Castle The Series - 0037 Siân, Winifred

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Word Usage Key is at the end. The brackets after a character eg CLAIRE (4nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old. nc indicates new character not encountered before.

29th of Towin Day 2

Siân had been devastated when she had found out she was on Castle, couldn’t return and Makka her husband of two years was not. They had been much in love and had been talking of starting a family. She had started work in the dry cleaners when she had left school, and ten years later had become the manageress. She had enjoyed the work, and by the age of thirty the company had been discussing her eventual promotion to area manageress with fourteen shops under her charge. Her hobby had been tapestry work and cross stitch, and she had maekt(1) most of the soft furnishings in their two bedroom house herself.

She had been accepted into the seamstresses as a Mistress tapestry at the meeting earlier in the day, and despite her misery which maekt her wish to curl into a ball and cry she had forced herself to go to the dinner dance later in the day as all had advised her she should. She had dined at a table with eleven others and had sat down after dinner with a glass of what she had been telt(2) was very strong brandy. When the woman had filled a glass with what she thought must have been three if not four of the doubles she was uest(3) to she thought they didn’t seem to understand measures in the way she did.

She had drunk half the glass and was aware she had done so when suddenly her heart leapt as she thought she saw her husband in profile. “Makka,” she had shouted as she stood. His name was Michael McAvoy, but Makka was what everybody including herself had called him. The man had turned full face to her, and disappointed and embarrassed she realised this man, though he looked similar to how Makka had looked on photographs taken ten years ago, was a much younger man than her husband who was now thirty-five.

The man came over to her, and asked, “How can I help you, Mistress?”

Crying, Siân stammered, “I thought you were my husband. I’m sorry, I feel so silly.”

The man held her chair for her to reseat herself, and waved to a kitchener(4) for two glasses of fruit juice. He sat down next to her and asked, “How was it you shoutet(5) my name, Mistress?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t. I thought I saw him….” Siân hesitated, “You have a great deal of the look of him you see, and I shouted his name: Makka.”

“Ah, I see,” the man said in understanding. “I mishearet(6) you, for I am Mackerel, and you are…?”


“Can I help you locate your man, Mistress Siân?”

“No. He’s not here. I came without him to Castle.”

Siân was in floods of tears at this point, and Mackerel gently taekt(7) the brandy off her and substituted the fruit juice which had arrived. He understood the situation now, and he was attracted to this distraught woman who he thought would be five years older than himself. He had come to the dinner dance seeking a wife. He had never been married nor had a heartfriend,(8) and had only just become a man in his own eyes. He had been a slow developer in terms of Folk society, and though numerous girls, and later in his life women, had expressed interest in him he hadn’t felt ready, and he’d had no intention of being pushed into a relationship he hadn’t been ready for. He had he realised finally found a woman he was interested in, but one he would have to proceed carefully with.

“Siân, why have you come here thiseve(9) when it so obviously distresses you?”

Siân sniffed, and smiled a bleak smile, “I don’t really know. They told me I should and there would be men looking for a wife, but I didn’t really come looking for a husband. Well, I don’t think I did. Why are you here Mackerel?”

“May I tell you of me to explain why I’m here?”

Siân didn’t hesitate, “You have been kind to me. It’s the least I can do.”

“I was late developing both physically and emotionally,” Mackerel explained. “I have never had a heartfriend, an intendet nor been marryt.(10) I have had opportunities, but I didn’t feel I was ready, and I didn’t wish to fail as a man in my own eyes. Does that make sense?”

“I was much the same myself, and I do understand.”

“I am now twenty-four, and I feel ready for a more adult way of life,” he continued. “I am a wheelwright, and I should like a wife and children, so when I hearet(11) of this dinner dance, and the next two, where there would be a lot of women seeking husbands, I bethinkt(12) me I should see if I could find a wife.”

Siân had now realised Mackerel had substituted fruit juice for her brandy, and pushed the brandy farther away saying, “Thank you, I have had more than enough.”

Mackerel stood and holding his hand out asked, “Would you like to dance, Siân?”

Siân put her hand in his and let him lead her to the floor. They danced and drank fruit juice all eve. As the dances became slower and more intimate than earlier, Siân had no problem with Mackerel putting his arm berount(13) her and pulling her entire body close to his. Siân by now was nearly sober, and thought she might have unfairly led Mackerel on in the early eve, but dancing with him was pleasant, and she was excited by their nearth.(14) She had always been a realist, and despite the terrible loss of Makka she knew it would be sensible to make the most of this opportunity. With her head on his shoulder she whispered, “You do like me don’t you?”

“Very much,” Mackerel replied.

“That’s good,” she whispered, “I like you a lot too.”

Mackerel asked her, “Will you marry me, Siân?”

In response, she slid his right hand downwards to a more intimate position on her cotte,(15) snuggled into him a little more and whispered, “Yes.”

When the dance had ended and they were on their way back to his chamber she telt him, “You look very similar to how my husband looked at your age. I can’t help it, but I still love him. Your names are similar, but it’s you I shall be sleeping with tonight, not him. I know I shall never see him again and I shall become used to that, but it will take time. You are not a substitute for him, but your similarity may make my life a little easier awhile. We had been discussing having children, but now those children will be your children. I imagine I shall confuse the two of you awhile, but I really do know the difference, though your similarity makes it easy for me to love you. Please don’t judge me too harshly when I make mistakes, Mackerel.”

“I can’t find it in me to judge someone who is in a position I hope I shall never have to face,” Mackerel said. “I am coming to love you, and that’s easy for me because I have never been there before…,” he hesitated a little and interrupted himself saying, “We’re here.” With that he opened the door and they entered his chambers. Mackerel lit a set of candles. He hesitated again but then resumed from where Siân thought he had left off before opening the door “But in return I hope you don’t judge me too harshly for my inexperience.” Even by the light of only three candles Siân could see he was bright red with embarrassment, “I have never bedd(16) a woman before, and I fear I may disappoint you.”

Siân kissed him firmly and passionately and said, “Let’s get these coats off and give you some practice. Everyone has a first time, and I’m sure you will be good enough.” She laught and continued, “you will undoubtedly be better tomorrow, but you will be good enough tonight.” They removed the coats and Siân led him to his bed where she tenderly maekt a game of undressing them both. Mackerel was not skilled, but he was increasingly so as the night went on, and he was much better nextday(17) as Siân had predicted.





29th of Towin Day 2

Before the dinner Winifred was introduced to Obsidian, a fair haired, medium highth(18) man of her age with pale blue eyes, a square jaw and an intelligent look. Obsidian asked her compassionately, “Have you sobert(19) yet, Mistress?”

“Not yet and probably not for another day at least,” she replied with a wry smile.

Obsidian said with a laugh, “I wasn’t aware it was one of those celebrations. Never mind, I f you will my advice, despicable I know, eat fish with a light salad, not a heavy roast and finish with fruit or cheese. It will help speed your recovery.”

Remembering the words uest here, Winifred asked, “Are you a healer?”

“Indeed no,” was the reply. “I am a herbal.” Seeing the expression on her face, Obsidian added, “An apothecary or pharmacist in your terms.” She smiled in acknowledgement. “Would you like something to drink? I recommend still fruit juice. Still rather than bubbles, the bubbles speed alcohol absorption, and I can’t recommend that at this time,” he asked.

Amused rather than offended, Winifred said, “Yes please.”

Obsidian came back with two glasses of identical looking liquid and telt her, “I’m fond of the apple brandy, but if you’re drinking fruit juice that wouldn’t be fair would it?” Winifred smiled in acknowledgement, and Obsidian continued, “I’m only telling you all this to impress you with my incredible intelligence you realise, so you take me seriously. I am a little worryt,(20) for since you are not your usual self, you won’t be able to test to your full ability my understanding of your jokes.” Winifred laught, this was a bright and perceptive man, and in only a few minutes she’d had a lot of fun just being with him.

They went into dinner and sat at a table for two. When they were asked what they wished to eat Obsidian said, “I’ll join you with the fish with salad. Don’t bethink you that’s a heroic sacrifice on my part, my dear, I just like fish.” The kitchener(21) left leaving Winifred laughing at Obsidian’s remark regarding the fish. The fish was a large flatfish of some sort and absolutely delicious. The salad contained a lot of fruit both sweet and sharp and complemented the fish superbly. They both ordered mixt(22) fruit and nuts with cheese to follow. Obsidian remarked to Winifred, “You know I’m seeking a wife. I am thirty-four and have no children, though I should like some. Other than that I am relying on my intelligence and wit to seduce you to my bed thiseve. As soon as I have charmt(23) you enough you will let me know won’t you? If you decide I’m not for you I’d appreciate being telt as soon as possible.”

He looked hard at Winifred and observed, “To me you are a beautiful woman, but not a pretty woman, and I believe you wish a man who has what it takes to keep you feeling as you believe a woman should. There I meet your requirements. I shall come to love you if I am acceptable to you, and I shall love and gladly have a care to any children we have, but I should like you to tell me if and when I am findt(24) to be acceptable you shall come to love me too.”

Winifred laught and said, “I like you Obsidian. I have rarely had as much fun and laughter with any one before, and I too want children. I want to dance and I shall let you know as soon as I have made my mind up.” They ate their fruit, nuts and cheese and had another glass of fruit juice whilst awaiting the musicians and the dancing.

“You are going to be a craft soap maker are you not?” enquired Obsidian.

“Yes, why?”

“It occurt(25) to me you could cross craft as a soap maker with the soap makers and as a soap maker with the herbals.” Winifred didn’t understand what he was saying and asked him to explain in more detail. “The herbals use soap in various preparations, and it occurt to me if we had a soap maker who spent some of her time with us we could have soaps maekt with the properties we prefer, rather than having to make do with what ever we are given by the craft soap makers. I’m sure you understand better than I how to vary the properties of the end product.”

Winifred considered that, and it maekt two decisions for her. “I’d like that Obsidian. I’d also like to dance now, and if you are interested I’d like to marry you, and will come to love you if you still want me to.”

They danced and as they danced they discussed their life. “My chamber will do for thisnight,”(26) Obsidian explained, “the bed is big enough, but we need to obtain a bigger suite of chambers nextday.”

They danced till eleven and went back to Obsidian’s chamber. Much to Winifred’s delight he was all she required, and he was definitely no new man. If he had a feminine side it was small indeed, and in inverse proportion to his exceedingly masculine one.

Word Usage Key

1 Maekt, made.
2 Telt, told.
3 Uest, used.
4 Kitcheners, a distinct craft that manage all in the kitchens and refectories other than cooking.
5 Shoutet, shouted.
6 Mishearet, misheard.
7 Taekt, took.
8 Heartfriend, a relationship of much more significance than being a girl- or boy-friend is on Earth. Oft such relationships are formed from as young as four and they are taken seriously by both children and adults. A child’s heartfriend is automatically one of their parents’ children too, and a sibling to their siblings. Such relationships rarely fail and they are seen as precursors to becoming intendet and having agreement.
9 Thiseve, this evening.
10 Marryt, married.
11 Hearet, heard.
12 Bethinkt, thought.
13 Berount, around in this context.
14 Nearth, nearness.
15 Cotte, a woman’s bottom. Male form is cot. A perfectly acceptable Folk word in general usage.
16 Bedd, bedded, made love with.
17 Nextday, tomorrow or as here the next day.
18 Highth, height.
19 Sobert, sobered.
20 Worryt, worried.
21 Kitcheners, a distinct craft that manage all in the kitchens and refectories other than cooking.
22 Mixt, mixed.
23 Charmt, charmed.
24 Findt, found.
25 Occurt, occurred.
26 Thisnight, tonight.

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