Mature / Thirty+

MORFS: Out Of Retirement 04

Acts of Humanity

Out Of Retirement
(Part 04)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

John Martin had turned his successful engineering business over to his kids -- much to their consternation. While camping deep in the national forest, he met a fox hybrid in great need of help.

sex: 2/10
violence: 6/10
profanity: 3/10

Categories: Hybrid, Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2068

Chapter Eight: Friends

Esther and I were at the bottom of the black diamond hill when we saw what looked like a three headed four legged furry careening wildly down the hill. A better look revealed a cat taur carrying an absolute cat morf and an absolute fox morf.

Why are You Still Carrying Her?

Once upon a time, two Buddhist monks were walking along after a horrendous thunderstorm, marveling at how nature could be, in one instance, so tranquil and beautiful, yet in another, so violent and devastating. As they were walking along the path, they soon saw the wood bridge spanning a fjord had been washed away, leaving little way to cross the stream except to wade in the swiftly-moving water. As they were removing their sandals to do so, they noticed a young woman, heavy with child, struggling to ford the raging current.

Arista is.. awake [5.6]


There's a time for jokey introduction statements; this isn't one of them.
Arista is awake... I repeat, Arista is awake!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Ellie having fun babysitting Alice,
Hannah takes a stream of interrupted naps
(none of them by choice),
and Arista has unreasonably large breasts, apparently.

Get ready to strap in again folks! The countdowns started and we're in for a bumpy ride!

The Difference Between Heaven And Hell

I heard a story the other day, and I thought I'd share it with everyone. I'm not entirely sure, but I think it may have come from an old Ann Landers column or something...

The Difference Between Heaven And Hell

A devout man went to sleep one night, and dreamed that he was face to face with God.

My wish

I once had a dear friend.
We shared laughs and tears,
Pains and triumphs.

Now, that friendship is no more.
Forever broken,
Unable to be repaired.

At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing.
But alas! Actions have consequences.
My actions, though indirectly, caused this person much pain.

I never wished tragedy upon this person --
A person who has shown me nothing but trust and friendship.

But I made my decision.
Right, but for all the wrong reasons.

Inner Demons, AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl - Chapter 2.2

Inner Demons, AKA "Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl"
© 2017 Haylee V

* This is a true account of my life experiences. All persons portrayed in this story are based on actual people I've met throughout my life, and the events portrayed actually happened. No malice is intended to those individuals involved, and names have been altered to protect the identities of the people portrayed. *

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 3

Case File 2: The Profiler Part 3

As Megan and I drove to the address we’d pulled up, I had some questions, so I asked Megan, “How did this guy go from minor nuisance to all out super-villain ? "

“I suspect he has an artifact. Which could make things more dangerous for us but also for him.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Did you ever read the Lord of the Rings? In the book the wizard Gandalf says any of the mortal race who tried to use such an artifact would eventually be possessed by it.”

The Italian Job - Part 10

Luca’s father, Marco turned out to be a real sweetie. Over the next few days I got to know him quite well. As for his wife of 31 years, Niamah was nowhere to be seen. She’d seen Marco embracing me at the station and hadn’t been seen since.

We found out a few days later that she was staying with Gina. That little bit of news made me feel a whole lot better. Marco seemed to agree with my statement of ‘She’s lost it’.

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 2

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 2

Author's note: This chapter contains a scene of forced sex. While I have done my best to make it readable, I leave this warning here for my more sensitive readers in case I have failed.

Once the team was together and introductions were made, we began to go over the outstanding cases.

Then I said, “looking at what’s outstanding, I think we need to focus on the case Megan mentioned. Megan, what does your profile mean in terms of what this guy will do next?”

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 1

Case File 2: The Profiler

Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my story “Case File”. You might want to read that one first.

Chapter 1

It’s not often my team adds a member. The last one we added was Ross, our teleporter. But when the Boss asked me to do the “welcome to the team:” thing, I do my job.

I go to the small conference room not far from my small office, and find her waiting for me.

“Hi. I’m Joseph.” I said, and offered my hand.

“Megan” She replied, and took my hand and shook it firmly.

Imp 5: Head Over Tail part 2

The fabulous Imp is settling in as the newest teacher at Whateley Academy, though not everyone is happy about her presence on campus.

This is a non-tg story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

The Italian Job - Part 9

Christmas was soon forgotten as Luca and I spent most of January in Genoa. There were lots of things going on at the shipyard. I began to get a bit worried about him. It was as if the whole world was on his shoulders and despite my gentle probing he wouldn’t share his troubles with me.

At the end of the first week in February, I’d just returned to the Apartment with some food when the phone rang.

A voice spoke heavily accented Russian to me.
“Да, это Fran” {yes. I am Fran}



How far would you go to protect the ones you love?

My dearest children:

I have a confession to make. Your mother and I have been keeping something from you for the last couple of years. Please believe me when I say that was not by choice.

You remember how it seemed to be. One day I came home in women’s clothes and told you I was transgender, that I was going to transition to live as the woman I felt myself to be.

Point of View

This story predates my work on Masks. It was the first written of a set called The Changeling Chronicles. It was largely to test the waters for the series on TSA. The other stories can be found here:

Point of View


Rodford Edmiston

The Office

Vincent was working late on night, filling paperwork out. His coworker came in his office and sat down. Renee was attractive and flirtatious and she knew she was good looking, which in Vincent's opinion was why she was such trouble. He consciously didn't want to give her too much attention and kept his head down while she was there, trying not to be rude though.

The Italian Job - Part 8

The next two months were hectic to say the least. Luca and I went everywhere together. But it was all business, business and yet more business. Most nights we just collapsed into bed exhausted. There is such a thing as too much wining and dining and the endless travelling was always a pain in the bum.

Patchwork World

I'm working on the next Masks story, but it's slow going. In the meantime here is something to hold you over.

This is from an uncompleted fantasy novel. The premise is that some mysterious event has mixed patches from different alternate Earths together on one. Not only are there now humans and non-humans trying to live together, but some people who were caught at the boundary of a patch during the change were themselves altered.

Patchwork World Excerpt


Rodford Edmiston

"What did they do to her?" Allison whispered to Theo.

Imp 5: Head Over Tail part 1

The fabulous Imp is settling in as the newest teacher at Whateley Academy, though not everyone is happy about her presence on campus.

This is a non-tg story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

The Italian Job - Part 7

The gentle knocking of the maid on the door eventually roused me from my slumbers.

I didn’t want to move so I shouted out,

“Please. Come back later.”

The knocking stopped and all was quiet once more apart from the muted traffic noise coming from the world outside the Hotel.

I relaxed back onto the bed and closed my eyes once more.

The Great Downtown Jam Session

Kyle was walking down the street, heading toward a mall that allowed people to play music with little or no hassle. It was just another city somewhere in the United States, much like many other fairly big cities, with people walking or driving by without saying anything.

He wasn't really paying attention to where he was going until he had to stop at a street light to wait for it to turn green. Across the street was a small area where the city allowed musicians, comics, etc., to do their acts. Something pulled Kyle over to the almost empty square.

The Housemate

Ok, I seem o have messed up somehow. Half the keywords for this story are missing.

It has BDSM, some sex and some femdom.

It all started when I was sitting in the social area at a play party.

I was talking with a domme I knew and happened to mention that we'd been given notice by our landlord. Seems he'd sold the house he was living in, and since the one we were renting was the next biggest one he owned, we were going to have to move.

Penny's World pt 11

and my nipples are likely to go into hiding the next time someone even mentions me having a medical

Penny’s World
Part Eleven
Sophie Jones
© 2017

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

The Other Woman - Part 1

The Other Woman – Part One

There are two women in his life and its finally time for them to meet.

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This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and e mailing each other regularly.

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