Mature / Thirty+

Amber pt 9

When the Quads where just starting 8th grade. I was at work one day when I got paged to the phone.

“ Hello, this is Doctor Reid, can I help you?”

“ Dr. Reid this is Mrs. Wilson the secretary from Cooper middle school.”

“ Yes, Mrs. Wilson how may I help you?”

“ Well I have Kelsey and Kalley here in the office. They have been in a fight.”

We Give Thanks

This is set in my A New Life universe, which is set in Dot's M.Y.T.H. universe.

This is just a bit of fluff that I wrote to celebrate the season.

The Garmish family, having recently moved into the area, were delighted with their invitation to the Lupo family's Thanksgiving feast.

A 'Model' Romance

“Ms Wilson will see you now,” said the assistant.

I stood up and after a moment’s hesitation; I followed her into the very impressive office. The views out over East London were impressive.

They should be. We were on the twenty third floor of one of the large tower blocks that fringe the edge of the City of London.

Ms Wilson stood up from behind her desk and came to greet me.

“Thank you for coming Susan. Please take a seat.”

I was shown to a comfortable seat where after smoothing my skirt I sat down.

A Cam-eo Performance

While the wife's away Wanda will play. She HAD to see how the new dress looked on her. Chances like this don't come by frequently. Her bustier looked so foxy but it's hard to dance in heels. This IS semi auto-biographical. Know where your security cameras are and do NOT forget, like I did, that they are always watching. Take care my friends! (1/26/19 rewrite)

Wiley’s wife, Peggy, was out of town on a three day weekend conference that was halfway across the US. It was the most opportune time for his inner Wanda to come out to play. The timing was perfect.

Confessions of a Train Passenger

[This story is based upon a conversation I overheard the on the train to work in 2011].

“Hi Wendy. I’ve not seen you on this train for a while?”

“Oh, hi Kylie. Yeah, I’ve been at the branch in Slough for the past few months. I could drive there in twenty minutes from home. Now I’m working in Reading for the next six months. The assistant manager is off on maternity leave. So here I am on the commuter express that stops at every station!”

“How are your kids?”

“Davy is a real handful. All he wants to do is play football.”

The Editors Dilemma - What Happened Next

This is a sequel to “The Editors Dilemma”

The tale resumes at the Hotel in Cynthia’s room after Cynthia has poured a cup of tea for Jennie.

Jenny sat down totally stunned by the person who was in front of her.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Cynthia smiled.

“I know that both my manuscript and how I look now is a bit of a shock but this is me now. Oh, and the final three chapters of it are on the table.”


Green Lantern: Star Sapphire's Wrath

Hal Jordan encounters a dying alien but initially refuses to accept the power of the Green Lantern. Instead, his boss and friend Carl Ferris takes up the job only to be kidnapped, changed, and brainwashed by the Violet Lantern Corp. Now, Hal Jordan must take on the difficult task of protecting the Earth from his best friend's wrath.

GLOO'd Tails 04

Still Laika's fault.

GLOO'd Tails 04

"The latest information about the continuing saga of the mutilated noses has come to light from, of all places, social media," the talking head read from his script. "More news after this message from our sponsors."

The Debbie Delaney Stories 4 - Me And Marilyn

Me And Marilyn

~~by Bobbie Cabot~~

Halloween costume parties are pretty fun things, Debbie Delaney, professional photographer, thought. Of course, the costumes need to be good, and as close to being realistic as possible. But this is taking realism too far!

The Lioness Adopts Some Cubs

A smile appears on Jessica’s face as she looks at herself in the mirror. Today, was her anniversary of being a Were and of being the slave of her Mistress and Master. She owes them her life for saving her from herself and from the sadist guy who had abused her.

The tight leather outfit she had on was revealing and showed her figure off. She knew it was her owners’ favorite outfit. She checks her collar before leaving her bedroom. She heads towards their bedroom to wake them up.

Wild And Free: Chapter 4

This story is set in the same "world" as LadyDragon623's stories about werefolk, vampires, fae and other supernatural creatures.

I have her express permission to use the "world" and characters she has mentioned in her stories if I feel they would fit into this story.


The pride had been at the location of their new home for nearly three weeks now. A lot had changed in that time period.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 130

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 130
We visit the Eagle's nest.
The Board of Regent’s meeting.

A visit to the Santa Ana Pueblo Indian Reservation and the Eagle's nest. ~o~O~o~ The plan is put into action at the Board of Regent's meeting.

The Monster Mash -- a TG Mixed Tape

When a coven's spell to spice up their Halloween party goes wrong, it affects everyone in costume for thousands of miles, instead of just the people at their party. See how it affects people from Tokyo to Boston in seven stories by MrSimple, Rellawing, Roberta J. Cabot, and Trismegistus Shandy.

A reboot of THE HOME THAT LOVE BUILT universe.

I am reposting this original post from 2009. It did okay the first time and I got some really good stories which added to it in great ways... but I've always felt so much more could be done and written, so I'm re-opening


1000 Words


“I have to do this darling. It is really who I am,” I said as I pleaded with my wife.

I was dressed in a way that she’d not seen before. I was wearing a dress, makeup and all the rest including my first pair of high heels!

“Don’t give me that rubbish. These past few years it has all been about you. I don’t get a look in.”

“Really? I don’t think so.”

“Now you are just grasping at straws. If you think that I’m going to sit here while you go out all dolled up like a dogs breakfast then you have to think again. After all the things I do and have done for you…”

End of the Line. All Change - Part 4 of 4

I was stunned by what Barbara had just said about becoming a sperm donor.

“Say something even if it is ‘No’?”

“I never even considered having another child.”

“Well, and thanks to the bracelets, we are going to have a new start in life, aren’t we?”

“This is a big… A big surprise.”

She laughed.

“And?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

The Debbie Delaney Stories 2 - My Night At The Cemetery

My Night At The Cemetery

~~by Bobbie Cabot~~

Being known in one’s professional circles helps to get gigs and assignments, but this kind of gig wasn’t what Debbie Delaney, professional photographer and reluctant ghost chaser, was hoping for. That’s because this assignment involved visiting a cemetery…

The Debbie Delaney Stories 1 - A Ghost At The Movies

A Ghost At The Movies

~~by Bobbie Cabot~~

Debbie Delaney, professional photographer, had just transitioned into her new chosen gender, but didn’t have time to get used to the new her – she just got a new assignment. Of course, this wasn’t like any kind of photo assignment that she ever had before…

Mouikkai Musume, Chapter 11: The Depth of Their Feelings

.·:*:·.**.·:*¨¨*:·.** Mouikkai Musume **.·:*¨¨*:·.**.·:*:·.
.·:*:·.**.·:*¨¨*:·.** Chapter Eleven **.·:*¨¨*:·.**.·:*:·.
The Depth of Their Feelings
Editor: Trismegistus Shandy

"Do you like wearing a dress, Daddy?"

“Do you like wearing a dress, Daddy?”

“Can you believe it used to be that Men told Women what to do, what to wear, their hair, clothes, everything!!!”
“You mean – we used to be in charge - and that women spent all their time wearing pretty clothes and looking after the house and the men? Weird!”

An AP-500 story
(posted quickly because a recent story got 1000 hits in less than 2 days! Yay!)

Invisible Touch (starter)


“Land of Confusion”
"The Last Domino"
"In Too Deep"  
"Tonight, Tonight, Tonight"  
"Throwing It All Away"
"Anything She Does"  
"In the Glow of the Night"
“Take a Look At Me Now”

Land of Confusion

It’s been three years.

Amber pt 1


My name is Dr. Amber Michelle Reid, MD. And this is my story. Currently I am a family practice physician. Happily going on 20 yrs married to a great man, Gregory Paul Reid Jr. We have 7 daughters, Yep, 7 girls. One set of identical quadruplets who are 17 and one set of identical triplets who are 16. I am also a transgender. Yes, I was born a boy. That is the story I am going to tell.

End of the Line. All Change - Part 3 of 4

I sat for a while when I was back in the Depot at the end of my first week back from holiday. It had been working for the company for almost ten years and very soon, I’d be giving it up for good. Letting go was hard but it had to be done. It was time to move on to pastures new.

On my way out of the Depot, I checked my schedule for the next day. I smiled when I realised that I’d be returning to the Depot in the middle of the afternoon to change both the type of bus and the route. I’d have a chance to go into the supervisor’s office to hand in my notice. In a strange way, I’d miss the place and a good few of the regular passengers that I carried almost on a daily basis.

Jon was waiting for me when I got home. The expression on his face told me that he had something he wanted to tell me.

“Out with it!” I said as we sat down to eat.

“I was sort of wondering if I could go and see Christine for a couple of days?”

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments – 9 Elle: Wedding, Bride, Mother

Elliot: Working for Lioness Investments
9 – Elle: Wedding, Bride, Mother

By Jessica C

Elliot broke the Rose colored glass ceiling…
He became the first male Associate… Things are forever different.

Wild And Free: Chapter 3

This story is set in the same "world" as LadyDragon623's stories about werefolk, vampires, fae and other supernatural creatures.

I have her express permission to use the "world" and characters she has mentioned in her stories if I feel they would fit into this story.


Another week passed as Callista finalized the purchase of the land and the change of title and deed.

End of the Line. All Change - Part 2 of 4

After quite a bit of juggling and working extra days to allow other drivers time off to do their Christmas shopping, I managed to secure a decent period off over Christmas. I didn’t tell Jon/Fiona until I’d booked a week in Tenerife over the holiday. It wasn’t cheap but I’d secured a self-catering apartment and flights for a week away. The downside was that the flight was from Birmingham on the 21st. We’d need to set off really early in the morning to check in by 07:00. The other downside was that the return flight was not due to land until 23:00. I booked a Hotel close to the Airport for that night as I guessed that neither of us would want to drive home in the small hours of the next morning.

When all the tickets and everything arrived, I showed them to Fiona.

“Dad?” she said when she’d seen everything.

“Don’t you want to go?”

“You know I do but I don’t have anything to wear for that amount of time away.”

“Funny that, neither do I. Why don’t we go shopping in Manchester a week on Saturday?”

Nerd-No-More Ad 3

Nerd-No-More Ad #3
by Ellie Dauber

Commercial products have been put to political use since the dawn of time. This use (misuse to some) of Nerd-No-More is only the latest case, and the Nerd-no-More company claims no responsbility for the INDEPENDENT actions of one or more of its customers.


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