Never Forget What The Ditz Did

Tamara Russo checked the last time that everything was perfect. The small mirror in her car showed a confident woman of mid-forties. Perfectly styled in a professional manner. As expected from the number one realtor in the town.

However, today she was not here to look or sell a house. Sighing she stepped out of the car and walked in a confident pace to the apartment building. It didn't take long to find the apartment she was looking for. She rang the doorbell and soon enough sounds could be heard. The clack of high heels on the wooden floor. The door was pulled open with a lot of force.

"You aren't a cute guy," the girl opening the door said with a pout. Tamara furrowed her brows. That girl looked like the stereotypical bimbo. Bleached hair, overdone make-up, baby blue eyes, and an overly pouty mouth. Big breasts squeezed in a way to small tube top. A belly piercing and below it an all too short mini skirt. Tethering on stripper heels she might as well be one, save for the point that she looked like sixteen.

"Mom! There is like a witch at the door!" the teen shouted into the apartment. It made Tamara cringe. The existence of witches was carefully kept secret for centuries. Now some ditz not only knew that Tamara was one, but she also shouted it out to let the world know.

A moment later a mid-thirties woman arrived and send the girl away. "Hello. Sorry about that. You are Miss Russo, right? My name is Alexa Greene. We spoke on the phone."

Tamara took the offered hand and shook it. "Yes, I am Tamara Russo. Head witch of the local coven. With dismay, I see that some of the rumors are true. That won't bode well for your application to join our coven."

Miss Greene looked distressed but was quick to correct Tamara. "Often rumors have a hint of truth to them. It would be in your best interest to listen to the real truth."

"Is that a threat Miss Greene?" Tamara asked on edge.

"Threat? I suppose. But not from me. I am just a messenger with a warning. Please come in and listen. When you have all the information then you can judge me all you want," Miss Greene replied in an oddly calm voice.

Tamara nodded. She hated rumors herself and preferred the truth. Intrigued she stepped in.

Miss Greene led her into the living room. "Would you like some tea? Oh, one moment." She grabbed two lifelike dildos from the couch. "Candie! You left John and Dick laying around again."

The clicking of high heels announced the arrival of Candie and she snatched the dildos from her Miss Greene's hands. "Oh, I missed those. Hehe. Dick the dick!" Giggling she walked away.

"Sorry about that. Those are the trails you have to endure living with a bimbo. Please sit. Tea?"

Tamara shook her head in disbelief but took a seat nonetheless. "Yes to the tea, but mind me asking why you raised your daughter to be a bimbo?"

"Oh, I didn't raise her nor am I her mother," Miss Greene replied before ducking into the kitchen. Not long after she came back with a tray carrying a tea-set. After pouring for both of them Miss Greene continued. "I am not her mother, yet I take responsibility for her. You see without that ditz I would be the one milling around on high heels and be an air-head."

That was a curious statement. Intrigued Tamara motioned for her to continue.

"True to the rumors I come from a small town in Florida. I was raised there and joined the local coven when I was sixteen. At first, everything was okay, but once I got used to the coven life I noticed ... oddities. You see like every other witch coven, mine preached the advancement of women too. Yet they never acted on it. All around us were women who debased themselves. Going sluttier by each passing day. Yet my coven did nothing. I always heard the same excuses. We are in Florida. It is normal around here. Trying to change it is like stopping the waves of the ocean."

"So, you are saying your coven neglected their duties to womankind?" Tamara inquired.

"It was more than that," Miss Greene replied a little agitated. "It was like they turned a blind eye to it on purpose. It got me intrigued and worried. I did what they forbid me. I investigated."

"I take it what you found wasn't good?" Tamara arched an eyebrow. "Found a conspiracy?"

"That rumor again!" Miss Greene nearly spilled her tea as she rolled her eyes. "My former coven tries to paint me as a crazy person who sees conspiracies everywhere. Which isn't true. I saw only one. And my former coven didn't. It was nearly their downfall. Now, to save face they try to discredit me."

There was a pregnant pause as Tamara weighted the words presented to her. Miss Greene was well known as a crazy person. Who else would live with a ditz like that in her home? Especially as a witch. Or former apprentice witch in her case. Yet, what she said had a certain feel of logic to it. And if witch covens had one glaring problem then it was their pride. Could there be more to it?

"So, your former coven was not the origin of a conspiracy, but a target of one? I'll give you the benefit of a doubt. So what brought your investigation to light?"

Now, Alexa looked uncomfortable. "At first, nothing. Whatever influenced my former coven clearly was on the lookout. No matter where I turned I hit a brick wall. But one thing stood out. A country club. Exclusive to men. Yet many of the coven witches took up voluntary work there. I tried to gain access but was denied again and again. But I knew there was something foul afoot. I could smell it. Bad magic. To pry into it I used- A childhood friend. A guy named Matt."

"Don't tell me you revealed yourself as a witch!" Tamara exclaimed.

Miss Greene's eyes turned to steel and bored into Tamara's. "I did. No! Don't start with the witch code. I know it well. But at that time. I was desperate and out of options." Suddenly, Alexa cut off. A few heartbeats passed as she calmed down. When she continued her voice was tinged with regret. "Back then I thought I was only bending the rules. I was in love with Matt and we just started dating. The rules say we can only reveal ourselves to mortals if they are our bespoken. Back then I knew I would marry him. Was so sure of it. Would it really matter if he knew a few years sooner?"

"That would explain some of the animosity of your former coven," Tamara admitted. "It certainly isn't helping your case. But go on. What happened next?"

"I'll spare you the boring details and get straight to the point. Because time is running out." Alexa still gave a small pause to let that statement sink in. "After a month of painstaking investigation we found out that the country club was the den of a warlock pack. Right under the noses of my former coven. But it was worse. Some of them had been- Subdued. Corrupted. Made willing participants in dark rituals."

"That is a serious accusation," Tamara remarked.

"The very reason why my former coven tries to discredit me so much. And it got worse."

"How can it? Conspiring with warlocks is the worst thing a witch could do!"

Miss Greene gave her a sad bemused smile. "It was all thanks to Matt that I found out. You see he infiltrated the club as an employee. Explored the clubhouse from top to bottom. The only place he couldn't get into was the cellar. Sealed by magic. So one night he smuggled me in and together we tried to find out their secret plans."

Alexa grabbed for her tea, by now cold, and proceeded to drain it sip by sip. It annoyed Tamara to no end. Finally, she snapped. "What happened then? Don't draw it out."

As she placed her cup down Tamara noticed the tremble in Alexa's hand. Even the small clang of porcelain against porcelain as the cup was put down a little too forceful.

"A nightmare happened. One that haunts me to this very day. What Matt and I found was an abomination. A spell in the making. Half warlock magic and half witch."


"I wish it was. I still was an apprentice witch at the time so I can't tell you all the details of the spell. I knew it wasn't complete. A spinning nexus of vile magic right there in the middle of the cellar. From what I could gather it was an area spell. One of unfathomable size. It might have targeted the whole of Florida. Or more. The effect? I guess it was the same I saw on my fellow witches. Just. Amplified."

It was that moment in which Candie strutted into the living room. "Oh my gosh, Mom! My best friend Bambi like has found this rat party and like I totally wanna go and-"

Alexa sighed, but then she focused on her supposed daughter. "Fine. But only if you take enough condom with you."

"Yay!" Candie exclaimed. Clapping her hand like a small girl receiving a big gift at her birthday party. "I can't wait to fuck all the studs there! Oh my gosh! What dress should I wear?"

Candie was already halfway up the stairs to the second floor when Alexa shouted after her. "And be back by midnight. Two at the latest. And no taking dicks with you!"

"But Mom," Candie pouted from atop the stairs. "They love it when I take them out in my snatch."

"No dicks!" Alexa repeated in a stern exaggerated voice. A loud "Awww" could be heard, but the ditz was already in her room. Probably going through her trashy dresses.

Through the whole exchange, Tamara had been silent. Watching with a horrified expression on her face. "Don't tell me- The spell! Is she some kind of 'prototype' victim of it that you took in."

"I wish!" Alexa exclaimed, but quickly deflated. "That came out wrong. You see we didn't have long to study the spell. The warlock pack returned and we, Matt and I, were out of options. I wasn't strong enough to dispel it. Heck, I think a whole coven would have had trouble. All I managed was a barrier. Between Matt and me, and them. One quickly failing."

Again Alexa grew silent and this time Tamara gave her time. Perhaps sensing that she needed it. As she continued her voice grew clipped and tears started to flow. "It was Matt. He acted when I could. Just a brief kiss and an 'I love you'. That was the last I saw of him. He grasped what I didn't. That the spell could only be stopped by giving it a target before it was set off. So he jumped into it. The very center of the spell. One moment he was there and the next-"

"Candie," Tamara guessed into the silence as Alexa now broke out fully in tears.

Several minutes and a whole tissue box later Alexa was strong enough to continue. "A spell powerful enough to transform a whole state. All condensed into one person. It obliterated the Matt I knew. What remained was an avatar of all the perverted and fiendish dreams of the warlocks."

"That sounds impossible to believe," Tamara murmured. "Yet, I do. Believe you that is. But how did you escape?"

"Candie!" Alexa said with a sad lopsided grin. Throwing her hands up in resignation. "All she cared was getting fucked and there was a pack of warlocks nearby. None could resist her. After all, she was their dreams made flesh. What they didn't realize- She is a magical hazard walking on two legs. Men that have sex with her- They dwindle away. Changed into a magical artifact in the form of their former dicks. Sentient. Imprisoned. Probably loving every minute of it. None of the warlocks escaped. Each thinking they would be powerful enough to resist the change. But thinking with their dicks made them dicks. Forever."

"So that's why you tolerate her," Tamara concluded. "In honor of Matt who sacrificed himself."

"In part, yes. But I also keep an eye on her. She is a force of nature if not blunted by my guidance. The sad truth is that she will probably walk the earth long after I died of old age. For nine years I dragged her now through the country and she hadn't aged a day. The spell keeping her in the best shape. Forever young."

"But surely you must have tried to undo the enchantment on him, right?"

"Of course!" Now a scowl of anger and fury cast itself over Alexa's face. "I asked my coven for help. They wouldn't touch Candie with a ten feet pole. The warlocks? They contributed to my imagination. At the same time, they rounded up their affected members and cleansed them. But blame it on anything but the warlocks. They launched a formal investigation into the country club and came up blank. What a joke!"

"I see," Tamara said. Already deep in thought. "Still, there must be a way to reverse the spell on Matt. And when we find the spell on him it would be all the facts we need to prove your story as true."

"I waited a long time for anyone to say that," Alexa admitted. "I have visited dozens of covens in search for a new home and help. Yet now, as finally, someone believes me, I can't accept. In fact, I already planning to move away as fast as possible."

"Why in the world would you do that?" Tamara asked. "I am offering my help. Why throw it away?"

"Because you have other problems," Alexa revealed with a stern look. "Tell me. Did you notice a change recently in your coven? Do they dress differently? More open and revealing? Even provocative? Did their behavior change? Do they now compare their recent conquests?"

Every word hit home as Tamara indeed recognized the signs. Shocked she looked at the young woman who was in the middle of breaking down the normality of Tamara's world. "But- You said Candie got all the warlocks. If they got all - dickified - who could start a new pack to harass us?"

Alexa gave a deep sigh and nodded. "And now we come to the conspiracy part. No, it wasn't the plan of the warlocks that I counted as such. There is one piece of the puzzle you overlooked. Warlock magic can't affect women. Especially witches. Unless witch magic was incorporated. So someone had to help them out in the first place. And I doubt it was a witch of my former coven."

Tamara leaned forward. "What are you insinuating?"

"For the past decades, there had been witches who complained that we witches grew complacent. Ignoring the warlock threat in our backyards. If a nine-eleven happens in the secret world of the witches-"

"I see," Tamara said. And she meant it. It sounded crazy, but all the facts she had only cemented the speculation. With new resolve, she stood up. "I am sorry, Miss Greene. For what happened to you and what happened to Matt. He sounded brave and didn't deserve this fate. Once this is resolved I will call you."

"Maybe you should call me sooner," Alexa offered. "Strangely enough Candies ability to - what did you call it - dickify only works with direct contact. A small rubber enough to cancel it out. But I may have forgotten a few times to give her any. Every time I uncovered a warlock pack and send Candie to party there. She always comes home with a few additions to her collection."

"I will keep that in mind," Tamara promised. "Miss Greene."

"Miss Russo," Alexa said with a nod back.

Alexa was about to close the door when a tumult made its way down the stairs. She only saw pink heels - towering impossibly high - and a leopard dotted minidress that rushed past her. A high pitched "Love ya Mom. Byeee." came from the outside already.

With a deep sigh, Alexa closed the door. She pinched her nose and closed her eyes for a moment. Then she muttered under her breath a mantra. One she had often spoken before. "Don't be annoyed. Don't be ashamed. Always remember what that ditz did. Else you would be like her."

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