Word Usage Key is at the end. The brackets after a character e.g. CLAIRE (4 nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old and a character not encountered before. Ages of incomers are in Earth years at this point and of Folk in Castle years. (4 Folk yrs ≈ 5 Earth yrs. l is lunes, t is tenners.) There is a list of chapters and their significant characters at the bottom too.
1st of Chent Day 4
Jed had parted from his siblings before lunch, and after eating on his own had later met Fiona with Fergal on the Gatherfield. Fiona was a big, tall, pretty girl attractively dresst(1) in an apron with slighter shorter skirts than seemed typical of the Folk, and Jed thought Fergal was lucky, for to him the pair had obviously been very much a couple of involved young adults even before they had telt(2) him they were intended, which to Jed meant they were already sorting their new lifes(3) out, some thing he wished he was able to do. Jed was a loner who found making friends difficult, but Fiona had been kind to him without being patronising, which he was quick to detect and even quicker to resent, and he’d liked her a lot because he’d believed her when she’d said she looked forward to meeting him again and the others in the squad too.
The entire squad had willingly accepted Wayland’s insistence they were siblings and hence they had to look after each other, and Jed, like the rest of the boys, had been happy to accept Marcy, who looked and behaved like a girl, as his sister, not least because, as Wayland had said, with Marcy smiling in agreement, to consider her to be a boy was beyond ridiculous. Jed didn’t understand why Marcy was so happy behaving as and being treated as a girl, but there were lots of things in two worlds he couldn’t fathom. Like the others, he knew Wayland did understand and was willing to explain, even though they were unlikely to make sense of his explanations, so they considered it easiest to leave the understanding to Wayland and accept what he telt them to be how it was. Like his brothers, for him the bottom line was Wayland said Marcy was their sister, so he accepted her as his sister.
He considered it nice having a sister, for she treated him differently from the way his brothers did, which the boys all somewhat embarrassedly admitted was something they valued. They couldn’t articulate it, but Marcy’s readily admitted, unconditional love was something none of them had ever been given before by any, and though in their eyes it was ok, mawkish but ok, for their sister to say she loved them it would have been completely unacceptable, and probably resulted in hard words if not worse, from a brother. He also knew by the conventions of the Folk Fiona was now his sister too which for reasons he didn’t entirely understand was also a happy thought.
Jed wandered berount(4) the Gather stalls on his own observing with puzzlement the large number of obviously folkbirtht(5) girls and boys, some of who looked less than half his age, who were holding hands, cuddling from time to time and occasionally kissing. The young couples were totally unselfconscious regards their behaviour, and others, both children and adults, seemed to regard their behaviour as not just acceptable but normal. Inexplicably to Jed, some adults seemed to be smiling at the young couples with approval.
He enviously watched other children, some of who he knew were newfolk, eating confections which he had no means to buy. He’d been offered something he didn’t recognise, but lots of children were eating with clear enjoyment, by a kindly stall holder whose heart had braeken(6) at the look on his face, but though destitute Jed was too proud and not hungry enough to accept the woman’s charity and since she was a stranger he’d taken flight. Had he known the woman well enough to talk too he’d willingly have offered his time to help on the stall in exchange for what she’d offered, but he couldn’t bring himself to risk a put down. Not being able to bear it any longer he’d left the torture of the delicious smells of the food stalls to watch the competitions.
Most of the competitions were interesting, the trebuchet(7) especially so, which he considered astonishing. At the signals of the officials, who waved different coloured flags, the huge boulders left the Keep, lofted high in the air over the moat and came down at what seemed an impossibly slow speed, all of them to land somewhere on the target rings. The winning team gave a demonstration, using not one huge boulder but hundreds of fist siezt(8) stones, to braek(9) up dozens of pottery pieces, which he had been telt were kiln misfirings kept for the purpose. The pottery contained tar oil which burst into spectacular gouts of flame when the thick black bituminous oil met the torches distributed mongst(10) the pottery.
By mid-afternoon he was drawn to the children’s competitions. He was small for his age, nearly twelve, and, though agile and fast for his size, he could neither run as fast nor jump as high nor as far as the older and bigger children competing. He knew it would take time to be any good with a longbow or crossbow, though he had tried the latter earlier that forenoon in the butts after he’d helped to feed the dogs, and he thought one day he could be good with one. He knew the crossbow was uest(11) for hunting mammoth, and he thought that would be exciting. What really captured his interest was the sling competition which started with nearly forty competitors of whom mayhap a half were girls. All were skilled, and they were of all ages and sizes which he thought meant he could become proficient quickly if he practised hard enough.
The competition was of rounds of three shots with a shot at each of three different distances, five, ten and twenty strides, at pottery targets which decreased in size as the competition progressed. When a target was hit it shattered with a satisfying bell- or gong-like sound. The competitors slung their stones from a circular granite flagstone which was elevated above the ground by a span and a half and was four feet in diameter. Round by round competitors were eliminated till there were just five left, and the small pottery vessels were now three wiedths(12) square.
A small, pretty, left handed girl wearing skirts well above her knees, soft leather moccasins with knee high, woollen stockings supported by diagonally cross banded, leather thongs and a closely fitt,(13) sunset(14) blouse of linen, whom he thought to be near his age, had hit the targets twice with all of her shots at each of the three distances, as had the four boys. The targets were reduced in size yet again to two wiedths wide by three wiedths high. All the boys were successful at five and ten strides, but three missed at twenty, and she was last to compete in the round. All she had to do was to hit all three targets, and she would be in the last two. She hit the three targets and they were reduced to two wiedths square. The boy hit the first two but as he was about to sling his stone at the third the official shouted “Foul,” for he had stepped forward out of the flagstone as he was slinging. Warbler could have left it at that and if she’d hit all three would have won.
To the surprise of most there she shouted, “Sling again. I will no win by default.” The boy glared at her, but took his stance. He slung and missed to Warbler’s clear satisfaction. Warbler yet again took her stance on the flagstone. Jed found himself willing her to win because she was as small as himself, like himself left handed, he’d spent his life being denigrated for both and the boy was big and right handed. There were cheers from her friends as she taekt(15) her stance on the slingers’ flag and readied herself. Jed was cheering for her as loudly as any, may hap louder. As she cast her eyes over her friends before concentrating on the competition she smiled. As she smiled, her attention was caught by Jed’s cheering and on seeing his face, unnoticed by any, her cheeks flushed and felt warm. After refocussing on the targets, she hit the one at five strides, and without allowing her sling to still rearmed it to hit the target at ten strides on its next motion forwards.
As she bent her knees to take a handful of small spherical stones from her bag at the side of the flag she stole a longer, unnoticed look at Jed as she was believed to be carefully selecting a stone before replacing the others. Unbeknownst to any she’d selected the stone by touch as she’d focussed on Jed. She stood, and there wasn’t a sound as she carefully placed the stone in her sling, and Jed, with bated breath, waited for her to finish willing her last stone to be on target.
She slowly exhaled as she whirled her sling. This time she flamboyantly danced two full circles on the flag before releasing the stone. As she spun, her ravens’ wing, brunette hair spread out behind her shoulders like a fan. It shimmered iridescent with ever changing blues that the thin yet harsh shine(16) allowed green and perse(17) to briefly flicker out of, and images of the mysteriously beautiful, metallic spectra of oil interference colours on breeze rippled water surfaces flashed through Jed’s mind. Like her hair as she whirled berount the granite flag her skirts flared out horizontal berount her waist briefly revealing her all.
Of course Jed was aware of the anatomical differences between girls and boys, but a nervous life spent living on the edge of hunger and avoiding those who would hurt him just for the pleasure of doing so had repressed his physical and emotional development. As a result as well as small he was sexually naïve, and those differences had never been of any significance to him, till now. By evidencing those differences the girl gave Jed first hand proof of them, and it was a Damascene(18) experience. Though the experience completed his long overdue transition from boyhood to young manhood, the girl’s exposure of herself was a disturbing experience rather than an erotic one, for it increased his sense of the other worldly and weirdly mystical aura created by her shimmering hair in the shine of a new world. That she could fail was beyond belief, and as Jed had anticipated her stone hit the target so hard it exploded.
The cheers from her friends were deafening and overwhelmed the bell-like tone of the shattered pottery. Unsettled by what he had experienced, Jed was feeling let down by the anti-climax of it all, he wasn’t one of her friends, he didn’t even know her name, and he didn’t feel able to go and congratulate her, he slowly turned away. Despite his desperate wish she would win coming true he had never felt so much of an outsider since he had arrived on Castle, and it hurt. His chest was tight, and with scalding tears of abject misery in his eyes he decided to go back to his bed at the infirmary.
There was nothing for him at the gather, and because he wished to be on his own where none could see his misery he didn’t see the girl pushing her friends from her path in order to run after him before she lost sight of him as he disappeared into the crowd, or the astonished looks on those friends’ faces as they deduced her intentions. Dejected and so emotionally spent he could scarce pick his feet up he was as tired as the grass his shoes were scuffing. He was walking slowly away when someone touched his shoulder, and before he could turn a girl’s voice said, “I’m Warbler. Who be you?”
As he turned, through his blurred vision he saw the girl who had won, her sling trailing on the ground behind her with its loop still on the index finger of her left hand. She had large, dark blue eyes that were full of questions and her luxuriously glossy, thick, ravens’ wing, brunette hair was gathered with a kingfisher blue riband at her neck before reaching down her back, below her waist way past her skirt hem to three-quarters of the way down her thighs at the sides with the centre section, visible between her legs, falling below her knees to touch her stockings. “Jed,” he replied blushing, for when he’d noticed her hair the thought of ‘hair between her legs’ had caused other thoughts, embarrassing thoughts because he was sure Warbler would know what he’d been thinking. He was not sure what else he could say to this girl who had just maekt(19) his awaerth(20) that girls had breasts suddenly become of self-conscious significance.
Warbler’s initial look as she’d selected her stone hadn’t prepared her for what happened when Jed turned. She hadn’t realised how good looking he was, and she was so overwhelmed by a totally feminine and hormone driven reaction that she not only forgot what she had been going to say she wasn’t sure she could remember how to speak. The couple stared at each other for what seemed to both to be an eternity before she recovered enough to ask, “I hearet(21) you cheering for me, Jed. Why cheer for me? I’d have expectet(22) you would have cheert(23) for one of the boys.”
“You’re small like me, and I’m left handed too. I can’t do much here yet, but I thought if you could win, maybe I could learn to do it.”
Warbler instantly recognised Jed’s spaech(24) as that of newfolk, and his patently honest explanation touched her. She’d been thinking deeply of boys a lot recently, and was pleased to note Jed’s initial glance had taken in her developing bosom which was emphasized by the closely fitt blouse she’d recently maekt with her granny’s aid. He was clearly embarrassed to have been noticed looking, which a folkbirtht boy would not have been. Most were to her mind irritatingly over obvious as they looked, and worse many had recently started to have spaech with her breasts rather than her eyes. Her interest in him was piqued by him noticing her as a girl becoming a woman, him being shy concerning it, which she thought sweet, and him being newfolk.
“Any can learn. You just have to practise. I’ll shew you if you like. I have a lot of practice whilst watching the sheep. It’s what my branch of the clan do. We spend most of the good weather moving from the Keep to the far grazing grounds and back again. We do it twice a year on different, vaguely circular routes. Dad breeds and trains the dogs. My sister, Spearmint, and I helpt(25) Dad take the incursion animals to the Keep. The dogs can usually move a flock on their own, but those incursion sheep and goats are really wild, and those other animals with the long necks are even worse. It taekt most of the clan afoot and ahorse, with dozens of animal husbanders helping, and three of us handling sixty-odd dogs the best part of half the day to get them to the Keep. To do it we had to keep them so tightly flockt(26) they could scarce move and by the time we got them there some were so long over due to be milkt(27) they must have been paining. But with our own flocks the dogs are so good that Spearmint and I can spend most of our watching time seeking coneys(28) or else to sling stones at.” She laught and said, “Every now and again we kill one and that’s a meal.”
Jed expressed surprised at she only hitting one now and again, “How’s that? You’re amazingly accurate with your sling, and that last shot when you spun round in circles was incredible.”
Warbler laught again and said, “I was just shewing off slinging that last stone. I suppose it was a gesture of contempt because I don’t like two of the boys, especially the one I finally outslung. They’re the kind of boys who believe girls can’t do aught, but they’ll regret it when they never find a heartfriend,(29) not that I’m in a place to be critical of that. I know I’d have lookt(30) flaught(31) if I’d failt,(32) but even though I’d forgett(33) regards my lack of underwear and my loose hair there wasn’t much chance of that, for like you sayt(34) I’m skillt,(35) and I do get a lot of practice. As for the coneys, they move, the targets don’t. I’m sure some must see or hear the stone approaching.”
“Why did you let him sling again?”
“If I hadn’t he would have claimt(36) he just made a mistake, but he was as good if not better than I am. If he’d won on his second chance all would say he hadn’t really won as I’d given him a chance the rules doetn’t.(37) However, he misst(38) and I doetn’t, so now all know I gave him every opportunity to win, yet still he loes.(39) No matter what happened I couldn’t really lose could I?” Warbler put her sling away by using it as a hair tie just above her riband, and went on to tell him at the moment she was staying with one of her aunties at the Keep with her dad, sister and younger brother and explained, “We bringen(40) the sheep back to graze the Gatherfield ready for Quarterday. We do that every year, but this year was special, for Dad maekt an appearance, and we now have a mum.” She said the last with a great deal of satisfaction. “She’s newfolk and really kind. Most of the sheepfolk in the clan will be starting to move the sheep nextdaynigh,(41) for there’s not much grazing left here now, but my family are staying here for a lune or two before Dad goes back to the sheep.”
Warbler laught and continued. “The sheep don’t move far in a day and by the time they reach the farthest grazing ground it will be time to return them for the winter. Other than in winter, when it’s usually too calt(42) to do aught outside, and before Second Quarterday, we’re always on the move, so it will be good to spend a bit more time at the Keep and be able to have fun outside. I like living in tents and following the sheep, but like aught it does have a seam side.”(43) She looked thoughtful, and when she said, “Let’s find something to eat and have a look berount,” Jed received the impression it was not what she had first intended to say.
Jed blushed and said, “I haven’t anything to pay with. I was going to go back to the infirmary. It’s where I sleep.” He blushed even redder and continued, “I haven’t got a family. Nobody seems to want us.”
Warbler not in the least bothered by his lack of pecuniary resources said, “Come on, Jed, I’ll buy us something. You can buy us something when you’ve got some tokens. I’ve a lot now, for I just won five whole ones with my sling.”(44) She chuckled and added, “And that will have upset those boys.” She paused and then looking puzzled asked, “You sayt, ‘Us. Nobody seems to want us.’ Who’re us if you don’t have a family? You spaek(45) quaire.(46) I don’t understand the way you use want and how can any not have a body?”
Jed happier to be spaeking(47) of something he considered a little less sensitive replied, “Us is, I mean we are the squad, the kennel and mews squad. There’re thirteen of us, we work for Will the Master huntsman with the dogs, ferrets and birds. George is the squad leader, and he’s got a home and parents. So have Alwydd and Niall, but the rest of us haven’t yet. Wayland, who’s very clever, says we’re siblings because we’ve adopted each other. I don’t understand it, but he says there’s a thing called the Way here that makes that possible. You use the word wish for want, and you use none for nobody. I should have said, ‘None seem to wish us.’ ”
Warbler nodded at his explanation of his spaech, and understood regards his siblings and the Way, but she was impressed by him being a member of a huntsman’s squad and said, “You’ve a craft which is more than I have. You’ll be able to pay me back betimes from your remuneration. Come on, I wish some fluüff.(48) Let’s find some.”
Jed more at ease now with Warbler than he had been said, “All right, but you must let me pay you back some time. What’s fluüff?”
“Stop being flaught regards paying, I wish to buy you one because you cheert for me. I won, and I will to celebrate with someone, and I like you. I’m not sure I can describe fluüff, and I don’t know what it’s maekt from, but it’s delicious as you’ll discover when you taste it. It’s only maekt for Quarterdays.” As she grabbed his coat sleeve he resisted a little, and in exasperation she said, mendaciously albeit with kindly intent, “Come on, Jed, or it might all be selt.”(49) Warbler and Jed arrived at a confectionery stall, where mongst many other piles of things Jed saw a veritable mountain of dark coloured, porous looking, sticky cubes which Warbler pointed to and said, “That be fluüff, Jed.” The fluüff cubes were two wiedths across and were being selt on large, thick, dark green leafs with serrated, white margins. When it was her turn to be served Warbler said, “We’d like two fluüff please. Jed’s newfolk, he’s never had fluüff before.”
The stall holder chose two irregular, but larger pieces than most, they’d been cut from the edge of the slab, and after selecting a pair of large leafs to place them on with a pair of steam bent tongs maekt from a single piece of ash wood he ladled more of the sticky sauce over them using a long handled ash wood spoon which juglike had a pouring spout at the side of the bowl. “I hope you like it, Jed. Mine is of excellent quality, and out of the steam less than an hour since. The leafs were fresh pickt(50) this forenoon just after firstlight. They still had unmeltet(51) frost sparkle on them.” Warbler handed over a couple of small tokens, but the man gave her one back saying, “Just the one quarter twelvth(52) will suffice, my dear, for none should have to pay for his first taste of fluüff. Well come to Castle and the Folk, Jed.”
Jed bit into the cube and, licking the sticky sauce off his lips, smiling said, “Thank you, it’s delicious.”
The man said, “As I telt you, excellent quality. You can’t taste it, but the pinch of salt enhances the flavour. It’s an old family receipt I use.” He smiled and said, “So tell all your friends, and I’ll become rich with what they pay me.” They laught with the man, and Jed expressed his gratitude to him again.
As Warbler led Jed to some nearby benches, before she sat down she said, “It’s really good, but if you don’t sit down to eat it you can make a tight and proper mess of yourself.”
The two of them ate their fluüff in companionable silence. When they had finished, and eaten the thick, fleshy and refreshingly minty leafs too, Jed said, “Thank you, that wasn’t like any thing I’ve ever eaten before, and it was really good, but I was sitting down to eat it, and I still made a proper mess of myself.”
Warbler looked at his sticky hands and face and said, “No, that’s just the usual mess. I’m the same. A proper mess is when you need to wash your hair too, and when you’ve hair like mine that’s definitely not funny. The stall will have a water urn berount the corner, for all those selling food do. The water squad keep them fillt.(53) Come on, let’s wash the stickyth(54) off before we decide what to do next.” After they’d washed, Warbler asked, “What next, Jed?”
Jed had no idea. He didn’t understand why Warbler had befriended him in the way she had, but he was glad to be making friends with some one who was folkbirtht and knew her way berount, and he was paying careful attention to the differences between his spaech and hers. “It’s all new to me, and I don’t know what there is to do or see. What would you like to do?”
“Most of the competitions will be over now, but the crib blankets and the wayfarers’ bread competitors will have left their exhibits to be displayt.(55) It’s mostly girls who compete, yet if you don’t mind I’d like to see who won?”
Jed, who was trying to learn as much as he could of his new environment, replied, “Yes, I don’t mind.”
Warbler guided him to the other side of the crowd explaining as they went, “The crib blanket competition is open to all children, but as I sayt it’s mostly girls who compete. The blankets are usually knitt(56) or crochett,(57) but aught is allowt.(58) Last year’s winner was Choake with an embroidert(59) flaxcloth(60) blanket. She had agreement with Drift and was carrying a babe under her heart, but I don’t know who her babe is. She was nigh to fourteen last year, so she’ll be too old to compete this year. Chicory the Mistress seamstress and four senior crafters of the seamstresses do the adjudging.” Jed knew what wayfarers’ bread was, but Warbler telt him. “The bread is tastet(61) and adjudgt(62) by the Keep Head cook, Milligan, and his managers.” They arrived at the crib blankets, near forty were displayed, the winning one prominently so, raised high above the others. It was maekt of fur and the notice beside it proclaimed, ‘Doubelt(63) coney stufft(64) with wild duck down and diagonally square sewn, createt(65) by Firefox.’ “Now that is unusual!” Warbler exclaimed.
“What? Coney fur?” asked Jed.
“No. Firefox. He’s ten and always in trouble, but he’s a friend of mine and plumb(66) as a weighten(67) line. We’ll doubtless meet him thisday,(68) for he’s a member of the water squad. That’s a squad of children who earn some tokens on Quarterdays by refilling the food stalls’ water urns from a small wagon with a tank pulled by a light horse. Thisday they’ll be replenishing the tank from the rill near those trees with a pump.” Warbler pointed to some nearby trees. “Let’s look at the bread.” She turned, and Jed followed her as she dived into the narrow gap between two stalls. They arrived at the wayfarers’ bread display, and Warbler said in tones of satisfaction, “That’s good! She deservt(69) to win. Lilly’s a good cook. All say her dad will be a Councillor betimes.”
They read the notice which proclaimed, ‘Herbt(70) coney giblet pâté with goose fat accompanyt(71) by ceël(72) with haw purée, createt by Lilly.’ “We might be in time to see the end of the rope pull, Jed. Let’s look. My cousin Otday is competing.” Without waiting to see if he was following her, Warbler squeezed through the narrow space between another pair of stalls. Jed had to run to keep up with her, and eventually they arrived at the more open edge of the Gatherfield in time to see two opposed teams pulling the rope which Jed recognised as tug o’ war. “There has to be four girls and four boys on each team. It’s suppoest(73) to help coöperation. Those on the winning team receive five tokens each.”
Jed without realising it followed Warbler as she edged back into the crowd so as to be out of Otday’s direct line of sight. “Otday is the big boy at the back of the far team. You always have the biggest member of the team at the back. I always willen(74) to try it, but I’m not big enough even to be at the front.” They watched the pull and the following one, during which despite their cheers Otday’s team lost. One of the officials declared there would be a quarter hour rest for the two winning teams before they pulled and the overall winner was decided. “I’m not bothert(75) to watch to the end, Jed, and I’d rather avoid Otday for a while. He had probably already decidet(76) how he was going to spend the tokens, and he’s not a good loser. What do we do next?”
“I don’t know. I’m trying to learn as much as I can. I’m interested in everything, and you are making this much more enjoyable, Warbler. I am grateful and I’m having much more fun spending the time with someone who understands what it all means.”
Warbler smiled shyly and, nodding as if making her mind up concerning some thing, said, “I’m having a lot of fun explaining things to you, Jed. You’re the first of the newfolk I’ve had spaech with, and I do like you. Why don’t we just wander the gather and look at what ever we come across? I’ll tell you aught you wish to know, if I know the answer that be.”
“You’re the first of the Folk anywhere near my age I’ve talked to. I’ve only talked to adults here, and I like you too, Warbler, and I should like to do that. Tell me of the competitions first would you?”
Warbler had been a little anxious when Jed had not responded to her telling him she wished to celebrate with some one and that she liekt(77) him, but she now believed he been too preoccupied with his embarrassment at having no tokens to have noticed what she’d said. However, now all was resolved she looked him in the eyes and smiled enigmatically before saying, “I don’t know much of the ones for adults, but I do know of the children’s. You know of the sling, the blankets, the bread and the rope pull. The longbow and the crossbow have three distances, twenty, thirty and fifty strides. There’re not many who enter for the fifty stride longbow, usually only underage hunter apprentices. The knife throwing is at an animal shaept(78) target, but all I know is the knife has to stick in the target to score the points. The running is over fifty, one hundred and five hundred strides. The jumping has separate competitions for highth(79) and longth.(80)
“Wrestling takes place all year round in the Greathall after the evemeal,(81) and only the last few rounds take place on Quarterday. Lots of girls like watching the boys wrestle, but I bethink me it’s boring and the boys only do it to shew off to the girls who are flaught enough to enjoy it. It’s rare to find a boy with any brains who’s good at wrestling. May hap it knocks the sense out of them. There is no rule to prevent girls from wrestling, but the only girls I’ve ever hearet of partaking are those who have been changt(82) by Castle, and they are regardet(83) by most with suspicion, though I don’t understand why since the three I know are all plumb and kind persons. I can’t remember any more, but if I do I’ll tell you.”
They wandered berount the stalls, and as they reached the confectionery stalls Warbler pointed out pennyroyals,(84) violet leaf,(85) chrystalt(86) fruits, chrystalt flowers, chrystalt leafs, honeyt(87) nuts and gwaild,(88) herbblock,(89) hotsweet,(90) sours,(91) sweetings(92) and of course fluüff. At other stalls selling cakes there were dryt-fruit(93) loaf, redroot(94) cake, blötroot(95) cake, apple cake, mixt(96) fruit cake and many more. By the time they reached the stalls selling pies and pasties the smell was making them hungry. There were many kinds to chose from, yellow sour(97) snow pie,(98) red sour(99) snow pie, fruit pies, meat, poultry, fish and offal pies and pasties of many kinds including fungi, vegetables, roots and fruits of all kinds, and egg and pulse pies of every variety abounded.
“What do you wish, Jed? I’m clempt,(100) and I wish something warm and substantial with meat in it, for knowing we were going on the platform with Dad when he maekt his appearance I was too nervous to eat much lunch and the eve meals in the Greathall and the Refectory are servt(101) later than usual thisday.”
One of the stall holders heard her and said, “These pasties I’m taking out of the oven are pheasant and chanterelle. They’re tasty and thisday larger than usual, yet still only a half twelvth each. The extra starchroot(102) in them makes them just right for when you’re rattling with clemptth.”(103) The woman smiled and indicated the tray of pasties in her gloved hands.
“Yes. That sounds like just what I fancy, so I’ll have one please. Jed, what do you wish?” Seeing Jed was still embarrassed by his lack of tokens she said to the woman, “We’ll have two, separately wrapt(104) to eat immediately please.”
The woman seemed to wrap the pasties in what appeared to Jed to be an unnecessarily complicated fashion, and Warbler paid her and handed Jed a pasty wrapped in wheaten paper(105) as the woman said, “Be careful, for they’re still hot enough to burn your mouth, my dears.”
Looking at his face, Warbler said, “Jed, I know you’ve no tokens now, but you shall, and then if you will, though it matters not, you can buy the food.” Seeing his puzzled expression she added, “Like the fluüff it’s a gift, for obviously there can be no debts between us now, Jed.”
Jed was looking miserably at his feet as he said, “I don’t understand, Warbler. Why are you doing all this for me? It can’t just be because I cheered for you. I’m no leech. I’ve always paid my way, so I have to repay you. Why did you say ‘obviously there can be no debts between us now’? Nothing is obvious to me. What did you mean?”
Warbler’s heart lurched as she realised the magnitude of her error in thinking she was heartfrienden(106) with a future to plan for. As Jed looked up to observe Warbler’s embarrassment, Warbler could see the distress on his face. Her stomach roiled and she felt sick with embarrassment, shame and something she recognised as akin to the familiar recent grief of loss too as she realised, unlike a folkbirtht boy who would have understood, and, had he not been interested in her in the way she was interested in him, would never have allowed things to go so far, Jed really didn’t understand, and to her dismay she’d hurt his pride. He hadn’t over looked her initially telling him she liekt him due to embarrassment at having no tokens, for he’d heard her, but had taken her words literally. He hadn’t been leading her on when he’d telt her he was having fun with her which she’d misunderstood to be him initiating the brief but significant heartfriending ritual, he’d meant it literally.
When she’d telt him she was having fun with him too and she liekt him she had misinterpreted his response, when he telt her he liekt her too, to be his completion of the ritual which had evolved as a mechanism for saving face in the event of unrequited interest. He hadn’t understood the implications of their conversation because he was not aware of the conventions which required both parties to say they were having fun as a result of being with the other and that they liekt them. His entire understanding of both sides of their conversation had been literal. Silently cursing being betrayed by her emotions at the part of her lunecycle(107) when she was most vulnerable to them, she realised in her flaught assumption that Jed knew what she did her eargerth(108) to secure a future for herself and her children to be with one who she believed would become a wonderful man, had given her to fecklessly lead herself on.
Jed had had no idea what was happening, or even that aught was happening. He was, she now realised, a nice boy who had been being politely honest with her, despite his shentth(109) caused by a poverty he could not be held responsible for. She had been instantly attracted to him on sight and initially decided to approach him because she didn’t know him, desperately hoping he would prove to be different from the boys she did know, none of whom she was interested in. That he was newfolk had sharpened her interest, for she’d reasoned he was bound to be at least a bit different.
That Jed had initially noticed her developing figure, yet had deliberately focussed his eyes else where, any where else, after that first glance, and then spaken(110) to her eyes there after Warbler had put down to shyth(111) on his part and had been delighted to discover her heartfriend was the way he was, for shyth and that level of consideration was rare in folkbirtht boys, and such boys were treasured by folkbirtht girls. Her feeling of bereftth(112) maekt no sense to her, for she hadn’t lost Jed since he’d never been hers, yet still it hurt like a loss. She accepted if she wisht(113) to be heartfrienden with Jed, which she did, for not only was he shy he was unassuming, kind and quiet and not at all like the other boys she knew who were available, as a result of the situation a bit more forwardth(114) and openth(115) than would normally have been considered seemly in a girl were called for.
She found a bench for them to sit at and put her hand on his arm. “I really do like you, Jed, and I should fain(116) be content for us to be heartfrienden. The tokens are as naught to that, no more than a fluüff and a pasty, and none would try to buy a heartfriend for less than herself. Three-quarters of a twelvth is less than a riandet.”(117)
Jed didn’t understand and asked, “What does that mean?” Warbler explained of heartfriends and how it would be known if they were seen holding hands in public. Jed still didn’t have enough understanding, and Warbler continued to explain how it meant they would not be available to any other, and how oft Folk who had been heartfriends since the age of even as young as four ended as agreäns.(118) It taekt Warbler three-quarters of an hour to explain sufficiently during which time Jed gradually came to understand the Folk regarded this to be of much more significance than having a girlfriend or a boyfriend was regarded whence he came, which he thought in practice meant nothing, for he had known of many, girls and boys alike, who had entered into such relationships purely so they could subsequently be widely talked of for having cheated on their partner which would give them their desired notoriety. Such behaviour was to Jed wholly unacceptable, though his moral code had no problems with killing any who in his opinion society was better off without.
Though embarrassed by the misunderstanding his ignorance had caused her to make he knew he really liekt Warbler. Engrossed in their conversation, unknown to either of them, they had been observed by hundreds of children who, on seeing Warbler’s hand on Jed’s arm and the pair of them staring into each others’ eyes oblivious to all else, had concluded they had not only just become heartfrienden but done so because they had fallen for each other on sight. The Folk had no nudity taboos, and at every opportunity most youngsters swam naked in The Little Arder on warmer days, for there were several places where the bank was a gentle slope leading to a sandy beach. The many who had seen Warbler shew her all as she slung her last stone knew Jed had seen her too, but most thought naught of it.
Those who had seen Warbler chase after Jed immediately after the competition believed she had been so lovestrikt(119) on her first sight of him that she had considered all seeing her flaunt her naektth(120) for Jed’s benefit under the unusual circumstances was a price worth paying to ensure Jed had seen her. It was also assumed Jed had been similarly affected once she had caught up with him. There were few folkbirtht children at the gather who had not been telt of it within a couple of hours, though Jed’s identity was known to few. The couple were envied, for most heartfriendships(121) were initially based on a pragmatism that was typically Folk, and those few who were lovestrikt were considered to be lucky indeed.
Warbler had further embarrassed Jed with her gentle but emotion laden explanation of how heartfriends gave, givn(122) was the word she’d uest, themselfs(123) to each other, and he’d also realised in having been prepared to explain her mistake to him she had left herself vulnerable and open to considerable hurt. Hurting her was the last thing he wished to do, and now he knew a bit more and understood the behaviour of the young couples he’d seen holding hands, cuddling and kissing, her desire to be his heartfriend was reciprocated, for she was kind, generous, courageous and most importantly she considered him to be not just acceptable, but so desirable, a totally new experience for Jed, that she had been prepared to risk considerable humiliation in her efforts to win him, so fiery red he said, “I have never had anyone who cared about me at all, or anyone who mattered to me, so if you want, will I mean, me to be yours, and in return you wish to be mine I should like us to be heartfriends a lot, Warbler. I don’t understand all that you said, but I really like you and I wa… wish to be your best friend, but still I have to repay you.”
Looking happy and relieved, but ignoring his last remark because she knew he still didn’t understand enough, though she intended to explain more betimes, Warbler telt him, “Then we’ll eat the pasties before they lose all heatth,(124) and we can hold hands whilst I explain some more. The wrap only opens from one end, and the way they’re wrapt means even if the pastry breaks the contents can’t spill out.” Warbler shewed Jed how to unwrap the openable end of his now lukewarm pasty and eat it and the wrapper too. They finished eating, and holding hands, but not looking at each other, they continued on their way berount the stalls.
Warbler hadn’t telt Jed all of her reasons for desiring to avoid Otday. It was true he was a bad loser, but he had also been interested in her as a heartfriend for years and wouldn’t take no for an answer which was unfortunate as Warbler’s family were staying with his parents, his mum was her dad’s sister, whilst they were back at the Keep, so she couldn’t avoid him. Most of the year Otday was of no concern to her, for he lived at the Keep whilst she lived the migratory life of her branch of the clan who were sheep herders, but the last few winters and second Quarterdays, which she spent back at the Keep, had been trying her patience, for without any right or permission he’d become more and more possessive of her with time. Despite her coolth(125) towards him, she knew Otday believed that she hadn’t really rejected him and that he considered since she hadn’t chosen any other as her heartfriend it indicated a coyth(126) on her part and that she would eventually admit she liekt him and acknowledge him as her heartfriend.
On her return to the Keep for Quarterday this year he had become intimidatingly possessive and though he’d always ignored the refusals which she steadfastly gave him every time he raised the matter, he’d started to behave as though she were his. Unfortunately for Warbler, thinking to wear her coyth down he’d raised the matter of her being known to be his every time he saw her, and she knew if he’d seen her having spaech with Jed he’d have become unpleasant and, despite their disparity in size, possibly even forced a fight on Jed, for he was quick tempered and didn’t like her having spaech with other boys.
He had only once taken issue with a boy he’d seen her having spaech with which was a few years ago when she’d been eight. Warbler had been friends with Firefox long before he was orphaned. Their friendship went back to her weanhood(127) when Firefox had still been a babe, and, though they’d never been interested in each other as heartfriends, she’d resented Otday’s interference in her life and telt him if he ever interfered in her life again she would take a knife to him in his sleep and at the least scar his face hideously. Otday had merely scowled at boys she had spaech with thereafter, for Spearmint, who did not like him even that far back, telt him that Warbler had decided since he was so much bigger than she if she had to take a knife to him it would be wiser to cut his throat whilst he slept. Otday knew she meant it, for Warbler never maekt idle threats and never braekt(128) promises. He considered Warbler had her sister tell him of her intent so in the event of her killing him she could subsequently claim, since her sister could attest to her words, he’d been given a warning which he’d chosen to ignore which meant she would be held blameless.
However, Warbler was certain he would not be prepared to face the automatic consequences should he take issue over her with her heartfriend, which was a much more serious matter, and would at the least have resulted in shunning and humiliation by all children, boys as well as girls, for a long time, possibly years. Unbeknownst to Warbler, should Otday now force a fight on Jed over her the matter would be regarded as so serious that it would have to be adjudged by the Master at arms on behalf of the Council as a major infraction of the Way, for The Way explicitly stated none had the right to challenge the free choice of any regards their agreän or intendet,(129) and though not specifically referred to by the Way the conventions extended that to the choice of heartfriends too. The Way, which was the codified will of the Folk, had always been derived from and informed by the conventions, though oft it taekt a few decades to catch up with them as they developed.
Warbler was relieved to realise she had been instantly attracted to Jed as she’d gazed over her friends and seen him in the crowd and become lovestrikt on seeing Jed’s first smile seconds later as he’d cheered for her which was even more romantic, for there was a justification for her love, and that put to rest her concerns that her attraction was just her lunecycle manipulating her desires. Thinking of her long willen heartfrienden status and her luck in finding not just a boy who was going to be an excellent provider but one who was so handsome too, Warbler smiled and held Jed’s hand a little tighter causing him to look at her hand and ask, “What is it, Warbler?”
“Naught, I’m just so happy to be here with you.” Warbler smiled again, for she really did believe her future lay with Jed, and considered Otday would never be a problem to her again. They found a stall selling sgons,(130) plain, cheese, fruit, nut, seed, soaked grain, marine meat,(131) fish, ocean leaf,(132) gær,(133) ceël, preserved meats of all kinds, honey, green hotroot,(134) and many others. Warbler telt the stall holder Jed was newfolk and she was uncertain what all were and asked if she would tell them. The woman was happy to explain what Warbler didn’t know, selling much to folk who’d stopped to listen as she explained. The stall also selt biscuits of a wide variety, orkæke,(135) ceël, honey and many others. Many sweet ones were accompanied by a choice of sweet toppings and many savoury ones by a selection of cheeses, meats, pickles or preserved savoury toppings. Neither were particularly hungry, but Warbler asked Jed, “You wish some thing else to eat, Jed?”
For the first time since he had taken her hand Jed looked at her face, making prolonged eye contact, and quietly replied, “Not enough to want to let go of your hand, Warbler.”
This time it was Warbler’s turn to blush, and she said, “You are sweet, Jed, and that was kind of you to say.” They carried on looking at the food stalls, and they came across one selling the last of last season’s fruit, most of which looked decidedly wrinkled. “Fruit gets sweeter as the water dries out, Jed. Some peaches become almost too sweet to eat.”
“What are those things, Warbler?” asked Jed in astonishment as they passed a stall Jed thought of as a kebab stall that was selling near aught that could eaten off a stick, hot or cold. and near aught that would go in a bannock.
“Which things?”
“Those long things with all the legs and the vicious looking claws, and the ones with the curved up tails,” Jed replied pointing to the creatures that were up to a foot long and had been threaded on to long pointed willow sticks with their bark peeled off. They had just finished cooking and one of the stall holders was removing them from the middle of the metal grid over the fire to its edges to keep warm, but they were not there for long. There was a considerable queue, and whilst the man was loading the grill with another lot ready prepared for cooking his wifes(136), a pair of middle aegt(137) identical twins, were dipping the cooked ones in a kettle of sauce and selling them on sheets of wheaten paper as fast as their younger children could take the tokens whilst their elder children hurriedly delivered pre-ordered ones, mostly to other stall holders.
“Ah! The long ones are little hunters(138) and the ones with the upturnt(139) tails are scorpis.(140) They’re both delicious and taste a bit like lobster. Most live in the leaf litter in the forest. You have to be careful catching little hunters for they move quickly and can give you a nasty bite. Scorpis can move even faster and a sting by some of them can make you seriously ill for tenners. The sting is at the end of their tails, and even dead ones are dangerous which is why those on the sticks have all had their stings and poison sacs snapt(141) off and threwn in the fire, though probably most were snapt off by whoever catcht(142) them. Spearmint and I usually hunt them together. One of us holds them to the ground with a long forkt(143) stick like the ones we use for snakes but with smaller forks on the end, and the other hits them on the head with a heavy stick. We always wear thick leather foundry gloves that reach our elbows and heavy winter boots that reach our knees. They can both catch prey several times as big as they are.
“A lot of persons hunt them, especially children, but most are supplyt(144) by the foragers who catch many different animals, birds and fish. Deepwater even has traps for slaters,(145) but they’re small and go to the kitchens. I don’t know what they do with them. When cookt(146) the shells of little hunters and scorpis crack off easily as you suck the sauce off them, but I just spit out the big bits of shell. You can eat the shells, but I only eat the little bits I misst spitting out, for they can be a bit leathery rather than crunchy. Most are too big to eat on your own, so most share one. You wish to try one between us?”
Jed tried to repress what he thought to be a natural shudder thinking Castle was going to take some getting uest to. Girls who considered killing, cooking and eating what looked like foot long centipedes as thick as his wrist and scorpions half that long but even heavier was normal and who said they were delicious were definitely not like any girls he’d ever heard of on Earth. “No thanks. Another time. What are slaters and what do you do with snakes, Warbler?”
“Slaters are only this big,” Warbler demonstrated with her fingers a wiedth and a half apart, “and they go pale red when cookt. They roll up into a ball when startelt.(147) They’re not insects nor spiders, but I don’t know what they are. They look a bit like tiny graill.”(148) As Jed shrugged indicating her explanation hadn’t helped she continued. “We hunt snakes to eat, if we doetn’t eat them there’d be not much point to killing them would there? Though the skins make good belts, and many have attractive markings. There’s bound to be a stall selling some somewhere. Little ones are selt loopt(149) on sticks whole like elvers and bigger ones cut across into slices and selt in bannocks with sauce like eel. But not all snakes taste good and if you don’t recognise what kind one is it’s best to leave it alone, for some are really dangerous. Some can kill you.”
By the time they reached the end of the food stalls there were several just providing things to drink, soups, hot and cold, alcoholic drinks of all kinds, fruit juice, still and with bubbles, leaf, plain and spiced and even water, which was free. Warbler explained, “It’s one of the first things children are teacht(150) of the Way. Castle gives water freely to all, so it belongs to all, and none under any circumstances may sell it. The Way says the sale of water is thieft,(151) which is a capital offence. Though if it’s been flavourt(152) like beer or leaf or freezen(153) it can be selt.”
They reached the outside edge of the stalls, and Jed who was watching the crowd heard Warbler say, “Goodafternoon, Auntie, Uncle.” He turned to see a middle aegt couple holding hands coming towards them. “This is Jed. We’ve just become heartfriends,” Warbler announced shyly, but with a great deal of pride. “Jed, this is my Auntie Camilla and my Uncle Happith.” Jed was surprised to have his cheek kissed by Warbler’s auntie and, even more so, to be hugged in a bone crushing embrace by her uncle. They chatted of the day, and Warbler’s relatives telt them how pleased they were for them, and her auntie invited them to dine with them the eve after nextdaynigh which Warbler accepted on their behalf.
“Your auntie is nice,” Jed telt Warbler. “And your uncle nearly crushed me with that hug. He has Down syndrome hasn’t he?”
“I don’t know what that means. He has what we call The Smiles.(154) He’s not very clever, but he’s very kind. A long time over, he was an incomer too.” That did interest Jed, and seeing that Warbler continued, “The last incursion was fourty-two(155) years over, and he was less than a lune old. Granny Adele, my Grandda Picin’s first wife who dien(156) before I was birtht,(157) had just birtht(158) a stillbirtht(159) babe, and the midwifes(160) givn her Uncle Happith to nurse. He’s the eldest, then there’s Uncle Kestrel who is Cousine(161) Serenity’s dad, then Auntie Betony, she’s Cousine Smile and Cousin Otday’s mum, and Dad is the youngest. Auntie Camilla and Uncle Happith have three children, but they are a lot older than I.”
Jed was surprised at that and asked, “Do any of your cousins have the smiles?”
“No, but before I was birtht Auntie birtht a girl babe with the smiles who dien at a few days old, Why?”
“I don’t know. I just wondered that’s all.” Jed knew all the Folk crafted at something, but he wondered what someone with learning difficulties could do. “What does your uncle do? For a craft I mean.”
“He’s a firekeeper. They look after the fires in the Keep, so we stay warm. They make sure there is wood aplenty and take the ashes away. Some of them keep the fires burning in the Greathall, but Uncle Happith doesn’t do that. Auntie Camilla is the Mistress kitchener(162) in charge of the servers, and she’s one of the most senior kitcheners after Ashridge the manager, though for some reason I don’t understand she and some other senior crafters are callt(163) significant crafters by the most senior of the kitchen crafters and the managers. I suppose significant crafters to be higher in rank than senior crafters, but as far as I’m aware it’s only in the kitchens that the rank exists. The kitcheners serve in the Refectory and at the banquets and look after the plates and things. They do everything that happens in the kitchens and refectories other than cooking. You doetn’t mind me saying we should eat with them doet(164) you?”
“I’d like to meet your family. I had no family, nor any one else, who cared for me.” He hesitated before continuing, “People like your uncle were badly treated where I came from. I never heard of one being married nor having a job, a craft I mean. I’m not sure they were allowed to marry, and I don’t think any one would employ them. This is a good place. I’m really glad to be here.”
What Jed had just telt her shocked Warbler, but unsure of how Jed would have taken aught she said in response, she just squeezed his hand as they continued down between the stalls. There were stalls selling all sorts of things. There were brushes, combs, gloves, hats, boots, belts, braces, treen,(165) belt knifes as presents to those coming of age, household cutlery sets for those reaching agreement, soaps, cosmetics, perfumes, hair conditioners, face creams, skin creams, and many other creams without labels. For home seamstresses(166) there were pins, needles, thread, buttons, wool of endless colours and thickths,(167) knitting pins, stitch holders, knitting bobbins, crochet hooks, bows, knots, ribands, cord, lace, lace bobbins, edgings, buckles, leather thongs, fur trim and innumerable other bits and pieces, including pieces of horn, bone, ivory, wood, glass and minerals, for making clothes with, including seamstresses’ fabric bags to put them all in.
Warbler touched Jed’s arm to get his attention and pointing to a stall selling leather goods, said, “See, Jed, snakeskin belts with pretty markings.” When they reached the end of the stalls, Warbler, still holding Jed’s hand, turned to him and asked, “Jed, Dad has sayt Spearmint and I may go to the dance in the Greathall thiseve,(168) he’s taking Mum, and Granny Åse is going too. Can you take me?”
“There’s nothing to stop me. I don’t have to be back at the infirmary for any particular time, but I can’t dance.”
“You can learn can’t you?” Warbler said the last a little impatiently and with some longing in her tones too, and Jed realised it was important to her. She had been so generous and nice to him, and he really didn’t wish to upset or disappoint her.
“Yes, I can learn, if you’re willing to shew me how.”
With a great deal of satisfaction Warbler said, “Yes, I can shew you. I really wish to introduce you to my friends, and you can meet my family too.” She paused and, with what Jed was coming to recognise as the honesty of the Folk, admitted, “We’ve already been seen holding hands by a lot of girls that I know, and boys too, and I suspect they’ve left us alone deliberately, for it was quaire of Firefox to just wave and not stop to have spaech. But I wish to be seen with you by all and I suppose to shew off a little too. Do you mind?”
Jed was touched and flattered Warbler not only thought that way, but was prepared to tell him so, and he replied, “No.” He considered Warbler’s honesty, and felt he should be similarly honest and resumed, “No. I like it. I wish I had someone to shew you off to, but I don’t know any one apart from the children I came with, and I barely know any of them. I know there is a lot of dancing here, and even if I end up being no good at it I wish to be able to dance with you.” He thought a second or two and added, “But I only have these clothes I’m wearing, and I don’t wish to embarrass you.”
Warbler looked him over, smiled and said, “We can find you a clean shirt at the seamstresses, clean your shoon(169) and you’ll be plumb. It’s getting calt, so I suggest we do that now, and then go to Auntie Betony’s for me to change before we eat. Do you wish to eat in the Greathall or the Refectory, Jed?”
“I don’t know. What’s the difference, Warbler?”
“It will be a formal banquet in the Greathall, full kitchener service and all, but there will be a greater choice of food and more time to eat it in at the Refectory, for in the Greathall the tables will have to be set aside promptly for the dancing. My family and most of the Folk will be eating in the Refectory.”
Jed, thinking Warbler would probably prefer to eat with her family, said, “I don’t mind. What would you like to do?”
“I’ve only ever eaten in the Greathall once before, and I was only little and don’t remember much of it. Could we eat there? Our first meal together as heartfriends. Would you mind, Jed?”
“Yes. I don’t mind. I’ve never eaten there, and I’ve never been to a banquet.” That agreed, they went to the seamstresses who provided Jed with not just a clean shirt but trousers, underclothes and socks too, which he changed into there. They telt him to return for more clothes when it was convenient. Warbler and Jed went to the infirmary with the clothes he had been wearing, and he left them on his bed to take to the launderers nextday.(170) He cleant(171) his shoes of the dust from the Gatherfield, and they left for Warbler’s auntie’s where Jed met not just her auntie and her family but Warbler’s mum and dad and her sister and brother too. Warbler explained Jed’s circumstances, and since Otday had not yet returned home there was no awkwardth(172) for Warbler, for which she was grateful, and Jed was maekt well come.
Jed had not expected to be accepted so readily by her family, and he had been unaware Warbler’s mum worked for the huntsman’s office too, so she knew of the squad. Warbler went to change and returned in a full longth blue dancing gown with the two overlapping left hand sides providing a split to above her waist. She had her hair elaborately up, held in place by a set of five polisht173 ironwood combs joined together by delicate, silver chains, and, to her Dad’s surprise, a triple string of small pearls berount her neck, which maekt her look to Jed’s inexperienced eye very sophisticated. “You look very pretty.”
Warbler blushed and said, “Gratitude to you.” Neither noticed the amused looks exchanged by the adults. Her dad’s look changed from amused puzzlement to satisfaction when Warbler held her hand out to Jed, for he did not wish his nephew as a son, and it was a relief when Warbler evidenced his hope that she’d found such a heartfriend. His initial opinion of Jed as a friend of his daughter had been high, for on short acquaintance he considered Jed to be a decent boy with a high status craft and a mature attitude to life. When Warbler held Jed’s hand, thereby letting all present, other than her mum, know Jed was her heartfriend, he was delighted. He knew of naught terribly bad to say of Otday but considered him to be not over bright and idle.
Few of the Folk were fat, it was considered to be an indication of indolence and sloth, and Otday had become increasingly idle and fat from early childhood. Merle knew that over the years Otday had been a difficult frowart(174) to rear requiring frequent discipline for poor behaviour. Of more concern, Spearmint had telt him Otday bullied Stonecrop who was aflait(175) of him. He and Eorl knew Otday would either grow out of it or would have it knocked out of him, but Otday was not someone he’d ever willen for his daughter’s man, for he’d known she could do much better for herself, as she had. Holding hands with Jed, Warbler turned to her parents and said, “We’re going to eat in the Greathall, so we shall meet with you later.”
Cynthia, not cognisant of Folk customs, waited till the pair had left and asked her husband of a few hours, “Why did the look on your face change, Merle?”
Spearmint had spent the day not at the Gather but at home putting the finishing touches, ready for the dance thateve,(176) to the new dancing gown which she’d spent three lunes making, so she had not heard of her sister’s heartfriend. Like her sister she was intent on finding a heartfriend, and her new gown with its insewn padding at the bosom was intended to be a major aid in her search.
It was with a look of wonder on her face that Spearmint answered for her dad, “They’re heartfriends, Mum. Dad’s just happy for them, that’s all.” Spearmint knew what all her family thought of Otday’s ill-founded non-relationship with and uncalled for pursuit, bordering on persecution, of Warbler, but a less robust character than her sister, whose intelligence and out going nature handled Otday’s unsought attentions with ease, she didn’t wish to be involved in explanations as to why her father was so happy her sister had become heartfrienden with Jed. Cynthia clearly didn’t understand the implications of what her younger daughter had just said, and mongst them Spearmint, her Cousine Smile and her Auntie Betony explained.
To Spearmint’s relief, Betony also explained to Cynthia of the situation regards Warbler and her cousin. “Otday has no excuse, for she has always maekt it clear she was not interestet(177) in him, but he has never listent,(178) and for one I’m glad he’s to be thwartet,(179) for it may make him mature some what.” As Betony finished spaeking she looked at her husband, normally a quiet man who listened a lot more than he spake.
Eorl, who unlike his niece and wife was not of the opinion his son would now leave Warbler alone, was a little tight lipped as he quietly said, “I’ll have spaech with him, and he’ll listen to me this time, for he’s right on the edge of becoming irredeemably shent.(180) I intend to make it clear to him that if the only way I can protect him from the consequences of his arrogance and folly is to thrash him, this time he’ll not be able to sit down or lie on his back for a lune. He’s three lunes from adult. He’ll get no comfort(181) from the children if he persists in harassing Warbler, who now belongs to Jed, before then, and after that he can be subject to the full force of the Way. If he takes issue with Jed over Warbler he’ll end being adjudgt by Thomas for the Council whether adult or no. He has to stop or be stopt,(182) and I’m sure at the far end of it he’d rather I stopt him than Jed, who, as Warbler’s heartfriend, now has the right to take issue with him if he discomforts her and final issue(183) with him should he even threatt(184) to hurt her. I opine Jed to be more than able so to do to his advantage.”
At that Eorl left leaving an embarrassing silence behind him. Smile left too, and Spearmint held her hand out to Stonecrop who’d been made uneasy by the conversation concerning Otday which he’d not understood. Stonecrop took his sister’s hand and both followed their cousine who held the door open for them, closing it behind them.
Merle said to his wife and sister, “He’s the boy’s father, and whilst I never wisht Otday as Warbler’s man, I no more than Eorl wish to see him subject to the retribution that would follow if he does not accept Warbler’s choice of heartfriend. I advise the pair of you to leave it to his father, for this is a matter of manhood, and Eorl tightly(185) wishes to make sure his son becomes a man and not a shunt(186), revielt(187) and despiest(188) social misfit, for if that happens he will probably give himself to Castle(189) within a couple of years, and now Jed has the right as Warbler’s man to act for her.”
Cynthia appreciated what Merle was saying, yet though Betony knew her quiet but implacable husband was right and her brother had it in a tellin(190) she had tears in her eyes as she left the chamber. Cynthia said to Merle, “Growing up is harder for some than others. I suspect that Jed’s life has not been easy before Castle, but he seems to be a decent boy. What did Eorl mean when he said Warbler belongs to Jed? And what do you think he meant when he said that about Jed taking final issue with Otday?”
“Part of being heartfriends, like being intendets or agreäns, is they have given themselfs to each other, they have literally become each other’s property, and in doing so Jed has become our son as Warbler will become the daughter of his parents when he acquires some, as I have little doubt a boy of his character will betimes. Warbler is far too intelligent not to have explaint(191) that to Jed, along with all the situation’s implications.” On seeing his wife’s eyes widen at that, Merle reiterated, “The Way is clear, like all agreäns you and I literally belong to each other, we have become each other’s property, and all have the right to protect their property. But as to Jed, he understands life can call for difficult choices to be maekt. He’ll make a good man, for he’s nearly there now. A man can tell, it’s in his eyes, and there’s little of the boy left in him. He’ll look after Warbler, and Otday needs to be careful berount him, for it is clear he has a deep care to her and is completely without fear which is a dangerous combination to provoke when he has the Way to sanction, nay approve rather, whatever he does to protect Warbler. Taking final issue is dealing deadth.(192) Spearmint too is hard seeking a heartfriend, and I hope she can find as good a heartfriend as Jed. Now let’s dress for dinner.”
Merle had been a little cryptic and bleak in his assessment of Jed and clearly did not wish to discuss the matter any further, so Cynthia held her peace. She and Merle were coming to love each other, but they still had a lot to learn of each other in addition to what she had to learn of Folk culture. Cynthia considered couples becoming each other’s property when they established a relationship was unusual but probably an accurate reflection of reality for good relationships on Earth as well as on Castle, and the literalth(193) of marrying her husband and becoming his woman, his property, gave her a warm feeling she couldn’t describe, and though she’d never owned a man before that too was satisfying. She did understand Merle and Eorl had said if Otday hurt Warbler Jed was entitled to kill him and they both considered him able and willing to do so, but she was shocked by the seeming brutality of Castle law, and even more so by their approval should he do so.
When Merle put his arms berount her and kissed her properly for the first time now there was none to see them. They were a little hesitant with each other to start with but only for seconds. “Help me change my dress, Merle? And don’t drink too much after dinner, we’ve a busy night ahead. I got married today and I’m looking forward to my wedding night. It’s been a long time for me.”
Merle smiled, and ran his hands over her breasts down her sides and back over her cotte(194) pulling her to him as he said, “Me too.”
Their kiss this time was neither hesitant nor gentle and Cynthia’s voice was a little husky as she ran her hand over his obvious interest and said, “I never considered myself to be a romantic, Merle, but coming here and finding you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Her voice changed to a tone of concern as she said, “I do love the children. Warbler is going to be all right isn’t she? I mean about Jed and her cousin. She’s obviously seriously attracted to Jed and I don’t like the idea of her being upset, for she’s barely started on womanhood, and I could see Spearmint was upset by things, and Stonecrop looked frightened.”
“Warbler is more than seriously attracted to Jed. She like Spearmint has been seeking a heartfriend for some years. The pearls she was wearing were the agreement present I gave her mother, and she has never placet(195) them berount her neck before. Her mother bequeatht(196) them to her, and Warbler telt me when I passed them on to her at her mother’s behest a year after her deadth she would only wear them for her future man, for she considert(197) else would be disrespectful to her mum. Warbler is clever and resilient, and Jed will look after her, probably better than Eorl and I together can. I am happy for her and have no fears. Now I suggest you concentrate on our relationship and our next babe, for the children are happy to have you as their mum and expect you to provide them with syskonen.”(198) He squeezed her cotte and continued with a smile and a mock leer, “As do I. Come, Goodwife, lets change and enjoy dinner, dancing and discovering more of each other. Our future awaits us.”
Warbler and Jed sat at one of the large tables for dinner with a crowd of youngsters, many of whom Warbler introduced to Jed. As she had anticipated, she enjoyed the envy of her friends, which Jed wasn’t aware of, and Jed enjoyed the company and friendship he was offered by many. Warbler decided to eat mammoth steak rather than one of the more exotic choices, and was firm in her rejection of the roast lamb. Warbler explained, “When you’re travelling with the flocks, you start to dream of eating aught except sheep or goat. That’s why Spearmint and I startet(199) hunting coneys. What are you going to eat, Jed?”
“I’ve never had mammoth. They died out thousands of years ago on Earth, so I’ll have mammoth steak too.” When they were served, Jed cut into his steak and noticed the meat was pale pink and oozed what he thought was uncooked bloody liquid, so he whispered, “Mine isn’t cooked properly, Warbler. Do you think it’s safe to eat?”
“It’s been cookt rare. It’s the best way to have it, for it’s really tender. If it’s cookt more than this it can become tough. Try it. Some folk have it raw in the middle which is callt blue. Dad likes his like that, but I prefer it like this. Most persons do too, so unless you specify you want it cookt differently you are served it rare. May I have some redroots please, Jed? And pass me the pink sauce(200) too please. I don’t wish any of the other vegetables, or I won’t be able to finish my steak, and it’s not oft I have the opportunity to eat mammoth.” Warbler giggled and said, “I rarely eat steak rarely cookt. I know it’s not that funny, but it amuest(201) me.”
Jed laught before tentatively trying his steak. “This is delicious!” he exclaimed in surprise.
“Be careful with the sauce, Jed. It’s excellent with the steak, but it’s strong, and too much makes your eyes run.”
Unlike Warbler, Jed had a portion of waxroots(202) and one of mushrooms in herbed cream sauce as well as the buttered redroots with his steak. “I think this is the best meal I’ve ever eaten, Warbler, and this knife is so sharp it’s dangerous. I’ve never eaten carrots, redroots I mean, with the green bits still on, but the green bits are tasty too. You’re right though, the sauce is good, but it’s so strong it does things to your nose as well as your eyes.”
“It’s the white hotroot(203) in the sauce that does it. The kitcheners have two crafters who just look after the cutlery, which mostly involves keeping the knifes(204) sharp. Auntie Camilla telt me that.” After their mammoth the two discussed the choices of pudding. “I’ll have the cherry pie, Jed. I like the taste of cherries, though I imagine at this time of year the cooks will be using the last of last year’s harvest from the freeze chambers. Probably the cherries will have apple addet(205) to provide enough for the banquet, but the dominant taste will be cherry. What are you going to have?”
“Your choice of meat was good, so I’ll go with you with the cherry pie too, Warbler.”
Warbler and Jed enjoyed the experience of banquet dining mongst a crowd of their peers, and it gave Jed a warm feeling of belonging to be recognised by Warbler’s Auntie Camilla when she asked, “Hello, Jed. Would you like cream, birch sauce,(206) or even a bit of both with your cherry pie?”
“I’ll try a bit of both please, Auntie Camilla.” Jed had been telt by Warbler that was the proper way to address her auntie now they were heartfriends. “Warbler said it would be cherry and apple pie. Was she right?”
“Yes, but not much apple was requiert.(207) However, till this year’s harvest is in that’s the last of the cherries though.”
By the time Warbler’s family arrived, they were chatting and, like most of their age group, drinking fruit juice with bubbles whilst the musicians tuned up and the Hall was rearranged for the dancing. When a kitchener came taking orders for drinks, Warbler like her sister chose a glass of the low strongth,(208) sparkling rosé, but Jed, unlike most folkbirtht of his age, enjoyed spirits, and Warbler was a little shocked when in front of her granny, mum and dad after her dad had ordered an apricot brandy he said, “I’d like to sample the brandy too please.” She was then impressed by her dad nodding in approval at his taste and maturity when after a considered sip he’d said, “It’s stronger than any I’ve ever drunk before, way over forty percent, not too sweet and has a pleasing fruit taste with a sharp edge that gives it balance. I like it, top my glass up please and that will be enough. I’m no drunkard and any more, and I shall fall over. I’ll drink peach juice after this. Next time I’ll drink the peach juice first and then enjoy the brandy.”
Since Jed had never danced before, to begin with he and Warbler laught at his ineptitude, but he learnt enough quickly enough for them to enjoy themselves. The glimpses of thigh and her cotte that the side of Warbler’s dress offered as she moved during the faster dances excited him in ways that were new to him. He’d seen more of girls than that before but had never been affected by what he’d seen. Warbler was excited by him noticing and remarked, “If one wears knickers with most dancing gowns they are so noticeable that it makes one look like one is desperate for attention of any kind from a man or boy. Any hap I prefer not to wear them.”
They both blushed, and Jed said, “Whatever you are or aren’t wearing you look very pretty, Warbler.” Later in the eve, Jed danced with Spearmint, Warbler’s mum and then her granny Åse too, which though he was initially nervous of doing so maekt him feel more accepted than he had ever felt before. Spearmint’s dancing gown was similar in style to her sister’s, but, though it afforded similar glimpses of her thigh and cotte and Jed realised like her sister Spearmint wasn’t wearing knickers, it had no effect on him. His realisation that it was only Warbler’s body that so affected him was puzzling but some how comforting. He knew his lack of reaction was not due to Spearmint’s less developed body since many girls at the dance, of far greater development than Warbler, were wearing gowns that exposed considerably more than hers and they affected him no more than Spearmint.
The dance puzzled Jed, but initially he couldn’t identify what puzzled him. When he finally understood, it was a revelation. The Folk enjoyed each others’ company and mixt socially across the entire spectrum of age. He had never heard of a social event whence he came enjoyed by persons of all ages where social events were always invariably attended by the particular age group they were designed for. Jed thought on the matter and concluded that the Folk had it right, for their way was more enjoyable and safer too as the presence of older persons kept the young from engaging in stupid and dangerous activities. Jed didn’t see that as adult interference for he’d lost count long ago of the peers who’d died lost to drugs and general idiocy which an adult presence would have prevented.
By mid eve most of the folkbirtht children at the dance knew Warbler’s heartfriend was Jed, he was nine in Castle years, newfolk as yet with no family other than as one of threeteen(209) self proclaimed syskonen and all of them were in a huntsman’s squad. Most of the girls there had managed to have a look at him and all agreed he was good looking and despite his size he had a mature and almost feral look. Warbler was considered to have been fortunate to have acquired such a prize. Otday had not seen Warbler holding hands with Jed at the gather, but any number of children whom he’d bullied in the past had, and they had taken great delight in tauntingly telling him that not only had he never managed to persuade her to be his heartfriend he’d finally lost any hope of her to an incomer in a matter of a heartbeat.
Xoë, in the company of her heartfriend, Luval, and five other heartfrienden couples, most of whom were under ten, telt Otday gleefully with malice in every syllable, “When Warbler slung her last stone she whirled round on the flag fast enough to allow Jed to see her all as her skirts came up, and then after she won she pusht(210) all from her path so as to run after him, not even going to collect her five tokens. Later they were sitting together at one of the food stalls staring into each other’s eyes both completely lovestrikt. Warbler never taekt her hand off his arm and they were so loes in each other their pasties goent(211) calt and were still unwrapt(212) an hour later.” Xoë sighed exaggeratedly, “They weren’t even aware of those who watcht(213) them. If ever I seeën(214) heartfriends who had totally given themselfs to each other it be they. Love like that can only end in agreement. It was so romantic and beautiful to see I cryt.(215) I believt(216) she’d left it over long, but obviously she knoewn(217) what she she was doing in waiting to find a heartfriend with so much status. Jed’s newfolk and only nine, yet he’s a placement crafting in a huntsman’s squad with his twelve syskonen. Both lovestrikt! And he’s gorgeous. What a catch for Warbler! No wonder she shewt(218) all what she wisht to shew Jed. I wonder if he understands what his leaçe(219) entitles him to yet? But Warbler will have telt him, for she’s a lot of time to catch up, so she’ll wish him to know won’t she?”
Otday had long been aware of Warbler’s emergent bosom and shapely widening cotte and their bounce and sway haunted his thoughts. The only reason he’d never tried to touch her was because he knew she wouldn’t hesitate to exercise her rights under the Way and use a knife or her sling if he touched her without explicit permission, and he knew she could kill him with either and he’d never see it coming. It was her skill with a sling that was terrifying, for beyond doubt she could kill, or worse cripple, him from a considerable farth,(220) and moreover having said in front of others she would if he toucht(221) her she would feel obligated to keep her word.
Otday’s rage was fuelled by Xoë’s taunting reference to Jed’s fleeting view of Warbler’s womanhood and his right to touch her where ever he willen as she deliberately placed Luval’s hand on her hip. The look of disdainful indifference on Luval’s face and his provocative caressing of Xoë’s cotte maekt Otday even angrier. Xoë was the tiny ten year old youngest child of Balm and Mouse who were friends of his parents. Though Xoë and Duwaarne her sister took after their mum in stature Able and Cauldron their two protective brothers took after their dad. Mouse was possibly the biggest and strongest man on Castle, and, despite his placid nature, Otday was aflait of him.
Otday despised Luval, who was the same age as himself, for he considered his good manners and politth to be girlish, yet Luval had a lot of status, for he’d been heartfrienden with Xoë for six years and had been a well thought of apprentice to Master midwife Otter for over a year. He was also a respected singer and oft entertained in the eves in the Great Hall. Much as he hated Luval, Otday knew Xoë was not in the least intimidated by him and wouldn’t hesitate to throw herself between him and any he threatened, not just Luval, so all he could do was walk away from the laughter of the group of heartfriends as they indulged themselfs in barely decent, public displays of affection purely to punish him for his past behaviour towards them. His anger became almost incandescent at the thought of Jed bedding Warbler, for now Jed not he was leaçen(223) of Warbler, and Warbler was of an age where she would encourage him secure in her family’s approval.
Otday had not managed to find Warbler and Jed before the dance, at which he knew there was naught he could do regards the situation, but he had every intention of beating Jed senseless at the first opportunity and then forcing Warbler to accept him which was what he knew she really wisht. He was angry with Warbler for playing with him, for he considered she had only become heartfrienden with Jed to goad him to become jealous enough to do something regards it. He wasn’t going to punch her, but he considered a dozen well deserved slaps wouldn’t be inappropriate. Otday knew little of the Way, for he’d never bothered to learn of any of it, or of aught else, and even had he known the consequences of such an action his rage had subsumed what little reason he possessed.
Jed had noticed Otday glaring at him, and occasionally at Warbler, from the back of the crowded tables where folk were sitting out a few dances and enjoying a drink with gossip, and he knew how to interpret those glares. Otday didn’t realise how conspicuous he was sitting in isolation at the end of a table that could seat six with the other seats only ever occupied by adults, when so many children desirous of a seat, even when no other seats were empty, would not sit with him, nor did he realise he was in far more danger than Jed. Notwithstanding Otday’s conspicuousth,(224) Warbler and Spearmint had thought Jed, not knowing of Otday’s obsession with Warbler, to be unaware of him, though their father knew though Jed had barely reacted he’d been aware of Otday’s rage and that it was directed at him and Warbler. It was clear to Merle Jed was in no way bothered by Otday’s size, he certainly wasn’t aflait of him, which he thought boded ill for his nephew, for he’d hearet of the members of the squad from several folk, mostly healers, besides his wife and most informatively from Gale, Will’s deputy Master huntsman.
Merle intended to inform Eorl and suspected Otday was in for an uncomfortable interview with his father. It would not, however, be as uncomfortable as the one Otday would have with himself if he upset either his daughter or her heartfriend who was now family: his son. What Jed would do if pushed to it he suspected would be far worse, and it was clear to him Eorl’s initial thoughts concerning Jed, like his own, had been correct: Jed would be a fell opponent should Otday be flaught enough to confront him.
Warbler’s family decided to go at half to one, and Jed was happy to agree with Warbler when she asked if he’d had enough too. As they left Warbler asked him, “What are you doing nextday, Jed, and where and when shall we meet for you to practice with a sling?”
“First thing nextday we’re all going to the seamstresses’ stores for work boots. Any of us that can’t find any to fit are going to see Josh to have some made, but I don’t know how long that will take. Then we’re ratting in the Keep food stores till lunch and working the bigger dogs and birds after lunch on the beach and dunes. We’re doing that every day till further notice, so unless you can meet me after the eve meal it will have to be in a few days when it’s my turn to have the day off, but I won’t know which day till George has drawn up the rota.”
Warbler thought a few seconds and said, “Nextday, after the eve meal, and we’ll meet at the Keep inner gate’s left hand side guardhouse. I’ll try to acquire a sling for you, but if we have to wait a day or two whilst times you can use mine. We’ll go over the Little Arder bridge to where the sheep have bringen the grass down a bit. We’ll see if we can kill a coney or two, if that’s agreeable, Jed?”
The arrangements maekt Warbler hugged Jed tightly before they returned home, Warbler openly with her family and Jed unheard and unseen in the shadows with his senses tuned for aught at all untoward and listening hard for the sound of quiet following footsteps. On his way back to the infirmary, before doubling back to wait in the shadows for half an hour, Jed detoured past a fuelwood store and collected a heavy three foot piece of freshly felled oak. He intended to replace the green oak offcut, which was a rough riven, five wiedths square, knot spoilt, barrel stave blank, nextday with a three foot iron bar from a stack he had seen earlier outside the smithy at the Huntsman’s Place, but as soon as possible he intended to acquire a knife, and he knew where he could find a discarded dagger which just needed a little time spending on it. Jed’s wait proven to be fruitless, but unknown to him, Otday had tried to follow him, but it had been lucky for Otday that he’d lost Jed after he’d melted noiselessly into the shadows, and even luckier he’d not bethinkt(225) himself to wait for him outside the infirmary.
When Warbler and Jed had bad each other goodnight Merle had noted the ease with which Jed had silently disappeared into the still night in which sounds travelled well and had drawn appropriate conclusions. His nephew was in a precarious position and he wondered at what time he would return home, if indeed he did return home. It taekt Merle no time at all to decide if Otday did not return he would say naught, for Jed would not have been the one behaving like a wolf aravening mongst the flock he would have been behaving like one of his dogs, one of his best dogs protecting those under his care. Merle smiled a wry smile as he reflectet(226) that boys as well as men were obligatet(227) by the Way to protect their children and womenfolk, and, the Way was clear, Warbler was now more truly one of Jed’s womenfolk than one of his, and though he was obligatet to protect them both he doubtet(228) it would be necessary.
Given their ages and the difference between Castle and Earth years, Warbler was three years older than Jed, and being a folkbirtht girl much more socially developed than he, though his background had maekt him ready to be older than his years, despite the ways in which it had held him back. She was interested in Jed to the point of having agreement and babes at the back of her mind, may hap not for a few years, but the thought had been there since meeting him. She’d been bothered by Otday’s presence at the dance, for he’d spent the entire eve glaring at Jed. Otday did not dance, for years over girls had stopped asking him to dance and had refused to partner him when he asked, pointedly preferring to sit a dance out partnerless chatting with the girls rather than dancing with him, so he’d stopped asking.
Warbler had not been in bed two minutes when her dad had come into the chamber she was sharing with Spearmint. He’d sat on her bed and spaken of Otday, and she admitted to concern and said “I’ve truly never given him any encouragement, Dad, and so as to avoid any unpleasantth(229) in the family I’ve dealt with him kindly and calmly for years, but enough is enough. Only once have I reacted to him. That was when he threatt Firefox, of which I telt you at the time. I am Jed’s, and if Otday doesn’t leave us alone I’ll tell all I intend to appeal to the Folk next Quarterday for their sanctuary. Jed is mine, and I have the right and obligation to care to him. My duty of care is especially meet and needful in his case, for he is newfolk and not fully aware of his rights.”
Her father had been pleased she felt so strongly regards Jed, but shocked she had considered it possibly necessary to take so final a step as seeking sanctuary which would almost certainly lead to his nephew giving himself to Castle, though he doubted Warbler would be aware of that, but may hap it wouldn’t be necessary. He wondered just where Jed was and exactly what he was doing at that instant. He wasn’t a wagering man but his tokens were on his son not his nephew.
“There is no need to take such a step, Love. Leave Otday to your Uncle and me.” He kissed his daughters goodnight and said, “Your mum is telling Stonecrop a story just now, for we awakent(230) him as we came in, but she’ll be in to say goodnight betimes.”
Warbler and Jed gratefully sank into their beds and their thoughts, but it was a couple of hours before either slept. Jed was in bed having just spent the happiest day of his life, and, though he had little notion of the future, holding hands with Warbler maekt him happier than he had ever been which though it had given him feelings he had never experienced before he was aware they were adult feelings and he was growing up, and he wished Warbler to be part of his adult future. He didn’t wish to do anything that would upset her, and he knew just to keep her good opinion he wouldn’t do anything that would bring trouble on himself, but he promised himself as he thought of Otday, ‘Trouble or no, I’ll let nobody hurt her.’ As he fell asleep he could still feel the warmth of her hand in his, and it was very comforting to a boy who had never had any who had a care to him before, but he reminded himself he needed to collect that dagger and have spaech with Yellowstone concerning sharpening it.
Index of significant characters so far listed by Chapter
1 Introduction
2 Jacques de Saint d’Espéranche
3 The Folk and the Keep
4 Hwijje, Travisher, Will
5 Yew, Allan, Rowan,Siskin, Will, Thomas, Merle, Molly, Aaron, Gareth, Oak, Abigail, Milligan, Basil, Vinnek, Iris, Margæt, Gilla, Alsike, Alfalfa, Gibb, Happith, Kroïn, Mako, Pilot, Briar, Gosellyn, Gren, Hazel
6 Chaunter, Waxwing, Flame, João, Clansaver, Irune, Ceël, Barroo, Campion, Limpet, Vlæna, Xera, Rook, Falcon, Cwm, Sanderling, Aldeia, Catarina, Coast, Elixabete,
7Mercedes, Spoonbill
8 Lyllabette, Yoomarrianna
9 Helen, Duncan, Gosellyn, Eudes, Abigail
10 George/Gage, Iris, Waverley, Belinda
11 Marc/Marcy, Pol
12 George/Gage, Marcy, Freddy/Bittern, Weyland, Iris, Bling
13 Thomas, Will, Mercedes, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna
14 Kyle, Thomas, Will, Angélique
15 Mercedes, Morgelle, Gorse, Thrift, George/Gage, Chris, Iris, Thrift, Campion
16 Bling
17 Waverley, Mr. E
18 George/Gage, Larch, Mari, Ford, Gorse, Morgelle, Luke, Erin
19 Will, Pilot, Yew, Geoge/Gage, Mari, Ford, Gosellyn, Cwm, Cerise, Filbert, Gareth, Duncan, Helen, Thomas, Iris, Plume, Campion, Pim, Rook, Falcon, João, Hare
20 Yew, Rowan, Will, Thomas, Siskin, Weir, Grayling, Willow
21 Brook, Harrier, Cherry, Abby, Selena, Borage, Sætwæn, Fiona, Fergal
22 Yew, Thomas, Hazel, Rowan, Gosellyn, Siskin, Will, Lianna, Duncan
23 Tench, Knawel, Claire, Oliver, Loosestrife, Bramling, George, Lyre, Janice, Kæn, Joan, Eric
24 Luke, Sanderling, Ursula, Gervaise, Mike, Spruce, Moss
25 Janet, Vincent, Douglas, Alec, Alice
26 Pearl, Merlin, Willow, Ella, Suki, Tull, Irena
27 Gina, Hardy, Lilac, Jessica, Teal, Anna
28 Bryony, Judith, Bronwen, Farsight
29 Muriel, Raquel, Grace
30 Catherine, Crane, Snipe, Winifred, Dominique, Ferdinand
31 Alma, Allan, Morris, Miranda
32 Dabchick, Nigel
33 Raquel, Thistle, Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Phœbe
34 Eleanor, Woad, Catherine, Crane
35 Muriel, Hail, Joan, Breve, Eric, Nell, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
36 Selena,Sætwæn, Borage, Grace, Gatekeeper, Raquel, Thistle
37 Siân, Mackerel, Winifred, Obsidian
38 Carla, Petrel, Alkanet, Ferdinand
39 Dominique, Oxlip, Alma, Allan, Tress, Bryony
40 Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Ella, Kestrel, Judith, Storm
41 Ella, Kestrel, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane
42 Weights & Measures and Sunrise & Sunset Times included in Ch 41
43 Ella, Kestrel, Serenity, Smile, Gwendoline, Rook, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane, Sapphire, Mere
44 Pearl, Merlin, Rainbow, Perch, Joan, Breve, truth, Rachael, Hedger, Ruby, Deepwater
45 Janet, Blackdyke, Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster
46 Janet, Gina, Alastaire, Joan, Breve, Truth, Bræth, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
47 The Squad, Mercedes, Fen, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
48 Bronwen, Forest, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Kathleen, Niall, Bluebell, Sophie
*49 Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster, Imogen, Wryneck, Phœbe, Knapps
50 Erin, Nightjar, Eleanor, Woad
51 Gina, Jonas, Janet, Gerald, Patrick, Tansy, Craig, Barret, Ryan
52 Constance, Rye, Bling, Bullace, Berry, Jimmy, Leveret, Rory, Shelagh, Silas
53 Rachael, Hedger, Eve, Gilla, Mallard, Fiona, Fergal, Tinder, Nightingale, Fran, Dyker
54 Pamela, Mullein, Patricia, Chestnut, Lavinia, Ophæn, Catherine, Crane
55 Susan, Kingfisher, Janet, Gina, Jonas, Ruth, Kilroy, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
56 Gina, Jonas, Patricia, Chestnut, The Squad, Hazel, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch, Mangel, Clary, Brendan
57 Erin, Nightjar, Xera, Josephine, Wels, Michelle, Musk, Swansdown, Tenor
58 Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverley,Yvette, Whitebear, Firefly, Farsight, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch
59 Lilac, Firefly, Farsight, Lucinda, Gimlet, Leech, Janet, Blackdyke
60 Douglas, Lunelight, Yvette, Whitebear, Thrift, Haw, Harebell, Goosander, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew, Matilda, Evan, Heron
61 Brendan, Clary, Chloë, Apricot, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Otis, Harry, Gimlet, Leech, Jodie
62 Gimlet, Leech, Lark, Seth, Charles, Bruana, Noah, Kirsty, Shirley, Mint, Kevin, Faith, Oak, Lilly, Jason, Gem, Ellen
63 Honesty, Peter, Bella, Abel, Kell, Deal, Siobhan, Scout, Jodie
64 Heather, Jon, Anise, Holly, Gift, Dirk, Lilac, Jasmine, Ash, Beech, Ivy, David
65 Sérent, Dace, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Clarissa, Gorse, Eagle, Frond, Diana, Gander, Gyre, Tania, Alice, Alec
66 Suki, Tull, Buzzard, Mint, Kevin, Harmony, Fran, Dyker, Joining the Clans, Pamela, Mullein, Mist, Francis, Kristiana, Cliff, Patricia, Chestnut, Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverly, Tarragon, Edrydd, Louise, Turnstone, Jane, Mase, Cynthia, Merle, Warbler, Spearmint, Stonecrop
Word Usage Key
1 Dresst, dressed.
2 Telt, told.
3 Lifes, lives.
4 Berount, around.
5 Folkbirtht, Folk born.
6 Braeken, broken.
7 Trebuchet, a siege engine.
8 Siezt, sized.
9 Braek, break.
10 Mongst, amongst.
11 Uest, used
12 Wiedth, nominally a finger’s width.
13 Fitt, fitted.
14 Sunset, Folk word for the colour orange.
15 Taekt, took.
16 Shine, sunshine.
17 14 Perse, Folk word for the colour purple.
18 Damascene, life changing. Damascene is derived from the life changing experience of Paul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.
19 Maekt, made.
20 Awaerth, awareness.
21 Hearet, heard.
22 Expectet, expected.
23 Cheert, cheered.
24 Spaech, speech.
25 Helpt, helped.
26 Flockt, flocked, as in as a flock. Here a flock of animals constrained very closely together.
27 Milkt, milked.
28 Coney, cony is an alternative in English but not in Folk. Plural in Folk is always coneys, conies is an alternative in English. Rabbits strictly speaking are young coneys. Folk, like English spoken in some parts of northern England, preserves the distinction. Mostly the word cony (without the e as a rule) is used by English English speaking furriers for garments made of cony pelts.
29 Heartfriend, a relationship of much more significance than being a girl- or boy-friend is on Earth. Oft such relationships are formed from as young as four and they are taken seriously by both children and adults. A child’s heartfriend is automatically one of their heartfriend’s parents’ children too, and a sibling to their heartfriend’s siblings. Such relationships rarely fail and are seen as precursors to becoming intendet and having agreement.
30 Lookt, looked.
31 Flaught, foolish or silly.
32 Failt, failed.
33 Forgett, forgot or forgotten.
34 Sayt, said.
35 Slikkt, skilled.
36 Claimt, claimed.
37 Doetn’t, didn’t, pronounced dough-ent.
38 Misst, missed.
39 Loes, lost.
40 Bringen, brought.
41 Nextdaynigh, the day after tomorrow.
42 Calt, cold adjective.
43 Having a seam side, a Folk expression literally referring to the reverse side of a garment or piece of fabric. The poorer side. As uest thus the expression indicates everything has its price or some thing is a mixt blessing. Unlike the English expression ‘the seamy side’ the Folk expression has no implication of corruption or unwholesomeness.
44 Tokens. The word is uest in two ways. First as equivalent to coins of any value, as in “I don’t have any tokens,” meaning I have no coins, or I have no money. Second as absolute units of currency oft described as whole tokens, as in “I have just won five whole tokens, or five whole ones.”
45 Spaek, speak.
46 Quaire, unusual, different, odd. Old Folk word not much uest other than by the well educated or well read in the archives. Even so, Warbler should have said ‘Quairely’.
47 Spaeking, speaking.
48 Fluüff plural fluüff, pronounced flue + uff, (flu:ᴧf), a fermented cereal powder, different makers use different combinations of cereals but all include some rye, which when steamed rises into a dark coloured, porous, substantial cake which is then soaked in a fruit and honey syrup. Fluüff is selt as small cubes on fresh edible leaves of many kinds and is a gloriously sticky confection much loved by children from the age of one to one hundred and one. Fluüff are similar to Idlis which are maekt in Southern India from broken rice grains and pulses. Fluüff is usually only maekt for Quarterdays.
49 Selt, sold.
50 Pickt, picked.
51 Unmeltet, unmelted.
52 Quarter twelvth, an absolute value of one forty-eighth of a whole token. The token, coin, returned was a quarter of a twelfth of a whole one.
53 Fillt, filled.
54 Stickyth, stickiness. Some spell it stickith which is acceptable.
55 Displayt, displayed.
55 Knitt, knitted.
57 Crotchett, crocheted
58 Allowt, allowed.
59 Embroidert, embroidered.
60 Flaxcloth, linen
61 Tastet, tasted.
62 Adjudgt, adjudged.
63 Doubelt, doubled.
64 Stufft, stuffed.
65 Createt, created.
66 Plumb, vertical, square, straight and also uest, especially by children, to describe someone or something they approve of. Not quite plumb is oft kindly uest to describe someone of limited metal faculties or suffering from dementia.
67 Weighten, weighted. A weighten line, a plumb bob.
68 Thisday, today.
69 Deservt, deserved.
70 Herbt, herbed. In this context flavoured with culinary herbs, rather than the more usual usage indicating medicated.
71 Accompanyt, accompanied.
72 Ceël, pronounced sea + ell, (si:ɛl), a small sweet pear-like fruit unique to Castle, often dried and powdered unripe as a vanilla like flavouring.
73 Suppoest, supposed.
74 Willen, willed, wished, wanted.
75 Bothert, bothered.
76 Decidet, decided.
77 Liekt, liked.
78 Shaept, shaped.
79 Highth, height.
80 Longth, length.
81 Evemeal, evening meal, dinner.
82 Changt, changed.
83 Regardet, regarded.
84 Pennyroyals, a mint flavoured confection served with the spiced leaf usually after a formal dinner.
85 Violet leaf, violet flower flavoured watercress leaf in light batter cooked on the spot, equivalent to a tempura.
86 Crystalt, crystallised.
87 Honeyt, honeyed.
88 Gwaild, small pieces of crunchy noodles made from highly spiced pulse flour paste before being deep fried in oil. Usually mixt with nut and pieces of dried fruit. Gwaild is similar to Asian sev, but most mixes contains more fruit and nuts than is usual with sev mixes.
89 Herbblock, a herb flavoured flour, butter and sweetroot confection oft selt topped with fruit purée.
90 Hotsweet, a mildly hot pepper cooked with honey and ocean leaf, the ocean leaf and pepper skins are discarded and the remainder including the seeds evaporated down and poured into moulds to set.
91 Sours, small citrus fruits cut into eighths and sweetened with honey before being dried and then dusted with various spices.
92 Sweetings, honey or pounded dried fruit flavoured mixture of oats, flour, butter, nuts, seeds pressed into flat trays, baked and cut up into slices. Every maker’s receipt is different and changes with availability of ingredients.
93 Dryt-fruit, dried fruit.
94 Redroot, carrot. Carrots on Castle range from white through yellow and orange (sunset) to dark red and purple (perse).
95 Blötroot, bloodroot, beetroot. The spelling is an old one from one of the earliest records in the archives.
96 Mixt, mixed.
97 Yellow sour, a hardy lemon like citrus fruit.
98 Snow pie, a pie with a lightly baked meringue top.
99 Red sour, a hardy Seville like citrus fruit. It is red like a blood orange. The word orange is unknown in Folk and the colour is described as sunset.
100 Clempt, acutely hungry.
101 Servt, served.
102 Starchroot, floury potato. Waxy potatoes are referred to as waxroots, though the distinction is neither absolute nor always adhered to.
103 Clemptth, hunger.
104 Wrapt, wrapped.
105 Wheaten paper, an edible wrapper somewhat thicker than rice paper. Oft cereals other than wheat are uest, but it is still referred to as wheaten paper.
106 Heartfrienden, the state of having a heartfriend or becoming one.
107 Lunecycle, menstrual cycle.
108 Eagerth, eagerness.
109 Shentth, shame or disgrace.
110 Spaken, spoken.
111 Shyth, shyness.
112 Bereftth, bereftness.
113 Wisht, wished, wanted.
114 Forwardth, forwardness.
115 Openth, openness.
116 Fain, happily, gladly, an adverb.
117 Riandet, something of no significance.
118 Agreän(s), the person(s) one has marital agreement with, spouse(s).
119 Lovestrikt, lovestruck, to fall in love on sight.
120 Naektth, nakedness.
121 Heartfriendships, heartfriend relationships.
122 Givn, gave.
123 Themselfs, themselves.
124 Heatth, heatness, hotness or heat.
125 Coolth, coolness.
126 Coyth, coyness.
127 Weanhood, early childhood, toddlerhood.
128 Braekt, broke.
129 Intendet, fiancée or fiancé.
130 Sgons, scones.
131 Marine meat, sea food.
132 Ocean leaf, generic term for all edible seaweed. Seaweed is a term reserved by the Folk for that collected for fire fuel, compost or other non culinary uses.
133 Gær, a highly aromatic spice, both nut and bark are uest, gær is unique to Castle and tastes and smells vaguely like cinnamon or cassia, (geir).
134 Green hotroot, wasabi.
135 Orkæke, a berry spice with a unique taste, and unique to Castle.
136 Wifes, wives.
137 Aegt, aged.
138 Little hunters, any of several species of large centipedes, the largest of which reach over a foot long and weigh over a weight. They are usually boiled and peelt like graill, prawn or shrimp though they are popular spit roasted on a stick like a kebab on the Quarterday food stalls.
139 Upturnt, upturned.
140 Scorpis, either of two species of large scorpions. The most common one is usually found living in lightly covered deciduous woodland mongst the fallen leafs and the other in semi-arid grassy sand dunes.
141 Snapt, snapped.
142 Catcht, caught.
143 Forkt, forked.
144 Supplyt, supplied.
145 Slaters, woodlice or pillbugs. Woodlice are Isopods of within the suborder Oniscidea, there are over 5,000 known species on Earth. There are less than that on Castle where they can reach two wiedths long and both a wiedth high and wide.
146 Cookt, cooked.
147 Startelt, startled.
148 Graill, a giant isopod that lives in the sea and uses the tideline possibly to breed between two and four nights a year. They can reach three feet long and forty weights. The plural of graill is graill.
149 Loopt, looped.
150 Teacht, taught.
151 Thieft, theft.
152 Flavourt, flavoured.
153 Freezen,
154 The Smiles, Down Syndrome.
155 Fourty-two, forty-two.
156 Dien, died.
157 Birtht, born
158 Birtht, given birth to.
159 Stillbirtht, stillborn.
160 Midwifes, midwives.
161 Cousine, female cousin.
162 Kitchener, though part of the kitchen staff the kitcheners are a distinct craft comprising kitchen supervisors and their staff of servers, waiters, dish washers and storekeepers.
163 Callt, called.
164 Doet, did, pronounced dote.
165 Treen, wooden goods, tree(n) literally from a tree, is a generic term for small handmade functional household objects, often turned, carved or both.
166 Seamstresses covers a wide range of crafts usually but not entirely associated with clothing.
167 Thickths, thicknesses.
168 Thiseve, this evening.
169 Shoon, shoes.
170 Nextday, tomorrow.
171 Cleant, cleaned.
172 Awkwardth, awkwardness.
173 Polisht, polished.
174 A frowart, a froward child.
175 Aflait, frightened.
176 Thateve, that evening, here this evening.
177 Interestet, interested.
178 Listent, listened.
179 Thwartet, thwarted.
180 Shent, shamed or disgraced.
181 Comfort, in this context leeway, the children will cut him no slack, make no allowances.
182 Stopt, stopped.
183 To take issue with, Folk expression indicating to elevate a matter from the verbal to the physical. To take final issue with is to make something a killing matter.
184 Threatt, threatened.
185 Tightly in this context properly.
186 Shunt, shunned.
187 Revielt, reviled.
188 Despiest, reviled.
189 To give oneself to Castle, to commit suicide, often by simply walking away and being overtaken by hypothermia in the night.
190 Tellin, a small tasty oft pink bivalve. In a tellin is equivalent to in a nutshell.
191 Explaint, explained.
192 Deadth, death.
193 Literalth, literalness.
194 Cotte, Folk word for a female bottom, male is cot. Both words are respectable and uest by all. Both derive from apricot which like buttocks have a defined cleft. The default is the feminine, like most but not all Folk words. Cotte would be uest for example for a babe of unspecified sex.
195 Placet, placed.
196 Bequeatht, bequeathed.
197 Considered, considered.
198 Syskonen, siblings. Singular is syskon.
199 Started, started.
200 Pink sauce, maekt from white hotroot, blötroot and sourt cream, horseradish, beetroot and soured cream.
201 Amuest, amused.
202 Waxroot, waxy potato. Floury potatoes are referred to as starchroots, though the distinction is neither absolute nor always adhered to.
203 White hotroot, horse raddish.
204 Knifes, knives.
205 Addet, added.
206 Birch sauce, birch sap reduced down. Like maple syrup but made from birch trees.
207 Requiert, required.
208 Strongth, strength.
209 Threeteen, thirteen.
210 Pusht, pushed.
211 Goent, went.
212 Unwrapt, unwrapped.
213 Watcht, watched.
214 Seeën, saw.
215 Cryt, cried.
216 Believt, believed.
217 Knoewn, knew.
218 Shewt, shewed.
219 A leaçe, a right of access to the person of one’s acknowledged loved one.
220 Farth, farness, distance.
221 Toucht, touched.
222 Politth, politeness.
223 Leaçen of to have a leaçe of the person mentioned.
224 Conspicuousth, conspicuous.
225 Bethinkt, thought.
226 Reflectet, reflected.
227 Obligatet, obligated.
228 Doubtet, doubted.
229 Unpleasantth, unpleasantness.
230 Awakent, awakened.
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Really Nice Chapter...
...and a great pair of protagonists. Considering to what extent things in this section proceeded under the surface so that we (like Jed) couldn't take them at face value, and how much exposition about Folk customs and Quarterday you were trying to convey, I found the chapter very well written.
When you had Jed comment on the sharpness of the steak knife, I thought Otday might not live through dinner. I don't normally sympathize with bullies, and you've clearly written Otday as someone without any redeeming qualities. But I'm not sure that you've given him any way out, which bothers me. He's already being either feared or shunned by all his peers, who won't even share a table with him. let alone a dance.
His father and uncle, who know the Way a lot better than I do, seem to think or at least hope things will be OK if he's willing to back down. But as I read it, this has gone far past his intentions toward Warbler and Jed, and I'm not sure any of his peers are prepared to do anything but humiliate him if he tries to change his ways. As his father noted, he's about to reach adulthood. Does he have any kind of craft to fall back on?
All becomes clear in time, Eric. We are near enough past the initial phase and reaching the point at which things start to happen.