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UV Ceti is the most cruel stellar system in the galaxy. It is an anarchy, pirates, fugitives, criminals and mafia factions hide in the dark, fight for power and manage their illegal business, far from getting unified. In the last years, there is a person who gain power. Angela Northern. Nobody knows where she came from... or if she is a woman at all.
The story of Angela Northern starts somewhere, far away. Her parent is Delta, the brother of Caligula XIII, dictator of Betelgeuse VII. At that time, Betelgeuse was a paradise for transgender people and rare sexual minorities. Caligula XIII was born as a woman, but transformed itself into a hermaphrodite. Delta was born as a man but it also transformed itself into a hermaphrodite. At that time, knowing that the sun will go supernova, Caligula XIII sent its brother, Delta, to terraform a new planet, Betelgeuse S, located at ten light years away. Having both male and female organs, Delta got pregnant with itself and gave birth to a child, Angela Northern. Little Angela was born as a hermaphrodite. As Delta became the dictator of Betelgeuse S, Angela was enjoying a very good life, as a very respected and loved princess. But things don't always go the way you want.
One day, Delta sent Angela Northern with its best friend, Etna and its child, Julia, to Betelgeuse VII. There, someone managed to kidnap her. Etna was killed in the fight, Julia managed to escape, but Angela remained on the pirate ship. The pirates took her, with other captives, to sell them as slaves, in UV Ceti.
They travel all the way to UV Ceti in cryogenic sleep, frozen in liquid helium. Then, all prisoners are forced to wake-up from hibernation. Angela wakes as a few rude guys force everyone to undress. People shout, cry or beg for mercy. But what mercy can have those brutes? Nothing. All captives are forced to march undressed, while potential clients watch them and estimate their value. Someone pays for little Angela and takes her. She is forced to enter a cage and goes with the new owner. This is how she arrives at the body farms, the most inhuman thing in the galaxy.
The new owner takes Angela, examines her and looks surprised to see both male and female organs. Overall, her body looks more like that of a woman, since she has breasts which are starting to grow. Then, the new owner beats her without mercy and rapes her, giving her to his men, which also beat her and rape her over and over. Then, they apply a punish ring around her neck and throw her, naked, in a cage. The punish ring, which all slaves have to wear, as well as all servants, looks like a tight necklace. It creates an electromagnetic field and is able to send pain signals directly into the brain. When someone wants to punish a slave, it just pushes a button and the ring will produce pain without affecting the body at all. Punish rings are made so that, if selected, they deliver pain each time the slave speaks something or does anything not allowed. Very soon, Angela finds out how painful this device is. When she tries to talk with other slaves kept in cages, she receives a pain like the amputation of a foot.
In the cage, she is not allowed to cry. One single whisper and the punish ring makes her feel a pain like never before. She can see this anywhere, as many other slaves are tortured with this cruel device.
Then, she starts working in the body farm. Her first job is to feed the women. They are the central piece of such a farm. Locked in single-person cages, women are kept naked, to get pregnant and give birth. Slaves come and feed them with a plastic tube, that enters through the mouth into the stomach. It is a brutal way to feed. Many newcomers scream, then their punish rings deliver a huge pain signal, so that they convulse of pain for hours. Feeding is done 3 times, at 8.00 to 12.00, 16.00 to 20.00 and 0.00 to 4.00. Between 4.00 and 12.00, a slave comes with a water pump and cleans all women and their cages with a jet of water. There are no toilettes. All women piss and defecate in their cages.
Then, between 12.00 and 16.00, another slave comes for the medical check, for signs of fertility or pregnancy. Fertile women are inseminated in a brutal and painful way. Those pregnant get birth alone in the cages. If anything goes bad, they are left to die. Then, between 20.00 and 0.00, it is relocation time. At that hour, born children are token, women are injected to stop lactation and those who died are removed.
Children are grown in other parts, in cages. They are separated from a very young age. Some are to replace the women and men, some are to be sold. Depending on what clients want, they receive a different type of education. Everything is done with painful methods. From sexual slaves to working slaves and ruthless soldiers, they all develop here. The first thing they learn is complete obedience to their masters. A large number of children, both boys and girls, are castrated. The operation is done with no anesthetic and is extremely painful.
Another part of the body farm is where reproduction men are kept. They are carefully selected. Someone might think that they are the lucky ones, but it's not. They also stay in cages, like the women. Their semen is milked with very painful electric shocks.
In UV Ceti, people have no mercy. They like to torture, to see the pain in the eyes of their victims. Some slaves are grown for this, especially the weakest. They are skinned alive, bitten over and over, burned, flogged and tortured in any way. This is what happens with the weakest. In the end, they die. Every deceased is transformed into food for the other slaves. Well, the main food is made from algae, which are the cheapest way of obtaining food. Gladiator fights are also very common. People love to bet on fights or to purchase a slave only to torture it.
Once arrived in this hell, Angela Northern had no time to cry. She was bitten over and over and sexually abused in all ways. Then, she started working in the body farms. There is no single second to cry. Once anyone will see you crying, they will beat you, to see you suffering. She is still very young and has to prove that she is worth to her owners. At night, she has endless nightmares, but she cannot wake-up crying or shouting. That will be enough for the punish ring to deliver her body a massive pain signal. She also adapts fast to the so disgusting food, that she receives through the feeding tube. With no mercy, she has to feed the others. She has to execute all orders without question. Is she tired? Nobody will bother not to punish her. Does she has mercy to any slave? Punishment for mercy is an agonizing death.
As she grows, she becomes more powerful and more skilled in all this. She is transferred to another sector, to watch the children, the future slaves. She has to feed them, to give them instructions and to punish them. Only one year has passed and she was working with children that will be future soldiers. Her superior in rank asks her to kill two children for not respecting the order... and she does not hesitate. It is the first time in her life when she kills someone. Then, she is sent to the castration unit. She first helps the doctors, which are in fact other slaves. Then, she starts doing surgeries on her own. Each operation is extremely painful, since no anesthetic is used, but she executes all without any delay and without saying a single word.
Working with slave soldiers, she learns many fighting techniques. At some point, someone attacks her and she defends herself. She kills the attacker in only ten seconds. However, the owner is not pleased, to see dead a slave that could provide him with enough money. So, Angela is punished and tortured in front of all other working slaves. She is bitten for hours, but she does not say a single word. She doesn't cry. Seeing this, her owner is pleased and gives her a higher rank.
It doesn't take much and she becomes a gladiator. She shows no mercy and proves to be an excellent fighter. Nobody can stop her, even when she is sent once against four other gladiators. Beneath the eyes of all others, she kills two of them, then torture the others, until they die, screaming of pain. Then, her owner sends her to torture others. The most pleasant show, for many in UV Ceti, is to torture captured children, when their parents are watching all this. Angela Northern does all this. Children are bitten, raped and skinned alive. Then, their fingers and toes are cut. Then, their eyes are removed. And then, they are impaled. After they die, their parents are forced to drink their blood and eat their flesh... then they are tortured in the same way and finally killed.
As a very good fighter and after proving her complete obedience to her owner, Angela Northern gets the highest rank possible in the body farm: chief of the defense force. UV Ceti is a place where traitors, pirates, mafia factions and fugitives do anything to gain more power and more money. Body farms are in the center of all this, since slave trade offers the highest profits in the galaxy, far greater then drugs or weapons trading. Many times, pirates and rival farms tried to attack the farm. The owner knows that anyone can betray you, even the most trusted. In UV Ceti, words like 'friend', 'honor' or 'help' don't exist. Maybe some newly captured slaves might know them, but nobody born here know them.
Rebellions are common, even among the slaves. This happens, even if the punishment is always an agonizing death. Angela Northern knows this, but, grown in this environment, she wants to be the best. She wants more, more power and more fame. She wants to take over the place in a way or another and to start a crusade against all those who turned her into this place. She once had a name, but now, like all slaves, she has not the right to have a name. She is known as 910197, the number she received when she came here. This is her slave number she got tattooed on her forehead and on her right hand, together with the name of her owner: 'Rape'.
As time passes, Angela Northern realizes how the punish ring is made and how it operates. Now, she knows how to turn it off, as she has access to the codes and the main database. She wants to start a war... but needs something for this.
One day, two merchants come to purchase a few slaves. This is unusual, since always merchants come in large numbers, to defend each others. She knows very well that all around, there are many ships waiting in the dark to attack a lost ship. One ship lands and the pirate goes around, to look for what it needs. Angela comes and watches the pirate, talking with it:
"What do you want?"
"I want a female slave".
"Come with me!"
As Angela takes the pirate, the other ship lands. A fat woman exits the ship, looking a bit scared. Angela realizes that this is a slave bomb. Inside its body, there is a powerful explosive device. She takes the first pirate into an elevator, down. She takes her punish ring and puts it around his neck. The elevator does not reach its destination, when a powerful blast is heard. Yes, it was a slave bomb. Angela gets out of the elevator, runs to the control room and sees that the ship landing area and a few buildings are destroyed. The planet has a temperature of -240 C and no atmosphere. Air is leaking out. She should order some doors to be closed... but in fact she orders the doors to open. What she wants is to kill defense slave soldiers by decompression. She opens other doors, where a few slaves are being kept after a riot, waiting for punishment. Then, she opens a door leading to the women cages. Decompression will kill them too.
As she does this, on the main screen appears her boss, shouting:
"910197, what is going on?"
"The farm is compromised", she answers.
"I see the women are dying. Close the airlock!"
"Fuck you! You will be crucified for this!"
"I am no longer listening to your orders, Rape!"
It is a big sign of disrespect for a slave to use the name of its owner.
"You mean, Dominus", he shouts.
"Fuck you!" she answers, with a big smile. "My name is Angela Northern!"
In that moment, the owner commands Angela's punish ring, trying to kill her, but the ring is around that pirate's neck. The ring explodes and decapitates the pirate. Angela answers:
"You're dead!"
Saying this, she takes a space suit and some weapons. Then, she commands all doors to open. She exits control room. Everywhere around, chaos is happening. Released slaves attack other slaves. Angela sees a group of warrior slaves and says:
"Are you with me or with Rape?"
They take their weapons, wanting to shoot her, but not knowing what to do.
"Then, die!" she says, shooting half of them in a second. "You, come with me", she says to the remaining ones.
Quickly, she makes her way to where her former master is sitting. She kills him without hesitation. Then, she takes his head and puts it in a pike, for everyone to see. Then, she makes order in the farm. Everyone must kneel before her and kiss her feet, as a sign of respect and submission. Those who refuse, are killed without a question.
This is the moment when she gains freedom. As she is free, she cuts the skin holding the number 910197. From now, she is officially Angela Northern. Also, it is the first time, after years, when she smokes again. On Betelgeuse S, like everyone, she started smoking from a very young age. From now on, everyone will see her holding a cigarette in one hand.
Angela does not stop here. She starts operating the body farm and builds an army of slave warriors. She starts building weapons. Before her, Rape used most of his fortune for his passions: gladiator fights and bets. Now, Angela does something else. She secretly builds a powerful army. Then, at some point, she sells the body farm and takes the soldiers with her. She buys a huge fleet of pirate ships.
She starts a cruel fight with other factions in UV Ceti. What she wants, is to build a blockade around the body farms. No merchant will be allowed to go there without paying a tax. Also, all farms will have to pay her a protection fee. She kills Burn and Death, two owners of body farms, then replaces them with her own people... then kills them again, for mutiny. Her military strategies are better then others. A cruel war starts on UV Ceti, which affects galactic trade with slaves. She is unstoppable. Nobody can fight against her pirate ships.
For the first time since centuries, one single person has power over UV Ceti. The system had been an anarchy for a very long time. Angela now controls nearly all slave trade in the galaxy, the most profitable business.
There are a few other small stellar systems that also produce slaves. There are merchants who steal humans, to sell them as slaves in other places of the galaxy. However, Angela is strongly determined to stop them and gain all profit for herself. She sends war ships and destroys the system of GI Cygni, letting nobody alive there. She extends her power over drugs and weapons traffic.
Then, she goes to Betelgeuse S, unknown to anyone there. Many criminals and fugitives went to that system for large-scale body surgery, so that they will not be recognized by anyone. She does something different. She removes her breasts and her genitals, because she felt that they made her vulnerable. But, when she returns to UV Ceti, she finds out that her empire is broken apart. Willing to take a share of the profit, all her captains are now guilty of mutiny. They are now fighting each one against the other, in a terrible lust for power. Angela is all alone, again.
She starts to fight again. She first attacks alone a small squadron of pirate ships, then another one, larger. Soon, all her pirates turn back to her. Only that, this time, she does not kill them for mutiny. She realizes that, the only way to keep them unite, is to fight for ever increasing bets. She has to take the war outside UV Ceti, to make the whole galaxy kneel before her feet. Even before, groups of pirates have attacked other solar systems. Everyone in the galaxy knows and fears them, but, because they never were united, they could only do small attacks.
The first system she attacks is Tau Ceti. Why there? Because of her memories. When she was kidnapped and sold as a slave, this is because someone from Betelgeuse VII offered to an UV Ceti pirate fifty people as slaves in exchange for a free ticket for itself and its child, to Tau Ceti. Betelgeuse will soon go supernova and everyone would pay anything to get out. Angela Northern wants to make sure that, the person who sold her life will not see another day. So, she organizes a powerful fleet and flies to Tau Ceti.
The weak army of Tau Ceti has no chance in front of Angela's pirate fleet. She says it loud and clear:
"I want the whole system, with all planets and all inhabitants. Surrender! If not, every man, woman, child or dog will face death!"
With no mercy, Angela's ships land on the main planet. They take the whole population into slavery. Then, they go to other planets and attack everyone. They throw powerful bombs and deadly chemicals, up to the point where no living organism can survive. All terraformed planets are destroyed beyond recovery. The pirates take anything that can be useful and leave behind a completely destroyed solar system.
Her next target is Epsilon Indi. Again, the weak army cannot fight against Angela's pirates. She completely destroys that system too, taking into slavery all its inhabitants who managed to survive. No planet is left undamaged.
Then, she attacks CN Leonis, a red dwarf star with large gold ores. There, the government surrounds unconditioned. Despite this, Angela shows no mercy and enslaves the whole population. She shows no mercy to anyone. Again, everything is destroyed beyond recovery.
Realizing that Angela Northern's army is too powerful to be defeated, other solar systems, like Alpha Centauri, EZ Aquarii and Lalande 21185, offer a huge tribute. Angela accepts only the most humiliating conditions for everyone. Each new system is forced to use all its production capacity to build war ships, bombs and to deliver a huge amount of slaves. She shows no mercy to anyone. The slave quota is so high, that some planets are in risk of depopulation. One after one, all state leaders in the Old World kneels in front of Angela Northern. Nobody has the power to oppose her.
For a long time, one of the best clients of UV Ceti pirates was the Empire Of Polaris. This empire purchased slaves to boost its economy. In past, slaves were sold with about 800 CC. Angela Northern forced the price to rise to 3500 CC. Augustus XXIV, the emperor or Polaris, comes to a political visit to UV Ceti, to try to get a better offer. He is the first and the last person to speak with her face to face. The emperor envoy, with many political leaders, arrive to UV Ceti. They are the only ones who took pictures of her.
Angela is not tall and not short. Her hair is dark red, with the same color as blood. Her face is full of scars. She has black eyes. Her nose also has scars, as her mouth. She wears no crown and no jewelry, just a microphone that she uses to command at any time. She has no breasts, but a tight, dark-red, women blouse. All her arms are full with scars. Her hands are dirty with blood, probably from a recent execution. She has metal nails, fixed to her fingers. At one hand, she has a small electronic device, fixed with a bracelet. All her stomach and her back are covered with scars. Probably, there is no centimeter of her skin that remained intact. She wears a small, dark-red skirt, exposing her feet, also filled with scars. She has knee-long boots, which appears to contain weapons. Around her belt, there are guns, knives and other weapons.
But what scares the most, is the look of her eyes. There is no sign of light. She has the eyes of a wounded animal. No mercy, no pitty can be seen inside her.
"Greetings to your highness, Angela Northern, the queen of UV Ceti and the ruler of the Old World", says the emperor.
"Greetings, emperor", says Angela. "What brings you here?"
"I came all the way to talk business with you".
"Very well", says Angela, looking at each person from the imperial envoy. "Why did all them come here?"
"They are part of my assistance".
"I came only with two soldiers", she says. "What need to bring twenty-four people with you? Unless, they are an offer to me".
"My empire always paid you well for your slaves. We bring money. Why should we bring you slaves?"
"As a gift, emperor".
Angela northern smiles... but all the others feel her smile as a death sentence.
"No. My real gift is of money".
"You, leave me alone!" says Angela Northern, to her soldiers.
As they leave the room, she lights a cigarette and comes closer to everyone. She blows smoke in emperor's face.
"Is this a sign of respect on UV Ceti?" asks the emperor.
"The word you just said is not known to us, dear emperor. Oh, even the word 'dear' is not known here. But, if you want to show some 'respect' to us, how about a bloodbath?"
"A what?" says the emperor, very confused.
"Who is this person?" asks Angela, looking to someone in the imperial envoy.
"Your highness", says the person, "I am Marshall Evening John, chief of the military", answers the guy.
"And who are you?" asks Angela, talking to someone else.
"Your highness, I am Dr Leonard Freewall, chief of the government".
"I see... Only men. How pathetic", says Angela. "Men should be castrated or they are completely useless".
"Please, let's stop all this and come back to business", says the emperor.
"Well, emperor, I am doing already business", answers Angela, blowing again smoke in the emperor's face.
"You are just humiliating my people", says the emperor, short.
"Men are good for nothing unless castrated", repeats Angela. "What do you think I am? A man or a woman?"
"A woman", answers a woman from the imperial envoy.
"Well, not a man and not a woman. But you, I see you are a woman. Who are you?"
"I am Jakarta Reeds, chief of the main imperial bank".
"You see, emperor, I would prefer to talk with this woman. Do you know where all the slaves come from? They are born by a woman. It is these women that you should RESPECT, even more then your life".
Angela Northern pointed the word 'respect'. The emperor looks like not understanding where all this is heading.
"The only men who can really understand the value of a woman are those who are not men at all", says Angela, blowing again smoke in a few men. "They might have been men, but they changed into women... or women who changed into men. Transgender people. Is there anyone transgender among you?"
Nobody answers.
"Then, you all, pathetic men, should still be learning, if you still want to talk with me".
"Show some respect to our emperor", shouts a man. "He treated you with respect!"
Angela turns back to that man and looks him deep into his eyes. She blows a cloud of smoke in his face.
"Well, well... Another man thinks with his penis instead of his brain. I guarantee that you will not walk out from here alive".
As she says this, everyone looks scared, even the emperor.
"If you do something bad to any of us, our slave trade will fall", says the emperor.
"Who said that I want to sell you any more slaves? I want something else".
"Then, what do you want?" asks Jakarta Reeds, director of the imperial bank.
"Don't worry, you will walk out of here alive", says Angela, with a smile. "But not the same will happen with the men. Now, here is the thing. For the woman, she is free to return home. For the men, each one has the right to chose: die here or return alive. The only exception is you... who insulted me".
"Just hurt anyone and we are at war!" shouts the emperor.
"Yes, I need you alive... but you would prefer to be dead", says Angela to the emperor. "Here's the deal. There are two doors in this room. If you return by the door you entered, you will die. If you take the other door, the one behind me, you will live... but not as men, as women. Only three of you are not allowed to decide. The man who insulted me, will be killed here. The woman will remain alive. And the emperor will live".
"You will pay dearly", says the emperor.
"Guards!" shouts Angela.
The two soldiers enter the room. In that moment, Angela takes a knife from her belt and kills the man she promised to kill. All happens so fast, that he says nothing. One man takes a plasma pistol and... Angela instantly sees the pistol and moves away. One more second and that man is on the ground, with Angela's boot on his head. In the next second, one of Angela's soldiers tries to hit her... but her boot makes its way faster and smashes his... organs. Angela kills the traitor with the knife. Then, she cuts his genitals in front of everyone and throws them to the emperor.
"This is why men are so pathetic", she says. "Without these things, they are much smarter".
Then, she turns back to the guy from the imperial envoy, which tried to kill her. She takes her knife and points it at his chest.
"When someone wants to kill you", says Angela, "there are two things you must do. First, you have to entertain that person. And second, you have to give that person a reason not to kill you".
The guy starts crying. In an instant, Angela hits his genitals with her boots, over and over.
"I give you three seconds to give me a reason not to kill you. One"...
The guy cries, begging for mercy.
Then, she takes her knife and decapitates him.
"Three! You did not even try to entertain me... I am tired of garbages like you".
Angela throws her cigarette down and lights another one.
"Hurry up, people! That door to death, that door to live... the way I want. The woman and the emperor must live!"
Everyone goes to the door that was supposed to let them live. But, once they open that door, soldiers take them. Everyone is token to a body farm. There, they see women, enslaved in cages. From there, they are all token to the castration sector. All men are castrated like all slaves are, without anesthetic. Then, also without anesthetic, slave doctors add to all men breast implants. Angela Northern comes and watches, with much pleasure. Things don't end here. She sends a ship to Betelgeuse S, to grow in vitro female genitals for all of them, as well as DNA changing injections. They all stay in the body farm for weeks. In this time, they receive food through feeding tubes, which enter to their stomach through the mouth. They also stay in the same cages as women. After the new genitals are added, Angela makes sure that they cannot get pregnant. Then, she orders that everyone will be raped a hundred times. Everyone except the natural woman.
Then, she sends the imperial envoy back to the Polaris, but with one difference. Everyone has a punish ring attached to the neck. They must do as she wants. The orders are simple. They must start hyperinflation in the empire of Polaris. Also, they must increase the taxes and bureaucracy to a level where economy will collapse. Also, they must spend all state funds for social money. This will destroy the empire, make it collapse beyond recovery.
The destruction of Polaris made slave trade almost collapse. UV Ceti is getting very rich with all the goods it takes from its conquered states. But, Angela wants something more. She sends her troops in a war against the Newton empire, the third largest empire after Polaris and the Pleiades. She conquers it without problems, but does not destroy everything. Instead, she asks for a huge tribute, that, in time, will weaken the empire.
She doesn't stop here. She fights and conquers planet after planet, star after star, until nearly the whole galaxy kneels in front of her.
After this, she goes to Betelgeuse VII. She wants to kill anyone there, as a revenge for her uncle, Caligula XIII. Only that, nobody knows who she is. The name 'Angela Northern' is common in many places. So, she goes with a small fleet.
But, as she arrives, she can see something bad. The neutrino emission from Betelgeuse is very high, so high that it affects many electronic devices. Normally, neutrinos pass through matter without interacting with it, but now, the star is emitting them in such a large number and such energetic, that the electronics of some ships are affected. Long-range sensors are not working.
"We will leave them alone", she says. "They will die anyway, very soon, when the star will go supernova".
While she is here, she notices the presence of some ships. They are from the Pleiades, the largest and most powerful empire in the galaxy. They come to Betelgeuse for one reason. In the Pleiades, to be a transgender or to belong to a sexual minority, is the most humiliating thing. This is the greatest punishment: for a man, to be transformed into a woman and sent to Betelgeuse VII, or for a woman (something rare, since on the Pleiades women are discriminated), to be raped and sent to Betelgeuse VII. What she doesn't know is that the Pleiades actually want to extend their power, creating a powerful base once Betelgeuse will explode. They want to conquer Betelgeuse S too, to exterminate all the people there and colonize the planet with their own people.
Instead of destroying Betelgeuse VII, Angela Northern decides to take all her armies and fight with the Pleiades. That is a very hard task. Unlike all other powerful states in the galaxy, the Pleiades are self-sufficient. They don't depend on trade with another star. They have all what they need and a very powerful army.
Still, Angela Northern tries the impossible. The Pleiades have a much more powerful army then hers. So, instead of attacking them, she decides to do something else. She sends small groups of pirate ships, to make fast attacks, to destroy and retreat. Her goal is to cut down the resources and the economy. Also, she deploys toxins and diseases to inhabited planets.
Her strategy proves to be very effective. The empire breaks apart. One by one, planets surrender, letting the imperial system Merope alone. The emperor does not have the resources to feed all its army, which surrenders to Angela Northern.
She enters in a triumphal march the capital city. Her pirates destroy all the luxurious gold buildings in the capital. There, she personally makes the biggest massacre seen since space age began. She orders everyone from the planet to come to a central square. Everyone gets tortured for days, except the emperor. Then, she orders everyone to be killed. With their blood, she fills a swimming pool. She adds an anti-coagulant and takes a swim in the pool, while the emperor watches all this.
This happens many days. She takes bath after bath in blood, forcing the emperor to watch this, to worship her. Then, when she gets tired of this, she orders that the emperor will be sent to surgery and transformed into a woman, then raped a hundred times.
After all this happens, Angela Northern asks that the emperor will be brought to her.
"How do you feel now?" she says, laughing and enjoying the sufferance in his eyes.
"You will pay for this".
"By who?" says Angela, blowing smoke in the air.
"Not from any human. From God. You killed too many people!"
"Who is God?"
"God is the creator of the Universe. He will punish you, in this life or in the next life".
"Well, it looks like that God does not exist. Why didn't he stop me?"
"He will".
Angela Northern looks at the emperor, now transformed into a woman.
"It looks like the most powerful person in the Universe is me. Hey, God, do you want to fight with me? Here I am!"
"He will. Not now, but he will".
"Well, former emperor, if that God created the Universe, He can save you from my hands. Can't he?"
The emperor does not answer anything.
"Tell me. Can He stop me from killing you? Because, if He cannot, He is not so powerful".
"Yes, He can".
"Well, God, stop me if you can".
Angela Northern takes her knife and cuts the emperor's head.
"Well, God, it looks like you actually exist at all".
Angela Northern takes the emperor's head and hits it hard, throwing it meters away. Then she says:
"Or, maybe it was God's will for me to take over the whole galaxy".
To complete her revenge. Angela Northern orders that the planet hosting the capital will be diverted from orbit, so that it will impact the star, Merope. This way, the planet will be erased from the galaxy.
Angela Northern becomes the ruler of the galaxy. Everywhere, large demonstrations are held to please her. People build monuments, not by their own will, but to please her, not to kill them. She is worshipped like a god.
She knows that things will not last like this forever. She well knows that, those who worship her today, will kill her tomorrow. She knows that, since there is nothing more to conquer, the pirates will start again to fight one with the other. They will never stop. She is now powerful and still young, but one day she will get old. In that day, her own captains will try to kill her and will succeed. After all, they tried thousands of times. People in UV Ceti have no sense of honor and can betray you in any second.
Angela Northern decides to end all this, in a different way. She wants to remain in history just as she is and to make sure nobody will ever rise to the same level as she did. Long ago, she destroyed the body farms and officially abolished slavery. This way, pirates from UV Ceti will have no way to sustain themselves and will have to work for her.
Then, she invites all her captains in a remote orbital station for a celebration. They come… and she kills them all, with no mercy. From there, she takes her personal ship and flies directly into a star.
With other words, she commits suicide. She exits life in the most glorious moment of her life, to remain forever in glory. With all empires of the galaxy in ruins, nobody will have the power to build her empire back.
After her death, comes a period of recession and famine in the whole galaxy, followed by a period of dispersion. Now, humans spread to other galaxies, to colonize the whole Universe. For centuries, she will remain an iconic figure in history, that nobody will dare to follow. A song will remain forever, about her glory:
The flares of UV Ceti
Blowing death and fear
Brings the chains of slavery
With the smell of deadly kiss.
There sail the pirates, brave,
Killing back and forth;
Take with you the smokes you smoke
Angela Of The North.
The blast through the cosmic waves
Bites her hugry heart,
She promised the world to burn,
Only death can keep her hide.
Her shadow’s the great death
And her bleeding knife,
Hordes of pirates with no faith
Open Hell’s mouth wide.
Angela: My eyes! (burning)
I have been an orphan one
Raped and bitten close to death,
I promised to kill the whole world
To bring chaos with a word.
The flares blow like my hair
And Hell is open-wide!
Pirates fly like ravens
And make you all to die.
If anyone dares to ask god,
Tomorrow, Christ will die.
Surrender and kiss my boot
And face your death and cry!
No mercy and no tribute will
Beg me to save your life
The planets and all stars now will
Explode and tear apart.
Now approaching through the dark,
As pirates prepare for an attack,
Everyone can’t run out of the way
As flares of death burn everywhere.
Now she orders an attack
The world trembles waiting back.
They kneel in the way,
As they see the sky full of flames.
Sky into flames,
The world trembles in flames.
Planets into flames,
The galaxy surrounded by her flames.
Angela: My eyes! (burning)
Blowing thunder on the sky
Kiss of death is on the way!
My ships moving back and forth
There’s nothing standing more.
When Cosmos cries my name
It’s time for you to die.
My sword will bring me fame,
Famine if you survive.
My ships will bring slavery
And most of you will die,
You’ll rot and beg for mercy
But ther’s no place to hide.
Growing in the cage of Rape,
Blood and Death will fight,
Curse and Plague will crush the space
And Hell will open-wide.
The lost child of Betelgeuse
Has ordered world to die!
Her ships will cross the Universe
And paint the sky with blood.
Angela: My eyes! (burning)
The flares blow in my bloody hair
And tears the sky apart,
The beasts cry and then they kneel
As your world gets black.
You pay me a big tribute
With money and with slaves,
But I am sending you all mute
As you’ll end-up in chains.
Worlds in flames!
Planets in flames!
All sky in flames!
The galaxy in flames!
Angela: My eyes! (burning)
Then I take my ship away
And let world see my eyes,
Chose no one will ever dare
To be like me, up high!
My eyes! (blowing death)
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