Mature / Thirty+

Politics Is... Sometimes Disappointing [2.8]


It can be theorised that every human interaction is a battle of one kind or another, be it a battle of wills, ethics, beliefs, or just the give and take of disparate personalities. It’s rare that people can claim they have so much in common that they never fight, even in a playful, bantering sort of way. It’s even rarer when they are correct on that front as well.

Sometimes the battles we fight are a lot more overt than a few subtle verbal jabs though. The times when those sort of battles don’t come to blows are often referred to as ‘politics’, although to be fair, the times when those same battles do come to blows are also referred to as ‘politics’ in some circles, at least, until they reach a point of outright war.
Let’s hope Hannah can restrain herself just a little bit, huh?
I’m not holding my breath, of course. It’s not easy being the famous new kid, after all!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Someone infers that Hannah is a naughty girl,
John laughs a lot,
And Fena’s helmet makes it hard to express emotions appropriately at a distance!

On Strike!

Posted on 2004-12-18

On Strike!

by Nom de Plume  © 2004

I got the idea while listening to the news on the radio, during another grinding commute home from the big city. It seemed a couple in Florida had gotten so sick and tired of their spoiled, neglectful children that they were camping outside their house in beach chairs, refusing to go back to being parents until their brats knuckled under.

The Essex Girl

“Whose round is it?” asked one of the six women.

The six were celebrating a good Christmas Season for their Company. They all worked in the Offices doing various Admin and Clerical jobs apart from one of then, Elise. Elise was the boss, the Managing Director and principle shareholder in the company. They were at a pub in the market town of Sudbury in Suffolk. The locals were always willing to stress that it wasn’t Essex but the more salubrious and, in their opinion, the frankly superior county of Suffolk. Many of the staff came ‘over the border’ from Essex. As a result, when episodes of TOWIE (The Only Way is Essex) were on TV, there was much talk about the lifestyles of ‘Essex Girls’ the following day.

The Riders Of The Waves: Chapter 1

This story is set in the same "world" as LadyDragon623's stories about werefolk, vampires, fae and other supernatural creatures.

I have her express permission to use the "world" and characters she has mentioned in her stories if I feel they would fit into this story.


We're an odd bunch, about thirty of us all told. Most of us were raised somewhere not too far from here, a few from the east coast.

Wild And Free: Chapter 2

I'm sorry that I hadn't posted anything new for this for almost two months. To be honest, I've been lucky, in that time frame, if I could focus enough to write anything, largely due to ongoing problems with pollen from grasses (seasonal allergies) and the insane humidity that started about four weeks ago. I hope to post more often, but weed season starts in a few days, and I'm moderately allergic to ragweed pollen.

Note: The various bits of violence mentioned in this chapter are all parts of the history of the relevant characters.

Penny's World pt 22

“Oh, you want to tie me up, make me a damsel in distress. Do you.” I say grinning.

Penny’s World
Part Twenty Two
Sophie Jones
© 2018

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

Sitting Down

I created a new keyword (in the Other Keywords box.) All are welcome to use "Bathroom Foibles."

Martha walked into the lady's room. Red in the face, she immediately left.

"May I help you, ma'am?" the help desk clerk asked.

"Where is the lady's room? I thought I was going into the right one, but there are urinals!" she said while crossing her legs and looking decidedly uncomfortable.

Mother and Daughter, part 8

"Miracles do happen, then?" Janet asked, making Ellie roll her eyes as she walked into the kitchen, her fluffy pink dressing gown wrapped around her to shield her from the morning autumn air.

"So I'm excited about today," Ellie shrugged. "Sue me. And besides, it's not like I shouldn't be eager to get back to college- it's not like my summer holidays have been anything to write home about."

Coming out from undercover - Part 9 -Finale

Mary and I spent three days talking about everything to do with us. One sticking point was her son and another possibly bigger one was her parents. How they’d accept me was a big unknown. She had her doubts that they would accept me and it was fairly obvious that she was being torn apart internally over the subject. She talked very little about it but I could tell that it might tear us apart. How that would affect me was concerning but I knew that… well, what would happen, would.

We also discussed our futures. I had the job offer from Sir Richard but there was still the issue of Mary/Caitlin’s future and where were would be based.

Coming out from undercover - Part 8

ACC Bishop called later in the day with some news. She told us that she’d managed to get a prominent Journalist to agree to interview me on the understanding that no manipulation of my words would be done post interview. We all felt better for this as despite my former colleague being arrested and charged with numerous offenses, the press seemed to be having a feeding frenzy with my past. Many facts were being reported about me, most of which were simply fiction. This made me angry. Mary did her best to calm me down and tell me that my side of the story would be told in due course.

The she asked,
“Did Sergeant Pratt go anywhere in the house apart from the hallway after you dialled ‘999’?”

“No Ma’am. I made sure that no one went anywhere else. I didn’t want to contaminate the crime scene.”

Staycation Story Contest Woes

The Scribbler’s favourite way to spend those sweltering summer vacation weeks is to get into a nice hot airless class-room far away from home immersing oneself in irregular verbs, different cases (dative, genitive, instrumental, locative, vocative ....), where to place the verb, making sure that the female plural pronoun didn’t appear together with a male singular adjective, whether to use words like ”the”, ”a” or instead use suffixes or totally ignore any difference between determined of non-determined and so on … and on… and on.

Well this year The Scribbler, for various reasons couldn’t go away to have fun. Forced to stay at home The Scribbler had a look at the July contest at BCTS. That was not the original plan but it was worth having a look though.

Coming out from undercover - Part 7

Before I could render a full explanation to the single officer in the first car, another Police car drew up at the house. Inwardly, I groaned when I saw the officer getting out of the driver’s side. It was none other than 'Ian 'I'm not one' Pratt. He was the class bully when I was at Hendon. His Sergeant's stripes shone brightly in the light from the porch.

He entered the hall and looked hard at me. Then he looked again before turning away to speak to his colleague.

“What is the problem Sadik?” he asked.

“We have this person here claiming to be an undercover police officer. She had only just started to explain why she's on our patch unannounced.”

Staycation - Hacked Off?

“I think that is everything we needed to cover. Any other points?” I said mightily relieved that the meeting was coming to an end.

My team looked at each other but no one spoke until the newest one of the team, Jeremy Ford said,
“So, Frank, are you going to tell us where you are going for your Holidays?”

I smiled. I’d not told anyone what I was going to do for the next three weeks.

“I’m going to the Outer Hebrides. I’ve rented a cottage on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis,” I replied smiling.

“What are you going to do up there?” asked another of my team, Melvyn Sands.

“Not a lot and that’s the beauty of it. There is a long white sand beach just yards from the cottage and not a lot else for miles.”

GLOO'd Tails 03

Still Laika's fault.

GLOO'd Tails 03

Rae studied the 3D rendering on her lab computer. The face was hers, but with small alterations. It was younger, more feminine, and subtly vulpine. The hair was the biggest difference. It was the same foxy fiery red that she often dyed her own dark blond hair. It had foxy ears, and no trace of regular human ears.

Coming out from undercover - Part 6

When I came around, I felt strange. At first I couldn’t understand what was happening or for that matter what had happened to me.

I soon realised that my hands were bound behind my back and my legs were tied together. I was lying on something hard and dirty.

Slowly I opened my eyes.

“Ah, you are awake,” spoke a voice from out of the shadows.

I moved my head towards the sound of the voice. A man was sitting on a chair looking at me. From my position on the floor, I didn’t get a good view of him but I knew straight away that it wasn’t the man in the picture that Maxine had showed me… Then I realised that I had no idea how long I’d been unconscious.

Dani's Turn

This is the story of Daniel, who was encouraged by his dying wife Jamie to find his happiness as Dani, his stillborn twin sister.

This is my first submission to Big Closet, I'm told this type of story may find a more appreciative audience here. Obviously comments are greatly appreciated.

Rosebud** - July 2018 Staycation story contest

Lindsey, or Lyle to his friends and acquaintances, was recently retired and was celebrating his 61st birthday with lunch with two long term friends. It was a fairly low key lunch at a rustic old café in the nearby mountains with a couple of long term friends. Several others of his childhood friends and their spouses, due to work and other commitments, could not attend but had sent gifts and well wishes with Jack and Bill.

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 5 Elle’s Coming Out

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 5
Elle’s Coming Out

By Jessica C

Elliot is breaking the Rose colored glass ceiling…
He’s been an ordinary research and finance person…

Coming out from undercover - Part 5

Dinner more than lived up to its promise. I ate some Cornish Lobster that was out of this world. Mary, on the other-hand played safe and ordered a ‘Rack of Lamb’. This was all washed down with some of the best wine I’d ever had. Mary just licked her lips as she savoured each glass.

As the meal wore on, my mind turned to the task ahead.

“The last week or so has really been a rollercoaster. Did you ever think we’d end up here?” I asked Mary after our dessert plates had been taken away.

Mary as ever brought the scene down to earth with a bang.

“Well, if we don’t catch this monster then we will have an awful lot of egg on our face.”

Watch What You Wish For

Benny makes his security rounds at the museum he worked at. It was storming and lighting outside as he walked the dark hallways of the museum he worked at. Every once in awhile he would stop at his favorite picture that had a nude pregnant woman sitting on a big boulder in a lake. Not too far down from the painting was an African fertility statue.

Coming out from undercover - Part 4

We found ACC Bishop in her office. Her assistant soon understood our predicament and arranged for us to see her boss.

To give her credit, the Assistant Commissioner listened intently to our plan without showing any emotion or reaction one way or the other.

At the end of our speech, she closed her eyes for almost a minute.

When she opened them again she smiled at us.

“Well, I have to say that of all the ideas that have been floated by me and the other commissioners to catch this killer… This is just about the most ridiculous and silly and… You know it might just work but…”


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