Mature / Thirty+

The New Human


The New Human
By Bobbie C.

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This story is set in an alternate present, where ten or so years ago, a new race of near-humans burst upon the scene and threatened the geopolitical balance of the world simply by their presence.

The Isle of Dreams: Where Dreams Come True and Nightmares Lurk! Part One

In the Future many things will be possible making the most wonderful of dreams come true. However, it should always be remembered that nightmares are also dreams.

The Plan-B Bust: 2 / 5

The Plan-B Bust: 2 / 5

An Altered Fates Story
by Iolanthe Portmanteaux

Before Andy became Caresse Desmesne, he and the other men had long discussions about whether Caresse’s torture of Henry was purposeful or unconscious. Joseph often tried to lay bets on when Henry would finally have his way with her. He should have bet that today would be the day, Caresse told herself.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 7

Cheshire takes another sip of her tea, while she waited for Collins to wake-up. She couldn’t wait to see his reaction. She watches him as he slowly wakes up.

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

Collins goes to pull his gun from under his pillow, but it wasn't there. He looks at Cheshire as she stood nearby. She had a coffee mug in her hand as she slowly took a sip from it.

Cheshire looks at him with a predatory look on her face “what did I say about going after my family?”

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 3


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Three

To the public, the upcoming event that the Elyran Royal Family will be hosting on Earth was just another of those events that they had from time to time, but even these events were of great interest, simply because of Mia, the famous "warrior queen of Earth." And having one of these events on Earth was just just a normal byproduct of Mia being from Earth.

For the Earthers, though, this was a pretty big deal. It was doubly exciting because it was Mia's birthday a few days after this event, and the preparations being done at the Sciolian Isles had been the subject of continuous coverage by the Earth media, and it just ramped up the excitement factor day-by-day.

What everyone knew about the event was it was one of Queen Tasha's, Princess Mia's and Duchess Sahsha's pet science projects - some sort of exploration thing. But what Marjorie discovered showed that it wasn't really any ordinary project, and was something more mysterious than what the royals were telling.

In any case, Mia was racing from Colossus, whereas Marjorie and her fellow grad students were onboard a special flight from Triton, and Tasha and Sahsha, onboard Talon, were already near Earth.

My Digital Life Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1

I sat in what was obviously an interrogation room, staring at my fingers. I was pretty sure that what I was experiencing was real life, despite the silver or light grey colouration of my skin. I was moving my elegant hands marvelling at the realism. Truthfully, I couldn't tell from sensation the difference between my digital life and my real one.

Why would she? - Part 3 of 4

Once they were both back at Harry’s and Bill had unloaded the Market Stall bits and pieces, he went in search of Harry.

He found him fast asleep in a chair by the range in the Kitchen. His snores told him that he was ok but he recalled his ashen face from earlier and realised that he was sicker than he was prepared to admit to Bill. Bill guessed that he didn’t have long to go but was willing to wait for Harry to tell him just how bad things were.

For the next few hours, Bill busied himself around the house.



I remember the moment I became haunted.

Kindergarten, first day, they lined us up

Boys on one side, girls on the other

And as soon as they put me with the boys, the haunting began

The ghost being the girl I should have been

And as time went by

That haunting, that echo of what could have been

Only grew worse.

Until the day the doctor took me the first time

And my mind split

And the girl went deep inside

And I started being haunted by darker things

The Plan-B Bust: 1 / 5

The Plan-B Bust: 1 / 5

An Altered Fates Story
by Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“Look at her! There is nothing she can do that isn't sexy!" Joseph exclaimed. "That woman is a living, breathing sex bomb! If the atom bomb could be a woman, it would be Caresse Desmesne.”

“That makes no sense whatsoever,” William replied, “but I know what you mean, brother!”

Angel of Haven: Part 5

Part Five

They were walking in roughly a half acre of grass and young trees. There were picnic tables, permanently emplaced grills and even a small gazebo. This was on land which was part of the property belonging to the chemical storage and disposal project, but outside the walls of the compound. It also all looked very new. There were a few other people in the area, and almost uniformly they were smiling.

Why would she? - Part 2 of 4

Bill’s mind was not really on work the following week. One of his colleagues John Arbuthnot noticed it.
“Ok Bill. Who is she and do we know her or more importantly, have I known her?”


“You are clearly going through the motions this week. You messed up a trade yesterday. It was lucky that I spotted it otherwise your position would have been down by a mere trifle of three million quid. So, once again, who is she and do we, your partners in crime know her?”

“Sorry to disappoint you John, it is not a she. It is a thing and I have to decide by the end of the week.”

Angel of Haven: Part 3

Part Three

As he rose invisible into the sky, Aaron was tempted to fly the slow way back to Haven. The weather was that nice. With a resigned sigh, he flew high enough to be above airliner traffic and applied his quick travel power to head west.

* * *

Melody was sitting, staring unseeing at the far wall of her office, when her boss stopped by later that afternoon.

"You look busy."

"I am, actually," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Deep in thought."

“Crazy Taxi” 1st Fare: “The Kids Aren’t Alright” (starter)


If you look up my old street on a dated picture form Google, you’d see a children’s paradise. I could ride my bicycle the entire miracle mile of my block without worrying about someone striking me with a car; no one tried to steal my ride and no one offered me anything harder than extra-extra-sour sour patch kids candy.

I look at it now and I have to shake my head in disgust.

It went to shit pretty quick.

A Vial Mistake Part 1

A Vial Mistake
E. M. Pisek

     At a bar a man tells of where he and his wife still wished for a family as they approached old age and his wife's beginnings of menopause. The bartender, with different shades of eyes, offers a possible solution.

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 2


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Two

Drama, as there always was when the former councilor of Dravidia, Councilor Cor, was on the scene, and this time was no different.

Cor, trying to break the so-called Earth Alliance's growing influence in the Federation, made claims that the Earthers' influence on the Elyran and Federation economies was detrimental to the people, especially to the Elyrans, so he therefore filed a motion with the economic council to intervene on behalf of the Elyrans.

But even before a discussion of his motion could ensue, Mia called him out and demanded to see evidence to prove his accusations. But he didn't have any. His idea was, as it almost always happened, that the mere accusation would make the accused party capitulate and begin negotiations. But Mia didn't. So the Dravidians pulled their motion. It was yet another reason for the Earth-Dravidian feud to continue.

When the case was canceled, that meant Mia's trip to Colossus was for nothing... Still, there was some good news - since Mia didn't need to stay, she just might be able to make it to Earth in time for the start of the conference she was originally scheduled to attend. In fact, she might even arrive earlier than Tasha or Sahsha.

Angel of Haven: Part 1

The Angel of Haven


Rodford Edmiston

Part One

Malak walked around the grounds of the clinic slowly, in a deeply contemplative mood, as well as simply enjoying the weather and scenery. Normally, Aaron kept his wings in unless "on the job" or actually flying. However, he was usually in his alternate form when at the clinic, even for a quick visit. He was essentially on the job whenever here, actually, since both staff and patients were reassured by having someone with an angelic appearance being around.

Why would she? - Part 1 of 4

[4:30pm in a City of London Dealing room]

“Coming for a drink Bill?” asked one of the Dealers to another.
“It is Friday and we’ve had a very good week plus it is Henley finals weekend. A bunch of us have wangled passes into the Leander tent. Lots of lovely fillies on show. There’s one with your name on it if you want it.” He added.

“A filly or a pass?” asked a half interested Bill who was gazing out of the office window at the river Thames and Tower Bridge.

“Both if you have a mind…”

“Sorry Tony, I would love to but I’ve been summoned,” replied Bill with a sigh.

“Summoned? I guess it’s not to court as it is Friday. Parents?”

“Nah. My parents are probably somewhere in the Pacific on their boat. The summoner is my Godfather.”

Model Makers 27: Final

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Everything was going according to plan for a while. Then it all came unglued. Karen's lawyer located them in one of the interrogation rooms. Loran was furious. How could this guy be waiting for them before they got there? "I’m telling you counselor. Stay out of this. I will slap you with a federal suit for obstruction of justice."

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 1


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter One

Marjorie Quinn was given the opportunity to meet her hero, Princess Amelia, one of the princess consorts to the Elyran queen, Queen Tasha Liaran-Kerr, and also the person who engineered the victory over the Tirosians and the Detterex and therefore made the peace that the Federation was currently enjoying possible.

She was going to ride one of EarthForce's new so-called "halo flights" that would take off directly from Triton Station and then, in mere days, would land directly on Earth. From there, she'd get to meet Mia, and maybe even Duchess Sahsha and the queen! She couldn't help wonder what this new project of hers was, but it must be big if it involved CETI.

Meanwhile, Mia, Tasha and Sahsha were working out some family concerns even as they worried about Federation-related concerns...

Model Makers 26: Best friends don't forget part one

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It was less than ten minutes after Loran and Jeff made a visit to Comm Tech, Randy heard about the two agents and made a quick phone call to Washington. This was getting out of hand. These two bozos were about to screw everything up. He wanted to know who authorized this investigation. Randy didn't wait for a reply. He told his men every one of them were to be in the building by o six hundred and don't come naked.

Hope's Ranch Part 2

January 1st 1:00 am
Truckee California

For Larry Rawlings, New Years wasn’t that big of a deal. Neither was Christmas, Thanksgiving and any other Family type holiday. Thankfully this year he was home, and not in the middle of a delivery. So instead of spending it alone, he was with his neighbor, Liz.

The Six 'B's'

Bryony Vincent was in the thick of it as usual. She was a true ‘BBBBBB’ which meant that there was never any shortage of men wanting to be with her. By ‘BBBBBB’ I mean, Beautiful, Buxom, Brainy, Bonkers, Blonde (a natural) and at times Brainless. As any truly genuine 6B person can testify, they could be all 6 at the same time.

The worst trait was the last, ‘Brainless’. Despite an I.Q. of 175 and several degrees including a PhD after her name, she would always fall for the oldest, most stupid chat-up lines in the business. All a man needed to do was flutter his eyelashes (why to the most drop dead gorgeous men always have lashes to die for?) in her direction and she was hooked.

Anniversary check up

Anniversary Check-up

Here is my celebration for 10 years on this site. Its dedicated to Talia who was a big help in getting it done.

You learn something new every day, or so they say.

Boy that was true for me on the 10th anniversary of my arrival at Big Closet.

It started with me waking up and realizing I wasnt in my bed.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 8

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Off the Books - Part 10 - Finale

It was just after one in the afternoon when we arrived at the house in Wiltshire. We’d taken a pretty roundabout route just in case we were being followed but a diversion through some very narrow lanes in South Oxfordshire and West Berkshire had made it next to impossible for any vehicle to follow us without us seeing them.

Jemma got out at the top of the drive to do a quick reconnoitre of the property and the surrounding land. She checked her Glock and then smiled at me as she disappeared into the undergrowth.

Shepherd Moon 2: Prologue


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot

After more than 15 Earth years after what the Earthers have started to call "New Armstice Day" - the day when the Detterex surrendered and the official cessation of all hostilities between the allies, the Detterex and the Tirosians was declared - life had gone back to normal, or what passed for normal in the Greater Galactic Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, and an unexpected peace descended on the people.

But there were those in the Federation that felt they wanted the old status quo back, and only Princess Mia, the lord admiral of the Elyran navy as well as the admiral of EarthForce's Fifth Fleet, her wife, Duchess Sahsha, diplomat and fellow Earther, and her other wife, Queen Tasha, the new ruler of the Elyrans, were the only ones who stood in the way of the Dravidians and the so-called Tirosian mutiny fleet.

Off the Books - Part 9

“Exactly where have you heard that name before?” I said as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

“Savernake Forest,” exclaimed Jemma.

The trouble with my partner was that when she was overly tired or woken up in the middle of the night, sometimes she spoke total gibberish. I’d learned to handle it but many people we had to work with couldn’t handle her without losing their patience pretty quickly.

My brain was slowly starting to work and as I tried to remember the last time I’d or rather we’d been to Savernake Forest. This is an area of ancient woodland to the South East of the town of Marlborough in Wiltshire. Then it came to me.

“Oh, you must mean Farthings home?”

“Yes, that’s it. He left his home very much in a hurry, didn’t he?” reasoned Jemma.

“Yeah, we stopped him as he left in his Porsche. If I recall you lit him up with your target light and his face turned to ash. But what else did you remember?”

Immortal Girl by Choice

This story is among others I lost on HDs going south. It was posted on Fictionmania and removed. Sometimes we writers push the envelope of decency. This is one of those. I strongly suggest skipping this one.

Off the Books - Part 8

As I lay fast asleep in my delightfully comfortable bed, a series of co-ordinated events sent the whole of the Police, Security Services and all parts of the Military into overdrive.

It all started with a successful attack on the head of MI5. His car was ambushed and he was assassinated in broad daylight very close to Tower Bridge. As his schedule was a carefully guarded secret, everyone went on Red Plus Alert. Red Plus means imminent threat of attack.

In other words, the UK went into total lockdown.

Model Makers 23: Payback can be worse than hell part one

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The prosecuting attorney told Karen he didn't believe they would get a conviction against the three men who allegedly raped her. It was her word against three men who had an alibi collaborated by the bartender. He told her to forget about it and let it drop. She should consider herself fortunate to be alive.

Off the Books - Part 7

The dust had just about settled by the time I came to my senses. I realised that I was lying on top of Jemma. I felt her groan and move so I knew she was alive.

As my head cleared, I realised that Bathroom door had been blown off its hinges and was lying on top of us. The fact that it was solid had probably saved our lives.

For some strange reason, I remembered cursing the building inspector for insisting on it being a ‘fire door’ because the Central Heating Boiler was in the Bathroom. I moved a bit and didn’t get very far at all. The extra weight of the door would make getting out from under it a lot harder. You win some and lose some.

I chuckled to myself. It is strange what passes through your mind at times like this…

Deep Cover Chapter 1

Deep Cover


By Zapper


Synopsis:  Special Agent Scott Irons is a mutant with the Special Mutant Affairs Command and is on a mission to help infiltrate a gang with criminal ties to a terrorist group in the Philippines.  Things don’t go according to plan and Scott quickly finds himself over his head.  Bodies are swapped and identities are stolen in this tale of action and betrayal. 

Curtain Fall Chapter 16

In this chapter we gain more understandings of what the Curtain Fall may have done; and we learn more about Kadrapraba's thoughts and logic. From it we also receive a small insight into how and why the Tarneerans organize themselves and enforce their won hierarchy...

Terry and Dakota

Dakota loved feeling Terry’s arms around her body. She had adjusted being a woman with Caroline’s help. When she came back first from England and went to the address that Terry had given her to meet Terry’s brothers. They didn’t believe her at first, till she got Terry on the cellphone so she could inform her brother’s that she was becoming a man.

Mother and Daughter, part 10

“Ugh, feels SO good, knowing I’m not going to be back at work until Tuesday!” Meredith sighed happily as she removed her name badge and tossed it into her locker. “I mean, yes, it’s only a three day weekend, but it’s a good one, you know.”

“Oh- no arguments here!” Janet giggled, removing her own name badge and pulling on her warm winter coat. “Shannon? You looking forward to the big day?”

“Definitely,” the shy blonde girl replied, giggling as she pulled on the woolen reindeer-themed sweater, much to the delight of her friends.


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