Audience Rating:
Character Age:
Word Usage Key is at the end. The brackets after a character e.g. CLAIRE (4 nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old and a character not encountered before. Ages of incomers are in Earth years at this point and of Folk in Castle years. (4 Folk yrs ≈ 5 Earth yrs. l is lunes, t is tenners.)
1st of Chent Day 4
When Clary and Brendan awoke, Clary was wondering why there was a man in her bed, and Brendan where he was. In a second, they both remembered the events of lasteve.(1) They smiled at each other, and reaching out maekt(2) love again. In the afterglow of their enjoyment of each other and their new circumstances Brendan asked Clary, “What are we going to do about the girls?”
“First we need a larger suite of chambers. There simply isn’t enough space here for a family.” Clary explained, “To reduce my sense of loss I taekt(3) this smaller suite when my man dien.(4) Then I should like to introduce you to some of my kin. I’ll ask some of them to move my things to our new chambers. Then we can go to see the healers for the girls. I’d like a new suite of chambers. It will be a fresh start for us all, if you are agreeable?” Brendan telt(5) her he thought that a good plan, but only after braekfast.(6) She smiled and said, “I need to replenish my energy too.”
They arose and dresst(7) taking greater note of each other than they had when they undresst the eve before. After braekfast, which Brendan insisted he help cook, they went to the Master at arms offices to find some new chambers. The chambers settled, they went to see some of Clary’s kinsfolks, who were happy to find she had a man, and even happier to find he wished to poultry craft, even if he did cross craft at a later date. Clary’s uncle Vilar telt them, “No problem with your things, Clary. I’ll have some of the girls pack your effects and the boys help them move it all whilst you go and arrange your family, which is much more important. If you tell me where you are lodgt(8) at the moment, Brendan, they can collect your things as well as Clary’s. I’ll go berount(9) and see what furniture there is, and I’ll sort the rest out for you.” These matters resolved, Brendan was telt he was well come yet again to the clan, and the pair were telt to go and collect their girls. Vilar said, “The children will be seekt(10) by many, you need to hurry. We can have spaech(11) later and you can introduce the girls too.”
Brendan, who had never had any family before, was feeling better with his life than he had done for years, and he said to Clary, “I hadn’t expected to be made so welcome.”
“Why not? You are one of us now.”
Brendan had no answer to that, and he telt her, “There are, I think, some things about where I come from you will never understand, and I am grateful it is so.”
When they arrived at the healers they were met by Master healer Fettle who asked, “How can I help you?”
Clary explained, “We should like to adopt two girl children. I had only brothers, and I should like daughters. It is improbable I shall be able to conceive, since I doetn’t(12) manage to do so with either of my two previous men, which is why I should like the girls as young as possible, so I can have an experience as close as possible to having children.”
Fettle was thoughtful and asked, “Would you like to nurse a babe? We can bring your milk in with herbs, and till it arrives there are nursing mothers who will feed the babe for you, and advise you on the best way to proceed.”
Clary looked at Brendan who smiled encouragingly and squeezed her hand, and Clary with tears in her eyes said, “If I can’t carry a babe under my heart I should love to have one to my breast. That would be wonderful.”
Fettle continued, “I bethink me the best thing to do now is to find Molly to advise you. Then we can introduce you to Apricot, who is probably six lunes old and needs nursing and Chloë, who sayt(13) she is two.”
Fettle went to the door and asked a junior healer if he would ask Molly to bring Apricot, and to arrange for Chloë to be brought too. A few minutes later Molly arrived with a little girl in her arms who was fast asleep. She explained to Clary and Brendan how to use the herb extract and how dry nursing would speed the process. “You have never had a babe before, so the herbs will not work quickly. It could take a tenner or even two. But you must dry nurse before Apricot is fedd,(14) to encourage the herbs work.”
“I’ll just find out where Chloë is,” Fettle remarked, “and then I’ll leave you to arrange the nursing times with Molly.”
He didn’t have to find Chloë, as she arrived just then with Lianna. Brendan held his arms out to Chloë, who allowed him to pick her up and then kissed his cheek. He said to her, “Hello, Chloë, do you know Apricot?”
Chloë nodded and said, “She’s nice. She’s not a big girl. I am.”
“Yes, you’re a big girl, and Apricot, you, your mum and I are all going home in a minute.”
Chloë was thinking, and as enlightenment dawned on her she said, “Dad?”
“Yes, I’m Dad.”
Chloë, obviously happy she had puzzled this out, asked, “Are you nice?”
“Of course. You need a nice dad, don’t you?”
Chloë put her thumb in her mouth and nodded, mumbling, “Um.”
“I’ve things to do,” Fettle said. “Molly, will you deal with the herbs for Clary and Chloë?”
Molly, braeking(15) off her conversation with Clary, replied, “Of course.” Half an hour later, the couple, each carrying a daughter, left to go home, settle in and have lunch afterwards with Vilar and their family before going to the Gather.
1st of Chent Day 4
Llyllabette and Yoomarrianna were still struggling to understand. They were nervous in this place, which was totally flat and only had any upland at the edge of visibility, wondering how they could earn a living and frightened Yoomarrianna was going to be arrested again. A woman who smiled a lot pointed to her breast and said, “Campion.” She repeated this and indicated they should follow her. The couple did the same with their names too. It was a start. A number of others spake(16) to them in what they recognised as various European languages spaken(17) by tourists, but they spake none of them. A woman who indicated her name was Winifred spake to them in Italian and what were clearly several other languages, but the only Italian either of them knew was the single word Italiano.
“I suspect Llyllabette is a variant of Elizabeth and Yoomarrianna seems to be derived from Mary and Anne which I have only ever come across as women’s names. I have never heard of either of their names before, but I think what they speak is one of the high Alpine dialects or maybe that should be languages. Though I studied many European languages a long time ago I only speak those from the south of where their speech will be found. I suspect it’s related to German, but I don’t know because I don’t speak German. I’m sorry I can’t help, Campion.”
“Gratitude for trying, Winifred. Could you give us any insight regarding what they are belike(18) to have craftet at, or how they may have livt?”(19)
“I don’t know. If they came from a small settlement it could have been almost anything. If they came from higher up in the mountains they are likely to have been subsistence level farmers. That’s growers and probably goat keepers too. In any event those in the villages would probably know a lot about growing food and animal keeping too, again probably goats.”
“My gratitude again, Winifred.”
Campion asked for leaf and sent a runner for Hobby.
“Hobby, I know this is a strange request, but we are trying to establish a connection with the newfolk here who do not spaek(20) aught that any else does. They are marryt(21) and we suspect come from a mountainous area where they may or may not have been growers and possibly goat keepers. Would you draw some pictures for me?”
Hobby puzzled, but more than willing said, “Certainly. What would you like me to draw, Campion?”
“Vegetables in rows in a plot, a person scything hay or barley, a person using an axe to fell a tree, a person milking a goat and another with some sheep and hens too please. If you would?”
Hobby who was a talented portrait painter and particularly known for his portraits of children excelled himself for he drew the pictures with the faces of Llyllabette or Yoomarrianna. As Campion pointed questioningly to the pictures and to them they understood she was seeking information as to their abilities. Llyllabette pointed to the goat being milked, indicated herself and nodded vigorously, saying repeatedly in strongly accented Folk, “Alfalfa,” and pointing to the picture. She shook her head at the sheep, nodded at the hens and Yoomarrianna nodded at the vegetables and the scythe crafter, but shrugged his shoulders at the tree feller. Though Alfalfa was a horse breeder she was also the Mistress animal husbander, and though Campion couldn’t understand how Llyllabette could have met her she askt(22) a runner to bring Alfalfa if possible.
The couple, neither of who were good at drawing, drew further pictures, and Llyllabette added what appeared to be a bell about the neck of the goat at the front of Hobby’s picture, she also covered over the goat’s udder. Some of the pictures Campion understood and some she didn’t, she didn’t understand the one with the bell, but contact had been maekt and Campion was going to have some of the staff look at the holding requests for family and kin and if need be have Thomas authorise a small flock of goats as a settlement grant. This couple, who obviously willen(23) to join the Folk, were going to have enough problems with the language without aught else to deal with.
When Alfalfa arrived it was obvious as she hugged the couple that they knew each other. She looked to Campion and askt, “How can I help you and Llyllabette and Yoomarrianna, Campion?”
“We are trying to establish what skills Llyllabette and Yoomarrianna have with a view to helping them craft place. We understand Llyllabette has handelt(24) goats and hens but not sheep and she makes her own clothes which you can see are of excellent quality. We also understand Yoomarrianna groewn(25) vegetables and uest(26) a scythe and possibly an axe. Llyllabette mentiont(27) your name in connection with goats which is why I askt for your help. I had decidet(28) to see if we could acquire kin for them at a holding and also to have Thomas authorise a small flock of goats as a settlement grant. I have just bethinkt(29) me I would ask Cloudberry and Sledge at Southern holding. They haven’t registert(30) as wanting more kin, but they loes(31) a lot to the fevers and all would benefit.”
“They are both skillt(32) with milch animals. They helpt(33) us when the incursion stock was bringen(34) to the Keep. Llyllabette was wonderfully skillt with the milch animals that were in dire need of milking. Their udders must have been extremely painful yet not a one she milkt(35) complaint(36) at all.” Alfalfa paused for thought and said, “I do not will all the incursion goats or sheep to be keept(37) in one place because I don’t wish to risk loosing the strains, so it would be good to give Llyllabette and Yoomarrianna a dozen each of the best incursion nannies and ewes which would not cost the Collective aught and they would receive the best of care. Southern holding would be a good choice as it is not too far for them to access one of the good stud billies and rams which are being keept here for the while.”
Alfalfa studied the picture of the goat that Llyllabette had modified and after a few seconds said, “Hobby, I’ve recallt(38) something from our archives that may explain this picture. Would you draw pictures of a ram and a billy from a view point where we can see both a bell berount their necks and their testicles please.” Hobby did and Alfalfa indicated to Llyllabette to look at the pictures. Whilst Llyllabette looked Alfalfa drew a line behind each animal’s testicles indicating castration and pointed out the bell. Llyllabette nodded vigorously indicating mutual understanding had been achieved.
“The ram with the bell is what I’ve read of as a bellwether. I’ve only read of the practice uest with rams, but Llyllabette must be familiar with using it with billies. We should call such an animal, a bellben.(39) A castratet(40) male is more docile and usually bigger than an entire because they expend no energy on females, so their size gives them a flock dominance and the others follow them. They were given a bell so if the flock managt(41) to be out of sight of their herders which is all too easy in mountainous pasture the herders can hear where they’ve goen.(42) We rarely graze difficult terrain and use dogs, so for us the problem is not as serious, but it’s something we have considert.”(43)
Hobby was invaluable during the mime and picture conversation that followed as Campion tried to explain her plan for the couple. It wasn’t a quick or a short conversation but understanding was reached that they would have a flock of goats and sheep to take to a new home, and most importantly to the couple at the end they had come to understand that they were no longer on Earth and thus Yoomarrianna was safe.
1st of Chent Day 4
By braekfast that forenoon, most of the Keep’s inhabitants knew another of the incomers had attempted to take a woman without her consent, but this one had refused to be taken, and she had killed him with a carving knife. The blood stain that had soaked in to the Refectory floor which the chamberers had not managed to completely remove was rather impressive. None knew who the woman and the dead man were, only that they were both incomers and she was young, but her action was approven. Somehow the news must have reached the reluctants, who, because of Will’s distrust of them, were still being lodged together and separate from the other incomers. One of them, a sly looking eighteen year old called Otis, tracked Will down and asked, “Where’s Harry?”
Will’s laconic response was typical of him, “Who’s Harry?”
Otis, trying to think of a way to describe Harry, to a man who wasn’t interested, was struggling to do so. Will, trying to waste as little time as possible on a matter of no interest to him at all, said, “If you mean a man who’s tall, thin and near twenty, he’s dead.”
Otis was taken aback by Will’s bluntth.(44) He’d heard Harry was dead, but he hadn’t expect Will to admit it. He asked sententiously, as though he were sitting in judgement, “And just how did that happen?”
“His unsought attentions to a young woman encouragt(45) her to turn him into dogmeat,” Will replied.
Otis tried again, “What is going to be done about it?”
Will, bored with the issue, replied, “There’s naught left to do. It’s all been done. Since none has the intention of expending any effort burying a would be rapist, after recovering his clothes, he’s been dragt(46) out to where his presence won’t upset any for the rats, crows and other carrion eaters to clean up, and Yew’s busy thinking of a suitable reward for the young woman in recognition of her services to the Folk. That’s how it works here. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m a busy man on my way to a meeting, and I have better things to do at this time of day than discussing dead vermin.” He turned away, pleased with the way he had dealt with the matter, leaving Otis shocked and feeling considerably more insecure than he had felt since being admitted to the Keep.
Otis would have felt no better had he been party to the conversation that had taken place not too far away fifteen minutes later. Yew, Will, Pilot and Gosellyn were meeting with ship Mistress Honey, Master miner Medlar and Master forester Bull. They were discussing placements for those who, for various reasons, were wished to be kept far away from the Keep for a while. Even though the three would probably not be involved personally because none of the required Mistresses and Masters were available as the Mistress and Masters of their crafts they would be making decisions on behalf of their entire craftsfolk. There were the four drunks, the six surviving addicts, the pill popper and the eighteen remaining reluctants to be placed. Gosellyn had explained the only ones she was concerned by were the dried out drinkns(47) and she wished them far away from drink. “Easy, ship them out. Ships are dry. I can arrange for them to go on a four lune trip before they return be temptet,”(48) Honey informed them.
“They’ll stay at sea for four lunes?” Yew asked.
“No, but the only landfall they’ll make will be just provisioning places with no drink available or holdings where I’ll have them keept aboard. We can take six, with one on each ship.”
It was decided to ship out the four drunks and the pill popper, and Will wished Otis as the sixth. At the end of a further half hour, the remainder of the men had all been assigned to appropriate placements, but exactly which of them were going where had not been finalised. “How can we be sure they will accept the placements?” Medlar asked.
Pilot, as always dry and quiet, replied, “We can’t, but Will can.”
Realising the significance of his words, Honey, Medlar and Bull looked a bit grim, and Will said, “If any argue with me I’ll kill him. If any are a problem then he’s worth naught. Kill him, or let Castle take him, it’s a riandet.(49) We’ll tell them it’s up to them to prove their worth, and if they wish to leave and try to survive alone they’re at liberty to do so. Just keep provisions and aught they can use to hurt any with lockt(50) away when they’re not crafting. In the forests and the mines keep them as separate from each other as possible. Never have two in the same work gang, and make sure all the Folk they craft with understand the situation. We’ve chosen your crafts for two reasons. The first is obvious, they will be far from the Keep and vulnerable Folk, but the second is your craftsfolk are strong enough to manhandle them if necessary. If it becomes necessary, make sure it never happens again, kill them. Don’t give any a second chance. I don’t need problems bringing back to the Keep for me to deal with, and a dead problem is no problem. They join the Folk, or they don’t. That’s the Way of it.”(51)
With total understanding established, the seven went their separate ways, the three crafters to make the necessary arrangements for their fellow crafters. Pilot and Will to organise the details of these involuntary placements, Gosellyn back to the infirmary and Yew back to his affairs chamber to deal with his usual workload.
1st of Chent Day 4
After the meeting arranging the future of the reluctants, Will and Pilot organised the lists of who was going where. They separated all the men who Will believed to pose the most probable problems. Will left Pilot and went back to the Huntsman’s Place, it had never had another name, because none had ever thought of a more appropriate one. It was mostly on the ground floor, backing gainst(52) the Keep inner wall, looking out into the courtyard. It comprised living accommodation for himself and a lot of his staff, but by no means all, stables, kennels, mews, stores for everything his squads could possibly need, workshops for smiths, bowers, fletchers, knife finishers and many others. It housed everything his large and complicated office needed and all the personnel required to keep it functioning, including administrators who kept track of it all.
Mongst(53) this large, and somewhat haphazard seeming, workspace there was a small refectory. Most ate at the Refectory when they could because the gossip was better, but the Huntsman’s Commons, or the Commons as it was known, was a necessary convenience. It was here he went seeking Gimlet and Leech. Leech, who was a whipcord thin man of less than five feet tall, he saw straight away, but he could see no sign of Gimlet. He grabbed a mug, filled it with leaf and sat down beside Leech, who was nursing a hangover and finishing a late braekfast of very rare roast venison and sourleaf,(54) with a small earthenware pot of strong dark beer. “Seen Gimlet?” he asked.
“Taking her children to her mum’s,” Leech grunted. “She’ll be here betimes. Should be here now. We’re leaving at two hours after truedawn(55) nextday(56) after aurochs, and are areadying all thisday.”(57)
“That will have to wait, Leech. Thomas wills a pair of incomers killing. I’ll wait till Gimlet arrives and tell you both.”
Leech had finished his half raw meat and pickled leaf, and, after eating the bread he’d mopped the bloody juices off his plate with, he looked mournfully into his now empty beer pot. He stood, shrugged and said, “Right enough. I’ll fetch some leaf.”
He was pouring a couple of mugs, but on seeing Gimlet arrive, a dark haired young woman of slender build and half a head taller than himself, he reached for a third and filled that one too whilst motioning her to sit with Will. He went back to the pair, pushed a mug over to Will to join the one he was drinking from, the third to Gimlet and sat down. “A pair of incomers need killing,” he said to her by way of greeting. She lifted her eyebrows, but said naught.
As Will explained what had happened he saw Gimlet’s features harden. “I’ll leave it with you. There’s no need to miss the Gather competitions though, just make sure they’ve goen and don’t return to do any further harm.” They knew exactly what was expected of them, two dead men out there, and two horses back at the Keep. They had no questions. They would discuss the matter after Will had gone. Since it was now their problem he wouldn’t be interested. As always he’d just wish results.
As Will stood he drained his second mug, and Leech asked, “What of the other three?”
“Up to Thomas,” Will replied tersely, and with that he left.
“You bothert(58) with the competitions, Leech?” asked Gimlet.
“Not as much as I am with a pair of rapists who need killing as soon as possible.” Leech was a very competitive knife thrower who was always in the top three at the competitions. “What bethink you, Gimlet?”
“I’d rather put my arrows in their eyes than bother with targets.” Gimlet too was very competitive at the second Quarterday events, and though she couldn’t compete with Will for distance, at closer quarters her accuracy had meant she had regularly come first since the age of thirteen. Leech just nodded. The competitions were enjoyable, but this was a matter of the Way, and for both of them was of much greater significance than mere enjoyment.
“Let’s find out what they’ve taken,” said Gimlet.
“I’ll do that,” Leech telt her. “Will will tell Gale what’s happening(59) You find your mum, tell her she may have the children for a few days and leave a message for Aspen. I’ll meet you back here in an hour.”
“I need to go to the workshop for a couple of long range arrows I’ve been working on. I won’t be more than an hour though,” said Gimlet.
With that, the pair parted. Almost an hour later, after having seen her mum, kissed her children in advance for bedtime, spaken to her husband Aspen, a Master dyer of the seamstresses, and collected her arrows, she was back in the Commons awaiting Leech. He came in with a grin, “If we leave it till nextdaynigh(60) they’ll be dead any hap. They aren’t armt,(61) the guardians searcht(62) them to the skin. The best they can have will be table knifes. They won’t live long enough to eat all the food they’ve taken. They taekt no shelter and no warm clothing other than the heavy coats they were wearing. They can’t have goen far. I had one of Geoffrey’s sons look at the herd. The horses they taekt are heavy dray horses, and they’re riding bareback. I’d say we should find their tracks as soon as possible and check they haven’t doubelt(63) back, so they can’t do any more harm.”
Gimlet nodded in agreement and asked, “What bethink you, Leech, on foot with a pack horse for tent and supplies?”
“I’d say that’s probably best,” agreed Leech. These two were uest to working together, and they were more than friends. They’d had a craft relationship since Gimlet reached twelve, had a father and daughter one too, and though they didn’t even have a clan relationship considered each other family rather than kith. They were a formidable pair, and each instinctively knew what the other would be thinking and going to do under any circumstances. They had never hunted men before, but they had tracked down many a dangerous beast wounded but not killed by some other. They had no qualms concerning killing these incomers. They weren’t Folk just two more dangerous beasts that Will sayt Thomas wished dead. It was clear Will agreed with Thomas and they agreed with their reasons for so wishing. All these reasons were part of why Will had chosen them, but his main reason was simple: for this task they would be the best.
After leaving the Commons, they went to the general stores where they telt Adze, the quarter Master, what they wished to take, before going to the stables. Gudrun, a middle aegt(64) woman who was the Mistress horse healer and ran the stables, was in one of the loose boxes with a pregnant mare in the last stages of birthing. The mare was walking berount in circles with her tail held high, and Gudrun said, “Give me five or ten minutes she’s nearly there.” Gudrun knew her craft. The mare stopped circling, and they watched as she strained and pushed for what seemed to be a long time, but was only a couple of minutes. They saw the newly birtht(65) horse emerge, slide down onto the straw, the mare turn berount and start licking the birth membranes off.
Within a minute, the young horse was up on long, unsteady legs which looked as if they weren’t strong enough to hold her up, had revealed she was a filly, and was nuzzling unavailingly under the mare’s front legs. The mare pushed her berount to face in the right direction and nipped the filly’s rump to ensure she went that way, and within seconds the young horse was absorbed in the most important matter in her life with her tail waving as if she were trying to force herself forwards with it. Gudrun turned to the pair, and said, “Good. We wisht(66) a filly. The mare’s an experiencet mother, but I like to be with them any hap.” She turned to mare, who was lipping over some hay from a net as if naught had happened, patted her rump, and said, “Clever girl, Inga.” She put her hand in her coverall pocket, and pulled out a small, conical, paper confectionery bag. She taekt a couple of small pieces out of the bag and offered them on the flat of her hand to the mare, who sniffed once and taekt both with no hesitation.
“Pennyroyals,”(67) she said to the pair. “She loves them.” Coming out of the lose box Gudrun asked, “How can I aid you?”
“We’re tracking a pair of incomers, rapists,” said Gimlet bleakly.
“We wish a small, quiet and sure footet(68) pack horse to carry a two person tent, our bed rolls and two days of supplies for the pair of us, and we wish one that will blend in with the surroundings. After two days, we’ll hunt for supplies. By then speed will be a riandet,” said Leech meaningfully.
Gudrun considered the matter, “What of Charcoal? She’s not big, and she’s uest to you. She’s restet,(69) sincely(70) shoen(71) and just been fedd, but I’ll give her an extra ration of oats, and I’ll provide you with a bag of oats, so you can push her bit if need be without having to stop to let her graze.” The pair looked at each other and nodded. Charcoal was a small but strong and steady half-heavy pack horse with impeccable manners, and in most places she was impossible to see from much more than fifty strides. “I’ll have her ready in half an hour. Do you wish me to have her loadet(72) for you at the general store?”
“No!” The pair both said at once.
“Just have her at the general store with the oats please,” Gimlet added.
Gudrun said, “As you wish.” The pair went back to the general stores, retrieved their sleeping rolls and other equipment from where they were kept when not in use and started packing their supplies. Both double checked everything. These two never taekt chances with aught, and they always packed and stoewt(73) their own equipment and supplies making sure aught they may need in a hurry, mostly clothes in case the weather suddenly changed for the worse, was easily available. They were crafters to the core. When Charcoal arrived, they loaded the little mare, finished their leaf, put hats and gloves on and headed towards the massive inner guard towers of the Keep entrance tunnel.
1st of Chent Day 4
Gosellyn was at a loss. She had spaken with all of the young pregnant women on their own several times now and she had not maekt any progress with any of them. She had repeatedly failt(74) to convince them of the reality of the situation they were in. Some of the women had aggressively refused to accept they were no longer on Earth, saying they were not prepared to accept fantasy stories, and they wouldn’t accept none knew how to return them home. Jade didn’t seem to comprehend what she had been telt and she just went along with the rest. Gosellyn hadn’t been able to convince them they had to find a placement of some sort, or they and their unbirtht(75) babes would starve or freeze to deadth.(76)
She’d left Jodie, who was six lunes pregnant, to the last this time because she thought she had seen the beginnings of doubt last time she had spaken to her. Like the others, she was constantly demanding what she referred to as her rights, but unlike the others she was open to the idea of living on Castle. However, she expected she would be fed and housed without having a place in Castle society. She was also constantly referring to things she had to have that none on Castle had ever heard of. Gosellyn had had it explained to her by other incomers that most of those things were communication devices of some sort. Jodie was now making further demands. “A flat what?” Gosellyn asked.
“God! A flat, a place to live,” demanded Jodie.
Gosellyn tried again, “Without a placement of some sort none is going to house you.”
Jodie started to shout at her, “You mean unless I get a fucking job I have to live in this fucking tent?” Gosellyn started to think at last she was making some headway. “I’m fucking pregnant you dumb shit,” screamed Jodie. Gosellyn realising she had maekt no progress at all started to walk away. “Where the fuck do you think you are going?” demanded Jodie. “You haven’t sorted anything yet.”
Gosellyn turned and replied to the girl, “I suggest you close your mouth, listen, and start to treat me with some respect, or I shall keep walking. Till you accept the situation you are in there is naught I can do for you. All I can do is watch you and your unbirtht babe die. The things you say you must have none here even knows what they are. Here, if you are not one of us you do not count as a person. You are just a beast, and beasts have no rights. I am aware you are pregnant, so are many women here. They have family, kin, clan, friends, many kith. They have a placement, and they craft as long as they can, at what ever is appropriate for them to do. They do it gladly. As gladly as the rest of us support them through their pregnancies.
“You have naught, no family, kin, clan or friends, no kith at all. You have no placement, and you do no crafting. You have no resources. None will give you shelter, food or indeed aught else. We owe you naught, not even your life, for if you won’t preserve it why should we? The tent, which you despise so much you haven’t even maekt any attempt to keep it clean, despite it being where you live, will be requiert(77) by its owner at the end of this lune. The food you eat has been providet(78) by arrangement with the Master at arms and the Lord of Castle. It will betimes come to an end, and there will be no more. Thisday is Quarterday. You have had that explaint(79) by the Master at arms himself. If you don’t use the opportunity to find a placement there is a possibility you will not find one at all, and you will die. Your life is worth naught to us if you chose to die, but that is your decision to make. You join us as Folk on our terms, or you die as a beast on yours.
“If you wish to live you must find something that will allow you so to do. I won’t advise you on what to do. I have no idea what you can do.” Thinking of what she had found in the archives recently supplied by Plume, she continued, “If you are thinking you will be able to make your way out of the men of Castle you need to realise the Mistresses of leisure, I believe you would refer to them as prostitutes, are members of an honourable craft here, but you don’t have the resources requiert to join them, and none will pay a non-craft member without clearances from the healers.”
From the expression on Jodie’s face it was obvious that was exactly what she had been thinking. Jodie looked absolutely devastated as she finally realised the desperation of her situation. “Who can help me decide?” she asked pathetically.
“None will help you decide what to do. You are responsible for your own choices,” she was telt. “The only thing that you could do at this stage with a guarantee of survival is to have spaech with Basil or Milligan because they always need chamberers, kitcheners(80) and cooks’ assistants. The status of such a placement is low, unless you become a supervisor, but it would feed you and provide you with a chamber. You could also make an appearance which may offer a better placement elsewhere. You would have to be honest and hope someone would offer something that would provide a reasonable living.
“You may receive an offer of marriage, though that’s improbable because of your reputation, or of a craft placement. Any offer at the Keep will include food and a chamber of your own. Though an offer elsewhere will include food you may have to share a chamber, but least you will be fedd and warm. All of the Folk know of you, and you haven’t endeart(81) yourself to them. You have to realise here you have to prove your worth. You are young enough to apprentice, even if pregnant, so that’s a possibility. If you have spaech with the Master at arms staff, they will do their best for you if they believe you are sincere, and they know who wills what.”
Gosellyn left her staring into space as if her entire world had just dissolved, as in a way it had, but at least, reflected Gosellyn, she had a possible future now. It was a pity she was so plain and her voice so strident. Still, she had done what she could for her. The others who had not been prepared to listen to her would surely be dead before the lune was out. Castle was a good place to live for those who contributed, but it was a deadth sentence for the work shy, the criminal and the feckless. Unfortunately, the incomers always had a proportion of social misfits, but it taekt little time to weed them out, and the effort was worth it for the benefits brought by the incomers who became newfolk. Gosellyn went back to her rehabilitation clinic to the assorted drunks and drug addicts that the incomers contained. The four drunks would be dried out and join ship’s crews far away from a source of alcohol where they could lose the habit and acquire skills.
The remaining addicts would have to go the rest of the way through sudden with-drawl because their drugs didn’t exist on Castle. According to past archives a number of them usually dien in the process, three of them already had. The rest would become useful citizens or dead ones. Yes, Castle was a good place to live.
After lunch, at her request, a guardian escorted Jodie to the Master at arms office where Campion, who had been advised by Gosellyn, instructed she was to be taken to the main appearance platform.
Word Usage Key
1 Lasteve, yesterday evening.
2 Maekt, made.
3 Taekt, took.
4 Dien, died.
5 Telt, told.
6 Braekfast, breakfast.
7 (Un)dresst, (un)dressed.
8 Lodgt, lodged.
9 Berount, around in this context.
10 Seekt, sought.
11 Spaech, speech.
12 Doet, did. Doetn’t, didn’t. Doet is pronounced more like dote, and doetn’t like dough-ent.
13 Sayt, said.
14 Fedd, fed.
15 Braeking, breaking.
16 Spake, spoke.
17 Spaken, spoken.
18 Belike, likely.
19 Livt, lived.
20 Spaek, speak.
21 Marryt, married.
22 Askt, sked.
23 Willen, willed, wished or wanted.
24 Handelt, handeled.
25 Groewn, grew.
26 Uest, used.
27 Mentiont, mentioned.
28 Decidet, decided.
29 Bethinkt, thought.
30 Registered, registered.
31 Loes, lost.
32 Skillt, skilled.
33 Helpt, helped.
34 Bringen, brought.
35 Milkt, milked.
36 Complaint, complained.
37 Keept, kept.
38 Recallt, recalled.
39 Ben, a castrated billy. The Folk use the terms nanny, billy, kid and ben for female, male, juvenile and castrated goats respectively.
40 Castratet, castrated.
41 Managt, managed.
42 Goen, gone.
43 Considert, considered.
44 Bluntth, bluntness.
45 Encouragt, encouraged.
46 Dragt, dragged.
47 Drinkn(s), drunk(s).
48 Temptet, tempted.
49 Riandet, a matter of no consequence.
50 Lockt, locked.
51 The Way of it, A Folk expression meaning that is how it is according to the Way.
52 Gainst, against.
53 Mongst, amongst.
54 Sourleaf, essentially sauerkraut.
55 Truedawn, true dawn.
56 Nextday, tomorrow.
57 Thisday, today.
58 Bothert, bothered.
59 Doen, done.
60 Nextdaynigh, the day after tomorrow.
61 Armt, armed.
62 Searcht, searched.
63 Doubelt, doubled.
64 Aegt, aged.
65 Birtht, born.
66 Wisht, wished or wanted.
67 Pennyroyals, a mint flavoured confection.
68 Footet, footed.
69 Restet, rested.
70 Sincely, recently.
71 Shoen, shod.
72 Loadet, loaded.
73 Stoewt, stowed.
74 Failt, failed.
75 Unbirtht, unborn.
76 Deadth, death.
77 Requiert, reqired.
78 Providet, provided.
79 Explaint, explained.
80 Kitchener, though part of the kitchen staff the kitcheners are a distinct craft comprising kitchen supervisors and their staff of servers, waiters, dish washers and storekeepers.
81 Endeart, endeared.
Index of significant characters so far listed by Chapter
1 Introduction
2 Jacques de Saint d’Espéranche
3 The Folk and the Keep
4 Hwijje, Travisher, Will
5 Yew, Allan, Rowan,Siskin, Will, Thomas, Merle, Molly, Aaron, Gareth, Oak, Abigail, Milligan, Basil, Vinnek, Iris, Margæt, Gilla, Alsike, Alfalfa, Gibb, Happith, Kroïn, Mako, Pilot, Briar, Gosellyn, Gren, Hazel
6 Chaunter, Waxwing, Flame, João, Clansaver, Irune, Ceël, Barroo, Campion, Limpet, Vlæna, Xera, Rook, Falcon, Cwm, Sanderling, Aldeia, Catarina, Coast, Elixabete,
7Mercedes, Spoonbill
8 Lyllabette, Yoomarrianna
9 Helen, Duncan, Gosellyn, Eudes, Abigail
10 George/Gage, Iris, Waverley, Belinda
11 Marc/Marcy, Pol
12 George/Gage, Marcy, Freddy/Bittern, Weyland, Iris, Bling
13 Thomas, Will, Mercedes, Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna
14 Kyle, Thomas, Will, Angélique
15 Mercedes, Morgelle, Gorse, Thrift, George/Gage, Chris, Iris, Thrift, Campion
16 Bling
17 Waverley, Mr. E
18 George/Gage, Larch, Mari, Ford, Gorse, Morgelle, Luke, Erin
19 Will, Pilot, Yew, Geoge/Gage, Mari, Ford, Gosellyn, Cwm, Cerise, Filbert, Gareth, Duncan, Helen, Thomas, Iris, Plume, Campion, Pim, Rook, Falcon, João, Hare
20 Yew, Rowan, Will, Thomas, Siskin, Weir, Grayling, Willow
21 Brook, Harrier, Cherry, Abby, Selena, Borage, Sætwæn, Fiona, Fergal
22 Yew, Thomas, Hazel, Rowan, Gosellyn, Siskin, Will, Lianna, Duncan
23 Tench, Knawel, Claire, Oliver, Loosestrife, Bramling, George, Lyre, Janice, Kæn, Joan, Eric
24 Luke, Sanderling, Ursula, Gervaise, Mike, Spruce, Moss
25 Janet, Vincent, Douglas, Alec, Alice
26 Pearl, Merlin, Willow, Ella, Suki, Tull, Irena
27 Gina, Hardy, Lilac, Jessica, Teal, Anna
28 Bryony, Judith, Bronwen, Farsight
29 Muriel, Raquel, Grace
30 Catherine, Crane, Snipe, Winifred, Dominique, Ferdinand
31 Alma, Allan, Morris, Miranda
32 Dabchick, Nigel
33 Raquel, Thistle, Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Phœbe
34 Eleanor, Woad, Catherine, Crane
35 Muriel, Hail, Joan, Breve, Eric, Nell, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
36 Selena,Sætwæn, Borage, Grace, Gatekeeper, Raquel, Thistle
37 Siân, Mackerel, Winifred, Obsidian
38 Carla, Petrel, Alkanet, Ferdinand
39 Dominique, Oxlip, Alma, Allan, Tress, Bryony
40 Agrimony, Benjamin, Ian, Ella, Kestrel, Judith, Storm
41 Ella, Kestrel, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane
42 Weights & Measures and Sunrise & Sunset Times included in Ch 41
43 Ella, Kestrel, Serenity, Smile, Gwendoline, Rook, Tress, Bryony, Tunn, Whin, Plane, Sapphire, Mere
44 Pearl, Merlin, Rainbow, Perch, Joan, Breve, Truth, Rachael, Hedger, Ruby, Deepwater
45 Janet, Blackdyke, Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster
46 Janet, Gina, Alastaire, Joan, Breve, Truth, Bræth, Mayblossom, Judith, Storm
47 The Squad, Mercedes, Fen, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
48 Bronwen, Forest, Opal, Spice, Vincent, Kathleen, Niall, Bluebell, Sophie
49 Janice, Kæn, Ursula, Oyster, Imogen, Wryneck, Phœbe, Knapps
50 Erin, Nightjar, Eleanor, Woad
51 Gina, Jonas, Janet, Gerald, Patrick, Tansy, Craig, Barret, Ryan
52 Constance, Rye, Bling, Bullace, Berry, Jimmy, Leveret, Rory, Shelagh, Silas
53 Rachael, Hedger, Eve, Gilla, Mallard, Fiona, Fergal, Tinder, Nightingale, Fran, Dyker
54 Pamela, Mullein, Patricia, Chestnut, Lavinia, Ophæn, Catherine, Crane
55 Susan, Kingfisher, Janet, Gina, Jonas, Ruth, Kilroy, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew
56 Gina, Jonas, Patricia, Chestnut, The Squad, Hazel, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch, Mangel, Clary, Brendan
57 Erin, Nightjar, Xera, Josephine, Wels, Michelle, Musk, Swansdown, Tenor
58 Timothy, Axel, Nectar, Waverley,Yvette, Whitebear, Firefly, Farsight, Janet, Blackdyke, Swift, Clover, Vetch
59 Lilac, Firefly, Farsight, Lucinda, Gimlet, Leech, Janet, Blackdyke
60 Douglas, Lunelight, Yvette, Whitebear, Thrift, Haw, Harebell, Goosander, Judith, Storm, Iola, Alwydd, Heidi, Rock, Stephanie, Matthew, Matilda, Evan, Heron
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