Castle The Series - 0120 Warbler and Jed

Some commonly used words are after the list of characters. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood if the n is replaced by a d. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically at the end of the chapter. Appendix 1 Folk words and language usage, Appendix 2 Castle places, food, animals, plants and minerals, Appendix 3 a lexicon of Folk and Appendix 4 an explanation of the Folk calendar, time, weights and measures. All follow the story chapters.




1st of Chent Day 417

It was a glorious day. The Mother was shining and there was just enough breeze for comfort, perfect for Second Quarterday. Warbler and Jed, who had returned from spending two lunes with her family at the grazing grounds and had helped to bring the flocks back to graze the Gatherfield down, went to the Gather. Jed had enjoyed himself, and was now a reasonable sheep dog handler. He also understood why Warbler would rather eat aught other than sheep or goat when she had a choice and was fonder of vegetables than most.

They watched with great satisfaction as Beth, strikingly dressed in hip tight, black leather gauchos and an equally figure hugging black leather doublet, put her five knifes into the head of the boar shaped target at five strides and then another five in one at ten strides. There were six competitors in the contest which was for apprentices only and none had scored more than three-quarters of the available points whereas she had a full score: fifteen points at both distances. After her win to the surprise of most of those watching she had a target set back to twenty strides and another placed directly in front of it at fifteen strides. She withdrew from a shoulder bag eight cloth wrapt flat objects. As she unwrapt them, before putting them down on the table she shewed the bright, shiny, radially symmetrical steel objects which reflected the shine(1) to the crowd. They were all different but two had three points, two had four, two had five and two had six. Beth indicated to the crowd on her right to move back a goodly way, which they only understood when she threw the first one directly at them. The crowd drew back in horror, but after flying towards them the spinning blade arced away from them finally to embed itself deeply in the boar’s head at the nearer target.

An official wearing heavy leather gloves withdrew the blade, and Beth repeated her performance, but this time the blade embeded in the head of the further target. The expressions of surprise from the watching crowd were prolonged, for this wasn’t just another demonstration it was good entertainment. Beth repeated her demonstration a further three times. The flight of each of the eight blades had curved differently, but each sank deeply into a boar’s head requiring considerable effort from the official to remove it. That Beth was so small and slight, it was rumoured she was only thirty-five weights, [77 pounds, 35Kg, 5½ stones] yet could sink the blades so deeply into a target that was hidden from her direct line of sight and throw was considered amazing and supported what was widely believed: she was dangerous. That Will, the Master huntsman, and Leech who’d won the knife throwing contest in the Master class, had watched the entire competition and Beth’s subsequent performance and both had hugged her long and hard at the end had simply added to her reputation. Leech was said to be the best knife thrower on Castle and was known to have killed a bear with a knife at close quarters.

After Will and Leech had finished with his love, Greensward had picked her up and swung her berount whilst kissing her. Those near heard him say, “I’ve bringen your pretty clothes from your chamber and you can change at the seamstresses stalls, Beth. They have a screent area for trying on things and Livette telt me you are well come to use it.”

“Gratitude, Love, I couldn’t have threwn properly in a dress, but I’d bethinkt me I’d have to go back to the Keep to change out of all this leather, for it’s far too hot for thisday, and any hap thisday is a day for looking pretty.” She kissed Greensward again and waved to Jed and Warbler as Greensward escorted her to the seamstresses’ stalls.

“She’s really good with those shuriken things, isn’t she, Jed?”

“Yes, and she is practising threwing them round corners now. Hungry? Would you like a pasty?”


To Warbler’s surprise Jed led her past several stalls selling pasties and when he finally joined a small queue she understood why. “I’d like two of the pheasant and chanterelle pasties please,” he said to the woman. It was the woman who’d selt them the same pasties the year before. This time, as agreed a year over, Jed paid for the food, more from nostalgia rather than because it mattered to either of them. After finishing their pasties, Jed seemed preoccupied, and Warbler thinking he was worried regards something was gently probing to see if she could help. Too distracted to take much notice of her, which she found worrying because he was usually attentive, he eventually gave a sigh of relief. He had been looking for Gloria who carved treen. Though he hadn’t found Gloria, he’d espied a stall which displayed some of Peregrine’s and her unmistakeable craft ware.

He led Warbler to the stall where, to her almost heart stopping delight, he bought an expensive, intricately carved love spoon. Like a lot of Gloria’s work the patterns were of Celtic knotwork. As he pressed it into her hands, he kissed her gently. Love spoons, introduced to Castle by Gloria, had become popular gifts for a boy or man to give to his intendet. Jed wished to give one to Warbler as a declaration of intent, and Gloria’s were still the best. Most, as Gloria had said was traditional whence she came, were carved by the giver, but Jed had never had enough time out of Warbler’s company. Even when he’d been recovering from wool fever, a fever those who had never associated with sheep before invariably contracted within a month of crafting with the sheepherders, but fortunately none ever suffered from it more than the once, Warbler had remained constantly at his bedside. When at his weakest, she’d fed him, sponged his face, helped him to use a facility and even sleept in the chair at his side. Warbler, who was relieved because she now understood his distraction and wished to cry because she now understood his motives, asked “Is this for what I bethink me it’s for, Jed?”

Jed nodded and asked, “Will you be my intendet, Warbler?” Jed felt, since Warbler, a year (2) over to the day, had at considerable personal risk asked him to be her heartfriend, he should be the one to ask her to be his intendet. The next few minutes were emotional but happy. No longer just heartfriends they had moved their relationship on considerably. The difference between being heartfriends and being an intended couple was subtle but significant. Though it oft maekt little difference to the couple, in the eyes of the Folk, and more significantly according to the Way, heartfriends were still children whereas an intended couple, irrespective of their age, were entitled to the same intimacies that agreement would give them, and it was expected they would share a bed at least some of the time even if both still lived with their parents.

As they walked down between the rows of stalls Warbler said, “Look, Jed.” She was pointing to several discreetly screened stalls selling lingerie. Most of the potential customers were young couples. Like the love spoon, lingerie was a new product on Castle that had arrived with the last incursion. It had become popular due to the efforts of Janet, Ninija and their colleagues who had started by making brassières. They were known as the brassièrers. As they walked towards the stalls, Warbler said, “Beth has some lovely clothes like some of those.” She turned to Jed, “I should like some too, but I don’t wish to buy any here. I’ll ask Beth to take me to see Janet, any hap I should like their advice as they both have such good taste. I’ll ask Fiona if she wishes to come with us, for she’s been spaeking of nursing brassières to make nursing Isabel easier.” Warbler had reached her full growth and filled out in the last year. Whilst she would never be a big bosomt woman without doubt she had the bosom of an adult and she considered only pregnancy would give her more which was a thought that maekt her heart ache with longing and maekt her inexplicably sad, though she’d said naught of it to any. However, she was satisfied that she had succeeded in persuading Jed to become more intimate than he was truly happy with for the now, though she knoewn that he would become happy with it betimes. Shyly and aware of what she was implying, she asked, “What would you like me to wear, Jed?”

Jed had had a year to become uest to Warbler’s abrupt and unexpected character changes, one minute a boyish gamine who enjoyed fishing, then the next a delightfully feminine girl who was spaeking of girly things, and who had recently become increasingly intimate and had been encouraging him to reciprocate, and then just as suddenly back again, the coney hunter with a sling. He enjoyed both aspects of her character, and it was a long time since he had been bothered by aught she’d said to him. He knew he was expected to give an honest and considered reply, was aware of what Warbler was implying and, like her, was looking forward to wherever it led them. “Blue, deep blue, like your eyes. You know I love you in blue, it suits you.”

Warbler thought and said, “Yes, but a blue what? I don’t particularly like those brassière things. They’re not pretty, and I’d rather wear an apron,” she smiled invitingly, “especially now I’ve something to put in the bib, but I’ll buy a blue brassière if you like?”

“No. I’d prefer to see you in an apron, but you would look pretty in one of those lace trimt camisoles with the matching French knickers, but have spaech with Beth and Janet.” Along with lingerie had arrived a whole nomenclature to describe the various garments, and the new words still sounded exotic to folkbirtht women, for in the main they had yet to acquire Folk pronunciations. Warbler was impressed by what she considered to be Jed’s sophistication in being able to identify and correctly pronounce so casually a camisole and French knickers. She wasn’t aware that before his incursion he’d had a Saturday job helping on a popular mart stall that selt ladies’ underwear. His main work had involved taking the empty boxes away to the waste skip and fetching full ones back from the lorry, but he’d had to know what everything was because when the day was over the remaining goods on the stall were packed in what ever boxes they had to hand. Most of such boxes were emptied first when the stall was set up next, but occasionally one was missed which meant he couldn’t rely on what was written on a box. If asked to fetch a box of something, he’d had to know what he was looking for.

Satisfied Jed had taken the matter seriously, and she had an idea of what he would like to see, Warbler put the matter to one side, and said, “It’s hot and I’m thirsty. I’ll let you buy me some chillt lingberry(3) juice with bubbles, or better yet, if we can find some, some iecet tendergourd.(4) After, we’ll go and look at knifes. I wish to buy you something a bit more convenient than your work knife for gralloching fish and coneys. After cutting myself on your dagger I don’t like using it, and despite the hilt guards you had fitt, it still feels clumsy. Too, if you don’t mind, I should like to order us both a new creel from the basket makers. Your wooden box is too heavy for me to carry far and my canvas bag isn’t big enough, and any hap they’re both wearing out. We can only repair them so far, and there are patches on the patches now. We can pay for it all out of our account, for we’ve more than enough.”

Jed nodded, and said, “I agree with the idea of a smaller, single edgt gralloching knife and a pair of creels too, but if we wish the best creels I suggest we leave it till we can have spaech with Lilac. Or, if you wish them betimes we send a message with her family with details of sizes. Jasmine, Ash and Beech are here selling some of their produce and won’t be returning home till nextdaynigh. May hap they’ve got some we can look at or give us some ideas. What bethink you?”

Warbler thought for a moment and asked, “It’s a good idea to have spaech with them, but I doubt if they’ll have any creels, for it’ll be the kind of item they only make to order. You do know Lilac isn’t here because she’s five lunes pregnant? Beech telt me she’s huge and tires quickly, Jed. I doubt Jasmine or Rebecca will allow her to craft at aught flaught(5) enough to exhaust her.”

“Yes, and Ash telt me she is insisting on doing light work that interests her till she has birtht her babe. I suspect she’ll be weaving baskets and the like which she can do sitting down. You know she’s never still and she’ll wish something to do, for heavy pregnant or no, she’ll ill tolerate the boredom of idelth, so it’s sensible to ask. She’ll belike be interestet in weaving a creel and can only say yes or no, but she crafts with Rebecca on creels, for Rebecca weaves all the grass and reed parts that make their creels so light yet strong. I imagine her family would prefer her to do light work with their mum there to prevent her over tiring herself rather than trying and failing to prevent her crafting at all. Too, Ash telt me the children are all helping her, for they enjoy crafting with her for she has an endless supply of patience.”

“That is probably all true, but it’s guileful of you to see it thus.”

“No. It’s just a shrewd assessment of our common interests. We will the best, and Lilac will wish something interesting to do that contributes to her family’s weäl, and her family will wish to know she is both happy and safe. It’s obviously for the benefit of all.”

They turned down the outside edge of the stalls going to the last few where the best selection of things to drink could usually be findt. The stalls all had a considerable crowd of hot and thirsty folk waiting to be served and they waited patiently at one for their iecet tendergourd. The bright pink gourd was crusted with ice crystals and they taekt their slices to a table to sit down and eat. The gourd was mostly water and it was very easy to make a mess of oneself biting the flesh off the rind, for it’s sweetth maekt it sticky when the water evaporated. As a result the stalls selt the gourd in thin slices for instant eating off the rind and thicker slices for eating off a plate with a spoon. Like most stalls selling food the one they had chosen had an urn of water and clouts(6) available for a quick hand and face wash. The thin slices were popular with children, but the couple chose to play safe, and as they sat down at a nearby table Jed remarked, “We must be getting old eating this off a plate with a spoon!”

“I know. I lovt eating it straight off the rind whilst walking and seeking rocks to hit when spitting the seeds out. It was a lot of fun, and I doetn’t mind the mess. Never mind, Jed, getting a bit older does have its compensations.” Warbler said the last with a decided gleam in her eye and popped a spoonful of her gourd into Jed’s mouth.

Jed knew she had leant forward over the table to afford him a view of her breasts as her frock gaped, and he grinned in appreciation wondering which particular compensations she had in mind, but not rising to the provocation asked, “What kind of a knife were you thinking of, Warbler?”

“Leather handelt with a span long blade. That’s big enough to gralloch aught and light enough to carry with our tackle if you don’t choose to wear it as a belt knife. The leather will give a good grip despite any fish slime. It’ll be far more convenient than your work knife, and I’ll be able to use it too. What bethink you?”

Jed’s work knife was a long as his forearm, heavy, far more than they needed when fishing or hunting and Warbler had difficulty using it, and as she’d admitted she was aflait of his dagger. “That seems sensible, and it could be packt in either of our creels, for you wouldn’t notice the extra weighth. You have a particular maker in mind?”

“No, but I opine it’s not sensible to spend too much on a gralloching knife. I just wish to buy you something convenient and I’d rather spend the tokens on our creels.”

Jed nodded in agreement, but added, “Francis, who fitt the guards on my dagger, makes good knifes. They aren’t the easiest to sharpen, but he says that’s because his method hardens the steel at the cutting edge more than is usual, so they keep their edge for a long time. Yellowstone regards them highly. Buttercup prepares his leather for handles and sheaths, though it’s usually Weir who finishes them.”

“Who’s Yellowstone? And how do you know all that, Jed?”

“Yellowstone is a sharpener and grinder for the huntsmen, and Francis makes a lot of stuff for us. Though he’s a cross craft cutler and lorimer he’s a member of our office, not a smith crafter. Gage has one of his knifes, but his has lovely, dark perse,(7) ironwood scales inlayn(8) with silver. His mum and dad buyt it for him when he became the kennel Master.”

“Would you like one of Francis’ knifes?”

“Yes. A plain leather handelt one would not be expensive, but we’d have to order it and wait possibly a lune.”

“That’s what we’ll do then.” In spite of having said she’d rather not spend too much on a gralloching knife, Warbler was now prepared to spend a lot on a knife for Jed because it was the first possession he’d ever expressed interest in. He wasn’t bothered regards clothes and only dresst attractively because he knew it maekt her happy. He was prepared to spend any amount of tokens on aught she wished, and the love spoon she knew he had bought to please her. He was so easy to please that it hurt her a little sometimes. Other than kisses and herself, the only thing she had ever given him that she was certain he had taken pleasure in was his first sling, and that had cost her naught, for truly it was Opal who had given it to Jed. “I’ll see Francis regards the knife.”

Warbler waited for Jed to question her, but he just nodded and said, “If you like.” It was Warbler’s intention to order a plain leather handled gralloching knife and an inlaid wooden handled one too. She rather liekt the idea of yaarle wood scales with gold inlay, and Francis’ agreän, Mist, was a goldsmith. The love spoon came from Earth for boys and men to give, but she whimsically considered may hap the love knife would become a Castle thing for girls and women to give. Then she had it; the lovely, flowing, interweaving patterns on her love spoon she would have reproduced in gold on Jed’s knife. The gold gainst the red yaarle wood, which always had beautiful grain patterns, even more beautiful than quarter sawn oak, would be a striking combination, especially in combination with a snakeskin belt, sheath and sharpening stone pocket. Jed, she considered, would not fully appreciate snakeskin with pretty markings, but there wasn’t a girl or woman on Castle who wouldn’t know at the sight of them that Jed had been given them by the woman who loved him, and there wasn’t a boy or man on Castle who wouldn’t know at the sight of the stone in its pocket that the knife was not just a tool but a razor sharp tool at all times. Warbler was feeling pleased with herself, and a belt knife with a blade a span and a quarter long [5”, 13cm] would be perfect, a work of art, and moreover she’d tell Francis of her whimsical idea concerning love knifes.

They finished their tendergourd, threw the rinds in one of the bins the composters would take to Odo for the cockerels and, whilst washing their hands and faces at the stall’s urn, met Firefox and the water squad who’d arrived to fill the urn. As Warbler and Firefox kissed each others’ cheeks and hugged, Jed said, “Mercy me, Firefox, what have you been eating? You look like you’ve grown at least a span and a half, and you uest to look like a twig. What do you weigh now?”

As Jed and Firefox shook hands, Firefox said, “A span and three-quarters [7”, 18cm] in four lunes, and I’m just over a hundred and fiveteen weights [253 pounds, 115Kg]. Granny always telt me my Dad was a big man who was slow to come into his growth, and now she’s convincet it’s belike I’ll be a bigger one, for I seem to still be growing by the day. It’s good to see you again, Warbler, Jed. You going to the dance?”

“Yes. The banquet too. Are you?” Warbler asked.

“Yes, with Thrift. We’re heartfrienden, and we’ll find you there. I’ve lots to tell you and lots to ask, but we must hurry if we want the tokens. I’ve responsibilities now I’m the squad leader. Till later.” Firefox was strides away before he’d finished spaeking.

The two laught at Firefox who always did everything on the run. Warbler expressed satisfaction that Firefox had a heartfriend and chuckling said, “I know Thrift is newfolk, but I don’t know her well. She’s may hap nine in Castle years. I don’t know how big she is now, but she uest to be tiny. If she hasn’t grown she’ll only be part way up Firefox’s chest. She must be either incredibly clever or equally flaught to have become heartfrienden with him.” Warbler considered and continued, “But that’s what most say regards all the heartfriends of the squad, including me, so she’s probably very clever, for as I telt you a year since Firefox is plumb.”

“I’m pleast for him he’s now the squad leader, cos he telt me lunes since he’d always willen to be. He must have impresst Milligan to make him squad leader at eleven. At least it’s unbelike that he’ll be in any trouble thisday. Lets hope Thrift can keep him out of trouble every day, cos I imagine his potential for trouble has increast with his size. He’s probably a walking disaster now.”

Warbler kissed his cheek and said, “You’ve always sayt that it was I that keept you out of trouble, so may hap Thift can do the same.” They continued round the Gather looking idly at stalls they had no intention of buying aught from. They were enjoying the day and, though happy to meet acquaintances and friends and catch up with events at the Keep, were really just passing the time till the eve’s festivities. They were going to banquet in the Greathall with Jed’s family and were looking forward to the dance and the music.

“Let’s go and watch the appearances, Jed. There’s naught here, and I don’t wish to eat any more, or I won’t enjoy thiseve’s meal.”

“Any particular reason you wish to see the appearances?”

“No, but we should. All the Folk should watch at least some of them, it’s an obligation.”

They wandered towards the platforms, and they stood listening. Jed had originally had his right arm berount Warbler’s waist, but after a few minutes she’d pushed his hand down inside the waistband of her skirts and onto her right cotte,(9) something only intended couples did in public. As she did she smiled and kissed him, and Jed whispered, “Why no knickers, Warbler?”

“I like the way it makes me feel. I doetn’t wear any last year. Remember?” Jed just grinned at the recollection of his first brief glimpse of womanhood. “Any hap, it’s warm and there’s naught like being prepaert. Are you complaining, Jed?”

Jed was happy to comply with Warbler’s desire to announce their now advanced relationship and the warm, soft skin of his love’s cotte was exhilarating. Even more so was the barely perceptible pressure of Warbler pushing her now fully filled out cotte into his hand whilst the fingers of her left hand, her left arm was berount his back, gently stroked the palm of his left hand indicating there was more yet to come. In reply to her question he eased his hand forward and combing his fingers through the downith of her mons,(10) briefly caressed the cloak of her softth before easing them past her moistening bud to separate her petals and put the tip of his finger when she’d willen his hardth for lunes. She almost jumped at the sensation, for it was the first time Jed had been so intimate and whilst none could see it initially surprised her that Jed would do that there, for he was a very private person. It was only a second later that she realised Jed had probably done it in a public place so that she couldn’t take it any further. She was annoyed by that till he said, “Yes, Warbler, it’s warm and I believe prepaert too.”

As he put his hand back on her cotte the pair nearly choked with laughter, “Why is it, Jed, you always seem to win our arguments by doing something I can’t resist?”

“Pure talent. I’m naturally giftet.” Still laughing Warbler kissed him again and they settled down to listen to the appearances. Over the last year Jed had become Folk, and though he still maekt the odd mistake with the language the subtlety of their unspaken communication amazed him. For nearly an hour there was the usual: folk seeking agreement, matters of adoption, craft opportunities sought and offered, and public notices announced. Then unusually Thomas the Master at arms and Will the Master huntsman came to the front of the platform. The increase in the murmuring of the crowd indicated the Folk were wondering what was about to happen for it was rare that Thomas played so prominent a rôle in his office. Usually the day to day management of his office was done by his deputy, Gareth, and he played an unseen planning rôle, usually it was suspected with Will and Yew Lord of Castle.

Thomas waited for the crowd to quieten before starting, “Lord Yew,” that surprised the crowd for it was rare Yew’s title was uest and he never uest it, “has telt us of the Council that he is grateful for the aid and coöperation providet unstintingly by the entire Folk that enabelt him to so sucessfully manage the incusion of just over a year ago.” It could be seen that Yew was making his way to the front of the platform. “I’ll let him give his gratitude himself and tell of his subsequent decision.”

Yew raised his hand to acknowledge the crowd before saying, “In gratitude I will a banquet to which all are invitet. I will it to start earlier than usual, so that the children too can dance before they become too tiren. My goodwife Rowan has telt Milligan, Basil and Hobby to arrange all as they usually do and they have decidet that the fiveteenth of Darrow will give us good weather so all can join in where they will. I have instructt Sagon to provide the tokens from my personal account. My gratitude again.”

As Yew turned to leave Will’s voice rang out, “Hold, Brother Yew, Thomas has not yet finisht.”

Thomas resumed, “It is the will of the Councill to have our appreciation of Yew’s Lordship recordet for all quick(11) and for future generations too. We have hence decidet that the banquet will be payt for out of the Collective(12) not Yew’s personal account. Moreover the fiveteenth of Darrow is declarert as Yew’s Quarterday and he is to choose his place on the Hill of the Folk in advance of his passing. This is the unanimous will of the Council. What say the Folk?”

The roar of approval was so loud it was almost not possible to hear the words, “Agreen and approven” It was noticed that the entire Councill were awaiting Yew to descend from the platform. Much to the sympathetic amusement of all Yew was stricken spaechless and as he left folk gave him as much privacy as was possible under the circumstances. He sat at a table with Rowan holding his hand and a large brandy and the rest of the bottle were placed conveniently next to him.

When the noise had returned to the normal level Will announced, “I’ve willen to do some thing of that like to him for years. What say you, Brother Thomas?”

The crowd were laughing as Thomas replied, “You’re a very bad man, Will, but yes it was worth it. My gratitude to the Folk for attesting and approving the will of the Council.”

“An extra Quarterday, Jed! That’s not happent for years and years, long before I was birtht I do know. Yew must be someone really special for the Council to do that. Dad’s telt me of extra Quarterdays, but I’ve never hearet of any being telt to choose a place on the Hill of the Folk before their passing. I’ll ask Dad if he has. You have to have done great things for the Folk to be burryt there, just being Lady or Lord of Castle isn’t enough. The only persons who are almost guarranteet to be burryt there are persons like Aaron and Nigel, persons of powers beyond the normal.”

Jed knew he didn’t understand enough of Castle yet to appreciate in the way that Warbler clearly did what he’d just witnessed and was going to ask if she felt they had been there long enough to satisfy her sense of civic obligation when there was another murmuring in the crowd. The young couple disentangled themselves, and Jed looked up to see Campion had taken over from Thomas on the platform. He also saw Joseph the brew Master and Iola of the Keep kitchens together on the platform. He recognised Joseph, but he knew Iola. “I wonder why Joseph and Iola are on the platform together? You any idea, Warbler?”

“No. I know Joseph, but who’s Iola?”

“Alwydd’s eldest sister! Surely Spearmint has mentiont her? She’s intendet to Heron, an apprentice baker. She’s the Mistress cook in charge of the Soup kitchens.”

“May hap, but not that I remember, but then Spearmint spaeks little of Alwydd. You know how she is. Iola looks over young to be a Mistress cook, Jed. You sure regards that? How old is she?”

“I’m sure. She’s only a bit more than eleven in Castle years, but Gage says she’s a brilliant cook and a genius at making sure naught is ever wastet. The soup kitchens have charge of all the kitchens’ wastes, so we get a considerable quantity of dog food from her, which is why we all know her. Because we prepare all we catch to trade fur, feathers and meat and to keep what ever we can feed the animals with she takes our catch direct. Gage says that way the stuff some folk are put off by they aren’t aware they’re eating. She’s plumb, but completely obsesst by her craft, oft crafting twenty hours a day, so it’s may hap fortunate for them that Heron is a baker and he has chambers near the kitchens. Her sister Heidi is Rampion’s heartfriend.”

“I knoewn that, but not that Heidi had an elder sister.”

It was clear the Folk too wondered what was to come. Joseph and Iola moved to the front of the platform and Joseph started to read from a small scroll.

“We should like the Folk to attest and approve thisday the trade agreement between the kinsfolk concern of Bowman the brew Master representet by myself, Joseph, and the Keep kitchens representet by Milligan’s manager Iola. This agreement is of a wide ranging nature and is to provide stability for our two concerns and to avoid the need for frequent negotiation. It is a formalisation of numerous lesser agreements already in place. In essence the kinsfolk concern agrees to supply the kitchens with all our by products and produce of lesser quality at reducet price or free of charge in return for the kitchens’ guarantee to take them all. Specifically we agree to exchange still tailings in exchange for the kitchens’ eggshells. We shall no longer charge the bakers for wine barrel crystals. We shall provide all yeast sediments from beers and wines free of cost. The kitchens shall have the sole right to our honeyroot by products and determine the distribution of what they require not. The kitchens agree to purchase all lower quality wines, beers and spirits at least reimbursing the kinsfolk’s costs of their production, storage and delivery.

“We shall negotiate the exact price of what has been providet annually. It is agreen we shall provide the kitchens with fiveteen gallons of whisky per year for the Burns supper free of cost. This agreement is not limitet to the specifics mentiont above, but is rather to be interprett as an agreement of mutual assistance. The kitchens agree to take our by products at reasonable cost, but they agree to take them all. This is always to be a separate arrangement from any quality products we supply the kitchens currently via Gibb, Milligan’s deputy. To this I have signt my agreement this day on behalf of the kinsfolk concern. Iola has agreen to provide explanation that the Folk may better understand what it is they are being askt to agree and attest.”

The crowd had been perplexed by Joseph’s spaech. Many did not understand why it was Bowman’s concern not Joseph’s. Indeed many did not know who Bowman was. Iola had only become a kitchen manager earlier in the day, and many thought Joseph had maekt a mistake. As to the specifics of the agreement most could not understand what they considered to be the bizarre nature of the items agreed to. Joseph and Iola had agreed that he should present the formalities for them both and she would present the explanations for them both. They considered that to be simpler for the Folk to understand than both presenting their own side of the formalities and the explanations. The clamour of conversation taekt several minutes to fade away sufficiently for Iola to be heard, but she just smiled at Campion and waited.

“All is as presentet by Joseph, and I have agreen to explain things for both of us. Joseph’s kinsfolk’s concern, which he manages, is formally still that of Bowman the father of his wife, Coaltit. They never bothert to change that, but this agreement has to be done tightly, so it is meet that he refert to Bowman’s kinsfolk’s concern. This forenoon Milligan askt me to become a manager in the kitchens and I acceptet. The last spirit to come out of a still batch is not of a quality that Joseph’s still Masters, Gordon and Douglas, are prepaert to allow to be selt for drinking, but it is excellent for cooking with, and I exchange it for our eggshells which are grindt to a powder to clear cloudy liquors prior to stilling for brandy or whisky. The wine barrel crystals(13) the bakers use in risings are now free of charge because that agrees with the spirit of this agreement, and Joseph sayt the tokens involvt were so few as to be barely worth the expense of their counting.

“The yeast sediments are processt for me by some crafters of Mistress provisioner Dabchick into what I call Mymate. This is a meaty tasting flavour enhancer of great use in the kitchens, but the sediments are oft an embarrassment to the brewery. Any who have tastet my kine soup have tastet it. The honeyroot by products are now mostly uest by the provisioners, and the pudding cooks. They are a major ingredient in hot fruit pudding soups and fruit conserves. The kitchens do not use all of the brewery’s honeyroot by product, but Joseph’s kinsfolk wish the kitchens to have the first right to them because we feed the Folk. That there be no conflict Joseph wishes us to distribute what we do not use. That distribution, for which my office is responsible, I have appointet Pleasance of Gibb’s office to oversee on my behalf.

“The kitchens have agreen to take all lower quality beer, wine and spirit and to at least cover the costs of the brewery when we do so. The annual negotiation of cost is to avoid wasting time negotiating on small quantities. It is easier for both of us to keep records and negotiate later. The free fiveteen gallons of whisky for the Burns suppers was Joseph’s idea for which we express gratitude. His view was that the Burns suppers help to cultivate a taste for the as yet new product, which Douglas and Gordon view as still over young and raw.” Iola smiled and added, “And he does like haggis. To this I have signt my agreement this day on behalf of the Keep kitchens.”

Campion stepped forward, to say, “You have hearet the words of Joseph the brew Master and Manager Iola Mistress cook, but before I ask any who wish to respond to come to be hearet I should like to add the matter has been put to the Council for discussion. It is the Council’s view that this propoest agreement is something the Folk should offer Joseph and Iola gratitude for. It has only come to into being because they both have a deep commitment to the weäl of the Folk. Iola directly to the feeding of the Folk. I am sure I need say no more on that, and I would rather not embarrass her. Joseph and his kin too recogniest that, and they doet not have to propose this agreement. They could have maekt much profit from the sale of what they will to give to the kitchens to feed the Folk with. The Council discusst the matter, but was unwilling to usurp the authority of the Folk in this matter by making any recommendation. However, I am not of the Council and I urge you to agree and approve this agreement.”

Whilst she usually attended Council meetings Campion years over had declined to be a Councillor because she had always considered that had she officially been it would undermine the subtle influences she was able to exert when required. She was, however, a Councillor in all but name, and, at Yew’s order, like all the official Councillors her name was carved into her chair in the Council chamber. Campion had been selected by Thomas the Master at arms as his most astute behaviourist to manage the platform for Joseph and Iola. Whilst almost sure the matter would be agreed and approven there remained some doubt. Joseph was affluent and he was on the Council. Though what Campion had said regards the Council not wishing to make a direct recommendation was true, it was felt that if things went the wrong way, due to possible suspicion that Joseph was exerting unfair influence, Campion would be able to perceive it sooner than any other and manipulate the crowd better. As Yew had said, “Let’s not take any chances we don’t have to.” Which was why there was a large number of senior Master at arms staff and senior huntsman’s staff sprinkled throughout the crowd to lead the shout of Agreen and Approven.

The roar of “Agreen and Approven” was deafening.

“I’m sure that must have been important, but it wasn’t very interesting was it, Jed? Not like Yew’s Quarterday.”

“I’m not sure. I’m glad I was here. I’ll ask Alwydd regards it thiseve if I we don’t find Spearmint and him before then. Let’s go and look at weaven stuff and see if we get any ideas regards creels.”

Warbler nodded, put her arm through Jed’s and as they walked back to the stalls she mischievously said, “We don’t need to take too long looking at creels. We’ve showert, batht and swimt many a time together and we’ve both enjoyt seeing all of each other oft too. I’ve had your hands in my blouse many a time before and thisday one in my skirts, but as an intendet woman I’m entitelt to both of them at one time in my skirts and my blouse, and not just caressing my cotte. I will your touch to my petals, cloak and bud again and oft. It’s your fault, for you doetn’t have to touch me doet you? Moreover, since I enjoyt it so much, I intend to avail myself of the same liberties of your hardth and males too. I have a leaçe,(14) and I know you know what that means.”

“I’ll admit I’ve bethinkt me of it, Warbler, but holdt off because I wisht us to become intendet first and I wisht to become intendet thisday, it’s a special day to me. I also wisht us to take our time, so in years to come the memories will not be of the rusht fumblings of a pair of youngsters who willen it all at one time but of two young persons carefully and deliberately exploring their love.”

Warbler was reduced to tears and as they stopped walking she hugged Jed tightly. It was some time before she could spaek. “You are right, Jed, so, if there’s graill on the menu thiseve that’s what we’re eating. but as my intendet you sleep in my bed from now. I shall ask Dad to arrange us a chamber near the family’s suite. I love you, and we have the right and none will cavil or even comment on it. I know it’s not like that whence you came, but my family will expect it of us. Too, when we move with the sheep we share a tent. We don’t have to make love, but I would prefer it if we doet, albeit taking things slowly as you sayt.” Warbler chuckled, “And you doet tell me time over that you knoewn how to use an iron bar from behind in the dark. Well doubtless I shall find out and learn to handle one too.”

Jed laught at Warbler’s remark and said, “I’ve never uest that particular iron bar for its intendet purpose before.” Jed stresst the word intendet making them both laugh again before he continued, “but as intendets doubtless we’ll both find out and improve with practice. I love you too, Warbler. Yes I agree. I expectet you to say what you just doet. I just doetn’t expect you to say it for a few days. I suggest it be sensible that you take the herbs. Fergal telt me ages over that once the opportunity is there to make love it’s impossible to resist, and I doubt either of us would wish to for long.” Jed paused before saying, “I don’t know why, but I always believt getting to this point would be awkward and embarrassing for both of us, but it’s not.”

“May hap swimming with the others in the rivers on warm days has helpt. I’ve always doen it, so the sight of naekt folk, men and boys too, is something I grew up with, but seeing you naekt has always been different and exciting.”

“I remember clearly the first time I seeën you take your clothes off, in the shower after fishing. Even then your breasts and hips were bigger than I expectet and I hadn’t expectet your softth and cotte to be so pretty. When you opent yourself and shewn me your all I was amaezt and it took a lot of will power not to touch you. I bethinkt me you surely could hear my heart beating though I was finding it difficult to breath. Would you like to take a walk to do some of that exploring this afternoon or would you prefer to find your mum and dad so we make sure of privacy thisnight?”

“I wish you had toucht me then, mercy I willen you to so do so desperately, however, now is now and you shall so do later. Let’s find Mum and Dad, not just to ensure privacy for thisnight, but because I wish to tell them I am intendet. I know they will be delightet for us. Jed…?” Warbler hesitated.

“Yes. What is it you are worryt concerning?”

“Before I met you I was thinking for a long time of how to find a good heartfriend. There were none near to me in age and I was considering some older, shy boys and men, but all available had crafts that keept them close to the Keep. I had spaech with Granny Åse regards the matter, and she telt me that she’d been on the move her entire life and it was in her blood. She sayt I was the same and would be unhappy if I tryt to settle. She sayt to live at the Keep when ever and for how ever long it suitet me, but never to forget my natural home will always be a sheepherdess’s tent.” Warbler hesitated and Jed knew that what came next was what concerned her most. “Granny sayt when I was a little older I would know the truth of it when I and my man maekt love under the stars with the hope of placing a babe under my heart. Right from the beginning, I knoewn you would be that man. I would like it much, even though I know you consider it wise for me to start taking the herbs to prevent pregnancy, if the first time we maekt love we doet so away from the Keep under the stars. Would you mind if we put off making love a while, for the herbs to take effect, and took a tent to be on our own, for it would mean much to me?”

Jed noted that Warbler had not agreed with the wisdom of taking the herbs and she seemed unhappy concerning them. He was aware she had begun to be affected by her coming lunetime, but her sadth seemed to be distinct from that. “I know your lunetime is in four or five days, so go to the herbals for the herbs and when you feel the effects of your next lune’s lunetime are over we’ll ride with a tent to visit the sheepherders. You happy with that?” Warbler was crying and hugged Jed tightly. On the face of it her tears were tears of joy in anticipation of lovemaking, but Jed wasn’t convinced, and something at the back of his mind was quietly whispering dire warnings.

It had always been a wonder to Warbler that Jed was so sensitive to her cycles, and, though she still occasionally suffered cramps and tears, since meeting Jed her five days a lune of irrational rages accompanied by floods of tears had vanished. Her sister and many of her friends had remarked on the change, her granny had been her inscrutable self and said, ‘A good man makes a woman’s life better in many ways, he provides balance as well as security. Women who ration their softth to control their man never have as good a life as those who give of it freely. It’s no different from nursing a babe. Contrary to wide held belief, a babe who is nurst on demand sleeps better and longer that one who is subject to fixt nursing times which means more and better sleep for the mother. That sleep may be at inconvenient times, but at least the mother is not exhaustet when awake. A man with need of his woman is like a hungry babe, bad tempert, unable to concentrate and an irritation to the nerves. Offer the one your breast and the other your softth and betimes all is well.’

Jed looked pensive for a while as the warnings became more insistent before asking, “Your spirits have been low for a while, Warbler. At first I bethinkt me it was due to your lunetimes, but it isn’t is it?”

Warbler sniffed as silent tears ran off her cheeks and said, “I bethink me not.” But she offered no explanation.

Jed became horrifyt as explanations of Warblers recent behaviours and actions unfolded in his mind. He asked, “Do you will to be pregnant that badly, Love?” Warbler hugged him tighter but said nothing. Jed finally understood and said, “All right. What difference can it really make? Forget the herbs and I’ll arrange a few days off and the loan of a tent, and organise supplies. My sorrow for being so selfish. I doetn’t understand, but you should have tryt to make me understand, Love.”

Warbler didn’t even hear aught he said after he’d told her they could make love without the herbs. “Truly‽” she asked, “No herbs, and we can make love? Why have you changt your mind? I know I doetn’t like it but your reasons always seemt so sensible, so I agreen with you.”

“Yes truly. You’ve arrangt your apprenticeship with Leveret as an apprentice veterinary crafter cross crafting with Durance during the lambing season.”

Warbler interrupted, “As an apprentice what?”

“Sorrow, Warbler. That’s just an Earth word for an animal healer. I crosscraft with family and the squad, so our crafting presents no problems. We both have large numbers of family and kith who’d be happy to help, and it’s not as if we’re poor is it? We both wish to make love, and though my desire for children is not as strong as yours that’s probably because you’re female and you’ve turnt seventeen in Earth years where as I’m male and still growing up. It’s certainly not because I’m unwilling. My biggest reason for changing my mind is I bethink me not being able to become pregnant is making you depresst. May hap you need rather than will to be pregnant. Depression is a serious mental condition which I know little of other than I’ve seen it do some awful things to people, including suicide. You will desperately to be a mum, may hap as a result of being unheartfrienden for so long, but I don’t know. May hap I wasn’t willing to be a father cos I’m young and was aflait of the responsibility, again I don’t know, but I do know I’m not prepaert to risk you becoming depresst. Even if I’m wrong I’m still not prepaert to risk it.

“However, practicalities. If you can wait, I would prefer to go after your lunetime, cos if it is a bad one your memories will be of you forcing yourself to rid yourself of your virginity just to become pregnant. I will you to remember giving me your virginity with joy, as you have always sayt you would do, as a celebration of your womanhood and as one of the most wonderful events of your life. I have sayt the same, and it occurs to me your best chance of conception is a tenner and a half after your lunetime starts which is when most women’s libidos are at their highth too. Anyway I’ve fantasiest of being raept by you for lunes and I will to enjoy it too.”

“Really‽ With ropes to tie you up and everything?” Warbler was clearly regaining her cheerful and playful disposition rapidly in response to Jed’s teasing.

“Will you be able to wait long enough to tie me up?”

“Probably not. I love you, Jed.”

“I know, and I love you too, but let’s try to think this through. When and what exactly are you going to tell your parents?”

Warbler considered for a few seconds. “Tonight, and not much, for it won’t be necessary. When family know we’re intendet they’ll expect us to make love. When we tell them we’re taking a tent and will be away for a few days it will be obvious to them and they won’t say or ask aught. The only thing to decide is whether we tell them I’m not taking the herbs. Dad, Granny and Spearmint will not consider it to be a matter they have a right to an opinion on. It’s only Mum who may say something. If she were folkbirtht she’d say nothing, but she’s not, so I don’t know whether she will or no. Even if she does, she won’t be unpleasant just concernt, but I have my full growth, so the healers will tell her it’s safe. What of your family?”

“I doubt any other than Wayland will say else than congratulations. Mum and the girls will make a fuss of you because they will be happy for us, and they love babes.”

“What of Wayland?”

“He’ll just wish to make sure we’re taking advantage of all our rights regards under age agreäns and their children as to Collective contributions and the like.” Jed paused before adding, “I suggest we tell all we plan on starting our family immediately and put all discussion on it behind us, cos after we’ve come back it’ll be too late for any to say aught and they’ll have had may hap a tenner to have their say, but we don’t have to listen. We can even avoid them, but I’m not bothert any hap.”

Warbler nodded and said, “I agree with that. Mum and Dad will be very pleast for us. They both regard you highly you know.”

“I know. Your dad telt me once that his new sons were a source of great pride to him, and your mum has telt both of us she loves us. It’s hard to remember sometimes that she’s not folkbirtht.”

“Why? Mum’s a lovely person, yet you oft spaek of Earth Folk as not being decent. I can’t imagine Mum ever being like that.”

“Me neither. I doetn’t mean it like that. It’s not possible for you to understand what her previous life was like, but she fits in so tightly here it surprises me. None who doetn’t know would imagine she had ever been aught other than a surveyor and map maker all her life, and it all fits that she’s a sheepherd’s wife even if he is more of a dogherd than a sheepherd.”

“Is that a new word you just maekt up or is dogherd another Earth word?”

“I probably just maekt it up. It was quicker than saying sheepdog breeder and trainer. That’s a good example of what I’m trying to say, Warbler. You just wisht to know doet I make it up or no. On Earth I’d have been ridicuelt for stupidity. There are millions of differences between Earth and Castle and for most of them Castle is better. This forenoon when I goent to you parent’s chambers to find you your Mum was nursing Laura when I entert. She standt and kisst me before saying, ‘Warbler and Spearmint have taken Stonecrop to the Greathall, but will return betimes. Make some leaf please, Jed. I’ll have a mug too and bring me one of the soft cloths that have dryt over the stove and dampen another one for me please.’ I maekt leaf and when I returnt with it she’d just finisht feeding Laura and was setting her down in her crib. She uest the cloths to wipe and dry her breasts and fastent her blouse, and we were chatting of Quarterday all the while. We hadn’t finisht our leaf when you returnt. Now to you that would have been so normal an event in a normal family setting that even had you arrivt before your mum had finisht nursing Laura you would scarcely have been aware of it. As your heartfriend—”

“My intendet!”

“Not then I wasn’t. And as your heartfriend your mum had behavt perfectly normally with me. Yes?”

“Of course she doet. How else would she behave? Laura has to be fedd, and at her age when ever she wills to be fedd. It wouldn’t have mattert who you were.”

“You have no idea how different all that was compaert with Earth, and how much better it makes me feel regards being here. Whence I groewn up babes were fedd from a bottle with milk that had been maekt. Nursing a babe was considert dirty, disgusting, degrading and shameful. Any woman who doet it publicly was considert to be less than human, a filthy whore. Which is another thing, a whore was a despiest outcast, some one to be left for Castle to take. In Castle words a whore was a Mistress of leisure, here a respectet crafter a member of a respectet craft, on Earth less than a piece of manure.”

Warbler was shocked and she could hear Jed’s distress as the memory of Earth was affecting his spaech. He was sounding like a recent incomer. “I believe you, Jed. Though it is hard to believe.”

“Decent women would never reveal their breasts to any other than their man, for breasts were only ever considert to be objects of sexual gratification. That was their only perceivt function, yet there were far more women who expoest their breasts to strangers for tokens than there were decent women. Breasts were refert to by dozens of names, but rarely as breasts, and all of those names were pejorative and considert dirty and degrading. Every thing on Earth was corruptet and estrangt from reality. I love seeing, touching and kissing your breasts, Warbler, and I know you love me doing so, yet we both know they are there to nurse our children, and our joy whilst real and important is a secondary thing. I enjoy being considert to be family, and your mum’s milk fillt breasts are amazing and it is wonderful to see her nurse Laura. I look forward to the days when your milk fillt breasts are nursing our children. I enjoy how real and natural it all is, probably more than any folkbirtht person could imagine because I know how different it all can be. Your mum does too, and that’s why I sayt it’s hard to remember she’s not folkbirtht because she fits in so naturally here.”

“You do too, Jed, and you’re here now and mine, so there’s no reason to be upset. Let’s find Mum and Dad. When are you going to tell your family?”

“Easy. At dinner thiseve. I’ll tell them all together. Though if we meet any of my family before then we can tell them and they’ll tell any family they meet before the banquet, cos if I don’t ask them to keep it to themselfs they won’t be able to.”

Warbler laught and asked, “Do you think you’ll ever stop saying cos and use for in its stead which is a Folk word?”

“No, and you should listen to younger Folk more carefully, for cos is becoming a Folk word, and by the time our children are our age I suspect it will be a completely acceptet one. It’s the only Earth word I’ve hearet Gage use since our first third Quarterday, and he still uses it, cos he sayt it’s not quite the same as for, too useful a word to abandon, and the Folk should be learning something from us too no matter how young we are, cos we’re doing more than our share.”

Warbler chuckled and asked, “And what does Wayland say to that?”

“Warbler, Wayland’s already more like Aaron and Nigel than they are, and his thinkings are far too rarefyt to be bothert with mere words!” Both laughing the pair continued on their way seeking Warbler’s parents.

Index of significant characters so far listed by Chapter

1 Introduction
2 Jacques de Saint d’Espéranche
3 The Folk and the Keep
4 Hwijje, Travisher, Will
5 Yew, Allan, Rowan,Siskin, Will, Thomas, Merle, Molly, Aaron, Gareth, Oak, Abigail, Milligan, Basil, Vinnek, Iris, Margæt, Gilla, Alsike, Alfalfa, Gibb, Happith, Kroïn, Mako, Pilot, Briar, Gosellyn, Gren, Hazel
6 Chaunter, Waxwing, Flame, João, Clansaver, Irune, Ceël, Barroo, Campion, Limpet, Vlæna, Xera, Rook, Falcon, Cwm, Sanderling, Aldeia, Catarina, Coast, Elixabete
7 Mercedes, Spoonbill
8 Lyllabette, Yoomarrianna
9 Helen, Duncan, Gosellyn, Eudes, Abigail
10 George/Gage, Iris, Waverley, Belinda
11 Marc/Marcy, Pol
12 George/Gage, Marcy, Freddy/Bittern, Weyland, Iris, Bling
13 Thomas, Will, Mercedes, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna
14 Kyle, Thomas, Will, Angélique
15 Mercedes, Morgelle, Gorse, Thrift, George/Gage, Chris, Iris, Thrift, Campion
16 Bling
17 Waverley, Mr. E
18 George/Gage, Larch, Mari, Ford, Gorse, Morgelle, Luke, Erin
19 Will, Pilot, Yew, Geoge/Gage, Mari, Ford, Gosellyn, Cwm, Cerise, Filbert, Gareth, Duncan, Helen, Thomas, Iris, Plume, Campion, Pim, Rook, Falcon, João, Hare
20 Yew, Rowan, Will, Thomas, Siskin, Weir, Grayling, Willow
21 Brook, Harrier, Cherry, Abby, Selena, Borage, Sætwæn, Fiona, Fergal
22 Yew, Thomas, Hazel, Rowan, Gosellyn, Siskin, Will, Lianna, Duncan
23 Tench, Knawel, Claire, Oliver, Loosestrife, Bramling, George, Lyre, Janice, Kæn, Joan, Eric
24 Luke, Sanderling, Ursula, Gervaise, Mike, Spruce, Moss
25 Janet, Vincent, Douglas, Alec, Alice
26 Pearl, Merlin, Willow, Ella, Suki, Tull, Irena
27 Gina, Hardy, Lilac, Jessica, Teal, Anna
28 Bryony, Judith, Bronwen, Farsight
29 Muriel, Raquel, Grace
30 Catherine, Crane, Snipe, Winifred, Dominique, Ferdinand
31 Alma, Allan, Morris, Miranda
32 Dabchick, Nigel
33 Raquel, Thistle, Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Phœbe
34 Eleanor, Woad, Catherine, Crane
35 Muriel, Hail, Joan, Breve, Eric, Nell, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
36 Selena,Sætwæn, Borage, Grace, Gatekeeper, Raquel, Thistle
37 Siân, Mackerel, Winifred, Obsidian
38 Carla, Petrel, Alkanet, Ferdinand
39 Dominique, Oxlip, Alma, Allan, Tress, Bryony
40 Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Ella, Kestrel, Judith, Storm
41 Ella, Kestrel, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane
42 Weights & Measures and Sunrise & Sunset Times included in Ch 41
43 Ella, Kestrel, Serenity, Smile, Gwendoline, Rook, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane, Sapphire, Mere
44 Pearl, Merlin, Rainbow, Perch, Joan, Breve, truth, Rachael, Hedger, Ruby, Deepwater
45 Janet, Blackdyke, Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster
46 Janet, Gina, Alastair, Joan, Breve, Truth, Bræth, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
47 The Squad, Mercedes, Fen, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
48 Bronwen, Forest, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Kathleen, Niall, Bluebell, Sophie
49 Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster, Imogen, Wryneck, Phœbe, Knapps
50 Erin, Nightjar, Eleanor, Woad
51 Gina, Jonas, Janet, Gerald, Patrick, Tansy, Craig, Barret, Ryan
52 Constance, Rye, Bling, Bullace, Berry, Jimmy, Leveret, Rory, Shelagh, Silas
53 Rachael, Hedger, Eve, Gilla, Mallard, Fiona, Fergal, Tinder, Nightingale, Fran, Dyker
54 Pamela, Mullein, Patricia, Chestnut, Lavinia, Ophæn, Catherine, Crane
55 Susan, Kingfisher, Janet, Gina, Jonas, Ruth, Kilroy, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
56 Gina, Jonas, Patricia, Chestnut, The Squad, Hazel, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch, Mangel, Clary, Brendan
57 Erin, Nightjar, Xera, Josephine, Wels, Michelle, Musk, Swansdown, Tenor
58 Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverley,Yvette, Whitebear, Firefly, Farsight, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch
59 Lilac, Firefly, Farsight, Lucinda, Gimlet, Leech, Janet, Blackdyke
60 Douglas, Lunelight, Yvette, Whitebear, Thrift, Haw, Harebell, Goosander, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew, Matilda, Evan, Heron
61 Brendan, Clary, Chloë, Apricot, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Otis, Harry, Gimlet, Leech, Jodie
62 Gimlet, Leech, Lark, Seth, Charles, Bruana, Noah, Kirsty, Shirley, Mint, Kevin, Faith, Oak, Lilly, Jason, Gem, Ellen
63 Honesty, Peter, Bella, Abel, Kell, Deal, Siobhan, Scout, Jodie
64 Heather, Jon, Anise, Holly, Gift, Dirk, Lilac, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Ivy, David
65 Sérent, Dace, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Clarissa, Gorse, Eagle, Frond, Diana, Gander, Gyre, Tania, Alice, Alec
66 Suki, Tull, Buzzard, Mint, Kevin, Harmony, Fran, Dyker, Joining the Clans, Pamela, Mullein, Mist, Francis, Kristiana, Cliff, Patricia, Chestnut, Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverly, Tarragon, Edrydd, Louise, Turnstone, Jane, Mase, Cynthia, Merle, Warbler, Spearmint, Stonecrop
67 Warbler, Jed, Fiona, Fergal, Marcy, Wayland, Otday, Xoë, Luval, Spearmint, Stonecrop, Merle, Cynthia, Eorle, Betony, Smile
68 Pansy, Pim,Phlox, Stuart, Marilyn, Goth, Lunelight, Douglas, Crystal, Godwit, Estelle, Slimlyspoon, Lyre, George, Damson, Lilac
69 Honesty, Peter, Abel, Bella, Judith, storm, Matilda, Evean, Iola, Heron, Mint, Kevin, Lilac, Happith, Gloria, Peregrine
70 Lillian, Tussock, Modesty, Thyme, Vivienne, Minyet, Ivy, David, Jasmine, Lilac, Ash, Beech
71 Quartet & Rebecca, Gimlet & Leech, The Squad, Lyre & George, Deadth, Gift
72 Gareth, Willow, Ivy, David, Kæna,Chive, Hyssop, Birch, Lucinda, Camomile, Meredith, Cormorant, Whisker, Florence, Murre, Iola, Milligan, Yarrow, Flagstaff, Swansdown, Tenor, Morgan, Yinjærik, Silvia, Harmaish, Billie, Jo, Stacey, Juniper
73 The Growers, The Reluctants, Miriam, Roger, Lauren, Dermot, Lindsay, Scott, Will, Chris, Plume, Stacey, Juniper
74 Warbler, Jed, Veronica, Campion, Mast, Lucinda, Cormorant, Camomile, Yellowstone
75 Katheen, Raymnd, Niall, Bluebe, Sophie, Hazel, Ivy, Shadow, Allison, Amber, Judith, Storm Alwydd, Matthew, Beatrix, Jackdaw, The Squad, Elders, Jennt, Bronze, Maeve, Wain, Monique, Piddock, Melissa, Roebuck, Aaron, Carley Jade, Zoë, Vikki, Bekka, Mint, Torrent
76 Gimlet, Leech, Gwendoline, Georgina, Quail. Birchbark, Hemlock, Peter, Honesty, Bella, Hannah, Aaron, Torrent, Zoë, Bekka, Vikki, Jade, Carley, Chough, Anvil, Clematis, Stonechat, Peace, Xanders, Gosellyn, Yew, Thomas, Campion, Will, Iris, Gareth
77 Zoë, Torrent, Chough, Stonechat, Veronica, Mast, Sledge, Cloudberry, Aconite, Cygnet, Smokt
78 Jed, Warbler, Luval, Glaze, Seriousth, Blackdyke, Happith, Camilla
79 Torrent, Zoë, Stonechat, Clematis, Aaron, Maeve, Gina, Bracken, Gosellyn, Paene, Veronica, Mast, Fracha, Squid, Silverherb
80 George/Gage, Niall, Alwydd, Marcy/Beth, Freddy/Bittern, Wayland, Chris, Manic/Glen, Guy, Liam, Jed, Fergal, Sharky
81 The Squad, Manic/Glen, Jackdaw, Beatrix, Freddy/Bittern, Fiona, Fergal, Wayland, Jade, Stonechat, Beauty, Mast, Veronica, Raven, Tyelt, Fid
82 Gimlet, Leech, Scentleaf, Ramsom, Grouse, Aspen, Stonechat, Bekka, Carley, Vikki, Morgelle, Bistort, Fritillary, Jed, Warbler, Spearmint, Alwydd, Billie, Diver, Seal, Whitethorn
83 Alastair, Carrom, Céline, Quickthorn, Coral, Morgelle, Fritillary, Bistort, Walnut, Tarragon, Edrydd, Octopus, Sweetbean, Shrike, Zoë, Torrent, Aaron, Vinnek, Zephyr, Eleanor, Woad, George/Gage, The Squad, Ingot, Yellowstone, Phthalen, Will
84 Morgelle, Bistort, Fritillary, Alsike, Campion, Siskin, Gosellyn, Yew, Rowan, Thomas, Will, Aaron, Dabchick, Nigel, Tuyere
85 Jo, Knott, Sallow, Margæt, Irena, Tabby, Jade, Phthalen, Yumalle, Stonechat, Spearmint, Alwydd, Seriousth, Warbler, Jed, Brett, Russel, Barleycorn, Crossbill, Lizo, Hendrix, Monkshood, Eyrie, Whelk, Gove, Gilla, Faarl, Eyebright, Alma, axx, Allan, daisy, Suki, Tull
86 Cherville, Nightshade, Rowan, Milligan, Wayland, Beth, Liam, Chris, Gage
87 Reedmace, Ganger, Jodie, Blade, Frœp, Mica, Eddique, Njacek, Whiteout, Sandpiper, Serin, Cherville, Nightshade, peregrine, Eleanor, Woad, Buzzard, Silas, Oak, Wolf, Kathleen, Reef, Raymond, Sophie, Niall, Bluebell
88 Cloud, Sven, Claudia, Stoat, Thomas, Aaron, Nigel, Yew, Milligan, Gareth, Campion, Will, Basil, Gosellyn, Vinnek, Plume
89 Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Silverherb, Cloudberry, Smokt, Skylark, Beatrix, Beth, Amethyst, Mint, Wayland, Bittern, Fiona, Fergal, Joan, Bræth, Nell, Milligan, Iola, Ashdell, Alice, Molly, Rill, Briar
90 Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Beth, Beatrix, Sanderling, Falcon, Gosellyn, Gage, Will, Fiona, Jackdaw, Wayland, Merle, Cynthia, Jed, Warbler
91 Morgelle, Tuyere, Fritillary, Bistort, Jed, Otday, The Squad, Turner, Gudrun, Ptarmigan, Swegn, Campion, Otis, Asphodel, Jana, Treen, Xeffer, Stonechat, Bekka, Vikki, Carley, Beatrix, Jackdaw
92 Turner, Otday, Mackerel, Eorl, Betony, The Council, Will, Yew, Basil, Gerald, Oier, Patrick, Happith, Angélique, Kroïn, Mako
93 Beth, Greensward, Beatrix, Odo, Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Otday, Turner, Gace, Rachael, Groundsel, Irena, Warbler, Jed, Mayblossom, Mazun, Will, The Squad
94 Bistort, Honey, Morgelle, Basil, Willow, Happith, Mako, Kroïn, Diana, Coaltit, Gær, Lavinia, Joseph (son), Ruby, Deepwater, Gudrun, Vinnek, Tuyere, Otday, Turner
95 Turner, Otday, Waverly, Jed, Tarse, Zoë, Zephyr, Agrimony, Torrent, Columbine, Stonechat, Bekka, Vikki, Carley, The Council, Gage, Lilly
96 Faith, Oak, Lilly, Fran, Suki, Dyker, Verbena, Jenny, Bronze, Quietth, Alwydd, Evan, Gage, Will, Woad, Bluebell, Niall, Sophie, Wayland, Kathleen, Raymond, Bling, Bittern
97 Jade, Phthalen, Yumalle, Margæt, Tabby, Larov, Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Fritillary, Brmling, Tench, Knawel, Loosestrife, Agrimony, Jana, Will, Gale, Linden, Thomas, Guelder, Jodie, Peach, Peregrine, Reedmace, Ganger, The Council, Faith, Oak, Lilly, Ellen, Gem, Beth, Geän
98 Turner, Otday, Anbar, Bernice, Silverherb, Havern, Annalen
99 Kæna, Chive, Ivy, David, Birch, Suki, Hyssop, Whitebeam, Jodie, Ganger, Reedmace, Whiteout, Sandpiper, Catherine, Braid, Maidenhair, Snowberry, Snipe, Lærie, Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Fritillary, Ælfgyfu, Jennet, Cattail, Guy, Vikki, Buckwheat, Eddique, Annabelle, Fenda, Wheatear, Bram, Coolmint, Carley, Dunlin
100 Burdock, Bekka, Bram, Wheatear, Cranberry, Edrian, Gareth, George, Georgina, Quail, Birchbark, Hemlock, Bramling, Tench, Knawel, Turner, Otday, Ruby, Deepwater, Barleycorn, Russel, Gareth, Plantain, Gibb, Lizo, Thomas, Mere, Marten, Hendrix, Cuckoo, Campion, Gage, Lilly, Faith
101 Theresa, Therese, Zylanna, Zylenna, Cwm, Ivy, David, Greenshank, Buzzard, Zeeëend, Zrina, Zlovan, Torrent, Alastair, Céline, Meld, Frogbit, Midnight, Wildcat, Posy, Coral, Dandelion, Thomas, Lizo, Council
102 Beth, Beatrix, Falcon, Gosellyn, Neil, Maple, Mouse, Ember, Goose, Blackcap, Suede, Gareth, Robert, Madder, Eider, Campion, Crossbill, Barleycorn, George, Céline, Midnight, Alastair, Pamela, Mullein, Swager, Margæt, Sturgeon, Elliot, Jake, Paris, Rosebay, Sheridan, Gælle, Maybells, Emmer, Beauty, Patricia, Chestnut, Irena, Moor
103 Steve, Limpet, Vlæna, Qorice, Crossbow, Dayflower, Flagon, Gareth, Næna, Stargazer, Willow, Box, Jude, Nathan, Ryland, Eller, Wæn, Stert, Truedawn, Martin, Campion, Raspberry
104 Coolmint, Valerian, Vikki, Hawfinch, Corncrake, Speedwell, Cobb, Bill, Gary, Chalk, Norman, Hoopoe, Firkin, Gareth, Plover, Willow, Dewberry, Terry, Squill, Campion, Tracker, Oak, Vinnek,
105 Council, Thomas, Pilot, Vinnek, Dale, Luca, Almond, Macus, Skua, Cranesbill, Willow, Campion, Georgina, Osprey, Peter, Hotsprings, Fyre, Jimbo, Saxifrage, Toby, Bruana, Shirley, Kirsty, Noah, Frost, Gareth, Turner, Otday, Eorl, Axle, Ester, Spile, David, Betony
106 Jodie, Sunshine, Ganger, Peach, Spikenard, Scallop, Hobby, Pennyroyal, Smile, Otday, Turner, Janet, Astrid, Thistle, Shelagh, Silas, Basalt, Suki, Robert, Madder, Steve, Bekka, Cowslip, Swansdown, Susan, Aqualegia, Kingfisher, Carley, Syke, Margæt, Garnet, Catkin, Caltforce, Council, Thomas, Briar, Yew, Sagon, Joseph, Gareth, Gosellyn, Campion, Will, Qvuine, Aaron, Siskin, Jasmine, Tusk, Lilac, Ash, Beech, Rebecca, Fescue
107 Helen, Duncan, Irena, Scent, Silk, Loosestrife, Tench, Knawel, Bramling, Grebe, Madder, Robert, Otter, Luval, Honey, Beth, Beatrix, Falcon, Amethyst, Janet, Lilac, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Fiona, Blackdyke, Bittern, George, Axel, Oak, Terry, Wolf, Vinnek, Dittander, Squill, Harmony, Jason, Lyre, Iola, Heron, Yew, Milligan, Alice, Crook, Eudes, Abigail, Gibb, Melanie, Storm, Annabelle, Eddique, Fenda, Lars, Reedmace, Jodie, Aaron, Nigel, Thomas Will
108 Aldeia, Coast, Chris, Wayland, Liam, Gage, Fiona, Fergal, Beth, Greensward, Jackdaw, Warbler, Jed, Guy, Bittern, Spearmint, Alwydd, Storm, Judith, Heidi, Iola, Heron, Beatrix, Harle, Parsley, Fledgeling, Letta, Cockle, Puffin, Adela, Gibb, Coaltit, Dabchick, Morris, Lucimer, Sharky, Rampion, Siskin, Weir, Alsike, Milligan, Gosellyn, Wolf, Campion, Gareth, Aaron, Nigel, Geoffrey, Will, Roebuck, Yew
109 George, Lyre, Iola, Milligan, Gibb, Adela, Wels, Francis, Weir, Cliff, Siward, Glæt, Judith, Madder, Briar, Axel, Molly, Coaltit, Dabchick, Bluesher, Qvuine, Spoonbill, Ashridge, Morris
110 Nectar, Cattail, Molly, Floatleaf, Timothy, Guy, Judith, Briar, Axel, Storm, Beatrix, Iola, Coaltit, Siward, Cockle, Gibb, Lune, Manchette, Gellica, Dabchick, Morris, Sycamore, Eudes, Fulbert, Abigail, Milligan, Ashridge
111 Iola, Turner, Otday, Alwydd, Will, Dabchick, Sgœnne, Coriander, Saught, Ingot, Molly, Vivienne, Michelle, Nancy, Fledgeling, Letta, Milligan, Spoonbill, Knawel, Beaver, Cnut, Godwin, Ilsa, Holdfast, Jeanne, Tara, Lanfranc, Furrier, Joseph, Crag, Adela, Jason, Judith, Gem, Wolf, Storm, Terry, Axel, George, Oak, Coaltit, Posy, Gage, Bluesher, Nigel, Heron, Aaron, Orchid, Morris, Russell, Thomas, Eudes, Ashridge, Polecat, Redstart, Herleva, Fletcher, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Lilac, Elaine, Kaya, Fulbert, Buzzard, Raymond, Firefly, Roebuck, Francis, Cliff, Odo, Alice, Grangon
112 Council, Bruana, Iola, Kirsty, Glen, Shirley, Wormwood, Noah, Aaron, Dabchick, Nigel, Judith, Milligan, Campion, Gibb, Morris, Polecat, Ilsa, Glæt, Braun, Turbot, Voë, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Sledge, Cloudberry, Smockt, Burgloss, Hubert, Skylark, Srossa, Cygnet, Uri, Cnara, Sexday, Luuk, Slew, Quinnea, Roach, Vosgælle, Siward, Adela, Bluesher, Olga, Amæ, Helen, Odo, Wels, Camomile, Fulbert, Ashridge, Swaille, Gren, Spoonbill, Alwydd, Puffin, Chub, Gage, Ivy, Sippet, Orcharder, Knapps, Eudes, Fledgeling, Cnut, Letta, Nightjar, Greensward, Saught, Carver, Wlnoth, Flagstaff, Coaltit, Thresher, Parsley, Harle, Coriander
113 Aaron, Glæt, Braum, Sandpiper, Ellflower, Abigail, Nigel, Morris, Iola, Ivana, Zena, Trefoil, Comfrey, Scorp, Milligan, Ashridge, Polecat, Gibb, Basil, Knapps, Sagon, Pleasance, Posy, Woad, Will, Gage, Strath, Eric, Ophæn, Coriander, Vivienne, Michelle, Camilla, Odo, Siward, Swaille, Fulbert, Adela, Coaltit, Dabchick, Eudes, Harle, Matthew, Grangon, Hayrake, David, Gellica, Biteweed, Heron, Qvuine, Hjötron, Fledgeling, Parsley, Spoonbill, Greensward, Bluesher, Beatrix, Roebuck, Sagon, Letta, Carver, Wlnoth, Beaver, Saught, Swegn
114 Iola, Dabchick, Gage, Fulbert, Eudes, Coaltit, Burnet, Adela, Sippet, Milligan, Spoonbill, Coriander, Fennel, Knapps, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Smockt, Wheatear, Cloudberry, Sanderling, Scree, Eve, Sledge, Hubert,Irena, Suki, Burgloss, Harle, Polecat, Gibb, Gordon, Douglas, Lunelight,Lovage, Francis, Pleasance, Siward, Grangon, Qvuine, Ashridge, Abigail, Alice, Emma, Embrace, Basil, Aaron, Nigel, Hville, Heron, Bluesher, Musk, Michelle, Joseph, Ivy, Bruana, Noah, Ianto
115 Council, Basil, Iola, Ilsa, Crag, Sgœnne, Waternut, Joseph, Ivy, Dabchick, Milligan, Roebuck, Polecat, George, Yew, Will, Gage, Raspberry, Lisette, Bruana, Ianto, Noah, Evan, Yanto, Jocelyn, Lætitia, Faith, Kæn, Janice, Oak, Lilly, Jason, Wolf, Irena, Mica, Quartz, Peregrine, Ellen, Ousel, Abel, Honesty, Rose, Suki, Veronica, Chris, Mast, Vinnek, Alan, Jane, Beatrix, Jackdaw, Nancy, Douglas, Euan, Coriander, Yæna, Gosellyn, Peter, Bella, Anne, Joa, Joanna, Harrion, Beth, Otter, Luval, Bittern, Wayland, Tansy, Craig, Jonathan, Rhame, Moil, Blush, Alfalfa, Puffin, Briar, Bay, Storm, Hobby, Gibb, Judith, Bjarni, Mhairi, Kbion, Nigel, Bluesher, Spoonbill, Grangon, Kell, Deal, Wryneck, Weir, Musk, Joseph, Knapps, Deepwater, Gordon, Ashridge, Yanwaite, bluebean, Alice, Alfgar, Matthew, Heidi, Rampion, Heron, Siskin
116 Fiona, Fergal, Nightingale, Margæt, Milligan, Polecat, Tinder, Beatrix, Whitethorn, Irena, Lilly, Isabel, Beth, Warbler, Gage, Cicely, Will, Bruana, Coaltit, Gibb, Ianto, Noah, Iola, Morris, Joseph, Dabchick, Kirsty, Shirley, Ivana, Judith, Posy, Wolf, Oak, Jason, George, Gem, Firefox, Mangel, Mace, Millet, Faith, Yew, Hazel, Rowan, Siskin, Basil, Hobby, Thomas, Nightlights, Alkanet, Ferdinand, Eudes, Fulbert, Ashridge, Abigail, Briar, Almond, Crake, Storm, Barret, Alec, Harris, Brock, Bruin, Graill, Joanna, Alice, Alfgar, Fiddil, Orcharder, Melanie, Adela, Spoonbill, Betony, Michelle, Ellen, Jocelyn, Lætitia, Abel, Mari, Ford, Peter, Honesty, Bella, Yæna, Harmony, Dittander, Molly
117 Lyre, George, Irena, Lilly, Goshawk, Peregrine, Graill, Judith, Oak, Dabchick, Iola, Coaltit, Fulbert, Spoonbill, Parsley, Knapps, Gage, Ashridge, Eudes, Oullin, Bruana, Diana, Hville, Adela, Ingot, Herron, Rosebay, Gwyneth, Sheridan, Sturgeon, Jake, Maybells, Council, Yew, Will, Thomas, Rowan, Qvuine, Milligan, Joseph, Bluesher, Greensward, Morris, Grangon, Ryan, Hobby, Phœbe, Harris, Alec, Fiddil, Orcharder, Briar, Sagon, Storm, Durance, Charlotte
118 Iola, Adela, Knapps, Dabchick, Bruana, Beatrix, Bwlch, Burnet, Winefruit, Twailles, Saught, Spoonbill, Coaltit, Fulbert, Eudes, Coriander, Milligan, Hobby, Morgelle, Caoilté, Fritillary, Tuyere, Ælfgivu, Morwen, Bistort, Furnace, Turner, Froe, Otday, Otter, Luval, Molly, Ivy, Eorl, Geoffrey, Betony, Gosellyn, Smile, Phœbe, Cwm, Angharad, Vervain, Irena, Lilly, Falcon, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Charlotte, Heron, Heidi, Rampion, Yew, Rowan, Spearmint, Veronica, Mast, Flint, Peregrine, Loosestrife, Bramling, Tench, Knawel, Oliver, Claire, Gdana, Grebe, Ironwood Agrimony, Joseph, Gordon, Diana, Gander, Gibb, Lunelight, Pleasance, Bay, George, Jason, Briar, Barnet, Oak, Acorn, Knott, Ingot, Gage, Beth, Jed, Guy, Qvuine, Swegn, Mortice, Mike, Spruce, Linden, Will, Gale, Morris, Rock, Revæl, Rampion, Matilda, Silverherb, Wheatear, Brock, Bruin, Estelle, Slimlyspoon, Edwin, Aspen, Musk, Joseph, Cynthia, Sannie, Lobelia, Merle, Laura, Warbler, Mint, Allia, Kevin, Laiqqa, Davvi, Madder, Robert, Crossbill, Barleycorn, Compass, Sextant, Sólarsteinn, Fulke, Bryony, Cobalt, Tress, Livette, Whin, Plane, Tunn, Lavender, Balsam, Jade, Phthalen, Tallia, Yumalle, Larov
119 Joseph, Briar, Sago, Swegn, Tress, Bryony, Gordon, Livette, Whin, Plane, Tunn, Lavender, Balsam, Cobalt, Sppleblossom, Lotus, Veronica, Mast, Flint, Peregrine, Bloom, Weälth, Coppicer, Lacy, Silverbean, Marjoram, Scorza, Gooseberry, Cove, Gowwan, Hugh, Earnest, Campion, Aaron, Skale, Xera, Horehound, Joaquim, Lorna, Leofric, Sabrina, Shag, Vinnek, Ruby

120 Warbler, Jed, Thrift, Firefox, Beth, Greensward, Will, Leech, Livette, Gloria, Peregr Janet, Ninija, Fiona, Isabel, Lilac,Ash, Beech, Jasmine, Rebecca, Francis, Yellowstone, Buttercup, Gage, Opal, Mist, Odo, Milligan, Thomas, Will, Gareth, Yew, Rowan, Basil, HobbySagon, Campion, Joseph, Iola, Alwydd, Spearmint, Heron, Heidi, Rampion, Bowman, Gibb, Coaltit, Gordon, Douglas, Dabchick, Pleasance, Fergal, Åse, Leveret, Durance, Wayland, Laura, Stonecrop, Aaron, Nigel

Word Usage Key
Some commonly used words are below. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood if the n is replaced by a d. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically.

Agreän(s), those person(s) one has marital agreement with, spouse(s).
Bethinkt, thought.
Braekt, broke.
Cousine, female cousin.
Doet, did. Pronounced dote.
Doetn’t, didn’t. Pronounced dough + ent.
Findt, found,
Goen, gone
Goent, went.
Grandparents. In Folk like in many Earth languages there are words for either grandmother and grandfather like granddad, gran, granny. There are also words that are specific to maternal and paternal grandparents. Those are as follows. Maternal grand mother – granddam. Paternal grandmother – grandma. Maternal grandfather – grandfa. Paternal grandfather – grandda.
Heartfriend, a relationship of much more significance than being a girl- or boy-friend is on Earth. Oft such relationships are formed from as young as four and they are taken seriously by both children and adults. A child’s heartfriend is automatically one of their heartfriend’s parents’ children too, and a sibling to their heartfriend’s siblings. Such relationships rarely fail and are seen as precursors to becoming intendet and having agreement.
Intendet, fiancée or fiancé.
Knoewn, knew.
Lastdaysince, the day before yesterday.
Loes, lost.
Maekt, made.
Nextdaynigh, the day after tomorrow.
Sayt, said.
Seeën, saw.
Taekt, took.
Telt, told.
Uest, used.

1 Shine, sunshine.
2 A year on Castle has 14 lunes of alternating 30 and 29 days each which give 413 days in a year.
3 Lingberry, lingon related to cranberry:Vaccinium vitis-idaea.
4 Tendergourd, watermelon.
5 Flaught, here silly, but also foolish or stupid.
6 Clouts, cloths.
7 Perse, Folk word for the colour purple.
8 Inlayn, inlaid.
9 Cotte, the Folk word for a female bottom is a cotte. The word derives from apricot and the male form is cot. Apricot fruit oft have a defined cleft like a pair of buttocks. The terms cotte and cot are every day respectable words uest by all. They may also be uest to indicate a single buttock. A woman has a left cotte, a right cotte and a cotte that includes both. She does not have a pair of cottes. The words cotte and cot are singular and plural. Like most but not all Folk words the default is the feminine. Cotte would be uest for example for a babe of unspecified sex.
10 The downith of her mons, the downiness of her mons, pubic hair.
11 Quick, alive.
12 Collective, effectively the treasury.
13 Crystals of cream of tartar or potassium bitartrate, a weak acid that reacts with sodium bicarbonate to release carbon dioxide. The mixture referred to as risings is in effect baking powder.
14 A leaçe, a right of access to the person of one’s acknowledged loved one.

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