Castle The Series - 0079 Waggoners, Microörganisms

A Word Usage Key is at the end. Some commonly used words are there whether used in this chapter or not. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood of the n is replaced by a d or ed. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically with a footnote number. If you have suggestions I would be pleased to consider implementing them.

The brackets after a character e.g. CLAIRE (4 nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old and a character not encountered before. Ages of incomers are in Earth years at this point and of Folk in Castle years. (4 Folk yrs ≈ 5 Earth yrs. l is lunes, t is tenners.) There is a list of chapters and their significant characters at the bottom too.




4th of Chent Day 7

At braekfast Torrent announced, “I am happy to tell you Zoë and I have agreement.”

Aaron wasn’t in any way surprised and wished the couple happith and joy in their future life together. Anvil, Stonechat, Chough and Clematis were a little surprised, but only that the couple had announced their agreement at braekfast rather than at lunchtime. The children and apprentices were surprised, but enjoyed the surprise. Carley, Vikki and Bekka who knew Zoë was interested in Torrent were quite shocked by the speed with which the event had occurred and also by the realisation Zoë had abandoned without hesitation what to them was the normality of life. That she was now committed to Torrent with no thought of ever undoing her commitment was clear. The radiance on her face telt the entire tale of not just her willingth to accept what ever this new life gave her but her excitement concerning it too. She was happier than she had ever dreamt it was possible to be, and they envied her. Jade didn’t understand how the couple could be married, but after it had been explained to her how it was done on Castle she hugged Zoë and Torrent and said she hoped they would be happy.

When Zoë awoke, hours before Torrent, she had been thinking of their future and she knew what she wished, but not what was possible. She knew he loved his life, and she wished to share it if at all possible. When he awoke Torrent explained to Zoë he had to continue his way of life for at least three lunes because he was contracted with various folk that far ahead. He would, he explained, be back at the holding in two tenners. He asked her if she wished him to try to find a new craft and settle, or would she be happy married to a waggoner. She asked if it would be possible after the babe was birtht for them to accompany him, and if they did so could she be useful rather than just being there. He telt her many of the waggoners travelled with their families and that was part of the way they traded. It was enjoyed by their customers, and the waggoner families were particularly well come to the wifes and children of their more remote customers for whom the company and their news was almost more appreciated than the supplies and the service. He also telt her it could be a difficult life with many hardships and it was especially so for women with children, and he asked if she were sure she would wish that. He painted a clear picture for her of exactly how hard it could become and what she would have to live with from time to time, and he asked her again if she really wished that.

Zoë replied firmly, “I’m married to a waggoner, and I’m not sitting at home with our children waiting for a husband to come home who is away for most of the year.” She wouldn’t even discuss him finding another craft, and asked him what would be most useful to them for her to be learning till she could travel with him. Torrent telt her his cooking skills were adequate, but no better, and if she could cook it would make their lifes a lot pleasanter. He also said he was barely adequate with a needle and thread unless it be tack leather he were repairing, and even then he taekt it to a saddler for a proper repair to be done at the first opportunity. He said, other than that he could teach her aught she wished to be able to do on the move. He also telt her of Aaron’s advice that she should spend at least a couple of lunes with his family which she accepted saying, “I should have recovered from having the baby by then, and in the mean time I’ll learn as much as I can. When do you have to leave?”

“I was going to continue after midday, but now I’d rather spend the rest of the day and thiseve with you, and start at five nextday.” Zoë was happy at that, and asked if she could help him. “No, my love, you are near to birthing, and the work loading the waggon is heavy, and Anvil, Chough and the apprentices will help to load the goods. If you were serious regards what you sayt earlier, you help Stonechat and Clematis, and see what you can learn of cooking I have never managt to master.” Torrent smiled, and she accepted this was a place where equality of the sexes was a reality, but it didn’t mean they were the same, but they were of equal value, and it maekt her happy to be a woman, and happier still to be a pregnant woman. She also realised it was only since meeting Torrent she had thought of herself as a woman rather than a girl, which was an intimidating thought, but with Torrent to love her, and for her to love, it was a happy one.

After braekfast, Torrent spent the first part of the forenoon cleaning, oiling and polishing the horse tack. He taekt a wheel off the waggon for a running repair and greasing and he greased the others too. He and the men started loading the waggon with the varied sacks, boxes and other things the holding wished taking away, and braekt off for lunch.

Whilst Torrent had been looking after the tack and the waggon, Zoë had spaken with Stonechat and Clematis of her desire to learn how to cook, and become useful with a needle and thread so she could help Torrent on the waggon. Stonechat asked her, “Waggoning is a craft of the highest status, for it is a life only suited to those capable and willing to undergo great privation and hardship from time to time on behalf of the Folk. Do you realise how difficult a life a waggoner lives? And what you will have to learn to live with, or more belike without, if you go with him?”

“Torrent has tried to dissuade me, and I probably don’t know the full extent of what I am letting myself in for,” Zoë replied, “but I don’t care. I won’t make him try to settle, his waggon is his life. If I asked him to settle he would try, and I should hate myself for taking the joy out of his life. I won’t risk that, or take the chance I should lose him if I did. I have had a life with not much good in it, and now I have found him I am not prepared to live a separate life waiting with our children for him to come home. I want to live and work with him, and that means on the waggon. I shall live with what ever I have to. One day I may have made enough tokens to order a more comfortable waggon suitable for a family. In th—Whilst times I mean, we can be considering what would suit us all.”

Stonechat, on realising Zoë had considered all aspects of her life with Torrent and she had reached what for her was the best solution, was much happier after hearing that. She had thought Zoë might have just seen the romance of the trail, and be in for some upset and disillusion. Clematis wasn’t so happy with Zoë’s decision, but her mother said, “Her man will only be happy crafting on his waggon, and she wishes to be at her man’s side. She wishes to learn skills to complement his. We shall help her do so. There is no more to be sayt on that. There is little benefit to be gaint in Zoë learning the growers’ craft, but there is if she spends her time in the kitchen, and in learning to sew and make clothes for her babe. Have you any thoughts of babe clothing, Zoë, because a babe on a waggon will need to be carefully dresst to keep warm?”

“I hadn’t thought about that sort of thing,” Zoë replied, “but yes she will need to properly wrapped. I have seen babe garments with a sleeping roll bottom, a coat top with attached gloves and hood. Perhaps something like that would be suitable?”

Clematis laught and asked, “But what if you have a son?”

“No, it’s a little girl,” Zoë telt her and then added, “I’ve seen the scans.”

The two older women asked what the scans were, and Zoë explained where she came from there was a thing that could see the babe inside the womb and it produced pictures where you could see what its sex was. “Doet it hurt to be lookt at inside?” Stonechat asked her.

“No, it’s painless. They rub a round thing on your stomach with some jelly, and it sees in from outside and makes pictures you can look at,” replied Zoë, “I don’t know how it works, but it does.”

Stonechat was amazed, but concluded, “I still believe the surprise when they’re birtht is one of the best things carrying a babe under your heart gives you.”

Zoë realised this was a Folk expression for being pregnant, she liekt it and asked, “What you just said, ‘carrying a babe under your heart,’ is that a normal expression here?”

“It’s a little old fashiont,” Clematis replied, “but is still uest by many younger women and men too. Why?”

“I like it,” said Zoë, “and I’m going to use it.” They continued discussing the garment Zoë had seen, and eventually the two older women understood what Zoë had meant.

“I shall craft a design,” Clematis telt her, “we can try one in doubelt fur with rabbit fur inside, coney out and duck down between.” Clematis explained rabbit fur, young coney, was softer than the fur of an adult coney and belike a little warmer. “Better let me do it though, not Mum, she’s best sewing folk.”

Stonechat laught and said in explanation, “As a midwife, I have had all the emergency healer training, and it is true I am better at stitching wounds than fabric. I am a good knitter though.” The women continued to plan Zoë’s education whilst preparing lunch. Zoë was a fast learner, and she asked questions of the food they were using, alternative cooking methods and what could be done with it on a fire place maekt from a ring of stones such as the one Torrent maekt the leaf with lastday.




4th of Chent Day 7

After lunch Zoë telt Torrent what had been decided, and also she knew she was having a girl babe. Torrent was as amazed by her explanations as Stonechat had been, but girl or boy he was equally happy. They spent the early afternoon together discussing what he would need to trade for in order to travel with a wife and child. Torrent telt her, “I shall be meeting with a couple of family teams in a tenner. I shall ask them for advice on what the babe will need and see if they have any clothing too small for theirs they are willing to trade. Sometime this afternoon, I wish to go with Anvil to look at some young horses of his with a view to trading for one or two for myself. I shall be back in time for the eve meal. What will you do?”

“I want to talk to the others,” Zoë replied, “I don’t want to drift apart from them because I have you. They will need to make baby clothes too, perhaps not the same as the ones we shall need, but we could all learn to sew and knit together.” The couple discussed their possible needs and those of their daughter, and Zoë said, “I want a Folk name for her, a pretty flower name, so let’s think of names whilst we are apart. It will be comforting knowing the other is thinking of names too.” Torrent agreed, and a few minutes later Anvil came by seeking him with a view to looking at the young horses. The men left discussing Torrent’s requirements. Zoë went to find the others and on going into the kitchen to see if they were there was telt they had gone with Clematis to tend the vegetables. She asked if she could help with the eve meal preparation and learn some more. Stonechat asked Zoë to peel roots, and the two women sat chatting of babes whilst preparing food. Zoë asked Stonechat if she had anything to write down what she was learning on.

“Granny’s receipt book!” Stonechat exclaimed, “I knoewn I had seen instructions for knitt babe clothes somewhere. I’ll give you a spare book. You’re never too young to start writing your own book, especially as your first will be a girl child.”

Zoë was puzzled by Stonechat’s remarks and asked, “Why are knitting instructions in a recipe book?”

Stonechat realising Zoë knew naught of receipt books as written by women of the Folk explained what they were and how they were uest. She said, “We’ll finish preparing the meal and then we’ll look at the three I have and Clematis’ too together. I’ll enjoy that, for I haven’t lookt at them in this way since I was teaching Clematis, and that’s a long time over.” The women finished the meal preparation, and Stonechat went for her books, she returned saying, “I can’t find Clematis’, but she’ll be back betimes with the others and will bring them, and mine will do for the moment.” The books were a span wide, two spans high and a wiedth and a half thick, they were bound with leather and the pages were quite thick. She handed a new book and several styli(1) to Zoë saying, “That’s for you to write in, my dear. I’ll give you some ink later. Let’s look for those knitting instructions in Granny’s first.”

The instructions were located to reveal a set of small but lifelike sketches of a babe wearing the garments along with the instructions. “The babe is my mum,” Stonechat telt Zoë. Zoë was enchanted by the sketches and thought the clothes looked pretty. They looked through the book, and Zoë was amazed by its contents. It contained all sorts of things, and Zoë was fascinated by it all. She had never come across home maekt preserves before and was delighted by a perseroot(2) pickle receipt and details of how to salt green beans. The details of sexual activity Stonechatʼs grandmother had found possible and enjoyable whilst pregnant and after birthing Zoë considered useful and she wished she had read it before making love with Torrent lastnight. It recorded ways her marital disputes had been resolved, the details of her children’s illths, including a number of babehood complaints, and the treatments that had proven beneficial. There were a number of pages with patterns to knit, sew or crochet.

There were all sorts of other things Zoë wished to read too, and Stonechat said “I’ll lend them to you for you to read later.” That the books were written for the education of girls surprised her, but not much, for she was after all a street-wise fourteen year old mum to be. Stonechat telt her she could copy the instructions, and Clematis who was a fair artist would copy the sketches for her. They started looking at Stonechat’s own book which had the same range of content in it her grandmother’s had, but it also contained a lot of material that gave away it was written by a midwife. Mongst other things, it gave exact details of how to extract a wax3 from sheep fleeces in order to prepare a cream good for healing, and even preventing, sore or cracked nipples in nursing and pregnant women. The cream rubbed on a fast expanding stomach helped to avoid the worst excesses of stretch marks, and it was uest berount the vagina to lubricate and help the tissue stretch during birthing.

“In the days when I wrieten that,” remarked Stonechat, “women in remote areas were much more on their own. Nowadays the cream is prepaert by the herbals and readily available from the midwifes and healers. The herbals even prepare enough for the animal husbanders to use when the animals are birthing. There are now many more waggoners than there uest to be, and they pass through much more frequently. They all carry a wide range of materials prepaert by the herbals, including herbs, needles and thread, and healers’ equipment, though most holdings have a standby stock of all the things they can use and a box of things for a healer if they are lucky enough to have one present when an accident occurs.”

They continued looking at the books. Zoë was becoming more and more integrated into the Folk Way of thought as she learnt more and more of how they lived. She was impressed by the care to each other the books implied. Even when the authoress was unhappy with her man or someone else the emphasis was on how to achieve resolution rather than a record of a conflict to be won. When Clematis, followed by the other four women, came into the kitchen she realised what was happening and went for her books. She had the one she had written and one of a distant relative. Zoë was more disconcerted to be reading the book of a woman much nearer her own age who had young children, than she had been reading Stonechat’s. That Stonechat and Clematis were not bothered in the least was obvious. It was their dispassionate attitude that finally enabled Zoë to accept these books were written expressly for the purpose of educational discussion and to make sure knowledge wasn’t lost. Clematis telt Zoë the Master at arms archivists had hundreds in their stores whose authoresses had had none to leave them to, and they would gladly give her some.

The four other women were initially horrified by the books. Jade who had trouble reading especially so. She said she didn’t think it would be allowed where she had come from. The four eventually conceded the material in the books was necessary for women to know in a place like Castle, especially on a remote holding, but Stonechat knew they had a lot further to go to accept the reality of Castle than Zoë. Zoë couldn’t wait to start writing hers. Her discoveries of how to make love when heavily pregnant were not quite the same as some she had just read, and she wished to write her findings down as soon as possible. Though she would, she decided, save the writing till after Torrent had gone. It would make her feel closer to him when he was far away. That she would be writing it for her daughter to share in years to come maekt her hug herself so as to be closer to her daughter. She didn’t realise it but she was becoming even more Folk in her thinking. The four others went to wash before the eve meal leaving Zoë and the two older women.

Stonechat asked Zoë, “What makes the difference between you and they?”

Zoë thought and replied, “I did think we were all much the same, but now I know we’re not. I’m younger than they. I don’t like to say it, but I’m a bit cleverer especially than Jade. Their lives were better than mine. At least they were less violent. The biggest difference is I met Torrent, and I want to understand how things work. I’ve been treated with more respect here than ever before in my whole life, and I like it. I can see I can have a good life here, which for me means Torrent, children and an ability to help him. I want to do all that and more. They don’t yet believe they can have a good life, or to have it they have to want it and to work at it. I think deep down they’re still expecting someone to do it all for them. They would probably have been happy, or at least not unhappy, to have continued as their life had been.

“I don’t think Jade understands what is happening and is uest to others telling her what to do. Eventually, I should probably have killed my father or one of my brothers, or all three of them if possible, after they had raped me and lay drunk afterwards. I was just treated as a thing by them, and I was awfully unhappy with that. I’d been thinking of ways to kill them for some time.” Stonechat and Clematis were horrified at the considered and clinical way Zoë described her previous life, as if she were spaeking of some other. They didn’t realise it, but as far as Zoë was concerned, she was spaeking of some other. They didn’t know what to say. Zoë continued, “But that’s over. I’m eight lunes pregnant, and I love it, and I’m so happy to be here and even happier to be with Torrent.”

Trying to find something else to spaek of Stonechat asked Zoë, “When was the last time you were examint, Zoë?”

Zoë thought and replied, “A lune ago maybe. It might have been a little longer but not much.”

“I bethink me you should be examint again then,” Stonechat telt her, “would you like me to do so before we eat? We’ve plenty of time.”

“I suppose so.”

Stonechat requested Zoë to follow her into the small chamber which she uest as an examination chamber and a surgery. It had the astringent smell peculiar to all such places. She examined Zoë, and as Zoë was dressing telt her, “My best estimate, my dear, is two tenners not three, but of course some babes are noith(4) and take longer, but that’s my best estimate. However, it could happen any time in the next four tenners.” Zoë was happy at the idea of having her babe earlier than she had thought. Not because she was unhappy being pregnant, she wished to be pregnant again as soon as she could, but because she wished to be able to cuddle her daughter as soon as possible. Stonechat continued, “Zoë, I am going to have to have spaech with Aaron of you. Don’t worry it’s good things not bad.” Stonechat said the last as she saw an expression of fright on Zoë’s face. “You are different from the others, or at least you have become so. Yes, I do know why you are here, but you don’t need to be. Aaron, I suspect is aware of this. He’s my son, but he’s also Aaron. He’s different from other Folk and sees deeper, much deeper. It is not, I believe, good for you or for the others to be here together. You make them look inadequate in their own eyes because of the progress you have maekt. In your love of Torrent and of your babe and your willingth to complement his skills, you have become Folk. You need to move on.”

Zoë’s eyes filled and she started to cry. Through her tears she managed to say, “But I wanted to stay here with you and your family and learn cooking and things, and I wanted you to deliver my little girl.”

“I know you doet, my dear, and it does you great credit. We shall miss you, but I do believe you have to go on. I am going to suggest to Aaron Torrent rearranges his work to return here as soon as he can, a few days at most, and takes you back to Zephyr, his mum at the Keep. You can birth your babe at his mum’s, and when you are able to travel you can return to visit us. I shall tell the others that after examining you I considert your pregnancy was such as to make it advisable for you to go back to the Keep, particularly since you are so young. Torrent’s mum will be so proud. She has wisht him to settle down and give her grandchildren for a long time. She’s a good woman who will teach you to cook and help you to sew and make babe clothes.” Gently she hugged a still distressed Zoë, “Now I suggest you wash your face before the eve meal. I shall go and have spaech with Aaron.”




4th of Chent Day 7

Since the previous healers’ meeting four days before, Bracken had had spaech with Mæve concerning what she knew of the fevers and had spaken to all incomers including all those over ten years old to see if they could add aught. Many adults didn’t know what she was spaeking of, and most of the younger incomers had never heard of smallpox. The few newfolk who had heard of it knew little other than it was extinct on Earth. One said she thought some research places had some left to experiment with. Why she didn’t know, and she could add nothing more. Pearl had added when she was a girl, injections were uest to protect gainst various diseases which involved sticking a needle into the body, usually the arm and she shewed Bracken some circular marks on her upper arm, a wiedth(5) and a half across, which she said were the marks the process left, but she didn’t know which particular disease protection they were as a result of. She recalled a different technique for smallpox protection involved just scratching the arm with a needle dipped in something which left no circular scar.

Ella knew more or less what Mæve knew, and added that girls of her generation were injected on their feet. She remembered it had hurt to walk for a few days but left no visible scar. She recalled a man called Jenner had started the process of eliminating smallpox. Mæve was asked to repeat what she knew at the meeting attended by most of the healers and herbals and Gina with some dairy crafters.

“I only remember a little of what I was told in a biology lesson when I was at school.” Seeing some puzzled faces Mæve explained, “Biology was about living things, and a school was a place children had to go to to learn things. I don’t know where smallpox is when nobody has it, but I do know you are almost sure to catch it if you are near someone who has it unless you have been protected against catching it or have had it before. It had been known for a long time if you became ill with smallpox and survived then you never became ill with it again. I think it was one in three who caught smallpox who died. A man, Ella says his name was Jenner, I didn’t remember his name, noticed dairy maids and people who worked with cows often caught what seemed to be a milder form of smallpox and none of them died. They called it cowpox and they never caught smallpox even if everybody who they came into contact with did.

“Somehow he made people have cowpox and then they never became ill with smallpox. I don’t know what he did but I do know eventually there was no more smallpox. I have heard of people being immunised against smallpox, sometimes the words vaccinated or inoculated are uest instead of immunised. I don’t know if the three things are the same or not, but I know vaccination involves injecting with something by sticking a hollow needle in to you, in the arm usually, and pushing something down the needle into you, but I don’t know what. I recall the word antibodies being uest, but I am not sure what it means. I’m sorry I don’t know any more, but my education was not in the sciences.”

She sat down, and Gina motioned to spaek. Gina telt them, “Inoculation is the word uest to start a milk culture by adding the right kind of microörganisms to make a cheese or other milk product. So I presume in this context it means to give someone a cowpox culture by using a hollow needle to put the culture into them. I know this is done to prevent other diseases, but I don’t know what they put down the needle. I also know milk is heat treated to kill any diseases it may contain, and subsequently chilled and kept cold to prevent any new diseases reproducing. They can’t reproduce in the cold. This is done to prevent any diseases being passed on with the milk because it is nearly the perfect medium for microörganisms to grow in when it is warm.”

Bracken related what Pearl had telt her, “A different method, Pearl doetn’t know whether it was better or more modern, involvt just scratching to braek the skin with a needle dipt in something.”

Fennel of the dairy crafters said, “It’s true there is a milder form of the fevers dairy crafters occasionally have which is never fatal, and as far as I am aware none who has had the milder form has ever become ill with the fevers or the milder form again. In the milder form the distinctive blisters of the fevers frequently only appear on the hands, where they inevitably burst and drain sometimes leaving the characteristic scars of the fevers.”

Gosellyn remarked the fluid in the cowpox blisters, was probably the best material to use for immunisation, at least to start with. Since scratching was considered to be a good technique, and the hollow needles would have to be developed before they could be uest, she suggested a program of cowpox immunisation by scratching was started as soon as possible. Only time would tell if they had to rethink the strategy, but in the meanwhile she suggested, as they had consensus on this as an initial approach, it be put before the Council as soon as possible. This was agreed and as the healer herbal craft Council member she agreed to do so.

The meeting continued with wound care, and what they were coming to call infection control. Paene of the brewers said, “We use scalding water to clean our vessels, and then a solution of an extract from a plant callt redweed, which some of the growers grow for us. We finish by rinsing in plentiful scalding water again. The scaldt vessels are uest straightforth after allowing to cool naturally.” There were a number questions concerning details of the procedure which she answered before adding, “The farriers use redweed on horses' feet, but I don’t know why.”

The dairy crafters contributed it was known, from previous experience of borrowing vessels from the brewers, any trace of redweed prevented cheese from forming. Gina suggested the redweed would be preventing, inhibiting was the word she uest, the cheese microörganisms from multiplying just as it prevented the unwanted microörganisms from spoiling the brewers beer or wine. It would, in all probability, prevent the microörganisms which infected wounds from multiplying too. If the dairying vessels and equipment were exposed to the redweed preparation for twenty minutes and then rinsed in boiled water the process should prevent cheeses or other milk product cultures from spoiling too.

The herbals agreed they should have spaech with the farriers and the growers and experiment with various redweed preparations for the healers to use on wounds. Various courses of action were agreed upon, and also that they should meet in a lune to see what progress had been maekt. All in all, it was felt some significant progress had been maekt in understanding the fevers and the different aspects of the microörganisms.




4th of Chent Day 7

That afternoon, Zoë had no opportunity to spaek with Torrent, and because he came back with Anvil just in time for them to wash their hands and sit down to eat she had to wait till bedtime. Chough played his flute for twenty minutes to much acclaim, and the singing was as always enjoyed by all. Zoë was thoughtful and subdued after they had eaten. She pled a headache and went to bed early. A few minutes later, when Torrent came to see how she was, she tearfully explained the full story of why the five of them were there and what Stonechat had said.

Torrent understood Zoë would be leaving the first set of folk who had treated her properly and the first place where she had been happy, and she was naturally upset. He telt her, “First of all, Stonechat is probably right, Love. You do need to move on and not stay with the others. My mother will be delightet I have findt you and even more so at the prospect of a granddaughter within two tenners. She will love you and help you in any way she can. Now, if I have to rearrange my work to take you back to the Keep as soon as I can I need to be up by four. I’m thinking I can be back here in four days at midday. If I rest the team the remainder of thatday and stop the night an early start will mean we can be at Mum’s at a decent time in the afternoon. I shall go to have spaech with Aaron to learn what he considers best, and then we can make our plans when I return.”

He went to find Aaron, but came across Stonechat first. He explained Zoë was upset at the idea of leaving, and he was seeking Aaron. Stonechat telt him Aaron was in the small chamber he uest when he wished to be alone, but he would in all probability be awaiting Torrent. She also telt him Aaron was in agreement with what she had telt Zoë. She bad him goodnight, and Torrent went to see Aaron who, as Stonechat had said, was expecting him. Their conversation was brief, and it just confirmed what Zoë had telt him. Aaron added little of Zoë and naught of the others. Torrent returned to Zoë, and before they went to sleep she maekt him promise to awaken her when he arose and not, as she put it, “Sneak off without a proper good bye.”




4th of Chent Day 7

That night in the comfort of a bed Veronica asked, “What other ways are there to make love, Mast? I want to try them all.”

Mast grinned and replied, “Not all in one night you won’t. There are many, but I suspect most are rarely uest because there is a lack of comfort, and making love is suppoest to be enjoyable.”

“Shew me one.”

Mast parted her thighs and kissing her ear he started to stroke her awakening sex. As he kissed her neck, breasts and then her nipples she started to moan softly. He continued kissing his way down her stomach, tormenting her, finally reaching her cleft. She was writhing as well as moaning now and unable to bear it any longer she lifted her knees to her shoulders. It was a more exquisite torture than she had believed possible. She wished it to end and never to end. However, the end was inevitable, and believing herself to be utterly satiated and beyond further stimulation or interest, she brought her legs down and rolled over onto her stomach, but Mast repeatedly ran his fingers down her spine from the base of her skull to her cotte and stroked the backs of her thighs, and when he touched where her cotte met her thighs and where her thighs met she automatically parted her legs and lifted her hips.

She definitely was not beyond further stimulation and, and Mast quickly interested her much further. As she peaked, he entered her and maekt love slowly, keeping her on the edge of an almost unbearable ecstasy. As she bucked and writhed in the throes of her rapture Mast slipped his hands under her breasts and teased her nipples between his fingers and thumbs. With Veronica pushing herself onto him, the moist heatth of her sex pulsing berount him and her full breasts in his hands it wasn’t long before, spent, he pinned her to the bed whereat she, her sex still squirming berount him as she extracted every last sensation, fell into oblivion.

They lay there for some time before Veronica returned to the present. “I had no idea that was possible. It was wonderful, Mast. Tell me about some more ways.”

“Obviously, as I put my mouth to you, you could put yours to me. Some do it together.”

Veronica uncoupled them by wriggling her cotte out from under Mast and immediately sat up. “What do I do?”

“What ever you wish. Some go to the end, and others use it for some excitement to start things off.”

Veronica pushed him on to his back and promptly applied herself to her self imposed task. For someone who barely knew anything of sex she was a fast learner and was clearly enjoying every second. No longer with any inhibitions she taekt Mast to the end. “Can we do that together next night, Mast? That would be exciting.”

“If you like, I should like to.”

“Mast, would you make love with me once more thisnight? Like we did the first time in the tent?” Given what she had just done, incongruously Veronica asked shyly.

Mast sat up, kissed her, fondled her breasts, parted and caressed her sex gently before saying, “In a few minutes, Veronica, in a few minutes.”

She lay back in anticipation as he continued to caress her both inside and out, and aroused by what he was doing he recovered sufficiently rather quickly. They maekt love slowly and gently and just before their peak, Veronica said, “This is my favourite. The other ways are nice, but this is the way I enjoyed fir—” Her words were cut off by her sudden intake of breath. Mast was a second or two behind her. When she recovered her breath she said, “No stay where you are, Love, as long as you can.”

As he kissed her Mast telt her, “That’s the first time you have callt me Love you know, Veronica.” Mast, now a married man looking forward to a family, felt he had grown up taking his last step to manhood, but despite their age difference Veronica had grown up a lot more than he as a result of their marriage. He at least had been on his way to full manhood whereas she, despite two children, had denied her womanhood before she had even reached it. As they were falling asleep Veronica was sensuously aware of Mast twitching within, and Mast was aware of the softth of her breasts with their still firm nipples on his chest.




5th of Chent Day 8

Mast awoke at five as he normally did and ready to awaken Veronica for an early start he felt her reach over. “I want to be pregnant, Mast. Time to do something about it. I know we need to be up, so you don’t have to be creative, but you do have to make love to me. Now.”

Mast kissed her and did as he was telt. As they dresst Veronica sayt, “You said you’d provide me with personal things out of the trade goods, Mast. Do we carry women’s lunetime products?”

“No. Why?”

“Cloudberry gave me what I should need with the clothes. She said because she thought a man wouldn’t think to carry them on the waggon. Any woman could make knickers with tapes in and the towelling is readily available to all women, but the sponges…. I assume you know what I’m talking about?”


“The sponges would not be readily available to many, and I think would be a good trade item to carry. What do you think?”

“You’re right. A man would probably not consider it, and they would be tradeable. It’s only a matter of trading for them next time we reach a coastal holding. The southernmost ones dive for them and have a good supply which they would be happy to trade as part payment for their requirements. You need to look at all our trade goods, Love, with a view to thinking of what women would wish that we aren’t carrying.”

With that they went for braekfast and were back on the trail in just over an hour. The day was spent discussing what they carried and what they should be carrying. Veronica wished to carry more goods from the herbals and thought they should ask the herbals to provide emergency boxes of herbs and other things, including written instructions for their use, suitable for those whose holding was far from the Keep. “It was called a first aid box on Earth, Mast.” She also wished a wider range of goods for women to make clothes with. She knew Mast carried combs, brushes and mirrors, but she wished to carry cosmetics, ribands and women’s and girls’ hair accessories too. They had a late lunch at Fracha and Squid’s holding where they unloaded the two boxes and taekt an order for their next trip that way. Fracha provided them with a packed meal of cold duck with salad and fruit for the eve for which Veronica gave her a pair of sewing needles.

“Gratitude, Veronica. I can’t see closely enough to sew any more, but they will be much appreciatet by the women of my family who can. We have much clothing in our store. If there is aught you particularly need you could take it in return. After all a meal is little, but needles are costly.”

Veronica thought a little and said, “I have all I need for now, but I want to be pregnant and will need baby clothes and blankets. Could you help there?”

“Not at the moment, but when you next pass this way we shall have maekt enough for you to be a fair trade for the needles. Again my gratitude, not least for your trust.”

Till next time was said and Mast drove the waggon away from the holding. “I admit I was a little unhappy at you giving away the needles for a meal, Love, but the future trade does seem to be good. How doet you know?”

“Women are born traders, Mast. It’s what we do best. I’ve heard it said that whilst men compete women coöperate. Fracha is a good woman and will not wish to be beholden to us. I am pleased that we shall have some quality baby clothes for our children. Did you not notice the quality of the clothes she and hers were wearing which she and her family made?”

Mast hadn’t, but he nodded and considered that being a married man was a far better trading position than he had been in before.

They camped that eve rather earlier than Mast had expected. When they reached the small isolated hornbeam copse, which was a regular site uest by waggoners, they saw there was already a waggon there and a small dark haired woman with her hair tied back by a leather thong was pouring a mug of leaf from a kettle that had been over an established fire. “Greetings, Silverherb. Any more leaf in that kettle?” Silverherb collected a pair of mugs from a box on her waggon as Mast manœuvred the waggon as a windbraek and dealt with the horses. He introduced Silverherb and Veronica and explained, “Veronica and I have agreement, and she has joint me on the waggon. You been here long?”

“An hour. I should probably have continuet, but the grazing is good, there’s water for the horses, it’s sheltert, and I was tiren. You enjoying being a waggoner, Veronica?”

“Yes, so far. I suppose bad weather will be unpleasant, but I couldn’t think of anything else I would have enjoyed doing, and I didn’t want to be married to someone who was never at home.”

Silverherb, who Veronica thought was of her age, nodded and said, “My man, Sbirten, is a navigator on Sail Safe, and we’re getting dissatisfyt being apart so much. He’s spaeking of joining me on the waggon. You never know if he does we may be able to spend enough of our nights together to start a family.” She laught and continued, “I’ve the remains of a grisling stew you are welcome to share if you like?”

“What’s grisling?” Veronica asked.

“A young gris. Feral swine,” Mast replied. “That would be good of you, Silverherb. Fracha givn us some duck salad and fruit we could share for braekfast.” Veronica and Mast pitched their tent and prepared for the night whilst Silverherb prepared food. The three waggoners ate and chatted, mostly of the condition of the trails, where they were going next and who was where and what they were carrying, for an hour or so before retiring.

When Veronica and Mast maekt love it was gentle rather than passionate and they spent most of the time before sleeping discussing nextday. The last thing Veronica said before going to sleep was, “Mast, I’m so glad you’re with me, Love, and not far away on a ship.”

Index of significant characters so far listed by Chapter

1 Introduction
2 Jacques de Saint d’Espéranche
3 The Folk and the Keep
4 Hwijje, Travisher, Will
5 Yew, Allan, Rowan,Siskin, Will, Thomas, Merle, Molly, Aaron, Gareth, Oak, Abigail, Milligan, Basil, Vinnek, Iris, Margæt, Gilla, Alsike, Alfalfa, Gibb, Happith, Kroïn, Mako, Pilot, Briar, Gosellyn, Gren, Hazel
6 Chaunter, Waxwing, Flame, João, Clansaver, Irune, Ceël, Barroo, Campion, Limpet, Vlæna, Xera, Rook, Falcon, Cwm, Sanderling, Aldeia, Catarina, Coast, Elixabete,
7Mercedes, Spoonbill
8 Lyllabette, Yoomarrianna
9 Helen, Duncan, Gosellyn, Eudes, Abigail
10 George/Gage, Iris, Waverley, Belinda
11 Marc/Marcy, Pol
12 George/Gage, Marcy, Freddy/Bittern, Weyland, Iris, Bling
13 Thomas, Will, Mercedes, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna
14 Kyle, Thomas, Will, Angélique
15 Mercedes, Morgelle, Gorse, Thrift, George/Gage, Chris, Iris, Thrift, Campion
16 Bling
17 Waverley, Mr. E
18 George/Gage, Larch, Mari, Ford, Gorse, Morgelle, Luke, Erin
19 Will, Pilot, Yew, Geoge/Gage, Mari, Ford, Gosellyn, Cwm, Cerise, Filbert, Gareth, Duncan, Helen, Thomas, Iris, Plume, Campion, Pim, Rook, Falcon, João, Hare
20 Yew, Rowan, Will, Thomas, Siskin, Weir, Grayling, Willow
21 Brook, Harrier, Cherry, Abby, Selena, Borage, Sætwæn, Fiona, Fergal
22 Yew, Thomas, Hazel, Rowan, Gosellyn, Siskin, Will, Lianna, Duncan
23 Tench, Knawel, Claire, Oliver, Loosestrife, Bramling, George, Lyre, Janice, Kæn, Joan, Eric
24 Luke, Sanderling, Ursula, Gervaise, Mike, Spruce, Moss
25 Janet, Vincent, Douglas, Alec, Alice
26 Pearl, Merlin, Willow, Ella, Suki, Tull, Irena
27 Gina, Hardy, Lilac, Jessica, Teal, Anna
28 Bryony, Judith, Bronwen, Farsight
29 Muriel, Raquel, Grace
30 Catherine, Crane, Snipe, Winifred, Dominique, Ferdinand
31 Alma, Allan, Morris, Miranda
32 Dabchick, Nigel
33 Raquel, Thistle, Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Phœbe
34 Eleanor, Woad, Catherine, Crane
35 Muriel, Hail, Joan, Breve, Eric, Nell, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
36 Selena,Sætwæn, Borage, Grace, Gatekeeper, Raquel, Thistle
37 Siân, Mackerel, Winifred, Obsidian
38 Carla, Petrel, Alkanet, Ferdinand
39 Dominique, Oxlip, Alma, Allan, Tress, Bryony
40 Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Ella, Kestrel, Judith, Storm
41 Ella, Kestrel, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane
42 Weights & Measures and Sunrise & Sunset Times included in Ch 41
43 Ella, Kestrel, Serenity, Smile, Gwendoline, Rook, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane, Sapphire, Mere
44 Pearl, Merlin, Rainbow, Perch, Joan, Breve, truth, Rachael, Hedger, Ruby, Deepwater
45 Janet, Blackdyke, Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster
46 Janet, Gina, Alastaire, Joan, Breve, Truth, Bræth, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
47 The Squad, Mercedes, Fen, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
48 Bronwen, Forest, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Kathleen, Niall, Bluebell, Sophie
49 Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster, Imogen, Wryneck, Phœbe, Knapps
50 Erin, Nightjar, Eleanor, Woad
51 Gina, Jonas, Janet, Gerald, Patrick, Tansy, Craig, Barret, Ryan
52 Constance, Rye, Bling, Bullace, Berry, Jimmy, Leveret, Rory, Shelagh, Silas
53 Rachael, Hedger, Eve, Gilla, Mallard, Fiona, Fergal, Tinder, Nightingale, Fran, Dyker
54 Pamela, Mullein, Patricia, Chestnut, Lavinia, Ophæn, Catherine, Crane
55 Susan, Kingfisher, Janet, Gina, Jonas, Ruth, Kilroy, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
56 Gina, Jonas, Patricia, Chestnut, The Squad, Hazel, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch, Mangel, Clary, Brendan
57 Erin, Nightjar, Xera, Josephine, Wels, Michelle, Musk, Swansdown, Tenor
58 Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverley,Yvette, Whitebear, Firefly, Farsight, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch
59 Lilac, Firefly, Farsight, Lucinda, Gimlet, Leech, Janet, Blackdyke
60 Douglas, Lunelight, Yvette, Whitebear, Thrift, Haw, Harebell, Goosander, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew, Matilda, Evan, Heron
61 Brendan, Clary, Chloë, Apricot, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Otis, Harry, Gimlet, Leech, Jodie
62 Gimlet, Leech, Lark, Seth, Charles, Bruana, Noah, Kirsty, Shirley, Mint, Kevin, Faith, Oak, Lilly, Jason, Gem, Ellen
63 Honesty, Peter, Bella, Abel, Kell, Deal, Siobhan, Scout, Jodie
64 Heather, Jon, Anise, Holly, Gift, Dirk, Lilac, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Ivy, David
65 Sérent, Dace, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Clarissa, Gorse, Eagle, Frond, Diana, Gander, Gyre, Tania, Alice, Alec
66 Suki, Tull, Buzzard, Mint, Kevin, Harmony, Fran, Dyker, Joining the Clans, Pamela, Mullein, Mist, Francis, Kristiana, Cliff, Patricia, Chestnut, Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverly, Tarragon, Edrydd, Louise, Turnstone, Jane, Mase, Cynthia, Merle, Warbler, Spearmint, Stonecrop
67 Warbler, Jed, Fiona, Fergal, Marcy, Wayland, Otday, Xoë, Luval, Spearmint, Stonecrop, Merle, Cynthia, Eorle, Betony, Smile
68 Pansy, Pim,Phlox, Stuart, Marilyn, Goth, Lunelight, Douglas, Crystal, Godwit, Estelle, Slimlyspoon, Lyre, George, Damson, Lilac
69 Honesty, Peter, Abel, Bella, Judith, storm, Matilda, Evean, Iola, Heron, Mint, Kevin, Lilac, Happith, Gloria, Peregrine
70 Lillian, Tussock, Modesty, Thyme, Vivienne, Minyet, Ivy, David, Jasmine, Lilac, Ash, Beech
71 Quartet & Rebecca, Gimlet & Leech, The Squad, Lyre & George, Deadth, Gift
72 Gareth, Willow, Ivy, David, Kæna,Chive, Hyssop, Birch, Lucinda, Camomile, Meredith, Cormorant, Whisker, Florence, Murre, Iola, Milligan, Yarrow, Flagstaff, Swansdown, Tenor, Morgan, Yinjærik, Silvia, Harmaish, Billie, Jo, Stacey, Juniper
73 The Growers, The Reluctants, Miriam, Roger, Lauren, Dermot, Lindsay, Scott, Will, Chris, Plume, Stacey, Juniper
74 Warbler, Jed, Veronica, Campion, Mast, Lucinda, Cormorant, Camomile, Yellowstone
75 Katheen, Raymnd, Niall, Bluebe, Sophie, Hazel, Ivy, Shadow, Allison, Amber, Judith, Storm Alwydd, Matthew, Beatrix, Jackdaw, The Squad, Elders, Jennt, Bronze, Maeve, Wain, Monique, Piddock, Melissa, Roebuck, Aaron, Carley Jade, Zoë, Vikki, Bekka, Mint, Torrent
76 Gimlet, Leech,Gwendoline, Georgina, Quail. Birchbark, Hemlock, Peter, Honesty, Bella, Hannah, Aaron, Torrent, Zoë, Bekka, Vikki, Jade, Carley, Chough, Anvil, Clematis, Stonechat, Peace, Xanders, Gosellyn, Yew, Thomas, Campion, Will, Iris, Gareth
77 Zoë, Torrent, Chough, Stonechat, Veronica, Mast, Sledge, Cloudberry, Aconite, Cygnet, Smokt
78 Jed, Warbler, Luval, Glaze, Seriousth, Blackdyke, Happith, Camilla

Word Usage Key
Some commonly used words are below. Replace th on end of words with ness and t with d or ed and most of the rest are obvious if sounded out aloud. Some words with n or en on the end can be easily understood if the n is replaced by a d. Only difficult words and words that do not exist in English are now referred to specifically.

Agreän(s), those person(s) one has marital agreement with, spouse(s).
Bethinkt, thought.
Braekt, broke.
Doet, did. Pronounced dote.
Doetn’t, didn’t. Pronounced dough + ent.
Findt, found,
Goen, gone
Goent, went.
Heartfriend, a relationship of much more significance than being a girl- or boy-friend is on Earth. Oft such relationships are formed from as young as four and they are taken seriously by both children and adults. A child’s heartfriend is automatically one of their heartfriend’s parents’ children too, and a sibling to their heartfriend’s siblings. Such relationships rarely fail and are seen as precursors to becoming intendet and having agreement.
Lastdaysince, the day before yesterday.
Loes, lost.
Maekt, made.
Nextdaynigh, the day after tomorrow.
Sayt, said.
Taekt, took.
Telt, told.
Uest, used.

1 Styli, instruments for writing with.
2 Perseroot, turnip usually with purple shoulders.
3 Wax extracted from sheep fleece, lanolin.
4 Noith, reluctant to try anything new or unfamiliar.
5 Wiedth, a nominal finger’s width.

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