Mature / Thirty+

She! - Part 2

Twenty minutes later, I'd read the letter and knew the bad news. It made me feel rotten to the core and angry at the same time. My past had indeed caught up with me. What’s made it worse that it opened up a side of me that I was trying my hardest not to remember. After reading it twice, I decided that I needed to speak to Marcel.

Thankfully, his car was parked outside his home so I went inside looking for him.

“I’m in the back Jean, come on through,” he called to me when I spoke his name.

Marcel was sitting at his kitchen reading the newspaper.

Through the Fire

Through the fire

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2017

Hopefully this isn’t too soon after the Grenfell Tower disaster to seem disrespectful. I actually started writing it a year ago, and only picked it up to try and finish it a few months back. Then a lot of people died in London and I put it back on the shelf with all the many unfinished stories I seem to have generated recently. I feel I need to get something published again though, and I hate having all these loose ends floating about in my life. I have one story that’s just topped 200,000 words with a couple of chapters to go, which I’m hoping to finish this summer. Haven’t decided what I’m going to do with that yet, but in the meantime, I’d love to hear what you think of this one.

Growing up transgendered-A Poem

When I was born I did not know who I was,

A life time of pain later I figured me out,

I could not throw the parts I did not like out, as they were part of me,

So I transformed them into something I could endure.

And so I learned to love myself, and be loved by others.

There is joy in life if you let yourself be who you were meant to be.

That is the real choice.

For Better or Worse - part 4

For Better or Worse

When Tom married his wife, he truly believed the love they shared would pull them throught any problems that may come their way, but what happens when you discover the one you married was not even human?


Written by Nuuan

The Guardian - 11

the Guardian_0.jpg

You turn off the light, you kiss me good night
Mother, I know that I'm gonna be alright
And I just can't wait to grow up
Find my own life, be a good wife
And a smart one, I'm sure

Part Eleven – Always Everywhere
My continued apologies for the delay

She! - Part 1

I will never forget the day she came into my life. Until then, things had been great. Well, for the past two and a half years, life in general had been pretty good to me despite everything that had gone before it that had caused me to give up a job I loved and move to somewhere with a decided slower pace of life.

Visitor from my dreams

Visitor from my dreams

Author's note: I read a writer's prompt on facebook, and it went something like "She came to me in my dreams, and in my nightmares", and my muse took it from there ...

At first, i thought she was a nightmare, the girl in my dreams.

For I was a boy, or supposed to be. So where could this girl I dreamed of being come from?

Then there were the nightmares in truth, but she was not the monster in them, but rather a victim - a prisoner, tormented and captive.

The Other Woman - Part 4

The Other Woman – Part Four

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 3

I lead us through a back door in the nightclub. “This club has a deal with us,” I tell Kelly. “We provide security and often bring ourselves here. So, they will let us in, and they will watch out for us. They will get us waters if they know a man is ordering us a drink. Lots of men will come here, looking for someone like us.” We walk in, both feeling the electricity and sex in the room. I order the two of us waters. I hand her the water the water, and say, “Your cryx gives you considerable power over men. But avoid alcohol while wearing it. Alcohol will even the playing field.

A princess in distress

The sunshine woke me up. I was deep asleep because I stayed up late last night. The window must have been a little bit open because I could
feel a light breeze gently caressing my face. I yawned and stretched a bit, feeling happy and in a good mood.

“Princess Olivia!” I heard a familiar voice yell behind my closed bedroom door.

“What is it, Nadine?” I asked still feeling a bit sleepy.

“Your next appointment will happen soon. You must get ready. Can I help you?”

The Island

Ryan Morgan, an injured veteran and recently divorced takes a luxury cruise with his last savings. His life held nothing more for him and felt this might be the perfect way to end his life. While on the cruise he meets a young woman that he is immediately drawn to but her own wounds only allow them to be friends. When her life is threatened during a shipwreck Ryan decides to risk his own life to save hers only to find himself on death’s door on a remote island.

The Other Woman - Part 3

The Other Woman – Part Three

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

Robin: The Girl Wonder

Robin, Alfred Pennyworth, and Batman are the property of DC Comics.

* * * *

Her knuckles balled white around the hem of her skirt and pulled it over her knees, which in turn bounced in time with the ticking of the clock. Three-fifteen was the cue for dismissal, save for one who had been removed from class early and was seated in the main foyer.

Footprints in the Sea Vol 3 49 and 50

Having completed her operation in England, Charlotte and Will return to their island in the South Pacific. There is a rush to familiarise themselves with the progress made in their absence, make new friends and renew old acquaintances.
Whilst Charlotte is doing this, she makes her first of a chain of discoveries, a hoard of laundered currency and packages of uncut heroin!
Then a trip to the scientific laboratories on the south side of Charlotte Island leads to the second discovery; over twelve thousand miles away from where they should be, evidence of an early settlement is discovered with Anglo Celtic Iron Age roundhouses, altar stones and jewellery dating back to a time before the first Roman invasion of Britain!
Shortly after this and whilst on her honeymoon with Will, Charlotte finds a letter written by the settlers who built their original house and two or three days later a hidden casket with more connections to the past!
But there are other discoveries to come. Is there a touch of magic involved? Charlotte becomes suspicious that this might be connected to her meeting in Berkshire with Penelopeia, ancient wife of Odysseus, the Greek hero of Troy and are the water sprite Undine and Goddess Artemis figments of her imagination, the early signs of a mental breakdown or visitors from another dimension?
Perhaps it is a reaction to the events of the past eight months, shipwrecked, marooned, her sexuality confused? Then a battle for her life on the high seas and the biggest shock of all; discovering that all her life she had been intersexed, a male and female sharing the same brain and body and all of this followed by the recent string of astonishing discoveries. Is that too much to ask of a person with XXY chromosomes?

Doctor's Log 2 "Surprise!"

Doctor’s Log 2 “Surprise!”

Excerpt from the personal log of Doctor Dorothy “Dottie” Bellion:

Stardate: Classified.

I think a certain captain may have missed her calling in life, and should have been a counselor.

See, I had been feeling rather down lately. I had just marked another birthday, and afterward I found myself taking stock of my life, and wondering if I in fact really had accomplished anything of value in my time in this universe.

Doctor's Log

Doctor's Log

Author's note: On Facebook, I belong to a page called Transgender Trekkies. On that page, we have our own starship, the USS Jorgensen, and there I am known as Doctor Dorothy Bellion, AKA Doc Huggles. Just for fun, I made a excerpt of the doctor's log, and now I want to share it with you ...

Excerpt from the personal log of Doctor Dorothy (Dottie) Bellion:

Stardate: Classified.

The captain has authorized me to release a portion of my personal log, as there seems to be some confusion about just what I do aboard ship.

Weave of Life: Part 1

Weave of Life


Rodford Edmiston

Part One

The heavily bandaged and obviously severely injured man was being given some water through a straw by a nurse when the tall, youthful man walked in, a decorative cane in his right hand tapping a syncopation to his steps.

This Never Happened to James Bond Part 4

There are times in an operation when you think, I may not get out of this one alive. The thought is fleeting and then you fight like bugger to make sure you do get out alive.
Only this time, I know this is IT. This is the end. No tomorrow.

Powyr 1


Clad with a letter P on her shirt, Powyr was a new superhero who was ready to help get rid of criminals in her city. She had the ability to fly and was invinceable among many other powers given to her by a freak electrical storm. She flew over her town, looking for anyone trying to commit crimes.


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