Castle The Series - 0016 Bling




WARNING – This is a disturbing account of child abuse. It is based on a reality many would prefer to pretend didn’t exist. The graphic and explicit language used in this chapter is the language that would have been familiar to and used by Bling and Suzie.

There is a word usage key at the end.

28th of Towin Day 1

Bling had been sexually abused since birth. She didn’t see it that way because, like most children, to her her life was normal. If she obliged her mum’s boyfriends they were nice to her and they bought her things, anything she asked for, so she was happy to take her clothes off for them and allow them to put their cocks, she knew that was the proper grown up word, wherever they wanted, it didn’t hurt much. Her mum didn’t mind, and some of them gave her money, but most gave her sweets, [US candy] clothes, or music. She’d always loved music and enjoyed listening to classical music on the radio, but her mum hated the music she liked, so she could only listen to it when her mum was out. One night when her mum was drunk Bling had spent all night with her mum’s boyfriend who had licked her bum and where she weed from before putting his cock up her bum. He promised to buy her a portable music player with headphones if she’d lick his bum. She did and loads of other stuff too, though she thought weeing on his face was weird. After he’d bought her the portable she could listen to the music she liked when ever she liked. She considered her life was good, and by the time she was six she couldn’t remember anything ever having hurt.

The good life came to an end when her mother was sent down for reasons Bling didn’t understand, though she did understand her mum would be in gaol for at least five years and possibly twice that. Bling was seven. She was taken to live in a local authority children’s home, which they said was for her protection. Initially she hated it, but that was before she realised men were the same where ever she went. The men, and women, who worked at the Social Services orphanage had much more money than her mum’s boyfriends, and they were much more generous. It was back to life as usual, wanking them off, blow jobs, up the arse and occasionally one of them put his cock in her cunt which she was starting to enjoy rather than just regard as something she did to acquire what she wanted. Eating cunt was new to her, but some of the dykes(1) made it clear if she wanted to keep them off her back that was the price, and any way it was no big deal at least you couldn’t choke on a cunt, and when they ate hers she didn’t have to do anything, sometimes it was nice. The dykes at the orphanage wanted it to be nice when they ate her cunt, and she soon learnt to fake it.

She knew she was safe till her periods started, but when she had turned eight her tits had started to grow which did worry her a bit as she knew she was not far off being able to fall pregnant, which was a really scary thought. However, everything was sorted when she became friends with Suzie who was a ten year old, streetwise, fount of wisdom. “You need to go to the Family Planning and tell them you’re ten and your periods have started and you need an implant to stop you having a babby.(2) They’ll give you all kinds of shit about why they can’t do it because you’re too young, so you tell them you’re going to carry on fucking boys any way. Only boys our age, remember, not older and definitely not grown ups, or it’ll hit the fan bit time. Then they’ll threaten you with Social Services, so you tell them you’re already in care and don’t give a fuck. They’ll give you the implant.”

Bling went to family planning, and she decided Suzie was pretty sharp because everything had happened exactly as she had said it would. She and Suzie became good friends and enjoyed the same things, other than music. Suzie listened to the stuff on the popular channels, mostly recent stuff that lasted a few months at most. Bling still listened to classical music: orchestral, church organ music and especially opera, most of which had been in existence for a long time. “You’re weird listening to that shit, Bee,” Suzie insisted.

“At least it doesn’t just keep repeating itself because the players have run out of ideas,” Bling had retorted.

By the time Bling had her first period,(3) she’d had the implant for six months, and she was bored with the staff at the home. More to the point she wanted some money to buy an expensive twelve volume music collection she had heard advertised on the radio. She talked to Suzie regarding the matter, because she never seemed to be short of money, who said, “Why don’t you come with me to the city to work a few tricks, it pulls loads of cash, and if we work together the pervs(4) will pay us even more than two of us working separate could ever pull, and it’s safer with two.” Bling wasn’t entirely sure what Suzie meant, but she explained, and it seemed promising, though she didn’t believe Suzie was telling the truth concerning how much money she earnt.

“How do we get there and back, Sooz?” she asked.

“Ring a cab and give the drive(5) a blowjob or a fuck. Sorted!” Suzie exclaimed. “Coming back the same again, and then again with the twat on night duty, I don’t mind eating cunt if it gets me what I want!”

Sooz had been telling the truth, and Bling was aghast at how much money she made on her first trip to the city, enough to buy the music collection several times over. She only had to do what she’d been doing for far less all her life. She bought the music collection and a top of the range personal music player too, along with lots more music. Life had never been better.

Suzie, who the other children at the home had explained was well streetwise, had impressed on her, “Never go any where with any one. It’s safer out on the street.” She had explained there were people, women as well as men, who given a chance would kidnap her to keep as a sex slave. They would lock her in a room she couldn’t escape from, and keep her so short of food she would do anything to be fed. When asked how she knew Suzie had shrugged her shoulders and replied, “Everyone knows it happens because every now and again one of bastards makes a mistake, doesn’t lock the door or something and someone escapes. There was a woman who got away last year. They’d taken her when she was fourteen and she was thirty-one when she escaped. It was in the news. The law never manages to do anything because as soon as any one escapes the bastards just fuck off somewhere else. Stay on the streets, Bee, and if you ever start to feel jumpy run like fuck. Forget the cash, trust your instincts.”

Suzie really knew the score, and she’d taught her how to recognise the drunks, junkies, psychos, and the child hunters. The only time things were unpleasant was with a punter who hit her. No shrinking violet, she bit down as hard as she could on his cock as Suzie pulled a blade and give it to him in his arse. Clutching their knickers in their hands, they ran like fuck, and shrieking hysterically with laughter all the while they jumped in the first empty cab they came across and shouted, “Go, Drive!”

The drive, who like all the cabbies knew the score, reacted immediately and knocked the central locking down with his elbow as he pulled off. He’d reached the end of the street and jumped the red light before asking, “Where to girls?”

“Just keep going, Drive, we’re still deciding.” The girls discussed what they wanted to do for a minute. Both were now coming down off their adrenaline rush and were frightened. Suzie said, “Roham, Drive. That smackhead’s(6) still on the streets, and I don’t fancy meeting him again tonight. He’ll have forgotten by tomorrow when he’s mugged some poor sod and had his fix.” The drive who had been heading out of the city, but going the wrong way, turned right down a side street and right again towards Roham Road and the girls, too shaken to even try for their usual deal, paid him with money.

Suzie, grumbling she had only ever used it the once, bought a replacement blade, and Bling bought one too. Only Bling telt her, “I hope I never have to use it.”

“Yeah! Got a point there, Girl,” Suzy said.

Life was good, and it continued like that for over a year. Bling was nearly ten. They’d worked the city since eight one Friday night and pulled a shed load.(7) At half past three Suzie said “It’s starting to rain and the city’s fucked for tonight. Let’s grab a Kentucky before we go back and get some sleep.” It seemed like a good idea to Bling, and they took their time eating their chicken, sharing a small portion of fries, with an extra large hot chocolate each, in the relaxing warmth of the twenty-four hour, fast food place before going to find a taxi. It was raining so hard now it had started to wash the splashes of vomit on the streets away, pavement pizzas Suzie called them. Neither had a coat, and as they left Suzie asked, “You see a cab, Bee?”

“Over there, by the dykes’ club.” They ran to the cab, and Bling sat in the front seat and Suzie in the back. Bling pulled her skirt up, they’d decided to give up on knickers months ago, and opening her legs wide so the drive could see she started playing with her as yet hairless sex, making sure her clit was visible. Suzie, who had started growing pubes, but shaved them off so she still looked like a lolly,(8) had taught her to always make sure the pervs could see everything because then they thought they were getting better value for their money.

Suzie was playing with her tits, so the drive could see them in the interior mirror whilst she was running her fingers through his hair, though not big they were bigger than Bling’s. They’d this down to a fine art. “Take us to Roham, Mister, and you can fuck the both of us, or we’ll give you a blowjob, your choice.”

The drive, a man in his late thirties or early forties whom they had never come across before, calmly said, “I’ve six daughters all older than you, and I’m no paedophile. Girls, it’s fourteen quid to Roham, and as I’m sure you already know, at this time of night it’s cash up front.”

Bling pulled her stash from her inside pocket, banged a twenty on the dash and said, “Well, we had to try didn’t we, Mister? It’s a matter of principle init.(9) Keep the change.”

The drive had wordlessly taken the note and handed back six before saying, “I’m neither a paedophile nor a mugger, and the fare is fourteen quid.” They had chatted to the drive on the half hour journey, and Bling had liked him a lot. He was the first decent human being she had ever come across, and she was jealous of those daughters he’d mentioned. It was clear he was appalled at what they did and felt distressed for them. “What happens when you come in at this time of night?” he asked.

Suzie replied, “We tell them to get fucked, and if they get unpleasant enough we do the business, and then its fine. You know the lights at Old Squires Lane, Drive?”


“Turn right at the lights, and there’s a big estate wall on your left. When you get to where it’s all fallen down pull up, and we’ll jump out. Ok?”

“Yeah. I know where you mean. Just past the main entrance.”

“That’s right.” They passed the main entrance where the drive read the familiar sign, “Roham Metropolitan Borough Children’s Home. Roham the Borough That Cares. Where Children Come First.”

Suzie sniggered, “I never managed to cum before any of them did.”

The drive was silent with a grim look on his face as they left. Bling said to him quietly so Suzie couldn’t hear, “You’re a nice man, Mister, thanks.” She hesitated before saying, “I wish you were my dad.” At that she slammed the door and ran off into the deluging night. She was never to discover the drive never forgot her, and she was a major factor in his decision to become a teacher.

Suzie gave the night man a fuck, he wouldn’t settle for a blow job, but Bling spent three-quarters of an hour having her cunt eaten before the dyke got herself off and she could go to bed. She awoke on Castle.


Suzie was moderately bright, but she’d had no perception of anything different at all. She worked the city because that was what she did, and it had never occurred to her to wonder what the future held, and she was completely amoral. Bling was much brighter, and she’d oft agonised over her future. She knew what she did was in the jargon nasty stuff, and the people she took money off were committing criminal offences due to her age, but that was their problem. The courts couldn’t do anything to her they hadn’t already done. Nobody was sent to gaol for being fucked by a paedo(10) or eaten by a dyke. Despite Suzie’s insouciance, the psychos and the violence that were never far away had always frightened Bling, but other than the junkie who had hit her when he tried to mug them, she’d managed to avoid them, but she’d known one day she’d become unlucky, most did sooner or later. What especially frightened her was the prospect of being attacked by a nutter with a knife. The real crazies put two blades in a craft knife that gave a double cut that couldn’t be stitched to a fine seam, and some of the older prostitutes, and a few not much older than she, had hideous finger wide scars across their faces as a result.

She knew the garbage on the telly(11) shewing idealised and permanently happy families was shite, and real people didn’t have lives like that. Everybody had some shit in their life, but she had seen families out shopping in the town at weekends, and she envied the girls of her age who she knew were still girls, no nasty stuff in their lives. Girls with mums who kissed them goodnight because they loved them, not because they wanted sex, girls with dads who took care of them instead of touching them up with a view to fucking them. She’d known for a long time for her a family like that was just an impossible dream, and she couldn’t undo what had already happened, but it was what she had always wanted even if it did mean she would have had to do as she was telt, at least it would have meant someone cared.


It didn’t take Bling long to realise Castle was a world full of persons like the drive, and she was really sad she’d not asked him his name, she hadn’t even noted which firm he drove for. Suzie always noticed, and she’d shouted at her if she found out Bling hadn’t. Clever, insightful, the eternal optimist and survivor she was looking forward to what the Master at arms staff had said she would soon have, a proper mum and dad, no more sleazy pervs and no more nasty stuff. Though just short of ten she knew of life as lived by those who previously she had considered to be the rich, but now she realised they were just decent people who cared, like the drive. He couldn’t have been rich because he was out working in the middle of the night when rich people were asleep or having fun.

She was glad the life she’d had from birth was over. She wasn’t ashamed of it, she’d done what ever she’d considered she’d had to do to survive, after all she hadn’t put her mum in gaol and herself in the orphanage, and she certainly hadn’t chosen her mum. But it was behind her, and she had a new life to get on with. She decided she would like to learn to read, and write too, no matter how hard it was because she had the time now, and on Castle you didn’t have to go to some shitty school that expected you to learn all kinds of rubbish too. Then she had a happy thought: when she grew up and had children she was going to name her first little boy Drive.

She was spaken to by Gatekeeper of the Master at arms office. She explained she had lived in a not very nice place with over a hundred other children, would like a mum and dad and she thought having siblings would be nice but not essential. When she was asked what did she do to have fun and was there aught else she would like she was a little flustered as she couldn’t think of anything. Gatekeeper asked, “What kind of parents would you like? Have you any ideas at all?”

“I like music, classical music. Parents who like classical music would be nice.”

“What exactly is classical music?” Gatekeeper asked.

“Orchestras, violins, good singers, stuff like that, proper music with tunes. Not loud crappy stuff where the drums just keep banging. I’m sorry, but I don’t really know how to explain it.”

Gatekeeper had smiled and said, “I’ll make a note of it and make enquiries for you. I’m sure we’ll have lots of folk with an interest in the music you like who’ll will to adopt you for you to chose from.”

Gatekeeper’s certainty maekt Bling happy and she said, “Thank you. I hope so.”


Word Usage Key

1 Dyke, in this context a lesbian, often implying one with a masculine, assertive, tough character.
2 Babby, baby in the dialect Bling speaks.
3 There is a body of evidence that suggests girls reared without the presence of a loving male parent undergo puberty early. It has been postulated this is a mechanism whereby they can acquire the male protector, a mate, that they have grewn up without. A loving stepfather present early enough in their life, very young just a toddler, is a male that prevents the mechanism kicking in, but it is thought to be too late by the time a girl is of school age. The entire subject is still the subject of ongoing research and little is definite, but most workers are convinced there is some truth in the supposition.
4 Pervs, perverts.
5 Drive, vernacular for a cab or taxi driver.
6 Smackhead, strictly a heroin addict, but in this context a junkie who could be using any drug or combination thereof.
7 Pulled a shed load, made a lot of money.
8 Lolly, vernacular for Lolita. The word derives from Lolita a novel by Vladimir Nabokov published in 1955. In the book Lolita is a sexually precocious pre-pubertal girl.
9 Init, isn’t it.
10 Paedo, paedophile.
11 Telly, television.

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