Word Usage Key is at the end. The brackets after a character eg CLAIRE (4nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old and a character not encountered before. Ages of incomers are in Earth years at this point and of Folk in Castle years. (4 Folk yrs ≈ 5 Earth yrs. l is lunes, t is tenners.)
30th of Towin Day 3
Gosellyn’s office had been struggling to contain the behaviour of some of the incomer boys, they never did anything particularly bad, but they were reckless with their own safety concerning climbing the Keep walls and argumentative. Iris had telt her that forenoon her staff were worried for the boys, “They’re bort,(1) Gosellyn, and need something to do. The only reason there hasn’t been any fighting is because one of the sensible boys exerts a huge influence on the rest. The surprising thing is they all do what he tells them in spite of him being one of the smallest.”
Gosellyn had considered the matter and decided since her healers couldn’t deal with the boys, and the Master at arms staff had enough to do trying to find the boys placements, may hap Will’s office could help. She was having lunch with most of the senior folk dealing with the incursion including Will and asked, “Will, is there any chance you can find something for a dozen or so boys to do till they find a family? They’re not bad boys, but they have clearly had little of a mother’s love and care to them and even less discipline from a man they respectet(2) enough to accept he had the right to govern their behaviour. We know it shall take a while for suitable families to be findt(3) for them, and whilstimes(4) they need something to occupy them during the day. Some of them are proving too much for us to handle, for they take no heed of any woman, and most of us are women, and those of us who are men follow not the kind of craft they respect. However, I believe the men of your office are the kind of men who will be respectet by them.”
Will thought for a moment, and then with a devious expression on his face replied to Gosellyn’s question, “I believe you to be saying they need the influence of a male who will hurt them if they behave inappropriately?”
Gosellyn didn’t like to admit to the truth implied by Will’s question, but all knew he never honey coated aught, yet she agreed and said, “Yes, for they have a great want(5) of appropriate male discipline.”
“I may have just the thing, without the loss of self respect a beating from an adult would give them.” He wrote a quick note, and seeing an apprentice huntsman who had finished lunch gave it to her saying, “Give this to Gale, Katien, please. I bethink(6) me she’ll be at the Huntsman’s Place, possibly in the Commons. None else will be acceptable. It must be Gale, and it’s important. If she’s not there you need to find her. Tell any who tries to stop you I sayt(7) so.” The young woman smiled, nodded her understanding and left. Will turned back to Gosellyn, “Send them to Gale. I’ve a twelve year old incomer who wishes to be a hunter running the kennels now, that’s a ten year old in our years. I’ll soon discover if he’s any good as a squad leader won’t I?”
Gosellyn was not surprised at Will’s solution as it was entirely in keeping with his character, and she knew far better than to remonstrate with him on behalf of his ten year old kennel boy. She also knew from previous experience Will’s sometimes brutal seeming decisions, which in retrospect were always based on a deep and intuitive understanding of human nature, had a tendency to work. Too the huntsmen had a greater collection of eccentrics than any other office and he and Gale, his deputy Master huntsman had no trouble at all managing them, for the nature of their office was such as to provide opportunities for the most eccentric of them to become Mistress and Master crafters of high status.
Gosellyn in turn wrote a note and gave it to a runner at the door saying to him, “Please give this to the healer on duty with the children in the infirmary.”
Ten of the newfolk boys had expressed interest in the dogs and ferrets, and they were sent from the infirmary to Gale who had introduced them to George. George had received the help he had been telt he would if he were successful at the kennels. Ford hadn’t anticipated George receiving any help so soon, it had only been a couple of days, but the boys were all young incomers with a background of poaching, some of whom were the ones Gosellyn wished to be kept occupied before they killed themselves, others were just interested. Gale had watched George’s initial handling of the boys, and seeing he required no help from any to establish his command had left him to it.
A little later in the afternoon George’s squad became twelve. Intellectually limited fifteen year old Sharky had admitted to poaching, and he’d been telt of George and his newly formed squad by the Master at arms staff, and with no prompting, he’d asked if he could join him. Fourteen year old Fergal had explained his involvement with falconry to the Master at arms staff, and when asked if he would like to join the kennel and mews squad where his experience would be appreciated he had been willing to do so. George’s squad was known as the kennel and mews squad, but quickly became the kennel squad.
30th of Towin Day3
That forenoon when Mercedes had awoken it had taken her a few seconds to remember what had happened, and she dresst(8) quickly so as to have time to have a bath before going to eat. The bath chamber was a little way from her chamber, but the chamber was warm and the water was hot, and she had wondered how it was heated. Refreshed, she went for her meal, and after eating honey and bannocks she had realised she would be helping to produce honey soon, which was an uplifting thought. She had spent lastday(9) and this forenoon again spaeking(10) with as many Folk as possible of anything and everything. She had asked many questions, but she’d spent most of her time listening to the answers. She had a tasty shellfish dish for lunch with delicious greens she was telt were seagreen.(11) The kitchener(12) had added both the shellfish and the greens came from a holding to the north of the Keep brought in fresh by ship, and marine soup was on the eve meal menu.
She went for her interview at the Master at arms just after lunch, and she was taken to a small chamber where she met Siskin, Lovage and Bram and she was introduced to Kingfisher who was a Master beekeeper. Kingfisher was in his early thirties and asked her why she wished to learn to keep bees. She explained of Miss McVane and that it had been something at the back of her mind for fifteen years. She admitted to no practical experience, but said she had read some bee keeping books, most of which she didn’t understand. “I think it is a worthwhile thing to do,” she had stated. “I know I have to do something. It may be I have to do something else too, and I shall if necessary, but I have to do something, and I’d like to start with bees.”
Kingfisher smiled at her and said, “We can never find enough apprentices and lærers,(13) despite the constantly high demand for the products of bee keeping. I can tell you it will give you a good craft and a good living with no need to do aught else unless you so will to do, and I shall be delightet(14) to have you crafting with the bee keepers. I haven’t long met Jessica, who is a newfolk bee keeper crafting with the candlers, and I suspect she is going to revolutionise the way we keep bees. I haven’t yet met Susan who is your age and also from whence you come, and she is going to be a lærer too. I suspect the three of us shall all be lærers with Jessica who is only sixteen. Teal, who has adoptet(15) her, is a Mistress woodworker and is going to make our new hives, and I am looking forward to it.”
The crafting with the others did sound good to Mercedes, and she added, “I am too. What happens next, Kingfisher?”
“I shall arrange a meeting in a few days time for all of us. That will give all of you time to settle in, and if possible arrange your personal placements. Our first task will be to start transferring some my bees from the skeps to temporary hives ready for their being hivt(16) in their proper hives next season along with hiving any swarms we take into the temporary hives too.”
Kingfisher left, and Lovage the senior of the two Master at arms staff said, “I believe you wish to marry and have children Mercedes, and for you, it is important to be able to love and be lovt?”(17)
Lovage continued in a gentle and understanding voice, “We’ve any number of men who have registert(18) with us seeking a wife who I believe would meet your requirements for love. I have been reading the notes we maekt(19) at your interviews including the guesses the interviewers maekt concerning your previous life.” Mercedes nodded, but she was again thinking the Folk were very perceptive and they cared. “I believe of all the men whose files we’ve lookt(20) through a man naemt(21) Fen would suit you best. He’s quiet, gentle, and he loes(22) his wife to the fevers last year. He has only sincely(23) registert with us to find a wife, and he has no children. He too, wills a family and has stresst(24) the importance of being lovt and finding someone to love. He’s twenty-five and a Master weaver.” Lovage waited for Mercedes to absorb what she had said and asked, “I know we of the Folk do this sort of thing quickly compaert(25) with what you will be uest(26) to, but Castle is, as I’m sure you have realiest,(27) a harsh place, and we don’t like to waste time, or to be alone much. Would you like to meet Fen? I can arrange a meeting within a quarter of an hour and somewhere private for you to have spaech.”(28)
Mercedes was somewhat taken aback by the speed at which it was being suggested she interview a potential husband, but she realised there was nothing callous in the suggestion. She agreed with Lovage, and didn’t wish to be alone any longer either. She’d waited long enough for the chance of some joy and love in her life, and she’d nearly dien(29) as a result. There was no reason to wait a moment longer than necessary. “Yes please, I should like that.”
Lovage nodded to Bram who said, “I’ll see a message is sent and a chamber is readyt,”(30) before leaving.
Lovage smiled and said, “I really do hope you reach agreement and are very happy, Dear, and I shall hope for your early pregnancy.”
The last, Mercedes had learnt, was a standard Folk expression of friendship to a newly married woman, and she said, “Thank you and so shall I.” She was taken out of the interview chamber and offered a mug of leaf by a young woman, and she said, “Thank you, but I really need to find a facility first, and then I’d like the leaf please.” The young woman escorted her via a maze of corridors and waited to guide her back for her leaf.
She expressed gratitude to the young woman and had barely started her leaf when an older woman escorted a man in whom she introduced as Fen. She escorted them to the chamber set aside for their use and wished them success in their discussions before leaving them. Fen was a man of Mercedes’ highth(31) with short dark hair and dark green eyes. He was slightly built, and as he held her chair for her to sit to the table she noticed he had small hands with long tapering fingers.
Fen started by saying quietly, “I don’t doubt this is more difficult for you than it is for me, but it is not easy for me. I’ll probably embarrass both of us, but if that’s the price I have to pay for a wife who will love me I’ll willingly pay it many times over, but I do apologise in advance for any embarrassment I cause you. If I cause you any hurt or pain it is entirely unintentional, and I shall be mortifyt(32) if you bethink you it be deliberate. I at least am familiar with the customs of the Folk, so I shall tell you what I believe you will wish to know of me, and then you may ask aught you wish. If that is that agreeable to you, Mercedes?”
Mercedes who was taken by the look of Fen, his simple sincerity and eagerth(33) to please replied, “Please, and if you wish to ask me anything do so. I expect to be embarrassed. Similarly, if that’s the price I have to pay for a husband who loves me, I too will pay it many times over, and you can be reassured I don’t believe for a second you will deliberately distress me. If I do become distressed, I know it is not your fault, but that of my background, which is not good. So please continue.”
Fen telt her, “I marryt(34) late for a man of the Folk. I had lovt Seaholly for years, but she had marryt some other when young. Her first man dien in an accident four years over, and she’d had no children. I marryt her three years over. We had no children, and last year she dien from the fevers. She had come to love me, and the loss of her love was the hardest thing to live with. I have only sincely notifyt(35) the Master at arms I am seeking a wife. It was the lack of love in my life that finally forcen(36) me to so do. We both regrettet(37) not having children, and it is to my sorrow I can bring none to support my desire to marry you. As I am sure you have been telt I will a family, I will a woman to love and I have a need to be lovt. I can’t recall aught else to say so you may ask what you will.”
Mercedes had listened intently to Fen, and she had been watching the play of his emotions on his face as he had been spaeking.(38) She was convinced he was telling her the truth as he saw it. She knew he desired her, but she wished to know why he had decided she would meet his requirements, and there were things she wished to make sure he knew of her. All other things being equal she wished him as a husband, but maybe he wouldn’t wish her if he knew she had been in a psychiatric hospital for lunes. Mercedes said, “Till I came here, I had never met a man I wanted to talk to, never mind marry. I came from a grim environment where I didn’t fit. I didn’t know enough to enable me to leave, and I nearly died from self neglect.
“I spent the last few months of my life in a psychiatric hospital. That’s a place where people who are considered to be not quite right in the head can be locked up to protect themselves and others. I then came to Castle, which I believe to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I now believe there was nothing wrong with me. I just didn’t fit in in a place where there was no reality to living, and where I no longer wanted to go on living since I couldn’t leave. I never had any family, nor any one else who cared for me, and I have to have that. I want children. I have a contraceptive implant that prevents pregnancy that I shall ask the healers to remove as soon as possible. I accept you want love, and I am sure if I marry you I shall come to love you, but I need to know why you find me acceptable.”
Fen, who had been advised of all the Master at arms interviewers had guessed and surmised of Mercedes, was still a little shocked by her revelations, and he said, “I know you will to love someone and to be lovt. Similarly, I know if I marry you I shall come to love you quickly. We both desire children. I have enormous respect for any who crafts with or wills to craft with bees. I am terrifyt(39) of them. I know it is not a sufficient reason for marriage, but I bethink me you are pretty, and I am enjoying looking at you. You are desirable, and I can’t stop thinking of kissing you and more. My sorrow if that’s a little presumptuous, but it is the truth.”
Mercedes was now much happier than she had been. Fen’s honesty of his fear of bees she found touching and, though she would never tell him, a little amusing. His wanting to kiss her and more maekt him seem much more human, and she said, “Do you want that kiss before or after we reach agreement to marry Fen?”
Fen stood and taking both her hands in his and pulling her out of her chair suggested, “We could take the kiss as agreement if you like,” and that was how they did it.
30th of Towin Day3
Judith and Storm donned coats and left for the Master at arms offices. When they arrived they explained their plans to Tarn who was in her middle twenties. Their desires were duly registered on the files, and Tarn explained a meeting of the incomer elders had already taken place and all except four of the elders and the older incomers interested in becoming grandparents had found a family.
Storm was disappointed and going to suggest they continued on to the healers when Judith asked, “The four who are as yet unplaced, what of them?” She was telt they were two men and two women, all had decided to wait till after Quarterday, one of the men in particular was emphatic he was not going to do aught before then, and one of the women had requested time to think. Storm yet again was going to leave it at that, but Judith pushed the issue and asked, “We believe we’ve something special to offer them. Can you arrange a meeting with the other two for Storm and me as soon as possible?”
Tarn replied, “I could arrange it for late afternoon or early eve for at least one of them.”
“No,” responded Judith. “It must be both of them together with us.”
“I shall arrange it as soon as I can and shall let you know as soon as possible,” said Tarn who was puzzled by Judith’s request, but bound by her office to help as much as she could.
“As we said we are going to the healers to try to adopt six children,” said Judith, “from there we shall be going home.” She looked at Storm and laughing asked him, “Where do we live?”
Storm didn’t have time to reply before Tarn said, “I know where to send a runner.”
“Thank you,” responded Judith
Storm said, “Gratitude, Tarn.”
As they were walking out Storm asked, “What are you trying to achieve by us all meeting together, Love?”
“It was what you said earlier,” replied Judith, “about a grandmother and a grandfather eventually becoming a couple. I thought why not put it to them as an option to consider right from the start. After all, neither of us liked being lonely, so why should they? Since I arrived everyone has kept telling me to think Folk to make my life easier. I have come to believe you are correct, so let’s give them the same option too.”
Storm didn’t take long to nod his head and almost verbalised his thoughts as they occurred, “I agree. Let’s ask them to be our parents before any other does, and let’s tell them that, and we wish them as two singles or as a couple, but we believe their lifes(40) can be a lot better if they become a couple.” He kissed Judith quickly, they were outside and it was too cold for aught else, and they hurried over to the infirmary.
When they reached the infirmary there were several healers there as well as a number of women whom Storm recognised as nursing mothers rather than healer crafters. He recognised Iris and headed for her. She had known his parents and was pleased to see him, especially holding hands with Judith. She asked, “How may I help you Storm and…?” Storm introduced Judith and explained their desire to start a large family. He asked if there were a possibility of six children in ages ranging from nearly adult to very young with at least one nearly adult.
“Yes, that’s possible,” replied Iris looking at Judith. She asked, “We’ve herbs that will bring your milk in, would you like one young enough to require nursing?”
Judith not in the least bothered by the question replied, “We hadn’t considered that possibility. Storm, do you have an opinion because I can’t think of a reason to say yes or no?”
Storm taekt(41) his time thinking, but he finally replied, “Unless you will to nurse a child now I should suggest no, so we can maximise your time on the stones before you are nursing the one we are working on now. But it’s up to you, Judith. I am happy with what ever you decide.”
Judith didn’t take long to decide, “Storm is right. I should rather not nurse a baby yet, and we are planning on having several more children.”
Iris went over to a desk, picked up a couple of pieces of paper and after scanning them said, “I presume the ideal combination is three girls and three boys alternating in age with a girl as the eldest?” Judith and Storm looked at each other thinking this over, and eventually both realising the implications of what Iris was suggesting nodded their agreement. Iris said, “I can do this, and I believe I have a combination that will make a happy syskon(42) group. The eldest girl Iola says she is not intelligent, that’s as may be, for I’m not sure I agree with her. She is, however practical and tightly(43) organiest.(44) She helps with the younger ones here, wants to be a cook and we shall be sad to lose her. I’ll send someone over to the huntsman’s office to bring Alwydd,(45) the oldest boy who is a friend of Iola’s. There’re eleven of the boys crafting over there with the dogs.” She then asked, “How do you will to do this, meet the children in turn, as a group, or some other set of combinations?”
Judith and Storm looked a bit helpless at that, and eventually Judith asked Iris, “What do you suggest?”
Iris replied immediately, “As a group. You will a family, so meet them as a potential family.” Judith and Storm agreed, and Iris asked a junior to bring Alwydd and sent for the other children to be taken to a small chamber where she taekt the couple. After a few minutes the children arrived, and Iris explained to them she had found them a mum and dad. When Alwydd arrived she explained again. She explained Judith and Storm wished a family of six, they could say no if they wished, they could ask any questions they wished, and Judith and Storm were trying to find them grandparents too, but it wasn’t certain if they could.
Iola, a tall gangling thirteen year old whose bosom, unlike her hips, indicated she was a long way into puberty, said, “I wasn’t good at school work, and I have been told I can become an apprentice cook now if I want to. I want to cook. May I still do that?”
Storm replied, “Of course you may. Would you mind helping to look after the little ones too?”
“I love helping with little ones.” Blushing fiercely, Iola continued, “I should like to have a lot of children when I’m older.”
Alwydd, who was nearly nine, though he was a big boy who looked considerably older than that, said, “I want a mum and a dad. I never had a dad before. I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, but I enjoyed rabbit catching with my older brother, and I’m in the kennel squad now. I like Iola, she’s better than my sister I had.”
He ran out of words, and Iola held her hand out to him, and they stood there holding hands awaiting events to unfold. Matthew went to Judith and held out his arms to be picked up. Judith picked him up and kissed him. He giggled and said, “Hair tickles.” Judith kissed him again, and he snuggled down into her bosom content with the world.
Stephanie looked at Storm and asked tearfully, “My mum and dad couldn’t come here. Are you now my mum and dad?”
Storm replied, “We wish to be. Would you like that?”
“Why did my mum and dad get lost? I didn’t want to lose them.”
Storm squatted down at her level and carefully replied, “I know not. I loes my children and their mum, and I miss them so I came to see you. May hap we can help each other.” This maekt sense to Stephanie who held her hand out to Storm who taekt it, and looking at the other two, Heidi aegt(46) seven and Rock aegt six, he continued, “We’ve all loes family, but we can be a family if we wish it. We wish to be your mum and dad, and we hope you would like that too.”
Heidi said, “I didn’t have any brothers or sisters before and my mum was too busy to take any notice of me. My dad was nice, but I want a proper home with brothers and sisters and a mum and dad who would love me. They’re nice here, but it’s not a proper home.” Rock nodded in agreement with her last statement. She held her hand out to Rock who glanced at Iola and Alwydd holding hands and gratefully took Heidi’s.
The children had all run out of words. Judith asked them all, “Shall we go home and settle in?” The children who had been awaiting what ever was going to happen next were all happy to say yes. They were pleased and relieved the promises they had been given of having a home with a mum and dad to love them and take care of them were going to be kept, and like the other children who had already left the infirmary they were going to live in a proper home they only had to share with their brothers and sisters. Iris gave Judith a bottle of mild sedative for the younger ones to help them settle at night and instructions to go with it. She also said she would have the children’s clothing and possessions sent over. They all put coats on and left with Vervain, a young healer, to help with the little ones.
When they reached Storm’s chambers he telt them, “We can collect enough bedding for us all from the chamberers. They’ve a store not far away, but I have to go to arrange some beds and furniture for clothes and things. This big chamber here is for the boys, and that one over there is for you girls. You may all have individual beds or bunk beds. What would you like?” When it had been explained to use bunk beds the top one needed a ladder the two older boys chose bunk beds strictly on the understanding they had to take turns. Storm said, “Most children who use bunk beds change every lune.” The boys thought that to be fair and Alwydd said that Rock could have the upper bunk first. The girls all wished single beds and Heidi specified a mirror too, which Iola and Stephanie agreed with.
Storm left to arrange for beds to be delivered along with a cot for Matthew and some bedroom furniture. Judith and family started to prepare an early eve meal. Storm wasn’t gone long, and when he returned he said, “I’m telt the beds will be here betimes, an hour at most, the rest will be delivert(47) nextday.(48) The chamberers will have the bedding here in a few minutes.”
Word Usage Key
1 Bort, bored.
2 Respectet, respected.
3 Findt, found.
4 Whilstimes, in the meantime, or meanwhile.
5 Want, only ever a noun in Folk, a need, shortage or desire.
6 Bethink, think.
7 Sayt, said.
8 Dresst, dressed.
9 Lastday, yesterday.
10 Spaeking, speaking.
11 Seagreen, generic term for all edible seaweed.
12 Kitchener, though part of the kitchen staff the kitcheners are a distinct craft comprising kitchen supervisors and their staff of servers, waiters, dish washers and storekeepers.
13 Lærer, adult apprentice, trainee.
14 Delightet, delighted.
15 Adoptet, adopted.
16 Hivt, hived.
17 Lovt, loved.
18 Registert, registered.
19 Maekt, made.
20 Lookt, looked.
21 Naemt, named.
22 Loes, lost.
23 Sincely, recently.
24 Stresst, stressed.
25 Compaert, compared.
26 Uest, used.
27 Realiest, realised.
28 Spaech, speech.
29 Dien, died.
30 Readyt, redied.
31 Highth, height.
32 Mortifyt, mortified.
33 Eagerth, eagerness.
34 Marryt, married.
35 Notifyt, notified.
36 Forcen, forced.
37 Regrettet, regretted.
38 Spaeking, speaking.
39 Terrify, terrified.
40 Lifes, lives.
41 Syskon, sibling. Plural is syskonen.
42 Taekt, took.
43 Tightly, in this context, highly, well, properly.
44 Organiest, organised.
45 Alwydd, pronounced Al (hard a as in axe) + oo (oo as in loom) + uth, (th as in then), (Alu:ᴧð).
46 Aegt, aged.
47 Delivert, delivered.
48 Nextday, tomorrow.
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