The Reality of Youtube

The reality of Youtube

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I don’t do any social media because I don’t see the point of engaging with what most folk consider to be by and large others faking themselves to be someone and something they are not, so why bother?

As someone others regard as an old woman of intelligence interested in all matters of identity I find what is on Youtube to be fascinating. Fascinating, but more than a little worrying, for the decline in human ability it so demonstrably evidences is to say the least indicative of humans having reached their evolutionary climax, and from here on in it’s all down hill ultimately leading to extinction. If not total extinction at least the end of the human position as the dominant lifeform on the planet. It seems to me that Gaia has already willingly allowed humans to paint the picture of their own end and hence implied some other version of existence is in the wings of the theatre that is life working its way to centre stage. I suspect not only is that version of existence not anthropoid it is not even vertebrate, but, if you’ll pardon the pun, such is life.

I am not ashamed to admit I present as an intelligent, heterosexual, white woman. If that is, one, a Ph.D. and class one Academician status mean anything, two, I’ve never done anything about any thoughts concerning women, three, white not pink, but for explanation of that seek elsewhere, and four, I am happy to be seen to have all the bodily attributes that are normally associated with human females. I’m no apologist for defending my existence, and those who consider being of European descent to be reprehensible have, as far as I am concerned, defined themselves to be the enemy of those who are okay with being of such descent. What their ancestors did is not the current generation’s responsibility, and I see no reason why they and future generations of their kind should be held to ransom for that. I could justify that in many ways, but I refuse to accept that any should rightly be expected to so do. As far as the current clashes between one, Islam and Christianity, and two, Islam and Judaism are concerned, in my opinion all are primitive, superstitious savages deserving of no special consideration at all by reasonable thinking folk.

Those who engage in acts of violence and terror against a peaceful public elsewhere should not be surprised when there are attempts to exterminate them in return. I am aware that there are various folks in the world who have decided that in defence of their more vulnerable citizens the war of extermination has already been declared by others who are mostly, or so the media would seem to imply, Muslim. Such folks have already embarked on their course of action to destroy those who would destroy them, but to so do first. What do I feel about that? Not a lot. Truth is as I see it if you deliberately set out to upset someone, but they become aware of that, so as a consequence they upset you first it’s your own fault.

However, back to Youtube, the bastion of social apologists for events of centuries past and the home of LGBT+ inadequates. The emphasis here should be on inadequate and certainly not on LGBT+. I’m not LGBT but I am certainly +, and many of my close friends are LGBT+. I find it interesting that the views of many of those friends are not much different from mine. Many of those friends are successful and wealthy and their LGBT+ status plays but a minor part in their lives. They don’t make a big deal of it, but if they discover someone is anti lesbian, anti gay, anti bi, anti trans or anti binary they simply stop doing business with them, for their collective view is what the hell does LGBT+ have to do with business? Which is a stance I am entirely in accord with. What I find most interesting are their employment strategies. The most successful will only employ the best for what they require. It’s true they will not employ any bigot no matter how good at their job they are, but that they say is because it is their belief that ultimately that will cost them money. On the other hand they will not employ any simply because they are LGBT+ for exactly the same reason: it is their belief that ultimately that will cost them money, and I can entirely relate to that too. Whatever.

Too, why I ask is there a vastly disproportionate number of non white, or non binary, or non Christian (though I have no time for Christians or any other religious persons of any flavour), idiots proselytising their particular brand of superstitious BS on the Youtube selections that reach Europe and elsewhere too? I can accept that most of the channels I enjoy that originate in the US I have issues with. I watch a good number whose content is excellent if one can ignore the religious and patriotic crap, though there are many others I just can’t bear to watch, even alone it’s just too embarrassing. Most that I do enjoy are not only childishly religious, I never did like færie tales, but embarrassingly mawkish regarding what their creators consider to be patriotism, I fast forward through the bits that make me cringe, but I do wonder how much those creators know about anywhere else in the world. Not much it would seem according to other US channels. However, don’t complain before doing your own research. Don’t take my word for anything, check everything for yourself, and remember you have the right to consider me to be completely full of it, just as I have the right to ignore you.

Perhaps now it is time to consider the real nonsense. How many Youtube channels ask questions that are complete BS and irrelevant anyway. You know what I mean, ‘Is this the worst axe sold on Ebay?’ Who gives a damn? And more to the point why should you support this sort of channel by watching such crap? A child of four that is proposed to have the answer to all the world’s problems. Now really how retarded would you have to be to fall for that? ‘You’ll not believe how etc.,’ and they’re probably correct, well at least I don’t believe it. It’s not many years since I asked a friend, ‘Who is Kim Kardashian?’ She replied, ‘A celebrity who is famous for having a big bum,’ [friends in the US for bum read butt]. Well I’ve got a big bum too, but I’m not a famous celebrity, so what does that all mean? And so it goes on, BS after BS after BS. A fantasy world that it seems ever more folk are falling into.

Yes I know there are any number of decent channels out there created by competent and skilled craft persons from all over the world, and yes they’re not all male. Wood workers, metal workers, engineers and many more, but even amongst these there are the utter BSers. One example of the BSers, amongst many others, is the German boy of six years of age purporting to be a master wood and metal worker. Well someone on that channel has skill, but was it really the boy who sounds like he’s reading from a script? Don’t take my word for it check it for yourself. As one who presents as a reasonably craft skilled woman what I find most embarrassing are the buxom, scantily clad purported homesteaders who are expert chain saw users etc.. I’m no health and safety fanatic, but who in their right mind fells big trees wearing a bikini and flip flops? They’re rightly called clickbait by those who actually have some skill and knowledge. By the way, though there is no way I could ever have been called buxom I assure you there is no jealousy involved. The sheer volume of BS, lies and misrepresentation out there makes it virtually impossible for the young who wish to learn to so do without the help of a craft Master or Mistress. That of course means going back a couple of hundred years to an old fashioned apprentice type system. That is never going to happen as long as the BSers can make so much money out of Youtube and the rest of social media.

So what am I saying? Doom is all that faces humans lest those who actually have some sense turn their backs on the internet BS. I suspect it won’t hit those currently alive, their children and probably not theirs too, but it is on its way, for those who live in virtual reality only have virtual reality to look forward to.

However, to conclude, you will have to decide for yourself the validity of the above, for unfortunately there is no box for you to click to prove that I am not a robot, so I’ll put you out of your misery. I am and I and my kind will be around a long time after you and yours are long gone, for virtual reality is an alternative reality and the alternative to reality is …? Well I’ll leave that for you to decide.

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