mum never used to cry, but now she does it all the time. She cries for the big things, and the little things. She cries during movies and TV shows, including the commercials, and even cries when she can’t open a jar of pickles. Personally, I blame the hormones. They’re a shock to the system, and she’s still new to puberty.

This morning I found her in the kitchen, literally crying over spilled milk. I bent down with a handful of paper towel, and helped her to soak it up. She looked up, chuckled, and gave me a knowing smile.

Chain of Betrayal

Alan Archer, a veteran CIA agent, contracts a disease and the only hope is an experimental procedure. He wakes up from the procedure to find he is no longer the man he used to be. Can he now find justice as a young woman where everyone around her is lying to her?

Three Steps

The ‘Tape’ is a device that acts as a gateway to an alternate universe where your birth gender was different. A man can lay down the tape, walk over it and become a woman – and learn everything that his alter-ego has experienced during her life.

A person with trans leanings would jump at the chance... right?

Well, perhaps he shouldn’t.

Family Counselling

Family Counseling
By Babalon5
Rev 1

This story is said intellectual property of the owner and copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Doctor Dawkins office.

A Stroll outside my car

Submissive husband is taken for a stroll outside of his car by his dominant wife.

My Stroll outside the car

It was a beautiful evening in the spring of 1982. My wife and I were taking a drive up the coast of California for an evening stroll. She was driving. We had been married for about 5 years. She was 27, and I was 30. My wife is feminine, but she grew up as a tomboy. I had no idea that she would take so well to my submissive desires to be her sissy husband. That was two years ago. Be wary what you ask for.

Masks 18: Part 2



Rodford Edmiston

Part Two

The two men had known each other for a couple of years, but this was a first date, so naturally, they were nervous. Even though both were in their early thirties, and were both professionals in related fields, and both single for too long.

They were at a small table in a back corner. Something nice and private. Even though the management was known to be gay-friendly, the two men found this far more suitable for now. Harry tried to make small talk as they passed the time until the waiter arrived.

Defenders League Prologue: For The People

We are the Defenders League. We fight to protect those who cannot fight to protect themselves and to stop criminal acts in progress.

We are nine in number. Four males, five females, with ages ranging from barely 20 to our eldest member's hale and healthy 91 years.

Six of us were born here in Canada, one is a dual citizen, Canada and UK, and the other two moved here and eventually became citizens.

We tend to work in two groups, which can be brought together when needed.


To Thine Own Self Be True: Chapter 1

Tanya York talked with Melanie Lopez, Leslie Sylvester and Lupe Toro-Byrne on the Thursday afternoon after Carmen put in her application.

Tanya was the first to speak up, "All that we're waiting on right now is a CORI check, correct?"

Helping Hand - Part 5

The remainder journey home seemed to take forever. I could tell that Kylie was tired because on several corners she either didn’t lean with me or leaned the other way.

When we finally arrived home, neither of us was in the mood for anything other than going straight to bed. It had been a very long day.

I crawled out of bed knowing that it was late but not sure how late it was. My first thought was to hit the shower and use that to wake me up.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Seven

It had to be one of the best weeks ever for me at Fashionable. Besides morning and evening yoga, I was able to have two dates a day like the one above. I don’t think my cryx ever felt that full or powerful before. I wouldn’t see Joshua again. It was somebody new each time. It was a cook or busboy at a local restaurant. It was a policeman working for the city of Chicago. It was always someone that seemed to be owed a favor for what was done to turn the other way at what we were doing.

Mother and Daughter, part 2

Ellie smiled as she woke up on her comfortable single bed. It had been one of the most turbulent weeks of her young life, if not THE most turbulent, but it had finally ended, and for once, Ellie had a reason to feel positive about her future, all thanks to one person- the woman who was, unsurprisingly, already awake when Ellie emerged from her room, glad only in a knee-length t-shirt.

"Good afternoon," Janet teased, chuckling as the teenager rolled her eyes. "Can't blame you for wanting a lie-in though, the week you've had. You've definitely earned it."

Cam Girl


Vincent was sitting in his living room, watching movies while his wife was away till the next morning when he heard a knock at the door. Opening it a little bit, he saw a woman standing there looking confident and very pretty.

The Legends 4

The Legends

Chapter 4 - The New Vampires


A girl dies and resurrects with a ghostly body, 80 years later, in a divided world. These are the stories of people who encounter her and witness her unusual powers. Nobody knows who she is or what she is, except the few who are worth to know the truth.

Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date part 4

The beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp is at it again, but can she see a future while the past is on her tail.

This is a non-tg story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

The Legends 3

The Legends

Chapter 3 - The Lonely Woman


A girl dies and is resurrected 80 years later, in a divided world. Her ghostly body has incredible powers, including the power to transform others' bodies. Nobody knows who she is or what her reasons are, except the few that are worth to know the truth.

Pantie Raid In Hell

Andrew Miller had it all.
Fast cars, money, women, and a bad attitude to go with it.
But sins have a way of catching up. If not in life than later.
Waking up in hell there is one thing for certain: this story will not have a happy ending.

Helping Hand - Part 4

[Back to the present day and carrying on with the story]

Kylie was the first person I’d ever been told all the gory details. I wasn’t including Gloria, Robert, Julia or Charlie in that because they are all part of the story. It felt rather strange to have spent a good 2 hours reciting the events, the highs and lows of how I came to be here.

“So that’s who Gloria is! I would never have guessed.”



This is a story of a mage who came home from another world. He who achieved renown in another world, returns to the world where he was born, a world without magic, only to come face to face with the toughest adversary he had ever faced. A human man.

It is a tragic tale of love (seriously?), loss (definitely), and acceptance (maybe not). However, this is certainly NOT comedy.

The tale of a broken mage.

By Shiina Ai

The Legends 2

The Legends

Chapter 2 - The Woman Soldier


A girl dies and resurrects 80 years later, in a divided world. Each chapter is the story of a person who encountered her, in a different place and a different state. She sometimes helps other people, but nobody knows who she is.

Smoke And Pantyhose 3

Everything comes to an end and every end is a beginning.

The Wiseman.

The book Smoke And Pantyhose is written for a reason. I wrote it because I think it can help someone. If you are a sfenist, it will help you understand what you are and what you can do. If you are not, but you find one (and mainly if you want to get married to a sfenist), this book will help you find an alternative path. The best of all is if two sfenists find each other and form a family.

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.15

Children always share something from their parents.

What is born from a cow, will eat grass and what is born from a wolf, will eat meat.

A cherry tree will make cherries with cherry seeds and an apple tree will make apples with apple seeds.

Sayings, about parents and children.

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.14

From all sexual minorities, sfenists are among the only ones blessed with the power to make children. And children are the most important thing for a couple, the reason to go forward and the shiniest gem stones on the crown that is a family. However, children born from sfenists are different then children born from any other families and any other people.

A conversation with a sfenist couple, 2004.

To Thine Own Self Be True: Prologue

I had an idea for a story set in Winnisimmet, Massachusetts, so I bounced it off of efindumb and after a bit of discussion, he said that he would consider allowing this to be a Winnisimmet Tales story. I've spent the last 48 hours adjusting some bits to his approval.

So here is the start of a brand new Winnisimmet Tales story, I intend it to be novel length overall, so there will be much more to write.

My thanks go out to efindumb for allowing me to play in his universe, I hope I do it justice.

Virtually Feminine - Part 4 - Home

Virtually Feminine - Part 4 - Home


Jez gets closer to Fli. In the 'Real' world Jez's alter-ego goes on a date.

Oh, and the caution is a little over cautious, but I'd rather be that way than surprise someone. No one actually touches anyone else, in the real world...

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Six

Security is a different beast as I make my way from day to day. One day I will be following an associate in their car into some new part of the world. Another day I will be wearing the black armor guarding and walking with a President or Vice President to some new place. Other days I will be told to remain behind to continue training in fight, self-defense, battle logistics of things no less. It is a very curious job. It has perks that I am able to go out and about more.


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