Stuck With A Genie Or Two

Andy cursed as he rummaged through the old storage unit. It was full of dust, droppings of animals, and who knows what else. "Couldn't your old man auction this lot or something?" he asked his best friend.

"This ain't storage wars," Kyle shouted back from behind some boxes. "We are in bumfuck nowhere. Good luck finding bidders out here."

Of course, Andy knew he was right. Sighing he did get back to work and started sifting through the boxes. There was his Sunday going down the drain, but he couldn't deny Kyle the help. Too often that slacker had helped him out of a bad situation.

Opening another box he fished out a glass vase with a narrow neck. Behind the grime was colored glass. Once cleaned up it might even be pretty. "Hey Kyle, maybe this is worth something."

Kyle looked up. "What you got there? It looks a bit like a genie's bottle. Come on. Give it a rub."

Andy rolled his eyes, but he knew how Kyle could get. He would needle him until he relented. Theatrical he rubbed on the grime. "No genie. Shocking," he commented dryly. "Still might be worth something."

By now Kyle had managed to find his way over. "Yeah," he commented as he took the vase. "To me. I know a guy who knows a guy who can make a pretty sweet bong out of this thing."

Again Andy rolled his eyes. Smoking pot and getting high was one of the hobbies he didn't share with Kyle. There weren't really that many similarities. It was just that Andy owed him a lot for keeping him out of trouble. In turn, he got roped into things when Kyle wanted to get out of things faster. Like clearing out a lot in the storage depot that Kyle's father owned.

"You can light up later," Andy said and turned back to the boxes. "I wanna be done soon with this stuff." Grunting he lifted a box full of moth-eaten clothes and heaved it towards the garbage container.

Turning around he still saw Kyle rubbing at the dirt-covered lamp. Sighing he did get back to work.


It was late. Andy was out on the pagoda of his parent's house. They were away for the weekend and surely they wouldn't mind one beer missing. There, sitting on an old worn-out chair, he took a first sip of the ice-cold goodness.

It was then that he suddenly felt a strange sensation run through his body. His world lurched to the side and he had trouble staying upright. Something was seriously wrong. The phone! He had to call his parents. Trying to stand up immediately made him fall to the floor. The world swayed before his eyes as if he was on a shrimp cutter out on the ocean in a hurricane. When it all became too much he passed out.

When Andy opened his eyes again the last rays of sunshine disappeared behind the horizon. He had made it barely into the living room before collapsing. The world had stopped swaying, but his body still felt strange. Looking down he screamed. High pitched and unlike he ever did before. Below t-shirt and jeans, his body was reshaped into one of a woman. Massive tits and wide hips.

Andy got up. Shocked he made a few stumbling steps till he saw his own reflection in a mirror. "I look like a pornstar," he said in a voice that was so breathy and oozing sex, that it complimented his new body perfectly.

Unwilling to accept what his eyes saw he clawed at his clothes to shrug out of them. His massive tits sprang free as he pulled the shirt over his head. The pants and boxers proved harder to strip. His new generous hips and tights stretched them so far that friction alone wielded them onto his body.

What felt like hours later he managed to shrug free and look again at the mirror. To say he was voluptuous was an understatement. Together with this pink hair, he was reminded of a poster of a pornstar hanging in Kyles's room.

Another wave of dizziness washed through him. Kyle. He had now the perfect body to seduce him. Andy shook his head to get rid of that strange thought. But it was stuck there. Unbidden and growing. This body was made to have sex with Kyle. To fuck him raw. Andy needed it. His soul yearned for Kyle's dick to penetrate that needy hole between his legs.

Stumbling he made his way to the front door. He needed to find Kyle. Yearned to be fucked by him. His new pussy already dripping wet.

Suddenly cool waves crashed against his body. Confused, he noticed a change in the scenery through the haze of arousal. Some kind of island. No one was around. More eluded him as his mind returned to Kyle. Damn, he wanted to fuck him. Where this sudden urge came from, Andy couldn't explain. It was an equally strange thing as his new body. But both couldn't be denied.

Arching for sex he couldn't have, Andy's fingers plunged into the burning grotto of need. Furiously rubbing as if his life depended on it. Only for the next impossible thing to happen. A pink mist started to quell from his pussy. It made Andy scamper back in confusion, but the tail of smoke followed and more and more pushed out of him.

Slowly it took the shape of a woman. Then it solidified into a redhaired beauty.
"Greetings, oh mistress. I am Mave. Your genie."

"Genie?" Andy asked confused.

"There is no time," the genie urged. "You are Andy, right. Listen. Your friend Kyle-"

"Kyle!" With vehemence, the need between his legs returned. It made Andy whimper with need. "I need him to fuck me! How I wish I were where he is."

"Fuck!" Mave cursed out loud. "You stupid bimbo doomed us both. Wish granted."

Once again Andy's surroundings changed in the blink of an eye. He recognized the new ones. And its owner, Kyle. Lounging on his bed, but he jumped up as he saw Andy.

"It worked!" Kyle shouted. "It really worked!"

"Kyle," Andy moaned more than said it. "I need you to fuck me."

"Yes." He had a nasty smile on his face that Andy had never seen on Kyle before. "Yes, you do."

Kyle pushed him onto the bed and a moment later into him. Suddenly Andy felt complete. His strange and overwhelming urge was fulfilled. It was heaven. Faster than he thought a climax wracked through him.

As his breathing calmed down he felt a strange feeling down there. A quick look revealed a pink mist coming out of the used hole. It manifested into the same woman from that beach.

"Greetings, oh master. I am Mave. Your genie."

Mave looked pissed. Giving both, Kyle and Andy, the dirty eye.

"What is happening?" Andy really wanted to know. Suddenly he was a woman. One attracted to Kyle. The sudden changes in scenery made him dizzy and who the hell was that Mave gal? But he received no answer from neither of them.

"Time for round two," Kyle proclaimed. It immediately made Andy think of sex again. He could go for another rump with Kyle. Strangely already aroused again. But Kyle pushed Andy's butt away and then wrought his hands in anticipation. "Now for my next three wishes…"

Andy's mind was still catching up. Wishes? Had that vase been real? Was Mave a genie?

"I wish that every time Andie teleports, she ends up near the closest genie not bound to her and that she has the urge to find that genie and call them forth."

By now Mave's eyes had riveted themselves on Kyle and if looks could kill, Kyle would be a little pile of ash. But he was still standing and Mave pushed a "wishes granted" through her teeth.

"Now this is getting good. I wish that Andie's first wish of a genie she meets the first time will be that their home vessel becomes one of Andy's rub-able body parts."

"I am going to kill you," Mave promised. "I don't know how, but I will."

Kyle gave Mave a dirty grin. "That's not what I want to hear."

"Wish granted," Mave pressed out.

"That's what I am talking about!" Kyle shouted.

It was the last thing that Andy heard as she suddenly found herself in the desert. Utterly lost as it was nighttime and pitch black. In the pale moonlight, she could see some silhouettes of buildings. Despite her confusion, she slowly started to walk there. As if a strange pull forced her feet.

Her thoughts returned to Mave and wondered if she was a real genie. Had to be. But how was she able to summon her without rubbing a lamp? Kyle must have done something.


At once, Andy's arousal flared up again. Her thoughts were filled with naughty daydreams. She should be angry at him. Clearly, he had done this to her. Made her a girl somehow. And not just any woman, but a spitting image of his favorite porn-starlet.

"Greetings, oh mistress. I am Mave. Your genie."

Those words shook Andy out of her daydream. Looking down she saw the last pink wisps of smoke waving through her fingers. Without really noticing she had started to rub herself in her new most intimate body-part.

"What the hell is going on?" Andy demanded to know.

"I would explain if you just could concentrate for a moment," Mave growled. Clearly still angry at Andy.

"But thinking is hard," Andy pouted. Absently starting to rub her pussy again.


"I wish it wasn't-" Andy whimpered.

"Yes! Finally!" Mave exclaimed. She even kissed Andy deftly on the lips. "Wish fucking granted!"

At once the haze of arousal in Andy's mind cleared. Not truly going away, but drifted into the background. Nearly every second thought was about Kyle's dick, but the urges weren't as bad anymore.

"So, what is going on?" Andy asked after taking a deep breath to clear her head.

"Kyle, he screwed us over," Mave started.

Unbidden and strong came the memories to Andy of how Kyle had fucked him. It rekindled the flames in her groin again.

"Please," Andy pressed out. More a moan than a word. A moment later she continued. "Mind your words. It is still hard to keep those thoughts away."

"I'll try," Mave promised. "First things first. I am a genie and Kyle summoned me."

"The glass bottle, right?" Andy started to put one and one together. "But I rubbed the bottle too."

"You rubbed the grime," Mave corrected. "Not the bottle itself. Kyle did."

"Oh, Kyle can rub me too," Andy purred.



"He got three wishes," Mave continued. "The first one was to transform you into the split image of a woman pictured on his wall."

Andy nodded. "I kind of guessed that."

"The second wish was for you to be obsessed with fucking him and more specifically being poked by his dick."

Andy let out an involuntary moan. Now he knew her obsession with Kyle's dick was artificial, yet it still felt real. It also threatened to consume his thoughts again.

Mave grabbed Andy by the shoulders and shook him. "Look at me. Breathe in and breathe out. Repeat."

Slowly, Andy calmed down again. But in the back of her mind, she knew she couldn't stave off the craving forever. Rather sooner than later she would give in.

"The last wish?" Andy pressed on.

"To transport me from my previous vessel - my glass bottle - to my new one: your pussy."

Andy stumbled and nearly fell. For a moment her eyes grew wide. "That is possible?"

"Oh, believe me, I was surprised too," Mave exclaimed. "I mean transferring to a new vessel is an old hat. Wishers do that sometimes in hopes to have help finding the vessel again. Which never works out. Until Kyle. That cretin clearly is off his meds."

"B-but why?" Andy demanded to know.

"Think about it," Mave suggested. "How do all his wishes play together."

Andy's eyes grew wide. "That fucker found a way to unlimited wishes. And he screwed me over to get it."

"Screwed us both," Mave corrected. "Did you know that the design of my home is based on my vessel? I used to have a pretty and colorful home based on glass. Now everything is decorated based on your pussy. Vagina pillows. Cooch shaped doorways. Everything is a freaking parody of a vagina."

"I have a genie living in my pussy," Andy stated in disbelief to herself. "Damn, I have a pussy."

Andy was upset. How could Kyle do this to her? There was no bright side. Well, maybe except that he could fuck Kyle with a vagina. Andy shook his head again. Cursing Kyle under his breath. No matter how hard he tried, Andy's thoughts always returned to Kyle's dick.

"We have to find a way out of this cycle," Andy pressed out through clenched teeth. "We can't let him win."

"You have to find a way," Mave admitted. "The law of the genies prevents me to suggest you wishes or influencing you on what to wish for."

"Great," Andy groaned. But soon his eyes grew wide. "I have a perfect wish. Oh, that fucker will be sorry. Mave, I wish that Kyle - in regards to genies - is unable to summon them, name a wish, or receive a wish."

A chuckle broke out of Mave. One that quickly turned to a burst of roaring laughter. Andy nearly missed when she said, "Wish granted".

With Kyle's plans crossed, Andy could finally think of herself and her needs. "I wish I was in Kyle's bedroom."

Mave stopped laughing and gave a sigh. "I guess it is a wonder you lasted this long. Wish granted."

A second later, Andy stood in Kyle's room. Just as Andy tried to demand sex she was back in the desert. Alone. Mave was no-where in sight. After a moment, she knew what to do. Her fingers found her delicate folds and started rubbing. An instant later, familiar pink smoke quelled forth.

"What happened?" Andy whined as soon as Mave took form again. "I need him in me. Bad!"

"It was your third wish," Mave explained. "After the third wish of a genie, the corresponding vessel is whisked away to a random place. Which means now that you are my vessel you get to travel for free."

"But, I want to fuck Kyle," Andy pleaded.

"I need to hear a wish," Mave reminded her.

"I wish I was in Kyle's bedroom," Andy quickly pressed out. But couldn't help herself from adding, "Again."

"Wish granted."

A split second later, Andy felt the rough carpet of Kyle's room under her feet again. The target of her desire sprawled out in his bed.

"Took you long enough," Kyle said with a smirk. "And? Did you get a new genie?"

Andy tried to suppress her annoyance. Kyle really was only after wishes. Not caring who else he fucked over. But at the moment, Andy didn't care. Her eyes riveted to Kyle's crotch.

"Why don't you fuck me and find out?" Andy suggested.

Her former best friend didn't have to be asked twice. Starting with rough foreplay that really was only an excuse to rub every part of her that he could think of. Eventually giving up, Kyle did go for the only spot he knew housed a genie.

Andy moaned as Kyle pushed into her. Finally, her thirst for his dick was quenched a little. But she needed more. Soon, Kyle increased his pace. Andy didn't even have to look at him to know that he must be confused.

"Why isn't it working?" Kyle asked behind Andy while taking her doggy style.

"It is," Andy lied. "Just rub harder."

Again, Kyle increased his pace. Eliciting more moans from Andy. But nothing else happened besides him coming in her. No genie appeared.

"I don't understand," Kyle said while slipping out of Andy.

"Here, let me try," Andy purred. Her hands sneaking down to her cleft. A few rubs were all it took and pink mist started to escape her folds.

"Greetings, oh mistress. I am Mave. Your genie."

"Why is it working for you and not for me?" Kyle shouted. "It should have been me."

Andy started to giggle. She just couldn't help herself. Every time she calmed down and tried to explain a new bout of giggles broke free. Kyle's confused face was just too priceless. Eventually, Andy turned to Mave.

"I wish you explained it to him," Andy told her genie. "And take your time."

"Oh, wish granted mistress," Mave purred. "With pleasure even."

The pissed-off genie walked towards Kyle who scampered backward. Not far as his back touched a wall soon enough.

"You see, you little imbecile, my mistress wasn't very happy to be part of your little endless wish exploit," Mave explained with a sneer. "In fact, she hated it. Just like me. You screwed us both over for selfish gain. Not that selfish people are anything new in my line of work. But you took the crown of assholery and wore it with pride."

By now Mave was inches away from his face.

"Your mistake was that you thought Andy couldn't control herself enough to make a decent wish. But you were wrong. Do you know what she wished for? No? You see she didn't just make sure that you can't summon a genie - not just me but any of my brethren - but also included that you aren't eligible for a genie's wish. Even a gifted one."

"What are you gonna do to me?" Kyle whimpered.

"Oh mistress, what are we gonna do to him?" Mave asked Andy while turning around to her.

"Nothing, for now," Andy admitted. She turned to Kyle. "Shut up and be quiet, while I try to undo the mess you made."

Mave scrunched her lovely face. "About that, Mistress. You can't-"


"Previous wishes to genies can't be undone," Mave explained. "At most, they can be altered. But only slightly and not without keeping the original wishes wording."

"So, I am stuck as a woman until I die of old age?" Andy's eyes wandered to Kyle and tried to project pure rage. "Can't even switch to a body that is not this ridiculous in proportions."

"I am afraid, that won't be happening," Mave interrupted. "You are my vessel now."

Andy braced herself for more bad news. "What does that mean?"

"Well-" Mave looked away. Unable to hold eye contact. "You see a genie's vessel is indestructible. Nothing can harm it. Well, you. Not even the ravages of time."

"I am immortal?" Andy exclaimed.

"See?" Kyle threw in. "It's not all bad."

"You dimwitted asshole," Andy shouted at him. "It means that I'll still be around when mankind dies out. When this solar system goes supernova. Until the end of the universe. Explain to me how that is a good thing!"

"Well, there is good news." Mave broke in. "Technically genies age. Might take a few millennia for them, but they will die of old age. Actually, probably more like a million years. So, when all the genies within you die, then you'll be free of immortality again."

"Great!" Andy threw her hands up. "That is so much better." But then, her mind caught up. "All the genies? But I thought you are the only one."

"For now," Mave agreed. "But this trash wished that you not only teleport to the nearest genie who isn't housed by your body, he also wished that you have the urge to wish from them that they shift their home towards your body."

As Mave explained, Andy remembered back to both times she had been in the dark desert. Despite her mind focused on Kyle's dick and fucking it, she had steadily stumbled into a specific direction.

"Great," Andy said again. "Just great. Soon or later I'll play the equivalent of a clown car for a dozen genies."

"More like ten thousand," Mave corrected her.

"Not helping," Andy shot back. "Somehow I have to punish this asshole but every time I look at his direction I want to impale myself on his thick and juicy dick. Ride it until-"

"It's not that thick now, to be honest," Mave said while looking at Kyle.

Andy looked too and felt at once the heat between her loins spike up again. She wanted nothing more than to be screwed by Kyle again. Thankfully, for now, he was flaccid, which kept her compulsions at bay. Shutting her eyes, Andy tried to concentrate. She somehow needed to punish Kyle. But not in a way that removed the option to have him fuck her silly.

A new horrifying thought crept into Andy's mind. She was immortal. Kyle was not. In just a few decades he would die. Leaving her to long for a dick that has rotted away. That, she couldn't have. She needed to make Kyle immortal too. Just so she could ride his dick again. She also needed to make sure that she could fuck him any time she wanted. After all, if he ran away, she was equally fucked. Well, not fucked. Fucked but in the wrong way.

Andy pondered her problem for a minute until she had a brilliant thought. Her train of thought had been interrupted as it headed for the gutter again. If only Kyle wasn't flaccid all the time. Then she could impale herself on him every time she needed it. It was the last piece she needed to solve her puzzle.

"Oh, Mave, get ready to hand out some punishment," Andy said with a grin on her lips.

"Please. I am sorry. Have mercy."

Kyle had finally found his voice again. Not that Andy cared.

"I wish- " Andy's grin turned devilish. "That my former best friend Kyle gets transformed into an indestructible sentient lifelike dildo based on his own dick with the following properties: never gets flaccid and is always hard or semi-hard; can still produce sperm and come, but can't impregnate anyone anymore; can change form into any other dildo based on the current user's thoughts, but returns to his base form after use; before and after each use is magically cleaned."

After a moment of contemplation, Andy nodded. "That's it."

Kyle's pleading grew in intensity, but was suddenly cut off as Mave said loud and clearly, "Wish granted."

Where Kyle was a moment before, now only a very lifelike dildo rested on the bed. Not for long, as Andy jumped on the bed and pushed it into herself. Now that was the stuff. It didn't take Andy long to reach an orgasm. Her second wasn't far behind. Or the other ones that followed. By the time Andy tired out, morning light broke into the room.

The bed was a mess. Filthy with Andy's juices. At least her personal dildo was clean. As Kyle always will be. It brought a smirk to her face. It vanished as Andy saw Mave sitting by. She looked bored out of her mind.

"Sorry I had an itch to scratch."

"That I could see. And I guess it won't be the last time."

"So, oh mistress of mine. What now?"

"Right, you are waiting for a third wish." Andy gave a deep sigh. "And many more afterward." Every time Andy would masturbate Mave would be summoned anew. In a way, Andy had inherited Kyle's unlimited wish exploit.

"Those are the rules that bind my kind," Mave agreed.

Andy pondered her third wish. Always stumbling over one little detail. "You know what sucks? If I wish for anything material as my third wish I don't get to enjoy it. As I am immediately am whisked away to a new location."

"Not necessarily," Mave mused aloud. "It all depends on how you phrase it."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you a wish, remember."

After a moment, Andy figured it out. "Alright. Let's get the show on the road. To collect all of your extended family in my body. No choice in fighting that. It's funny. I guess for a very long while no one will see a genie anymore."

"Unless they rub you," Mave corrected.

"Yeah, not looking forward to it. Alright. Let's get ready. I wish that whenever I teleport to a new place a fitting outfit for me is spawn closeby."

"Wish granted," Mave said proudly. "I knew you could figure it out."

And with those words Andy, soon mistress of ten thousand genies, vanished to her next adventure.

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