Mature / Thirty+

The Endless Dance Card : 4 / 7

Sometimes I’d tell myself, This is what celebrities experience, and other times, This is what animals in the zoo experience. People took for granted that they could stare me up and down, ask me to turn this way and that… and comment on my appearance as if I couldn’t hear them.

Mindful 2 Chapter 1

I have tried several times to get this story published on Doppler Press so that Big Closet could benefit from any sale it might enjoy but seemingly I am having no luck at all getting doppler press to respond to my endeavours to put the book on their website.

Sadly therefore this novel, which is the follow on from Mindful one will just have to be posted here on Big Closet, Top Shelf.

My apologies to Big Closet and their hard-working staff for any lost sales they might have suffered but I feel I have to post it now or it will forever be lost to those few readers that profess to enjoy my work. I'm now seventy three now and the future looks bleak.

Sorry folks, but here goes nothing.

PS. The novel ends up with Iona euthenising herself to escape from her persuers so be warned.

Castle The Series - 0004 Hwijje & Travisher



You either do your best to put a babe under my heart or you sleep on the floor.

NOTE. For those familiar with Castle from elsewhere, this is a new backstory that takes place forty-eight Castle years before the incursion of 568 after the Fell year by which time Travisher has long since dien and Will is the sixty-two year old Master huntsman and about to retire.

For information on spelling I refer you to Castle The Series - The Title Page. You are not looking at typos or mistakes it's supposed to be like that!
Unagreeän, single, unmarried, one without a marital agreement.

The Man of my Dreams

Heather hear me out before you say no again. I know you think Juan being a crossdresser makes giving him a chance a no go. The cringe on your face when you told me. That look of disgust was sign enough that your decision was set. It should not be. You have put too much emphasis on something which is insignificant. How does Juan liking to wear women's clothing change who he is? That does not change one thing about him and you know it doesn’t.

May you never

[This is an oldie from late September 2010.]

“Stay where you are love. I’ll call for an ambulance,” said the tall man.

“Fuck off and leave me alone,” replied the woman who was obviously injured.

“Nonsense. I can see that you need medical attention. That blow to the head needs some stitches.”

“What are you a fucking doctor or something? Get the hell out of here and leave me alone.”

He laughed.
“No, you don’t understand. I’m a special constable. Just on my way home from a shift.”


It was Gran who noticed one of the beef stores was a heifer. “You know I never bought me no heifer, Jenny. I’ve never raised a heifer. A young store costs a bit more, but is as easy to raise, and makes more meat and sells for more money than a heifer. I’ve always paid a bit more out to bring a lot more in three years later.”

Mother and Daughter, part 13

“It’s not going to go any faster by looking at it,” the older man admonished Ellie as she stared at the clock on the shop’s wall.

“…Sorry, Chris,” Ellie replied to her manager as she tried to stop her cheeks from flushing at her telling off.

The Endless Dance Card : 3 / 7

As we ate, a question occurred to me. “Couldn’t we -- couldn’t someone
take my corrupted profile and fix it? Or take one of me now and edit it,
to change me from female back to male?”

What is Justice?

One definition of justice is the administration of law according to prescribed and accepted principles. Which means it varies according to who is doing the prescribing and who is doing the accepting, and as all should be aware it changes from one place to another.

Another is that which is handed down by a judge, magistrate or other person or body socially recognised as authorised to so do. Which of means such a person or body can not hand down injustice for that is a contradiction in terms.

Custom Supplies

[Eighteen Months ago]

Sometimes in life, you have to take risks. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. So far, my track record in life was pretty bad.

Two years before, I’d told my wife of my desire to live as and eventually become a woman. Once the dust had settled, I found myself homeless, jobless and almost penniless.

Great Granny’s Corsets

There were a couple of hundred brassières in every style and fashion from the last seventy-odd years, including ones with cups that couldn’t possibly have reached as high as the nipples which I thought were like what my sisters called quarter cup bras, but Mum told me they were referred to as décolleté brassières in their day, and Granny had worn them with some of her evening gowns.

The Good Neighbor - Chapter 4

good neighbour.jpg

Chapter Four - Retribution

Steven confronts his Aunt Beatrice and is surprised at her response. Abigail's past comes back to haunt her with catastrophic results.

The Good Neighbor - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three - Beatrice McLennan

Abigail and Beatrice become friendlier and Beatrice reveals her concerns about her nephew Steven. Is this the time for Abigail to reveal her shocking secret?



A story in the MORFS universe

The honky-tonk roadhouse was rocking when she rolled up on the vintage hog. She walked the motorcycle back towards the stairway that led down from the front door and porch. Taking the mirrored aviator shade off, she surveyed the area for people standing around and spotted only two. They were on either side of the entrance. Both were over six two and looked like they had played linemen on the local community college football team.

Forsythe Saga - The Real Life Test

[One month after Maxine had received that letter upon their return from France]

“Hello, I’m Maxine Saunders. I have an appointment with Dr Hillier at 2:30,” said Maxine.
She was the offices of a doctor just off of Harley St. Adrian had insisted that she do her transition properly but privately. Today was her first visit to the Psychologist who would supposedly help her transition.

“Dr Hillier is a little behind schedule today. Please take a seat. She should be ready to see you in ten minutes. Please take a seat,” said the receptionist.

The Good Neighbor - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two - Abigail Thompson

Steven Balfour is enchanted by his next door neighbour Abigail Thompson who is becoming very friendly with his Aunt Beatrice. However neither of Steven nor Beatrice know Abigail's secret.

The Good Neighbor - Chapter 1

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Chapter One - Mary Reynolds

Steven Balfour is fascinated by the sexy attractive mature next door neighbour. But where did she come from and what is her secret?

The Endless Dance Card : 1 / 7

“Don’t worry!” she said with a laugh. “This was a very common test, way back when.
It was often mentioned in comedy routines of that era, so I’m sure that it doesn’t hurt at all.
In fact, from what I read, some men quite enjoyed it.”

Moose Turd Pie

Kris and her three vacation companions had been boyhood friends. For as long as she could remember they had taken Summer trips to a fishing camp in northern Canada with their families. As the years passed their parents became frail or passed away leaving the four to carry on the Summer tradition. This continued despite Kris' transition several years ago.


Had you ever had a dream? In your sleep? So real and so detailed that you noticed rivets in the bus bodywork? Or colour and the pattern of the seats upholstery?.. And yes, seats were dull brown, and a pattern was a quite worn out artist's idea of the leather on vinyl.
And another thing. I traveled quite a few countries in my life, but never visited India.

Forsythe Saga - The French Connection

One of the many businesses that Adrian had fingers in was a 40% stake in a Vineyard in the Languedoc region of France. Maxine was still getting to grips with the affairs of the hotel in Devon when he said that it was time for them to visit it.

She looked up the location on the map and it was clear that it wasn’t the easiest of places to get to. A quick internet search revealed that one airline flew direct from London to Carcassonne a few times a week.

“Shall I book us some flights? They go from Stanstead,” asked Maxine.

Adrian laughed.

“Already booked for next Tuesday,” he replied grinning.


The truth doesn’t matter any more, Mum, because nobody wanted to listen to me then, and it’s too late to make a difference now.


Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 11

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

the same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Water in the Sky: a TG Mixed Tape

An adventurer announces their retirement... and reveals the secret burden they've been carrying. A couple of exes try to salvage their friendship from the ruins of their relationship... and maybe something more. Two U.S. Marshals hunt for outlaws in 1876 Arizona... and find monsters. A fox running for his life from a trigger-happy farmer encounters a strange being... and finds a new life. Dive into these and three other stories by Dark Sun Morrigan, Desert Willow, Morrigan Q.R., MrSimple, Paradox, and Trismegistus Shandy.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 6 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 6 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

He dropped his arms and stared at himself in the mirror. Zadie, back from the dead.
It was sobering. It was shocking, and it made him realize how dangerous the medallion was.

Undercover Angel - Chapter 4


Chapter Four - End Game

The final episode in this Tranny on the run adventure; Steve eventually catches up with Rachel, our intrepid undercover angel, what will happen to her? Will he hand her over to Tony Leonardo, the master criminal, or will he keep her for himself?

Undercover Angel - Chapter 3


Chapter Three - Ravaged On The Train

Steve is on Rachel's tail and has traced her to the motel from where she beat a hasty retreat. Rachel ditches her car and takes the train but it's a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. Meanwhile Steve is closing in on her.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 5 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 5 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ve been through a lot in the past few days -- I mean, the past DAY --
but I have to say, I haven’t seen my face look that sad in a long time.
What’s wrong?”


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