Mature / Thirty+

By the rivers of Babylon, chapter 2

By the rivers of Babylon

Chapter 2
Author's note: Sorry this has taken so long. You might need to re-read chapter 1 first ...

Richard went digging for Don Ford’s contact information, as well as the last number he had for Mitch Woodward. By the time Anne had finished making breakfast, he was on the phone with Don Ford, and discovered that Don and his wife Linda had both had the same dream as well, and all of them felt the urge ... the need ...

To go back to the desert.

Pennies, Charcoal and Latex

I have already mentioned in my blog that I have published another of my works on Kindle Ebooks, a trilogy of two novellas and one short story; ‘Pennies, Charcoal and Latex’.
A few stories down on this page are the beginnings of two of those stories Cosmetics, Charcoal and Champaign, and Latex Lady. This is the opening chapter of the third in the set, ‘Searching for a Penny’.


He thinks I don’t notice. It’s in his eyes and the stillness of his breath, hidden behind ravenous sex so meek that anyone else might fail to notice. After three years of marriage, and another two of dating on top of that, there’s very little I can’t see.

County Sheriff -01- An unusual Murder

[Morning at the Police Department Office]

“Hiya Team,” I said as I walked into the County Police Station that Monday morning.

My name is Matt Beecher and for my sins, I’m the Sheriff of Custer County.

“I trust that you all didn’t get took drunk at the Custer County Fair at the weekend?”

There were collective mumbles from the five officers who’d arrived for duty just in front of me.

“Good. Well this is another week and that means we have another week of traffic tickets to give our citizens. We gotta keep our roads safe.”

Then I smelt the air.

Family Found Part 2


Paige called 999 to get an ambulance as well as the police to respond then stopped Anil before he ran off. Anil looked up at Paige and knew that he wasn't going anywhere, but seeing Elise caused him to try to back away in fear before Paige could ask him anything. Elise was told to go back to the car and stay there, she would handle Anil as Elise was just scaring him and making things worse for the boy.

Pathfinder: "The Trio": A trio becomes a quartet (plus one)

Pathfinder: The Trio: A trio becomes a quartet (plus one)

Author’s note: Yep, I’m still doing this one. But this might be the last, I dont know.

The four adventurers followed the river upstream, slowly gaining elevation as they did so.

As the day waned, Goruza and Emerald allowed Star and Champ to graze, while Milah sent her wolf Ajax off into the woods to hunt, and Tamarie went to the river to catch some fish for supper.

Miss Anne Thrope


Miss Anne Thrope

© 2004
by Nom de Plume

As I write this tale of woe, the sight of manicured fingers flitting over my keyboard evokes the utter misery of my situation. Not long ago, I was vice president of a major pharmaceutical firm, with a six figure salary and a corner office. Now I am sitting in a secretary’s cubicle, trying to keep from snagging my pantyhose each time I escape from my pathetic little desk. How did this ever happen to me?

Originally posted 2004/11/17

A Ghost from my Past

[Authors note]
This is a little different from my normal fare. I hope you like it.

It was a Friday. I know that because I was in town to collect my Pension. I prefer to get it in cash and going to the Post Office and then doing my grocery shopping had become a bit of a habit but one that I didn’t mind as I got me away from the small hamlet where I live.

The Last Deal

"Welcome back Mr Tomlinson. How's the leg and wrist?" asked my assistant Bree.

"Getting better Bree but I'm still a long way from running the marathon again," I replied.

I'd run the NYC Marathon the previous year and raised more than $10K for charity.

"It is just nice to see you back again."

My driver John wheeled me into my office. Not much had changed in the five weeks that I'd been out of action. The pile of current project files had grown considerably but not much else.

"Will there be anything else Mr Tomlinson?"

Fluidity In Space: Chapter 5 and 6

My name is Kevin Jackson. I am the third man in my family to carry that name. It used to mean something on this ship, but it doesn't hold much weight anymore. My grandfather was captain, my father was the science officer and second in command, and I'm working the cash register at Main Street Electronics.

Take Two Girls - Part 7 Final

Life soon returned to something approaching normality after the episode with Lucy's Mother. Lucy was working hard to complete her dissertation along with the spectre of her final exams looming ever closer.

Andrea spent a lot of time in her cellar workshop tarting up odd bits of furniture that she'd then sell for a bit of profit to the local second-hand shop. She also kept Lucy fed and watered while she finished off her dissertation. At the weekend, they usually headed off out of the city into the Pennines for a bit of exercise and relaxation.

Gradually the events of Easter Weekend faded into the background.

Lucy returned home on the second Wednesday of June in a jubilant mood.

"That's it, I'm done. It's all done, printed off, bound and submitted."

Andrea gave her a big hug and said,

"Well then to celebrate we are going out."

Mother and Daughter, part 6

"Hey," Monique whispered as she poked her head around Ellie's bedroom door. "Me and Kace are here, we was wondering, you know, how you were feeling today?"

"I'm fine," Ellie mumbled into her pillow, not even opening her eyes to look at her friend.

"Okay," Monique replied, nodding her head as she realised that her presence in the room was not welcome. "We- we'll be outside if you, you know, wanna get up..." The dark-skinned girl sighed as she led Kacey back into the flat's living room, where Janet waited with a look of anticipation on her face.

Take Two Girls - Part 6

Later that day, the two girls were sitting in the kitchen when Lucy said,

"Sorry for my Mother."

"That's all right. I'm kind of used to being ignored. In my last year at home, I don't think I said a word to anyone at School. Well apart from pleading with the bullies to stop kicking the shit out of me for apparently being a closet gay. Then some of the girls thought I was undressing them with my eyes as I looked at them. Well, I sort of was doing just that, but not for the reasons that they imagined."

Arabian Nights Chapter 06.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Six – The Conclusion

Final chapter in this Arabian adventure. Michele and Sarina turn the tables on Jamhal using a complicated plan involving deception and seduction. He pays a high price for his sins.

The Awakening - Chapter 04.


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Four – Michele Returns

A lousy rushed ending to a story that should have been better but I was impatient when I wrote it. Note the cautions, it's really only masturbatory fodder I'm sorry.

Down to the Last Man

"Men, this is it, the Midway of our time," the crackly male voice spoke boldly through the speakers. "The Targ have sacked their last planet. No longer will we give them ground. No longer will we let them threaten our existence."

It was April 5th, 2365. Humanity faced a threat from the stars unlike any other, and for the astrosailors of the Fighting 3rd Fleet, this was the day that changed everything. The largest task force the deadly Targ had ever assembled was on its way to Gliese 667, and they were bringing their newest secret weapon.

For the obviously female Lt Commander Elisabeth Orpha, as well as the other women of the fleet, it meant putting aside disagreements over command's rampant misogyny. All that mattered was survival. For if the 3rd Fleet falls, Earth will fall with them.

End Transmission


End Transmission
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2018 Melanie Brown

Captain Harris was in for a rude awakening.


This not a sequel to Christmas in Space. Just uses the same universe. You don't have to read it, but it helps -- Ed

The Awakening - Chapter 03.


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Three – The Cost of Doing Business

John, the computer guy, blackmails Michele when he finds the secret files of her crossdressed on her computer. Michele decides to turn the tables and lays a trap but things don't turn out quite as expected.

Arabian Nights Chapter 05.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Five – Defiled

Michele is trying to make the best of a bad situation when Jamhal enters her quarters and forces himself on her. Note the cautions please for this chapter

The Awakening - Chapter 02.

The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Two – Resurrection

Mike meets Vanessa, the mysterious person who's email address and phone number he found secreted away. He is shocked to learn of his secret past, forgotten because of his amnesia. Vanessa reintroduces Mike to his alterego Michele, who emerges like a beautiful butterfly from her cocoon.

Arabian Nights Chapter 04.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Four – The Whore

Michele feels like a bird in gilded cage but surrounded by opulence and being forced to enjoy her captivity, she wonders how reluctant she really is to enjoy the pleasures forced upon her.

Penny's World pt 20

He grinned at me. “I must say, that you look very hot and sexy in that mini-dress”

Penny’s World
Part Twenty
Sophie Jones
© 2018

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

The Awakening - Chapter 01


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part One – The Woman In The Mirror

I am often criticized for writing the same story over and over (caught with consequences/reluctance) so here is a different story from me. Michael has amnesia and can't remember who the 'woman in the mirror is'. It will come as no surprise when he finds out, but it's a fun ride along the way.

Arabian Nights Chapter 03

Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Chapter Three – Deflowered

Transvestite captive is led to her fate by the beautiful black woman, Sarina. Michele is deflowered by her captors but cannot hide her own enjoyment of being taken like a woman for the first time.

Arabian Nights Chapter 02


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Two – Training

Michele meets Sarina, the dark-skinned beauty who runs the Harem for the Cabal of Arabian businessmen who are her captors. Sarina explains to Michele why she is here, how to behave, and what to expect as a transvestite sex-slave. She dresses Michele as businesswoman for her debut and deflowering. Please note the cautions associated with this story.

Arabian Nights Chapter 01


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Chapter One - Captured

This story is about a closet crossdresser abducted and forced to join a harem. It is explicit and contains scenes involving reluctant participation in sex acts.

Take Two Girls - Part 5

With the news of the impending visit from Lucy's Mother the pair sprang into action. Not only did they have to prepare their home but themselves as well. As ever, Andrea was the more organised of the two. She prepared a seemingly endless list of things to do before the evening of Good Friday. Lucy both applauded and cursed her partner in the project. Applauded for the way Andrea just didn't panic and got on with it without much fuss. Cursed because Lucy had a lot to do just when she should be working on her dissertation.


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