Mature / Thirty+

Helping Hand - Part 3

[Authors Note]
There may be some historical bits in this section that some readers may take issue with. No insults were or are intended. I was only trying to illustrate that some people have very long memories and do not forgive the actions of others easily much like the feud between the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s.

The Columnist

Samantha Jones is a conservative columnist who has decided to pull off her biggest stunt yet. The feminine woman has legally changed her gender to male to prove a point. While her followers enjoy the mockery, Samantha begins to experience increasingly masculine symptoms. In desperation, she turns to her gay friend, Will, for help.

Tales From Little Bramble: Chapter 1

Natalia sat on the sofa near Aloysius, utterly stunned. This sweet man had been born as a female, thrown out and disowned by his family, lived through a fast and active marriage to the person who saved them one night, then lived with a kindly lady with unspecified health issues. That had appeared to end when the lady died, but the young person had discovered that they had inherited everything. They had then gone on to make changes in their life, the biggest being the transition to this lovely man in front of her, and to top it off, he was a successful artist!

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 5

I am awake at 4:30 am. Quickly, I dress and shower and groom myself. By 5:30am I am out the door and down to the diner I eat at every year after New Associate Day. I eat oatmeal, fruit and drink a water. At 6:30am, I am making my way back to Fashionable. At Monday at 6:55 am, I am allowed in. By 7:30am I am sitting at a table with all those who had joined Fashionable fifteen years ago, except for Toni – she had died last year. Hannah Short, now President of Security briefs us. “Today, you will be following the first year associate you were assigned to.

Tales From The Flip Side

This is another take on the restroom issue that has become such a topic in the halls of Southern and Midwest State legislatures . This is a parallel universe scenario that explores the question of who really should NOT be sharing public bathrooms with women and children .

Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date part 3

The beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp is at it again, but can she see a future while the past is on her tail.

This is a non-tg story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Turnabout Part 15, the finale

The saga of Danny and Jessa comes to a close. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me and special thanks to Lizzy Bennet, whose input has made this a much better and fuller story than I expected.

Week 33 - the baby was as big as celery, which I found hard to believe. I had, as of my last doctor’s appointment, I had gained twenty-seven pounds and was now a DD cup, which Danny enjoyed. My belly was big enough to have its own zip code.

The Dark Queen: Part 2

Foot of the Long Road

The assassin had finally reached the beginning of the treacherous roadway to the Queen's castle. Weaving though the scattered camps of minions seemed like the hours in an eternity. And then he heard it...the gong! The gates were being closed early! Apparently Her Highness did not care that nearly forty thousand of her troops were going to be trapped outside the walls; and he was to be trapped inside them.

Helping Hand - Part 2

By the time I woke up, the storm of the previous evening had blown away and the morning was bright and clear. I pulled back the curtains in my Bedroom and looked out to sea. A few ships were visible well out at sea. Two fishing boats were about a mile or so off shore. It looked like a perfect morning.

What About The Children 3: What about Androgynes?

With the permission of both Sarah-Goodwoman, who wrote the initial story here: ,
and of Laika, who then penned the reply in this little piece: ,

I'm adding my own little twist to this rather odd pair of tales. It starts a few minutes after Laika's tale ends. I hope you enjoy it.


The Ghost

This little piece was something that came out of nowhere while I was trying to sleep early today. I got up, intending to jot down basic info for it, but ended up spending about two hours doing other things on the computer before returning to get the sleep I still needed.

The interesting part is that this resurfaced a few hours ago as I was trying to go back to sleep.

The caution is primarily aimed at the brief kill scene near the end, but also due to the storyteller's description of the job.


Natural Affection

Walter had built the perfect life for himself. A loving wife and a daughter he could be proud of.
Fulfillment in a job he was good at. Nothing to worry about.
But the world around him is dominated by all-powerful rules and things can go sideways fast.
For Walter, it might mean a new life. One where he has to fight for what he had and for what he doesn't want to become.

Author's note: This is the first story in my "undesirable classes" universe. While RPG like rules apply the world itself mirrors our own in technological advancement.

In the Face of It All

In The Face of It All
(c) 2017
Haylee V

Even though something inside is grieving
Laugh, clown, laugh!
- Abbey Lincoln


The clock on the wall silently ticked away as Francis sat on his bed, thinking. Just where, exactly, had things began to go wrong? When had his life began to horribly unravel?

Was it when he first realized, at four, that he was different from the other little boys in his play group?

Tales Of Heirloom Gems 4 - Druids Wanted Druids Needed

Leanora is, what we humans call it, a dryad.
Years ago a druid had visited her glade. He had been awfully chatty, as all humans are.
Still, sometimes Leanora misses having someone who she can talk to about nature.
One day she gets the opportunity, not to find a druid, but to make one.
Eagerly she takes her chances.

What About Bob?

With Sarah Goodwoman's kind permission, here is a continuation of her short story WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN, an excellent little tale about the everyday hassles trans people face; which can be found HERE:

Okay, I guess Sarah's story can't be found there, she seems to have removed all her fiction from BCTS after becoming the target of some harassing reprobate political troll. But WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN should show up eventually at Fictionmania. My story begins just a few seconds after hers ends...

(What About the Children Part 2)

Laika Pupkino 2017

Penny's World pt 12

“Hey, Mum, you’re in a mag.” Emily looks up at me. “Are you a model? Is that why you’ve been away?”

Penny’s World
Part Twelve
Sophie Jones
© 2017

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

Defining Moments - Chapter 1 - The Day My Armor Broke

The story of a Transwoman’s journey to find out who she really is, and to find acceptance in the world, but most importantly to find acceptance in herself.

Defining Moments
Chapter 1

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Helping Hand - Part 1

The first of the Autumn Gales was making its way up the St George’s Channel and into the Irish Sea. The late afternoon sky was darkening and the one ship that I could see from my window looked like it was in for a rough night.

I was in the process of pulling the curtains and shutting out the storm when I saw a brief light coming from the half ruin of a barn that marked the edge of my property. At first I thought that it was a reflection from the last of the sun but it appeared again. By now, the sun was totally covered by the approaching storm clouds.

I pulled the curtains shut and tried to put the possibility that someone was out there to the back of my mind.

Mother and Daughter, part 1

Janet took a deep breath to calm her nerves as she stepped through the rear entrance of the vast supermarket. When she was younger she never imagined that she'd be starting work as a lowly checkout operator at the age of 42. But then, she also never imagined that on her first day of work, she would pin to her chest a name badge that read 'Janet' instead of 'John'.

Indecent Exposure

Officer Barry White confronts the greatest law breaker of all: a woman breast feeding in public. Things get out of hand as he coincidentally has to deal with the same woman for the same offense all over town. To make matters worse, Officer White faces breast problems of his own.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 4

It doesn't take long when one of our security personnel appears at my new office. Its mechanical voice speaks. “It is time Associate Gorman. Please follow me.” I get up and follow. My guide leads me down into the basement where I stand in the corridor into the same stone corridor I had been led fifteen years ago, the same corridor that I had led Collin now Kelly to take. I stand before the stone archway, but it isn't closed off it is open. I close my eyes. I relax into the yoga that has been my comfort and stay since I have become a part of Fashionable Inc.

Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date part 2

The beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp is at it again, but can she see a future while the past is on her tail.

This is a non-tg story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Doctor's Log 3 "The dark huggle"

Doctor’s log 3: “The anti-huggle”

Excerpt from the personal logs of Doctor Dorothy “Dottie” Bellion

Stardate: Classified.

I belong to the best crew in Starfleet.

I knew that, but in case I needed to be reminded, they proved themselves again.

It all started with why I invented the huggle generator in the first place. See, I suffered some ... traumatic experiences young, and one of the few things that helped me process that was the unwavering support of our family dog.

The Other Woman - Part 5

The Other Woman – Part Five

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader.

We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

Turnabout Part 14

The saga of Jessa and Danny continues. Jessa gets a preview of what it means to be a mommy and Jessa and Danny head to Spain for their babymoon.

Thanks as always, Lizzy Bennet. Especially for making sure the trip to Spain didn't read like Lonely Planet.

December 16 - 25 weeks pregnant. Thumper was as big as cauliflower.

An Ideal Saturday

An%20Ideal%20Saturday.jpgAn Ideal Saturday
written by TGTrinity

Mason finds a small wooden figurine while helping his neighbor move, and soon the men around him begin to have their deepest desires fulfilled by beautiful women they just met...

Author's Note:
This is a commissioned story that I recently wrote, and I thought others might like it.

Sweet Sixteen Again! 02

This installment is dedicated to Princess Laika Pupkino.

So I woke up slowly... 'cause I like it that way. The seagulls were singing and the surf was crashing and the crabs were casting long shadows as they scurried in the early dawn light.

I sat up in my bed and let the satin weave neosilk sheets drop off me so that I could enjoy the warm scented ocean breeze.

Yesterday, I woke up in a princess style canopy bed. The morning before, I awoke on a soft knoll in an enchanted forest with tiny fairies and pixies flying around, and rabbits and foxes cavorting in the clearing.

AIDS (no not that sort)

AIDS (no not that sort)

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2017

Here’s another, shorter one that’s been waiting for me to get round to finishing it. I’ve always wanted to have a go at one of these. Hope I’ve done the genre justice.
I haven’t done much proofing on this one, so if you spot any glaring mistakes, please PM me and I’ll make the necessary adjustments.


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