Mature / Thirty+

When among Dragons... Chapter 2 To a new future

When among Dragons... Chapter 2 To a new future

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend
as well as Sammi for ideas

When among Dragons... Chapter 1 Home again

When among Dragons... Chapter 1 Home again

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend
as well as Sammi for ideas

May You Never

[This is an oldie from late September 2010]

“Stay where you are love. I’ll call for an ambulance,” said the tall man

“Fuck off and leave me alone” replied the woman who was obviously injured.

“Nonsense. I can see that you need medical attention. That blow to the head needs some stitches.”

“What are you a fucking doctor or something? Get the hell out of here.”

He laughed.

“No. I’m a special constable. Just on my way to work.”

“Oh no. That’s all I need, a part time pig. I’m ok. I’ll be off in a minute.”

Sister of my Heart

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry

Heart of the matter.png

Sister of my Heart

I am most assuredly back Dear Reader!
As promised, the snow has begun to fall once more and so must the lamp-lighters and narrators apply their trade.

Welcome to hopefully the first of many 'Narrator Fellow's Christmas Omnibus's!

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


"Great! Looking great, Grandma."

"Great! Looking great, Grandma."

Following on from the story of my Great Granddaughter, Frances, I was learning some new lessons of my own. Helping her learn to be a teenage girl had strange and unusual side-effects on MY life. [See :

The Call Of The Haven: Chapter 1

Cassandra's abilities in magic almost perfectly matched her business acumen, being mostly in the realm of organizing and running everything.

Tanisha's abilities were very much in the natural realm, primarily to do with plants, but she also had a fair knowledge of genetics. She put that to use once they had brought the seven vehicles to the new town and they had set up personal tents to give them a sense of privacy.

I am not Cinderella - Part 3

The flight west was long and boring. I read the report on my sisters at least three times. It seemed incredible that Ruby and Emerald had not only admitted their crimes but engaged in therapy relating to anger management.

Sapphire on the other hand was totally unrepentant. The report contained copies of letters that had been smuggled out of her prison by other inmates. She was vehement in her goal of making sure that I didn’t enjoy what she considered were ill gotten gains that were in her warped view of the world, rightly hers.

The Call Of The Haven: Prologue

The cautions I've added are for the story as a whole. The ones for rape and violence are relevant to this part of the story.


Cassandra Jane Starshine led the six other women out of the woods into the waning light of a partly cloudy early winter afternoon.

I am not Cinderella - Part 1

A modern twist on a classic story
[At a house in a more fashionable part of Washington DC]

“We are going to the President’s Inauguration Ball next week. I saw we, but naturally a non-entity like yourself won’t be going of course but we will make sure that you don’t sit down while we are out,” said my sister Sapphire with a smirk on her face.

Love & Supernova 1 - Welcome To Paradise


A large spaceship, carrying 7500 passengers, arrives at Betelgeuse VII Orbital Station. It carries settlers from the Old World: Solar System, Barnard's Star, Sirius, Epsilon Eridani, Vega, CN Leonis, Alpha Centauri and Procyon. After 60 days, their destination is very close. They enter the orbital station, pick their luggage and are token on small ships, towards the surface base.

The Things we do for Love - Part 4

Life got back to something approaching normality fairly soon after our little adventure in Malvern. That trip had sort of made the decision that I’d been mulling over for some considerable time even more clear. I wasn’t going back to life as Daniel. Daniella was pretty well here to stay for the foreseeable future.

SRU: The Perfect Scalpel

SRU: The Perfect Scalpel

“Fuck! I can't believe it happened again”, Mike said, his eyes beginning to tear up. This was the 5th patient Mike had lost in 8 months. The autopsy had shown no malpractice, no items left in the body but almost all of the time there was always something nagging in the periphery. Most of his colleagues thought he was a great doctor and the problems that showed up in the autopsies were the kind of problems that only the most keen-eyed of doctors would pick up.

Love & Supernova 0 - How It All Started


Only the best bait will catch the biggest fish (ancient saying).

How could anyone settle near a star that will soon go supernova? How was it possible to convince millions of people to go there and start a new life? Had they no idea that soon nothing but ashes will remain of them?

Footprints in the Sea Vol 4

Life continues at its romantic and often rollercoaster pace on her island and Charlotte makes another astonishing discovery and is introduced to new and very strange friends. There is passion and romance of course, some things never change particularly where, until recently, uninhabited tropical islands are concerned.
Charlotte takes her friends for a ride in the Islands latest acquisition, a Sunderland flying boat and follows this with an introduction to her most recent discovery. A discovery that will alter all their lives.
Whilst at sea on a scientific exploration trip, The girls with their menfolk are diverted to assist another vessel that broadcast a Mayday message. Whilst attempting a rescue in a force 8 gale their ship, Pacific Wanderer, is attacked by a third vessel that fires on them with heavy calibre weapons. The fire fight results in serious injuries to a number of Pacific Wanderers Crew including Charlotte’s closest friends. The timely arrival of HMZS Aurora and the Sunderland save the day until the flotilla returns to the island and has to negotiate the treacherous passage though the island’s reef with stormy seas and dangerous currents waiting for the tiniest mistake.
The question is, will Charlotte’s new friends keep their word and guarantee our heroine’s safety.
Volume 4 of this series is best read after volumes 1, 2 and 3.

The Things we do for Love - Part 3

I debated and dithered for several days about taking the next step. Jo, to her credit didn’t push me. I racked my brains to find a reason why I shouldn’t do this. I did a lot of investigations on the internet. Some directions it took in me were frankly… odd to say the least.

Mother and Daughter, part 4

"See you tonight!" Janet said with a smile as Ellie, Kacey and Monique paid for their purchases and waved goodbye to her.

"Bye!" Ellie replied with a giggle that warmed Janet's heart.

It had been almost four months since Ellie had moved in with Janet, and in that time, a lot had changed for both women- mostly for the better.


The woman I was interviewing for a job at first gave me a very good impression. In person she confirmed her CV. Competent, decisive, with a no-nonsense getting things done attitude. Perhaps a bit aggressive but for the position in question that was not necessarily a problem. In fact everything went well until she noticed that I was wearing a bra. I should have known better. Never wear a colored bra under a white shirt, even if it’s the most exquisite turquoise.


Charles Edward Fitzgerald, CEO of Jugs (America’s #4 casual dining restaurant) slammed his fist down on his desk. “What do you mean, you told them I would do their moronic show? I gave you very explicit instructions.”

His secretary Francesca shuddered. “I’m so sorry—sir,” she hastily added.

“Don’t apologize, just fix this!”

The Things we do for Love - Part 2

Jo could always wrap me around her little finger. I suppose that is part of what loving your partner the way I do is. So, despite my protestations, I was soon ushered upstairs in our spare bedroom and trying on the underwear, stockings dress and shoes.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” asked Jo hold up the two-flesh coloured ‘things’ that were the false breasts in her hands.

“Do I have to?”

“If you do then I’ll get changed into something nice just for you.”

Christmas Suite

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


Act One

William’s meetings with the bankers had run much longer than expected. There’d been a lot of details to finalize and scheduling another meeting before the new year was out of the question.

What Happens in Sydney, Stays in Sydney – Part 1

This is the story of James and Lisa, the two people who have been happily married for 30 years now. They have come a really long way from the very beginning, thanks to their unrequited love which helped them overcome any obstacle they encountered in their lives. James is a successful lawyer who owns his own firm, and Lisa is one of the most wanted cardiologists in the US.

The Things we do for Love - Part 1

[somewhere in the US Midwest]

With a sad heart, I stood up in front of my employees. I was not looking forward to what I was about to say.

“It is with deep regret that as of 5pm today, I will no longer be the founder and CEO of this fine Company. I have been ousted by a combination of greedy Bankers, Venture Capitalists and Chinese money. Many of you know how much I have fought against this eventuality for the last six months. Ultimately, I lost and sadly so will you all. It is pretty certain that in a few months this facility will be closed down, the building stripped and production transferred to Chengdu in China.”

Sentenced to Life

This is a tale of revenge and justice. There is no sex or violence except by reference..

Sentenced to Life

Special Agent in Charge Rhonda Peters tried to hide her distaste as she looked at the agent in front of her. She was sure he felt the same though he didn't show it. It was a long time from when they had been fellow rookies at the academy.

New Shoes, New Life, New Horizons and a New World?

I punched the speed dial on my Mobile.
It was a Friday afternoon in early March and I needed some entertainment.

“Hello Jen. What’s up? Your Boss still trying to feel you up then?”

“Hi Kylie. No. He’s not. I’ve threatened to tell his wife if he tries it again.”

They both laughed.

“As it’s the last Friday of the month and I’m assuming that you’ve been paid so how about some fun tonight?”

“I don’t know Jen,” she said with a big Sigh.

“Come on K. It’s been nearly nine months now.”

Reconnecting the Past and the Present: Chapter 12

Sarah had spent almost 20 years trying to forget her painful and difficult past. She had overcome so much and had built a successful life, then one day her past comes knocking on her door.

Reconnecting the Past and the Present
Chapter 12

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.


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