Some commonly used words are below. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood if the n is replaced by a d. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically. There is now an appendix of Folk words and language and one of places, food, animals, plants and minerals too. Both follow the story chapters.
The brackets after a character e.g. CLAIRE (4 nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old and a character not encountered before. Ages of incomers are in Earth years at this point and of Folk in Castle years. (4 Folk yrs ≈ 5 Earth yrs. l is lunes, t is tenners.) There is a list of chapters and their significant characters at the bottom too.
2nd of Uernith Day 64
For the fourth day in a row Faith had been violently sick in the forenoon, and in her misery she said to Oak, “If I were younger I’d suspect I were pregnant. I’m going to see Gosellyn later thisday. This is beginning to become flaitsome.”(1) Oak had come to love her not least for her courage at his appearance and her ready acceptance of Lilly, Jason, Gem and his grandma Ellen, but also because in doing so she had maekt them into a family. She was nearly eighteen years older than he, and as she had telt him when they married, “I am fifty-three, my lunetimes became erratic at fourty-three. My sorrow, Oak, but you have been cheatet of more children, for unfortunately they ceast at fourty-eight.”
Oak had compassionately telt her, “We now have three children, and it is you not I who have been cheated, Goodwife.”
She had never telt him of the exact words of Aaron’s gifting just that he had gifted their marriage, and then she’d forgotten it. Oak was terrified he was going to lose her and tried to be brave. He didn’t realise how poorly he was hiding his worries till Lilly said to him, “Mum’s ill isn’t she, Dad? I know it’s serious because you’re worryt and trying not to shew it. Even Granny’s worryt. What’s wrong? Is Mum going to die?”
He knew Lilly loved Faith, and he couldn’t lie, not even to his children of the matter. Deadth was an all too frequent a visitor to the Folk. “I don’t know,” he said. “I wish I doet.”
Lilly kissed him and said, “I hope she becomes better, and I love you, Dad.” They held each other tightly, and Lilly said, “The boys are worryt too.” Jason his eldest son, who was newfolk and thirteen, worked the forge with him. His previous life had been grim, and he lived for working with Oak and loved Faith who was the only proper mum he had ever known. Gem, who was five and folkbirtht, had lost both parents early in life, and he had no memory of either of them. Till Faith and Oak adopted him and his nearly blind grandma, he had been reared by her. They had become a close and typical Folk family. There was naught else to say.
Faith continued to be ill in the forenoons, and two tenners later she came home to tell Oak, “Margæt says she’s almost certain I’m pregnant. She suspects two lunes, may hap a little more.”
Oak asked her, “If that’s so has she an explanation for it, Love?”
Faith replied cryptically, “No, and I’m not going to give her one.” She telt Oak the exact wording of Aaron’s gifting. “I doetn’t consider it possible, so I forgett it till the other day. It has taken me this long to accept it. You know how he is. He doetn’t wish me to tell any. I know he wouldn’t expect me to keep it from you, but I am not going to tell any other.”
Oak said he would do likewise and Faith said, “That was flaught,(2) Love, I doetn’t need you to tell me that.”
Oak kissed her and said, “Now who’s being flaught.”
“I believe Margæt’s right, and I’m pregnant, Love,” Faith said before asking him, “but how do you feel regards being a dad again?”
Oak was overjoyed and it shewed, but he was a caring man and said, “More to the point how do you feel regards being a mum?”
“I’m a woman of the Folk who has never had a babe. I’m even looking forward to having to use the facility in the middle of the night, sore breasts, tiren feet and an aching back. I can’t wait to have a babe in my arms. I’ll pay any price.”
Oak knew she was being absolutely serious, and kissed her tenderly. Faith snorted, and said, “You don’t have to be that careful yet.”
They both laught at that, and Oak said, “We have to tell the children and Mum as soon as possible, Love.”
“I’d rather wait till I’m more certain.”
“No,” said Oak, and he telt her of their and his anxieties.
Faith was taken aback, but said, “I’ll tell them thiseve when we eat.”
The eve meal was emotional. The children had the crushing burden of thinking their mother may be going to die removed, and the excitement of another sibling. Ellen was tearful at the relief. She had lost a son and his wife, and the prospect of loss again had been too dreadful to contemplate. She was amused it was also an educational event. Jason at thirteen wasn’t exactly sure of the whys and wherefores of existence, Folk reared children at that age were much better informed, certainly Lilly was. The children went to bed exhausted with the emotions of relief, excitement and a scary acceptance, before too many years had passed, they too would be grown up with everything that went with it. Even Granny had insisted it would come to them all in time. Faith and Oak slept that night in each other’s arms deeply grateful they had each other.
4th of Uernith Day 66
Fran had been on Castle for over two lunes when she started birthing. Her life had improven beyond measure since her arrival and marriage to Dyker. She was enjoying life as a lærer(3) weaver, and was already good enough to weave and gossip at the same time which maekt the craft much more enjoyable than it had been when she first started. Her being in the late stages of pregnancy meant a lot of the gossip was of pregnancy, babes, children, men and families, which she not only enjoyed, but learnt a lot from too. There had been a lot of discussion of babe names, that she knew she was having a girl child was no longer thought of as strange, and helped to cut the options down. However, it was Dyker who had suggested Verbena. To which she had agreed immediately because she thought it somehow just perfect. She was birthing for fifteen hours, but she had no real problems from the midwifes’ point of view. Verbena was a small babe, at a shade under two weights, but she was hale, and there had been naught wrong with her lungs or her appetite.
Fran had been a little worried she didn’t have enough milk, but Suki had telt her, “Your main milk flow will arrive in time for when she needs it. There is no cause for worry. It can take several days.”
Dyker had said with a tired smile an hour after his daughter was birtht, “I’m torn between watching her and going out with my brothers to become disgustingly drinkn.”(4)
Fran, who knew he was teasing her, had laught and asked him, “And what have you decided to do?”
Dyker replied with mock indignation, “I’m a family man with responsibilities now. I haven’t time for becoming drinkn when there’s a little girl to be lookt after.”
9th of Uernith Day 71
Jenny had been married to Bronze for two lunes, and all the way through their marriage their most important conversations had revolved berount the name of their daughter.
Bronze had hesitantly suggested a tenner since, “We were very shy with each other to begin with, my love, and I shall always remember that with fondth. I know it is not a traditional name, but I should like to name her Quietth. In years to come, she shall I believe be happy her name is a celebration of her parent’s love, and of her beginnings.”
Jenny had been reduced to tears by Bronze’s gentle remarks of their early courtship. He was shy, and still had trouble exerting himself in their agreement, she loved him the more for it, but she understandt what he was trying to say and said, “That’s a lovely idea.”
When she started birthing Bronze was outwardly calm, she had no idea of the terror he was feeling and controlling so successfully, and he was in her opinion the best husband she could have had. He totally hid his relief and emotions when Quietth was birtht, and Jenny was glad to have had his support for the last however many hours it had been. She was exhausted, and Bronze had helped her to put Quietth to her breast which had thrilled the pair of them, though Suki the midwife had no idea how Bronze felt. When all had been done that needed to be done Bronze had telt Suki, “I shall look after them now, and if they need you I shall let you know. I can’t offer enough gratitude for what you have doen. You have given me more than any other has ever doen in my entire life.”
His words which were delivered in a calm and unemotional tone were accompanied by tears in his eyes, and Suki patted his shoulder and said, “You are a good man Bronze, and unlike many a new father I trust you to do what you have said. I shall leave your wife and daughter in what I believe to be your very capable hands. I shall have someone call in a few hours, and I suggest you and yours have some sleep.”
11th of Uernith Day 73
When Alwydd and Granddad Evan had maekt enquiries regards having some priests maekt the rest of the squad wished one too, so they decided to see what they would have to trade to have a couple of dozen maekt. When Will had been telt by Gage of it he’d said, “Have three dozen maekt, Gage. Tell Linden to have them all accountet to the office, and we’ll take the extras. Give one to Gwendoline, and one to Leech. I’ll have one, and give the spares to Adze to put in the stores.”
Evan had asked Gage, “Why would Will do that, Gage?”
“Probably because he is happy for the office to pay for a good idea that will eventually put food on the Folk’s plates. In his place it’s what I should have doen, for it’s the major duty of the Master huntsman, but don’t worry, Granddad. Just find someone to make them.”
Posy had said she would turn and bore some oaken ships’ timber offcuts for them, and they had agreed on the size they should be maekt. They had initially approached the plumbers to have them filled with lead, but Loveapple had suggested a smith who did work for the plumbers would be better and Woad would be a good man to have spaech with. Woad said he would be happy to do it for them in return for a priest as he enjoyed fishing and in return for the oak would only charge the lead and not his time to the huntsmen. Evan wasn’t sure, but Alwydd who knew what Gage and Will would say said, “Gratitude, Woad. We’ll tell Posy to have the wood sent to you when she has finisht.”
A tenner later they were making plans to go fishing for pike.
11th of Uernith Day 73
Bluebell’s crush on Niall, which she’d had from the moment she set eyes on him, had grown with time and now had taken her thoughts over. She loved all her new family and she loved being a big sister to Reef her recently birtht brother and two year old Sophie, who they had decided would be three on third Quarterday. Despite her age, her relationship with Sophie was more akin to that of a mother and her daughter rather than that of siblings which caused neither of them nor their mum any difficulties, but her relationship with Niall was difficult for her. She was now turned twelve and had calculated Niall was a year and a half older than she. She knew he liekt her and loved her as a sister, and she’d been hinting she wished more for tenners. Many of their peer group had expressed surprise to her concerning Niall’s reluctance, for they were unaware that Niall was in ignorance of her interest in him and only saw her as his sister.
Bluebell knew the squad were looking for and finding potential heartfriends, but had no idea what Niall’s intentions were. The idea that he would become heartfrienden with another girl maekt her miserable and subject to unpredictable crying jags, and she was aware her anxiety maekt her subject to unreasonable anger with all berount her. She was also aware that though her friends thought her behaviour was due to her lunecycles and were hoping she would grow out of it they were beginning to avoid her. Unfortunately she knew of none she could have spaech with concerning the matter. She knew it was not a subject she could have spaech of with either of her parents and felt under pressure to do some thing before she lost Niall for ever. In desperation she’d looked into the situation and discovered that, as long as both consented, the Folk would have no concerns with the matter even if she married Niall nextday, but neither of her parents were Folk.
Distraught at the prospect of Niall becoming the property of another girl, and not having been able to think of any other way of resolving the matter, she steeled herself for the potential pain of exposing her heart and being cast aside. After braekfast that forenoon, Bluebell entered Niall’s bedchamber as he was putting on his coat to leave for the mews, “Niall, how many of the squad have findt girls they will to be heartfrienden with?”
“May hap half why, Bluebell?”
“Are you looking for one too?”
“Well, I can’t say I’m looking, but if it happens doubtless I’ll be happy with it. Why?”
Bluebell felt better hearing that and continued, “I’m looking, and I’ve findt a boy I would really like to be heartfrienden with, but despite giving him loads of hints I just can’t get him to notice me.”
“He must be a bit dim then because you are pretty, clever and a caring, decent person. Who is he?”
“Bluebell taekt a deep breath. “You.”
Completely taken aback Niall taekt a while to respond. The silence was embarrassing for both of them. “I love you as my sister, Bluebell, and I like you a lot, but I’m your brother!”
“No you are not!” I’m your step sister and the Folk wouldn’t care even were I to be your full blood sister. The only issues here are do you care enough in the right way to wish to be my heartfriend, which I will, and how do I get Mum and Dad to accept it because they’re not Folk. I’ve been so obvious that I will you as my heartfriend that all the girls and most of the boys at the Keep already know of it, and it’s embarrassing how many have askt me what is happening. It’s only you that couldn’t see it. I truly don’t wish to upset you, but I don’t wish to lose you to some other girl either, so let’s discuss this slowly in little pieces. Forgetting all else, could you see yourself as my heartfriend at some time in the future? I’m asking you of your feelings for me, naught else. Could you when we’re older love me that way?”
“Just that, yes. I could. But there’s a lot more to it than just that isn’t there?”
“That depends on how you view things. We are going to grow up Folk, and I’ve bethinkt myself a lot concerning this sincely.(5) I love Mum and Dad, but it is unbelike either of us will be living with them in ten years time. One day we are going to be on our own, and I don’t wish to live with naught but regrets after they are gone. There are disadvantages to being here that we just have to live with whether we like it or not, and the other side of that coin is it is flaught not to make the most of the advantages that being here provides. The disadvantages are things like no electricity, and the advantages are things like the Folk only bother concerning what really matters. If two persons, no matter who they are, have a care to each other the Folk consider that to be none else’s concern.”
Niall was impressed by Bluebell’s spaech on so complex a matter, which to him was indistinguishable from that of the folkbirtht. “You’re probably right, but I’m not as clever as you. I need time to think about this and I’d like to talk to Wayland ab… of the matter. Is that ok?”
“What are you informing me, Niall? That you will consider accepting me as your heartfriend?”
“Will you promise me that you will not consider any girl else till we have resolvt this one way or the other?”
“Yes. I’ll promise that.”
“Gratitude. May I kiss you?”
“Ye…s. I suppose so.”
Bluebell kissed his lips at length and was aware of and pleased by Niall’s masculine reaction to the minimal intimacy. “Gratitude, Niall. I always had a crush on you you know. That first time, when I met you at the infirmary with Mum and Sophie, I doetn’t know where to look. You maekt my hearth flutter and I felt short of breath. I have come to love you, and I’ll warn you now I’ve had spaech with you of it I’ll not give up till you’re mine. You can have no idea how hard it is to live in the same chambers as some one you love the way I love you and have to pretend you don’t. I’ve stopt pretending. You have spaech with Wayland betimes, and I’d like it much if you approacht me when you have rather than me having to ask you of it.” Bluebell kissed Niall again. Niall, surprised, had opened his mouth and Bluebell had briefly flicked her tongue berount his and left a disturbed and excited young man behind her as she twirled out of his chamber.
“I don’t know what to do or say, Wayland. I know life at home can never be the same again, and I think things are going to be embarrassing between Bluebell and I. I just wish things had stayed the same.”
“Niall, I read some where that the only constant in life is change. Nothing ever stays the same. Bluebell was right to think of the situation in pieces. How do you feel concerning her? Have you thinkt of it and come to any conclusions? I suppose you need to answer a simple question: can you see yourself marryt to her with children in twenty years time when your parents are elderly or have dien?”
“Yes. I’m sure I can see that then, but it’s now I can’t see my way past. After she kissed me things changed, and though I’m not sure what is happening I do love her. I would like being heartfriends with her. She’s a lot cleverer than I, but thinking of it now I can see there always was something between us more than between syskonen.(6) I don’t want to upset or fall out with Mum and Dad, and it occurred to me lasteve that Bluebell could end up being scornful of me because I’m not as clever as she. She spaeks really good Folk and I don’t. I’m not sure I ever shall. It worries me that I could sow the seed of a lot of problems now that wouldn’t surface for many years.”
“What you have just telt me resolves the heartfriend issue. You will Bluebell as your heartfriend, so tell her and then try to solve the next piece of the puzzle. Tell her of your concerns regards your spaech and ask for her aid. Regarding your parents, there is no easy way. Consider the worst that could happen: they give you an ultimatum that if you become heartfriends you both have to leave home as soon as you are fourteen. I doubt it would come to that, and if it doet my mum and dad would give you both a permanent home.” He grinned and said, “You, Gage and Alwydd spend at least three nights a tenner apiece with us any hap, but how would you react if you had to choose between your mum and dad or Bluebell?”
Niall looked appalled, but replied without hesitation, “I would have to choose Bluebell, but where and how would we live? We couldn’t expect your mum and dad to take us?”
“Why not? Both would be happy to do it since they regard you as one of theirs, but any hap, you have a craft, and so are entitelt to chambers in your own right though your life would be easier if you became an intendet couple and claimt the relief available on Collective contributions for the support of two minors. You are eleven and a quarter and Bluebell is ten in Castle years, so between you you have getting on for seven Castle years short of adulthood. If you had chambers of your own the two of you would initially be supporting two minors and then later one minor. You would be entitelt to the Collective contributions your parents would no longer be exempt from paying for supporting minors. You could take them in total or in part as tokens, or just leave them so you do not have to pay them when you turn fourteen in Castle years. Bluebell could choose to apprentice or not till she reacht fourteen Castle years, but either way you alone could support both of you, even with Sophie and a family, which of course would give you further income. You have by the way maekt a decision not just concerning being heartfriends, but much further into the future than that, have you not?”
“Yes. I have.”
“Back to the matter of your parents. You shall have to tell them betimes, so do you will help say from Aaron or better still Nigel, for he is newfolk, or do you wish to handle the matter yourself with Bluebell?”
“I don’t know, but I need to talk, have spaech that is, with Bluebell before deciding.”
“If you wish to have spaech with me again or Aaron’s or Nigel’s help just ask.”
“Gratitude, Wayland.”
“I had spaech with Wayland earlier, Bluebell. I came to a few decisions, some with his help and some on my own. The most important is, yes, I want us to be heartfriends, and I decided that for myself.” Niall was going to continue, but was prevented by a five minute and decidedly passionate kiss which he rapidly learnt to play his part in. “I know you are cleverer than I, and I was worried that my being so much slower than you to learn Folk spaech would cause you to eventually regard me with scorn. Wayland advised me to ask for your help. I’m asking. Will you help me?”
“Of course I shall, with Folk and aught else too. When I need help will you help me? For it will happen some time.”
“Of course.”
“So it is flaught to consider I shan’t help you isn’t it?”
“We tal…had spaech of informing our parents and what could happen. Wayland said—“
“Sayt, Wayland sayt, not Wayland said, ok?”
“Ok. Wayland sayt the worst thing that could happen is our parents make us leave at fourteen if we become heartfriends. He asked me who would I choose you or our parents and I sayt you. I didn’t even have to consider it. He didn’t believe that it would come to that. He was just making me face the worst possible outcome. He telt me his mum and dad would help and take us in if we needed it, but because I have a craft I am entitled to chambers and can support both of us. He explained a bit of the Collective and how, because we are minors according to the Way, that would help us. I didn’t understand it too well, but it seemed if we were on our own we would get some thing equivalent to child support. He also askt if I wanted help from him, Aaron or Nigel to tell Mum and Dad and I sayt I would have to have spaech with you concerning the matter.”
Bluebell had tears in her eyes and as she hugged Niall they started to run off her cheeks. “No, Niall. I’d prefer to tell them ourselfs if that is ok with you?”
Niall nodded as he said, “Yes. It’s what I would have preferred if you’d not been bothered either way. When? When do we tell them?”
“Thiseve after dinner. I can’t see the point in living with the suspense any longer than necessary do you?”
“Yes. I agree. I suspect Mum is going to be ok regarding it, for she was open to new ideas concerning families right from when I met her, but we may face some difficulties with Dad.”
“You’re probably right, but I’m not worryt. I just hope it doesn’t cause any problems between us and Sophie and Reef.”
Who is going to tell them, Bluebell? I don’t mind doing it but…”
“You believe I would be better at it?”
“Yes I do, but I shall do it if you wish.”
“I’ll tell them, but I will you to be holding my hand when I do. Ok?”
The couple spent the rest of the afternoon discussing their future lifes all the way to being agreäns with children which included how they would handle intimacy living with their parents. They also couldn’t avoid constantly returning to their parents’ possible reactions to their heartfrienden status.
It was eight thateve, Kathleen had nursed Reef and had rocked him to sleep in his crib and Raymond had put a tired Sophie to bed. The family were just sitting discussing events of the day when Bluebell said, “We have something to tell you, Mum, Dad.” She stood and smiled at Niall who stood beside her and taekt her hand. “Niall and I are heartfriends, and we would like you to be happy for us.”
Their parents were stunned and Kathleen eventually said in tones of disgust, “But Niall is your brother, Bluebell!”
“Not really, Mum. It’s a perfectly acceptable arrangement to the Folk.
Raymond asked interestedly but calmly, “How long has this been going on, Love?”
“There are two answers to that, Dad. I’ve had a crush on Niall since I met him. I must have been obvious because all the girls and most of the boys in the Keep know. I’ve been trying to make it obvious to Niall, but he was a bit slow.”
“Most boys are, Love. What’s the other answer?”
“I telt him a couple of days ago and he givn me my answer earlier thisday.”
“So from your point of view there is nothing hasty about this. What about you, Son?”
“I didn’t know ages ago like Bluebell, Dad, but I can see now that there was something between us. I’ve always lovt her as a sister, but there is more.”
“Where do you think this will lead you?”
Niall looked at Bluebell indicating she was to reply. “We don’t know, but with luck, agreement and a family perhaps. We are just happy being heartfriends right now.”
“I see no reason to wish you anything but a lot of joy and your share of luck too.”
An agitated and almost hysterical Kathleen shrieked, “Raymond, you aren’t seriously contemplating countenancing this are you?”
“Calm down, Love—”
“I am calm, but this is incest we are are talking about. It’s disgusting! And I’m not having it.”
To Bluebell’s surprise and joy, Niall was uncharacteristically forceful and protective, “Enough, Mum! It’s not some thing you have to tolerate. We didn’t ask for your permission. We telt you we are heartfriends. Don’t make any of us say things we would all later regret, please. You have found Dad and are settling into a new life. We can see you are happy, and we are happy for both of you, and that’s all we want with each other too. Bluebell please explain to Mum because I don’t think I can.”
“Mum, it’s not incest. You need to understand incest is an Earth legal term that does not exist on Castle. Niall and I are not blood relatet, but even were we to be there are full blood syskonen marryt here, not many but there are some, and the Folk consider it to be none of any else’s concern.” Seeing a blank look on her mum’s face Bluebell explained, “Syskonen is the Folk word for siblings. The Folk view it as our right to choose for ourselfs and none else, not even you, have the right to nay say it. We have no immediate plans on having sex. I’m not saying we won’t, we both hope we’ll get there betimes, but not right now. We’ve discusst it, and to be honest it’s no more of your concern if and when we do than your sex life is of our concern. We don’t wish this to be a family braeking issue, but you, as Niall sayt, have Dad and we will each other. Please don’t force us to make a choice. We love you and Dad and Sophie and Reef too and have no immediate plans to become intendet, though that may change betimes, but if you make us leave we shall have to become intendet immediately in order for Niall to acquire chambers and support us. We know he can support us, and I should then find apprenticeship to help, but this is not what we wish. We wish to have your and Dad’s support to help us grow up, but if we have to we’ll do it the hard way: on our own.”
Raymond, hugging his sobbing almost inconsolable wife, who was no longer capable of taking in what was going on berount her, tightly to his chest, looked over Kathleen at his elder children and smiling at them said, “You are no more closely related than your mum and I, and your mother will be able to accept that in time. No one is breaking the family. You have my love and support. I suggest you leave me to talk to your mother for an hour or so. Don’t worry, it’ll all come out in the wash. Go. We’ll talk later.”
The young couple walked the battlements holding hands where they’d met any number of similar couples a few of who had said words to the effect of “At last!” or “It’s over due!”
“I never expected that Mum would freak out like that, Bluebell. She looked completely gutted. I thought it would be Dad who was going to be difficult, but I’m awfully glad Dad was ok. I honestly thought at one point we were going to be on our own.”
“None who is decent is ever truly on her own here, Niall, but yes it lookt a bit grim for a while. You reckon Dad will bring Mum to accept us?”
“Yes I do because though he always seems kind and gentle he has a realistic side too, and reality is oft a bit brutal. His ex-wife trashed him. She treated him like shit for years and wouldn’t have any children which he wanted badly. He values family and trust me I know he doesn’t want us to leave. He’s telt me quite a bit of his life before Castle when we’ve been crafting together. I should have known how he’d react, but may hap I’m even less bright than I thought. Talking of being dim, I’ve only just realised the meaning of something Wayland sayt. Dad knows what will make Mum accept us. And he’ll make sure she knows what could happen too. Wayland must have seen it immediately though I didn’t.”
“What’s that?”
“Sophie. Think. If you leave what will Sophie want to do?”
“She’ll will to go with me. That’s will not want, ok?”
“Yeah, will, ok. Exactly. Sophie will will, that sounds like rubbish, so I’ll start again. Sophie will wish to go with you. I know she calls Mum Mum, but in her mind you are her mother. That would leave Mum with Dad and Reef. Dad will make Mum come berount, for he isn’t going to let anything take three of his kids away. He loves us and he telt me he was grateful beyond words for the opportunity to start again with Mum and us. You know how much they both wish family and are desperate for another babe, so he’ll bring her berount. I just don’t know how long it’ll take. I suggest we stay out of her way till he does. She’s having to adjust to the Way concerning things she’s never had to consider before, on Earth or here. I suspect of lot of her freaking out was because she was worried sick because of what she instinctively believed Folk would say and what they’d think of us. Her instincts are baest on a set of values that doesn’t exist here, but she’ll adjust, she did to her new family when I first met her. She’s no bigot. I reckon her love and ingrained beliefs just got away from her. Dad’s right, she’ll be ok with it eventually.”
“And you sayt I was the clever one. I’d never have workt all that out, but I suspect you’re probably right. I do hope so.”
“May I kiss you, Bluebell?”
“I’ll hit you if you don’t. You owe me a lot of kisses from the last couple of lunes and I intend to make you pay every one of them.” As they were kissing Bluebell taekt Niall’s hand and said, “Mmm! Just warm enough.” She taekt his hand and placed it cupping her breast inside her underwear. “Nice?”
“Incredible! You sure, Bluebell?”
“I’ve got you now, but I have to do something to make sure you don’t wish to escape don’t I?” When Niall caressed the softth of her breast and gently squeezed the hardth of her nipple she put her hand inside his trousers and after a few seconds found what she sought. “You are bigger than I realiest a boy could be and I might just have been lying to Mum concerning love making. I truly doetn’t believe I was at the time, but the idea of you inside me is exciting, and even if I don’t manage to accommodate all of you the first time I’m sure I shall be able to eventually and the idea gives me thinkings and feelings I can’t put into words, but I desire all of you in me. I’d have been terrifyt even of thinking of that before we came here, but now it seems appropriate and normal even at our age, for there aren’t many girls of my age here who haven’t got some kind of an intimate relationship. Castle culture helps us grow up, or more belike Earth culture keept us in the chains of an artificial childhood for as long as it could, but Castle freen(7) us to be ourselfs. I started my lunetimes, periods that is, half a year since, so I could become pregnant, but if I take the herbs to prevent pregnancy I’d like to make love, Niall, for I feel the need for that with you, and what you’re doing to my nipples is sending tingles all the way to my softth, that’s my pussy to you. What bethink you?”
Niall busy with her breasts kissed her neck and said, “Yes, I would like that, and if we’re going there I’ll tell Dad we intend to share a chamber and a bed. After Mum’s friends have askt a few questions, and she realises they are interested but not critical, for a lot of them will have kids our age with intendets, she’ll stop bothering. You never know she may start harassing you regards grandchildren, for that’s what happens here.”
Bluebell had never considered Niall to be a forceful male, but then she reflected may hap he’d never had aught he’d caert enough of to be forceful regarding before. She did she decided like this new Niall and she was liking him more by the second. “Well if that’s the case you can put your other hand inside the waistband of my skirt and petticoats, all of which stretch, and explore the contents of my knickers. If we’re going to be Folk we may as well get there sooner rather than later. And you’re sleeping in my bed thisnight on. It would be better if we became intendet, and, despite saying earlier we weren’t planning on it, it can’t upset Mum any more than we already have.” Satisfied by their mutual explorations, the couple were happier than they’d been for a long time when they quietly entered Bluebell’s chamber at gone midnight hoping their Dad had convinced their Mum and that braekfast would be a happy and peaceful meal. Sophie awoke as they undresst and Bluebell kissed her and whispered, “It’s all right, Sophie. Niall is going to be sleeping in my bed from now, but you can get in with us in the forenoons just like you always have with me. Go back to sleep. Goodnight.”
As she kissed Sophie again, Sophie said, “You and Niall like Mum and Dad. That’s nice. Night, Niall. Night, Mummy. You’ll be happy again now.”
Niall could see Bluebell blushing. “She only ever calls me Mummy when we are on our own. She has a peculiar logic unique to herself, so I wouldn’t be too surpriest if she calls you Daddy when there’re only we three present.”
“ Sophie must have been aware of your feelings for me mustn’t she?”
“It would seem so, but she is clever and much more observant than you. Girls notice that sort of thing much faster than boys. Now, I know we can’t make love yet, Niall, but I’ve always been curious concerning oral sex, and sincely I’ve had spaech with some of the girls concerning it. From what you’ve said you have no more experience of lovemaking than I, so we’ve a lot of fun to share in the future, and I suggest we make a start right now. What bethink you?”
“I wish I’d paid a bit more attention to my elder brother’s porn, but unfortunately I was too young at the time, so we’re going to have to find out for ourselfs and make the rest up as we go. But I’m more than willing.”
“Good. We’ll make a start by undressing each other.”
“What if Sophie awakes and sees us?”
“What of it? She’ll learn of love the same way every other child of her age does here. Most have seen their parents, syskonen or other kith make love many times by her age. If she asks questions we tell her the truth at a level she can understand. She’ll accept it if we tell her it’s a grown up, loving activity and she’ll probably find out more from her friends when playing in the Greathall. She’ll be interestet because she’s probably three and telt me she wants a heartfriend before she’s four because most of her friends who are four have one. She says Snipe likes her and doesn’t like letting go of her hand when a dance ends. She likes Snipe and lastdaysince askt me if she could kiss a heartfriend at three.”
“What did you say?”
“I telt her she could kiss a heartfriend at any age, so I suspect she’ll be holding hands with Snipe within a day or two, for she telt me she wills to kiss him.”
“Is that wise, Bluebell?”
“Niall, that’s the way Mum’s thinking regards us. Snipe is a nice boy. If they enjoy kissing that’s their concern. Neither will be ready for much more for years, and he’ll certainly not rape her or force her to do anything gainst her will. The most they’ll probably do is shew each other their genitals in private for a better look than all get when swimming and possibly even a little touching, but even should they touch each other leading to pleasure what of it? She’s lucky, for she’ll soon have no memory of life before Castle and grow up with her earliest memories being of being kisst and toucht by her heartfriend who has a care to her, and at least she won’t have to go through what I doet before you realiest I willen you as my future agreän. No matter where their explorations take them we have no need to worry concerning Sophie. Now, there’s no need to struggle with the ties at the sides of my knickers, Niall, for you don’t need to undo them just pull them off over my hips. Then I’ll deal with your belt, and we can teach each other what we enjoy doing and having done to us, though I have been telt it’s most enjoyable when a couple is kissing, licking and sucking each other as well as using their fingers. Doubtless it all depends on the couple, and we shall betimes discover what suits us best.”
Their explorations were enjoyable and both admitted they had never managed to provide themselves with so intense a pleasure. Bluebell said, after bringing herself to her peak for Niall to watch from close enough to see every thing, “It has never been so wonderful by myself, Niall. Just knowing you were enjoying it too maekt it infinitely better. Now it’s my turn to watch.”
After Niall’s peak he said, “Never has it been so intense, so long lasting or taken me so long to recover. Now I think it is time for us to enjoy each other pleasuring us. I will to kiss, lick and suck your clitoris, but I am not sure where or what it is. I know it’s not as obvious as my penis.”
“In Folk my clitoris is callt my bud and it resides in it’s hood which in Folk is its cloak. Look, I’ll shew you. Touch me to be sure. The outer labia or lips, mine are at the small end of normal and when I stand are flat, surround the inner labia or lips, mine are just ridges of darker pink, which surround my vaginal opening. That is where you will put your penis when we are able to make love properly. In Folk labia are referred to as outer and inner petals. My clitoris or bud is what you are touching, which feels lovely, and the tiny covering above and berount it, which due to its enlargement as a result of your touch no longer covers it, is its cloak. I have no idea what we shall enjoy or not so I suggest we try anything we will, but tell each other immediately something becomes not nice.”
The pair tried every thing they could conceive of, and both enjoyed it all.
When Sophie awoke the following forenoon she awakened them as she climbed into their bed. “Why aren’t you wearing your nightie, Mummy?”
“Folk like Niall and I who are together like to sleep without nightclothes because that way we feel closer together and we keep each other warm. It’s a grown up love thing, Sophie. Cuddle me.”
Sophie cuddled into Bluebell’s arms and asked, “Are you going to cuddle me too sometimes, Daddy? When in bed I mean?”
Niall looked at Bluebell who shrugged her shoulders at Sophie’s use of the word Daddy and kissed his cheek. “Of course, but only when you’ve finished cuddling Bluebell. You can get in between us if you like.” Bluebell smiled at Niall indicating he had given Sophie a perfect response.
“That’s nice.” Sophie disentangled herself from Bluebell and wriggled her way between the couple before cuddling with Niall.
“What are you going to do thisday, Sophie?” Bluebell asked.
Sophie giggled and said, “First braekfast. Then I’m going to do what Daddy does, hunting.”
Niall, thinking it to be a game, asked, “So what are you hunting, where are you hunting it and what weapons are you going to use?”
“I’m hunting Snipe in the Greathall and I’ll use the same weapons Mummy used to catch you, Daddy: kisses, but I’ll not take anywhere near as long, for Snipe wills to be catcht and he knows I’m after him.”
After dressing and washing the three went for breakfast where a smiling Raymond and a frosty Kathleen greeted them, but at least their mum was not verbally hostile. After leaving Sophie at the Greathall they walked to the kennels. “I can’t believe how mature Sophie seems to be for a little girl of her age, Bluebell.”
“We don’t know exactly how old she is, but as I telt you Castle allows all to mature at their own pace, and she is very intelligent. I’ll meet you for lunch in the commons and tell you of events with the healers when I am given the herbs to prevent pregnancy.”
The couple kissed and parted.
14th of Uernith Day 76
It had not been necessary for Fiona to have spaech with Bling concerning Bittern, for as Beth had said Bling was clever, and clever enough not only manage her own affairs but those of whom she had a care to too.
Having paid her way, virtually since birth, by prostituting herself and Bittern being a virgin, Bling could tell, was not Bling considered an insuperable barrier to a relationship with him, but it did mean she would have to proceed carefully. Bling had known she was interested in Bittern from their incursion, the day he had threatened Beth, apologised and then maekt his peace with Bling too was a milestone in her life, for none till Bittern had ever felt it necessary to placate her before. Intelligent and determined to forge a new life, a life as a member of the Folk, like most of the folkbirtht girls she regarded as friends, she considered a heartfriend to be a necessity. She’d had numerous opportunities with folkbirtht boys and a few newfolk boys too, but she knew none of the boys interested in her would ever achieve enough status to match the life she intended to have as an adult, and she’d no intention of dooming any relationship by building in it’s demise at its inception.
Bittern was stereotypically masculine: big, strong and assertive, and to Bling very desirable, for he was as ambitious as he was good looking. Unknown to him, she’d kept a close eye on him and discovered he was also insecure, loud, full of bluster and whilst not stupid not intelligent either which was also attractive to her, for it meant he would never be able to manipulate her. She knew she could assist him to his advantage to be the boy and then the man she needed to make her way, and thought it would be fair since he would benefit too. She suspected it would be a long time before his bigotry was fully replaced by Wayland’s philosophy and that which was the Way, and till that happened she resolved her past should remain hidden whilst he remaekt himself.
She knew she was in the process of remaking herself and thought deeply and oft on it. She wasn’t bothered by her past or by knowing she could never undo it, but she wished to be able to reconcile it with her present and her future. Sex was some thing she pondered a lot. Even though it was only a few days since she’d turned ten, she’d never been a child and wished a childhood to look back on when she was adult, but just before her incursion she’d started to enjoy sex occasionally. However, in her eyes, sex was an adult activity she had engaged in to survive. Her contraceptive implant was good for another four years, so pregnancy was not of concern to her. That the Folk and her family would be supportive should the implant fail in three or four years she knew. The issues were did she wish to continue enjoying sex? Or was she going to give it up till she was adult? And how did that fit with her desire to be heartfrienden with Bittern who, though barely two years older than she, was clearly of no sexual experience at all?
She was considering a number of ways of achieving her aims regards Bittern when she heard that the boys of the squad were looking for heartfriends. She was aware most of the folkbirtht girls still looking for heartfriends were interested in but wary of the squad boys which gave her a little comfort,(8) but she didn’t wish to lose Bittern to an other girl, and thought though she hadn’t much time in which to make sure of him it did give her an easy approach. She waited till she saw Bittern on his own. “Hey, Bittern, got a minute?”
“Hello, Bling. Yes, I’m in no hurry. Can I help you?” Other than with his sisters, Bittern was still nervous with girls and even more so with Bling whom, despite her contempt, he admitted, if only to himself, he’d become hopelessly attracted to whilst at the same time was intimidated by to the point where he usually tried to avoid her.
“Yes, you can. I hear your brothers are looking for heartfriends. Is that right?”
“Yes. Though a few already have one. Why? Are you interestet in one of them?” As he answered her, Bittern’s heart lurched, and he felt sick, as if he’d been kicked between the legs, at the idea of Bling being heartfrienden to some one, especially if that some one were one of his brothers because he would see them together nearly every day.
Bling put her hand on his arm and in the least intimidating tone Bittern had ever heard her use asked, “Are you looking too?” Bright red, Bittern was at a loss for words, but Bling seemed non-threatening for once and asked again, “Are you, Bittern?” As she asked, she slid her hand down his arm and fully opened his hand before putting hers on his much larger palm. “Bittern?”
Bittern looked at her face which had an expression on it he’d never seen before. He’d always believed Bling regarded him with nothing but utter contempt, but her shining eyes and smile, which were saying she liekt him, gave him the courage to reply. “Yes. Yes I suppose I am.”
“Do you like me?”
“Tell me so please. Yes is not enough and you have to say you are having fun with me too. This has to be doen properly, Bittern.” Though firm, unyielding even, Bling’s voice was still gentle and, though he felt as if he were in a dream where he was falling into and drowning in the pools of her liquid eyes, Bittern knew she was leading him through the words of the brief, but recognised by all, heartfriending ritual which convinced him he was day dreaming.
He’d been more aflait(9) of Bling than he had ever been of any other in his entire life, yet he had liekt her from when they first met. She was pretty, and he knew she had turned down any number of boys without giving explanations. He had never understood her, and now to his amazement she wished to give herself to him and all she wished in return was himself. He’d wished her for his heartfriend above all others, but had never considered asking her because it was pointless. It was a fantasy beyond his dreams, but now he some how knew she would never make him aflait of her clever, sharp edged, cutting words again, so, with more courage than he had ever thought he possessed, he said, “I have always really liekt you, Bling, but you scare me a lot you know.”
“There’s no need to be scared, for I really like you, Bittern. I always have. Now close your hand so it is holding mine and take me for a walk please. Which will mean I have fun with you. You choose where, but I wish there to be enough children where ever we go to see us holding hands. I wish it to be known beyond doubt we are heartfriends. You’re mine now. Ok?”
“Ok. Of all the girls I know, you are the only one I ever dreamt of as my heartfriend, Bling, and I’d like all to see us holding hands too, which will be much more than fun, but I’m finding it hard to accept you’re mine because I thought you hated me.”
“Hated you? Oh no! I doetn’t like what you sayt to Beth, but after you’d apologiest, and telt me you were going to make it up to her I meant it when I sayt I’d see you berount. I wisht to see you again. I’m no bullshitter, Bittern, and I’ll prove it if you find us somewhere with a bit of privacy later where we can practice kissing. After all we shan’t wish to kiss in public till we’ve got it right shall we? Don’t know bout you, but I’d rather look like I knew what I was doing.”
Bittern did as he was telt and they had a wonderful afternoon. He was mesmerised by Bling holding his hand, and he would have maekt a fool of himself kissing had Bling not guided his progress in such a way that he felt grateful rather than self conscious. Bling had given him no reason to think she was any more experienced at kissing than he, and, as she’d intended, he’d assumed girls just knew more regards things like kissing than boys because it was the sort of thing only girls discussed. Never having had any female relatives before his incursion, nor received other than family kisses from Beatrix, Beth, Fiona, Warbler and Spearmint, thereafter, the intimacy was overwhelming for him and the softth of her skin was as exciting to him as it had been unexpected.
Notwithstanding her experience, for Bling holding hands with and kissing Bittern was unlike anything she had ever done before. Bittern obviously had a care to her, he couldn’t hide it, and much to her surprise she already had a care to him, so much so it maekt her as aflait of herself as she knew Bittern was. She considered may hap that was appropriate, for she opined heartfriends should have no unbalanced feelings regards each other. They should have a care to each other which meant they could hurt each other, but most of all they should be friends. Bling’s new experience was so totally different from selling herself that it solved her ponderings. No sex. She was giving it up for the while. One day, one day in the distant future she knew she would wish to make love with Bittern, but not till they had fully explored the joys that kissing and all else of each other could give them, and by then making love too would be like nothing she had ever experienced before. Bling was looking forward to it, but she was in no hurry. She was prepared to wait years, for whilst times she would be building her childhood and the memories that she was so desperate to possess, and she’d started that thisday.
Bittern was nervous, uncertain and sweet too, but she’d every intention of assisting his passage to manhood and was truly grateful he was giving her a childhood, the girlhood she’d so envied those girls shopping in the city with their mums and families. A girlhood she’d known at the time was an impossible dream. However, she concluded that dreams could come true, for her new mum and dad loved her as a daughter without qualification, her younger brother, Bullace, loved her too, and though she’d been shocked the first time he’d kissed her cheek now she always kissed him goodnight. Too, she had a lot of friends, good friends both girls and boys, and now she had Bittern. If anything, she was living a bigger and far more impossible dream than he.
Thatnight in bed, she ran the day over in her mind remembering the look in Bittern’s eyes as he had stroked her arm and murmured, “So soft. I never thought a girl’s skin would be so soft.”
‘Not yet,’ she thought, ‘but in a lune or two, when we’re kissing, I’ll put those huge, gentle hands of his on my breasts, and then he’ll understand soft. It’s strange he’s so strong yet so gentle. I doetn’t expect that.’ Always honest, as Bling continued her musings she’d thought, ‘And I’ll love it.’ An unbidden smile touched her face, ‘And I’ll run mine over those rock hard shoulders of his. That will be fair.’ Fairth meant a lot to Bling. She’d seen Bittern and his brothers splitting wood outside the kennels several times and, though aware of his brothers, her eyes had always been drawn to focus on him and his sweating, heavily muscled torso which had what she considered to be magnificent shoulders only lacking a girl’s touch. Her touch. She finally fell asleep wondering what it was going to be like to be a mother, the mother of Bittern’s children, and looking forward to her little boy: Drive.
Index of significant characters so far listed by Chapter
1 Introduction
2 Jacques de Saint d’Espéranche
3 The Folk and the Keep
4 Hwijje, Travisher, Will
5 Yew, Allan, Rowan,Siskin, Will, Thomas, Merle, Molly, Aaron, Gareth, Oak, Abigail, Milligan, Basil, Vinnek, Iris, Margæt, Gilla, Alsike, Alfalfa, Gibb, Happith, Kroïn, Mako, Pilot, Briar, Gosellyn, Gren, Hazel
6 Chaunter, Waxwing, Flame, João, Clansaver, Irune, Ceël, Barroo, Campion, Limpet, Vlæna, Xera, Rook, Falcon, Cwm, Sanderling, Aldeia, Catarina, Coast, Elixabete
7 Mercedes, Spoonbill
8 Lyllabette, Yoomarrianna
9 Helen, Duncan, Gosellyn, Eudes, Abigail
10 George/Gage, Iris, Waverley, Belinda
11 Marc/Marcy, Pol
12 George/Gage, Marcy, Freddy/Bittern, Weyland, Iris, Bling
13 Thomas, Will, Mercedes, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna
14 Kyle, Thomas, Will, Angélique
15 Mercedes, Morgelle, Gorse, Thrift, George/Gage, Chris, Iris, Thrift, Campion
16 Bling
17 Waverley, Mr. E
18 George/Gage, Larch, Mari, Ford, Gorse, Morgelle, Luke, Erin
19 Will, Pilot, Yew, Geoge/Gage, Mari, Ford, Gosellyn, Cwm, Cerise, Filbert, Gareth, Duncan, Helen, Thomas, Iris, Plume, Campion, Pim, Rook, Falcon, João, Hare
20 Yew, Rowan, Will, Thomas, Siskin, Weir, Grayling, Willow
21 Brook, Harrier, Cherry, Abby, Selena, Borage, Sætwæn, Fiona, Fergal
22 Yew, Thomas, Hazel, Rowan, Gosellyn, Siskin, Will, Lianna, Duncan
23 Tench, Knawel, Claire, Oliver, Loosestrife, Bramling, George, Lyre, Janice, Kæn, Joan, Eric
24 Luke, Sanderling, Ursula, Gervaise, Mike, Spruce, Moss
25 Janet, Vincent, Douglas, Alec, Alice
26 Pearl, Merlin, Willow, Ella, Suki, Tull, Irena
27 Gina, Hardy, Lilac, Jessica, Teal, Anna
28 Bryony, Judith, Bronwen, Farsight
29 Muriel, Raquel, Grace
30 Catherine, Crane, Snipe, Winifred, Dominique, Ferdinand
31 Alma, Allan, Morris, Miranda
32 Dabchick, Nigel
33 Raquel, Thistle, Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Phœbe
34 Eleanor, Woad, Catherine, Crane
35 Muriel, Hail, Joan, Breve, Eric, Nell, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
36 Selena,Sætwæn, Borage, Grace, Gatekeeper, Raquel, Thistle
37 Siân, Mackerel, Winifred, Obsidian
38 Carla, Petrel, Alkanet, Ferdinand
39 Dominique, Oxlip, Alma, Allan, Tress, Bryony
40 Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Ella, Kestrel, Judith, Storm
41 Ella, Kestrel, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane
42 Weights & Measures and Sunrise & Sunset Times included in Ch 41
43 Ella, Kestrel, Serenity, Smile, Gwendoline, Rook, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane, Sapphire, Mere
44 Pearl, Merlin, Rainbow, Perch, Joan, Breve, truth, Rachael, Hedger, Ruby, Deepwater
45 Janet, Blackdyke, Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster
46 Janet, Gina, Alastaire, Joan, Breve, Truth, Bræth, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
47 The Squad, Mercedes, Fen, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
48 Bronwen, Forest, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Kathleen, Niall, Bluebell, Sophie
49 Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster, Imogen, Wryneck, Phœbe, Knapps
50 Erin, Nightjar, Eleanor, Woad
51 Gina, Jonas, Janet, Gerald, Patrick, Tansy, Craig, Barret, Ryan
52 Constance, Rye, Bling, Bullace, Berry, Jimmy, Leveret, Rory, Shelagh, Silas
53 Rachael, Hedger, Eve, Gilla, Mallard, Fiona, Fergal, Tinder, Nightingale, Fran, Dyker
54 Pamela, Mullein, Patricia, Chestnut, Lavinia, Ophæn, Catherine, Crane
55 Susan, Kingfisher, Janet, Gina, Jonas, Ruth, Kilroy, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
56 Gina, Jonas, Patricia, Chestnut, The Squad, Hazel, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch, Mangel, Clary, Brendan
57 Erin, Nightjar, Xera, Josephine, Wels, Michelle, Musk, Swansdown, Tenor
58 Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverley,Yvette, Whitebear, Firefly, Farsight, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch
59 Lilac, Firefly, Farsight, Lucinda, Gimlet, Leech, Janet, Blackdyke
60 Douglas, Lunelight, Yvette, Whitebear, Thrift, Haw, Harebell, Goosander, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew, Matilda, Evan, Heron
61 Brendan, Clary, Chloë, Apricot, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Otis, Harry, Gimlet, Leech, Jodie
62 Gimlet, Leech, Lark, Seth, Charles, Bruana, Noah, Kirsty, Shirley, Mint, Kevin, Faith, Oak, Lilly, Jason, Gem, Ellen
63 Honesty, Peter, Bella, Abel, Kell, Deal, Siobhan, Scout, Jodie
64 Heather, Jon, Anise, Holly, Gift, Dirk, Lilac, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Ivy, David
65 Sérent, Dace, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Clarissa, Gorse, Eagle, Frond, Diana, Gander, Gyre, Tania, Alice, Alec
66 Suki, Tull, Buzzard, Mint, Kevin, Harmony, Fran, Dyker, Joining the Clans, Pamela, Mullein, Mist, Francis, Kristiana, Cliff, Patricia, Chestnut, Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverly, Tarragon, Edrydd, Louise, Turnstone, Jane, Mase, Cynthia, Merle, Warbler, Spearmint, Stonecrop
67 Warbler, Jed, Fiona, Fergal, Marcy, Wayland, Otday, Xoë, Luval, Spearmint, Stonecrop, Merle, Cynthia, Eorle, Betony, Smile
68 Pansy, Pim,Phlox, Stuart, Marilyn, Goth, Lunelight, Douglas, Crystal, Godwit, Estelle, Slimlyspoon, Lyre, George, Damson, Lilac
69 Honesty, Peter, Abel, Bella, Judith, storm, Matilda, Evean, Iola, Heron, Mint, Kevin, Lilac, Happith, Gloria, Peregrine
70 Lillian, Tussock, Modesty, Thyme, Vivienne, Minyet, Ivy, David, Jasmine, Lilac, Ash, Beech
71 Quartet & Rebecca, Gimlet & Leech, The Squad, Lyre & George, Deadth, Gift
72 Gareth, Willow, Ivy, David, Kæna,Chive, Hyssop, Birch, Lucinda, Camomile, Meredith, Cormorant, Whisker, Florence, Murre, Iola, Milligan, Yarrow, Flagstaff, Swansdown, Tenor, Morgan, Yinjærik, Silvia, Harmaish, Billie, Jo, Stacey, Juniper
73 The Growers, The Reluctants, Miriam, Roger, Lauren, Dermot, Lindsay, Scott, Will, Chris, Plume, Stacey, Juniper
74 Warbler, Jed, Veronica, Campion, Mast, Lucinda, Cormorant, Camomile, Yellowstone
75 Katheen, Raymnd, Niall, Bluebe, Sophie, Hazel, Ivy, Shadow, Allison, Amber, Judith, Storm Alwydd, Matthew, Beatrix, Jackdaw, The Squad, Elders, Jennt, Bronze, Maeve, Wain, Monique, Piddock, Melissa, Roebuck, Aaron, Carley Jade, Zoë, Vikki, Bekka, Mint, Torrent
76 Gimlet, Leech,Gwendoline, Georgina, Quail. Birchbark, Hemlock, Peter, Honesty, Bella, Hannah, Aaron, Torrent, Zoë, Bekka, Vikki, Jade, Carley, Chough, Anvil, Clematis, Stonechat, Peace, Xanders, Gosellyn, Yew, Thomas, Campion, Will, Iris, Gareth
77 Zoë, Torrent, Chough, Stonechat, Veronica, Mast, Sledge, Cloudberry, Aconite, Cygnet, Smokt
78 Jed, Warbler, Luval, Glaze, Seriousth, Blackdyke, Happith, Camilla
79 Torrent, Zoë, Stonechat, Clematis, Aaron, Maeve, Gina, Bracken, Gosellyn, Paene, Veronica, Mast, Fracha, Squid, Silverherb
80 George/Gage, Niall, Alwydd, Marcy/Beth, Freddy/Bittern, Wayland, Chris, Manic/Glen, Guy, Liam, Jed, Fergal, Sharky
81 The Squad, Manic/Glen, Jackdaw, Beatrix, Freddy/Bittern, Fiona, Fergal, Wayland, Jade, Stonechat, Beauty, Mast, Veronica, Raven, Tyelt, Fid
82 Gimlet, Leech, Scentleaf, Ramson, Grouse, Aspen, Stonechat, Bekka, Carley, Vikki, Morgelle, Bistort, Fritillary, Jed, Warbler, Spearmint, Alwydd, Billie, Diver, Seal, Whitethorn
83 Alastair, Carrom, Céline, Quickthorn, Corral, Morgelle, Fritillary, Bistort, Walnut, Tarragon, Edrydd, Octopus, Sweetbean, Shrike, Zoë, Torrent, Aaron, Vinnek, Zephyr, Eleanor, Woad, George/Gage, The Squad, Ingot, Yellowstone, Phthalen, Will
84 Morgelle, Bistort, Fritillary, Alsike, Campion, Siskin, Gosellyn, Yew, Rowan, Thomas, Will, Aaron, Dabchick, Nigel, Tuyere
85 Jo, Knott, Sallow, Margæt, Irena, Tabby, Jade, Phthalen, Yumalle, Stonechat, Spearmint, Alwydd, Seriousth, Warbler, Jed, Brett, Russel, Barleycorn, Crossbill, Lizo, Hendrix, Monkshood, Eyrie, Whelk, Gove, Gilla, Faarl, Eyebright, Alma, axx, Allan, daisy, Suki, Tull
86 Cherville, Nightshade, Rowan, Milligan, Wayland, Beth, Liam, Chris, Gage
87 Reedmace, Ganger, Jodie, Blade, Frœp, Mica, Eddique, Njacek, Whiteout, Sandpiper, Serin, Cherville, Nightshade, peregrine, Eleanor, Woad, Buzzard, Silas, Oak, Wolf, Kathleen, Reef, Raymond, Sophie, Niall, Bluebell
88 Cloud, Sven, Claudia, Stoat, Thomas, Aaron, Nigel, Yew, Milligan, Gareth, Campion, Will, Basil, Gosellyn, Vinnek, Plume
89 Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Silverherb, Cloudberry, Smokt, Skylark, Beatrix, Beth, Amethyst, Mint, Wayland, Bittern, Fiona, Fergal, Joan, Bræth, Nell, Milligan, Iola, Ashdell, Alice, Molly, Rill, Briar
90 Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Beth, Beatrix, Sanderling, Falcon, Gosellyn, Gage, Will, Fiona, Jackdaw, Wayland, Merle, Cynthia, Jed, Warbler
91 Morgelle, Tuyere, Fritillary, Bistort, Jed, Otday, The Squad, Turner, Gudrun, Ptarmigan, Swegn, Campion, Otis, Asphodel, Jana, Treen, Xeffer, Stonechat, Bekka, Vikki, Carley, Beatrix, Jackdaw
92 Turner, Otday, Mackerel, Eorl, Betony, The Council, Will, Yew, Basil, Gerald, Oier, Patrick, Happith, Angélique, Kroïn, Mako
93 Beth, Greensward, Beatrix, Odo, Morgelle, Tuyere, Bistort, Otday, Turner, Gace, Rachael, Groundsel, Irena, Warbler, Jed, Mayblossom, Mazun, Will, The Squad
94 Bistort, Honey, Morgelle, Basil, Willow, Happith, Mako, Kroïn, Diana, Coaltit, Gær, Lavinia, Joseph (son), Ruby, Deepwater, Gudrun, Vinnek, Tuyere, Otday, Turner
95 Turner, Otday, Waverly, Jed, Tarse, Zoë, Zephyr, Agrimony, Torrent, Columbine, Stonechat, Bekka, Vikki, Carley, The Council, Gage, Lilly
96 Faith, Oak, Lilly, Fran, Suki, Dyker, Verbena, Jenny, Bronze, Quietth, Alwydd, Evan, Gage, Will, Woad, Bluebell, Niall, Sophie, Wayland, Kathleen, Raymond, Bling, Bittern
Word Usage Key
Some commonly used words are below. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood if the n is replaced by a d. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically. Words ending tt and dd are invariably a past tense of the verb stem.
Agreän(s), those person(s) one has marital agreement with, spouse(s).
Bethinkt, thought.
Braekt, broke.
Cousine, female cousin.
Doet, did. Pronounced dote.
Doetn’t, didn’t. Pronounced dough + ent.
Findt, found,
Goen, gone
Goent, went.
Grandparents. In Folk like in many Earth languages there are words for either grandmother and grandfather like granddad, gran, granny. There are also words that are specific to maternal and paternal grandparents. Those are as follows. Maternal grand mother – granddam. Paternal grandmother – grandma. Maternal grandfather – grandfa. Paternal grandfather – grandda.
Heartfriend, a relationship of much more significance than being a girl- or boy-friend is on Earth. Oft such relationships are formed from as young as four and they are taken seriously by both children and adults. A child’s heartfriend is automatically one of their heartfriend’s parents’ children too, and a sibling to their heartfriend’s siblings. Such relationships rarely fail and are seen as precursors to becoming intendet and having agreement.
Intendet, fiancée or fiancé.
Knoewn, knew.
Lastdaysince, the day before yesterday.
Loes, lost.
Maekt, made.
Nextdaynigh, the day after tomorrow.
Sayt, said.
Taekt, took.
Telt, told.
Uest, used.
1 Flaitsome, frightening.
2 Flaught, foolish silly.
3 Lærer, adult apprentice, a trainee.
4 Drinkn, drunk.
5 Sincely, recently.
6 Syskon(en), sibling(s).
7 Freen, freed.
8 Comfort, uest here in the Folk sense meaning leeway or latitude.
9 Aflait, frightened.
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