Mature / Thirty+

Life expectancy

What we would call hate crimes are punishable by death and just about the entire LGBT community has gone over to his folk. The frightening thing is they have a much higher proportion of educated and skilled folk than the public at large and have become loyal to his cause simply because the Celts offered them security and safety. God help us, but some of our senior civil servants regard the LGBT leaving as a good thing because, and I quote, ‘We won’t have to deal with them.’

Sexual Innovations in the Underworld, 1 / 2

Sexual Innovations in the Underworld, 1 / 2

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“You could be worse off,” MacGregor would say, and he’d gesture at me. “You could be turning into a wee lassie, like our friend Henry here.”

“I’m not turning into a girl!” I replied in an irritated tone.

Arrat - The Myth of the Amazons Prologue, Chapter 1 & 2


I have been asked to write my story and I have done my best to do so. Others have added their points of view as they wanted to explain their actions when I either didn't care for the reasons or was kept in blissful ignorance.

From an Earth point of view my life has become very strange and not what most people would want or enjoy. Despite all that has happened to me, I can now say that I am content and I know that there will be a small portion of the Earth population that would like to be where I am. This book is for them.

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 7


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Seven

The conference had started, and, everyone got to know everyone else. There were representatives from the Arachnians, the Dixx, and, of course, the Elyrans. Humanity's newest friends, the bear cub-like Telcontari, had also sent representatives, as well as the Daemons, the ones that look like lions with their long, thick manes, but what was not expected were the people of Star-453 sending representatives. These particular aliens were considered the most technologically advanced race in the Federation - all their citizens were completely cyberneticized at birth, and all that everyone sees are their roboticized outer shells. If people didn't know any better, they'd probably assume these were actually sentient robots.

And, of course, there were the Humans.

The conference was all about the discovery that the Earthers made - that, apparently, Phase-Wave wasn't as never-ending as they thought, that there was an actual border to it. And, at the border where Phase-Wave ended and the unknown part of the galaxy started, the Fifth Fleet's Explorer-Class DSC Earthship II, and their most advanced Type-One ship, DSC Mikasa, discovered a new planetary system.

The new system was weird, to say the least, but what was discovered on one of its planets held the promise of new knowledge and something that was indeed world-shaking.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 3 (updated)

The plane that they caught in London, England took them to Netaji Subhas Chandra Airport. Then they had to unload everything and reload it on the train they had to take to Katwa. By the time they arrived in Katwa, it was late in the evening. Tammy looked at everything they had and didn’t like the fact they had to leave it in a warehouse that Helping Hands had rented.

“Jerry, you and I are going to guard our equipment tonight. Why don’t the rest of you get some sleep?” Tammy looks at everyone as they stood nearby.

The Plan-B Bust: 5 / 5

The Plan-B Bust: 5 / 5

An Altered Fates Story
by Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“Yeah, I know,” she said. “It’s a long story.”

He considered a moment, then spread his hands and shook his head. “Okay. Cool. It’s none of my business. We’ve had our fun, we’ve killed some bad guys. We’ve had some good, sweaty, wholesome sex. You’re the most beautiful and amazing woman I’ve ever met, and ever will meet. And now, whoever you are, wherever you come from, it’s time for you to go.”

Forsythe Saga - Prologue

Forsythe Saga – Prologue

The story begins in late 2008, at the time of the Banking crisis. Leman Brothers had gone belly up and the financial world was in meltdown.
It is the AGM of a family owned company, Forsythe Brothers. It was being held at the family home that could have come straight from the time of Cadfael. The ancient stone building is even on the outskirts of Shrewsbury close to the River Severn.

Present at the meeting were the four siblings, David, Stephanie, Dorothy and Adrian, that owned the company and the company secretary, a cousin of the family. It is a family owned company after all...

As usual, the main topic for discussion was about the lack of profitability of the business. Adrian as Chairman was addressing the meeting.

“As you all know, Dad put me in control of the company and yet you all seem to think that I’m unconcerned about the profits that the business is generating.”

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up, or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway, Chapter 5

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up, or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway, Chapter 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the fifth part of ten.

The girls from summer camp are going to get together at Rhonda’s home in Chico, California. The subject comes up about Wanda and Tamesha perhaps wanting some private time. It is not a problem.

Presidents' Day


Presidents' Day
By Bobbie Cabot

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This is the story of the country's first transsexual president, and her struggle to be accepted by her people. It wasn't something she sought out, but now that she was in the White House, she had to do her best for the country, though it was hard going when one was transgender, not to mention a transsexual, and many were still not accepting even if it was the middle of the 21st century already.

- - - - -

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 6


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Six

The plot that was behind the attack was slowly being unraveled, and it was revealed that it was a Dravidian plot, with an unwitting Detterex citizen as their instrument to carry out their plan.

Not too much detail of the plan has been uncovered yet but any betting person will say it was most probably another one of Cor's conspiracies.

Ever since the "Earthers" so noisily burst upon the scene, Cor, Dravidia's then-ambassador to the Federation, rubbed the newcomers the wrong way from the beginning, especially then-Captain Amelia Steele. No one could blame the Earthers, though, especially with the high-handed, patronizing, and condescending way that Dravidians treated everyone. The only advantage that everyone else had over the Earthers was that they were used to Dravidians and just let them be. But Mia didn't stand for it, and put them, especially Cor, in their place. Which began Cor's slow downfall from grace.

And ever since, Cor has been trying to undermine the Earthers at every turn. But this was the first time that Cor had actually tried this kind of thing. Could it be the precursor to war? Who knew?

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up, or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway - Chapter 4

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up, or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway, Chapter 4

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the fourth part of ten.

Rhonda and her mother discuss being magic. Rhonda tells her as much as she would like to be magic, it’s not possible. We rejoin Simoné and the others in American Samoa as their vacation continues.

Strange Kind of Woman - Part 2 of 2

Being my own boss has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the former, is that if I’m on top of work, I could head off into the country for a long weekend whenever I felt like it. As I already lived in the county I’ve had more than a few questions along the line of ‘why I’d want to go into the country as I was already there’. It takes all sorts to make this world we live in.

That was true but… I was less than thirty miles from central London. Then the roads around my part of Surrey get pretty clogged up at weekends with cyclists. That isn’t bad but the ‘townies’ who come down from London at weekends in their monster Chelsea Tractors seem to think that the roads should be reserved for them and them only. This is not my idea of tranquillity. Ergo, I need somewhere that is deep in the country to relax and be myself.

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up, Or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway - Chapter 3

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up,

or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway, Chapter 3

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is a third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the third part of ten.

Margaret (Simard) Vaeaolesau recovered rather quickly after having regained nearly 40 years of lost memory. To say she is happy is an understatement. She visits Simoné and Ivana for the birth of their fourth child. Margaret learns more about how they conceived their children.

Angel of Haven: Part 17

Part Seventeen

"Hints and rumors," said Aaron, with an aggravated sigh. "Freeze Frame hasn't helped much; he can't find the Emergent any more than we can. After several subjective years of effort he left a note on my desk this morning that he was moving on to other pursuits."

"Wait," said Blackpool, alarmed. "He was here?! In the compound?!"

"At my office in Haven, actually," said Aaron, a bit amused at this near panic. "I don't think he knows where the redoubt is. Though he could probably find it given sufficient motivation."

Mother and Daughter, part 12

“Hey girlies,” Lindsay said with a grin as Ellie, Monique and Kacey entered the packed coffee shop and slumped heavily into their seats. “Should I ask?”

“Ugh, I’d prefer it if you didn’t,” Monique groaned. “I HATE exams…”

“Well, only a few more days to go,” Kacey said with a tired chuckle. “Gonna be weird not going to college next year, heh.”

“Meh, I can’t wait to get to uni,” Jodie shrugged. “I love change, things get boring if things always stay the same, you know?”

A Midsummer Day's Reality

It was a so-so day, not clear, but not really threatening rain either. The temperature was a bit on the hot side, and the humidity had risen with it. Bob had decided to go walking in the woods as it usually felt at least a bit better in there. Besides, he needed to get away from everyone again for a while. As he ambled on a game path through the green dimness, he thought about how unfair life was. He had a body that many men would do almost anything to have. And not only did he not have to work out or take any 'supplements' to get it, he didn't want it!

The Plan-B Bust: 4 / 5

The Plan-B Bust: 4 / 5

An Altered Fates Story
by Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“Promise me, Caresse, if it comes to it, that you will just go. Don’t look for me, don’t call my name, don’t say goodbye. Just go. You have to leave the dead to bury their own dead.”

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 5


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Five

After Mia's, Tasha's and Sahsha's people landed, they commenced the Fifth Fleet's version of a pass-and-review or a trooping the colour, but just before its conclusion, what looked like a Tirosian suddenly came upon the scene, and commenced an attack run.

With expert management, though, Mia was able to disguise the attack as if it was just part of the elaborate air show.

The pilot was caught and an interrogation was started, but Mia couldn't help because they just started the reception for the conference.

Strange Kind of Woman - Part 1 of 2

My small workshop was quiet for once. I’d recently finished and delivered a large order and was cleaning up when I noticed someone standing in the doorway.

I looked up and saw silhouetted against the later afternoon sun, a very shapely young woman. As I looked at her, she flicked her long hair. For half a second, I wondered if I was going to have a heart attack.

I didn’t so I walked towards this vision of beauty.

Tiffany's Deal - Chapter 3

Tiffanys Game.jpg

Chapter Three - The Turn

Tiffany is made an offer she can't really refuse which reunites her with some shady people from her past. She is intrinsic to their plan to defraud some rich gamblers but of course there is no honor amongst thieves..

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 10

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

the same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

The Plan-B Bust: 3 / 5

The Plan-B Bust: 3 / 5

An Altered Fates Story
by Iolanthe Portmanteaux

I’m going to have to start thinking about birth control,
And I’m going to have to stop being so darn easy.
After this, I need to get some control over my libido.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 2

After the meeting at K&P services, and each team is split up. Paul, Marshal Bullock, Marshal Running Bear, Jessica Jones and members of Golden Eagle Squad boarded a private flight to London, England. The two pilots’ flying them there worked for Chaos Security.

“Tell me again, why we are flying to London, England?” Paul hadn’t been briefed on why they were heading there.

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 4


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Four

Tasha's and Sahsha's "mission" to Earth and their short conference with Dr. Isabella Puerrot answered many of their questions about being able to have a baby.

For Sahsha, it was almost a sure thing, and she would be able to have a child by Mia through standard AI, or if that didn't work, she could still try for one by using the process known as EECF-SCPI, or the process where a human egg cell is fertilized without the use of sperm.

As for Tasha, even with the blood and tissue samples she provided, the doctor's analysis showed it was not a sure thing. After all, Tasha was an Elyran and Mia was an Earther. Common sense would tell anyone that this was an impossibility. But Tasha had collected evidence that it might actually be possible, including a photograph of an intriguing Elyran sculpture many millennia old.

But all that was put on the back-burner. At the moment, they had some things they had to take care of.

Tiffany's Deal - Chapter 1

Tiffanys Game.jpg

Chapter One - The Deal

Tiffany is a high class call girl who moonlights as a poker dealer. After being caught rigging a game of Texas holdem she is fired but another opportunity comes her way. This four part story is the tale of a young transsexual girl who overcomes adversity and goes from being used to a position of power.

Why would she? - Part 4 of 4

This part has some bits that some readers may find disturbing.

[one year after Penny died]

Connie and Bill decided to take some flowers to Penny’s grave on the anniversary of her death. It was a sad time for both of them.

They’d been up at the crack of dawn and out in one of the fields that Harry had turned into a Wildflower Meadow. As they picked the flowers they both heard a Skylark singing above them. Then a Cuckoo called from the small copse at the end of the field. Finally, a Corn Bunting chased them away from its nest. They smiled at each other. It seemed that all was right with the world just for a short time.

With the flowers sorted into two nice bunches, they travelled to Penny’s grave to pay their respects.

Angel of Haven: Part 11

Part Eleven

"Can you go back to just before he landed?" Melody asked the projectionist, before turning around to again face the screen.

"You can't see anything," said Horvat, irritated. "It's all backlit by the fires started in the first part of the attack. Our best film processors and analysts have already been over and over it, trying to extract more information. There just isn't any."

"You wanted me here for my insight. Well, I have one. Just go back to that, please."

Virtually Feminine - Part 6 - The Choice

Virtually Feminine - Part 6 - The Choice
fee in drag.png

This chapter starts telling the story of how I came to a point where I had to make a decision about my life. I’m sure you guys are way ahead of me, considering where I’m posting this story, but believe me when I tell you it wasn’t that obvious to me…

Kathryn knew my secret. Which was two people more than I was comfortable with. I was more comfortable staying in denial and convincing myself that it was all pretend in the game I was playing.

So, in the interests of full disclosure, and for those of you who haven't read the rest of my story so far… Hi, my name was Andy and I am a trans-woman called Cathy.


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