Castle The Series - 0091 Morgelle, Jed, Otday, Turner, Treen

A Word Usage Key is at the end. Some commonly used words are there whether used in this chapter or not. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood of the n is replaced by a d or ed. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically with a footnote number. If you have suggestions I would be pleased to consider implementing them.

The brackets after a character e.g. CLAIRE (4 nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old and a character not encountered before. Ages of incomers are in Earth years at this point and of Folk in Castle years. (4 Folk yrs ≈ 5 Earth yrs. l is lunes, t is tenners.) There is a list of chapters and their significant characters at the bottom too.




29th of Chent Day 32

Yet again, Morgelle and Tuyere were on their way by half to six after a substantial breakfast, only travelling south this time. This time their luck was the complete opposite of the preceding day. It was no more than two thousand strides from the holding before they came across the first deep pool which Tuyere admitted he knew was there. They noted the pools as they found them. Things started to change after they had noted a dozen or so. The next pool was four or five feet deep and averaged eight strides wide parallel with the shore, but it was a hundred and twenty strides long along the coast, which Tuyere said would make catching fish challenging, and they would need to take a net with them so as to be able to walk on the pool sides with two of them in the water. “We’ll tie stones on the bottom edge of the net and floats at the top and move the fish to the opposite end from where we start. That is of course if there are any fish in it.” That set the pattern for the pools thereafter: long, narrow and deep. However, Tuyere was pleased and said he was certain that they would have a good harvest.

After eating they continued south and there were more of the long pools with none of any other shape. At five they rounded a small promontory of rock known as Eel Point because as Tuyere explained, “There are a lot of sea eels that live in holes in the rocks underwater.” The coastline turned east, to their left, as they left the point behind them, and to their surprise the sand was completely flat thereafter. They discovered no pools of any shape south of the point and Tuyere said, “That makes it easy. We go south and only need go as far as the point. We should be able to do it all in one day, but it’s a riandet(1) if we have to take two days to complete things.”

It was a happy couple who reported their findings to Bistort, and an even happier Tuyere when Bistort said, “Well done, but I have to say I would have expectet no less from you, Tuyere, than a thoroughly prepaert for harvest.” Bistort later asked his wife, “Do you think they will become heartfrienden, My Love?”

“I suspect it will not be long before they have agreement, Love. Tuyere is clearly interestet in her, but reluctant to press the issue for that she has been hurt, and he is not certain she is ready for courtship. Morgelle is I suspect considering how to encourage him. I shall watch closely, and if necessary shall assist. He is the only one of the boys she has shewn any interest in, and in truth if Tuyere were not here I believe she would not accept any of the others but look further afield.”

“What makes you bethink you that, Love?”

“She becomes irritatet when she has to explain jokes and no longer makes them with any other than Tuyere, but best to await events, Bistort.”




29th of Chent Day 32

At three in the forenoon as Jed was leaving, thinking all his brothers were asleep, he was surprised to hear Wayland whisper, “Good! Don’t forget to give Otday our regards, Jed. All our regards, and Beth’s love too. I’m sure she’d be upset if you forgot to mention that. We’ll see you at braekfast in the Commons.” Jed smiled but didn’t reply. Dresst completely in black, Jed donned soft leather, moccasin like, dancing slippers. He picked up a collection of articles he’d put together lastday: his needle and a longth of thin gut thread both in a corked jar of pure spirits, some thin cord, a flint and goldstone, a small but heavy piece of lead flashing and a small bottle of thick, fatty cooking oil all wrapped up in a large rag. Finally before leaving he blacked his hands and face with soot from the chimney using a mirror to check full coverage before melding into the night to go avisiting.

Conveniently, Otday’s chamber was directly off one of the Keep walkways and sound did not travel readily in the Keep beyond a single chamber. The minimum wall thickth anywhere was three feet of granite and the tight fitting recessed doors were maekt of span thick, tongue and grooved, oaken planks with no gaps. They were designed to be fireproof and assault proof. That they were soundproof as a result was incidental but convenient from Jed’s point of view. Although it was light outside there was no daylight in the walkway, so after snuffing the two nearer torches in the wall sconces, the walkway was lit just enough by the farther torches for Jed to see what he was doing. He held the rag under the three hinges and the heavy latch bar pin and its housing in turn as he oiled them. Making sure to oil the mechanisms thoroughly, whilst not allowing any oil to spill on the floor or mark the wood, he hoped fervently the latch bar pin didn’t make any noise as it rotated in its metal retainer on the inside of the door. After putting the bottle and rolled up rag back in his pockets, and waiting for his night sight to return, he eased the latch up listening hard and ready to run. As he eased the heavy door open, which maekt no noise, all he could hear was heavy rhythmic breathing. Jed maekt sure his dagger was instantly available before using both hands to open the door just enough to enter the chamber.

He closed the door behind him and relatched it before sliding the massive steel deadbolts, which every doorway in the Keep was fitted with but which were hardly ever uest, home into the granite. Jed could just make out a candle in a holder on the bedside press. Otday was much bigger, heavier and stronger than Jed, so to make life easier for himself he rapped Otday on the head with the handle of his dagger which he’d encased in the lead roof flashing. He lit the candle and lashed Otday hand and foot to his bed with cord, tied a cord across the bed over his neck and gagged him with a sock and a scarf before pulling his night trousers down to his knees and exposing his genitals. Then after properly closing the heavy curtains, to keep sound in rather than the daylight out, he oiled the latch bar pin on the inside of the door, sat down and waited. Time was a riandet, and Jed enjoyed himself rerunning his memories of of lastday over and over and over again.

The memories of their kisses, the sight of Warbler intimately naked in the shower, the softth of her breasts with the contrasting firmth of her nipples and more importantly their declarations of love all maekt time stand still for him, but eventually Otday returned to consciousth and in his panic started to struggle. Jed calmly slapped his face and drew his dagger. He put the point to Otday’s throat deep enough to draw blood, but no more than half a wiedth, and said, “Goodforenoon, Otday. It’s Jed just in case you didn’t recognise me. Don’t move or make a sound. If you do I shall kill you. I’m going to remove the gag. and if you don’t do what you’re telt you’ll wake up without your balls, that’s if of course you wake up at all. Do you understand, and more to the point agree? You may nod but no more than that.”

Otday nodded and Jed removed the gag. Otday was a typical bully, he was a coward, and it was no more than a squeak that fearfully and tearfully asked, “What do you will?”

“You, but I will you some where else, and any where else will do. Your very existence at the Keep offends me. You are a disgrace to the Folk. You are going to apprentice as a waggoner and be gone at the first opportunity, or I’ll kill you. It’s very simple. If you upset me I’ll either cut your balls off or cut your throat. To be honest I’ve no use for your balls so may hap it’s better if I just cut your throat. See I’ve done you a favour. I just saved your balls, but I may change my mind, and if I cut your throat you’ve no use for them either. So that’s it really. Welcome to waggoning.”

“I don’t will to be a waggoner, and when my dad finds out regards this you’ll regret it.”

Jed backhanded Otday so hard across the face his knuckles drew blood, “You poor pathetic piece of shite. You really don’t understand the situation at all do you? Your dad thrasht you so hard because putting you under the protection of the healers was the only way he could keep you alive. Had he not done so he knew I would have killt you at the first opportunity after Quarterday. I was waiting for you on my way home from the dance. I was later telt you tryt to follow me, but you weren’t good enough to catch up with me and didn’t have the brains to wait for me at the infirmary. Pity really. All this could have been avoidet if you’d had the skill and the intelligence to allow me to kill you thatnight. Furthermore if by some remote chance I’d not killt you the day after the dance, Warbler’s intention to seek sanctuary from you would have killt you, which that thrashing savt you from too. Now you are no longer under the protection of the healers your threats concerning Warbler have given me the right to kill you.

“You’ve maekt a lot of folk unhappy recently, and it was witless of you telling any who would listen that you were going to hit my heartfriend, for that gave, sorry I meant givn, not just me but my close kin too the right under the Way to kill you. I believe Warbler’s dad expectet me to kill and dispose of you before any noticed you were missing. Apparently there are members of the Master at arms office who believe that I intend to use you for ferret food. I’ll draw to your attention the fact that if I will you dead and you manage to escape me there’re all my brothers out there too. Oh my apologies for my bad manners, as I was leaving home thisforenoon they insistet I givn you their regards, all of their regards, and Beth sends her love. You are an embarrassment to your father and he is not going to lift a finger to help you till you help yourself. Now you shall become either a waggoner or ferret meat. I don’t care which. I don’t even wish you to tell me which, for when I decide you’ve outstayt your welcome at the Keep I’ll kill you. You won’t see or hear me coming, you’ll receive no warning and you’ll wake up dead in a ferret feed bowl. Gage considered it carefully and sayt, no matter how noxious you be, it was unbelike they would be poisont by eating you.

“That’s it really. I just wisht you to understand your options. There’re three more things you need to understand. One, stay away from Stonecrop, for if you intimidate him again I’ll make sure you never become a father to aflaiten any children of your own, and you’ll be sitting down to piss for the rest of your life. Two, stay away from Spearmint or my brother Alwydd who is her heartfriend will do the same if not worse to you and three, most important of all, stay away from Warbler who has sayt she wills to be my agreän and the mother of my children, or I’ll cover your balls in blood and feed them to the ferrets, without removing them first, whilst I listen to you begging me to kill you, but I won’t till the ferrets are so fat bellyt even they’ve lost interest in you. I’ve decidet to give you the chance to leave on a waggon, not because I care whether you live or die, but because if I don’t have to kill you I and my siblings will be better thought off. Now just to make sure you understand, and know I mean it.”

Jed reached for Otday’s scrotum and before Otday realised had put a cut three wiedths long through the skin exposing his right testicle. Otday shrieked once before Jed jammed the sock back in his mouth and regagged him. “Now you need to be careful with that or one of your balls will drop out. It really should be stitched, but that would be embarrassing to go to the healers with wouldn’t it? Fortunately I have a needle and some thread with me, so I’ll do you a favour.” Jed did what he had promised and was completely indifferent to Otday’s struggles and unheard screams as his bladder and bowels released their contents. “There you are. I was even considerate enough to make sure your piss and shite didn’t get anywhere near the cut, so you shouldn’t have any infection. Three stitches, probably should be four or five to do it properly. No? Ah well, your choice. Now I’ll mop the sweat, snot and puke off your face with your shirt and we can have some more spaech. You can clean up the rest. Same deal, you have to be quiet, or this time I’ll cut you so badly you won’t have a bag left to put your balls in. Agreed?” Otday nodded and Jed removed the gag. “Now do you understand why you need to leave the Keep?”

Still shaking violently from the shock and the pain, Otday nodded.

“Good. Every time you scratch your balls or see them in a mirror you’ll remember this little chat. Now if you do as you’re telt, you’ll keep your balls and your life. I suggest you tell none of your adventure and if you ever do find an agreän you can say you had an accident with a tree branch or a spear. You choose what lies to tell. I’ve hearet you’re good at that. I shan’t spaek of it other than to my siblings who will be watching you and won’t say anything. If you behave you can guarantee it will remain secret from all, except those you choose to tell, even your agreän. However, if you spaek of it and it becomes generally known, I have a story ready to explain how and why I did it that will ensure you are given to Castle. If for any reason my brothers decide to go after you, the thrashing your father givn you will seem like a lover’s kiss, for they’ll take it in turns to thrash you to death and Beth insistet that they let her help. For some reason, I don’t think she was happy regards you saying you were going to hit a girl, especially her sister. You see being our sister she’s not uest to boys even thinking of such a thing, for her brothers all love her and treat her with even more respect than they treat all girls with. Is there anything you’d like to know? Anything I haven’t maekt clear? No? Good.”

Otday didn’t see the dagger handle coming, and by the time he’d recovered consciousth the candle was out and daylight was pouring through the casement, for Jed had considerately opened the curtains. Otday’s head had a massive bruise at the side, his throat hurt, his neck, wrists and ankles had been cut by the violence of his struggles gainst the cords and his entire groin area and scrotum, which felt twice its usual size was on fire. Jed had untied him, but the pain was so intense he couldn’t make himself move. Rather than be heard and attract attention, much of which he realised would be unsympathetic amusement, Otday hid himself under his blankets as he screamed and sobbed for most of an hour before blacking out till gone noon when he was finally able to move, albeit in great pain, and clean himself and his bedding.

Of Jed and his equipment there was no trace other than the freshly oiled door furniture, of which Otday was unaware, though Jed had thoughtfully oiled the deadbolts too. Jed hadn’t wisht him to die so had uest pure spirit to disinfect his dagger and the needle and thread and just before leaving had emptied the jar over Otday’s wound. He’d not been bothered by the sting the spirit would cause when Otday awoke, for he’d wanted Otday not just terrified but subject to considerable pain too because if Jed remained at the Keep the reminder of the pain would give Otday additional incentive to be else where. Jed knew the pain he’d caused Otday would be considered to be due to his thrashing and in any hap the few who’d ever bothered having spaech with him were now avoiding him to deal with the pain of his thrashing.

Wayland had telt his siblings that Jed had gone avisiting in the night and as he’d suggested they’d decided to have braekfast in the commons since they thought they’d catch up with Jed there soonest, and Gage, Alwydd and Niall would be there. When Jed saw them he joined them for braekfast. “You missed a smudge of soot on your left cheek, Jed. All goent ok?” asked Beth pulling a handkerchief out of her pocket, and to Jed’s embarrassment, and his brother’s amusement, scrubbing his cheek with it and a dab of spit. When she’d finished she said, “All done,” and kissed his cheek which embarrassed him far less than her cleaning his face.

“Yes. I gave Otday all your regards and your love too, Beth, cos Wayland telt me to, and I can assure you that neither Warbler nor her siblings will ever be bothered by her cousin again.” The quiet laughter from Jed’s siblings had a ruthless, edged quality. “Otday seems to be of a nervous disposition. Can you imagine it? He believes that if he upsets me again I’ll castrate him, you lot will take it in turns to thrash him to death and even Beth will help. He wishes to be a waggoner just to get away from us. He also seems to believe we wish to use him for ferret food.”

Liam grinned and said, “You’re not feeding that poisonous bastard to any animals I look after, Jed. I’ll get us all some more leaf. Don’t tell the others any more while I’m getting it, cos I’ll just make you repeat it.”

“Ok. Whilst you’re at it get me some more porridge will you, Liam? I’m hungrier than usual this forenoon.”

When Liam returned he brought a full kettle of leaf, and a large bowl of porridge. “I put two spoons of honey on it for you, Jed. Brought a full kettle, so as to save any of us going for more,” he explained regards the leaf. “How did you persuade him, Jed?”

Jed looked berount him and whispered, “This must remain with us. I don’t wish Mum and Dad to know because that could put them in a difficult position. Ok?” All agreed, and in hushed tones Jed telt of Otday’s adventures whilst eating his braekfast.

“I telt you so,” Beth stated quietly, firmly and exultantly.

“Telt us what, Bethsis?” Sharky asked.

“I sayt Jed would be firmer than any of you boys. Remember, Sharky?”

“Yeah. I do now. Nice one, Jed!”

“Was he in a lot of pain, Jed?”

“Not when I left, Beth. He was out of it, cos he bumped his head on a few kilos of rollt up lead flashing. But I didn’t want him to get an infection, so the last thing I did before I left was to tip the jar of spirits over his balls to kill any germs, so I imagine he’d have been doing some serious screaming when he came to.”

Beth had a blissful smile of contentment on her face as she said, “Gratitude, Jed, that’ll do nicely.”

“You want to go and get some sleep, Jed?” Gage asked. “We’ll manage, and any hap you’ve already doen more than a good day’s work.”

“No. I never felt better. I’ve been tormenting a rat for half the night, so now it’s Jedidiah’s turn for half the day. Come on let’s go.”

“As they were leaving Glen said to Fergal, “Bit of a surprise Jed going that far, but not much. Gage had it in a tellin.(2) He really is a bad bastard to cross ain’t he? But what really shook me was how hard Beth was, cos she’s usually so gentle and kind. What did you make of that?”

“Well, she’s gentle and kind with us, but she knows we love her, an’ she loves us. I reckon it was like she said. It was Warbler who was offended gainst, and Otday telt any he could make listen he was going to slap her stupid. It’s not right hitting girls is it? I mean Bittern telt me he was mortifyt when he realised he’d actually sunk low enough to think of hitting Beth that first day. What he said was ‘It’s a respect thing, Fergal. Self respect. And I felt sick to realise I was so close to losing mine forever, cos even if Beth had forgiven me, I would never have forgiven myself.’ Warbler is her sister now, and she loves Fiona, so she’ll love Warbler and Spearmint too just like she loves the rest of us won’t she? So may hap that’s what Beth got so rielt. I mean Otday saying he was going to hit not just any girl like, but one of our sisters, and Otday’s real big and Warbler’s tiny. But who knows. I like girls, Glen. I always did, and I seriously love Fiona, but I never understood any of them, including Fiona.”

“Yeah. You’re right, Fergal. I don’t know any boy who has ever said they can figure any girl out, and Beth is just like the rest of them, the only difference is she’s one of our sisters not some one else’s. Makes you nervous though. I swear down she’d have sliced his balls off without any hesitation at all. You watch your back when you fall out with Fiona. She’s bigger than you, and you got to close your eyes to sleep some time.”

The pair were still chuckling as they followed the others out and hadn’t stopped when they reached the kennels.




29th of Chent Day 32

Otday was now in a state of terror heightened by his pain. He was so aflait that even deadth held no terror for him because he now knew there were much worse things than that, and he knew Jed and his siblings would do all of them to him to get him away from the Keep. For two tenners Jed and later his siblings too had tried to torment him with threats of terrors to come, which in his arrogance he’d ignored as just nonsense, but then the nightmare in the night had happened, and the terrors were all too real now. The invisible flames that had encased the sensitive skin of his scrotum, penis, inner thighs and anus on his awakening had eased, but his red hot scrotum still throbbed constantly and it felt swollen to twice its normal size. It hurt so much that walking was no worse an agony than not walking and he didn’t dare feel if his testicles were swollen for fear his touch would be even more painful, and he was too aflait of Jed to visit the healers. If he were to die from infected testicles he didn’t wish to die at the Keep, and he was desperate to find a waggoner to take him away to die. He was feverish and not entirely rational. Jed had achieved what he’d set out to, he’d provided Otday with the necessary incentive to become a waggoner and leave the Keep, and he couldn’t leave the Keep soon enough.

In the mid-afternoon, it was a weary Turner who drove her waggon through the Keep entrance tunnel. Her waggon was heavily loaded with tightly packed Greenleaf3 and Spiceweed,4 both from grower holdings relatively nearby, but the weather had rendered the trail a foot deep in thick, viscous, clinging, clarty clay the wheels vacuumed into and only left with a constant, reluctant, sucking squelch that eventually had become a torture to her ears and nerves. Her horses were as tired as she, and to keep them calm enough to keep going she’d walked for hours encouraging and singing to them as she guided Throstle, her offside leader and lead horse, through the least bad portions of the worst sections of the trail. She wished her team caring to immediately and then a hot bath, clean dry clothes, a hot meal, a hot man and a stiff drink or may hap she mused she had the last two adjectives with the wrong nouns, for she’d had sex on her mind since she last left the Keep.

The last time she was at the Keep, one eve when she’d done her usual late evening check on her team she’d discovered Shwetha her nearside centre had company in her loose box. Shwetha had come to the highth of her heatth and was presenting herself to Tibok, one of the Huntsmen’s heavy stallions who on scenting Shwetha’s readith to breed had braeken out of his loose box and in to hers. Tibok was even by the standards of heavy stallions masively endowed and the sight of his organ probing for Shwetha’s gushing and throbbing opening as it winked her receptivth whilst she held her tail up and to the side awaiting him had taken Turner’s breath away. Turner had entered the loose box as Tibok entered Shwetha, and as Shwetha whinnying her eagerth and shuddering stood four square for Tibok Turner had patted her shoulder in encouragement. Aroused in a way she’d never thought possible before by such an event, after all she’d had seen many a horse mating, her other hand sought her own opening which was as liquid as Shwetha’s. Tibok took a long time and continued thrusting to the very end, and Turner and he finished together. Turner had never had such a powerful experience from her own endeavours, and was grateful for Shwetha’s neck to hang onto.

She’d left the horses together, aware Tibok would serve Shwetha several times before they and the braeken loose box doors were discovered in the forenoon by the stable staff. She was more than happy regards it for Tibok’s services were expensive, but the stables would not be able to charge her for the siring of what would in all probability be an excellent quality foal that would belong to herself. That was five tenners since and Gudrun had not charged her for the half a tenner’s stabling for the team saying, “We should not have allowt it to happen, for we know you had plans to breed her to Nandor.” That much was true, for though Nandor was considered as good a stallion as Tibok Eorl only charged three-quarters the price for his service at stud that Gudrun charged for Tibok’s. Turner however considered Tibok to come from a better bloodline than Nandor and her mind had kept returning to her mare’s good fortune ever since and ultimately she had been delighted to discover Shwetha was in foal.

Turner drove her team to Gudrun’s stables at the Huntsman’s Place and asked that her horses were cared to immediately and some one arrange delivery of the load to the kitchens, the letters and packages to the Master at arms’ receiving office and that her log be taken to Sagon’s office. The stable staff were uest to such requests from exhausted waggoners who with their teams had given all they had in order to feed the Folk, and a mug of hot leaf was pressed upon her as her horses were led away to be groomed in warm stables with a goodly supply of warm mash and oats. Even their water was warmed to prevent any taking a chill. “The rear, nearside wheel is damaged and has a braeken spoke. Have a wheelwright fettle it or replace it, please. I shall be here six days, so there should be time.”

“I’ll have Mackerel look at it thisday, Turner. You go and have a care to yourself,” Gudrun telt her kindly.

After finishing her leaf Turner was walking back to the chamber she was currently using when back at the Keep to collect some fresh clothes before going for her bath. A voice hailed her and she turned to see Ptarmigan of the Master at arms staff, “Turner, I don’t wish to hold you back, but will you please meet with Campion when it’s convenient. It is a matter of urgency, a life depends on it, so we would appreciate half an hour of your time later this day.”

“I will a bath, clean clothes, a meal, a drink and a man. Not necessarily in that order. Do I have time?”

Ptarmigan laught and said, “Naturally. Enjoy yourself. We’ll see you in the eve shall we?”

“Will tennish do?”

“Yes. I’ll tell Campion. She’ll understand.”

Ptarmigan was an intelligent senior member of the Master at arms general staff in her middle forties who understood and empathised with Turner and those like her. As Turner continued on her way she wondered what was so urgent, but she had urgent needs of her own to attend to, so didn’t wonder for too long or too deeply. In the confines of her chamber she was much more aware of her personal scent than she’d been on the waggon. She had a highly active libido and a strong musky scent that went with it, and if she couldn’t wash daily it became a reek to her acute senses, though fresh or ripe it attracted and aroused men. Right now it wasn’t fresh and it disgusted her, so she stripped off, put her clothes in a launderers’ bag and donned a long fleecy woollen bathrobe. She selected clean clothes, put them in another launderers’ bag and after leaving her soiled clothes with some of Elk’s crafters she headed for the nearest suite of bath chambers.

Due to the weather and the perishable nature of the foodstuffs she’d been carrying, she’d not been able to stop overnight with the holders and bathe, and she was ripe and she hated it. She enjoyed the feeling of being clean for the first time in days, and thinking she had to have the meal and the drink thisday, but if she had to forego the man till nextday she reluctantly decided that just in case she’d better make sure of partial relief now. As she washed herself clean again she thought, if you’ve got to pleasure yourself the bath is the best place for it, for at least that way you’re clean and fresh when you get dresst, though it’s not too bad foregoing a bath if you’ve enjoyt the real thing.

Her relief was barely worth the trouble, so poor that she wondered if any of the Masters of leisure would be available after her spaech with Campion. She decided she would enquire, for she needed a man. Thisday was not one of the days when a gifted and skilled woman could help. She dresst quickly and after leaving her bath robe and the now empty launderer’s bag with Elk’s launderers went to the Refectory. For a small woman she could eat a remarkable amount, but she was well known to the kitchen staff who had already taken delivery of her load, and considered to provide her with an ample meal was the least they could do in return.

“You hungry, Turner?” asked Swegn, a significant kitchener in his forties whom she had spent the night with on many an occasion.

“Ravenous, and not just for food. What do you recommend?”

“Fish or meat?”

“Don’t be coarse, Swegn.”

Swegn smiled at her and repeated, “Fish or meat? Seriously. There’s a decent selection of both. It’s just the vegetables that are limited and rapidly going downbank(5) in quality, quantity and choice.”

“Sorrow. I bethinkt me you were— You know what I bethinkt me. Meat please.”

“I know. No need to be bothert. You’re tiren. However, the winter-elk(6) and persebloom(7) pie is good. The meat is in large pieces, the persebloom is the best vegetable on offer and the herbt pastry is excellent. I recommend it with masht starchroots(8) and gravy. The gravy was maekt with the juices off the winter-elk. If you’re still hungry after that the red sour snow pie(9) is excellent with some cream. You have a choice of pourable kine cream or thick ewe cream. I’d recommend the latter.”

“That sounds good. Cut both pieces of pie wide please, Swegn.”

“When doet you last eat a proper meal? Sitting down at a table to eat a hot one I mean.”

“Two days before lastdaysince, why?”

“Witlessth! You waggoners are all the same, You expend all care to your teams and none to yourselfs, but wide slices of both and ewe cream it is. I seeën(10) your load. It’s well come, for thisday’s cooking of the persebloom is the last of the over winter and spring crop, and there are nigh to no greens left in the stores, and what there are are close to hen food. The growers at Outgangside and the Keep have nothing ready yet. Which is ridiculous at this time of year, and bodes ill for later.”

“It’s the weather, Swegn. The crops grew well and are there in good condition, but the holders are struggling to harvest what they’ve grown. It’s slow work in the deluge, and they would normally be planting a following crop immediately the ground is free, but they can’t till the rain eases for it will just wash small plants away, and seeds have no chance of survival. The trails are barely usable, so leading in what they have managt to harvest is taking over long. To have as much as possible on each load they are packing the greens in the crates as tight as they can manage. My team need six days to recover before I can work them again and I need complete restoration and a drink after walking for hours in the rain and mud at Throstle’s head harness singing to keep them going. I’m fervently hoping the rain stops and for a drying wind before my next trip. We have to be properly restet before we leave because our next trip takes in the Long Valley descent. You doing aught thiseve?”

“No why?”

“Interestet in spending the night with me?”

“Yes, but I’m crafting till nine. Can you wait that long?”

“I have to see Campion at tennish, regarding what I know not, so I’ll have to. You collect a bottle or two and go to my chamber and I’ll meet you there. Don’t start without me, the brandy I mean. I bethinkt me I was going to have to try Ghyll or Grove. Things are looking up.”

“What do you wish to drink? Peach or apricot?”

“See if you can get any plum for a change, but aught will do. See if you can obtain any sixty hundredths.”

“It was that bad a trip was it? Eat your meal whilst it’s still hot. I’ll bring some snacks too. Till later, Turner.

By the time she’d eaten it was nearing eight, and it was quarter over when she walked into the Master at arms office and asked for Campion. “I wasn’t expecting you for a couple of hours yet, Turner. What happent?”

“After a bath and clean clothes, I met a man in the refectory whom I persuadet to bring a bottle to my chambers later on. It all organiest itself remarkably well really.”

Campion laught and askt, “Swegn?”

“Yes. He makes me laugh, and he’s good at bedding too. I like him.”

“If you’re not careful you’ll end with agreement.”

“Mercy no! We’d kill each other within a tenner. We like each other, but we both understand the situation which is convenient for both of us from time to time. I don’t understand how with his degree of change he manages to live here because I couldn’t, but it helps us both to be friends. Now. How can I help you? I understand it’s a serious matter.”

“Yes.” Campion telt Turner all that was known for certain concerning Warbler, Otday and Jed and his siblings. “It as well those boys are crafting for Will, for he and Gale are two of the few adults who can manage them. Those boys are all dangerous, even the youngest, and all will fight given any provocation at all. They’re all good at fighting, and Gale telt me they practice fighting everyday and none has ever loes a fight. Moreover if aught, Beth, that sweet looking little sister of theirs that they all consider can do no wrong, is even more dangerous than her brothers when she has a knife in her hand. She’s unassertive to the point of ridiculousth, but they just ask what she opines, so she tells them, and invariably that’s what they do, and she’s unforgivingly hard. I know little of any of their past lifes, but I suspect hers like that of many of them was not too good. Each alone is bad, but you put them all together and they are monstrous.

“What is so disconcerting is what makes them so is their literal and total adherence to the Way as a close syskon(11) group forgt by their own will under the guidance of Wayland, the little redhead, who is one of the cleverest persons I have ever met, and I suspect will become a person of powers beyond the normal and a Councillor within a handful of years. However, this time the Way is unquestionably on their side. Otday is going to be dead in a matter of days as a result of his own flaughth, not the actions of the squad, who’ll justifiably kill him for stating his intent to beat Jed senseless and slap his heartfriend, Warbler, till she acceptet him as her intendet if we don’t remove him from the Keep. Clearly Otday has a lot to learn of the Way and even more concerning the wooing of a girl. The squad are completely cloest moutht concerning the matter, so none has any idea of their intentions, but all believe they have intentions regarding Otday and they will not be pleasant. Most consider they are capable of making Otday just disappear, and I wouldn’t put it past them to feed him to the dogs, for Jed has been hearet to declare ‘Otday is vermin,’ and all know they feed the rats and mice they kill to their animals.

“Naturally Will, supportet by Milligan, would defend them to the far end of it(12) because of the food they’re saving and providing, and doubtless both would consider it amusing. I don’t wish to even consider what those boys would do to any who offert harm to Beth, and any boy who is interestet in her will have to convince her brothers of his care to her or suffer the consequences. Their parent’s have no problem handling them, but it’s a very light rein they keep on them. Consider the tales telt of Jackdaw concerning his boyhood. He’s not the first man who’d spring to your mind in a conversation of ideal fathers, and Beatrix doesn’t seem to care what they do as long as they return her love. Gage, the squad leader was adopted by Mari and Ford, and even Will says though two of his best hunters they are a law unto themselfs.

“You wouldn’t believe how well connectet the squad has become in such a short time. They are truly an enormous asset to the Folk, but they live by their own rules which are mostly but, I’m sure, not entirely in accord with the Way, though none will ever be able to prove that. In some ways they are more like Will than is Will which probably explains why neither Gale nor Will have any problems with them. Even more flaitsome, Wayland can and does argue interpretation of the Way with Aaron who holds him in high regard. Otday isn’t even aware of how far over his head the water is.(13) Eorl and Merle are convincet he is already dead, and to make matters even worse, if that were possible, Warbler has telt her parents she is going to ask the Folk for sanctuary from Otday on Quarterday.”

“Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. What a mess. But what do you wish of me, Campion?”

“Eorl has the intent to apprentice Otday to the first available waggoner to have him away from the Keep and keep him alive. Otday doesn’t seem to understand the danger he is in and has sayt he doesn’t will to be a waggoner, but Eorl is prepaert to leave him for Castle to reclaim if he doesn’t do as he’s telt, if of course he’s still quick.(14) So I’m asking you what can you do?”

“It’s difficult. You must understand if I take Otday when I tell him to do something he’ll do it, or I’ll hurt him. If he resists enough I’ll kill him or leave him to Castle myself. That discipline, as I’m sure you are aware, is how it has to be on the trail for Mistress and apprentice alike.”

“I know, and I also know his parents would prefer that rather than his certain deadth due to his own behaviour if he stays here.”

“Your problem is I can’t leave for six days. My team and I are exhaustet, and I have a braeken wheel. Though the wheel can be replaced quickly enough, I’m not taking the Long Valley descent with a tiren or a strange team, and none of sense would drive that trail unless fully fresh driving a familiar and completely restet team. That’s where I’m committet to next, and I’m not braeking my contractual agreements for a flaught boy who doesn’t know how to behave. That’s all I can offer. If he’s still alive to apprentice with me in six days I’ll turn him into a crafter and possibly even a man, but he’ll do it on my terms, or as I sayt I’ll hurt or even kill him. My sympathies lie entirely with Jed and his syskonen, for Otday is little different from those who maekt my childhood a misery. When I was a girl, I would have been grateful for the love and protection of a heartfriend with a dozen brothers, be they however violent. Moreover, the more violent they were the more grateful I’d have been.”

Campion nodded at the justice of Turner’s stance and said, “Gwendoline adviest us of the condition of your team, and Geoffrey telt me both he and Joseph are expecting several overdue waggons that belike will be back in the next few days, but that any returning in the next couple of tenners will belike be in as poor a condition as yours. I’ll ask, but I doubt Jed’s parents will help, so I’ll have spaech with Will. He or Gale can possibly influence the squad enough to keep Otday alive till you leave. It’s the best we can do, for if they can’t aid us none can. Gratitude for your offer. Do you wish me to assist when you discuss the matter with Betony, Eorl and Otday?”

“Gratitude, but no. And I’ll not be discussing it with Otday. I opine he’s been given altogether far too many choices for a child. If my offer is acceptable to his parents he’ll be leaving with my waggon even if he has to be tien to it or dragt behind it screaming.”

“I’ll have spaech with Will and leave the rest with you. Gratitude again. Enjoy Swegn and your bottle.”

“I will. Oh indeed I will. You never know you may have providet me with some relief on the waggon. There’s naught like a good reward to guarantee good behaviour. It works every time with horses, especially stallions. I wonder just how much Castle has endowed him with regarding bedding equipment. Doubtless I’ll discover betimes. I bethink me I’m looking forward to my next trip. I’ll inform you of my discoveries next time we meet.”

“You’re impossible, Turner.”

“I know, and so is Will, but he’s the best Master huntsman on record and like me probably your only hope. Goodeve, Campion.”


It was over nine and a beautiful eve with still over an hour of light left when Turner headed for her chamber, Swegn and the brandy. Swegn was a good friend, and she was remembering with fondth the pleasures they had enjoyed together over the years and not watching where she was going or her surroundings when she was hailed for the second time that day. “Mistress waggoner Turner?”

The young man in front of her was a shade under six feet, heavily built, but overweighn.(15) He was twitching with nervousth, had a fresh bruise on the side of his head, braeken skin across his neck, a wound on his throat that looked to have been maekt recently by a spear and he walked as one in great pain who would have limped with both legs could he but so do. She knew who he was and expecting belligerence or even abuse was prepared to give this young man yet another painful lesson in addition to the ones he’d apparently already had, for presumably Eorl had not done all the damage that she could see. “Yes, and you would be?”

“Otday. My parents, Betony and Eorl, wish me to apprentice to a waggoner. Would you take me? Please.”

His tone was begging, and it did not match what Campion had telt her, but she was busy, and that would be his first lesson. “I’ve been telt of you by the Master at arms staff. There is much to discuss, but not now. I am busy. I shall call on your parents nextday after lunch to discuss the matter with them. You may be present, but you will not take part in the discussion between myself and your parents. If you put yourself forward in an unseemly way for a child I shall hurt you. You may be twice my size, but even if you had a knife or a spear I could kill you with just my hands. Do you understand?”


“Good. If I agree to take you you will do what I tell you immediately, or I shall hurt you. Do you understand?”


“Good. Now go home and tell your parents we have had spaech. Tell them all, including of my threats to hurt you, and that nextday I shall call after lunch. Now go. I have an appointment with a bed, a man and a bottle of brandy.”

It was a perplexed Otday who telt his now slightly less unhappy parents all that Turner had telt him to say, including of her appointment with a bed, a man and a bottle of brandy. For the first time since Quarterday Eorl could envisage a slight chance for his son to survive to fourteen.



OTIS (22)

29th of Chent day 32

Once away from the Keep and aboard ship, Otis began to convince himself he was still the smart street-wise Otis he had always been, and these backward peasants, who didn’t even have electricity, would be no problem for him to run rings round. What Will had said he’d dismissed as pure bullshit intended to frighten them into doing what they were telt. It stood to reason. Nobody ever got killed for nickinʼ stuff did they? It may frighten children, but it didn’t frighten him. He’d keep his eyes and ears open and see what opportunities presented themselfs. Otis was amazed to discover the crew all bunked together, both women and men, which he thought presented all kinds of opportunities. He was convinced most of these women would be grateful for the attentions of a good-looking street-wise sharp like himself. After ten days aboard, he realised some of the women were having sex regularly. He didn’t realise it was always with the same man, their man. It had never occurred to him to consider whom they were having sex with. One of these women was ship Mistress Jana, and he considered that to mean the women were available.

He hadn’t endeared himself to the rest of the crew, who regarded him as an unpleasant shipmate they could do without. All of them were sure he would end dead from one cause or another before they docked back at the Keep, and several of the women had discussed throwing him overboard in the darkth. As a result, he’d had no conversation with any of them other than to do with his duties. He didn’t know Svertan, the cargo Master, was the only man Jana slept with, or he had been her husband for seventeen years. Otis started by making suggestive remarks to female crew members. The crew had orders to let Janna know aught and all Otis did, and so they had telt Jana of his remarks. She had advised them if it were just a matter of unpleasant spaech to ignore him for the moment.

Asphodel, who was an attractive, tall, slim navigator and happily married to Scree, a healer, telt Jana, “If he trys aught with me I’ll kill him, Jana, and it won’t make any difference because none of us believe he’ll ever see land again.”

Jana nodded in response and said, “You’re probably right, but before we can do aught he has to give us cause, and sexually suggestive spaech does not constitute cause. He doesn’t live by the Way, but we do, and we can’t do aught to him till his behaviour goes beyond that which is acceptable to the Way.”

Otis was convinced by the lack of reaction to his suggestive remarks they were acceptable to the women, and none was going to do anything regarding them. He had also seen many of the crew women as well as men in all states of undress in the crew quarters, and thought since the women were not bothered being naekt in front of which ever off-duty crew were in their quarters at the time this was proof they were all sluts, and therefore available. That the Folk didn’t have the taboos concerning nudity he had grown up with was too sophisticated a concept for his limited and parochial mind, and it just didn’t occur to him. Thus when he saw Treen, a thirty-six year old rigger, changing out of her work clothes into lighter off-duty wear and realised there were only the two of them in the crew quarters he thought his opportunity had arrived.

He waited till she was naekt and approaching her from behind he put one hand berount her breast and slid the other down over her stomach and tried to force his hand between her legs, saying, “Come on then, I know you want it don’t you?”

Treen turned into him. The turning movement forced his hand off her breast, and ignoring his other hand she kneed him in the groin. As Otis was sliding to the floor and vomiting, she banged his head gainst a vertical ship’s timber, and when he was on the floor kicked him at the side of his head with the edge of her foot. Not bothering with clothes, she picked up her work knife in one hand, grabbed Otis by the neck of his shirt with the other and dragged him up onto the deck. Letting go of Otis, who was regaining consciousth, she said to the crew who were gathering berount, “Someone give this worthless ooze of hull slime a knife to defend himself with because I’m going to turn him into a woman, and then he can put his hand between his own legs for a thrill without any other having to be defielt by him.” There wasn’t a word spaken, but someone threw a knife at Otis’ feet which landed point into the decking and vibrated gently. Treen telt him, “Pick it up. I will none to be able to say I geldt an unarmt man, but if you don’t pick it up, I’ll do it any hap and live with what ever is sayt.”

Otis looked at the crew, and then at Jana in disbelief as he realised none was going to stop Treen. He grabbed the knife and backed away. Treen followed him, and smiling maekt a partial lunge, which deliberately came nowhere near to reaching him. Otis was just realising owing to her job Treen was a strong woman, and for the first time he realised he was probably going to die. He still didn’t understand he had misjudged everything he had ever been telt by the Folk simply because he had wished to. By now Otis had backed to the topwale with nowhere to go. Treen slashed his cheek open. Otis, who had no idea what to do with the foot and a half long knife, maekt a desperate stabbing movement with it, and Treen contemptuously knocked it out of his hand.

“Now,” she said quietly, but with no trace of aught but remorseless retribution in her voice, “to make you one of us.” Treen moved purposely towards him. Otis tried to escape, but with rigging on one side of him and Treen closing in on the other, there was nowhere to go other than up or overboard. He managed to climb four feet into the rigging before he slipped on his own blood and hit the topwale(16) with his chest knocking all the wind out of him. He shrieked at the sight of Treen and her knife closing in on him, and without realising what he was doing slid overboard. He managed to grab the topwale with one hand. Treen swung her knife at his hand in a lazy and casual over-hand chopping motion. Her intention being to take his fingers off. Otis saw the knife coming, and instinctively let go of the topwale. He hit the bitterly cold water feet first. Treen, and the equally impassive crew, watched as the ship under full sail in the breeze moved inexorably away from Otis who was screaming in terror as he surfaced. Otis went under and resurfaced several times screaming and trying to grab at non-existent means of saving his life. When he screamed before he disappeared for the last time the Dolphin was so far away none heard him.

Treen smiled brightly and said, “Now that won’t be bothering any again will it? As Will sayt, a dead problem is no problem. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll wash again and put some clothes on. I feel dirty and a little cool.”

As Treen left to wash away the touch of Otis, Xeffer, the galley Master, said to the crew berount him, “Otis was lucky. If Spelt had been here he’d have threwn him overboard in small pieces. Each one still screaming.” The crew nodded in understanding. Spelt Treen’s man was a ship Master, and though Treen was more than able to look after herself, he would probably have wished to deal with the matter. He was known to be protective of Treen, whom he had loved since they were lovestrikt as children. The entire Folk knew he had named his ship, “My Love” after his wife.



BEKKA (16), CARLEY (18) AND VIKKI (16)

29th of Chent Day 32

Stonechat had left spaeking to the three women till a couple of tenners after both Zoë and Jade had left the holding. The attitudes of Bekka, Carley and Vikki to Castle had undergone no change during that time. She had thought deeply on whether to have spaech with them singly or together, and of what she was going to say to them. In the end she decided to have spaech with them together, and with brutal frankth. After the eve meal, she asked the three of them to meet with her in the small affairs chamber she uest to manage the holding’s accounts and other matters. She invited the three of them to sit down and sat down herself.

“What I have to say to you is not pleasant, and I wish I doetn’t have to, but you have to understand how you are being perceivt by others. It could ultimately cost you your life if you don’t change their perception.” She now had the three women’s total attention. “It is now a lune since you came here, and I have to confess to some worries regards your futures. It is two tenners since Zoë and Jade left, and you don’t seem to be adapting to you new circumstances at all. I am telt, and I can see for myself, what ever you are askt to do you do, but you do no more. The perception is you are uninterestet in what you do. None will wish to craft with you for long if that’s what she believes. What worries me much more is you seem to have no more interest in your pregnancies and future babes than you do in your crafting. If that becomes known, there is not a man on Castle who will be interestet in you as a wife. No man is interestet in a woman with the reputation of being a poor mother. The combination of these two things will mean you will end up with no craft, and on your own with a babe. None will help you. Many will offer to take your babe, but not you. This in all probability will be a deadth warrant for you.”

The women were stunned by what Stonechat had to say, but they didn’t say aught, so she continued, “You have to contribute willingly, and you have to shew interest, or none will be interestet in what happens to you. I have had the full story of your behaviour at the incomer camp, as has my man, but none else here has. I have spaken with him of this, and we both believe your reactions to the Folk and Castle haven’t fundamentally changt since you arrivt. None can to do this for you. As Aaron telt you a long time since, ‘You join the Folk, or the Folk will watch you die.’ This holding is your last chance. None other than Aaron would have given you this chance. You would have dien a lune over. Aaron is my son, and I don’t think well of any who abuses his good nature in this way. If you don’t change dramatically within the next lune, Anvil proposes to put you out for Castle to take care of. I shan’t try to stop him, he’s Aaron’s father, and he likes what you are doing to Aaron’s good nature no more than I. Castle is real. For you Castle, the Folk and the Way are now the only reality. I suggest you forget everything of whence you came because if you don’t it is going to kill you. It will probably kill your babes too.”

The three women were all crying now, but Stonechat was adamantinely resolute. “I suggest you go to your chambers, and consider exactly how you are going to change, and I mean from the moment you awaken nextday. All at this holding have probably been awaiting what happens to you. You are being watcht by all all the time, and you have bringen this situation to yourselfs. Your choice is clear and stark. Join the Folk or die. There is naught in between. That’s all I have to say at this time. Please leave me.”




29th of Chent Day 32

When Beatrix and Jackdaw went to bed, as she’d been doing since she’d considered she may possibly be pregnant, she took a couple of biscuits to eat before she rose to ward off possible forsickth.(17) “For how long have you considert you may be pregnant, Love?” he asked.

Caught by surprise Beatrix flushed and Jackdaw said, “Taking food to bed to eat before they arise is a common thing for women to do here to avoid forsickth. My mother sayt it wasn’t guaranteed, but it could alleviate the worst of the misery. I mind her telling my elder sister of it when she was pregnant.”

“A week and a half, sorry that’s a tenner, Jackdaw. I missed my lunetime twelve days ago I think, certainly no less than eleven days ago. It’s never happened before. You know about what the healers told me before I came here, but I wasn’t going to tell you till I missed another because I didn’t wish to disappoint you in case it wasn’t so.”

Jackdaw reached for her and kissed her cheek, “Don’t be flaught, Love. Whatever happens, happens, and we face it together, but I want you to see the healers and midwifes this day.”

“I wasn’t going to see them till I was sure.”

“No, Love. You see them thisday. If you’d birtht a dozen, as have many women of your age, I’d not be bothert, but you haven’t. Don’t be difficult, Beatrix. This is important, and even if it’s only for just this once do as you’re telt. If anything happent to you that could have been avoidet just consider how I and the children would feel.”

It was his mentioning the children that maekt Beatrix capitulate. “All right, but I’ll not tell the children till I’m sure.”

“Tell Beth, Love. If you do start to suffer from forsickth, she’ll be a help and a comfort to you in ways I and the boys won’t be able to be. The boys are unbelike to guess and her knowing will help you keep it from them till you are ready to tell them. When you miss your next lunetime would be a good time to tell them, for then you will be reasonably certain you have a babe under your heart, and it is an important piece of family news that shouldn’t really be keept from them after that.”

Beatrix thought for a few seconds and said, “Yes, that makes sense, but I swear if any of you start to treat me like I’m ill or fragile I’ll hit you, Jackdaw. Till I say otherwise it’s life as usual, understood?”

Jackdaw smiled and said, “That’s fine. It’s what I would have done without the warning. However, if I were you I’d be selective about choosing a midwife.”


“Most would treat you, how can I say it? Too considerately is not what I mean, but they do tend to wrap the pregnant in fluff, and it would irritate you. Master midwife Otter and Mistress midwife Irena, who is newfolk, would I suspect suit you. Irena has a bad back, but is sayt to be as good as they come, so may hap she would be best. You have the right to choose.”

“There’s a male midwife here?”

“Indeed, and he’s sayt to be excellent, his apprentice, a young man callt Luval, is also highly regardet.”

“Most of the healers I had dealings with who investigated why I couldn’t have a baby were men, and that never bothered me. Men have a way of putting these things that suits me. I like to be told how it is with no prevarication to avoid risking me having hurt feelings. Keith used to refer to them all as fanny fiddlers. Fanny was a not entirely respectable word for a woman’s softth. I’ll talk to Otter and see how I get on with him. Whether I’m pregnant or not I still need looking after. I wonder how we make love if I become huge. I think I’ll go to the Master at arms office to see if I can find a more informative receipt book. The one I have is good if you wish to know how to preserve food and make clothes, but not too good if you wish to know more about sex when pregnant. I never thought it would happen so when I was looking at books I didn’t take much notice. I’ll see if I can find one with baby clothes in too. I’ll take Beth with me, so I can tell her on the way there.”

Index of significant characters so far listed by Chapter

1 Introduction
2 Jacques de Saint d’Espéranche
3 The Folk and the Keep
4 Hwijje, Travisher, Will
5 Yew, Allan, Rowan,Siskin, Will, Thomas, Merle, Molly, Aaron, Gareth, Oak, Abigail, Milligan, Basil, Vinnek, Iris, Margæt, Gilla, Alsike, Alfalfa, Gibb, Happith, Kroïn, Mako, Pilot, Briar, Gosellyn, Gren, Hazel
6 Chaunter, Waxwing, Flame, João, Clansaver, Irune, Ceël, Barroo, Campion, Limpet, Vlæna, Xera, Rook, Falcon, Cwm, Sanderling, Aldeia, Catarina, Coast, Elixabete
7 Mercedes, Spoonbill
8 Lyllabette, Yoomarrianna
9 Helen, Duncan, Gosellyn, Eudes, Abigail
10 George/Gage, Iris, Waverley, Belinda
11 Marc/Marcy, Pol
12 George/Gage, Marcy, Freddy/Bittern, Weyland, Iris, Bling
13 Thomas, Will, Mercedes, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna
14 Kyle, Thomas, Will, Angélique
15 Mercedes, Morgelle, Gorse, Thrift, George/Gage, Chris, Iris, Thrift, Campion
16 Bling
17 Waverley, Mr. E
18 George/Gage, Larch, Mari, Ford, Gorse, Morgelle, Luke, Erin
19 Will, Pilot, Yew, Geoge/Gage, Mari, Ford, Gosellyn, Cwm, Cerise, Filbert, Gareth, Duncan, Helen, Thomas, Iris, Plume, Campion, Pim, Rook, Falcon, João, Hare
20 Yew, Rowan, Will, Thomas, Siskin, Weir, Grayling, Willow
21 Brook, Harrier, Cherry, Abby, Selena, Borage, Sætwæn, Fiona, Fergal
22 Yew, Thomas, Hazel, Rowan, Gosellyn, Siskin, Will, Lianna, Duncan
23 Tench, Knawel, Claire, Oliver, Loosestrife, Bramling, George, Lyre, Janice, Kæn, Joan, Eric
24 Luke, Sanderling, Ursula, Gervaise, Mike, Spruce, Moss
25 Janet, Vincent, Douglas, Alec, Alice
26 Pearl, Merlin, Willow, Ella, Suki, Tull, Irena
27 Gina, Hardy, Lilac, Jessica, Teal, Anna
28 Bryony, Judith, Bronwen, Farsight
29 Muriel, Raquel, Grace
30 Catherine, Crane, Snipe, Winifred, Dominique, Ferdinand
31 Alma, Allan, Morris, Miranda
32 Dabchick, Nigel
33 Raquel, Thistle, Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Phœbe
34 Eleanor, Woad, Catherine, Crane
35 Muriel, Hail, Joan, Breve, Eric, Nell, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
36 Selena,Sætwæn, Borage, Grace, Gatekeeper, Raquel, Thistle
37 Siân, Mackerel, Winifred, Obsidian
38 Carla, Petrel, Alkanet, Ferdinand
39 Dominique, Oxlip, Alma, Allan, Tress, Bryony
40 Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Ella, Kestrel, Judith, Storm
41 Ella, Kestrel, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane
42 Weights & Measures and Sunrise & Sunset Times included in Ch 41
43 Ella, Kestrel, Serenity, Smile, Gwendoline, Rook, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane, Sapphire, Mere
44 Pearl, Merlin, Rainbow, Perch, Joan, Breve, truth, Rachael, Hedger, Ruby, Deepwater
45 Janet, Blackdyke, Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster
46 Janet, Gina, Alastaire, Joan, Breve, Truth, Bræth, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
47 The Squad, Mercedes, Fen, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
48 Bronwen, Forest, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Kathleen, Niall, Bluebell, Sophie
49 Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster, Imogen, Wryneck, Phœbe, Knapps
50 Erin, Nightjar, Eleanor, Woad
51 Gina, Jonas, Janet, Gerald, Patrick, Tansy, Craig, Barret, Ryan
52 Constance, Rye, Bling, Bullace, Berry, Jimmy, Leveret, Rory, Shelagh, Silas
53 Rachael, Hedger, Eve, Gilla, Mallard, Fiona, Fergal, Tinder, Nightingale, Fran, Dyker
54 Pamela, Mullein, Patricia, Chestnut, Lavinia, Ophæn, Catherine, Crane
55 Susan, Kingfisher, Janet, Gina, Jonas, Ruth, Kilroy, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
56 Gina, Jonas, Patricia, Chestnut, The Squad, Hazel, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch, Mangel, Clary, Brendan
57 Erin, Nightjar, Xera, Josephine, Wels, Michelle, Musk, Swansdown, Tenor
58 Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverley,Yvette, Whitebear, Firefly, Farsight, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch
59 Lilac, Firefly, Farsight, Lucinda, Gimlet, Leech, Janet, Blackdyke
60 Douglas, Lunelight, Yvette, Whitebear, Thrift, Haw, Harebell, Goosander, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew, Matilda, Evan, Heron
61 Brendan, Clary, Chloë, Apricot, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Otis, Harry, Gimlet, Leech, Jodie
62 Gimlet, Leech, Lark, Seth, Charles, Bruana, Noah, Kirsty, Shirley, Mint, Kevin, Faith, Oak, Lilly, Jason, Gem, Ellen
63 Honesty, Peter, Bella, Abel, Kell, Deal, Siobhan, Scout, Jodie
64 Heather, Jon, Anise, Holly, Gift, Dirk, Lilac, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Ivy, David
65 Sérent, Dace, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Clarissa, Gorse, Eagle, Frond, Diana, Gander, Gyre, Tania, Alice, Alec
66 Suki, Tull, Buzzard, Mint, Kevin, Harmony, Fran, Dyker, Joining the Clans, Pamela, Mullein, Mist, Francis, Kristiana, Cliff, Patricia, Chestnut, Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverly, Tarragon, Edrydd, Louise, Turnstone, Jane, Mase, Cynthia, Merle, Warbler, Spearmint, Stonecrop
67 Warbler, Jed, Fiona, Fergal, Marcy, Wayland, Otday, Xoë, Luval, Spearmint, Stonecrop, Merle, Cynthia, Eorle, Betony, Smile
68 Pansy, Pim,Phlox, Stuart, Marilyn, Goth, Lunelight, Douglas, Crystal, Godwit, Estelle, Slimlyspoon, Lyre, George, Damson, Lilac
69 Honesty, Peter, Abel, Bella, Judith, storm, Matilda, Evean, Iola, Heron, Mint, Kevin, Lilac, Happith, Gloria, Peregrine
70 Lillian, Tussock, Modesty, Thyme, Vivienne, Minyet, Ivy, David, Jasmine, Lilac, Ash, Beech
71 Quartet & Rebecca, Gimlet & Leech, The Squad, Lyre & George, Deadth, Gift
72 Gareth, Willow, Ivy, David, Kæna,Chive, Hyssop, Birch, Lucinda, Camomile, Meredith, Cormorant, Whisker, Florence, Murre, Iola, Milligan, Yarrow, Flagstaff, Swansdown, Tenor, Morgan, Yinjærik, Silvia, Harmaish, Billie, Jo, Stacey, Juniper
73 The Growers, The Reluctants, Miriam, Roger, Lauren, Dermot, Lindsay, Scott, Will, Chris, Plume, Stacey, Juniper
74 Warbler, Jed, Veronica, Campion, Mast, Lucinda, Cormorant, Camomile, Yellowstone
75 Katheen, Raymnd, Niall, Bluebe, Sophie, Hazel, Ivy, Shadow, Allison, Amber, Judith, Storm Alwydd, Matthew, Beatrix, Jackdaw, The Squad, Elders, Jennt, Bronze, Maeve, Wain, Monique, Piddock, Melissa, Roebuck, Aaron, Carley Jade, Zoë, Vikki, Bekka, Mint, Torrent
76 Gimlet, Leech,Gwendoline, Georgina, Quail. Birchbark, Hemlock, Peter, Honesty, Bella, Hannah, Aaron, Torrent, Zoë, Bekka, Vikki, Jade, Carley, Chough, Anvil, Clematis, Stonechat, Peace, Xanders, Gosellyn, Yew, Thomas, Campion, Will, Iris, Gareth
77 Zoë, Torrent, Chough, Stonechat, Veronica, Mast, Sledge, Cloudberry, Aconite, Cygnet, Smokt
78 Jed, Warbler, Luval, Glaze, Seriousth, Blackdyke, Happith, Camilla
79 Torrent, Zoë, Stonechat, Clematis, Aaron, Maeve, Gina, Bracken, Gosellyn, Paene, Veronica, Mast, Fracha, Squid, Silverherb
80 George/Gage, Niall, Alwydd, Marcy/Beth, Freddy/Bittern, Wayland, Chris, Manic/Glen, Guy, Liam, Jed, Fergal, Sharky
81 The Squad, Manic/Glen, Jackdaw, Beatrix, Freddy/Bittern, Fiona, Fergal, Wayland, Jade, Stonechat, Beauty, Mast, Veronica, Raven, Tyelt, Fid
82 Gimlet, Leech, Scentleaf, Ramson, Grouse, Aspen, Stonechat, Bekka, Carley, Vikki, Morgelle, Bistort, Fritillary, Jed, Warbler, Spearmint, Alwydd, Billie, Diver, Seal, Whitethorn
83 Alastair, Carrom, Céline, Quickthorn, Corral, Morgelle, Fritillary, Bistort, Walnut, Tarragon, Edrydd, Octopus, Sweetbean, Shrike, Zoë, Torrent, Aaron, Vinnek, Zephyr, Eleanor, Woad, George/Gage, The Squad, Ingot, Yellowstone, Phthalen, Will
84 Morgelle, Bistort, Fritillary, Alsike, Campion, Siskin, Gosellyn, Yew, Rowan, Thomas, Will, Aaron, Dabchick, Nigel, Tuyere
85 Jo, Knott, Sallow, Margæt, Irena, Tabby, Jade, Phthalen, Yumalle, Stonechat, Spearmint, Alwydd, Seriousth, Warbler, Jed, Brett, Russel, Barleycorn, Crossbill, Lizo, Hendrix, Monkshood, Eyrie, Whelk, Gove, Gilla, Faarl, Eyebright, Alma, axx, Allan, daisy, Suki, Tull
86 Cherville, Nightshade, Rowan, Milligan, Wayland, Beth, Liam, Chris, Gage
87 Reedmace, Ganger, Jodie, Blade, Frœp, Mica, Eddique, Njacek, Whiteout, Sandpiper, Serin, Cherville, Nightshade, peregrine, Eleanor, Woad, Buzzard, Silas, Oak, Wolf, Kathleen, Reef, Raymond, Sophie, Niall, Bluebell
88 Cloud, Sven, Claudia, Stoat, Thomas, Aaron, Nigel, Yew, Milligan, Gareth, Campion, Will, Basil, Gosellyn, Vinnek, Plume
89 Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Silverherb, Cloudberry, Smokt, Skylark, Beatrix, Beth, Amethyst, Mint, Wayland, Bittern, Fiona, Fergal, Joan, Bræth, Nell, Milligan, Iola, Ashdell, Alice, Molly, Rill, Briar
90 Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Beth, Beatrix, Sanderling, Falcon, Gosellyn, Gage, Will, Fiona, Jackdaw, Wayland, Merle, Cynthia, Jed, Warbler

91 Morgelle, Tuyere, Fritillary, Bistort, Jed, Otday, The Squad, Turner, Gudrun, Ptarmigan, Swegn, Campion, Otis, Asphodel, Jana, Treen, Xeffer, Stonechat, Bekka, Vikki, Carley, Beatrix, Jackdaw

Word Usage Key
Some commonly used words are below. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood if the n is replaced by a d. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically.

Agreän(s), those person(s) one has marital agreement with, spouse(s).
Bethinkt, thought.
Braekt, broke.
Cousine, female cousin.
Doet, did. Pronounced dote.
Doetn’t, didn’t. Pronounced dough + ent.
Findt, found,
Goen, gone
Goent, went.
Grandparents. In Folk like in many Earth languages there are words for either grandmother and grandfather like granddad, gran, granny. There are also words that are specific to maternal and paternal grandparents. Those are as follows. Maternal grand mother – granddam. Paternal grandmother – grandma. Maternal grandfather – grandfa. Paternal grandfather – grandda.
Heartfriend, a relationship of much more significance than being a girl- or boy-friend is on Earth. Oft such relationships are formed from as young as four and they are taken seriously by both children and adults. A child’s heartfriend is automatically one of their heartfriend’s parents’ children too, and a sibling to their heartfriend’s siblings. Such relationships rarely fail and are seen as precursors to becoming intendet and having agreement.
Intendet, fiancée or fiancé.
Knoewn, knew.
Lastdaysince, the day before yesterday.
Loes, lost.
Maekt, made.
Nextdaynigh, the day after tomorrow.
Sayt, said.
Taekt, took.
Telt, told.
Uest, used.

1 Riandet, a matter of no significance.
2 Tellin, a small tasty, often pink coloured, marine bivalve. In a tellin is equivalent to in a nutshell.
3 Greenleaf, spring greens, spring cabbage or collards.
4 Spiceweed, spicy green leaf, tender and tasty, widespread in the wild, but cultivated varieties grow lusher, tastier and less bitter than the wild form. There is no Earth equivalent, Unique to Castle.
5 Going downbank, literally ‘Going down hill’. Folk expression indicating deteriorating.
6 Winter-elk, Megaloceros giganteus known variously as Irish elk, giant deer and Irish giant deer. Not a true elk and large Castle specimens can reach 1000 weights [2000 pounds]. Some of the Folk refer to them as giant elk.
7 Perse, purple. Persebloom, purple broccoli.
8 Starchroots, floury potatoes. Waxroots, waxy potatoes. Only floury potatoes are usually referred to as starchroots, though the distinction is neither absolute nor strictly adhered to.
9 Red sour, hardy orange, like a Saville orange. Snow pie, meringue pie.
10 Seeën, saw.
11 Syskone(n), sibling(s).
12 To the far end of it, to the limit, totally.
13 How far over his head the water is, Folk expression equivalent to how far out of his depth he is.
14 Quick, in this context alive.
15 Overweighn, overwieght, in this context fat.
16 Topwale, the reinforced top edge of the side of a ship, literally the top wale or top plank, equivalent to the gunwale.
17 Forsickth, morning sickness. Derives from forenoon sickness.

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